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Basic Layout of OLT

Basic Layout
Chassis: bundled sales, not sold separately
MPU: generally double master, one for main and one for standby, SCUN, MCUD (MA5608! are
"ommon used
Power Plate: generally dual po#er, one for main and one for standby, $%& (DC!, M$'C (DC!,
M$'D (AC! are "ommon used
Upstream board: ()C*, ()C(, +,CS et"-
GPON service boards: ($.D, ($*D et"-
oftware: generally /as been installed inside t/e "ontrol board SCUN
Co!trol board " CUN #CUL$ CU%$ CU&'
Systemati" "ontrol, s#it"/ing and unified net#or0 management
Simple routing proto"ol fun"tions reali1ation
)*ter!al +!terface:
C2N (%S3,4, t/e serial port maintenan"e!
&5 (607600M .ase3 t/e &t/ernet port maintenan"e!
&SC en8ironmental monitoring port
9 (& uplin0 opti"al interfa"es
*re:uently "onfigure t#o, one for main and one for standby, 2; soft#are is installed in t/e main
"ontrol board
GPON service board "GPBC,GPB-,GP(-
Mai! fu!ctio!s:
($2N ((igabit $assi8e 2pti"al Net#or0! a""ess panel and terminal 2NU (2pti"al Net#or0 Unit!
de8i"es toget/er to a"/ie8e t/e 2; fun"tion on ($2N system, default #it/ . < S*$ module
(free!, to repla"e t/e need to pur"/ase C <
-iffere!ces of GPON board:
ype $ort number 2pti"al module Ma=imum splitting ratio raffi" s/aping
6(3($2N 9 S**(Class .<! 6>69 No
6(3($2N 8 S*$(Class .<

Class C<! 6>6,8 No

6(3($2N 8 S*$(Class .<

Class C<! 6>6,8 ?es

6(3($2N 66 S*$(Class .<

Class C<! 6>6,8 ?es

6(3($2N 8 S*$(Class .<

Class C<! 6>6,8 ?es

60(3($2N 9 +*$ 6>6,8 ?es
-iffere!ce betwee! GPON i!termediate B . a!d C . optical modules
.ot/ of t/e . < and C < are supported 6>6,8 spe"tros"opi", mainly affe"ting transmission
/e /ig/er splitting ratio is, t/e greater of t/e loss, and t/e s/orter of t/e transmission
?ou "an repla"e t/e "ustomer ($.D of . < module into C <, but it s/ould be "/arged
2; module
ransmit po#er %+ Sensiti8ity (Unit> d.m!
Class .<> 6-5@5 3,8
Class C<> 4@A 34,
2NU module
Class .<> 0-5@5 3,A
Class C<> 0-5@5 340
Power board
MA5680, MA5684, MA5600, MA5604 po#er only supports DC ()f you only AC input,
you need to buy an in8erter to "on8ert AC398B into DC-!
MA5608 , di8ided into t#o 0inds, AC and DC-
/e "/arges is based on ea"/ ($2N port, from % (n! to % (n <6!
Soft#are issues related to "ompatibility bet#een 2; and 2N, #it/ some "ompatibility
8ersion is better, and some relati8ely poor-
More related:
M/0123T 4s M/0125T : / -isti!ct Compariso!
&uawei mart/6 M/0133T"Global (irst /ll"i!"o!e /ccess Platform
&G2780/ 4 &G2780: 9ifi i:!al tre!:th
Competitive Price &uawei GPON ONT /rrival: &G23;3& a!d &G2780/
The basic co!fi:uratio! of OLT
More Huawei products and Reviews you can visit: /ttp>77###-/uanet#or0-"om7blog
5uanet#or0-"om is a #orld leading 5ua#ei net#or0ing produ"ts distributor, #e #/olesale
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remote testing, any potential "ustomer are #el"ome to login to our lab- )f you need a total 5ua#ei
*= solution or 5ua#ei ADS; solution for your net#or0, also you may feel free to "onta"t us-
2ur #ebsite> /ttp>77###-/uanet#or0-"om
elep/one> <85,340506C90
&mail> salesD/uanet#or0-"om
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