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John Deasy, Ph.D.

Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent of

Schools Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences Linda
Del Cueto
10445 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills, A !1"44 ESC North Instructional
#$1$% $"&'((50 )a* #$1$% "+$'5140
Juan Flecha
ESC North Operations Administrator
Debra McIntyre-Sciarrino

Dear ,arents-G.ardians of .rrent $
, !
, 10
/ 11
Grade St.dents0
1e are ha223 to anno.nce that the &01"'14 a22lication 2eriod for Valley Academy of Arts & Sciences (VAAS) has been
sched.led fro4 5ctober $ 6 7ove4ber, 1+, &01&. 8he high school is located at 10445 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills, A.
!1"44. D.ring the &01"'14 school 3ear 9e 9ill have a22ro*i4atel3 1&50 st.dents enrolled in grades 9 through 1.
:alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences offers a rigoro.s ed.cational 2rogra4 designed as three Small !earning Academies.
All !
grade st.dents 9ill enroll in the "reshman Academy. St.dents in 10
, or 1&
grade 4a3 choose to attend either
the Visual#Digital Arts Academy or the Performing Arts Academy. At :alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences, st.dents 9ill
discover o22ort.nities for artistic e*cellence and challenging acade4ic e*2eriences in the sciences that 9ill si4.ltaneo.sl3
develo2 the st.dents; scholarl3 and artistic talents, 9hile 2re2aring the4 to thin< creativel3 and constr.ctivel3 li<e scientists
or 4athe4aticians. 8his strong acade4ic 2rogra4 9ill 4eet all college entrance re=.ire4ents and 9ill 2re2are st.dents for
additional 2ost'secondar3 ed.cation and the career de4ands of the &1
:alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences 9as designated as a >one of hoice School, 9hich 4eans st.dents have a choice to
enroll at this school or their School of ?esidence. St.dents 9ho live 9ithin the leveland, @onroe, Granada Hills harter, or
Aenned3 High School attendance bo.ndaries are eligible to a22l3. St.dents, 9ho have been eligible for enroll4ent at
7orthridge Acade43 HS, 4a3 also a22l3 to :alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences 3o.r residence is 9ithin o.r >one
of hoice. Ho9ever, current Northridge Academy S students are not eligible to a!!ly.
Bf 3o. are interested in having 3o.r st.dent a22l3 to :alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences for &01", 2lease co42lete
the enclosed a22lication. 8his a22lication is only available to students $ho li%e $ithin the &le%eland, 'onroe, (ranada
)ills &harter, and *ennedy attendance areas. 8he 2rocessing of each a22lication is de2endent .2on co42lete and
acc.rate infor4ation that 9ill be verified. +f acce,ted to Valley Academy of Arts & Sciences, students are e-,ected to
,ro%ide their o$n trans,ortation to and from school.
o42leted a22lications be ret.rned to the 4ain office at :alle3 Acade43 of Arts / Sciences. 1e 9ill acce2t
co42leted a22lications fro4 5ctober $ to 7ove4ber 1+, at 4000 2.4. .o fa-es $ill /e acce,ted. Bt is the 2arent;s-g.ardian;s
res2onsibilit3 to the a22lication is received in o.r office b3 this date and ti4e. Bf 4ore st.dents a22l3 than the n.4ber
of s2aces designated for a 2artic.lar grade level, a rando4 selection dra9ing 9ill be held at the school on )rida3, )ebr.ar3 1,
&01" at !000 a.4. 0ligi/le si/lings of c.rrent st.dents 9ill be given 2riorit3 consideration, b.t also file a22lications on
time. A22lications received after the deadline 9ill be considered onl3 if s2ace is available and 9aiting lists have been
Bf 3o. have an3 =.estions regarding o.r school, 2lease feel free to contact o.r 4ain office at $1$'$"&'((50. Co. 4a3 also
visit o.r 9ebsite at
Debra @cBnt3re'Sciarrino

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