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Salerno-Sonnener!"# Se$en%& Sea#on a# M'#() D(re)%or H(!&l(!&%e* B+ Co,,(##(one* Ne- Wor.
/ro, 0ea%'re* Co,1o#er Dere. Ber,el2 G'e#% 3(ol(n(#% Glenn D()%ero- Lea*(n! Ma#%er-or.# /ro,
%&e S%r(n! C&a,er Re1er%o(re2 0(r#% 4er/or,an)e a% %&e Green M'#() Cen%er2 an* 0(r#%-T(,e
Collaora%(on W(%& T&e San 0ran)(#)o G(rl# C&or'# 5n a 4ro!ra, o/ Hol(*a+ 0a$or(%e#

San Francisco, May 20, 2014 Music Director Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg
and the New entury ha!ber "rchestra continue their ins#ired #artnershi#
$or a se%enth season& 'n $our subscri#tion concerts, the "rchestra, #raised by
(eorgia )owe o$ San Francisco Classical Voice $or its continued e$$orts to
*e+#and the boundaries o$ classical !usic,, #er$or!s a wide range o$
re#ertoire s#anning $our centuries including Stra%ins-y.s Pulcinella Suite,
Mahler.s transcri#tion o$ the Schubert String /uartet D& 010 *Death and the
Maiden,, 1rah!s. Se+tet $or Strings in 1b Major, Mo2art.s Di%erti!ento
3& 145, and 6r%o 78rt.s Fratres& o!!itted to broadening the cha!ber orchestra re#ertoire, New entury.s
201491: Featured o!#oser is Dere- 1er!el& 6 %irtuoso clarinetist as well as co!#oser, Mr& 1er!el a##ears
as a #er$or!er on the season o#ening #rogra! and returns later in the season to introduce a co!!issioned new
wor- $or string orchestra& Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg ta-es the stage as soloist $or ;i%aldi.s The Four Seasons
in a #rogra! that $eatures a %ariety o$ holiday classics and a $irst-ti!e collaboration with the San Francisco
(irls horus& <he concerts will be #resented throughout the 1ay 6rea and in a $irst-ti!e a##earance at
Sono!a State =ni%ersity.s >eill ?all& 6nother !ajor season highlight is a rare 1ay 6rea a##earance by
retiring New @or- 7hilhar!onic concert!aster (lenn Dicterow, in%ited by Salerno-Sonnenberg to lead the
March set o$ concerts&

*My collaboration with New entury ha!ber "rchestra re!ains one o$ the !ost rewarding artistic
#artnershi#s '.%e e%er e+#erienced,, said Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg& *<his is an orchestra o$ %irtuoso
!usicians who #lay as one and '.! e+tre!ely e+cited to Ashare. the! with the incredible %iolinist (lenn
Dicterow in March& 1oth !usicians and audiences thri%e on new and di$$erent e+#eriences and our 201491:
season de!onstrates our co!!it!ent to e+#anding the hori2ons o$ the orchestra and its $ans&,

<he season o#ens with a #rogra! that highlights three cha!ber wor-s by 201491:
Featured o!#oser Dere- 1er!el& )ecogni2ed nationally $or his !ulti-$aceted career as
a co!#oser, clarinetist and conductor, 1er!el was recently na!ed 6rtistic Director o$
the intre#id 6!erican o!#oser.s "rchestra at arnegie ?all& 1er!el joins !e!bers o$
New entury $or A Short History of the Universe $or String /uartet
and larinet and Silvioudades, a duet $or clarinet and %iolin that
also $eatures Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg& ?is $inal wor- Oct Up
$eatures two string Buartets and #ercussion& <he concert also
includes a re#rise o$ one o$ New entury.s !ost #o#ular
#er$or!ances, Shchedrin.s ta-e on 1i2etCs Carmen Suite& 6
signature wor- in the orchestra.s re#ertory, the #iece drew ra%e
re%iews and standing o%ations in Se#te!ber 2011 with Doshua
3os!an o$ the San Francisco Chronicle #raising New entury $or a *su#erb
#er$or!ance, !ar-ed by rhyth!ic %i%acity and e!otional brilliance&, 6r%o 78rt.s other-
worldly and i!!ensely #o#ular Fratres co!#letes the #rogra!& E+isting in a %ariety o$
di$$erent instru!ental incarnations, the wor- will be #er$or!ed in its !ost recogni2ed %ersion $or solo %iolin
and string orchestra&

1uilding on last season.s collaborations with the San Francisco "#era.s 6dler
Fellows and hanticleer, New entury welco!es the San Francisco (irls
horus $or a #rogra! o$ holiday $a%orites& <he (irls horus will #er$or!
;aughan >illia!.s >inter $ro! Folksongs of the Four Seasons and ui.s
adiant Stars, with New entury joining the! $or Mo2art.s !ngel "ottes
#$nden and Dohn )utterCs %ativity Carol, in addition to selections $ro!
?andel.s &essiah and a Medley o$ hrist!as arols, arranged by $or!er
Featured o!#oser larice 6ssad& <he #rogra! will also $eature ?andel.s
Arrival of the 'ueen of She(a, orelli.s oncerto (rosso in ( !inor, "#& 5,
No& 0 *hrist!as oncerto,, 1ach.s 1randenburg oncerto No& 4, and ;i%aldiCs >inter $ro! The Four
Seasons $eaturing Salerno-Sonnenberg as soloist&

<he season continues in March with a s#ecial guest a##earance by %iolinist (lenn
Dicterow who will lead New entury in a #rogra! o$ wor-s $or string orchestra&
Established worldwide as one o$ the !ost #ro!inent 6!erican %iolinists o$ his
generation, (lenn Dicterow has been concert!aster o$ the New @or- 7hilhar!onic since
1F00 and has since #er$or!ed with the! as soloist on e%ery season& Dicterow.s long
standing relationshi# with the New @or- 7hilhar!onic began with his solo debut
#er$or!ing the <chai-o%s-y ;iolin oncerto at aged 11 which #ro#elled his career as a
soloist a##earing with orchestras all o%er the country and abroad& Following 44
distinguished years with the orchestra, he is retiring at the end o$ the 2014914 season and
#lans to !a-e ali$ornia his ho!e where he is currently the holder o$ the )obert Mann
hair in Strings ha!ber and ha!ber Music at the =ni%ersity o$ ali$ornia.s <hornton
School o$ Music& <he #rogra! o#ens with Mo2art.s Di%erti!ento 3& 145 by Mo2art, a wor- written when the
co!#oser was only 1: years old and was one o$ three such wor-s co!#osed in Sal2burg during the winter o$
1GG2& 6lso $eatured on the #rogra! is Se+tet $or Strings No& 1 in 1b !ajor, 1rah!s. $irst cha!ber wor- $or
strings without #iano, #lus (rieg.s T)o %ordic &elodies and ?olst.s St* Paul+s Suite&

6 >est oast #re!iere by Dere- 1er!el closes the 201491: season& <he new wor- has been co-co!!issioned
in collaboration with a national consortiu! o$ orchestras including )i%er "a-s ha!ber "rchestra o$ ?ouston
and 6 Far ry o$ 1oston& <he consortiu! has been established as #art o$ an e$$ort to increase the national
i!#act o$ the wor-s co!!issioned by New entury, in addition to touring and recording co!!issioned wor-s&
Featuring alongside the #re!iere are two !onu!ental wor-s $or string orchestraH Stra%ins-y.s Pulcinella Suite
and the Schubert9Mahler String /uartet in D !inor D& 010 *Death and the Maiden&, 6 corner stone in the
cha!ber !usic re#ertoire, Schubert.s original %ersion $or string Buartet has recei%ed nu!erous transcri#tions
including Mahler.s 10F5 setting $or string orchestra&

Subscri#tions to the New entury ha!ber "rchestra are on sale now& 4-oncert Subscri#tions range $ro!
IG0 to I15:H 4-oncert Subscri#tions range $ro! I104 - I220& all J41:K 4:G-1111 e+t& 4 or %isit
www&ncco&org to #urchase a subscri#tion&

Single tic-ets range in #rice $ro! I2F to I51 and will go on sale 6ugust 1, 2014 through ity 1o+ "$$iceL
www&citybo+o$$ice&co! and J41:K 4F2-4400& Discounted I1: single tic-ets are a%ailable $or #atrons under 4:&

<ic-et in$or!ation $or the Dece!ber #er$or!ance at the (reen Music enter is a%ailable at
www&g!c&sono!a&edu and J055K F::-5040.

"#en )ehearsal tic-ets are I0 general ad!ission and can be #urchased through ity 1o+ "$$ice beginning
6ugust 1, 2014L www&citybo+o$$ice&co! and J41:K 4F2-4400&

For $urther in$or!ation on New entury, #lease %isit www&ncco&org& Media contacts are listed at the end o$ the

Ne- Cen%'r+ C&a,er Or)&e#%ra 2014-2015 Sea#on Calen*ar

Car,en Re%'rn#
Se1%e,er 11-146 2014

"#en )ehearsalL >ednesday, Se#te!ber 10, 10 a&!&, 3anbar 7er$or!ing 6rts enter, San Francisco

<hursday, Se#te!ber 11, 0 #&!&, First ongregational hurch, 1er-eley
Friday, Se#te!ber 12, 0 #&!&, First =nited Methodist hurch, 7alo 6lto
Saturday, Se#te!ber 14, 0 #&!&, San Francisco onser%atory
Sunday, Se#te!ber 14, : #&!&, "sher Marin D, San )a$ael

B(7e%8 S&)&e*r(n9 Carmen Suite
Ar$o 4:r%9 Fratres
Dere. Ber,el9 A Short History of the Universe $or String /uartet and larinet
Dere- 1er!el, clarinet
Dere. Ber,el9 Oct Up $or <wo String /uartets and 7ercussion
Dere. Ber,el9 Silvioudades
Dere- 1er!el, clarinet
Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, violin

Hol(*a+ 0a$or(%e# -(%& %&e San Francisco Girls Chorus
De)e,er 1;-216 2014

"#en )ehearsalL >ednesday, Dece!ber 1G, 10 a&!&, 3anbar 7er$or!ing 6rts enter, San Francisco

<hursday, Dece!ber 10, 0 #&!&, First ongregational hurch, 1er-eley
Friday, Dece!ber 1F, 0 #&!&, First =nited Methodist hurch, 7alo 6lto
Saturday, Dece!ber 20, 0 #&!&, Nourse 6uditoriu!, San Francisco
Sunday, Dece!ber 21, : #&!&, "sher Marin D, San )a$ael

MS#ecial 7er$or!anceL Friday, Dece!ber 12, 2014, GL40 #&!& in Doan and Stan$ord '& >eill ?all, (reen Music
enter, Sono!a State =ni%ersity

Han*el9 Arrival of the 'ueen of She(a $ro! Solomon
Corell(9 oncerto (rosso in ( !inor, "#& 5, No& 0, *hrist!as oncerto,
3($al*(9 The Four SeasonsL >inter
Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, violin
Ba)&9 1randenburg oncerto Nu!ber 4
R'%%er9 %ativity Carol
Mo7ar%9 !ngel "ottes #$nden
Han*el9 &essiahL =nto us a child is born, ?allelujah Jarr& 6ssadK
3a'!&an W(ll(a,#9 Folksongs of the Four SeasonsL >inter
Ce#ar An%ono$()& C'(9 adiant Stars

D()%ero- Lea*# Bra&,# an* Mo7ar%
Mar)& 5-;6 2015

"#en )ehearsalL >ednesday, March 4, 10 a&!&, 3anbar 7er$or!ing 6rts enter, San Francisco

<hursday, March :, 0 #&!&, First ongregational hurch, 1er-eley
Friday, March 5, 0 #&!&, First =nited Methodist hurch, 7alo 6lto
Saturday, March G, 0 #&!&, Nourse 6uditoriu!, San Francisco
Sunday, March 0, : #&!&, "sher Marin D, San )a$ael

Mo7ar%9 Di%erti!ento in D Major 3& 145
Gr(e!9 T)o %ordic &elodies, "#& 54
Hol#%9 St* Paul+s Suite, "#& 2F, No& 2
Bra&,#9 Se+tet $or Strings No& 1 in 1b Major, "#& 10

S)&'er% an* S%ra$(n#.+ Ma#%er1(e)e#
Ma+ 2;-<16 2015

"#en )ehearsalL May 2G, 10 a&!&, 3anbar 7er$or!ing 6rts enter, San Francisco

<hursday, May 20, 0 #&!&, First ongregational hurch, 1er-eley
Friday, May 2F, 0 #&!&, First =nited Methodist hurch, 7alo 6lto
Saturday, May 40, 0 #&!&, San Francisco onser%atory
Sunday, May 41, : #&!&, "sher Marin D, San )a$ael

S%ra$(n#.+9 Pulcinella Suite
Dere. Ber,el9 Featured o!#oser o!!ission
Jo!!issioned in ollaboration with )i%er "a-s ha!ber "rchestra o$ ?ouston and 6 Far ry o$ 1ostonK
S)&'er% 8 Ma&ler9 String /uartet in D Minor D& 010 *Death and the Maiden,

The %e) Century Cham(er Orchestra, one o$ only a hand$ul o$ conductorless ense!bles in the world, was
$ounded in 1FF2 by cellist, Miria! 7er-o$$, and %iolist, >ieslaw 7ogor2els-i& Musical decisions are !ade
collaborati%ely by the 1F-!e!ber string ense!ble, including San Francisco 1ay 6rea !usicians and those
who tra%el $ro! across the =&S& and Euro#e to #er$or! together& >orld-renowned %iolin soloist, cha!ber
!usician and recording artist Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg leads $ro! the concert!aster chair& She joined the
ense!ble as !usic director and concert!aster in Danuary 2000, bringing *a new sense o$ %itality and
deter!ination, as well as an audacious swagger that is an un!ista-able $inger#rint o$ its leader,, according to
"ramophone !aga2ine&

'n addition to #er$or!ing classic #ieces o$ cha!ber orchestra re#ertoire, New entury co!!issions i!#ortant
new wor-s, breathes li$e into rarely heard jewels o$ the #ast and #er$or!s world #re!ieres& <he New entury
ha!ber "rchestra Featured o!#oser #rogra! co!!issions co!#osers to write new wor-s, with the goals
o$ e+#anding cha!ber orchestra re#ertoire and #ro%iding audiences with a dee#er understanding o$ today.s
li%ing co!#osers& <he orchestra #ro%ides insight into the breadth o$ the Featured o!#oser.s wor- by
#er$or!ing a %ariety o$ #ieces by the co!#oser throughout the season&

'n 2011, Ms& Salerno-Sonnenberg and New entury e!bar-ed on the "rchestra.s $irst two national tours
together& <he #er$or!ances in the Midwest, East oast, and Southern ali$ornia garnered record-brea-ing
audiences and national critical acclai!& 'n Danuary and February 2014, New entury $ollowed with a highly-
success$ul eight-state national tour, the largest and !ost a!bitious artistic underta-ing in the organi2ation.s
history& 'n addition to touring e$$orts, New entury.s national $oot#rint has also continued to grow with a
ra#idly increasing national radio #resence& <he ense!ble has been broadcast a total o$ 21 ti!es on 6!erican
7ublic Media.s 7er$or!ance <oday, with each broadcast heard on 250 radio stations across the country&

<he orchestra has released si+ co!#act discs& <he two latest albu!s, Together Jreleased 6ugust 200FK and
,-V!. /ar(er0 Strauss0 &ahler Jreleased No%e!ber 2010K, were recorded with Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg on
the NSS Music label& "ther recordings include a 1FF5 collaborati%e #roject with 3ent Nagano and 1er-eley
Sy!#hony "rchestra $eaturing the wor- o$ 20th century-Swiss co!#oser Fran- Martin, and 1ritten 1ith the
Heart+s /lood, a 1FFG (ra!!y 6ward $inalist, both on the New 6lbion label& 'n 1FF0 the orchestra recorded
and released wor-s o$ 6rgentine co!#osers 6lberto >illia!s and 6lberto (inastera on the d.Note label, and,
in 2004, the orchestra recorded and released Oculus, a D o$ 3urt )ohde.s co!#ositions on the Mondo%ibe
label& 6ll o$ the recordings ha%e been distributed both internationally and in the =nited States& <he orchestra.s
$irst concert D;D, $il!ed by 7aola di Florio, director o$ the 1FFF 6cade!y 6ward-no!inated $il! Speaking
in Strings, was released May 0, 2012& <he D;D wea%es together docu!entary $ootage and a li%e tour concert
$ro! a February 2011 #er$or!ance at the 1road Stage in Santa Monica&

Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, an internationally-acclai!ed %iolin soloist and cha!ber !usician best -nown $or
her e+hilarating #er$or!ances and #assionate inter#retations, joined the New entury ha!ber "rchestra in
Danuary 2000 as !usic director& Nadja.s $irst $i%e seasons were hailed as a tre!endous success by audiences
and critics ali-e *a !arriage that wor-s,, in her words, and renewing enthusias! $or *one o$ the !ost
burnished and e+citing ense!bles in the 1ay 6rea,, according to )ich Scheinin o$ the San 2ose &ercury %e)s&

6 #ower$ul and inno%ati%e #resence on the recording scene, Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg continues to enrich the
collection o$ her record label NSS Music, which she started in 200:& <he label.s roster o$ artists includes Ms&
Salerno-Sonnenberg, #ianist 6nne-Marie McDer!ott, horn #layer Dohn er!inaro, #ianist9co!#oser larice
6ssad, conductor Marin 6lso#, the 6!erican String /uartet, the olorado Sy!#hony, "rBuestra Sin$onica do
Estado de Sao 7aulo and the New entury ha!ber "rchestra& Together, the $irst D with New entury,
$eatures 6stor 7ia22olla.s Four Seasons o$ 1uenos 6ires& <he second D, a li%e recording $eaturing Strauss.s
&etamorphosen, 1arber.s Adagio for Strings and Mahler.s Adagietto $ro! Sy!#hony No& :, has been #raised
as *brilliant, JOregon &usic %e)sK, and allmusic*com ad%ised, *For those who li-e orchestral !usic $or
strings that ta-es nothing less than re%elation as its goal, this is a !ust-ha%e&,

Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg.s #ro$essional career began in 1F01 when she won the >alter >& Nau!burg
'nternational ;iolin o!#etition& 'n 1F04 she was recogni2ed with an 6%ery Fisher areer (rant, and in 1FFF,
she was honored with the #restigious 6%ery Fisher 7ri2e& Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg was born in )o!e and
i!!igrated to the =nited States at the age o$ eight to study at <he urtis 'nstitute o$ Music& She later studied
with Dorothy DeNay at <he Duilliard School& For !ore in$or!ation on Nadja, #lease %isit
www&nadjasalernosonnenberg&co! and www&nss!usic&co!&

o!#oser and clarinetist Dere- 1er!el has co!#osed wor-s that draw $ro! a rich %ariety o$ !usical genres,
including classical, ja22, #o#, roc-, blues, $ol-, and gos#el& 1er!el currently ser%es as 6rtist-in-)esidence at
the 'nstitute $or 6d%anced Study in 7rinceton and as reati%e 6d%isor to the 6!erican o!#osers "rchestra
at arnegie ?all& ?e has recei%ed co!!issions $ro! orchestras, ense!bles, and soloists worldwide, and his
!any awards include the )o!e 7ri2e, (uggenhei! and Fulbright Fellowshi#s, and the 6l#ert 6ward in the
1er!el has #er$or!ed his clarinet concerto with !ore than a do2en orchestras, including the Nos 6ngeles
7hilhar!onic, the 11 Sy!#hony "rchestra, and at the 1eijing New Music Festi%al& 'n 2010 the albu!
C;oices,C $eaturing $our o$ his orchestral wor-s, was no!inated $or a (ra!!y& 1er!el has wor-ed with a
di%erse array o$ !usicians including >ynton Marsalis, Midori, Dohn 6da!s, 7aBuito D)i%era, 7hili# (lass,
Sir Da!es (alway, (usta%o Duda!el, Nuciana Sou2a, Mos De$, and Ste#hen Sondhei!&
?e studied co!#osition with Nouis 6ndriessen, >illia! 6lbright, ?enri Dutilleu+, and >illia! 1olco! and
clarinet with 1en 6r!ato and 3eith >ilson& ?e also studied ethno!usicology and orchestration with 6ndrO
?ajdu in Derusale!, <hracian $ol- style with Nicola 'lie% in 1ulgaria, ca+i+i with Dulio (Pes in 1ra2il, and
Nobi +ylo#hone with Ng!en 1aaru in (hana&
More in$o can be $ound at www&dere-ber!el&co!&

New entury 9 Matthew >ashburn
Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg 9 3ristin ?oeber!ann
Dere- 1er!el 9 )ichard 1owditch
SF (irls horus 9 Naho @oshida
(lenn Dicterow 9 hris Nee

4re## an* Me*(a Rela%(on# Con%a)%9
3aren 6!es o!!unications
3aren 6!es and 1renden (uy
J41:K 541-G4G4

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