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Gregor Etaryan
John Kubler
English 114B
25 March 2014
Argument Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
The influential impact of the media has tremendously grown over the past decade and has
defined the generation in a way. Since the media has such a great impact on society, it has
manipulated the minds of many and has shaped society into a sex craved society. With all the
social media sites such as Instagram or Facebook, it has opened up a whole new way of people
connecting with each other and the way people display themselves. Since the media has
become such a big part of everyones lives in todays time, it shows very provocative views
and manipulates the audience and shapes the minds of many females and females are
treated as meat, because of the way they are portrayed and society accepts that.
The influential impact of media on the younger generation is outstanding and it is shaping
the minds of young females into sexuality. It portrays sexuality so often that young females
believe that, that is the right way to dress and look and act and so they fall under the spell.
Women are treated as pieces of meat in many cases, because the media portrays them to be like
that and how the male should be the dominant one over them. Sex is used as a weapon now and
the impact it has on young females demeans them in a way. Media shapes the minds of young
females and as they get older that mentality of being provocative has sunk in and is part of their
lives now. Men treat women has meat, because they are portrayed that way and females live up
to it in many cases, but not all. Society has changed and who knows how much the media will
affect young girls in the years to come and to what extent.

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Martinez, Cliff. "The Sexualization of Children." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 23
Mar. 2014.
This YouTube video clip discusses and shows the negative impacts that the media has on society.
From a young age girls are shown to be sexy and proactive and as they get older it blossoms.
Everything around them is sexualized and little girls do not realize it at the time, but as they get
older that style is embedded in them already. The way I am going to use this video clip is by
demonstrating the fact that media shapes the minds of children and how it conforms them into a
sexualized life.
Levy, Ariel. "FEMALE CHAUVINIST PIGS." PDF. Free Press, 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 23
Mar. 2014.
This research was based off all the stories the author had gathered up from all the young sexual
relations that children had. The author emphasis how young teenagers are engulfed in sexuality
all around and that it leads to girls prioritizing performance over pleasure. I am going to use this
study to show how young teenage girls are becoming so raunchy and sexual and how over time
its going to get worse.
Brice, Brandon. "California's K-12 Transgender Bathroom Bill Sparks War on Privacy
Rights." Washington Times Communities. Washington Times, 4 Dec. 2013. Web.
23 Mar. 2014.
This article discusses the law that passed which allows transgender teens to choose which
bathroom they want to use in the K-12 school system. The author describes how this law has
brought up a lot of controversial issues and who knows what it will lead to in the future. I am
going to use this article to show how times are changing and how LGBTIQs are broadening
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peoples minds and how it shows young girls that there are other options, which leads to
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return. New York: Pantheon, 2004. Print.
This novel is a story of a young woman who is on the journey of discovering herself. She is a
young teen girl going from a cultured background to an Anglo American life style and
everything around her changes as she gets older. I am going to use this in my argument by
showing that being engulfed in an Anglo American life style can really change a person into
conforming into the American way.

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