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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Pranam Everyone,
For those who came in late, I repeat again this is a piece of
research work/attempt of an author from his unpulishe! ook on
many novel techni"ues in astrology# It has taken me lot of
coa$ing persuasion to get this an! now I purposely e!ite! few
thing out# It%s a long piece, a &' pager hence those who know
asics of ('
nav may e a!vice! to scan faster#
I hope this is receive! with an open min!, teste! on many charts
then comments given# )ost things in life when given free to our
astro community !oesn%t get even an attempt to test it on *+
charts, after testing it on self chart an! if !oesn%t work we
re,ect it# -his is the story of ../ of astro
stu!ents/astrologers# 0s the )aster of 1esearchers says if it
works on (2/ of cases it is a vali! research#
I shall also uploa! this in the file section so that if the
charts !on%t come through people can !ownloa! P3F from there#
4oftware use! is 567 ol! version# -he whole ook was written in
4ept 2' an! is in circulation to select few astrologers only# One
of the western astrologers whose chart has een use! in the ook
ha! pre!icte! then to the author that there is grave !anger to
the life of 8ush in 5une , I think 4hankar also pre!icte! the
same# I myself came to know aout this pre!iction in Oct/Nov
through the author# 9oming ack to ('
Nav, one senior
astrologers reaction in 3ec 2' was that this is a rilliant
techni"ue ut too many parameters are use!, too many things can
e seen, the reply given to him was :when a normal astrologer
looks at a chart how many parameters !oes he consi!er, +, &2 or
);96 )O1E<# 0lso as one .2 yr ol! master sai! one can ON7= use
Nav techni"ue throughout his life an! pre!ict too many events
>not all? in one single chart if one knows how to use it# I shall
e out of action after a few !ays#
8est wishes,
4unil 5ohn
)umai s
-ech &@ -he Enigma calle! ('
0strologers fre"uently use the term ('
Nav, ut not many teach
us how to use this ('
Nav# 4ome upon pro!!ing !o mention that
one shoul! comine ('
Nav an! transits, ut no one e$plains how#
6ere is what I learnt from 9#4#Patel#
What is 64
Nav of a planet is the A
6ouse from that planet in 1asi
9hart an! its Nav position woul! e '
house from that planet% s
Natal Navamsa >3.? position#
E#g#@ If 5up is in -a in Natal 3& an! in 3. it is in -a Nav, then
the B('
Nav of 5up% woul! e 4g in 3& >A
from -a? in 7eo
Navamsa >'
from -a?# 4o whenever@ C
a? Dhen we use the wor! B('
Nav of 5up% it woul! mean in this
e$ample 7eo Navamsa
? Dhen we use the wor! -rines to B('
Nav of 5up%, in this
e$ample it woul! mean 0r E 4g Navamsas#
c? Dhen we use the wor! ON the B('
Nav of 5up%, it woul! mean
in this e$ample 7e Nav
!? -he 4ukha position of this ('
Nav of 5up, it woul! mean '
house from this position an! in the aove e$ample it woul!
mean 4corpio Navamsa
E$ercise@ I!entifying ('
Nav of Every Planet
9hart@ 9harlton 6eston
9hart elongs to the man they calle! B8enhur%, we won%t get into
why he achieve! immortal screen fame ut into i!entifying the ('
Nav of Every planet in this chart#
&# ('
Nav of 0sc@ 1asi lagna is Fi E Nav 7agna is Ge
a? 1asi 7agna is Fi G 4pot the A
sign from this
position, which ecomes 0ries, mark this#
? Nav position of Fi 0sc is Gemini G 4pot the '
from this position which ecomes Fi sign
Nav of 0sc@ 0ries 1asi in Fi Nav or another way to say it
woul! e Fi Nav in 0ries 1asi
*# ('
Nav of 4un@ In 3& 4un is in Fi E in 3. it is in Ge
a? 1asi Position of 4un@ Fi G 4pot the A
sign from this
position, which ecomes 0ries, mark this in memory
? Nav Position of 4un@ Ge G 4pot the '
sign from this
position, which ecomes Fi sign
Nav of 4un@ Fi Nav in 0ries 1asi
H# ('
Nav of )er@ In 3& )er is in Fi E in 3. it is in 9p
a? 1asi Position of )er@ Fi G 4pot the A
sign from this
position, which ecomes 0ries, note this in your memory#
? Nav Position of )er@ 9p G 4pot the '
sign from this
position, which ecomes 0ries
Nav of )er@ 0ries Nav in 0ries 1asi
4imple isn%t it, this way fin! out the ('
Navs of each planet y
going A
from its natal position in 1asi an! '
from its natal
position in Nav E then synthesiIe#
6int@ 0nother way to think woul! e oserve the Nav lagna, (' J
&* $ + K ', which means if we make + roun!s of Io!iac from a
starting point E then more ' spots, then we get the ('
in Navamsa chart# De can use this way of roun!aout mental
reckoning for every planet, what was given initially was the
short cut metho!#
Fin! elow the ('
Nav of all planets of 9harlton 6eston for
rea!y reference#
4r# Planet
Ath From
'th From
('th Nav
& 0sc Fi 0r Ge Fi Fi Nav 0r 1asi
* 4un Fi 0r Ge Fi Fi Nav 0r 1asi
H )er Fi 0r 9p 0r 0r Nav 0r 1asi
' 4at 7i -a 4g Pi Pi Nav -a 1asi
+ 5up 4c Ge 9p 0r 0r Nav Ge 1asi
( )oon 4g 9n -a 7e 7e Nav 9n 1asi
L Metu 9p 7e Fi 4g 4g Nav 7e 1asi
A )ar 0" Fi 4c 0" 0" Nav Fi 1asi
. 1ahu 9n 0" Pi Ge Ge Nav 0" 1asi
&2 Fen 7e Pi -a 7e 7e Nav Pi 1asi
&& ;ra 0" Fi -a 7e 7e Nav Fi 1asi
&* Pluto Ge 9p 0r 9n 9n Nav 9p 1asi
&H Nep 9n 0" Pi Ge Ge Nav 0" 1asi
&' )9 Ge 9p Pi Ge Ge Nav Ge 1asi

Activation of 64
Dhen a planet malefic or enefic passes through this ('
Nav of
any planet it activates this most sensitive point of the natal
0strological classics such as 3evakeralam, 8rihat Parasara
6ora 4astra, 5ataka Pari,ata, 6ora 1atnam, Prasna )arga,
5ataka!esamarga an! others speak of certain sensitive areas in
a irth chart an! transit over these areas y 4aturn is sai!
to cause much !istress an! even !eath# One such sensitive area
is the ('
Nav i#e# the H !eg *2 mins of arc from the Navamsa
occupie! y the )oon or the 0sc#
Nav from that of the Nav occupie! y the )oon is calle! a
Mhara Navamsa#
)r# 3ivakaruni Fenkata 4ua 1ao of 6y!eraa! makes an
interesting point# :Dhenever the lor! of the **
3rekkana E
the ('
Navamsa lor! to the natal )oon happen to e same
planet or when these two Mharas happen to transit a point
!eprive! of an auspicious in!u in 0shtakavarga after two
so!hanas >re!uctions? are carrie! out an! if that Makshya
happens to e owne! y the -10N4I-ING Mhara, !eath is
unavoi!ale# -his has een oserve! y )r# Patel for over a
long time an! is foun! to give accurate results
How to use 64
&# First check if currently or in the recent past if any
planet >we call this 0? was A
from a natal planet
inclu!ing 0sc#
*# If you fin! any planet A
from any natal planet, fin! out
the Nav position of this natal planet#
H# -hen fin! out the ('
Nav position of this natal planet, y
counting '
from its natal Nav position#
'# -hen check if in transit if the sai! planet 0 which is in
3& A
from the natal planet is in the ('
Nav position of
this planet or in -rines to this natal planets ('
0 !etaile! e$ample will show how to use this e$actly, as this can
e tricky#
E$ample 4tan!ar! 6oroscope &@ >make note of this chart, it shall
e use! many times in this paper? H&
3ec &.&+, &.#'' pm >I4-?#
7at *H N 2*, 7ong L*EH.
6ouses@ )arke! in green color is the ('
1asi an! Nav#
&# 0sc is A 9n +H% in Fi Nav G the 64
Nav from this position
is Sg Nav in Aquarius, the 8
sign# 6is 6oliness 4ri
4ankaracharya of 3waraka 4ara!a Peetam conferre! on this
native an honorary !egree of :5yotishalankara< on &2
Nov &.(*
at pulic function, when 5up was .0"'H%#
7et us see where was 5up on &2
Nov &.(*, it was in 0" in 4g
Navamsa, which is e$actly the ('
Nav of the natives
Scries Notes! Basica""# the wa# to predict this wou"d e to
find the 64
Nav of asc $ find the period from when to when
%up wou"d e in Aq &asi in Sg Nav, which wou"d e a short
period and seeing this as a natura" enefic %up, we wou"d
predict that a ver# significant event of a good nature wou"d
occur' A"so %up is 6
"ord ()
from *
house of fame i'e'
gains from *
house of fame+ $ ,
-ord which is again *
house of fame i'e' secondar# house of fame, ,
house is
house of re"igion and one of the highest re"igious authorit#
conferred the tit"e to him and not .ust an ordinar# person'
*# Natal Metu is in &L9n (% in 4g Nav G the ('
Nav from it is
Pisces Nav in 0", i#e# the A
sign from natal Metu >of 1asi? #
On **
)arch &.(+, the native of the chart ha! a ma,or throat
operation for 9ancer, when 4aturn was &L0"*2% in 0" 1asi an!
Pi Nav, the ('
Nav position of Metu# From &.
)arch (+ to &A
0pr (+, 4at was in Pi Nav in the sign 0", so herey one can
pinpoint the perio! of the month when the event woul! happen
so easily, which we are unale to !o so with any 3asa system
unless we are e$perts#
H# Natal )oon is in &*7i&*% in 9p Nav G the ('
Nav from it is
0r Nav in -a, the A
sign# On H2
Nov &.(+, 1ahu was &2-a+A%,
when he lost his mother# 6is natal Metu is in &L9n2(% in 4g
Nav G the ('
Nav from it is Pisces Nav in 0", the A
sign# On
Nov &.(+ 4at was &L0"*2% when he lost his mother#
4imultaneous transits of 1ahu an! 4at may e note! here#
Notes! /he scrie (writer of this piece of document+ a"wa#s
tries to pinpoint more than one ma"efic p"anet transiting the
sign from an# given p"anet0position "ike Asc and then tries
to match out if the# are activating the 64
Nav from that
given point' When more than one p"anet is transiting the 64
Nav we can e sure that some significant event has happened'
/he aove e1amp"e i""ustrates this point''
'# Natal )oon is in &*7i&*% in 9p Nav C the ('
Nav from it
is 0r Nav in -a, the A
sign# On (
Fe &.L+, he lost his wife
when Metu was &H-a&2% in -a in 0r Nav, the ('
Nav from Natal
)oon# >In his pulishe! work the native himself an astrologer
has given *'
5an&.L+ for this event ut also mentione! that
Metu was &H-a&2% in placement, this !eg comes true on (
&.L+ accor!ing to 567?#
+# -he chart elongs to none other than 4hri 9#4#Patel, who
although an astrologer of the earlier era says that one shoul!
use western planets like ;ranus, Neptune, an! Pluto in one%s
analysis# 7ets now come ack to how Patel !emonstrate! the
outer planets in his own horoscope#
In 4#6 & C ;ranus is in *&9p22% in 9n Nav G the ('
Nav from
it is 7i Nav in 7eo, the A
sign# 6is marriage took place on
)ay &.HH when enefic %up was )2-e4,3 activating the 64
Nav of 4ranus' 5ind"# note that 4ranus is in the 6
house of
4crie@ I haven%t still emrace! the outer planets an! woul!
research further to know its usage an! vali!ity#
(# )#9 falls in '0rA% in -a Nav G the ('
Nav from it is 7e
Nav in 4c, the A
sign# On .
4ept &.+(, he ha! a ma,or
traffic acci!ent resulting in in,uries when 4at was '4c&'%#
7et us roa!en this event in terms of pre!iction style, we
nee! to fin! 4at in 4corpio ut in -a Nav, now in this Nav it
woul! e present ,ust more than a month i#e# from *H
0ug &.+(
to .
Oct &.+( therey narrowing your pre!iction to plus minus
&+ !ays, which is far superior a techni"ue to a!opt#
Fital Meys
1esearch min!e! astrologers must oserve an! kin!ly
post their fin!ings in pulic if every ('
Nav is fatal# -his
can e !one only on the charts of people they know intimately
on a !ay to !ay level, reporting such fin!ings on charts where
the astrologer himself knows only &2 events is non fruitful
since in a natives life atleast &A,222 events of significance
happen out of which he rememers only a few an! recor!s even
less for the astrologer to research on#
)ost significant sign is the ('
Nav position#
-rines to this position come ne$t#
It is this scrie%s oservations that the '
from the
Nav position also gives significant events, although )r#
Patel woul!n%t even give a hearing since he woul!n%t u!ge
from ol! norms# -he scrie through an astrological mistake
ma!e some fascinating correct pre!ictions for few months y
the application of transits on the '
from ('
Nav position#
If others fin!s similar fin!ings pls post them# 0s we know
sometimes when huktis of +7/*7 is on, sometimes an astrologer
can use wrong techni"ues ut get correct pre!ictions, ut the
scrie feels it can e a vali! research, since '
governs sukha >happiness?, from any position therey governing
the happiness from the ('
It is foun! in practice y )r# Patel that the transits
of slow moving planets through the ('
Nav from the remaining
five planets, 1ahu, Metu, )#9 >3asamsa )a!hayama? an! trans
saturnine planets, also pro!uce results of a significant
nature G favourale or unfavorale#
1ahu%s transit shoul! e watche! with close attention
as 1ahu sometimes gives honors an! !istinctions instea! of
only negative events#
Maraka of planets an! ownership must not e forgotten#
-hey can e meticulously use! after some e$perience in this
techni"ue to pinpoint the type of event, although )r# Patel
has so far not pulishe! how to pinpoint the event, ut the
scrie feels that one can surely pinpoint in !ue course the
type of event too#
-ransits through the ('
Nav of fast moving planets
such as 4un, )ars, )er an! Fen, also give results ut mostly
which are of small magnitu!e#
0lso very Imp are -ransits of 7or!s of ('
Nav of )oon
E 0sc are to e oserve! in further stu!ies# It was note! in
the chart of a 9ana!ian astrologer that every time 5upiter the
7or! of ('
Nav of her 0sc passe! through her 0scen!ant in
natal chart, her life change! !rastically# 4imilar recor!ings
have een !one in other charts, ut there is one folly here
which another Merela astrologer tol! me an! that was what if
)oon is the lor! of the ('
Nav of 0sc, then woul! ones life
change !ramatically in every H2 !ays , so this ma!e me think
further to set asi!e lor!s of evil an! goo! houses an!
functional enefics/malefics !epen!ing on 0scen!ants an! chart
their transits esp of igger planets in transit# ;nfortunately
the scrie hasn%t !one any further stu!ies to vali!ate this
theory# 1esearchers who fin! )oon the lor! of the ('
Nav of
the 0sc must also think if those charts elong to categories
of people who lea! an e$treme fast an! tumultuous life which
might make it possile for their lives to un!ergo changes in
every H2 !ays, lets us not rule out the possiility as of now#
)un!ane events such as cyclones, earthC"uakes,
e$cessive heat, very heavy rains, !evastating floo!s,
e$cessive col!, !roughts, fires can e pre!icte! y the ('
Nav position forme! y the fast moving planets such as 4un,
)ars, )er E Fen with the slow moving planets such as 4aturn,
5up, 1ahu, Metu etc in transit#
Dhen transit con,unction of ma,or planets takes place
in the ('
Nav of a chart, either from 0sc or the sun or the
moon, significant events take place in ones life# -his is one
way to make snap shot pre!ictions through the ('
7et us see some e$amples @C
9hart & In!ira Gan!hi

0sc@ 9n 0sc, Pi Nav, ('th Nav of 0sc is Ge

Event 7ost her )other 3&@ -hat 3ay, 4at Ath from 0sc
3ate *Ath 5une &.H( 3.@ 4at in Ge, ON ('th of 0sc
1emarks@ '7 4un of 3&* is with Fen, in transit Fen
an! 4un

are Ath from natal 4un E )er# -ransit 4un is in

Fen is also A7 from '6 of mother, )er is &*7 from
'th house

Metu is *7 from 'th in 1asi, E in 3&* Lth 7or!
place! in (6 of !isease asp )er

)er@ 4c 1asi in 7i Nav, ('th Nav of )er is 9p

3&@ -hat 3ay, Fen, 4un, )ars, Metu Ath from natal
3.@ Fen, 4un, Metu ON ('th Nav of )er

4at@ 9n 1asi in 9p Nav, ('th Nav of 4at is 0r

Event 4on, FiroI 3ies 3&@ -hat !ay, Metu Ath from 4at
3ate Ath 4ept &.(2 3.@ Metu in 0r, ON ('th of 4at

Jup1@ -a 1asi in -a Na, since it is 1 ('th Nav can
e 9n or 7e
Remarks: Sat is 9L of D7 (first child)

3&@4at1 E 5up Ath from natal 1 5up

D9: Sat R is in Vi, hence also in Le, ON 6th na!
of "#trakarak J#

9hart * $ill %linton& (chart 'elo()

)ars@ In 0sc Fi 1asi in 0r Nav, ('th Nav of )ars
is 9n

Event 9hest Pain 3&@ 1ahu Ath from 0sc E )ars
3ate Hr! 4ept *22'
3.@ 1ahu in 9n, ON ('th Nav of )ars who is A7, -r
0sp '7 5up in 3&
7,! &ahu in 8n, 4th from 64 Nav of Asc

9hart H 4#G >&HFe&.(L, 2A@++, I4-, L(E+A, &&N2?

Metu@ 7i 1asi Pi Nav, ('th Nav of Metu is Ge

Event 8irth of 4on 3&@Fen E )er Ath from natal Metu
3ate *2th 5une *22H 3.@ Fen E )er ON ('th Nav of Metu

Remarks: )et# is 9L (*th from *th) , J#+ in
transit (as on *th ho#se
acti!atin, the 9th ho#se and also natal *L -oon

Ven -D is the .L / lord of th from *th ho#se
(s#kha),0d is of
*th lord -oon

9hart ' 0#8 19
Jan &962, 34.. am, 5S6, 227 11,
11N. (chart 'elo()

Nep@ 4c 1asi in 9n Nav, ('th Nav of Nep is 7i

Event )arriage 3&@ -r 5upN in Ge Ath from natal Nep
3ate &*th 3ec &.A.
3.@ ('th Nav of Nep is 7i, trines to that is Ge E
0", -r 5ups nav

position is in 0" trine to ('th Nav of Nep,
therey activating it#
Remarks: 5n natal D9 chart Ne+ is (ith J#+8

Metu@Fi 1asi in Fi Nav, ('th Nav of Metu is 4g,
'th from it is
Pi >rememer happiness >sukh? is eing !estroye!#

Event 3eath of Father 3&@5u, )ars, 4at E 4un in 0r, Ath from natal Metu
3ate &Lth 0pr *222
3.@)ars E 4at in 4c Nav, which is trine to Pi >'th
from ('th Nav
of Metu

Remarks: Sat is 2L from 99 of father, -ars is 6L
from 99

;ra@Fi 1asi in 0" Nav,('th Nav of ;ra is -a

3&@5u, )ars, 4at E 4un in 0r, Ath from natal ;ra
3.@4un is in -a Nav on the ('th Nav of ;ra
3.@ 5up is in Fi Nav, -1INE to the ('th Nav of ;ra

%hart *: Danish "rince Joachim (chart 'elo()

5u >3M? E Metu@ In Fi >'6? in 9p Nav, ('th Nav of
oth is 0r

'th from this 0r is 9n it is the sukha or
happiness of this ('th Nav

Event Pulic 0nnoun 3&@1a in 0r, Ath from natal 5u E Metu
cenment of
3.@ 1a is in 9n Nav the 'th from 0r the ('th Nav,
3ate &(th 4ept 2' !estroying the happiness of marriage

1a@ Pi 1asi in 9n Nav, 'th Nav is 7i
'th from 7i is 9p which is the 4ukha of this place

3&@ Me in 7i, Ath from natal 1a

3.@Me in 9p Nav, the 'th from 7i which is the ('th
Nav of 1ahu

-rines to this 'th from ('th Nav is to e looke!
for always

Nep@ is also activating the ('th Nav of 0sc in

4at@ 0r 1asi in 9n Nav, ('th Nav woul! e 7i

)arriage of
Prince 3&@ 5u, 4u, Fe,)ars in 4c, Ath from 0r
3ate Nov &Ath &..+
3.@ 5u E Fen oth in 0" which is -rine to 7i, ('th

Remarks: J#+ is D) / 7L,Ven is *L / 7L of D9'oth
com'ine to

,i!e marria,e, )et# is also acti!atin, the D) J#+
thro the 6th Na! tech
Further -hinking in ('
Nav techni"ue E 4elf propose! theory@C
Nav of houses only@C
Dhat we have !one is we have taken the ('
Nav of every planet
an! then oserve! transits on it for ma,or events in life# 8efore
we took the planets we also saw the ('
Nav of the 0sc, now if we
think !eeply this 0sc is a point in the &
house an! some charts
wont have a planet in that house, how aout marking all the
houses of the chart with the !egrees of the 0sc, an! then fin!ing
out the ('
Nav position of each house# -his way we woul! get to
know the ('
Nav of each house therey whenever a planet transits
through this point, significations of that house woul! prosper or
suffer G this is scries own theory an! has not een teste! !ue
to lack of time an! nonCavailaility of a software, ut the
scrie feels internally that it can prove to e a vali!
4p# Note@ 0!!ing this after months, try !oing ('
Nav of sahams
an! upagrahas an! other sensitive points, more stu!y/research
into this is nee!e!

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