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Multi-Path QoS-Aware Service Composition Osama Kayed Qtaish*, Zuliha !

"amaludin**, Massudi Mahmuddin*** *(School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia ** (School of
Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia *** (School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia
A#stract $% &'()O*+C(&O'
,% )-.A(-* /O)KS
Different techniques are proposed to handle the optimization of multi-path compositions !or e"ample, #u et al $%&', Canfora et al
$%%', (ang et al $%)', and *ecue $%+' compute the optimization assuming that a certain path ,ill -e more li.ely e"ecuted than
another according to pro-a-ility of paths e"ecution /he assumptions are -ased on stochastic information indicating the pro-a-ility of
paths -eing e"ecuted at runtime 0aths pro-a-ility of e"ecutions can -e estimated either -y inspecting the system logs ,hich contain
information a-out the past e"ecutions or can -e specified -y the composition engineers 1o,ever, the results of such assumptions
may -e false2 consequently, the generated solutions may not have the -est 3oS performance 4eng et al $%5', $%6' optimize each
path separately -y decomposing the composition into e"ecution paths, and after the optimization process, the e"ecution paths are
aggregated into an overall composition that consists of all paths 7f there is a common a-stract service that -elongs to more than one
path, the system identifies the hot path for the considered ,e- service /hey define the hot path as the path that has -een most
frequently used to e"ecute the considered service 1o,ever, in the case that the actual e"ecution of the composition is not follo,ing
the hot path, the e"ecuted path may not have the -est 3oS performance 8ven ,orst, the e"ecuted path may not meet glo-al 3oS
constraints et al $9' survey the 3oS-a,are service composition approaches in order to analyse the a-ility of the optimization algorithms
to simultaneously generate optimal plans for all e"ecutions paths involved in compositions /hey conclude that, ,ithin the conte"t of
multi-path compositions, it is difficult to generate a solution that simultaneously optimizes all the e"ecution paths in the composition
at the same time 7n a su-sequent paper $%9', the authors address this pro-lem -y presenting an approach that ena-les users to -ias the
optimizations using a set of meta-metrics /hese meta-metrics include: e"ecution pro-a-ility of an activity, previous e"ecution history
of each activity, and pro-a-ility of occurrence /he approach aims to find an appro"imation solution for each path involved in the
composition ; trade-off -et,een the paths is made, ,hich chooses a path to favor -y using a set of meta-metrics !or each path, the
meta-metrics are computed as the ,eighted average of the aggregate values of meta-metrics /hen, the selection pro-lem is solved
using integer programming (70< solution Similar to this approach, =eelavathi et al $%>' also propose to use meta-metrics to resolve
the conflicts caused -y optimizing multiple e"ecution paths /heir meta-metrics represent a priority of e"ecution activities in
e"ecution paths 1o,ever, in these approaches, service selection optimization is -iased using a set of meta-metrics /hese meta-
metrics are -ased on assumptions either assigned -y the composition developers or estimated from the log trace records /hese
assumptions may -e false Consequently, the solutions o-tained from these approaches may prove to -e su-optimal for some
e"ecution paths 8ven ,orst, it may violate the glo-al 3oS constraints 7n contrast to the a-ove mentioned approaches, the
solutions generated from our approach are e"pected to deliver the -est possi-le 3oS, at the same time, satisfy glo-al constraints /his
is -ecause of the proposed optimization mechanism that designed to optimize only the path that ,ill -e follo,ed during the e"ecution
of a composition
0% (1- P)O!.-M MO*-.
/he pro-lem model is formulated as follo,s:
% - ; set of tas.s or a-stract ,e- services, ,here, and a ?,,),%@aasasas;S ai,,%
% represents the total num-er of a-stract services involved in a composition
) - ; set of service classes !or each class Si, there is a set of functionality equivalent candidate service (also called concrete
service<, that can e"ecute the a-stract service asi, ,here , and the varia-le bi represents the num-er of candidate founds for a-stract
service asi ?,,),%@aSSSS ?,,),%@i-sssiS i-A,,%
+ - More than one 3oS characteristics values can -e assigned for each candidate /herefore, a 3oS vector qij is assigned for
each candidate sj /he vector contains the different 3oS values represented -y the inde" k, , ,here ',,%$niAqiAqiAq n.,,%
5 - ; vector of glo-al 3oS constraints imposed -y clients, ,here 7t can contain none, one or n glo-al 3oS
constraints ',,%$nBSBSBS n.,,%
6 - ; valid solution, ie, a composition plan, can -e o-tained -y assigning candidate services sj to each a-stract service asi
such that for ,hich the aggregated 3oS values meets the given glo-al 3oS constraints, and the overall 3oS value of the composite
service is ma"imized iASsC
/a-le % represents the notations used for the pro-lem model (a#le $2 Pro#lem model notations
=otation Meaning
;-stract service asi Descri-ing the desired functionality
Service class Si 7s a collection of candidate services ,ith a common functionality -ut different 3oS
characteristics value
Candidate service sA Candidate service j from service class Si for a-stract service asi.
3oS vector ',,%$niAqiAqiAq 3oS vector represents the different 3oS values of candidate service sij
3oS glo-al
constraints ',,%$nBSBSBS
7s a vector of all 3oS glo-al constrains imposed -y the client on the ,hole composition

0%$ Modellin3 the structures
/o define a composition, different structures (such as sequential, loop, etc< can -e used to connect the services
7n this ,or., ,e focus on compositions that defined using sequential and conditional structures Dther
structures, such as loop for e"ample, may -e reduced to sequential as in $%6' Definition $2 Execution path
(EP): 7f a composition contains conditional structures, it has multiple sequential e"ecution paths 8ach
e"ecution path EPi represents a sequence of services 8ach EPi only one -ranch in each conditional -ranching !or e"ample,
there are + e"ecution paths in fig %: 4i3ure $2 Multiple e5ecution paths composition and Definition 2: Predicted path (EPpred): is
the e"ecution path that ,ill -e follo,ed during the e"ecution of a composition 7t can -e one of the sequential e"ecution paths defined
a-ove EPpred is identified using the data mining method e"plained later ?,,,%@aSiSSS5SESFS>S)S+S9S6S%8"ecution path
+8"ecution path )8"ecution path
%80%G@S%,S),S+,S5,S9,SE?80)G@S%,S),S+,S6,S9,SE?80+G@S%,S),S>,SF,SE??E,9,5,+,),%@%SSSSSS80 ?E,9,6,+,),%@)SSSSSS80 ?
E,F,>,),%@+SSSSS80 ;S808080C+,),%
6% M+.(&-PA(1 QOS-A/A)- S-)7&C- COMPOS&(&O'
;s illustrated in !ig ), 3oS-a,are composition process has four inputs: a-stract composition (ie, a set of a-stract services
connected using composition structures<, a list of outsourced candidate ,e- services discovered for each a-stract service and their
3oS characteristic values, and finally a client s (organization s< glo-al 3oS requirements /he desired output is an optimal
composition plan

*esi3n time
4i3ure ,2 the proposed approach 7n this ,or., the 3oS-a,are compositions process is carried out dynamically on instance -y
instance -asis 7t is started -y predicting, at runtime and Aust -efore the actual e"ecution of compositions, the path that potentially ,ill
-e follo,ed during the e"ecution of a composition /o do so, the Multi-oost =aHve Iase (MI =I< machine learning algorithm ,ill
-e applied on the composition log to learn ho, to classify the,n classes =ote that this step ,ill -e carried out offline, so it
does not affect the performance of the proposed approach ;fter training the algorithm, it ,ill -e ready to predict the path -ased on
the data provided -y the composite service s requester ;t runtime, a client (ie, a service requester< is required to provide data
including personal data and data descri-ing the condition of the service -eing requested /hen, the data needed for prediction are
collected and formatted, and then input to a classifier to classify into target classes, ie, composition paths Iased on the predicted
path, C0 and C00 heuristic algorithms ,ill compute the optimization -y considering only the predicted path
6%$ Selection criteria
7n our approach, ,e considered the follo,ing 3oS characteristics as selection criteria: cost, response time, relia-ility, availa-ility,
security (encryption level<, throughput, reputation and composa-ility /he suggested 3oS characteristics are identified -ased on our
previous ,or. $%F', ,here ,e investigating and analyzing )6 3oS characteristics that ,ere used in the area of ,e- service and SD;
Cost represents the amount of money that a service requester has to pay for a service provider for using its service Jesponse time
is a typical measure of performance 7t represents the total time required to complete a service request, ,hich can -e defined -y the
sum of the time a service need to process a request on the provider side (processing time<, and the time needed to send a request and
receive a response over a net,or. $%E' !or relia-ility, it represents degree that a service is a-le to correctly respond to a request in a
specified time interval /he num-er of a service s failures in minutes, days or months descri-es its relia-ility $)&' /he availa-ility of
a ,e- service represents the pro-a-ility that the service is ready for access ,hen required to immediate use $%6', $)&' Security
characteristic can include numerous aspects 7t means providing confidentiality, authentication, authorization, encrypting data and
non-repudiation /hese security aspects can -e provided in different level of policy -y service providers $%E', $)&' /he only aspect
that can -e descri-ed ,ith numerical value is the encryption level, ,hich is a measurement that descri-es the length for a .ey that is
used for encryption $)%' !or throughput, it is a measure of service s productivity 7t can -e defined as the num-er of requests that
the service provider can process in a given time period $%E', $)&' Jeputation represents a that is provided -y the users of a
service -ased on their e"perience of using it Jeputation measures the trust,orthiness of a service $%6' !inally, composa-ility
represents the pro-a-ility that the service is e"ecuted as a mem-er of the composition service $))'
6%, QoS computation 8or we# service composition
/he 3oS value of a composite service is computed from its constituent ,e- services /he 3oS value of a composite service S= is
defined -y the vector 3 /his tuple contains the aggregated 3oS values of a composite service (ie, a solution< represented -y the
inde" k, , ,here is the estimated .th 3oS characteristic of the composite service S= /he aggregation functions are presented in the
ta-le ) Some aggregation functions are similar to those proposed -y 4eng et al $%6' and Kaeger et al $)%' 7n this ta-le, the varia-le
a represents the num-er of services involved for the computation /he varia-le xij represents a selection varia-le =ote that the ,e-
services that only -elong to the predicted path are considered for computation ie <(S=<n,L(S=<,%(3 G 33<(S=.3pred80iC
(a#le ,2 QoS a33re3ation 8unctions
;ggregation function
Cost CC pred80iiAiA.."qS=3*<(
Jesponse time iA80iiA.."qS=3pred*<(CC
Jelia-ility CC pred80iiAiA.."qS=3*<(
;vaila-ility CC pred80iiAiA.."qS=3*<(
prediAiA..80i"qS=3CM <,*min(<(
/hroughput prediAiA..80i"qS=3CM <,*min(<(
Jeputation a"qS=3iApred80iiA..*<(CC
Composa-ility a"qS=3iApred80iiA..*<(CC
;s presented in ta-le ), availa-ility and relia-ility are multiplicative 3oS characteristics (aggregated as a
product< and result in nonlinear functions 1o,ever, linear functions (aggregated as a summation< are easier to
-e processed /herefore, similar to 4eng et al $%6', nonlinear functions are transformed into linear -y applying
a logarithm operation !or e"ample, the aggregation function for relia-ility can -e transformed to summation
function as: CCCC pred80ipred80iiA.iA..qqS=3<log(<log(<<(log(
6%,%$ +tility 8unction
7f more than one 3oS characteristics are su-Aect to optimization, then an aggregated goal function is required to
consider all the 3oS characteristics !or this purpose, each candidate service is associated ,ith utility function
uij /his function depends on the 3oS characteristics types ie, positive or negative !or positive 3oS characteristics, meaning that a
higher value denotes a -etter 3oS, li.e availa-ility and relia-ility, the function needs to ma"imize the values, ,hereas, the values of
the negative characteristics, li.e cost and response time, needs to minimize 7n addition, 3oS characteristics have different units of
measurements !or e"ample, relia-ility is a pro-a-ility ratio and varies -et,een & and % ,hile response time is e"pressed in
milliseconds -y a positive num-er /o perform fair computation, and to allo, uniform measurement of different 3oS characteristics
independent from their units and ranges, all the 3oS characteristics are normalize -y their average and slandered deviation
!urthermore, all the 3oS characteristics are ,eighted -y their importance Definition 3: (Utility Function): Suppose that all eight
3oS characteristics mentioned earlier are involved for optimization /he utility function is defined as follo,s $%&': (%< (here Wk is
the ,eight assign for each 3oS characteristics ,hich defined -y clients such that and /he inde" represents the different 3oS
characteristics /he first part of the equation ie, the summation ,here represents the normalization of the negative 3oS
characteristics, ,hile the second represents the summation for the positive and are the average and standard deviation for the values
of 3oS characteristics of all candidates in service class Si. /he selection varia-les xij is used to determine ,hether a candidate
service is selected for optimal composition or not /he value of xij is either & or % % if the candidate service sij is selected for the
a-stract service asi, ,hile & if not /here is e"actly one candidate service selected for each a-stract service asi ie, Iased on the
a-ove, the selection pro-lem can -e modelled as follo,s: Su-Aect to the glo-al 3oS constraints , for negative 3oS characteristics
(price and response time< , for positive 3oS characteristics (rest of 3oS characteristics< (hile .eeping: ,and
iASsCCCCCCCCCCCCCNON CCCC...i.i.iA...i.iA.iiA(q(qu*<(*<
(F+)% '%,&$C.(C n..(%%F% .),% .i i %,%,)% OOOCCMii-ii"""aii<*ma"(%%%CC ii-AiAiA"u..BSS=3C<(..BSS=3C<
(C i-AiA"%%?,,,%@aiCMCCCCC selectednotissifselectedissif"iAiAiA,&,%
6%0 Mappin3 to multi-dimensional multi-choice napsac pro#lem 9MMKP:
Definition 4: (MMKP): Suppose there are N o-Aect groups, each has o-Aects 8ach o-Aect has a profit pij and requires resource /he
amount of resources availa-le in the .napsac. is MMP0 is to select e"actly one o-Aect from each o-Aect group to -e placed in the
.napsac. so that the total profit is ma"imized ,hile the total resources used are less than the resources availa-le Dn the other
hand, 3oS selection aims to select e"actly one candidate from each service class such that the entire 3oS value of the composition is
optimized ,hile 3oS requirements defined -y clients are satisfied Iuilding on the similarity -et,een these t,o pro-lems, the
selection pro-lem can -e mapped to MMP0 as follo,s: <%(=i7iCC<,,%(iAiAiArmrr <,,%(JmJJ
% C /he .napsac. is represented -y the composition
) C 8ach service class represents an o-Aect group
+ C 8ach candidate in a service class represents one o-Aect in a group
5 C 8ach utility function uij represents a profit pij and can -e calculated using equation (%<
6 C /he 3oS characteristics qij of a candidate sj represent the required recourse rij of an o-Aect
9 C /he 3oS glo-al constraints GS are considered as the resources availa-le in the .napsac. R.
> C /he algorithm is to select e"actly one candidate from each service class such that the entire 3oS value of the composition
is optimized ,hile 3oS requirements defined -y clients are satisfied 1o,ever, the MMP0 requires that the total resources are less
than the recourse availa-le Iut in the selection pro-lem, the total 3oS characteristics are required to -e either less (for negative
characteristics< or greater (for positive< than the glo-al 3oS constraints /herefore, positive characteristics are needed to -e
transformed into negative /o do so, the values of positive characteristics are multiplied -y -%
/he service selection pro-lem can -e formulated mathematically as follo,s, ,here O represents the o-Aective function: ma"imize
Su-Aect to the 3oS glo-al constraints (hile .eeping ,and MMP0 is .no,n as =0-hard $)+' Due to its high computational
comple"ity, approaches that deliver e"act optimal solutions are inappropriate for real time applications 8specially in
our scenario ,here a quic. response for a ,or.flo, instance is very important /hus, heuristic represents a novel approach
/herefore, ne, adapted heuristic algorithms are proposed to reduce the computation efforts <*(%%%CC ii-AiAiA"uD..BSS=3C<
(n.-Aaii,%,,,%,,,%, M M MC i-AiA"%%?,,,%@aiCMCCCCC selectednotissifSclassforselectedissif"iAiiAiA,&,%
6%6 1euristic al3orithms 8or the selection pro#lem
Iuilding on the analogy -et,een the MMP0 and the selection pro-lem, our approach is to adapt heuristics that are .no,n to -e
efficient for solving MMP0, and apply it to solve the selection pro-lem !or solving the MMP0, a constructive and
complementary search approach is developed -y 1ifi et al $)5' 7n this approach, the constructive procedure C0 is applied to
generate a feasi-le solution, ,hile the complementary procedure CC0 is used to improve the quality of the solution generated from
C0 ;ccording to the authors, the e"periments result sho,s that the algorithms generate high-quality solutions ,ithin small computing
times /he algorithms are adapted here to solve the selection pro-lem /hese algorithms are chosen -ecause of their a-ility to
generate quality solutions, reduce the computation efforts resulted from the pro-lem, and finally can -e easily applied to solve the
selection pro-lem
6%; Solvin3 the selection pro#lem usin3 CP and CCP
!irst, ,e introduce the representation of a solution along ,ith some notions: ; solution (SN) for the selection pro-lem can -e
represented as illustrated in !ig +

Service class Q
Service candidate Q
Iit su-vector Q









4i3ure 02 #inary representation 8or a solution !or each service class Si, one and only one candidate service sj is
selected, ie, if the jth candidate service s of the ith service class Si has -een selected, other,ise. ; feasi-le solution is such that:
% iA"& iA"predai-iA.iA.iA80iBC"qn.CM CCMCC ,*?,,,%@%%
=ote that the feasi-ility of the predicted e"ecution path is only chec.ed, ie, /he predicted e"ecution pred80iiffCM:
path is determined using the data mining method introduced later !or the solution SN, there are t,o distinguished states: feasi-le
state (!S<2 if the solution SN does not violate the amount of availa-le glo-al 3oS constraints, and unfeasi-le state (US<2 if the solution
SN violates at least one or more glo-al 3oS constraints pred80
6%;%$ &nitial 8easi#le solution
/he initial feasi-le solution is o-tained using the C0 /he C0 is a greedy approach ,ith DJD0 and ;DD phases to generate a feasi-le
solution /he steps involved in the algorithm are introduced as follo,s:
% C Calculate the pseudo-utility ratio (ut< for each candidate service s using this equation:
(here uij is the utility function defined in (%<, and are the glo-al 3oS constraints and the 3oS characteristics values
respectively ?,,%@,*R%n.qBSuut.iAn..iAiACM CC.iA.qBS,
% C Select the candidate s from each service class Si, ,hich has the ma"imum pseudo-utility ration utij ?,,%@aiC
) C Chec. the state of the o-tained solution SN: if feasi-le state (!S<, then C0 terminates2 else (DJD0 phase<, it determines
the most violate constraint (ith respect to, it selects the service class corresponding to the fi"ed candidate servicehaving the largest
3oS value all over the fi"ed candidate services and regarding the most violated constraint .BS .BS iS is iAi.q
+ C (;DD phase< S,ap the selected candidate service ,ith another candidate s from the same service class iS
5 C Chec. the feasi-ility of ne, o-tained S=, if US2 select the lightest candidate of the current service class,hich in turn is
considered as the ne, selected candidate service isC iS
6 C 7terate until an !S or the smallest unfeasi-ility amount is o-tained
6%;%, &mprovin3 the initial 8easi#le solution
/o improve the 3oS values of the initial feasi-le solution SN o-tained -y C0, CC0 is applied 7t tries to iteratively improve the
solution SN -y applying:
% ; ; local s,ap strategy for selected candidate services that -elongs to SN, called old candidates
) I ; replacement stage that replaced the old candidate to another ne, one, called ne, candidate, selected from the same
service class 8ach replacement
+ -et,een an old and ne, candidate is authorize if and only if the o-tained solution SN realizes a FS, ie, maintains the
feasi-ility of SN
/he procedure steps are introduced as follo,s:
% C ;pply C0 to o-tain initial feasi-le solution
) C 7nitially, set the -est solution equal to the solution o-tained -y C0
+ C Start the conditional loop -y performing a local s,ap search strategy procedure in order to improve the initial solution
5 C 7f the o-tained solution (o-tained after performing the local s,ap strategy< realizes a -etter solution value compared to the
initial one2 then set the -est current solution equal to the o-tained one
6 C Jepeat the loop until the condition is true
/he steps of the *ocal s,ap search procedure are introduced as follo,s: Step %: 7nitialize the -est candidate service to s,ap:
%% , ,here is the utility of the old selected candidate si in the ith service class Si to -e s,apped %) , ,here is a selected candidate
service in Si service class to -e s,apped Step ): 0erform the e"change if authorized: )% perform the e"change if the there is a ne,
candidate service s that has larger 3oS value than the old candidate and, at the same time, realizes a !S )) return the -est
candidate service ki to -e s,apped iiS=uvalueCiiS=uiiS=.Ci.
6%< -5ecution path prediction
Drganizations adopt (or.flo, Management Systems ((!MS< to define, manage and e"ecute their -usiness processes (!MS
store the data generated from the e"ecution of ,or.flo,s in logs /he data stored in data-ases (logs< are rich ,ith concealed
information that can -e used for intelligent -usiness decisions $)6' Dn possi-le ,ay to reveal this valua-le information is -y
applying data mining algorithms on these logs
;part from the 3oS-a,are service composition, Cardoso $)9' emphasizes the importance of 3oS management for ,or.flo,s and
organizations 1e focusses on predicting the 3oS of ,or.flo,s -efore they e"ecuted or during the e"ecution /o this aim, the author
proposes a novel method, -ased on data mining techniques, that allo,s predicting ,ith high level of accuracy the 3oS of ,or.flo,s
/heir method is adapted here for the purpose of predicting, at runtime, the sequence of ,e- services that ,ill -e e"ecuted during a
composition s e"ecution
6%<%$ Composite service scenario
/his section descri-es the scenario that ,ill -e used throughout this paper to e"plain the method of predicting the e"ecution path /he
scenario is the same used -y Cardoso $)9' ; maAor -an. has decided to adopt a (!MS in order to support its -usiness processes
/he -usiness processes (composite services< supported -y the -an. are developed using ,e- service composition technology 8ach
function of the composite services can -e accomplished -y a single outsourced ,e- service
Dne of the composite services supplied -y this -an. is the loan composite service illustrated in !ig 5 7t is composed of %+ ,e-
services ,hich are connected using sequential (services are e"ecuted in sequence order< and conditional structures (among all the
-ranches, only one -ranch is e"ecuted<
7n this composite service, a client (ie, a -an. loan s requester< is required to fill electronic from for requesting a loan /he data
provided -y the client are for,arded to Chec. *oan /ype ,e- service to determine the loan types Iased on its type, the request is
then for,ard to one of the three services: Chec. 1ome *oan, Chec. 8ducational 1ome *oan, or Chec. Car *oan /he request can
-e: accepted or reAected or approved conditionally in the case of a home loan ;pprove (JeAect< 1ome *oan, ;pprove (JeAect<
8ducational *oan, and ;pprove (JeAect< Car *oan are the ,e- services in charge of accepting (reAecting< a loan request /he result of
the loan request is then e-mailed to the client !inally, the loan application data is stored in a data-ase -y the ;rchive ;pplication ,e-
4i3ure 62 !an loan composite service =,<>
6%<%, Composition lo3s
7n 0;7S (0rocess ;,are 7nformation System< such as (!MS, the data generated from the e"ecution of -usiness processes are
recorded into so-called e"ecution logs During the e"ecution of a composite service, (!MS stores data including real time
information descri-ing the e"ecution and the -ehaviour of the composite service, ,e- services, and instances /a-le + illustrates an
e"ample of a composition log /he data stored in these logs are rich ,ith concealed information Dne useful and important piece of
.no,ledge that can -e e"tracted from these logs is the su-set of the ,e- services that ,ill potentially -e e"ecuted -y composition
6%<%0 Path prediction method
/he adapted data mining method is composed of three steps, the first t,o are similar to Cardoso, ,hile the third is added to the
purpose of runtime predication, and carried out at runtime
6%<%0%$ -5tendin3 the composition lo3
;dditional data are required to -e recorded in logs to carry out e"ecution path prediction /hese data are runtime generated
information indicating the input (output< values parameters passed (received< to (from< ,e- services and their types /hese values are
generated at runtime during the e"ecution of composition instances 8ach SparameterRvalue entry as a data type, a name, and a value,
(for e"ample, int loannum-erG%)+)+< /o store such information, the current composition logs need to -e e"tended !urthermore, an
e"tra field needs to -e added to the log in order to store e"ecution path information2 ,hich descri-ing the path that has -een ta.en
during the e"ecution of a composite service (ie, the ,e- services that have -een e"ecuted< /a-le 5 illustrates an e"ample of
e"tended composition log (a#le 02 Composition lo3
*ate Composition &nstance /e# service Service

%%:6> )+-&)-
*oan ;pplication *;%%) JeAect1ome*oan J1*&% L
%%:6F )+-&)-
*oan ;pplication *;%%) =otifyUser =U)) L
%):&6 )+-&)-
7nsurance Claim 7C%F9 Chec.Claim !CJ65 L
(a#le 62 -5tended composition lo3

/e# service Service

Parameter@value -P

*;%%) JeAect1ome*oa

int loannum-erG%)+)+2
emailG ahmadTyahoocom
string loantypeG home-

*;%%) ;rchive
=U)) L

string telG %>)9+65 2 string
emailG aliThotmailcom


6%<%0%, .earnin3 phase 9O88line:
Dnce enough data are recorded in a composition log, data mining instances need to -e constructed -y
e"tracting the inputRoutput values of ,e- services as ,ell as the path information from the log /he e"tracted
data are converted to a suita-le format to -e processed -y machine learning algorithms 8ach instance is
characterized -y the values of si" inputRoutput parameters of ,e- services and associated ,ith a class, namely
80, indicating the path that has -een follo,ed during the e"ecution ,hen the parameters of ,e- services have
-een assigned to a specific value set 7n the -an. loan composite service, there are si" possi-le alternative paths
a class 80 can ta.e: 80%, 80) L 809 7n summary, the instance structure is as follo,s: income, loan type, loan amount, loan
years, name, SS= , $80' /he parameter income, loan amount, loan years and SS= are numeric, ,hereas the attri-utes loan type
and name are nominal !or e"ample, loan-type can ta.e the finite set of values: homeUloan, educationUloan, and carUloan Dnce
enough instances are created, it ,ill constitute inputs to a machine learning algorithm to esta-lish a relationship -et,een the
inputRoutput parameters and the paths ta.en at runtime ; set of classified instances is ta.en -y a learning schema to learn a ,ay of
classifying unseen instances Since the class 80 of each instances is provided, ,e uses supervised learning $)6' =ote that, in our
approach, the algorithm ,ill -e trained offline so the performance of the approach does not -e affected -y the computation time
needed for training the algorithm
Different machine learning methods can -e employed to carry out path prediction Cardoso ()&&F<$)6' conducts a set of
e"periments using =aHve Iase (=I<, K5F, and Sequential Minimal Dptimization (SMD< methods ,ith and ,ithout the Multi-oost
(MI< method K5F algorithm is (e.a s ()&&5< implementation of the C56 $)>' decision three learner =aHve Iayes (=I< classifier
technique is -ased on the so-called Iayesian theorem SMD $)F' is a fast method to train SVM (Support Vector Machines< $)E' MI
$+&' is an improved meta learning algorithm of ;daIoost $+%'
Iased on Cardoso s e"periments, the results indicate that the Multi-oost =aHve Iase (MI =I< approach is the data mining
algorithm that yields the -est path prediction accuracy results $)6' /herefore, this ,or. employs the MI =I as ,ell
6%<%0%0 Path prediction phase 9at runtime:
Dnce the data is formatted and analyzed -y a learning method, it is no, ready for classifying,n classes, ie, predict the path
that ,ill -e follo,ed during the e"ecution
;t runtime, a client (ie, a service requester< for a -an. loan is required to provide data including personal data and data descri-ing
the condition of the service -eing requested !or e"ample, income, loan type, loan amount, loan years, =ame, and SS= are e"amples
of such data /hen, the data needed for prediction are collected and formatted, and then input to a classifier to classify into target
classes, ie, composition paths
/he output of this step is the predicted pro-a-ility of a given e"ecution path EPi ,ill potentially -e follo,ed during the e"ecution
of the -an. loan composite service /his important information is then utilized -y the optimization algorithms in order to only
optimize the predicted e"ecution path
;% CO'C.+S&O'
(e have proposed an innovative approach that computes the optimization -y considering only the path that potentially ,ill -e
follo,ed during the e"ecution of a composition Drganizations can use our approach to -uild their -usiness processes Iy using our
approach: (i< it is e"pected to al,ays generate -usiness process that deliver the -est possi-le 3oS, at the same time, meet glo-al 3oS
constraints, (ii< it is e"pected to generate -usiness processes in reasona-le time (e are planning to evaluate the approach using
simulation soft,are
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