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1. In peas, straight stems (S) are dominant to gnarled (s), and round seeds (R) are
dominant to wrinkled (r). The following cross (a test cross) is performed:
SsRr x ssrr. Determine the expected progen phenotpes and what fraction
of the progen should exhi!it each phenotpe.
". In pea plants, long stems are dominate to short stems, purple flowers are
dominant to white, and round seeds are dominant to wrinkled. #ach trait
is determined ! a single, different gene. A plant that is hetero$gous at all
three loci is self%crossed. &hat is the maximum num!er of gametes each parent can produce'
(ist all possi!le gametes with )arious allelic com!inations.
*. Thinks a!out this one carefull. A recessi)el inherited form of al!inism causes affected
indi)iduals to lack pigment in their skin, hair and ees. +or this pro!lem we will assume
that red hair color in humans is inherited as a recessi)e trait and that !rown hair is
dominant. An al!ino whose parents !oth ha)e red hair has two children with someone
who is normall pigmented and has !rown hair. The !rown%haired partner has one
parent with red hair. The first child is normall pigmented and has !rown hair. The
second child is al!ino. &hat is the hair color (phenotpe) of the al!ino parent' &hat
is the genotpe of the al!ino parent for hair color' &hat is the genotpe of the !rown%
haired parent with respect to hair color' skin pigmentation' &hat is the
genotpe of the first child for hair color and skin pigmentation' &hat are the possi!le
genotpes of the second child for hair color' &hat is the phenotpe of the second
child for hair color' ,an ou explain this'
-. Assume that galactosemia, al!inism, and total color !lindness are all due to recessi)e
alleles. A man showing no smptoms of galactosemia or al!inism and with normal
color )ision marries a woman with the same characteristics. The produce a child
with galactosemia, al!inism, and total color !lindness. &hat are the parental genotpes'
.. In cocker spaniels, coat color is determined ! two independentl assorting genes. The
presence of a dominant A and a dominant B gene determines !lack coat color/ aa with
a dominant B produces a li)er%colored coat/ bb with a dominate A produces a red
coat/ and aabb produces a lemon%colored coat. A !lack cocker spaniel is mated to a
lemon cocker, and the produce a lemon pup. If this same !lack cocker is mated to
another of its own genotpe, what kinds of offspring would !e expected and in what
1. An organism has the following genotpe: AA0!. &hat tpe of gametes
can !e produced, and in what proportions'
". 1uppose that this organism is mated to one with the genotpe Aabb. &hat
are the predicted genotpic ratios of the offspring'
*. A woman is hetero$gous for two genes. 2ow man different tpes of
gametes can she produce, and in what proportions'
-. An unspecified character controlled ! a single gene is examined in pea plants.
3nl two phenotpic states exist for this trait. 3ne phenotpic state is completel
dominant to the other. A hetero$gous plant is self%crossed. &hat proportion of
the progen plants exhi!iting the dominant phenotpe are homo$gous'
.. Two traits are simultaneousl examined in a cross of two pure%!reeding
pea%plant )arieties. 4od shape can !e either swollen or pinched. 1eed color
can !e either green or ellow. A swollen, green plant is crossed with a pinched,
ellow plant, and a resulting +1 plant is self%crossed. A total of 5-6 +" progen
are phenotpicall categori$ed as follows:
swollen, ellow *56
swollen, green 1"6
pinched, ellow 1"6
pinched, green -6
&hat is the phenotpic ratio o!ser)ed for pod shape' seed color'
&hat is the phenotpic ratio o!ser)ed for !oth traits considered together'
&hat is the dominance relationship for pod shape' seed color'
Deduce the genotpes of the 41 and +1 generations.

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