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Lesson Topic/Focus Goal Setting - Blogging Date 26/6/12

VELS Domain(s) Personal Learning & ICT

Grade(s)/Year Level(s) 4
VELS Dimension (or Religious Education Guideline)
The ndividual Learner
At Level 3, stuents es!ri"e t#e $a!tors t#at a$$e!t learning an ienti$% strategies t#at &ill
en#an!e t#eir o&n learning' (it# su))ort, t#e% ienti$% t#eir learning strengt#s an
&ea*nesses an learning #a"its t#at i+)rove learning out!o+es' T#e% see* tea!#er $ee"a!*
to evelo) t#eir !ontent *no&lege an unerstaning' T#e% +a*e an ,usti$% so+e e!isions
a"out t#eir learning an, &it# su))ort, set learning i+)rove+ent goals' T#e% !ontri"ute to t#e
evelo)+ent o$ )roto!ols t#at !reate a )ositive learning environ+ent in t#e !lassroo+'
!anaging "ersonal Learning
At Level 3, stuents set s#ort-ter+, a!#ieva"le goals in relation to s)e!i$i! tas*s' T#e%
!o+)lete s#ort tas*s "% )lanning an allo!ating a))ro)riate ti+e an resour!es' T#e%
unerta*e so+e +ulti-ste), e-tene tas*s ine)enentl%' T#e% !o++ent on tas* )rogress
an a!#ieve+ents' T#e% +anage t#eir $eelings in )ursuit o$ goals an e+onstrate a )ositive
attitue to&ars t#eir learning'
Duration o# Lesson 6. /inutes
Learning $utcome(s)/Standard(s)%
Stuents &ill learn a"out a!#ieva"le an realisti! goals an &ill set 3 $or t#e+selves $or t#e
ne-t ter+' 0n!e &ritten stuents &ill t%)e u) $or )u"li!ation on !lass "log'
1ra$t &ill "e rea "e$ore t%)ing u) $or )u"li!ation'
Teaching Focus%
&' chosen () associate teacher -
*' Your personal choice o# s+ill development , 2n!ouraging "est &or* $ro+ stuents, not
,ust si+)le "are +ini+u+ e$$orts in &or*'
*ac+ground to the learning%
A. Teacher 3
S#oul "e $a+iliar &it# Goal Setting 3 4ear 4 &or*s#eet'
*' "upil , Stuents #ave $ille out goal setting s#eet )reviousl% $or se+ester 1'
Lesson Resources% (list in dot point)
- (riting "oo*s
- Co+)uters
- Goal Setting s#eet 3 igital !o)%
-ontent o# Lesson%
&' ntroduction 1. mins
5ave stuents on $loor an introu!e a!tivit%' As* stuents 6uestions su!# as 7(#at is
a goal89 7(#at is an a!#ieva"le or realisti! goal89 /a*e sure t#e% are a&are t#at t#e
goals s#oul "e s)e!i$i!, not ,ust 7Get "etter at +at#s9' (#at s)e!i$i! area o$ +at#s
&oul t#e% li*e to get "etter at8 Goals +ust "e a!ae+i! relate' Tell stuents t#at t#eir
goals are going to "e t%)e u) an )ut on t#eir "log'
*' Development
Put t#e goal setting s#eet on t#e I(B an stuents in t#eir e-er!ise "oo* &ill set 3 goals $or
t#e+selves, as &ell as sa%ing &#at t#e% &ill o to a!#ieve t#ese goals'
-' -onsolidation and "ractice
0n!e stuents #ave &ritten t#eir goals an t#e% #ave "een !#e!*e an !orre!te, t#e% &ill
get t#e igital !o)% o$ t#e goal setting s#eet o$$ t#e +% !lasses )age an &ill $ill it out an save
it $or su"+ission into "log )age'
D' -losure
Pa!* u)'

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