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Goshala as an Economic Growth Model

a Micro Case Study

by Dr S.S.Gupta
Ph.D., D.Litt
Ex-Vice Chancellor, Agra University.
Assisted with in puts from
Subodh Kumar ( Email
Maharishi Dayanand Gosamwardhan Kendra, Delhi-96

Soon after India became independent in 1947, First Five tear Plan
(1951) was launched on mixed economy model of Russia. The
basic idea was to eradicate poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and
disease in the shortest and quickest period of time, and also to lay
down sound foundations fro future growth.
Since then ten five year plans have gone by and yet these aims are
still eluding us. Even to-day more than 30% population lives below
the poverty line. Villages which should be the basic source of
feeding people and capital formation are drying up. Villagers are
committing suicides and deserting villages, only to end up as
forced to live like animals on the outskirts of towns in
underdeveloped, unrecognized colonies.
These five years plans could not achieve two digit growths. They
further ended up widening the gap between 10% rich and 90%
poor population.
Ultimately in 1991 the Planning Commission had to give up
completely even the pretence of Russian Model and adopt the free
world model. During the last 18 years, even this did not make
much difference.
Rate of industrial development in the tenth plan was 7.3%.
Regional imbalances and population imbalances have increased.
Citing a micro study, The Hindustan Times has recently come out
with a pathetic picture of Uttar Pradesh. On all fronts the picture is
very gloomy to say the least. Corruption is at high pedestal and is
continuing to rise further. Crime rate is galloping. There is

shortage of all the essentials of infrastructure.-roads, railways-
electricity, good educational institutions, schools for poorer
sections of society, health care and hospital facilities and any
capital formation. On all fronts we have failed miserably. And this
micro study of one state of U. P. is equally true of the entire
The billion dollar question is: What should be done?
The answer is provided in a very convincing way by the ancient
Vedic wisdom.
In modern terminology, it says ' Life is one'. It can not be
segregated in to water tight compartments of Economics, Political,
Social, Ethical etc. There must be a balanced and integrated
growth of all the compartments with a view to make the common
man happy and at peace with himself and his environments. Too
much emphasis should not be laid down, as per western model on
the material growth.

Indian Traditions for Sustainable Society

Indian approach to sustainable society was not in

terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), but on
GNH (Gross National Happiness).
The social scientists are still finding definitions of
Happiness. The Indian concept defined it as Life
For achieving satisfaction in life, human was
expected to lead a life integrated with nature.
Yoga was the term. For adult mature life style the
prescribed Yoga was Kriya Yog that comprised
Tapah, Santosh, Swadhyay and Iswar Pranidhan.

Integration with nature was conceived in symbiotic
relation ship with domestic animals and Organic
Cow for economic growth

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Unimaginably famous, convenient, simplest and most
easily achievable method to growth of riches and
prosperity is by opening and managing large herds of

Famous Rig Ved mantra ascribed to Rishi Krishna
Angiras describes it very succinctly.

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Through Animal Husbandry -Cows, Horses etc.
alleviate poverty of the deprived , Feed the hungry
through enabled -organic- agriculture.
This life style will make the individual prosperous
and state rich, to preclude disgruntled folks from
following socially destructive activities in life.
Goats, Sheep, Cows and Horses were common pets.
Virtues of keeping house hold cow as pet were
recognized , and extolled at great length.

What modern science describes as unsaturated fatty
acids in the family of Omega3, providing Essential
Fatty Acids DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) and
EPA(Ecosa Pentaeonic Acid) that activate and
constitute the human brain functioning, and CLA the
conjugated Linoleic Acids, the EFAs that provide
disease resistance and immunity to human body.
Omega3 and CLA were found to be essentially
available in the milk of cattle fed on green fodder.
The alternative feeds that can enhance CLA and
Omega 3 are by additional richer and modified cattle
feed ingredients turn out to be very expensive for the
Indian farmers. To ensure the health giving
nutritional qualities to Cow milk, thus it becomes
very important for us in India to remind ourselves
that the traditional Indian strategy of Pasture feeding
was the most scientific and economical for the
farmers. NewZealand has become the world's
leading dairy product nation on the strength
Life in rural India thus traditionally revolved around
household cows. Cows were not affectionately kept
as just pets, on sentimental or religious
considerations. Highly nutritious health giving milk
in purest form was produced at home. From a living
cow dung and urine provided a free source of organic
manure, home made large source of medicinal
remedies. From a dead cow leather, and very rich
fertilizer for soil was made available. In addition to

farm yard manure, all the minerals in the dead Cow's
body were recycled as micronutrients in the soil.
Phosphorus in soil is now recognised to be the most
significant of these. In fact Agriculture experts are
very worried at the anticipated crisis of phosphorus

The road to happiness thus goes via Cows. The more

the cows and more they are happy, the more villages
and towns will be happy.
Modern economists have already started working on
Human Happiness Index in contrast with older
concept of Gross Domestic Product as a measure of
growth and prosperity of Society.
This is convincingly proved by a micro study of a
dairy of Delhi. Here are the data that speak for them
Table No 1
Herd Population Growth
year 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008-
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
herd 216 283 283 315 337 365 392 418

1. Total population of herd during the 8 years

period has been growing continuously. From
256 in 2001-02, it has increased to 418 in 2008-
09. About 150 young male and female calves

have been passed to sister Goshalas . Thus the
total herd strength at 2009 can be taken as
418+_150=568. This represents a 221.8%
increase in eight years period. This works out
to an annual increase of 221.8 divided by8 =
2. During the period 1951 to 2009, the growth rate
of India or any part of it, was not even 40% of
3. This growth rate includes both the females and
males. The value of male calves to the society is
of no less importance. They not only provide
very good bulls for natural breeding services,
but also as motive power for rural agriculture
4. All cattle whether male or female, productive or
non productive besides Milk is a constant source
of Cow Dung and Urine. Dung is being used as
input for bio-methanation. Methane from Biogas
is an excellent source of green renewable
Power. The biogas slurry is an excellent organic
manure for Organic Agriculture. rich in all the
micronutrients . No chemical Fertilizer in the
world can claim the ability to supply with all the
Micronutrients required by agriculture.
5. There is growing body of research in
manufacturing of a very large number of
value added FMCG (Fast moving consumer

goods) toiletries soaps, sanitizing products,
room fresheners, mosquito repellants etc.
6. A large number of medicinal and agricultural
preparations from Dung and Urine are also
enhancing the economic worth of cattle wealth.

Table No.2
No of Milch Cows
year 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008-
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
milch 58 79 79 80 82 82 90 115

1. Number of Milch Cows , in 8 years went on

increasing. From 58 in 2001-02 it increased to
115 in 2008-09, ie an increase of 198.3% in 8
years. This is increase works out to 24.8% per
annum. No growth model of the world assures
this rate of growth.
2. Milch Cows yield Milk from which a large
number of products such as Paneer , Cheese,
Yoghurt, butter milk, Butter, Ghee, Ice creams,
Confectioneries, Health drinks etc are value
added products of great economic value and
providing employment to large number of
people .

Table No. 3

Total Milk Production
Year 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008-
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
kiloliters 148 175 178 211 225 237 231 284
1.In 2001-02, 58 Milch cows yielded 148 kilo
liters of milk, ie about 2.5 kilo liters of milk
per cow. This works out to production of 7
liters of Milk per cow averaged over 365 days.
3. In 2008-09. 115 milch cows yielded 284 kilo
liters of milk. that is about 2.5 kilo liters of milk
per cow, averaged over 365 days it works out to
production of about 7 liters of milk per cow.
A point to be noted is that is this Goshala had
started with an initial herd of about 20 Cross bred
cows in 1992-93. Around 2000-20001, decision
was taken to gradually convert this herd to Indian
breeds of cows. No AI (Artificial Insemination) is
practiced in this Goshala. All the natural breeding
bulls are not used continuously for more than 4
years, to prevent inbreeding. About 80% of the
total herd is estimated to be of Indian breeds. This
is being ascertained by DNA testing of the Cows in
this Goshala. Indian breeds of cows classified as
Bos Indicus have AminoAcid Proline instead of
Histedine at the 67th position of their DNA .
Sahiwal/Gir is the Indian breed that has been
adopted for this Goshala

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