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The weather
1. vizibilitate proasta = poor visibility
On the road, when my father was driving he had a poor visibility because of the thick fog
2. polei =(black)ice / glazed frost
The car sliped on the ice because of the black ice/ glazed frost.
3. cu polei= icy ( aisi)
When my bother woke up she sow that the car was covered with the icy.
4. briza= light wind/ breeze
The breeze/ the light wind of the seaside was amazing in that night when we were walking on
the seafronf/ wall.
5. apus= sunset
My aunt likes very much the sunset because it reminds her the times when he walked with my
uncle on the hills.
6. rasarit= sunrise
It is a pleasure to wake up near your boyfriend on the sunrise
7. strat =a patch / a patch of snow on the hill
One day , when I woke up I went to the windows to see how the weathers looked like and I saw
that on the ground was a big patch of snow.
8. periculos/ riscant= hazardous
In the winter is hazardous to ride on the bike if it doesnt has all the stuff necessary for the
winter as winter wheels .
9. alunecos= slippery
The girls is slipping on the ground because is slippery . The cause of that slippery is that last
night it drizzled
10. un troian=snowdrift
Last winter there were a lot of snowdrift because it swoned very much.
11. inzapezit= snowbound
There were villages where the houses were snowbound because of the thick snow
12. a burnita= drizzle ( drizal)
Right now I am looking through the window and I am seeing that it is drizzling on the cars
13. seceta= drought ( draut)
Last summer was drought and the people didnt make food for the winter.
14. bruma= hoar frost (hor)
The hoar frost is coming because the winter is set in.
15. roua=dew (dju)
In morning s summer is dew on all the flowers.
16. canicula=dog day
Last summer was a dog if we are compared it with the other summer s dog day

17. inundat= flooded
18. a fi blocat= to be stranded
19. a inchide /a bara=to close
20. a tuna = to thunder
21. a tremura de frig =to shiver with cold
22. baraj =a closure
23. a abandona= to abandon
24. a redeschide= re-open
25. prudent=care
26. o traversare= crossing
27. calm= smooth
28. agitatie/schimbator=choppy
29. a toca= to chop
30. foarte schimbator= rough(rof)
31. inecat in ceata=fogbound
32. a se acoperi cu nisip= to grit
33. nisip/pietris=grit
34. impracticabil=impassable
35. inutilizabil=unusable
36. blocat/izolat=marroned- sate izolate
37. aglomerat=jammed - circulatie
Cum este vremea astazi?=What is the weather look like?
Ce previsiune se anunta pentru astazi?=What is the weather forecast for today?
Vantul bate de la nord= The wind is blowing fom the north!
Vremea se imbunatateste= The weather is improving.
Ce zi geroasa!= What a frosty day!
Ce zi innorata!= What a cloudy day!
Ce zi insorita!= What a sunny day!
Ce zi mohorata!= What a glommy day?
Ce zi superba!= What a glorious day!
Cerul se insenineaza= The sky is clearing up!
Iese soarele!= The sun is coming out!
Zapada se topeste!= The snow is mealting!
Gheata se topeste!= The ice is trawing!
In aer pluteste primavera!= Spring is in the air!
Vara este foarte cald =In summer is very hot!
Este zapuseala!= It is sultry!
Soarele te orbeste.= The sun is dazzling!
Este o zi cu naduf= It is a stuffy day!
Cred ca o sa ploua = It looks like rain
Ploua cu grindina= It is hailing
Iata curcubeul!= There is the rainbow!

Toamna vremea este mai racoroasa= In autumn the weather is cooler.
Bate un vant rece= It is a cold wind blowing.
Ce cer posomorat/ cenusiu= What a dull/grey sky
Se face din ce in ce mai frig= It is colder and colder
Peste oras se raspandeste o ceata deasa= A thick fog is spreading over the
Este umed= It is damping.
Se aproprie iarna = The winter is coming up/ The winter is drawing near.
Iarna termometrul coboara= In winter the thermometer is falling
Din cer cad fulgi mari de zapada= Large snowflakes are falling from the sky.
Ninsoare= snowfall
A venit iarna = Winter has set in.
Este extreme de frig = It is bitterly cold
Frigul este insuportabil=The cold is unbereable.

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