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Pet Vaccine Myths Debunked VRAN
Pet Vaccine Myths
by Catherine ODriscoll
Myth No. 1
Vaccines protect our dogs against disease, helping to ensure they lie long, healthy,
happy lies.
Vaccines only so#eti#es protect our dogs against disease $i% at all&. 'cienti%ic studies
into hu#an accines hae sho(n that )ust as #any accinated people, and so#eti#es
#ore accinated people, contract diseases as do unaccinated people.
A study conducted by *anine +ealth *oncern during 1,,-, inoling .,-// dogs,
sho(ed that 01..2 o% dogs in the surey (ith paroirus contracted it (ithin three
#onths o% being accinated. 'i#ilarly, 33.02 o% dogs (ith diste#per contracted it (ithin
three #onths o% accination4 05.02 contracted hepatitis (ithin three #onths o%
accination4 3/2 contracted parain%luen6a (ithin three #onths o% accination4 and eery
single dog (ith leptospirosis contracted it (ithin that three #onth ti#e%ra#e.
'o accines represent 7 at best 7 only a 3//3/ chance o% protection. 8ut i% you doubt the
alidity o% the *+* surey, as9 around. It (on:t ta9e long to %ind people (hose dogs
contracted these diseases shortly a%ter being accinated. In a paro accine trial
conducted by ;r Ronald ; 'chult6, head o% pathobiology at !isconsin <niersity, three
out o% si= paro accine brands totally %ailed to gie protection4 t(o gae only partial
protection4 and only one (as sho(n to be e%%ectie.
Myth No. ..
Vaccines hae eradicated epide#ics.
Vaccine #anu%acturers li9e to clai# this. 8ut research sho(s that accines are generally
introduced a%ter the disease has died out: diseases die out a%ter 0-2 o% a population has
been e=posed to it. >he s#allpo= accine is o%ten ?uoted as haing eradicated s#allpo=.
In %act, scientists stopped using it (hen they %inally ad#itted that it (as causing too
#any side@e%%ects.
Only then did the disease die out.
>here are strong argu#ents to suggest that accines 9eep diseases in the eco@syste#.
Aor e=a#ple, the only cause o% polio in the <'A today is the accine itsel%. $Bou can get
polio i% you change the nappy o% a baby (ho has recently been accinated against polio.&
Vaccines also shed into the eniron#ent, so a accinated or unaccinated dog or cat
can contract a disease %ro# the urine and %aeces o% a accinated dog or cat.
Myth No. 5.
Vaccines are e=tre#ely sa%e.
No@one can legiti#ately clai# that accines are sa%e 7 because no@one has conducted
the necessary research to #a9e that clai#. >here are no long@ter# studies to sho( the
long@ter# e%%ects o% accines on hu#ans, let alone dogs.
Myth No. C.
Only a tiny #inority o% genetically@susceptible dogs (ill su%%er aderse reactions to
!hilst so#e dogs (ill hae genetic (ea9nesses that #a9e accines #ore dangerous to
the#, there are #any other %actors (hich can put your dog at ris9.
Vaccine #anu%acturers (arn, in their data sheets, that the %ollo(ing %actors can render
accines har#%ul $they use the phrase, Di##unoco#petence #ay be co#pro#isedE &:
i% the dog is genetically de%ectie
i% there is so#ething (rong (ith the dog:s diet
i% the dog (as unhealthy (hen accinated
i% the dog is stressed at ti#e o% in)ection
i% the dog:s i##une syste# is inco#petent
i% the dog is e=posed to a irus shortly a%ter accination
i% the dog is ta9ing i##une suppressant drugs such as steroids
i% the et stores and handles the accine inappropriately
i% the dog is incubating disease at the ti#e o% accination
And i% no@one is recording the aderse e%%ects o% accines e%%ectiely, then ho( can
anyone say only a Ftiny #inority: hae aderse reactionsG In the <H, ets are as9ed $not
co#pelled to report aderse reactions i% they suspect an aderse accine reaction. I% a
dog %alls do(n haing an epileptic %it (ithin hal% an hour, ten days, or a #onth o%
accination, the et ery o%ten %ails to suspect a lin9 7 een though accines are 9no(n
to cause epilepsy, and the hu#an Vaccine ;a#age *o#pensation <nit has paid up to
I5/,/// to parents (hose children (ere #ade epileptic by accines. Jen i% the et
does suspect a lin9, there is no la( to #a9e hi# report the suspected reaction. Many
ets are too busy to co#plete the necessary paper(or9. >he sa#e applies to other
diseases (hich #any scientists contend are accine@related 7 such as s9in disease,
arthritis, cancer, encephalitis, etc.
Myth No. 3.
DI a# a et, and I hae only seen one accine reaction in ./ years: o% practice.E
you only thin9 you hae seen one accine reaction in t(enty years o% practice" Vets hae
been trained to loo9 %or an i##ediate reaction 7 (here the dog is allergic to the accine
$this allergy is the basis %or the genetic lin9 clai#&. In the eent o% an allergic reaction 7
so#eti#es called anaphyla=is or a hypersensitiity reaction 7 the et is adised to in)ect
adrenalin into the ani#al to sae his li%e.
8ecause accine co#ponents can re#ain in the syste# %or long periods o% ti#e, and
because #ost o% these disease ta9e ti#e to sho( the#seles, causal lin9 is rarely
established. <nless, that is, scientists ta9e the ti#e $despite %ears that their %unding
#ight be (ithdra(n by the phar#aceutical industry& to study the %acts.
Research papers published by e#inent scientists sho( that the %ollo(ing diseases can
be caused by accines:
Autoi##une hae#olytic anae#ia
A dread%ul disease that usually 9ills a dog (ithin days. Krogress o% the disease closely
rese#bles the last stages o% AI;'. *ancer 7 ;r ;enis ! Macey (as reported in an
A#erican eterinary paper as saying that up to ..,/// cats deelop cancer at the site o%
accination eery year in the <'A.
>he 'al9 Kolio Vaccine
Ad#inistered to thousands o% people in the 1,3/s and :0/s (as conta#inated (ith a
'i#ian $#on9ey& retroirus $called 'VC/& that has been %ound at hu#an cancer sites. An
Aian $bird& retroirus has also been %ound at hu#an cancer sites, suspected to hae
co#e %ro# the MMR accine. Mon9ey 9idneys, chic9 e#bryos, dog brains and 9idney,
and cat brains and 9idneys are all co##only used as accine culture #edia. I% the
ani#al used as a culture #ediu# %or accines carries a retroirus and this is undetected
and le%t in the accine, the accine can per#anently alter the genes o% the ani#al or
hu#an receiing the accine.
Lenetic de%ects
>he signi%icance o% accines: gene altering potential is alar#ing. Aor e=a#ple, 'VC/ has
been %ound at cancer sites belonging to the children o% people (ho receied the 'VC/@
conta#inated 'al9 Kolio accine. 'VC/ s(itches o%% the part o% the ;NA that protects
%ro# cancer, and this de%ect can be inherited.
Although the 8ritish goern#ent (as in%or#ed that the polio accine (as conta#inated
at the ti#e, they too9 the decision to use it any(ay. Records hae no( been destroyed
$to protect the guiltyG&. Once it (as decided it (as too ris9y to continue using the
conta#inated accine on the <H population, it (as sold oerseas to unsuspecting
'o Lod help your dog. >hyroid disease is inheritable4 and this can be caused by
accines. Once a dog has underlying thyroid disease, he or she only needs a trigger 7
%ro# a accine, an eniron#ental pollutant, %ro# stress, or %ro# dietary inade?uacies 7
to deelop %ull@blo(n autoi##une diseases. >hyroid disease can o%ten be undetected.
Aor e=a#ple, behaioural proble#s, hor#onal i#balances, ny#pho#ania, and coat loss
can by sy#pto#s o% thyroid disease, but are o%ten treated at %ace alue (ithout
establishing the underlying cause.
;r Jean ;odds, one o% the (orld:s %ore#ost e=perts in canine accine reactions, says:
DRecent accinations (ith single or co#bination #odi%ied lie irus $MMV& accines are
increasingly recognised contributors to i##une@#ediated blood diseases, bone #arro(
%ailure, and organ dys%unction.E
;r ;odds lists leu9ae#ia, thyroid disease, Addison:s disease, diabetes, and ly#pho#a
as diseases that can be triggered by accines.
Bes, paroirus (as created by accines. >his disease didn:t e=ist prior to the 1,-/s. In
%act, scientists tell us it (as created by accine #anu%acturers (ho cultured the
diste#per accine on cat 9idneys that (ere in%ected (ith %eline enteritis. >his cat@
enteritis@diseased diste#per accine (as then in)ected into dogs around the (orld, and
paroirus reared its ugly head around the (orld at the sa#e ti#e. 'i#ilarly, hu#an
AI;' is thought by so#e scientists to be a accine@induced plague. +IV $hu#ans&, AIV
$cats&, and 'IV $#on9eys& are closely related iruses. >(o separate scienti%ic papers lin9
the e#ergence o% +IV in hu#ans (ith the use o% 'IV@in%ected polio accines $cultured on
#on9ey 9idneys& on #ale ho#ose=uals in Ne( Bor9, and innocent citi6ens o% the
8elgian *ongo.
I% there is a history o% arthritis, epilepsy or allergies in a hu#an %a#ily, doctors (ill o%ten
re%rain %ro# accinating a child. Arthritis is an in%la##atory $hypersensitiity/allergy&
disease. Vaccines contain arious co#ponents, including seru# $o%ten boine seru#
posing a 8'J type threat&, %or#aldehyde, alu#iniu#, and #ercury. Is it any (onder that
an ani#al #ight beco#e hypersensitie or in%la#ed a%ter haing these poisons in)ected
into h#G According to one accine #anu%acturer, accines that are cultured on ani#al
tissue can contain Fe=traneous proteins: that can cause autoi##une diseases. Arthritis is
an autoi##une disease, and it (as %ound in the *+* surey to #ani%est in clusters nine
#onths a%ter accination. Ani#als (ith a genetic pre@disposition to allergies $ie Fpeople:
%ro# %a#ilies (ith a history o% irritable bo(el syndro#e/*rohns disease/enteritis, asth#a,
hay %eer, ec6e#a, and so on&, can beco#e #ore allergic, or beco#e highly sensitised,
(hen you in)ect %oreign proteins $seru#s and organ tissue& into the#. Veterinary
#anuals tal9 openly about seru# reactions.
>here are #any, #any research papers sho(ing a lin9 bet(een allergies and accines.
In 1,15, %or e=a#ple, Aric9 and 8roo9s published a paper to sho( that inhalant allergies
$such as atopic der#atitis& hae deeloped in dogs (hen accinated (ith diste#per,
hepatitis and leptospirosis accines )ust prior to, but not a%ter, e=posure to pollen
e=tracts. FAtopic: #eans an inherited pre@disposition to produce e=cess a#ounts o% IgJ
antibodies in response to antigens $the things the ani#al is allergic to such as pollen,
%lea bites, dust #ites, etc.&. As a result the allergic indiiduals su%%er chronically irritating
s9in in%la##ations. Other organs #ay e=hibit signs o% hypersensitiity causing, %or
e=a#ple, con)unctiitis or rhinitis. +o#oeopathic ets treat a large proportion o% s9in
proble#s as Faccinosis: $a #orbid reaction to accines&.
As stated earlier, it is scienti%ically recognised that accines can cause epilepsy in
hu#ans. ;r +ans 'elye published a %a#ous paper in FNature: in 1,50 (hich e=plained
ho( an organis# (ill react to a #assie challenge $such as a accine&. Jery syste# o%
the body springs into action, and a hor#one called ;O* can be released. >his hor#one
can cause brain lesions and destruction o% large parts o% the brain. Jpilepsy is a
neurological $brain& condition. In addition, this brain da#age can lead to behaioural
proble#s. +arris M *oulter has published a ery conincing argu#ent to suggest that
unproo9ed aggression in hu#ans has its base in encephalitis $in%la##ation o% the
brain& caused by accines.
Myth No. 0.
Vaccine #anu%acturers hae to undergo stringent procedures and tests to ensure sa%ety.
OH, partly true . . . accine #anu%acturers hae to go through sa%ety procedures and
tests, but to clai# that these tests are stringent is highly sub)ectie. +o(, then, did 'VC/
get through4 ho( did the aian irus get into the MMR accine4 ho( did paroirus slip
through the net4 and ho( did AI;' suddenly arrie %ro# no(hereG In actual %act, no@one
is per#itted $in the <H at least& to test the iral co#ponent o% a eterinary accine e=cept
a accine #anu%acturer. >hey are the only ones (ith a license to do it. >his #eans that i%
you suspect a accine 9illed your puppy, you hae to ta9e the accine co#pany:s (ord
%or it i% they say it didn:t.
>here:s no@one to go to i% you (ant an independent chec9.
Myth No. -.
It:s better to ris9 a accine reaction than sub)ect #y dog to these deadly 9iller diseases.
Airstly, ery %e( o% the classic canine diseases are deadly.
Karoirus is only generally deadly to puppies and, as #aternal antibody can be present
%or as #any as .. (ee9s, and as #aternal antibody cancels out the accine, accinated
puppies are unli9ely to be protected %ro# paroirus. Adult dogs rarely die %ro#
;iste#per 9ills only hal% o% a%%ected dogs. Indeed, dogs #ost susceptible to disease are
those (ho are %ed poor ?uality processed %oods $and don:t i#agine that price e?uals
?uality&. A dog %ed a natural diet, containing Freal: %ood, is #ost able to co#bat any iral
challenges. Also, please be a(are that there is an alternatie to a highly ris9y accine 7
this is discussed later. *linical signs o% hepatitis and parain%luen6a range %ro# #ild and
inisible to death $the %lu rarely 9ills4 hepatitis can be caused by a range o% %actors,
including poor diet, and the accine doesn:t protect against all o% the other dangers&.
'econdly, no@one 9no(s ho( co##on these diseases are. No@one records their
Meptospirosis, %or e=a#ple, is e=tre#ely rare $apart %ro# (hich, leptospirosis is a range
o% oer a hundred bacterins4 the chances o% the strain in the needle #atching the strain
in the %ield are re#ote4 and the accine only con%ers protection %or bet(een three and si=
#onths, leaing accinated dogs Funprotected: %or up to nine #onths any(ay&. Vaccines
hae also been 9no(n to cause the diseases they (ere designed to preent. >his
happens (hen a accine is in)ected into an ani#al (ith a suppressed i##une syste#
$caused by genetic %actors, poor diet, stress, e=isting illness, etc.&4 or (hen the accine
#anu%acturer %ails to render the iral co#ponent o% the accine har#less in the lab. In
the latter instance, the accine is (ithdra(n a%ter it has 9illed F#ore dogs than nor#ally
e=pected: $in the (ords o% one accine #anu%acturer as it (ithdre( its accine&.
*anine +ealth *oncern:s accine surey indicated that at least one in eery hundred
dogs is da#aged by accines. As no@one has any statistics to suggest other(ise, it
should be up to ets and accine #anu%acturers to proe accines are sa%e 7 and not
the other (ay round. !e (hose dogs hae died or su%%ered chronic debilitating diseases
shouldn:t hae to ta9e their (ord %or it (hen the accine #anu%acturers deny
responsibility. Our concerns should be ta9en seriously, and not strenuously denied in the
%ace o% oer(hel#ing eidence.
Myth No. 1.
>he ho#oeopathic accine alternatie is unproen.
J=isting research and e=perience sho(s that the ho#oeopathic nosode is as protectie
7 but probably #ore protectie 7 than accines. !hereas the #edical and eterinary
Fpro%essions: receie huge su#s o% #oney %ro# international #ulti@billion dollar
phar#aceutical conglo#erates, please note that ho#oeopaths do not. Rather, ets (ho
trust the less e=pensie ho#oeopathic alternatie su%%er serious %inancial loss by
re%using to sell highly lucratie annual boosters. A gro(ing nu#ber o% dog loers are
beginning to choose the ho#oeopathic alternatie to accines. 'o#e hae been using
the nosode %or up to t(enty years, and clai# that they hae neer had a proble#.
Myth No. ,.
Bou should accinate your dog eery year.
I% you hear nothing else, i% you can accept nothing else, please 9no( that annual
accination is not necessary. Klease do not sub)ect your dogs to the accine ris9 year
a%ter year until they drop.
Once i##unity to a irus e=ists, it persists %or the li%eti#e o% the host. In the case o%
leptospirosis $a bacterial disease&, I hae already e=plained that the accine is irtually
useless and there%ore not (orth the ris9.
One A#erican eterinary accine #anu%acturer has #ade a public announce#ent,
saying that it no longer reco##ends annual accination. 'eeral A#erican eterinary
colleges hae announced the sa#e, in reaction to consu#er pressure and %ears oer
aderse reactions.
One eterinary college said that annual accination has no scienti%ic basis, and (e #ight
as (ell hae chosen Feery %ull #oon: to stic9 the needle in. And please be a(are that a
accine ad#inistered to a puppy, (hen his i##une syste# is i##ature, is probably the
#ost har#%ul )ab o% all, capable o% (rea9ing haoc 7 haoc that you #ight not be able to
detect i##ediately.
Myth No. 1/
My doctor/et 9no(s best.
;octors and ets are trained in a ery speci%ic healing discipline. >hey 9no( a little about
phar#aceuticals, and so#e o% the# 9no( about surgery.
8ut they rely upon the phar#aceutical industry to tell the# (hich drugs to use in (hich
circu#stances. !hen a conentionally trained scientist tells you that ho#oeopathy
doesn:t (or9, you #ay as (ell as9 your butcher (hether electricity (or9s 7 the %act is,
conentional ets rarely hae any 9no(ledge o% ho#oeopathy to base their opinions on.
+o#oeopaths do not clai# to be able to reerse all accine da#age, and conentional
ets 7 not een recognising accine da#age 7 hae little success.
Once you:e ad#inistered the needle, you can neer change your #ind. Klease '><;B
>+J AA*>', don:t lie to regret it.

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