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While writing a small application that downloads a progra

m from one of several Web sites, you realize that you wou
ld like to download the program from the server that has t
he best connection to the computer in which the download
er executes. You have no access to the servers, so you can
not change their networking software or install new servic
es, but you can incorporate any code you want into the do
wnloader application. Which tool's source code will you lo
ok at for inspiration, assuming you want to minimize the e
xecution time of your program
!a" #etperf
!b" $ing
!c" #etstat
!d" %raceroute
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
Which of the following parameters can be specified in the header of a re'uest in the +ypertext
%ransfer $rotocol !+%%$"
%he types of image formats that a browser understands
%he type of browser !e.g., #etscape, ,nternet -xplorer" making the re'uest
%he method by which the re'uest is to be satisfied.for example, whether the re'uest is a /-% of
a form submission

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following distinguish stream sockets !e.g., %&$" from datagram sockets !e.g.,
1tream sockets guarantee delivery of the data sent through them.
1tream sockets can be used to send application data to a remote host, whereas datagram sockets
can only send control commands.
1tream sockets have greater overhead.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" not able to be determined with the information given
!b" exactly *) 8bps
!c" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
!d" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7n application on a computer sends data through a socket to another computer. Which of the
following are specified by the communication protocol
%he contents of the message body
%he speed of transmission
%he header format, which specifies the header field sizes and meanings

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" different implementations can then communicate with each other
!b" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!c" only one implementation need then be created
!d" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

We send a packet from host 7 to host =, which immediately acknowledges it. We measure the
interval between the time the packet is sent by 7 and its acknowledgement is received. %his
interval is found to be *>) milliseconds. What can be said about the latency of the link from 7 to

!a" ,t is smaller than *>) ms.
!b" ,t is greater than *>) ms.
!c" ,t is exactly *>) ms.
!d" ,t is exactly ?) ms.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.
!d" %his would be so only if the latency in the direction 72@= was identical to the latency in the
direction =2@7

What can be said about the protocol used by the implementation of the transport layer of an
,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" none
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a client implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
read! "

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

When you connect your computer to the ,nternet, the protocol!s" your computer uses is !are"
selected according to

!a" the application client and server you use at each moment
!b" which +%%$ !Web" server you connect to
!c" which operating system is running on your computer
!d" what vendor your ,nternet service provider purchased e'uipment from
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following activities use an inter2network
7 phone call from $ittsburgh in the 4nited 1tates to &hennai in ,ndia
7 phone call from a wired phone to a mobile !AcellA" phone
7 chat session between two computers connected to an office -thernet

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" only one implementation need then be created
!b" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
!c" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!d" different implementations can then communicate with each other
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

$acket collisions occur in an -thernet network because

!a" the -thernet switching mechanism may occasionally send two packets through the same route
!b" two different -thernet networks may be spliced together
!c" two -thernet nodes can send packets at the same time
!d" the -thernet uses a ring topology
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the technology of the physical network
!b" the application protocol
!c" the size of data sent by the application
!d" the operating system
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connectionless communication network.
%hey will arrive at the destination

!a" in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!c" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!d" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
!b" an a priori standard
!c" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
!d" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

,n a broadcast network

!a" only the destination computer sees a packet
!b" only the computers that are tuned to a channel see and process the packets in that channel
!c" all computers see and process the application data within all packets
!d" all computers see all packets, but the application data in each packet is only processed by the
destination computer
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!b" 7 network with channels would be, in effect, multiple broadcast networks.

%he transmission of high2'uality, interactive voice and video over the current ,nternet is difficult
because today's ,nternet

!a" gives higher priority to bulk data transfers
!b" is unable to guarantee minimum throughput or maximum latency for a given connection
!c" does not really have sufficient throughput
!d" uses connectionless protocols
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

What can be said concerning the protocol that is used by the implementation of the network layer
of an ,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the ,nternet $rotocol !,$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" none
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" exactly *) 8bps
!b" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
!c" not able to be determined with the information given
!d" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

Why do network applications send Amessages,A but the network transmits information in
=uffer allocation and error handling is easier when done for smaller chunks of data.
Bultiple messages can be sent in a single large packet to decrease overhead.
#etwork engineers and application programmers <ust use different terminology for the same unit
of application data.
7 message needs to be packaged with the instructions to process it at the destination.

!a" ,, and ,C only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" different implementations can then communicate with each other
!b" only one implementation need then be created
!c" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!d" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%he $rotocol 5ata 4nit !$54" that is sent by a protocol layer to its peer on the destination system
typically includes
7 payload
7 protocol header
7 router vendor ,5

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

+ow does an operating system identify the application to which data coming in from the network
should be relayed

!a" =y the file extension of the data
!b" Dnly one application at a time is given access to the network.
!c" =y the protocol with which the data was sent
!d" =y the port number carried by the transport protocol
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following distinguish stream sockets !e.g., %&$" from datagram sockets !e.g.,
1tream sockets guarantee delivery of the data sent through them.
1tream sockets can be used to send application data to a remote host, whereas datagram sockets
can only send control commands.
1tream sockets have greater overhead.

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Why do network applications send Amessages,A but the network transmits information in
=uffer allocation and error handling is easier when done for smaller chunks of data.
Bultiple messages can be sent in a single large packet to decrease overhead.
#etwork engineers and application programmers <ust use different terminology for the same unit
of application data.
7 message needs to be packaged with the instructions to process it at the destination.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,C only
!c" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" exactly *) 8bps
!b" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
!c" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
!d" not able to be determined with the information given
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the operating system
!b" the technology of the physical network
!c" the size of data sent by the application
!d" the application protocol
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

$acket collisions occur in an -thernet network because

!a" the -thernet switching mechanism may occasionally send two packets through the same route
!b" the -thernet uses a ring topology
!c" two -thernet nodes can send packets at the same time
!d" two different -thernet networks may be spliced together
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

What can be said about the protocol used by the implementation of the transport layer of an
,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" none
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

,n contrast to standards developed by traditional standards organizations like the ,nternational
%elecommunications 4nion !,%4" or the ,nternational 1tandards Drganization !,1D", standards
developed by the ,nternet -ngineering %ask 0orce !,-%0" can be

!a" modified arbitrarily by the 7dvance Eesearch pro<ects 7gency !7E$7" of the 4nited 1tates
5epartment of 5efense, which originally developed the ,nternet
!b" applied before they have been embodied in working implementations, in order not to delay
!c" developed in secret by the members of the ,-%0 until the standards mature sufficiently to
withstand public criticism
!d" extensively criti'ued and modified by individuals, without re'uiring them to have special
membership status
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

Fohn is using his bank's Web server to pay his telephone bill electronically. Which kind!s" of
network interaction take!s" place in this 1cenario, from the moment Fohn logs into his bank's Web
site until the telephone company receives the money

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

Which of the following activities use an inter2network
7 phone call from $ittsburgh in the 4nited 1tates to &hennai in ,ndia
7 phone call from a wired phone to a mobile !AcellA" phone
7 chat session between two computers connected to an office -thernet

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" 79 milliseconds
!b" :) milliseconds
!c" ;; milliseconds
!d" cannot be determined from the information given
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connection2oriented communication
network. %hey could arrive at the destination

!a" only in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!b" only in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!c" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!d" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he throughput of a network link for an +%%$ session is measured in two ways. Beasurement 7
is the total amount of data received by the browser, divided by the duration of the session.
Beasurement = is the total amount of data received by the operating system on behalf of the
browser, divided by the duration of the session. Which of the following statements about 7 and =
is true

!a" 7 is smaller than =
!b" = is e'ual to 7
!c" = and 7 are not related
!d" = is smaller than 7
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

What can be said concerning the protocol that is used by the implementation of the network layer
of an ,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the ,nternet $rotocol !,$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" none
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

%he ,nternet received its name in the *?>)s because

!a" it consisted of many interconnected networks
!b" it was meant to be a network internal to the 4nited 1tates 5epartment of 5efense
!c" it achieved international scope with the addition of the &ity 4niversity of Gondon
!d" it was an interim !temporary" design of what it later became, but the name stuck
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

,n a broadcast network

!a" only the destination computer sees a packet
!b" all computers see all packets, but the application data in each packet is only processed by the
destination computer
!c" only the computers that are tuned to a channel see and process the packets in that channel
!d" all computers see and process the application data within all packets
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

-very $rotocol 5ata 4nit !$54" that is sent by a protocol layer to its remote peer on the
destination system always includes(
%he headers for all the protocols of the layers above it
%he headers for the protocol of the layer below it
7pplication 5ata

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connection2oriented communication
network. %hey could arrive at the destination

!a" only in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!c" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" only in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

When you connect your computer to the ,nternet, the protocol!s" your computer uses is !are"
selected according to

!a" what vendor your ,nternet service provider purchased e'uipment from
!b" which operating system is running on your computer
!c" which +%%$ !Web" server you connect to
!d" the application client and server you use at each moment
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

+ow does an operating system identify the application to which data coming in from the network
should be relayed

!a" =y the file extension of the data
!b" =y the port number carried by the transport protocol
!c" =y the protocol with which the data was sent
!d" Dnly one application at a time is given access to the network.
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

You have recently become the first network engineer of a large corporation with offices
worldwide. %he company is considering the installation of a data network, but the =oard of
5irectors is rather old2fashioned and does not see the need to change the company's time2honored
business practices. Your first task at the <ob is to <ustify your salary and the cost of a new network,
and for this purpose you are about to give a presentation to the =oard of 5irectors. Which of the
following would you include in your presentation 7ssume the directors are extremely intelligent,
though perhaps not knowledgeable in your field.
Gower expenditures on computer hardware
+igher availability of customer services
=etter protection of the company's proprietary information

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following activities use an inter2network
7 phone call from $ittsburgh in the 4nited 1tates to &hennai in ,ndia
7 phone call from a wired phone to a mobile !AcellA" phone
7 chat session between two computers connected to an office -thernet

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" an a priori standard
!b" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
!c" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
!d" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

$acket collisions occur in an -thernet network because

!a" the -thernet switching mechanism may occasionally send two packets through the same route
!b" the -thernet uses a ring topology
!c" two different -thernet networks may be spliced together
!d" two -thernet nodes can send packets at the same time
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" 79 milliseconds
!b" cannot be determined from the information given
!c" :) milliseconds
!d" ;; milliseconds
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following distinguish stream sockets !e.g., %&$" from datagram sockets !e.g.,
1tream sockets guarantee delivery of the data sent through them.
1tream sockets can be used to send application data to a remote host, whereas datagram sockets
can only send control commands.
1tream sockets have greater overhead.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
!b" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
!c" an a priori standard
!d" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet received its name in the *?>)s because

!a" it consisted of many interconnected networks
!b" it was an interim !temporary" design of what it later became, but the name stuck
!c" it achieved international scope with the addition of the &ity 4niversity of Gondon
!d" it was meant to be a network internal to the 4nited 1tates 5epartment of 5efense
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following are specified by the +%%$ protocol
%he syntax of the re'uest header
%he syntax of the response header
%he specific legal names of the re'uest header fields

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connectionless communication network.
%hey will arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!c" in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" in any order, after having traversed the same route
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the application protocol
!b" the technology of the physical network
!c" the operating system
!d" the size of data sent by the application
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" :) milliseconds
!b" 79 milliseconds
!c" ;; milliseconds
!d" cannot be determined from the information given
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connection2oriented communication
network. %hey could arrive at the destination

!a" only in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!b" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!c" only in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

Why do network applications send Amessages,A but the network transmits information in
=uffer allocation and error handling is easier when done for smaller chunks of data.
Bultiple messages can be sent in a single large packet to decrease overhead.
#etwork engineers and application programmers <ust use different terminology for the same unit
of application data.
7 message needs to be packaged with the instructions to process it at the destination.

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!c" ,, and ,C only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7n application on a computer sends data through a socket to another computer. Which of the
following are specified by the communication protocol
%he contents of the message body
%he speed of transmission
%he header format, which specifies the header field sizes and meanings

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!b" %he protocol specifies how to transmit the contents, but not what the contents are.

Which of the following functions can the transport layer provide to applications
-nd2to2end flow control
$acket forwarding
&ongestion control

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he $ittsburgh 1upercomputing &enter and the 1an 5iego 1upercomputing &enter are linked to
the ,nternet via very high2speed lines !in *???, about 933 Bbps". 1eparated by about :,))) 8m,
and several routers, the network installers measured the round trip time between these two sites to
be about ;) milliseconds. You want to exchange a large data set between two very fast computers
at these sites. %he physical network capacity andHor speed of the computers limit the maximum
%&$ throughput to be about ;) million bytes per second under ideal circumstances. 7ssuming the
channel is free of interference and that very few packets, if any, are dropped, how much memory
would you allocate for a %&$ connection at the sender in order to maximize throughput without
spending money unnecessarily

!a" none
!b" as much as possible
!c" a few megabytes
!d" a few kilobytes, enough to hold one packet and one acknowledgment
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

You have <ust written an implementation of a transport protocol. You have aggressively pursued
performance. 0or example, all acknowledgments are piggybacked on top of regular data packets,
in order to minimize their overhead. When your company releases your product, however, you get
the following complaint(

!a" Bany packets are retransmitted many times even though the network is idle.
!b" 7E$ responses take a lot longer than before.
!c" $acket headers have doubled in size, thereby halving the expected performance gains.
!d" Bany more packets than before fail to reach the receiving host.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" -rror detection using checksum
!b" 7$, provided to application layer
!c" 7ddressing
!d" &ongestion control
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 transport protocol entity determines that the underlying network is able to deliver *)) of its
packets every second. -ach of these packets contains *,;)) bytes !including transport headers". ,n
addition, the time elapsed between the transmission of a packet and the reception of its
acknowledgement is 6 seconds on the average. 7n efficient and smooth flow would re'uire that
the sliding window size be no less than approximately

!a" 6)) packets
!b" 6: packets
!c" 9)) packets
!d" *)) packets
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%&$ provides reliability in the presence of packet losses by

!a" congestion control
!b" acknowledgment timeouts
!c" end2to2end flow control
!d" multiple routes for each packet
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
When an expected acknowledgment has not arrived within a time period, a packet is
retransmitted, on the assumption that the data packet was lost. 1ee section 3.*.6 of the course

7 surveillance camera is connected to a computer that sends video frames to a remote site where
multiple such cameras are monitored. %he video stream uses the %&$ transport protocol. When the
network experiences congestion
the receiver should ad<ust the frame playback rate
the sender should ad<ust the frame capture rate
%&$ automatically ad<usts the video frame transmission rate

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

%he $ittsburgh 1upercomputing &enter and the 1an 5iego 1upercomputing &enter are linked to
the ,nternet via very high2speed lines !in *???, about 933 Bbps". 1eparated by about :,))) 8m
and several routers, the network installers measured the round trip time between these two sites to
be about ;) milliseconds. You want to exchange a large data set between two very fast computers
at these sites. %he physical network capacity andHor speed of the computers limit the maximum
%&$ throughput to be about ;) million bytes per second under ideal circumstances. %he operating
system of the sending computer has allocated ;)) 8bytes to the %&$ protocol that manages the
exchange. %he systems administrator then increases this allocation to 3.; Bbytes. Which of the
following are certain to ensue
%hroughput increases
1ender's transmission window grows
Eeceiver's transmission window shrinks

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
%he window size may be constrained by congestion, not merely by the capacity of the two hosts
involved. %he sending host might already be consuming much less than the initially allocated ;))
8bytes. 1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ is connection2oriented
%&$ needs to manage buffer space
%&$ addresses are a pair !,$ address, port number"

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

You are charged with setting up the technology re'uired to transmit a video2conference over an
,$2based internetwork. You will have to implement a sending and a receiving application. Where
will you handle network congestion

!a" ,n the sending application only
!b" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because late2arriving video frames are of no
!c" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because %&$ takes care of it
!d" ,n both the sending and receiving applications
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

,n today's ,nternet, a %&$ address is

!a" a 632bit integer and a process number
!b" a 632bit integer and a AportA number
!c" a 632bit integer and an application name
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *;)*
!b" *;))
!c" *:??
!d" *;)3
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following functions can the transport layer provide to applications
-nd2to2end flow control
$acket forwarding
&ongestion control

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

Bost postal systems allow customers to re'uest a receipt notification, by which the $ostal 1ervice
promises to notify the sender when the letter has been delivered to the recipient. %his makes the
postal system
a reliable network services provider
a reliable transport services provider
a datagram network service provider

!a" ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 transport protocol entity determines that the underlying network is able to deliver *)) of its
packets every second. -ach of these packets contains *,;)) bytes !including transport headers". ,n
addition, the time elapsed between the transmission of a packet and the reception of its
acknowledgement is 6 seconds on the average. 7n efficient and smooth flow would re'uire that
the sliding window size be no less than approximately

!a" 9)) packets
!b" 6: packets
!c" *)) packets
!d" 6)) packets
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 :2port ,nternet router has been designed with enough buffer space and &$4 power to service its
four links at their maximum capacity. Which of the following is!are" sufficient to keep the router
from becoming congested
#eighboring routers are similarly designed.
7ll ports have comparable throughput and latency.
Ginks to other routers have neither interference nor any losses.

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" none
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he $ittsburgh 1upercomputing &enter and the 1an 5iego 1upercomputing &enter are linked to
the ,nternet via very high2speed lines !in *???, about 933 Bbps". 1eparated by about :,))) 8m,
and several routers, the network installers measured the round trip time between these two sites to
be about ;) milliseconds. You want to exchange a large data set between two very fast computers
at these sites. %he physical network capacity andHor speed of the computers limit the maximum
%&$ throughput to be about ;) million bytes per second under ideal circumstances. 7ssuming the
channel is free of interference and that very few packets, if any, are dropped, how much memory
would you allocate for a %&$ connection at the sender in order to maximize throughput without
spending money unnecessarily

!a" a few kilobytes, enough to hold one packet and one acknowledgment
!b" a few megabytes
!c" as much as possible
!d" none
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 surveillance camera is connected to a computer that sends video frames to a remote site where
multiple such cameras are monitored. %he video stream uses the %&$ transport protocol. When the
network experiences congestion
the receiver should ad<ust the frame playback rate
the sender should ad<ust the frame capture rate
%&$ automatically ad<usts the video frame transmission rate

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following apply to the transport protocol !e.g., %&$" but not to the network2layer
protocol !e.g., ,$"
,t need not be connection2oriented.
,t cannot guarantee, by itself, that data is received completely and without errors.
,t is only executed at the sender and receiver, not within the network infrastructure of routers and

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
!b" Eetransmit timeout
!c" 1liding window size
!d" 1tore2and2forward buffer
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

You have <ust written an implementation of a transport protocol. You have aggressively pursued
performance. 0or example, all acknowledgments are piggybacked on top of regular data packets,
in order to minimize their overhead. When your company releases your product, however, you get
the following complaint(

!a" Bany packets are retransmitted many times even though the network is idle.
!b" $acket headers have doubled in size, thereby halving the expected performance gains.
!c" 7E$ responses take a lot longer than before.
!d" Bany more packets than before fail to reach the receiving host.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

,n designing a network protocol stack, the end2to2end argument would suggest that

!a" a feature should be implemented in as low a layer as possible
!b" all network devices should support all protocols
!c" each endpoint in a connection is a peer in the protocol
!d" a feature should be implemented in as high a layer as possible
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.* of the course notes.
!c" While true, this is not the end2to2point argument

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *;)3
!b" *:??
!c" *;)*
!d" *;))
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

%wo programs execute in different computers and communicate through a %&$ connection.
Which of the following is certain when an ,$ packet supporting this connection successfully
reaches the network interface of the receiving host
,ts payload data will be delivered to the receiving process.
7n acknowledgment will be issued from the receiving to the sending computer.
%he sending host will move its sliding window forward.

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.
!c" %he acknowledgment may fail to reach the sending computer, in which case the data will not
be delivered.

,n today's ,nternet, a %&$ address is

!a" a 632bit integer and a AportA number
!b" a 632bit integer and an application name
!c" a 632bit integer and a process number
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

You are charged with setting up the technology re'uired to transmit a video2conference over an
,$2based internetwork. You will have to implement a sending and a receiving application. Where
will you handle network congestion

!a" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because late2arriving video frames are of no
!b" ,n both the sending and receiving applications
!c" ,n the sending application only
!d" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because %&$ takes care of it
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

7n open2loop approach to network congestion may
drop packets
deny connection re'uests
dynamically adapt to network conditions

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

7 transport protocol entity determines that the underlying network is able to deliver *)) of its
packets every second. -ach of these packets contains *,;)) bytes !including transport headers". ,n
addition, the time elapsed between the transmission of a packet and the reception of its
acknowledgement is 6 seconds on the average. 7n efficient and smooth flow would re'uire that
the sliding window size be no less than approximately

!a" 6)) packets
!b" *)) packets
!c" 9)) packets
!d" 6: packets
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

,n a network that is mostly used for +%%$ !Web" traffic, which of the following is a reasonable
approach to minimizing the amount of wasted bandwidth

!a" $opulate routers with more memory than they will ever need.
!b" +ave data sources send data as soon as it is available.
!c" +ave data sources increase their sending rate until congestion is detected.
!d" 5ivide the available bandwidth e'ually among all connections.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7n open2loop congestion prevention strategy that successfully prevents congestion in all

!a" piggybacks several acknowledgments into data traffic
!b" wastes available bandwidth
!c" changes packet timeouts depending on network conditions
!d" discards packets that arrive before packets with lower se'uence numbers
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following apply to the transport protocol !e.g., %&$" but not to the network2layer
protocol !e.g., ,$"
,t need not be connection2oriented.
,t cannot guarantee, by itself, that data is received completely and without errors.
,t is only executed at the sender and receiver, not within the network infrastructure of routers and

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.* of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" 7ddressing
!b" 7$, provided to application layer
!c" -rror detection using checksum
!d" &ongestion control
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Bost postal systems allow customers to re'uest a receipt notification, by which the $ostal 1ervice
promises to notify the sender when the letter has been delivered to the recipient. %his makes the
postal system
a reliable network services provider
a reliable transport services provider
a datagram network service provider

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

You have <ust written an implementation of a transport protocol. You have aggressively pursued
performance. 0or example, all acknowledgments are piggybacked on top of regular data packets,
in order to minimize their overhead. When your company releases your product, however, you get
the following complaint(

!a" Bany packets are retransmitted many times even though the network is idle.
!b" $acket headers have doubled in size, thereby halving the expected performance gains.
!c" Bany more packets than before fail to reach the receiving host.
!d" 7E$ responses take a lot longer than before.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

%he router designers of a well2known network e'uipment manufacturer are having an internal
debate. 1ome of them want to add reliability to the network2layer protocol, because they have
devised a way to do this without making the routers any more costly. %heir manager likes this,
because it will give the marketing department a powerful weapon in promoting the company's
products. %he manager has hired you to enumerate the technical benefits of the proposal. Which of
the following does your list include
-arly detection and recovery of data loss and corruption
=etter service to multi2media traffic
-limination of %&$ from routers

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%wo programs execute in different computers and communicate through a %&$ connection.
Which of the following is certain when an ,$ packet supporting this connection successfully
reaches the network interface of the receiving host
,ts payload data will be delivered to the receiving process.
7n acknowledgment will be issued from the receiving to the sending computer.
%he sending host will move its sliding window forward.

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ is connection2oriented
%&$ needs to manage buffer space
%&$ addresses are a pair !,$ address, port number"

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size smaller than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 new telephone company has approached your ,nternet provider's backbone operator with a new,
flexible billing scheme. %he phone company will periodically increase the capacity of the links
needed by the backbone, at a price. %he periodic increase will occur when the links are saturated
beyond some threshold. %his would be implemented by checking the network status every *)
minutes, and ad<usting capacity if needed. %he manager at your ,1$ is very happy about this,
because it will entail which of the following
#o congestion ever again
&rystal2clear audio transmissions over the network
7bility to guarantee throughput for high2priority data

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
7udio is affected by error rate and latency long before congestion becomes a problem. %he
throughput boost doesn't change the error rate or the latency and will probably increase the latter.
&ongestion is not exclusively a problem of link throughput( router or host buffer capacity and
&$4 power are relevant. 1ince congestion can still occur, a different mechanism will be needed to
guarantee a certain 'uality of service. 1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" 1tore2and2forward buffer
!b" Eetransmit timeout
!c" 1liding window size
!d" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

%&$ provides reliability in the presence of packet losses by

!a" congestion control
!b" acknowledgment timeouts
!c" end2to2end flow control
!d" multiple routes for each packet
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
When an expected acknowledgment has not arrived within a time period, a packet is
retransmitted, on the assumption that the data packet was lost. 1ee section 3.*.6 of the course
&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *:??
!b" *;)*
!c" *;)3
!d" *;))
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following apply to the transport protocol !e.g., %&$" but not to the network2layer
protocol !e.g., ,$"
,t need not be connection2oriented.
,t cannot guarantee, by itself, that data is received completely and without errors.
,t is only executed at the sender and receiver, not within the network infrastructure of routers and

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.* of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" 7ddressing
!b" -rror detection using checksum
!c" 7$, provided to application layer
!d" &ongestion control
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
!b" 1tore2and2forward buffer
!c" 1liding window size
!d" Eetransmit timeout
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ has lower overhead
%&$ is a transport2layer protocol
%&$ provides reliable transmission

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. %he %&$ segment has one
byte of payload. 0rom this, we know the following about the se'uence number sendse'no that
computer = will send next(

!a" sendse'no JK *;)*
!b" sendse'no JK *;)3
!c" sendse'no KK *;)3
!d" sendse'no KK *;)*
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7s you access a remote Web site !as you are currently doing", a %&$ segment is received from the
Web server that advertises a receive window size of 3) 8bytes. 0rom the round trip delay and
recent history, your computer's %&$ code decides to expand its congestion window to *; 8bytes,
in order to take advantage of an apparent improvement in network conditions. What %&$ sending
window size will be in effect in your computer at this point

!a" ; 8bytes
!b" 6; 8bytes
!c" 3) 8bytes
!d" *; 8bytes
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

=ecause of a faulty routing table, a network provider is temporarily unable to successfully deliver
packets from host = to host 7, even though packets from 7 to = experience no problems. %his
malfunction lasts *; minutes. 7t the time the malfunction occurred, the %&$ entity at host 7 was
sending a large file to host =. Which of the following is true of the packets that had not yet been
sent to =

!a" #o packets will reach =.
!b" 7ll packets will reach = normally.
!c" 1ome packets will reach =, but most will not.
!d" 7ll packets will reach = at a degraded rate.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he $ittsburgh 1upercomputing &enter and the 1an 5iego 1upercomputing &enter are linked to
the ,nternet via very high2speed lines !in *???, about 933 Bbps". 1eparated by about :,))) 8m,
and several routers, the network installers measured the round trip time between these two sites to
be about ;) milliseconds. You want to exchange a large data set between two very fast computers
at these sites. %he physical network capacity andHor speed of the computers limit the maximum
%&$ throughput to be about ;) million bytes per second under ideal circumstances. 7ssuming the
channel is free of interference and that very few packets, if any, are dropped, how much memory
would you allocate for a %&$ connection at the sender in order to maximize throughput without
spending money unnecessarily

!a" none
!b" a few megabytes
!c" as much as possible
!d" a few kilobytes, enough to hold one packet and one acknowledgment
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ is connection2oriented
%&$ needs to manage buffer space
%&$ addresses are a pair !,$ address, port number"

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
!b" 1liding window size
!c" Eetransmit timeout
!d" 1tore2and2forward buffer
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 :2port ,nternet router has been designed with enough buffer space and &$4 power to service its
four links at their maximum capacity. Which of the following is!are" sufficient to keep the router
from becoming congested
#eighboring routers are similarly designed.
7ll ports have comparable throughput and latency.
Ginks to other routers have neither interference nor any losses.

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *;))
!b" *;)*
!c" *:??
!d" *;)3
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7s you access a remote Web site !as you are currently doing", a %&$ segment is received from the
Web server that advertises a receive window size of 3) 8bytes. 0rom the round trip delay and
recent history, your computer's %&$ code decides to expand its congestion window to *; 8bytes,
in order to take advantage of an apparent improvement in network conditions. What %&$ sending
window size will be in effect in your computer at this point

!a" ; 8bytes
!b" *; 8bytes
!c" 3) 8bytes
!d" 6; 8bytes
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

,n a network that is mostly used for +%%$ !Web" traffic, which of the following is a reasonable
approach to minimizing the amount of wasted bandwidth

!a" $opulate routers with more memory than they will ever need.
!b" 5ivide the available bandwidth e'ually among all connections.
!c" +ave data sources increase their sending rate until congestion is detected.
!d" +ave data sources send data as soon as it is available.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ has lower overhead
%&$ is a transport2layer protocol
%&$ provides reliable transmission

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 :2port ,nternet router has been designed with enough buffer space and &$4 power to service its
four links at their maximum capacity. Which of the following is!are" sufficient to keep the router
from becoming congested
#eighboring routers are similarly designed.
7ll ports have comparable throughput and latency.
Ginks to other routers have neither interference nor any losses.

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" none
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

Bost postal systems allow customers to re'uest a receipt notification, by which the $ostal 1ervice
promises to notify the sender when the letter has been delivered to the recipient. %his makes the
postal system
a reliable network services provider
a reliable transport services provider
a datagram network service provider

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

You are charged with setting up the technology re'uired to transmit a video2conference over an
,$2based internetwork. You will have to implement a sending and a receiving application. Where
will you handle network congestion

!a" ,n both the sending and receiving applications
!b" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because late2arriving video frames are of no
!c" ,n the sending application only
!d" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because %&$ takes care of it
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%o improve network performance, a %&$ receiver sends some information back to the sender by
piggybacking it onto the headers of packets sent from the receiver to the sender. Which of the
following can be sent this way
#ew retransmission timeout values
#umber of the last %&$ segment being acknowledged
7vailable receiver buffer size

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

=ecause of a faulty routing table, a network provider is temporarily unable to successfully deliver
packets from host = to host 7, even though packets from 7 to = experience no problems. %his
malfunction lasts *; minutes. 7t the time the malfunction occurred, the %&$ entity at host 7 was
sending a large file to host =. Which of the following is true of the packets that had not yet been
sent to =

!a" #o packets will reach =.
!b" 7ll packets will reach = at a degraded rate.
!c" 1ome packets will reach =, but most will not.
!d" 7ll packets will reach = normally.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" 7$, provided to application layer
!b" &ongestion control
!c" -rror detection using checksum
!d" 7ddressing
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

You have <ust written an implementation of a transport protocol. You have aggressively pursued
performance. 0or example, all acknowledgments are piggybacked on top of regular data packets,
in order to minimize their overhead. When your company releases your product, however, you get
the following complaint(

!a" Bany packets are retransmitted many times even though the network is idle.
!b" $acket headers have doubled in size, thereby halving the expected performance gains.
!c" 7E$ responses take a lot longer than before.
!d" Bany more packets than before fail to reach the receiving host.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *:??
!b" *;))
!c" *;)3
!d" *;)*
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 student's desktop system executes a procedure call to a departmental server. Which of the
following are true
7 remote procedure call will always take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call will never take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call may fail when the same call executed locally would succeed.

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

,n E$&, the process of encoding parameters and results is called

!a" parameterizing
!b" packetizing
!c" E$&ode
!d" marshaling
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" ; %&$ ports
!b" * %&$ port
!c" 9 %&$ ports
!d" 3 %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&B&,7
!c" $&,
!d" 1&1,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

What & function converts long integers from machine2byte order to network2byte order

!a" atoin
!b" htonl
!c" endian
!d" bcopy
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.3 of the course notes.

+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&,
!c" 1&1,
!d" $&B&,7
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

,n theory, the minimum E$& time on an -thernet is *)3 microseconds. ,n practice, getting the
E$& time down to *;)) microseconds is a considerable achievement. What causes this

!a" -thernet has long delay time
!b" Garge buffer on network interface card takes a while to fill up
!c" Dperating system and protocol overhead
!d" Gimited memory bandwidth between processor and network interface card
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" 3
!b" *
!c" 9
!d" ;
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" 9 %&$ ports
!b" 3 %&$ ports
!c" * %&$ port
!d" ; %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

%wo machines are connected to each other with a *)) megabitHsec fiber connection. %he round
trip time between the machines is >) milliseconds. What minimum size must the receive buffer be
to allow the machines to utilize the full *)) megabitsHsec

!a" * megabyte
!b" 3 megabytes
!c" ;)) kilobytes
!d" > megabytes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

What & function converts long integers from machine2byte order to network2byte order

!a" atoin
!b" endian
!c" htonl
!d" bcopy
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true
You can buy more bandwidth, but buying lower delay is not always possible.
#etwork congestion is easier to recover from than to prevent.
%he way to avoid extra work with timeouts is to set timers shorter than necessary.

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" ;
!b" 9
!c" *
!d" 3
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.


!a" is a library to convert between machine byte order and network byte order
!b" identifies the type of documents included in electronic mail messages
!c" allows users to access audio files from a text2only terminal
!d" is a way of conserving ,$ addresses
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.3 of the course notes.

%he idea behind E$& is to

!a" provide a reliable byte stream transfer with congestion control
!b" make interactions with a server look like a local procedure call to the developer of the client
!c" provide fast, semi2reliable transfer of streaming media over the ,nternet
!d" enable network interface serial numbers to be tracked after leaving the factory
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.


%wo machines are connected to each other with a *)) megabitHsec fiber connection. %he round
trip time between the machines is >) milliseconds. What minimum size must the receive buffer be
to allow the machines to utilize the full *)) megabitsHsec

!a" ;)) kilobytes
!b" 3 megabytes
!c" * megabyte
!d" > megabytes
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" 3
!b" ;
!c" 9
!d" *
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.

,n E$&, the process of encoding parameters and results is called

!a" marshaling
!b" parameterizing
!c" E$&ode
!d" packetizing
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following will help to avoid context switches in network code
Eun one server for each client.
Gibrary procedures that send data should buffer until a substantial amount is ready to be sent.
5ata that arrives should be passed to the user as soon as possible after it arrives.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

,n theory, the minimum E$& time on an -thernet is *)3 microseconds. ,n practice, getting the
E$& time down to *;)) microseconds is a considerable achievement. What causes this

!a" Garge buffer on network interface card takes a while to fill up
!b" Dperating system and protocol overhead
!c" -thernet has long delay time
!d" Gimited memory bandwidth between processor and network interface card
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

%he network layer and standard transport protocols !%&$ and 45$" are typically implemented
inside the LLLLL.

!a" operating system
!b" network device driver
!c" ,HD bus
!d" processor
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

,n E$&, the process of encoding parameters and results is called

!a" marshaling
!b" packetizing
!c" parameterizing
!d" E$&ode
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

%he idea behind E$& is to

!a" make interactions with a server look like a local procedure call to the developer of the client
!b" provide a reliable byte stream transfer with congestion control
!c" provide fast, semi2reliable transfer of streaming media over the ,nternet
!d" enable network interface serial numbers to be tracked after leaving the factory
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

%wo machines are connected to each other with a *)) megabitHsec fiber connection. %he round
trip time between the machines is >) milliseconds. What minimum size must the receive buffer be
to allow the machines to utilize the full *)) megabitsHsec

!a" * megabyte
!b" > megabytes
!c" 3 megabytes
!d" ;)) kilobytes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" *
!b" ;
!c" 3
!d" 9
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.


7 student's desktop system executes a procedure call to a departmental server. Which of the
following are true
7 remote procedure call will always take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call will never take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call may fail when the same call executed locally would succeed.

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

,n E$&, the process of encoding parameters and results is called

!a" parameterizing
!b" packetizing
!c" E$&ode
!d" marshaling
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" ; %&$ ports
!b" * %&$ port
!c" 9 %&$ ports
!d" 3 %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&B&,7
!c" $&,
!d" 1&1,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

What & function converts long integers from machine2byte order to network2byte order

!a" atoin
!b" htonl
!c" endian
!d" bcopy
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.3 of the course notes.


+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&,
!c" 1&1,
!d" $&B&,7
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

,n theory, the minimum E$& time on an -thernet is *)3 microseconds. ,n practice, getting the
E$& time down to *;)) microseconds is a considerable achievement. What causes this

!a" -thernet has long delay time
!b" Garge buffer on network interface card takes a while to fill up
!c" Dperating system and protocol overhead
!d" Gimited memory bandwidth between processor and network interface card
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" 3
!b" *
!c" 9
!d" ;
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" 9 %&$ ports
!b" 3 %&$ ports
!c" * %&$ port
!d" ; %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

%wo machines are connected to each other with a *)) megabitHsec fiber connection. %he round
trip time between the machines is >) milliseconds. What minimum size must the receive buffer be
to allow the machines to utilize the full *)) megabitsHsec

!a" * megabyte
!b" 3 megabytes
!c" ;)) kilobytes
!d" > megabytes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" ;
!b" 3
!c" 9
!d" *
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.
Which of the following will help to avoid context switches in network code
Eun one server for each client.
Gibrary procedures that send data should buffer until a substantial amount is ready to be sent.
5ata that arrives should be passed to the user as soon as possible after it arrives.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

Which of the following are reasons ,nt1erv !the ,ntegrated 1ervices Bodel" has not been widely
&oncerns about complexity of the service model
Gack of demand for real2time services
$roblems scaling to a large environment such as the ,nternet

!a" , only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements about routers that use 0,0D packet schedulers are true
-ach user has a separate 'ueue in the router.
4sers who send at higher rates despite congestion warnings will have the same throughput as
users who send at lower rates.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

1ix flows !720" share a *))2megabit2per2second line. 0low = is a dedicated 6;2megabit2per2
second line, and flow 0 is a dedicated 3;2megabit2per2second line. %he other four flows split the
remaining bandwidth e'ually. What weights could be assigned to each flow in a W0M scheduling
router so that these re'uirements are met

!a" 7(: =(3 &(: 5(; -(: 0(*
!b" 7(3 =(7 &(3 5(3 -(3 0(;
!c" 7(* =(6 &(* 5(* -(* 0(3
!d" 7(* =(9 &(* 5(* -(* 0(:
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

,f 5iff1erv !the 5ifferentiated 1ervices Bodel" supports the gold2silver2bronze service model,
which of the following will that model guarantee
/uaranteed minimum bandwidth
/uaranteed maximum delay

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

7 flow passes through a token bucket filter, then over a *) megabitHsec -thernet to a router. %he
token bucket size is *;8 tokens. ,f the token bucket accumulates tokens at a rate of * million
tokens per second and packets consume one token per byte, what is the maximum instantaneous
throughput !i.e., the throughput during a very short time interval" of the flow to the router

!a" *) megabitsHsec
!b" * megabitHsec
!c" > megabitsHsec
!d" *3; kilobitsHsec
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
%he token bucket will limit the average bandwidth used to > megabitsHsec but will not prevent
bursts of *) megabitsHsec.

7 flow passes through a token bucket filter, then over a *) megabitHsec -thernet to a router. %he
token bucket size is *;8 tokens. ,f the token bucket accumulates tokens at a rate of * million
tokens per second and packets consume one token per byte, what is the maximum instantaneous
throughput !i.e., the throughput during a very short time interval" of the flow to the router

!a" *) megabitsHsec
!b" > megabitsHsec
!c" * megabitHsec
!d" *3; kilobitsHsec
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
%he token bucket will limit the average bandwidth used to > megabitsHsec but will not prevent
bursts of *) megabitsHsec.

1ix flows !720" share a *))2megabit2per2second line. 0low = is a dedicated 6;2megabit2per2
second line, and flow 0 is a dedicated 3;2megabit2per2second line. %he other four flows split the
remaining bandwidth e'ually. What weights could be assigned to each flow in a W0M scheduling
router so that these re'uirements are met

!a" 7(* =(9 &(* 5(* -(* 0(:
!b" 7(* =(6 &(* 5(* -(* 0(3
!c" 7(3 =(7 &(3 5(3 -(3 0(;
!d" 7(: =(3 &(: 5(; -(: 0(*
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements about routers that use 0,0D packet schedulers are true
-ach user has a separate 'ueue in the router.
4sers who send at higher rates despite congestion warnings will have the same throughput as
users who send at lower rates.

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

,f 5iff1erv !the 5ifferentiated 1ervices Bodel" supports the gold2silver2bronze service model,
which of the following will that model guarantee
/uaranteed minimum bandwidth
/uaranteed maximum delay

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,
!c" ,, only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

%he purpose of token buckets is

!a" to weigh the amount of traffic through a router
!b" to limit the amount of traffic entering a network
!c" to store copies of packets in case some are lost
!d" to combine packets into a smaller number of larger datagrams
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

,f 5iff1erv !the 5ifferentiated 1ervices Bodel" supports the gold2silver2bronze service model,
which of the following will that model guarantee
/uaranteed minimum bandwidth
/uaranteed maximum delay

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

,n a W0M scheduler, four flows 7, =, &, and 5 are allocated weights *, *, 3, and 3, respectively.
,f all packets were the same size, in what order would the scheduler serve the 'ueues

!a" 7=7&757=7&75...
!b" 7=&57=7=&57=...
!c" 7=&7=57=&7=5...
!d" 7&5=&57&5=&5...
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
7 and = should each get *H9 the bandwidthN & and 5 should each get *H6.

Which of the following does the original ,nternet service model guarantee
7 certain maximum packet delay
7 certain minimum bandwidth

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

1ix flows !720" share a *))2megabit2per2second line. 0low = is a dedicated 6;2megabit2per2
second line, and flow 0 is a dedicated 3;2megabit2per2second line. %he other four flows split the
remaining bandwidth e'ually. What weights could be assigned to each flow in a W0M scheduling
router so that these re'uirements are met

!a" 7(* =(6 &(* 5(* -(* 0(3
!b" 7(3 =(7 &(3 5(3 -(3 0(;
!c" 7(* =(9 &(* 5(* -(* 0(:
!d" 7(: =(3 &(: 5(; -(: 0(*
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

When an application submits a re'uest for guaranteed service, which of the following will the
signaling protocol contact
Dnly the router with the lowest bandwidth along the path that the application will use
Dnly the first router along the path that the application will use
7ll routers along the path that the application will use

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

1ix flows !720" share a *))2megabit2per2second line. 0low = is a dedicated 6;2megabit2per2
second line, and flow 0 is a dedicated 3;2megabit2per2second line. %he other four flows split the
remaining bandwidth e'ually. What weights could be assigned to each flow in a W0M scheduling
router so that these re'uirements are met

!a" 7(: =(3 &(: 5(; -(: 0(*
!b" 7(* =(6 &(* 5(* -(* 0(3
!c" 7(3 =(7 &(3 5(3 -(3 0(;
!d" 7(* =(9 &(* 5(* -(* 0(:
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

,f 5iff1erv !the 5ifferentiated 1ervices Bodel" supports the gold2silver2bronze service model,
which of the following will that model guarantee
/uaranteed minimum bandwidth
/uaranteed maximum delay

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

%he purpose of token buckets is

!a" to weigh the amount of traffic through a router
!b" to combine packets into a smaller number of larger datagrams
!c" to limit the amount of traffic entering a network
!d" to store copies of packets in case some are lost
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are reasons ,nt1erv !the ,ntegrated 1ervices Bodel" has not been widely
&oncerns about complexity of the service model
Gack of demand for real2time services
$roblems scaling to a large environment such as the ,nternet

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following does the original ,nternet service model guarantee
7 certain maximum packet delay
7 certain minimum bandwidth

!a" , and ,,
!b" #one
!c" ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

7 flow passes through a token bucket filter, then over a *) megabitHsec -thernet to a router. %he
token bucket size is *;8 tokens. ,f the token bucket accumulates tokens at a rate of * million
tokens per second and packets consume one token per byte, what is the maximum instantaneous
throughput !i.e., the throughput during a very short time interval" of the flow to the router

!a" * megabitHsec
!b" *3; kilobitsHsec
!c" *) megabitsHsec
!d" > megabitsHsec
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
%he token bucket will limit the average bandwidth used to > megabitsHsec but will not prevent
bursts of *) megabitsHsec.

Which of the following statements about routers that use 0,0D packet schedulers are true
-ach user has a separate 'ueue in the router.
4sers who send at higher rates despite congestion warnings will have the same throughput as
users who send at lower rates.

!a" #one
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

When an application submits a re'uest for guaranteed service, which of the following will the
signaling protocol contact
Dnly the router with the lowest bandwidth along the path that the application will use
Dnly the first router along the path that the application will use
7ll routers along the path that the application will use

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

,n a W0M scheduler, four flows 7, =, &, and 5 are allocated weights *, *, 3, and 3, respectively.
,f all packets were the same size, in what order would the scheduler serve the 'ueues

!a" 7&5=&57&5=&5...
!b" 7=&57=7=&57=...
!c" 7=&7=57=&7=5...
!d" 7=7&757=7&75...
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
7 and = should each get *H9 the bandwidthN & and 5 should each get *H6.

Which of the following does the original ,nternet service model guarantee
7 certain maximum packet delay
7 certain minimum bandwidth

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" , and ,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

5o most distributed applications re'uire a complete ordering of events

!a" Yes, and they must know the exact time.
!b" Yes, but they do not need to know the exact time.
!c" #o, most distributed applications only need a partial ordering of events.
!d" #o, most distributed applications are designed so that the order of events doesn't matter.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are true
%he happens2before relation is transitive.
5is<oint events can have the same logical time.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following can $/$ provide
Bessage integrity checking
1ender authentication

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

7 client sends a secure http re'uest to a server that uses 11G. %he server responds with a
certificate. What is the data in the certificate

!a" %he client's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
!b" %he client's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!c" %he server's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!d" 7 certification authority's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following are advantages of stateless distributed file systems
Gimited complexity on the file server
$revents inconsistencies by preventing conflicting file access

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true
Working on several tasks at the same time in an interleaved fashion can sometimes improve
throughput without increasing response time.
,t is sometimes not possible to both maximize throughput and minimize response time.

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following can $/$ provide
Bessage integrity checking
1ender authentication

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following are true
%he happens2before relation is transitive.
5is<oint events can have the same logical time.

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" , and ,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

0or each process that enters the critical region in Gamport's contention2based mutual exclusion,
how many messages are sent over the network !# is the number of processes in the system"

!a" 6 O !# P *"
!b" # O !# 2 *"
!c" # P *
!d" 6 O !# 2 *"
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
7 E-M4-1%, E-$GY, and E-G-71- for each other process in the system. 1ee section 6.*.3 of
the course notes.

,n a distributed system, most tasks re'uire LLLLL, creating LLLLL .

!a" dedicated hardware, extra cost
!b" the approval of all components in the system, delays
!c" communication between components, security threats
!d" multiple copies of files, extra overhead from copying
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97

5o most distributed applications re'uire a complete ordering of events

!a" #o, most distributed applications only need a partial ordering of events.
!b" #o, most distributed applications are designed so that the order of events doesn't matter.
!c" Yes, and they must know the exact time.
!d" Yes, but they do not need to know the exact time.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following distributed file systems use blockHfile caching

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" #one
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following are true
Baking the distributed system look more like a centralized system to the user is in general a
desirable feature.
,t is always possible to hide the distributed nature of the system completely.

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97

Which of the following does 8erberos use
$ublic2key encryption
$rivate2key encryption

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

7 client sends a secure http re'uest to a server that uses 11G. %he server responds with a
certificate. What is the data in the certificate

!a" 7 certification authority's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
!b" %he server's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!c" %he client's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!d" %he client's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

0or each process that enters the critical region in Gamport's contention2based mutual exclusion,
how many messages are sent over the network !# is the number of processes in the system"

!a" 6 O !# 2 *"
!b" 6 O !# P *"
!c" # O !# 2 *"
!d" # P *
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
7 E-M4-1%, E-$GY, and E-G-71- for each other process in the system. 1ee section 6.*.3 of
the course notes.

7gainst what does a nonce safeguard

!a" Eeplay attacks
!b" Bessage modification
!c" 5enial of service attacks
!d" 1nooping
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following are advantages of public2key cryptography !such as E17"
0aster encryption H decryption than private2key cryptography
0ewer keys to maintain than private2key cryptography

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" , and ,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

,n a distributed system, push and pull algorithms refer to

!a" a denial2of2service attack algorithm
!b" which process gets the first token
!c" how work is divided among processors
!d" which machine each file is stored on
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

7gainst what does a nonce safeguard

!a" 5enial of service attacks
!b" Bessage modification
!c" 1nooping
!d" Eeplay attacks
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following distributed file systems are location transparent to users
%he WWW

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following are advantages of public2key cryptography !such as E17"
0aster encryption H decryption than private2key cryptography
0ewer keys to maintain than private2key cryptography

!a" #one
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true
Working on several tasks at the same time in an interleaved fashion can sometimes improve
throughput without increasing response time.
,t is sometimes not possible to both maximize throughput and minimize response time.

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" , and ,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following distributed file systems use blockHfile caching

!a" , and ,,
!b" ,, only
!c" #one
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

7gainst what does a nonce safeguard

!a" 1nooping
!b" Eeplay attacks
!c" 5enial of service attacks
!d" Bessage modification
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

0or each process that enters the critical region in Gamport's contention2based mutual exclusion,
how many messages are sent over the network !# is the number of processes in the system"

!a" 6 O !# P *"
!b" # O !# 2 *"
!c" # P *
!d" 6 O !# 2 *"
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
7 E-M4-1%, E-$GY, and E-G-71- for each other process in the system. 1ee section 6.*.3 of
the course notes.

Which of the following distributed file systems use blockHfile caching

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" , and ,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

,n a distributed system, push and pull algorithms refer to

!a" which process gets the first token
!b" how work is divided among processors
!c" a denial2of2service attack algorithm
!d" which machine each file is stored on
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following does 8erberos use
$ublic2key encryption
$rivate2key encryption

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true
Working on several tasks at the same time in an interleaved fashion can sometimes improve
throughput without increasing response time.
,t is sometimes not possible to both maximize throughput and minimize response time.

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are true of token2based mutual exclusion algorithms
%oken2based mutual exclusion works best when accesses to the critical region are rare.
%oken2based mutual exclusion has a low message overhead.
%oken2based mutual exclusion slows down when there are more processes.

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

,n a distributed system, push and pull algorithms refer to

!a" which machine each file is stored on
!b" a denial2of2service attack algorithm
!c" which process gets the first token
!d" how work is divided among processors
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

7gainst what does a nonce safeguard

!a" 1nooping
!b" Bessage modification
!c" 5enial of service attacks
!d" Eeplay attacks
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.; of the course notes.

7 client sends a secure http re'uest to a server that uses 11G. %he server responds with a
certificate. What is the data in the certificate

!a" %he server's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!b" 7 certification authority's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
!c" %he client's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
!d" %he client's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

5o most distributed applications re'uire a complete ordering of events

!a" #o, most distributed applications are designed so that the order of events doesn't matter.
!b" Yes, and they must know the exact time.
!c" #o, most distributed applications only need a partial ordering of events.
!d" Yes, but they do not need to know the exact time.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following distributed file systems use blockHfile caching

!a" , only
!b" , and ,,
!c" ,, only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

What is Bicrosoft's D5=& based on

!a" F5=&
!b" 1MG
!c" 17/ &G,
!d" DG-H5=
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following have a procedural interface
17/ &G,

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

1ecurity problems in mobile code are often dealt with by which of the following techni'ues(
run2time checking
compile2time checking
precompile checking
predictive checking

!a" ,C only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

+ow are 1G$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!b" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
!c" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!d" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

,n which of the following naming services do lookups correspond to a walk from the root to a
node of a name tree
&DE=7's name service

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

What is Bicrosoft's D5=& based on

!a" 1MG
!b" DG-H5=
!c" 17/ &G,
!d" F5=&
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

+ow are G57$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!b" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
!c" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!d" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" disable auto2commit
!b" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
!c" open multiple connections
!d" use begin and end statements
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

&/, scripts are passed LLLLL and return LLLLL.

!a" 7 4EG, an +%BG form
!b" an +%BG form, an +%BG document
!c" an 71&,, string, an +%BG document
!d" an +%BG form, a 4EG
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.* of the course notes.

Which of the following have a procedural interface
17/ &G,

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements about Fava applets are true
7pplets typically execute inside their own thread or set of threads.
7pplets are complete, self2contained programs.

!a" #one
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

+ow are G57$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!b" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!c" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
!d" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

,n which of the following naming services do lookups correspond to a walk from the root to a
node of a name tree
&DE=7's name service

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

+ow are 1G$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!b" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!c" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!d" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" use begin and end statements
!b" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
!c" open multiple connections
!d" disable auto2commit
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following have a procedural interface
17/ &G,

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

1ecurity problems in mobile code are often dealt with by which of the following techni'ues(
run2time checking
compile2time checking
precompile checking
predictive checking

!a" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!b" ,C only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

What is Bicrosoft's D5=& based on

!a" DG-H5=
!b" 1MG
!c" 17/ &G,
!d" F5=&
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

LLLLL prevents mobile code from accessing the memory of other users or of the system

!a" -xecuting binary executables
!b" Eeal2time scheduling
!c" 1andboxing
!d" Bultithreading
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" use begin and end statements
!b" open multiple connections
!c" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
!d" disable auto2commit
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
!b" disable auto2commit
!c" open multiple connections
!d" use begin and end statements
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements about Fava applets are true
7pplets typically execute inside their own thread or set of threads.
7pplets are complete, self2contained programs.

!a" , and ,,
!b" #one
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following have a procedural interface
17/ &G,

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

+ow are 1G$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!b" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!c" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!d" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

+ow are G57$ names represented

!a" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!b" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!c" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!d" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

1ecurity problems in mobile code are often dealt with by which of the following techni'ues(
run2time checking
compile2time checking
precompile checking
predictive checking

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!c" ,C only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" use begin and end statements
!b" disable auto2commit
!c" open multiple connections
!d" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

,n which of the following naming services do lookups correspond to a walk from the root to a
node of a name tree
&DE=7's name service

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

+ow are G57$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!b" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!c" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!d" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

&/, scripts are passed LLLLL and return LLLLL.

!a" an +%BG form, a 4EG
!b" an 71&,, string, an +%BG document
!c" 7 4EG, an +%BG form
!d" an +%BG form, an +%BG document
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.* of the course notes.

Which of the following are true of &DE=7's dynamic discovery of interfaces
$arameter values are matched by the number and type of the parameters.
$arameter values can be provided by a human user at run time.

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following stubs does the ,5G compiler generate
&lient stubs
1erver stubs

!a" #one
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are supported by Fini
-ntire ob<ect passing
5iscovery service that looks up services based on a set of attributes

!a" #one
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

,n a traditional distributed computing environment, LLLLL decides what services are needed and
configures a set of servers to provide those services.

!a" a central server
!b" a process load table
!c" the user
!d" the system manager
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are supported by Fini
-ntire ob<ect passing
5iscovery service that looks up services based on a set of attributes

!a" , only
!b" #one
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following do E$&HEB, packages typically support
+eterogeneity across platforms
+eterogeneity across languages environments
1upport for dynamic interfaces

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following does &DE=7 support but 5&DB not support

!a" Ganguage independence
!b" =oth static and dynamic method invocation
!c" ,nheritance
!d" 7 name service
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are advantages of Fini over &DE=7
Ganguage independence
5ynamic method invocation
5ynamically downloaded service ob<ect

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following does &DE=7 support but 5&DB not support

!a" ,nheritance
!b" Ganguage independence
!c" =oth static and dynamic method invocation
!d" 7 name service
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following do E$&HEB, packages typically support
+eterogeneity across platforms
+eterogeneity across languages environments
1upport for dynamic interfaces

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Where is marshalling handled in &DE=7

!a" ,n the client ,5G stubs
!b" ,n the ,nterface Eepository
!c" ,n the 5,,
!d" ,n the DE= interface
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

%o convert a &DE=7 ob<ect reference to a string, one could use

!a" the 51,
!b" the ,mplementation Eepository
!c" the DE= ,nterface
!d" the Db<ect 7dapter
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following does &DE=7 support but 5&DB not support

!a" ,nheritance
!b" =oth static and dynamic method invocation
!c" 7 name service
!d" Ganguage independence
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Where is marshalling handled in &DE=7

!a" ,n the ,nterface Eepository
!b" ,n the 5,,
!c" ,n the client ,5G stubs
!d" ,n the DE= interface
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following stubs does the ,5G compiler generate
&lient stubs
1erver stubs

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following do E$&HEB, packages typically support
+eterogeneity across platforms
+eterogeneity across languages environments
1upport for dynamic interfaces

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

%o convert a &DE=7 ob<ect reference to a string, one could use

!a" the DE= ,nterface
!b" the Db<ect 7dapter
!c" the 51,
!d" the ,mplementation Eepository
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Where is marshalling handled in &DE=7

!a" ,n the client ,5G stubs
!b" ,n the 5,,
!c" ,n the ,nterface Eepository
!d" ,n the DE= interface
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are supported by Fini
-ntire ob<ect passing
5iscovery service that looks up services based on a set of attributes

!a" , and ,,
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

,n a traditional distributed computing environment, LLLLL decides what services are needed and
configures a set of servers to provide those services.

!a" the system manager
!b" a central server
!c" a process load table
!d" the user
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following are true of &DE=7's dynamic discovery of interfaces
$arameter values are matched by the number and type of the parameters.
$arameter values can be provided by a human user at run time.

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" #one
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following does &DE=7 support but 5&DB not support

!a" 7 name service
!b" ,nheritance
!c" Ganguage independence
!d" =oth static and dynamic method invocation
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

Where is marshalling handled in &DE=7

!a" ,n the client ,5G stubs
!b" ,n the DE= interface
!c" ,n the 5,,
!d" ,n the ,nterface Eepository
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

,n DE= environments, services are implemented as LLLLL, and they are invoked through a!n"

!a" ob<ects, EB,
!b" procedures, E$&
!c" stateless functions, interpreter
!d" 4EGs, Web browser
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following are true of &DE=7's dynamic discovery of interfaces
$arameter values are matched by the number and type of the parameters.
$arameter values can be provided by a human user at run time.

!a" , and ,,
!b" , only
!c" #one
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Ciew 7ssessment Eesult( Bultiple2&hoice Muiz *
Your performance was as follows(
You took *): minutes on this assessment from 1un 7pr > *)(*3()6 4%&P)>)) 3))7 to 1un 7pr >
**(;;(3) 4%&P)>)) 3))7.
%otal score( :).))

$acket collisions occur in an -thernet network because

!a" two different -thernet networks may be spliced together
!b" the -thernet switching mechanism may occasionally send two packets through the same route
!c" the -thernet uses a ring topology
!d" two -thernet nodes can send packets at the same time
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))

Your performance was as follows(
-very $rotocol 5ata 4nit !$54" that is sent by a protocol layer to its remote peer on the
destination system always includes(
%he headers for all the protocols of the layers above it
%he headers for the protocol of the layer below it
7pplication 5ata

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" #one
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

Why do network applications send Amessages,A but the network transmits information in
=uffer allocation and error handling is easier when done for smaller chunks of data.
Bultiple messages can be sent in a single large packet to decrease overhead.
#etwork engineers and application programmers <ust use different terminology for the same unit
of application data.
7 message needs to be packaged with the instructions to process it at the destination.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,C only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following parameters can be specified in the header of a re'uest in the +ypertext
%ransfer $rotocol !+%%$"
%he types of image formats that a browser understands
%he type of browser !e.g., #etscape, ,nternet -xplorer" making the re'uest
%he method by which the re'uest is to be satisfied.for example, whether the re'uest is a /-% of
a form submission

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

You have recently become the first network engineer of a large corporation with offices
worldwide. %he company is considering the installation of a data network, but the =oard of
5irectors is rather old2fashioned and does not see the need to change the company's time2honored
business practices. Your first task at the <ob is to <ustify your salary and the cost of a new network,
and for this purpose you are about to give a presentation to the =oard of 5irectors. Which of the
following would you include in your presentation 7ssume the directors are extremely intelligent,
though perhaps not knowledgeable in your field.
Gower expenditures on computer hardware
+igher availability of customer services
=etter protection of the company's proprietary information

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

%he transmission of high2'uality, interactive voice and video over the current ,nternet is difficult
because today's ,nternet

!a" uses connectionless protocols
!b" is unable to guarantee minimum throughput or maximum latency for a given connection
!c" gives higher priority to bulk data transfers
!d" does not really have sufficient throughput
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7ll store2and2forward networks are

!a" broadcast networks
!b" packet or message switched networks
!c" connectionless networks
!d" connection2based networks
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" 79 milliseconds
!b" cannot be determined from the information given
!c" :) milliseconds
!d" ;; milliseconds
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" an a priori standard
!b" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
!c" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
!d" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
!b" not able to be determined with the information given
!c" exactly *) 8bps
!d" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following are specified by the +%%$ protocol
%he syntax of the re'uest header
%he syntax of the response header
%he specific legal names of the re'uest header fields

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!c" 7ll header field names are validN it is up to the client and the server to understand each
other's field names, or to ignore them.

Fohn is using his bank's Web server to pay his telephone bill electronically. Which kind!s" of
network interaction take!s" place in this 1cenario, from the moment Fohn logs into his bank's Web
site until the telephone company receives the money

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following activities use an inter2network
7 phone call from $ittsburgh in the 4nited 1tates to &hennai in ,ndia
7 phone call from a wired phone to a mobile !AcellA" phone
7 chat session between two computers connected to an office -thernet

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

When you connect your computer to the ,nternet, the protocol!s" your computer uses is !are"
selected according to

!a" the application client and server you use at each moment
!b" which operating system is running on your computer
!c" which +%%$ !Web" server you connect to
!d" what vendor your ,nternet service provider purchased e'uipment from
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the technology of the physical network
!b" the size of data sent by the application
!c" the operating system
!d" the application protocol
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7n application on a computer sends data through a socket to another computer. Which of the
following are specified by the communication protocol
%he contents of the message body
%he speed of transmission
%he header format, which specifies the header field sizes and meanings

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

,n a broadcast network

!a" only the destination computer sees a packet
!b" all computers see and process the application data within all packets
!c" all computers see all packets, but the application data in each packet is only processed by the
destination computer
!d" only the computers that are tuned to a channel see and process the packets in that channel
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

What can be said about the protocol used by the implementation of the transport layer of an
,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connectionless communication network.
%hey will arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!c" in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" in any order, after having traversed the same route
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he transmission of high2'uality, interactive voice and video over the current ,nternet is difficult
because today's ,nternet

!a" does not really have sufficient throughput
!b" is unable to guarantee minimum throughput or maximum latency for a given connection
!c" gives higher priority to bulk data transfers
!d" uses connectionless protocols
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.
!a" While the problem can be solved with infinite throughput, the cause of the problem is that
the available throughput is not <udiciously allocated according to application needs.

/o to top of assessment.
%otal score( :).))
Your performance was as follows(
What can be said about the protocol used by the implementation of the transport layer of an
,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" none
You did not answer this 'uestion.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connectionless communication network.
%hey will arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!c" in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!d" in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet received its name in the *?>)s because

!a" it consisted of many interconnected networks
!b" it was meant to be a network internal to the 4nited 1tates 5epartment of 5efense
!c" it achieved international scope with the addition of the &ity 4niversity of Gondon
!d" it was an interim !temporary" design of what it later became, but the name stuck
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following distinguish stream sockets !e.g., %&$" from datagram sockets !e.g.,
1tream sockets guarantee delivery of the data sent through them.
1tream sockets can be used to send application data to a remote host, whereas datagram sockets
can only send control commands.
1tream sockets have greater overhead.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following are specified by the +%%$ protocol
%he syntax of the re'uest header
%he syntax of the response header
%he specific legal names of the re'uest header fields

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

+ow does an operating system identify the application to which data coming in from the network
should be relayed

!a" =y the protocol with which the data was sent
!b" =y the port number carried by the transport protocol
!c" =y the file extension of the data
!d" Dnly one application at a time is given access to the network.
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7n application on a computer sends data through a socket to another computer. Which of the
following are specified by the communication protocol
%he contents of the message body
%he speed of transmission
%he header format, which specifies the header field sizes and meanings

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!c" %he speed of transmission may affect the communication, but it is not specified by the

Fohn is using his bank's Web server to pay his telephone bill electronically. Which kind!s" of
network interaction take!s" place in this 1cenario, from the moment Fohn logs into his bank's Web
site until the telephone company receives the money

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

What can be said concerning the protocol that is used by the implementation of the network layer
of an ,nternet host
,t guarantees delivery.
,t is the ,nternet $rotocol !,$".
,t uses services provided by the session layer.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" none
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

/o to top of assessment.
%otal score( *).))

Ciew 7ssessment Eesult( Bultiple2&hoice Muiz *

Your performance was as follows(
7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!b" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
!c" only one implementation need then be created
!d" different implementations can then communicate with each other
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%he ,nternet received its name in the *?>)s because

!a" it was an interim !temporary" design of what it later became, but the name stuck
!b" it achieved international scope with the addition of the &ity 4niversity of Gondon
!c" it consisted of many interconnected networks
!d" it was meant to be a network internal to the 4nited 1tates 5epartment of 5efense
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

%he transmission of high2'uality, interactive voice and video over the current ,nternet is difficult
because today's ,nternet

!a" uses connectionless protocols
!b" is unable to guarantee minimum throughput or maximum latency for a given connection
!c" gives higher priority to bulk data transfers
!d" does not really have sufficient throughput
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
!b" not able to be determined with the information given
!c" exactly *) 8bps
!d" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

You have recently become the first network engineer of a large corporation with offices
worldwide. %he company is considering the installation of a data network, but the =oard of
5irectors is rather old2fashioned and does not see the need to change the company's time2honored
business practices. Your first task at the <ob is to <ustify your salary and the cost of a new network,
and for this purpose you are about to give a presentation to the =oard of 5irectors. Which of the
following would you include in your presentation 7ssume the directors are extremely intelligent,
though perhaps not knowledgeable in your field.
Gower expenditures on computer hardware
+igher availability of customer services
=etter protection of the company's proprietary information

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.
!c" 7 network saves money through resource sharing and by lowering the number of servers

Fohn is using his bank's Web server to pay his telephone bill electronically. Which kind!s" of
network interaction take!s" place in this 1cenario, from the moment Fohn logs into his bank's Web
site until the telephone company receives the money

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

+ow does an operating system identify the application to which data coming in from the network
should be relayed

!a" Dnly one application at a time is given access to the network.
!b" =y the file extension of the data
!c" =y the protocol with which the data was sent
!d" =y the port number carried by the transport protocol
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connection2oriented communication
network. %hey could arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!c" only in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!d" only in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

%he $rotocol 5ata 4nit !$54" that is sent by a protocol layer to its peer on the destination system
typically includes
7 payload
7 protocol header
7 router vendor ,5

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

Ciew 7ssessment Eesult( Bultiple2&hoice Muiz *

Your performance was as follows(
Which of the following are specified by the +%%$ protocol
%he syntax of the re'uest header
%he syntax of the response header
%he specific legal names of the re'uest header fields

!a" , only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!c" 7ll header field names are validN it is up to the client and the server to understand each
other's field names, or to ignore them.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a client implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
read! "

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7ll store2and2forward networks are

!a" connection2based networks
!b" packet or message switched networks
!c" broadcast networks
!d" connectionless networks
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

LLLLL can be used to measure latency in the communication network.

!a" Eoundtrip time
!b" $ercentage of packets retransmitted
!c" =it -rror Eate
!d" %hroughput
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
!b" an a priori standard
!c" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
!d" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
!b" only one implementation need then be created
!c" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!d" different implementations can then communicate with each other
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the technology of the physical network
!b" the size of data sent by the application
!c" the operating system
!d" the application protocol
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

%he transmission of high2'uality, interactive voice and video over the current ,nternet is difficult
because today's ,nternet

!a" is unable to guarantee minimum throughput or maximum latency for a given connection
!b" does not really have sufficient throughput
!c" uses connectionless protocols
!d" gives higher priority to bulk data transfers
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

%he $rotocol 5ata 4nit !$54" that is sent by a protocol layer to its peer on the destination system
typically includes
7 payload
7 protocol header
7 router vendor ,5

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.; of the course notes.

Which of the following parameters can be specified in the header of a re'uest in the +ypertext
%ransfer $rotocol !+%%$"
%he types of image formats that a browser understands
%he type of browser !e.g., #etscape, ,nternet -xplorer" making the re'uest
%he method by which the re'uest is to be satisfied.for example, whether the re'uest is a /-% of
a form submission

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Ciew 7ssessment Eesult( Bultiple2&hoice Muiz *

Your performance was as follows(
%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the technology of the physical network
!b" the operating system
!c" the size of data sent by the application
!d" the application protocol
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

,n a broadcast network

!a" only the computers that are tuned to a channel see and process the packets in that channel
!b" all computers see and process the application data within all packets
!c" only the destination computer sees a packet
!d" all computers see all packets, but the application data in each packet is only processed by the
destination computer
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

When you connect your computer to the ,nternet, the protocol!s" your computer uses is !are"
selected according to

!a" which operating system is running on your computer
!b" the application client and server you use at each moment
!c" what vendor your ,nternet service provider purchased e'uipment from
!d" which +%%$ !Web" server you connect to
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

-thernet !,--- >)3.6" is an example of

!a" an a priori standard
!b" a standard developed by the ,nternational %elecommunications 4nion
!c" a de facto standard later developed into a de <ure standard
!d" a successful example of the ,nternet's strategy of developing standards through Arough
consensus and running codeA
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connection2oriented communication
network. %hey could arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!b" only in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
!c" only in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" in any order, after having traversed the same route
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" cannot be determined from the information given
!b" 79 milliseconds
!c" ;; milliseconds
!d" :) milliseconds
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

You have recently become the first network engineer of a large corporation with offices
worldwide. %he company is considering the installation of a data network, but the =oard of
5irectors is rather old2fashioned and does not see the need to change the company's time2honored
business practices. Your first task at the <ob is to <ustify your salary and the cost of a new network,
and for this purpose you are about to give a presentation to the =oard of 5irectors. Which of the
following would you include in your presentation 7ssume the directors are extremely intelligent,
though perhaps not knowledgeable in your field.
Gower expenditures on computer hardware
+igher availability of customer services
=etter protection of the company's proprietary information

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

LLLLL can be used to measure latency in the communication network.

!a" =it -rror Eate
!b" %hroughput
!c" $ercentage of packets retransmitted
!d" Eoundtrip time
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7n advantage of defining network protocols through agreement among many companies and
individuals is that

!a" different implementations can then communicate with each other
!b" a protocol designed by committee always has better performance than that designed by a
single company or research pro<ect
!c" otherwise source code would need to be shipped with all networking applications
!d" only one implementation need then be created
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

Which of the following pairs of entities name a client and one of its servers
/oogle search
Web browserH/oogle search engine
-mail clientHWeb browser

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.
!d" %he search engine also has to search other servers.

Ciew 7ssessment Eesult( Bultiple2&hoice Muiz *

Your performance was as follows(
%he throughput of a network link for an +%%$ session is measured in two ways. Beasurement 7
is the total amount of data received by the browser, divided by the duration of the session.
Beasurement = is the total amount of data received by the operating system on behalf of the
browser, divided by the duration of the session. Which of the following statements about 7 and =
is true

!a" = is e'ual to 7
!b" 7 is smaller than =
!c" = and 7 are not related
!d" = is smaller than 7
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following methods are invoked by a server implemented with sockets
connect! "
listen! "
accept! "

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

We send a packet from host 7 to host =, which immediately acknowledges it. We measure the
interval between the time the packet is sent by 7 and its acknowledgement is received. %his
interval is found to be *>) milliseconds. What can be said about the latency of the link from 7 to

!a" ,t is greater than *>) ms.
!b" ,t is exactly *>) ms.
!c" ,t is exactly ?) ms.
!d" ,t is smaller than *>) ms.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7ll store2and2forward networks are

!a" connection2based networks
!b" broadcast networks
!c" packet or message switched networks
!d" connectionless networks
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

,n contrast to standards developed by traditional standards organizations like the ,nternational
%elecommunications 4nion !,%4" or the ,nternational 1tandards Drganization !,1D", standards
developed by the ,nternet -ngineering %ask 0orce !,-%0" can be

!a" developed in secret by the members of the ,-%0 until the standards mature sufficiently to
withstand public criticism
!b" modified arbitrarily by the 7dvance Eesearch pro<ects 7gency !7E$7" of the 4nited 1tates
5epartment of 5efense, which originally developed the ,nternet
!c" applied before they have been embodied in working implementations, in order not to delay
!d" extensively criti'ued and modified by individuals, without re'uiring them to have special
membership status
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.9 of the course notes.

%he Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4" is a parameter of

!a" the application protocol
!b" the technology of the physical network
!c" the size of data sent by the application
!d" the operating system
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.* of the course notes.

7 packet with no data is sent from host 7 to host = on an otherwise idle network. %he packet is
found to have taken 6; milliseconds to reach =. %he incremental overhead to send an additional
byte !usually called the AthroughputA" is estimated to be five microseconds by repeatedly
measuring the transmission times of long packets. 7pproximately, how long will an eight 8bytes
!>*?3 bytes" packet take to reach = when sent from 7

!a" :) milliseconds
!b" cannot be determined from the information given
!c" 79 milliseconds
!d" ;; milliseconds
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

7 computer sends *)) 8bytes of aggregate data to another computer through the network. ,f this
transmission time takes *) seconds and setup time is negligible, the throughput of this network is

!a" exactly *) 8bps
!b" in the range from 9) to *3) 8bps !kilobits per second"
!c" not able to be determined with the information given
!d" in the range from 9 to *3 8bps !kilobits per second"
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.: of the course notes.

%wo packets 7 and = are sent in that order through a connectionless communication network.
%hey will arrive at the destination

!a" in any order, after having traversed the same route
!b" in any order, after possibly having traversed different routes
!c" in the order 72=, after possibly having traversed different routes
!d" in the order 72=, after having traversed the same route
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.*.3 of the course notes.

Fohn is using his bank's Web server to pay his telephone bill electronically. Which kind!s" of
network interaction take!s" place in this 1cenario, from the moment Fohn logs into his bank's Web
site until the telephone company receives the money

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.* of the course notes.

/o to top of assessment.
%otal score( >).))

&opyright 3))6 i&arnegie, ,nc. 7ll rights reserved.
&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!c" &hoice ,,, is true regardless of whether or not collision detection is used.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" -ven $arity
!b" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!c" #ull $arity
!d" Ddd $arity
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

When the data link layer applies AframingA to the data to be transmitted, it

!a" enhances it with extra data that permits the receiver to synchronize with the sender
!b" inserts flags to draw attention to high2priority data within a transmission
!c" cuts out the headers from higher layer protocols before transmission
!d" adds the protocol headers from higher layers to the data before it transmits it
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!b" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!c" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.
!b" %he electronics that interface to the fiber cannot process more than a few /+z of bandwidth
in a single channel.

7 packet2switched network uses switches that schedule packets using a first2in2first2out !0,0D"
discipline. 1everal people want to carry out a conference over this network. %he conference is
carried out via typed text for the most part, but, occasionally, one of the parties has to send a large
video. %his happens very rarely. Which of the following switching approaches is most suitable for
this application

!a" Bessage2switched
!b" 1pace2switched
!c" &ircuit2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" can connect very distant nodes
!b" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
!c" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!d" works best for an even number of nodes
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!c" %his will not provide enough bandwidth for the video application to any computer.

%he point2to2point !$$$" protocol
can only be used in analog dial2up connections
is a data2link protocol
can only be used to carry ,$ over serial lines

!a" ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

,f you have seen any mobile telephone antennas, you will have noticed that they have groups of
radiating elements facing different directions. Bost antennas we know are arranged in a triangle,
so that each group spans a *3)2degree arc of the horizon, but we have also seen s'uares in which
each group spans a ?)2degree arc instead. %here is one such arrangement for each cell of a mobile
phone system. %his sort of base station is unsightly and expensive. 7 cell could instead use a
single omnidirectional antenna that would be simple and inconspicuous. Why do you think the
more complicated designs are used

!a" %o decrease fre'uency reuse without the need for time2division multiplexing
!b" %o increase fre'uency reuse without having to build more antenna towers
!c" %o decrease the number of times a call must be handed off from one base station to another.
!d" %o allow the use of switches based on space2division multiplexing
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!b" Ddd $arity
!c" -ven $arity
!d" #ull $arity
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 parity code is a!n"

!a" fair resource allocation scheme
!b" duplex transmission techni'ue
!c" error2correcting code
!d" error2detecting code
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" none
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.
!a" When multiplexing several channels on a single medium, we need to allow for filter
imperfections by allowing guard bands. %hus, while voice can be carried in a 6 8+z, we need to
apportion a lot of bandwidth to guard bands and other overhead.

,n contrast to message switching, packet switching
needs to find a AcopperA path to the receiver before transmitting any data
offers a better upper bound on transmission delay
suffers from greater overhead at the endpoints

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n contrast with wireless communication, AwiredA communication
does not suffer from attenuation and interference
can use any fre'uencies without a license
always has more throughput

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" none
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!c" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!b" %his is expensive and is not necessary because each computer never uses more than the
capacity of a *) Bbps network.

Eadio stations are able to share the 7B !7mplitude Bodulation" spectrum by using LLLLL

!a" phase shift
!b" time2division
!c" fre'uency2division
!d" wavelength2division
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!b" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!c" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" $acket2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" Bessage2switched
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" #ull $arity
!b" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!c" Ddd $arity
!d" -ven $arity
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

,f you have seen any mobile telephone antennas, you will have noticed that they have groups of
radiating elements facing different directions. Bost antennas we know are arranged in a triangle,
so that each group spans a *3)2degree arc of the horizon, but we have also seen s'uares in which
each group spans a ?)2degree arc instead. %here is one such arrangement for each cell of a mobile
phone system. %his sort of base station is unsightly and expensive. 7 cell could instead use a
single omnidirectional antenna that would be simple and inconspicuous. Why do you think the
more complicated designs are used

!a" %o decrease fre'uency reuse without the need for time2division multiplexing
!b" %o allow the use of switches based on space2division multiplexing
!c" %o increase fre'uency reuse without having to build more antenna towers
!d" %o decrease the number of times a call must be handed off from one base station to another.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

7 parity code is a!n"

!a" error2correcting code
!b" error2detecting code
!c" fair resource allocation scheme
!d" duplex transmission techni'ue
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" none
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!b" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
!c" within >) and *3) megabits per second
!d" exactly 3)) megabits per second
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 sender's data link layer uses Abit stuffingA to

!a" avoid confusing data bits with control bits
!b" force the receiver to enlarge its flow control window
!c" pad the data so that it has an even length for parity calculations
!d" mark the start and the end of a frame
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

%he point2to2point !$$$" protocol
can only be used in analog dial2up connections
is a data2link protocol
can only be used to carry ,$ over serial lines

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" works best for an even number of nodes
!b" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!c" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
!d" can connect very distant nodes
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!b" #ull $arity
!c" Ddd $arity
!d" -ven $arity
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 packet2switched network uses switches that schedule packets using a first2in2first2out !0,0D"
discipline. 1everal people want to carry out a conference over this network. %he conference is
carried out via typed text for the most part, but, occasionally, one of the parties has to send a large
video. %his happens very rarely. Which of the following switching approaches is most suitable for
this application

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" Bessage2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!c" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" Bessage2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" within >) and *3) megabits per second
!b" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!c" exactly 3)) megabits per second
!d" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!b" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!c" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
!d" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *:??
!b" *;)*
!c" *;)3
!d" *;))
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following apply to the transport protocol !e.g., %&$" but not to the network2layer
protocol !e.g., ,$"
,t need not be connection2oriented.
,t cannot guarantee, by itself, that data is received completely and without errors.
,t is only executed at the sender and receiver, not within the network infrastructure of routers and

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.* of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" 7ddressing
!b" -rror detection using checksum
!c" 7$, provided to application layer
!d" &ongestion control
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
!b" 1tore2and2forward buffer
!c" 1liding window size
!d" Eetransmit timeout
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ has lower overhead
%&$ is a transport2layer protocol
%&$ provides reliable transmission

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. %he %&$ segment has one
byte of payload. 0rom this, we know the following about the se'uence number sendse'no that
computer = will send next(

!a" sendse'no JK *;)*
!b" sendse'no JK *;)3
!c" sendse'no KK *;)3
!d" sendse'no KK *;)*
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7s you access a remote Web site !as you are currently doing", a %&$ segment is received from the
Web server that advertises a receive window size of 3) 8bytes. 0rom the round trip delay and
recent history, your computer's %&$ code decides to expand its congestion window to *; 8bytes,
in order to take advantage of an apparent improvement in network conditions. What %&$ sending
window size will be in effect in your computer at this point

!a" ; 8bytes
!b" 6; 8bytes
!c" 3) 8bytes
!d" *; 8bytes
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

=ecause of a faulty routing table, a network provider is temporarily unable to successfully deliver
packets from host = to host 7, even though packets from 7 to = experience no problems. %his
malfunction lasts *; minutes. 7t the time the malfunction occurred, the %&$ entity at host 7 was
sending a large file to host =. Which of the following is true of the packets that had not yet been
sent to =

!a" #o packets will reach =.
!b" 7ll packets will reach = normally.
!c" 1ome packets will reach =, but most will not.
!d" 7ll packets will reach = at a degraded rate.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%&$ packets may be lost
when the sender runs out of buffer space
when a router runs out of buffer space
when the subnet, running ,$, is congested

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he $ittsburgh 1upercomputing &enter and the 1an 5iego 1upercomputing &enter are linked to
the ,nternet via very high2speed lines !in *???, about 933 Bbps". 1eparated by about :,))) 8m,
and several routers, the network installers measured the round trip time between these two sites to
be about ;) milliseconds. You want to exchange a large data set between two very fast computers
at these sites. %he physical network capacity andHor speed of the computers limit the maximum
%&$ throughput to be about ;) million bytes per second under ideal circumstances. 7ssuming the
channel is free of interference and that very few packets, if any, are dropped, how much memory
would you allocate for a %&$ connection at the sender in order to maximize throughput without
spending money unnecessarily

!a" none
!b" a few megabytes
!c" as much as possible
!d" a few kilobytes, enough to hold one packet and one acknowledgment
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ is connection2oriented
%&$ needs to manage buffer space
%&$ addresses are a pair !,$ address, port number"

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

Bost postal systems provide a A&D5A service, by which the recipient pays for goods when she
picks them up at the post office. 0or the sender and seller, this incurs a delay in payment between
the time the goods are sent and the time the post office returns the customer's payment. ,n a sense,
during this period, the seller is loaning money to the buyer. %o limit its credit liability, the seller
typically limits the number of &D5 packages that are outstanding to a particular customer. %his
means that after ordering # items, the customer may be unable to order any more until at least one
of the # items has arrived and been paid for. What would you call # now that you are a
networking expert

!a" Baximum %ransfer 4nit !B%4"
!b" 1liding window size
!c" Eetransmit timeout
!d" 1tore2and2forward buffer
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 %&$ implementation that uses a sliding window for flow control has a coding error that causes
it to calculate a window size greater than the ideal. What are some of the likely effects of this
4nnecessarily idle network links
4nnecessary packet losses
/reater memory usage in routers

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

7 :2port ,nternet router has been designed with enough buffer space and &$4 power to service its
four links at their maximum capacity. Which of the following is!are" sufficient to keep the router
from becoming congested
#eighboring routers are similarly designed.
7ll ports have comparable throughput and latency.
Ginks to other routers have neither interference nor any losses.

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *;))
!b" *;)*
!c" *:??
!d" *;)3
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7s you access a remote Web site !as you are currently doing", a %&$ segment is received from the
Web server that advertises a receive window size of 3) 8bytes. 0rom the round trip delay and
recent history, your computer's %&$ code decides to expand its congestion window to *; 8bytes,
in order to take advantage of an apparent improvement in network conditions. What %&$ sending
window size will be in effect in your computer at this point

!a" ; 8bytes
!b" *; 8bytes
!c" 3) 8bytes
!d" 6; 8bytes
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

,n a network that is mostly used for +%%$ !Web" traffic, which of the following is a reasonable
approach to minimizing the amount of wasted bandwidth

!a" $opulate routers with more memory than they will ever need.
!b" 5ivide the available bandwidth e'ually among all connections.
!c" +ave data sources increase their sending rate until congestion is detected.
!d" +ave data sources send data as soon as it is available.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%he %ransmission &ontrol $rotocol !%&$" differs from the 4ser 5ata $rotocol !45$" in that
%&$ has lower overhead
%&$ is a transport2layer protocol
%&$ provides reliable transmission

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

7 :2port ,nternet router has been designed with enough buffer space and &$4 power to service its
four links at their maximum capacity. Which of the following is!are" sufficient to keep the router
from becoming congested
#eighboring routers are similarly designed.
7ll ports have comparable throughput and latency.
Ginks to other routers have neither interference nor any losses.

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" none
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

Bost postal systems allow customers to re'uest a receipt notification, by which the $ostal 1ervice
promises to notify the sender when the letter has been delivered to the recipient. %his makes the
postal system
a reliable network services provider
a reliable transport services provider
a datagram network service provider

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

You are charged with setting up the technology re'uired to transmit a video2conference over an
,$2based internetwork. You will have to implement a sending and a receiving application. Where
will you handle network congestion

!a" ,n both the sending and receiving applications
!b" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because late2arriving video frames are of no
!c" ,n the sending application only
!d" ,n neither the sending nor receiving application, because %&$ takes care of it
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.; of the course notes.

%he load offered to a network is the aggregate data rate at which the hosts connected to it attempt
to send data. When the offered load increases by 3)I, the amount of data successfully transported
may decrease by more than 6)I
may decrease by less than 6)I
may increase by less than 6)I

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.: of the course notes.

%o improve network performance, a %&$ receiver sends some information back to the sender by
piggybacking it onto the headers of packets sent from the receiver to the sender. Which of the
following can be sent this way
#ew retransmission timeout values
#umber of the last %&$ segment being acknowledged
7vailable receiver buffer size

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

=ecause of a faulty routing table, a network provider is temporarily unable to successfully deliver
packets from host = to host 7, even though packets from 7 to = experience no problems. %his
malfunction lasts *; minutes. 7t the time the malfunction occurred, the %&$ entity at host 7 was
sending a large file to host =. Which of the following is true of the packets that had not yet been
sent to =

!a" #o packets will reach =.
!b" 7ll packets will reach = at a degraded rate.
!c" 1ome packets will reach =, but most will not.
!d" 7ll packets will reach = normally.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.* of the course notes.

What is the service that %&$ provides but 45$ does not

!a" 7$, provided to application layer
!b" &ongestion control
!c" -rror detection using checksum
!d" 7ddressing
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

You have <ust written an implementation of a transport protocol. You have aggressively pursued
performance. 0or example, all acknowledgments are piggybacked on top of regular data packets,
in order to minimize their overhead. When your company releases your product, however, you get
the following complaint(

!a" Bany packets are retransmitted many times even though the network is idle.
!b" $acket headers have doubled in size, thereby halving the expected performance gains.
!c" 7E$ responses take a lot longer than before.
!d" Bany more packets than before fail to reach the receiving host.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

&omputer 7 has <ust received a %&$ segment with a header that has the values *;)) and *;)* in
the 7&8 and se'uence number fields, respectively, from computer =. 0rom this, we know that
computer = is waiting for se'uence number

!a" *:??
!b" *;))
!c" *;)3
!d" *;)*
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section 3.*.6 of the course notes.

1ecurity problems in mobile code are often dealt with by which of the following techni'ues(
run2time checking
compile2time checking
precompile checking
predictive checking

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, ,,,, and ,C
!c" ,C only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.3 of the course notes.

%o execute transactions that contain multiple statements, a F5=& application must LLLLL.

!a" use begin and end statements
!b" disable auto2commit
!c" open multiple connections
!d" send the statements without a * second pause between each pair
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.6 of the course notes.

,n which of the following naming services do lookups correspond to a walk from the root to a
node of a name tree
&DE=7's name service

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

+ow are G57$ names represented

!a" 71&,, strings concatenated with slashes
!b" Drdered lists of attribute2value pairs
!c" 71&,, strings concatenated with periods !dots"
!d" 4nordered lists of attribute2value pairs
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.: of the course notes.

&/, scripts are passed LLLLL and return LLLLL.

!a" an +%BG form, a 4EG
!b" an 71&,, string, an +%BG document
!c" 7 4EG, an +%BG form
!d" an +%BG form, an +%BG document
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.3.* of the course notes.

Which of the following statements about routers that use 0,0D packet schedulers are true
-ach user has a separate 'ueue in the router.
4sers who send at higher rates despite congestion warnings will have the same throughput as
users who send at lower rates.

!a" #one
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

%he purpose of token buckets is

!a" to limit the amount of traffic entering a network
!b" to store copies of packets in case some are lost
!c" to combine packets into a smaller number of larger datagrams
!d" to weigh the amount of traffic through a router
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.3 of the course notes.

When an application submits a re'uest for guaranteed service, which of the following will the
signaling protocol contact
Dnly the router with the lowest bandwidth along the path that the application will use
Dnly the first router along the path that the application will use
7ll routers along the path that the application will use

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following are reasons ,nt1erv !the ,ntegrated 1ervices Bodel" has not been widely
&oncerns about complexity of the service model
Gack of demand for real2time services
$roblems scaling to a large environment such as the ,nternet

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following does the original ,nternet service model guarantee
7 certain maximum packet delay
7 certain minimum bandwidth

!a" #one
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.6.* of the course notes.

7 student's desktop system executes a procedure call to a departmental server. Which of the
following are true
7 remote procedure call will always take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call will never take longer than a local call to complete.
7 remote procedure call may fail when the same call executed locally would succeed.

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

,n E$&, the process of encoding parameters and results is called

!a" parameterizing
!b" packetizing
!c" E$&ode
!d" marshaling
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.6 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" ; %&$ ports
!b" * %&$ port
!c" 9 %&$ ports
!d" 3 %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&B&,7
!c" $&,
!d" 1&1,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

What & function converts long integers from machine2byte order to network2byte order

!a" atoin
!b" htonl
!c" endian
!d" bcopy
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.3 of the course notes.

+igh2speed network interfaces for $&s or Bacs are typically designed for use in the LLLLL bus.

!a" ,17
!b" $&,
!c" 1&1,
!d" $&B&,7
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.9 of the course notes.

,n theory, the minimum E$& time on an -thernet is *)3 microseconds. ,n practice, getting the
E$& time down to *;)) microseconds is a considerable achievement. What causes this

!a" -thernet has long delay time
!b" Garge buffer on network interface card takes a while to fill up
!c" Dperating system and protocol overhead
!d" Gimited memory bandwidth between processor and network interface card
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five different computers. +ow many
sockets is this server using

!a" 3
!b" *
!c" 9
!d" ;
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
Dne socket is active to receive new re'uests, and five are active to transfer data. 1ee section
3.3.* of the course notes.

7 Web server is attending to five active re'uests from five computers. ,t receives data sent via
%&$ to

!a" 9 %&$ ports
!b" 3 %&$ ports
!c" * %&$ port
!d" ; %&$ ports
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.* of the course notes.

%wo machines are connected to each other with a *)) megabitHsec fiber connection. %he round
trip time between the machines is >) milliseconds. What minimum size must the receive buffer be
to allow the machines to utilize the full *)) megabitsHsec

!a" * megabyte
!b" 3 megabytes
!c" ;)) kilobytes
!d" > megabytes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 3.3.7 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

%he network interface card of a Web server that you manage has developed sporadic problems.
You measure the packet loss rate from your desktop computer and immediately decide to replace
the network card. 7fter this simple operation, the Web server successfully re<oins the network, as
confirmed by your officemate using her desktop computer. You eagerly go to your desktop to
measure the improvement, but find instead that the Web server is not responding to any of your
packets. What is your diagnosis

!a" %he 5omain #ame 1ystem !5#1" has not yet updated its entry for the Web server.
!b" %he new network card does not work.
!c" Your desktop computer's network card does not work.
!d" Your desktop computer is still trying to contact the server's old network card.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

7 network uses a routing algorithm that uses paths with the least number of hops. %hese paths are
computed periodically using a shortest2path algorithm. ,n this network, datagrams
are routed around congested links
may traverse the same router twice
will always reach their destination

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" 5istance vector routing
!b" 0looding
!c" Gink state routing
!d" 5atagram broadcast
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

%he 5ynamic +ost &onfiguration $rotocol !5+&$" may be used to
configure the scheduling policy of a busy server
relieve the saturation of the ,$ address space
assign a fixed address to a Web server after a reboot

!a" , only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" ,, ,, and ,,,
!b" ,, only
!c" none
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

%he main network engineer of a large corporation is charged with designing and deploying the
company's intranet. 1he has decided to use a connection2oriented network layer. Which of the
following concerns do you think motivated her choice

!a" &ost of short transactions.e.g., credit card charge approval.
!b" 7bility to re2route traffic around congested links
!c" 7bility to reserve bandwidth.e.g., for important presentations to the =oard
!d" &ost of the routers as the network grows
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets, respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?92byte datagram !e.g., using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many ,$ fragments will the router process as a result

!a" :
!b" *
!c" ;
!d" 3
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

7 corporate information systems manager is interested in collecting statistics on the fre'uency of
computer failures within the organization. Bost failures result in an automatic reboot, so the failed
computer is typically back on the network in less than a minute. %he corporate network connects
*,;)) computers in far2flung locations to which the average latency of a packet is :) milliseconds.
%he manager asks you to write a tool that will collect the times at which failures occurred in which
computers. 1he wants it by tomorrow, so the tool will have to be simple. Dn which protocol will
you base your implementation

!a" $GB
!b" %&$
!c" ,&B$ !ping"
!d" 1#B$
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
!b" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!c" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
!d" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

%ired of inaccurate routing tables, Foe, the network engineer, devises what he thinks is surely the
best of all routing algorithms, which calculates the shortest2delay path for each packet. %he
algorithm works as follows. 7 routing server periodically polls each router for its full routing table
and link delay statistics. %his information from all routers is amalgamated into a complete model
of the state of the network topology. 4sing this model, Foe's program selects the shortest delay
paths, for which he derives new routing tables and sends to each router. Foe wants to deploy his
algorithm immediately, but critics envious of his intelligence have offered the following
ob<ections. Which of the ob<ections, if any, deserve attention
Foe's algorithm is not scalable
Foe's algorithm is not reliable
Foe's algorithm results in inaccurate routing tables

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

%he class = ,$ network *3>.3.x.x has been assigned to &arnegie Bellon 4niversity. %o relieve
congestion in its internal G7#, &arnegie Bellon has decided to subnet this ,$ network. %his will
have which of the following conse'uences
%he configuration of the subnets will have to be announced to routers all over the world by
notifying #,& andHor ,7#7.
7 computer may need to change its ,$ address when moved from one office to another.
1ome bridges, hubs, or switches will need to be replaced with routers.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

7t which of the following layers of the D1, protocol stack can the ,nternet &ontrol Bessage
$rotocol be implemented
5ata link

!a" , or ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%he ,$ address space is organized in a hierarchy
to make the routing task more scalable
to decrease inefficient fragmentation of the address space
to give institutions managing local2area networks autonomous control over the assignment of
addresses to computers

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" none
!c" ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" Gink state routing
!b" 5istance vector routing
!c" 5atagram broadcast
!d" 0looding
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" none
!c" ,, ,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

%he main network engineer of a large corporation is charged with designing and deploying the
company's intranet. 1he has decided to use a connection2oriented network layer. Which of the
following concerns do you think motivated her choice

!a" &ost of the routers as the network grows
!b" 7bility to reserve bandwidth.e.g., for important presentations to the =oard
!c" &ost of short transactions.e.g., credit card charge approval.
!d" 7bility to re2route traffic around congested links
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

5o most distributed applications re'uire a complete ordering of events

!a" Yes, and they must know the exact time.
!b" Yes, but they do not need to know the exact time.
!c" #o, most distributed applications only need a partial ordering of events.
!d" #o, most distributed applications are designed so that the order of events doesn't matter.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are true
%he happens2before relation is transitive.
5is<oint events can have the same logical time.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following can $/$ provide
Bessage integrity checking
1ender authentication

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

7 client sends a secure http re'uest to a server that uses 11G. %he server responds with a
certificate. What is the data in the certificate

!a" %he client's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
!b" %he client's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!c" %he server's public key encrypted, using the secret key of a certification authority
!d" 7 certification authority's public key encrypted, using the server's private key
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following are advantages of stateless distributed file systems
Gimited complexity on the file server
$revents inconsistencies by preventing conflicting file access

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,
!c" #one
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.: of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true
Working on several tasks at the same time in an interleaved fashion can sometimes improve
throughput without increasing response time.
,t is sometimes not possible to both maximize throughput and minimize response time.

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *9.97
1ee section 6.*.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are true of &DE=7's dynamic discovery of interfaces
$arameter values are matched by the number and type of the parameters.
$arameter values can be provided by a human user at run time.

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" #one
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following stubs does the ,5G compiler generate
&lient stubs
1erver stubs

!a" #one
!b" , and ,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are supported by Fini
-ntire ob<ect passing
5iscovery service that looks up services based on a set of attributes

!a" #one
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.6 of the course notes.

,n a traditional distributed computing environment, LLLLL decides what services are needed and
configures a set of servers to provide those services.

!a" a central server
!b" a process load table
!c" the user
!d" the system manager
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following statements are true about &DE=7
4sing the &DE=7 ,5G, existing code written in procedural languages can be made to look like
ob<ects using ,5G wrappers
,5G code can be generated automatically from the code of many DD languages
%he ,5G code can be used to generate implementation code automatically in one of many DD

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( 3).))
1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes. 1ee section 6.6.3 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!b" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!c" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!d" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!b" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!c" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
!d" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

Why do not all network switches use crossbars in their switching fabric
0or a given number of ports, crossbars are more expensive.
&rossbars are more likely to block connections unnecessarily between ports that are idle.
&rossbar designs are too simple.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n contrast to message switching, packet switching
needs to find a AcopperA path to the receiver before transmitting any data
offers a better upper bound on transmission delay
suffers from greater overhead at the endpoints

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 sender's data link layer uses Abit stuffingA to

!a" avoid confusing data bits with control bits
!b" mark the start and the end of a frame
!c" force the receiver to enlarge its flow control window
!d" pad the data so that it has an even length for parity calculations
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following statements most closely agrees with your position regarding the reliability
of the service provided by the data link layer

!a" %he data link layer need not be concerned with reliability because the physical layer is
perfectly reliable.
!b" %he data link layer must provide connection2oriented service because it must retransmit lost
data and eliminate duplicate data.
!c" %he data link layer need not retransmit data, but must acknowledge received data because it
must detect lost data.
!d" %he data link layer's concern with reliability is an optimization, not a re'uirement.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" none
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 physical medium that uses the :bH;b encoding scheme sends ; bits for every : bits of data it
needs to deliver. %his encoding
decreases the maximum throughput of the medium
unnecessarily sends redundant data
improves the reliability of the transmission

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" $acket2switched
!b" &ircuit2switched
!c" Bessage2switched
!d" 1pace2switched
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n contrast with wireless communication, AwiredA communication
does not suffer from attenuation and interference
can use any fre'uencies without a license
always has more throughput

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" none
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" none
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

Eadio stations are able to share the 7B !7mplitude Bodulation" spectrum by using LLLLL

!a" wavelength2division
!b" fre'uency2division
!c" time2division
!d" phase shift
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

When the data link layer applies AframingA to the data to be transmitted, it

!a" inserts flags to draw attention to high2priority data within a transmission
!b" adds the protocol headers from higher layers to the data before it transmits it
!c" cuts out the headers from higher layer protocols before transmission
!d" enhances it with extra data that permits the receiver to synchronize with the sender
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" exactly 3)) megabits per second
!b" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
!c" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!d" within >) and *3) megabits per second
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" can connect very distant nodes
!b" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!c" works best for an even number of nodes
!d" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
!b" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!c" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!d" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!c" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

Which of the following statements most closely agrees with your position regarding the reliability
of the service provided by the data link layer

!a" %he data link layer's concern with reliability is an optimization, not a re'uirement.
!b" %he data link layer need not retransmit data, but must acknowledge received data because it
must detect lost data.
!c" %he data link layer must provide connection2oriented service because it must retransmit lost
data and eliminate duplicate data.
!d" %he data link layer need not be concerned with reliability because the physical layer is
perfectly reliable.
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!b" can connect very distant nodes
!c" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
!d" works best for an even number of nodes
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

,n contrast to message switching, packet switching
needs to find a AcopperA path to the receiver before transmitting any data
offers a better upper bound on transmission delay
suffers from greater overhead at the endpoints

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

Why do not all network switches use crossbars in their switching fabric
0or a given number of ports, crossbars are more expensive.
&rossbars are more likely to block connections unnecessarily between ports that are idle.
&rossbar designs are too simple.

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!b" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
!c" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!d" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

,f you have seen any mobile telephone antennas, you will have noticed that they have groups of
radiating elements facing different directions. Bost antennas we know are arranged in a triangle,
so that each group spans a *3)2degree arc of the horizon, but we have also seen s'uares in which
each group spans a ?)2degree arc instead. %here is one such arrangement for each cell of a mobile
phone system. %his sort of base station is unsightly and expensive. 7 cell could instead use a
single omnidirectional antenna that would be simple and inconspicuous. Why do you think the
more complicated designs are used

!a" %o decrease the number of times a call must be handed off from one base station to another.
!b" %o decrease fre'uency reuse without the need for time2division multiplexing
!c" %o allow the use of switches based on space2division multiplexing
!d" %o increase fre'uency reuse without having to build more antenna towers
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!b" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!c" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" none
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!c" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

Why do not all network switches use crossbars in their switching fabric
0or a given number of ports, crossbars are more expensive.
&rossbars are more likely to block connections unnecessarily between ports that are idle.
&rossbar designs are too simple.

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n the year 3))), telephone and cable television companies are competing for the home ,nternet
market. 7 typical offering of 751G by the telephone companies is for a *.; Bbps link into the
home, while a common offering by the cable television companies is for a shared 37 Bbps link
into the home. %he cost is usually comparable for these two options. 1uppose you want to display
the images at home that are constantly sent over the ,nternet by a security camera elsewhere. %he
camera has a relatively low refresh rate and the transmission will approximately re'uire a constant
6)) 8bps. Df course, you will also want to use your computer to surf the ,nternet. Which of the
following would be valid arguments to get a cable modem instead of 751G
%he cable modem always has better bandwidth and latency than 751G.
%he cable %C company has more experience transmitting analog video.
%he camera is connected to the ,nternet via the same cable %C company

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,, only
!c" none
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 sender's data link layer uses Abit stuffingA to

!a" mark the start and the end of a frame
!b" force the receiver to enlarge its flow control window
!c" avoid confusing data bits with control bits
!d" pad the data so that it has an even length for parity calculations
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
!b" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!c" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!d" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

,n contrast to message switching, packet switching
needs to find a AcopperA path to the receiver before transmitting any data
offers a better upper bound on transmission delay
suffers from greater overhead at the endpoints

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

7 parity code is a!n"

!a" duplex transmission techni'ue
!b" error2correcting code
!c" error2detecting code
!d" fair resource allocation scheme
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

Which of the following statements most closely agrees with your position regarding the reliability
of the service provided by the data link layer

!a" %he data link layer must provide connection2oriented service because it must retransmit lost
data and eliminate duplicate data.
!b" %he data link layer need not retransmit data, but must acknowledge received data because it
must detect lost data.
!c" %he data link layer need not be concerned with reliability because the physical layer is
perfectly reliable.
!d" %he data link layer's concern with reliability is an optimization, not a re'uirement.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

,n the year 3))), telephone and cable television companies are competing for the home ,nternet
market. 7 typical offering of 751G by the telephone companies is for a *.; Bbps link into the
home, while a common offering by the cable television companies is for a shared 37 Bbps link
into the home. %he cost is usually comparable for these two options. 1uppose you want to display
the images at home that are constantly sent over the ,nternet by a security camera elsewhere. %he
camera has a relatively low refresh rate and the transmission will approximately re'uire a constant
6)) 8bps. Df course, you will also want to use your computer to surf the ,nternet. Which of the
following would be valid arguments to get a cable modem instead of 751G
%he cable modem always has better bandwidth and latency than 751G.
%he cable %C company has more experience transmitting analog video.
%he camera is connected to the ,nternet via the same cable %C company

!a" , only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" Bessage2switched
!b" 1pace2switched
!c" $acket2switched
!d" &ircuit2switched
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!b" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!c" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 packet2switched network uses switches that schedule packets using a first2in2first2out !0,0D"
discipline. 1everal people want to carry out a conference over this network. %he conference is
carried out via typed text for the most part, but, occasionally, one of the parties has to send a large
video. %his happens very rarely. Which of the following switching approaches is most suitable for
this application

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" 1pace2switched
!c" $acket2switched
!d" Bessage2switched
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Why do not all network switches use crossbars in their switching fabric
0or a given number of ports, crossbars are more expensive.
&rossbars are more likely to block connections unnecessarily between ports that are idle.
&rossbar designs are too simple.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!b" within >) and *3) megabits per second
!c" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
!d" exactly 3)) megabits per second
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

Eadio stations are able to share the 7B !7mplitude Bodulation" spectrum by using LLLLL

!a" time2division
!b" phase shift
!c" fre'uency2division
!d" wavelength2division
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" Ddd $arity
!b" -ven $arity
!c" #ull $arity
!d" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!c" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!b" %his is expensive and is not necessary because each computer never uses more than the
capacity of a *) Bbps network.
7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?9 byte datagram !e.g. using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many incoming ,$ headers will the router process that have the B0 !more fragments" flag

!a" ;
!b" )
!c" :
!d" *
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

,n contrast to the 7ddress Eesolution $rotocol !7E$", the 5omain #ame 1ystem !5#1"

!a" is not used to find hosts within a G7#
!b" is not used to find host addresses
!c" can use the same algorithm on all physical network technologies
!d" caches values
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
!b" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
!c" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!d" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

7t which of the following layers of the D1, protocol stack can the ,nternet &ontrol Bessage
$rotocol be implemented
5ata link

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , or ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

7fter coming back from a vacation, you are eager to read your mail. You have several email
accounts. Dne of them is served from, so you open up your browser and try to go to 4nfortunately, is down at the moment.
=ecause of this, which of the following packet types have traversed your ,1$'s router

!a" ,, only
!b" none
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.
!a" 5#1 is transported by ,$.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" 0looding
!b" Gink state routing
!c" 5istance vector routing
!d" 5atagram broadcast
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" none
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets, respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?92byte datagram !e.g., using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many ,$ fragments will the router process as a result

!a" 3
!b" *
!c" :
!d" ;
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

You have <ust connected a newly purchased computer to your G7#. -agerly, you boot it for the
first time and find with great disappointment that the machine will not be able to use the network
because of an ,$ address conflict. +ow did the computer find the conflict

!a" ,t sent an -thernet frame to its own -thernet address, and some other machine responded.
!b" ,t sent an ,$ packet to its own ,$ address and did not receive any ,$ packets within a timeout
!c" ,t sent a packet to *37.).).) and did not receive any replies.
!d" ,t sent an 7E$ packet to the local broadcast address and received a reply.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.
!a" -thernet addresses are uni'ue

Which of the following developments will be facilitated by the widespread deployment of ,$v9
-very appliance can become an ,nternet node
5oubling in reliability of data links between routers
-limination of ,$ address AspoofingA !a line of computer attack in which ,$ datagrams are made to
appear to come from a bogus address"

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!b" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
!c" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
!d" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,, and ,,,
!c" ,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

7 difference between routers and switches is that

!a" switches hold ,$ routing tables only for only local subnets
!b" switches connect only to hosts, whereas routers connect networks
!c" routers parse, process, and modify ,$ headers
!d" routers perform the same function as switches but the two are marketed in very different ways
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.
!a" 1witches operate at the data link layer and have no AawarenessA of the ,$ protocol.

%he network interface card of a Web server that you manage has developed sporadic problems.
You measure the packet loss rate from your desktop computer and immediately decide to replace
the network card. 7fter this simple operation, the Web server successfully re<oins the network, as
confirmed by your officemate using her desktop computer. You eagerly go to your desktop to
measure the improvement, but find instead that the Web server is not responding to any of your
packets. What is your diagnosis

!a" %he new network card does not work.
!b" %he 5omain #ame 1ystem !5#1" has not yet updated its entry for the Web server.
!c" Your desktop computer's network card does not work.
!d" Your desktop computer is still trying to contact the server's old network card.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

%he following Fava declaration
,net7ddress addr K ,net7ddress.getby#ame!Awww.example.comA"N
will fail when

!a" a route to is not available
!b" does not respond to 7E$ re'uests
!c" all known 5#1 servers are down
!d" is down
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee &hapter *) of the yellow book. 1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

7t which of the following layers of the D1, protocol stack can the ,nternet &ontrol Bessage
$rotocol be implemented
5ata link

!a" , or ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

7 network uses a routing algorithm that uses paths with the least number of hops. %hese paths are
computed periodically using a shortest2path algorithm. ,n this network, datagrams
are routed around congested links
may traverse the same router twice
will always reach their destination

!a" , and ,, only
!b" none
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

%he 5ynamic +ost &onfiguration $rotocol !5+&$" may be used to
configure the scheduling policy of a busy server
relieve the saturation of the ,$ address space
assign a fixed address to a Web server after a reboot

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%he main network engineer of a large corporation is charged with designing and deploying the
company's intranet. 1he has decided to use a connection2oriented network layer. Which of the
following concerns do you think motivated her choice

!a" &ost of the routers as the network grows
!b" 7bility to re2route traffic around congested links
!c" &ost of short transactions.e.g., credit card charge approval.
!d" 7bility to reserve bandwidth.e.g., for important presentations to the =oard
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$" is used in the network layer of the ,nternet. Which service does ,$
provide to the transport layer

!a" &onnection2oriented service via virtual circuits
!b" &onnectionless service via virtual circuits
!c" &onnection2oriented service via datagrams
!d" &onnectionless service via datagrams
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

You have <ust connected a newly purchased computer to your G7#. -agerly, you boot it for the
first time and find with great disappointment that the machine will not be able to use the network
because of an ,$ address conflict. +ow did the computer find the conflict

!a" ,t sent a packet to *37.).).) and did not receive any replies.
!b" ,t sent an 7E$ packet to the local broadcast address and received a reply.
!c" ,t sent an ,$ packet to its own ,$ address and did not receive any ,$ packets within a timeout
!d" ,t sent an -thernet frame to its own -thernet address, and some other machine responded.
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

%he class = ,$ network *3>.3.x.x has been assigned to &arnegie Bellon 4niversity. %o relieve
congestion in its internal G7#, &arnegie Bellon has decided to subnet this ,$ network. %his will
have which of the following conse'uences
%he configuration of the subnets will have to be announced to routers all over the world by
notifying #,& andHor ,7#7.
7 computer may need to change its ,$ address when moved from one office to another.
1ome bridges, hubs, or switches will need to be replaced with routers.

!a" ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

4sing the 5omain #ame 1ystem, we can find
that 3):.*?:.6).*6) is the ,$ address of
that knows how to handle email for all ,=B employees
that a datagram for an ,=B address in ,ndia will be routed through an ,nternet ,=B router named in #ew York

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

Which of the following protocols are essential to the existence of the %raceroute tool

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.7 of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" none
!b" ,, ,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

%he following Fava declaration
,net7ddress addr K ,net7ddress.getby#ame!Awww.example.comA"N
will fail when

!a" does not respond to 7E$ re'uests
!b" is down
!c" all known 5#1 servers are down
!d" a route to is not available
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee &hapter *) of the yellow book. 1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

7 corporate information systems manager is interested in collecting statistics on the fre'uency of
computer failures within the organization. Bost failures result in an automatic reboot, so the failed
computer is typically back on the network in less than a minute. %he corporate network connects
*,;)) computers in far2flung locations to which the average latency of a packet is :) milliseconds.
%he manager asks you to write a tool that will collect the times at which failures occurred in which
computers. 1he wants it by tomorrow, so the tool will have to be simple. Dn which protocol will
you base your implementation

!a" ,&B$ !ping"
!b" $GB
!c" 1#B$
!d" %&$
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
!b" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!c" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
!d" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following protocols are essential to the existence of the %raceroute tool

!a" ,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.7 of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!b" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
!c" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
!d" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

%he 5ynamic +ost &onfiguration $rotocol !5+&$" may be used to
configure the scheduling policy of a busy server
relieve the saturation of the ,$ address space
assign a fixed address to a Web server after a reboot

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%ired of inaccurate routing tables, Foe, the network engineer, devises what he thinks is surely the
best of all routing algorithms, which calculates the shortest2delay path for each packet. %he
algorithm works as follows. 7 routing server periodically polls each router for its full routing table
and link delay statistics. %his information from all routers is amalgamated into a complete model
of the state of the network topology. 4sing this model, Foe's program selects the shortest delay
paths, for which he derives new routing tables and sends to each router. Foe wants to deploy his
algorithm immediately, but critics envious of his intelligence have offered the following
ob<ections. Which of the ob<ections, if any, deserve attention
Foe's algorithm is not scalable
Foe's algorithm is not reliable
Foe's algorithm results in inaccurate routing tables

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

,n contrast to the 7ddress Eesolution $rotocol !7E$", the 5omain #ame 1ystem !5#1"

!a" can use the same algorithm on all physical network technologies
!b" is not used to find hosts within a G7#
!c" caches values
!d" is not used to find host addresses
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

Which of the following developments will be facilitated by the widespread deployment of ,$v9
-very appliance can become an ,nternet node
5oubling in reliability of data links between routers
-limination of ,$ address AspoofingA !a line of computer attack in which ,$ datagrams are made to
appear to come from a bogus address"

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

4sing the 5omain #ame 1ystem, we can find
that 3):.*?:.6).*6) is the ,$ address of
that knows how to handle email for all ,=B employees
that a datagram for an ,=B address in ,ndia will be routed through an ,nternet ,=B router named in #ew York

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

7 network uses a routing algorithm that uses paths with the least number of hops. %hese paths are
computed periodically using a shortest2path algorithm. ,n this network, datagrams
are routed around congested links
may traverse the same router twice
will always reach their destination

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

,n a network that uses shortest2path2per2hop routing, router 7 receives a datagram destined for
host + and determines that the shortest path to + traverses routers =, &, and 5, in that order. %he
datagram may traverse
= and 5, but not &
=, &, and 5, in that order
& and 5, but not =

!a" none
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.
!d" = may have a different shortest path to 5, unbeknownst to 7

7 difference between routers and switches is that

!a" switches connect only to hosts, whereas routers connect networks
!b" switches hold ,$ routing tables only for only local subnets
!c" routers parse, process, and modify ,$ headers
!d" routers perform the same function as switches but the two are marketed in very different ways
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

,n a network that uses shortest2path2per2hop routing, router 7 receives a datagram destined for
host + and determines that the shortest path to + traverses routers =, &, and 5, in that order. %he
datagram may traverse
= and 5, but not &
=, &, and 5, in that order
& and 5, but not =

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" none
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets, respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?92byte datagram !e.g., using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many ,$ fragments will the router process as a result

!a" :
!b" *
!c" ;
!d" 3
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

7t which of the following layers of the D1, protocol stack can the ,nternet &ontrol Bessage
$rotocol be implemented
5ata link

!a" , or ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

7 corporate information systems manager is interested in collecting statistics on the fre'uency of
computer failures within the organization. Bost failures result in an automatic reboot, so the failed
computer is typically back on the network in less than a minute. %he corporate network connects
*,;)) computers in far2flung locations to which the average latency of a packet is :) milliseconds.
%he manager asks you to write a tool that will collect the times at which failures occurred in which
computers. 1he wants it by tomorrow, so the tool will have to be simple. Dn which protocol will
you base your implementation

!a" 1#B$
!b" $GB
!c" %&$
!d" ,&B$ !ping"
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%he 5ynamic +ost &onfiguration $rotocol !5+&$" may be used to
configure the scheduling policy of a busy server
relieve the saturation of the ,$ address space
assign a fixed address to a Web server after a reboot

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" ,, and ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$" is used in the network layer of the ,nternet. Which service does ,$
provide to the transport layer

!a" &onnectionless service via datagrams
!b" &onnection2oriented service via virtual circuits
!c" &onnectionless service via virtual circuits
!d" &onnection2oriented service via datagrams
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" Gink state routing
!b" 5atagram broadcast
!c" 5istance vector routing
!d" 0looding
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?9 byte datagram !e.g. using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many incoming ,$ headers will the router process that have the B0 !more fragments" flag

!a" ;
!b" :
!c" )
!d" *
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" , only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!c" &hoice ,,, is true regardless of whether or not collision detection is used.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" -ven $arity
!b" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!c" #ull $arity
!d" Ddd $arity
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

When the data link layer applies AframingA to the data to be transmitted, it

!a" enhances it with extra data that permits the receiver to synchronize with the sender
!b" inserts flags to draw attention to high2priority data within a transmission
!c" cuts out the headers from higher layer protocols before transmission
!d" adds the protocol headers from higher layers to the data before it transmits it
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!b" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!c" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.
!b" %he electronics that interface to the fiber cannot process more than a few /+z of bandwidth
in a single channel.

7 packet2switched network uses switches that schedule packets using a first2in2first2out !0,0D"
discipline. 1everal people want to carry out a conference over this network. %he conference is
carried out via typed text for the most part, but, occasionally, one of the parties has to send a large
video. %his happens very rarely. Which of the following switching approaches is most suitable for
this application

!a" Bessage2switched
!b" 1pace2switched
!c" &ircuit2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" , only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" can connect very distant nodes
!b" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
!c" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!d" works best for an even number of nodes
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!c" %his will not provide enough bandwidth for the video application to any computer.

%he point2to2point !$$$" protocol
can only be used in analog dial2up connections
is a data2link protocol
can only be used to carry ,$ over serial lines

!a" ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

,f you have seen any mobile telephone antennas, you will have noticed that they have groups of
radiating elements facing different directions. Bost antennas we know are arranged in a triangle,
so that each group spans a *3)2degree arc of the horizon, but we have also seen s'uares in which
each group spans a ?)2degree arc instead. %here is one such arrangement for each cell of a mobile
phone system. %his sort of base station is unsightly and expensive. 7 cell could instead use a
single omnidirectional antenna that would be simple and inconspicuous. Why do you think the
more complicated designs are used

!a" %o decrease fre'uency reuse without the need for time2division multiplexing
!b" %o increase fre'uency reuse without having to build more antenna towers
!c" %o decrease the number of times a call must be handed off from one base station to another.
!d" %o allow the use of switches based on space2division multiplexing
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!b" Ddd $arity
!c" -ven $arity
!d" #ull $arity
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7 parity code is a!n"

!a" fair resource allocation scheme
!b" duplex transmission techni'ue
!c" error2correcting code
!d" error2detecting code
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" none
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.
!a" When multiplexing several channels on a single medium, we need to allow for filter
imperfections by allowing guard bands. %hus, while voice can be carried in a 6 8+z, we need to
apportion a lot of bandwidth to guard bands and other overhead.

,n contrast to message switching, packet switching
needs to find a AcopperA path to the receiver before transmitting any data
offers a better upper bound on transmission delay
suffers from greater overhead at the endpoints

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

,n contrast with wireless communication, AwiredA communication
does not suffer from attenuation and interference
can use any fre'uencies without a license
always has more throughput

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" none
!c" ,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" ,,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
!c" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!d" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.
!b" %his is expensive and is not necessary because each computer never uses more than the
capacity of a *) Bbps network.

Eadio stations are able to share the 7B !7mplitude Bodulation" spectrum by using LLLLL

!a" phase shift
!b" time2division
!c" fre'uency2division
!d" wavelength2division
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 cable is rated at *?3)) baud. 7 *?3)) baud cable is guaranteed to transmit a signal successfully
that has the potential to change *?3)) times per second. %he maximum throughput of this cable,
assuming a sensible encoding,

!a" is between *?3)) and 6>:)) bits per second, depending on the bit pattern of the transmitted
!b" can be any number greater than or e'ual to *?3)) bits per second, depending on the way the
data is encoded into signal voltages
!c" is exactly *?3)) bits per second
!d" is less than *?3)) bits per second
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 fiber optic is found to be able to deliver light cleanly in a fre'uency range 3;,))) /+z wide.
%his fiber can be used to create the following type of channel between two routers
a single ;) terabits per second !%bps K *,))) /bps" data channel
; 32/bps data channels
one video channel but no data channels, because data cannot be encoded in light beams

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs. %he network performance has been found to be lacking, and an upgrade is
planned. %he computers usually have modest network needs !in the order of ;)) 8bps", but one or
two are occasionally used to receive high2'uality remote video streams that re'uire in the order of
*) Bbps. #o more than two computers are used for this purpose at any given time, but any two
may be used for this application. What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!b" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!c" 7 *) =ase2% bridge to connect several existing hubs
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" $acket2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" Bessage2switched
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" #ull $arity
!b" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!c" Ddd $arity
!d" -ven $arity
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!b" , only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

,f you have seen any mobile telephone antennas, you will have noticed that they have groups of
radiating elements facing different directions. Bost antennas we know are arranged in a triangle,
so that each group spans a *3)2degree arc of the horizon, but we have also seen s'uares in which
each group spans a ?)2degree arc instead. %here is one such arrangement for each cell of a mobile
phone system. %his sort of base station is unsightly and expensive. 7 cell could instead use a
single omnidirectional antenna that would be simple and inconspicuous. Why do you think the
more complicated designs are used

!a" %o decrease fre'uency reuse without the need for time2division multiplexing
!b" %o allow the use of switches based on space2division multiplexing
!c" %o increase fre'uency reuse without having to build more antenna towers
!d" %o decrease the number of times a call must be handed off from one base station to another.
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

7 parity code is a!n"

!a" error2correcting code
!b" error2detecting code
!c" fair resource allocation scheme
!d" duplex transmission techni'ue
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

7fter the phone company installs a %* trunk to an office building, which of the following can it
provide to the tenants of the building Eecall that a %* trunk has a capacity of *.;:: Bbps, and
that a voice channel re'uires an isolated 6 8+z channel.
3) new telephone lines and a 3)) 8bps digital data channel
7 single *.* Bbps data channel
3; new telephone lines

!a" none
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , and ,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!b" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
!c" within >) and *3) megabits per second
!d" exactly 3)) megabits per second
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

7 sender's data link layer uses Abit stuffingA to

!a" avoid confusing data bits with control bits
!b" force the receiver to enlarge its flow control window
!c" pad the data so that it has an even length for parity calculations
!d" mark the start and the end of a frame
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

%he point2to2point !$$$" protocol
can only be used in analog dial2up connections
is a data2link protocol
can only be used to carry ,$ over serial lines

!a" ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.; of the course notes.

7 specific &1B72&5 network such as *)2=71-% A-thernetA

!a" works best for an even number of nodes
!b" suffers performance degradation as nodes are added
!c" has higher cost per node as nodes are added
!d" can connect very distant nodes
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

What is the type of an A>P*A parity code that outputs *))*)*)**

!a" &annot tell since we do not know which bit is the parity bit
!b" #ull $arity
!c" Ddd $arity
!d" -ven $arity
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

&ollision 5etection improves the throughput of multiple access networks because
it can shorten the length of garbled frames
it can decrease the number of garbled frames
it delays by a random amount of time when a collision is detected

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, and ,,, only
!c" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

7 packet2switched network uses switches that schedule packets using a first2in2first2out !0,0D"
discipline. 1everal people want to carry out a conference over this network. %he conference is
carried out via typed text for the most part, but, occasionally, one of the parties has to send a large
video. %his happens very rarely. Which of the following switching approaches is most suitable for
this application

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" Bessage2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

7 university has 3) computers in a laboratory that is currently served by several small *) =ase2%
A-thernetA hubs that are directly connected to each other. %he network performance has been
found to be lacking, and an upgrade is planned. %he computers are identical and place a
comparable load on the network that is relatively constant and modest for each computer !in the
order of ;)) 8bps". What would you suggest for the upgrade

!a" Eeplace the hubs with *) =ase2% switches
!b" 7 new bank of dial2up modems
!c" 7 small *) =ase2% switch to connect the existing hubs
!d" Eeplace the hubs with *)) =ase2% hubs
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.: of the course notes.

When a student in +ong 8ong uses her computer to have a voice conversation with a teacher in
$ittsburgh, the application she uses re'uires that the network deliver bits at a modest but constant
bit rate. %his is because, even though voice can be faithfully encoded in less than 9: 8bps, the late
arrival of a voice sample produces a noticeable and unpleasant sound effect. Which of the
following switching options will give you better 'uality

!a" &ircuit2switched
!b" Bessage2switched
!c" 1pace2switched
!d" $acket2switched
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.6 of the course notes.

Which of the following are responsibilities of the data link layer
#oticing transmission errors
Eegulating transmission speed when a receiver is overwhelmed
Eegulating transmission speed when any of several ,$ routers in a network path are overwhelmed

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.3 of the course notes.

%he maximum binary data throughput of a cable that cleanly transmits a range of fre'uencies up
to *)) B+z is

!a" within >) and *3) megabits per second
!b" currently ;9 8bps but more as modem technology improves
!c" exactly 3)) megabits per second
!d" exactly 3)) megabytes per second
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.* of the course notes.

,n a broadcast2based network, longer propagation delays

!a" significantly decrease the benefit of sensing the carrier before transmitting
!b" do not affect the cost2benefit trade2off of carrier sensing
!c" make it all the more critical to sense the carrier before transmitting
!d" destroy the carrier, making it impossible to sense it before transmitting
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.3.9 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" , only
!b" ,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" , and ,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

%he network interface card of a Web server that you manage has developed sporadic problems.
You measure the packet loss rate from your desktop computer and immediately decide to replace
the network card. 7fter this simple operation, the Web server successfully re<oins the network, as
confirmed by your officemate using her desktop computer. You eagerly go to your desktop to
measure the improvement, but find instead that the Web server is not responding to any of your
packets. What is your diagnosis

!a" %he 5omain #ame 1ystem !5#1" has not yet updated its entry for the Web server.
!b" %he new network card does not work.
!c" Your desktop computer's network card does not work.
!d" Your desktop computer is still trying to contact the server's old network card.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.; of the course notes.

7 network uses a routing algorithm that uses paths with the least number of hops. %hese paths are
computed periodically using a shortest2path algorithm. ,n this network, datagrams
are routed around congested links
may traverse the same router twice
will always reach their destination

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,,, only
!c" , and ,,, only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" 5istance vector routing
!b" 0looding
!c" Gink state routing
!d" 5atagram broadcast
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

%he 5ynamic +ost &onfiguration $rotocol !5+&$" may be used to
configure the scheduling policy of a busy server
relieve the saturation of the ,$ address space
assign a fixed address to a Web server after a reboot

!a" , only
!b" ,,, only
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" ,,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" , only
!d" none
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" ,, ,, and ,,,
!b" ,, only
!c" none
!d" , and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !a"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

%he main network engineer of a large corporation is charged with designing and deploying the
company's intranet. 1he has decided to use a connection2oriented network layer. Which of the
following concerns do you think motivated her choice

!a" &ost of short transactions.e.g., credit card charge approval.
!b" 7bility to re2route traffic around congested links
!c" 7bility to reserve bandwidth.e.g., for important presentations to the =oard
!d" &ost of the routers as the network grows
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

7 router is installed to interconnect : subnetworks with B%4s of *)3:, 3):>, ;79, and *;;9
bytes respectively. #odes 7 and = are connected to the first and second subnets, respectively. 7n
application on node 7 sends a :)?92byte datagram !e.g., using 45$" to an application on node =.
+ow many ,$ fragments will the router process as a result

!a" :
!b" *
!c" ;
!d" 3
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

7 corporate information systems manager is interested in collecting statistics on the fre'uency of
computer failures within the organization. Bost failures result in an automatic reboot, so the failed
computer is typically back on the network in less than a minute. %he corporate network connects
*,;)) computers in far2flung locations to which the average latency of a packet is :) milliseconds.
%he manager asks you to write a tool that will collect the times at which failures occurred in which
computers. 1he wants it by tomorrow, so the tool will have to be simple. Dn which protocol will
you base your implementation

!a" $GB
!b" %&$
!c" ,&B$ !ping"
!d" 1#B$
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( ).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

Which of the following is the most credible threat to the continuing success of the ,nternet
$rotocol !,$" as currently deployed

!a" =ig multimedia files will no longer fit into ,$ datagrams.
!b" Widespread deployment of fiber optics will call for more than >*?3 fragments per datagram.
!c" Eouter memory will become insufficient to keep track of an exponentially increasing number
of circuits.
!d" %he ,$ address space will be exhausted.
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

%ired of inaccurate routing tables, Foe, the network engineer, devises what he thinks is surely the
best of all routing algorithms, which calculates the shortest2delay path for each packet. %he
algorithm works as follows. 7 routing server periodically polls each router for its full routing table
and link delay statistics. %his information from all routers is amalgamated into a complete model
of the state of the network topology. 4sing this model, Foe's program selects the shortest delay
paths, for which he derives new routing tables and sends to each router. Foe wants to deploy his
algorithm immediately, but critics envious of his intelligence have offered the following
ob<ections. Which of the ob<ections, if any, deserve attention
Foe's algorithm is not scalable
Foe's algorithm is not reliable
Foe's algorithm results in inaccurate routing tables

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,, only
!c" ,,, only
!d" ,, ,,, and ,,,
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

%he class = ,$ network *3>.3.x.x has been assigned to &arnegie Bellon 4niversity. %o relieve
congestion in its internal G7#, &arnegie Bellon has decided to subnet this ,$ network. %his will
have which of the following conse'uences
%he configuration of the subnets will have to be announced to routers all over the world by
notifying #,& andHor ,7#7.
7 computer may need to change its ,$ address when moved from one office to another.
1ome bridges, hubs, or switches will need to be replaced with routers.

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" ,, ,,, and ,,,
!c" ,, and ,,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

7t which of the following layers of the D1, protocol stack can the ,nternet &ontrol Bessage
$rotocol be implemented
5ata link

!a" , or ,, only
!b" , only
!c" ,, only
!d" ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.9 of the course notes.

%he ,$ address space is organized in a hierarchy
to make the routing task more scalable
to decrease inefficient fragmentation of the address space
to give institutions managing local2area networks autonomous control over the assignment of
addresses to computers

!a" ,, only
!b" , and ,,, only
!c" none
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.6 of the course notes.

%he ,nternet $rotocol !,$"
is the only network2layer protocol
is re'uired of hosts on the ,nternet
is the body of standard protocols in use on the ,nternet

!a" , and ,, only
!b" ,, only
!c" , only
!d" ,, and ,,, only
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.

7 modification is proposed to the ,$ protocol that would eliminate the A,dentificationA and
A0ragment DffsetA fields from the ,$ header. %his could result in nearly a *;I improvement in the
throughput of a link used for short transactions. Which other effects would this proposal have
%he resulting internetwork would no longer be able to interconnect subnetworks of any kind.
%he scalability of the routing protocol would improve.
5ata delivery would be more robust in the presence of congestion.

!a" , and ,, only
!b" none
!c" ,,, only
!d" , only
&orrect answer is !d"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.: of the course notes.

Which of the following routing algorithms is the most scalable

!a" Gink state routing
!b" 5istance vector routing
!c" 5atagram broadcast
!d" 0looding
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.3 of the course notes.

Which of the following benefit from AtunnelingA ,$ datagrams by conveying them inside other
Bobile ,$
Eoll2out of ,$v9

!a" , and ,,, only
!b" none
!c" ,, ,, and ,,,
!d" ,, only
&orrect answer is !c"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.> of the course notes.

%he main network engineer of a large corporation is charged with designing and deploying the
company's intranet. 1he has decided to use a connection2oriented network layer. Which of the
following concerns do you think motivated her choice

!a" &ost of the routers as the network grows
!b" 7bility to reserve bandwidth.e.g., for important presentations to the =oard
!c" &ost of short transactions.e.g., credit card charge approval.
!d" 7bility to re2route traffic around congested links
&orrect answer is !b"
Your score on this 'uestion is( *).))
1ee section *.6.* of the course notes.
When a big-endian host receives an integer, which of the following is responsible for
changing the integer from network byte order to big-endian byte order?
I. The network interface card
II. The application layer
III. The operating system
(d) II only
&orrect answer is(d)
!" tends to be a ##### way to move data between I$% devices and main memory than
&sing the processor, in part beca&se the data has to cross the memory b&s #####.
!a" faster, once
&orrect answer is(a)
In a distrib&ted system, thrashing is ca&sed
!c" when one processor runs too many tasks at a time
'orrect answer is(c)

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