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390 Tke RedItUBl,ueBook ol Californtl

which is beyondthe comprehension of minds oot usedto thinking in

terausof millions. One sixth of the \{orld's production of oil comes
from within a radius of twelve miles of Whittier!
Not only is Whittier desirableas a hometown, but it is growi1lg
rapidly, and we naturally want to be connectedwith a "going" insti-
tution. That Wlittier is growing is proven not only by the census
reports,which showthat it has doubledin populationin the past three
years,but by the r€cord of building permits. 1923set the pacewith
building permits to the arnountof more than three millions of dollaN.
NHltarDr! Drlillrircr BnoxnR.s
Alblighi, Carson lleaLty Co., Stedrn.! tr[aF]e NeNson CoDrDany,103 N. CreeD-
Behnke & Belrhe, 134 N. Greenleaf llritesor, C. ,\., Wnitiier News llldg,
Ave. Mo.ehors & aarervell,428 N. Bfght
Cox,A, D., Realty co., 113y: N. Green-
llofis Echles Co,, 224 D. PhiladelUria
Denney. L. Hoyt, 1.10 N. Greenleaf, st,
Foster, Ired M.. 131 N- G.€enleaf Ave. Nowlin & Stonesilher, 142 y2 N. Green-
Fosler, z. !., Realty Co-, stedman
Blds, Py, W. C., nealiy Co., 105 S. OoD!
Cilrbs & Balsotr, 302 I'irst National
Bank !lds. Rtrssell-Chrmtress Company. 31 .1 E.
Herderson, I]. N., 106 E. Philadelpni.
st. Smiih, Lanrlrum, X13 N. Greente"f.
lIlDFhaw, l-indsay, 612 S. comstock Swain-Nanney Co., 214 E. PhiladelDhia
Hi\on, A. R. Realty Co,, 10? E. Pnils
vota$. & \iotiw, 106 E. PhiladelPlia
llaich Renlt,r Co., 224 W. PhiladerDlia
st, lvarnock & Peel, 12t E. Philaderlhia.
Jackso! Realiy Co., 12? % S. Greelleat werver & Duncan, 131 N, Greerled

r<iiler, l_ew w., 1181, N. ereerleaf Whitiier Realty Co.,209 E. Philtilel-

Litlledale, H. F,, 130 s Gr€enleat Ave Wilnore & Hazzard, 128 lt- Philader-
MacDorald RealtY Co., 141 N. Greer-
Wr'sht-Jenhirs Realty Co., 113 N

Alhambra the Beautiful

Sec.etarv ReiltY Board

A LL sreal .ivilizationsof the past hale beenborn belweenlhe

^ ^ mounlajnsand the sea,where peacefulwaters havecaTried
adveni,urous voyagerslo tJreport of their idprls.and towering
peaks have beckored them to make their homes in the sheltered
valleys, and satisfy their longing search for freedom in the ev€r_
changinginspiration of the hills.
Nestled in the San Gabriel Valley, famed alike for that fertilitv
and romancewhich lured the xrealth of Spanishexplorersto a new
, world; shelteredby the protectingshadowsof the Great Sienas; bor-
dering that eighth wonder of the world, Los Angeles, with its rcar
of industry and trade; partaking of the advantages of both city and
valley, lies t}Ie ciw of Alhanbra, the B€autiful.
TlLeRealtu BIue Boalr ol Cali.fottri& 391

Becauseof its location its per.enniaiDrosDer.ityis assur.ed;becauso

of its Dloxinity to the lastest grolving city in the rvor.ld, its develop-
ment in all lires of human endea\,or \yill be rapid. Becauseof its ideal
c r i m n ' F .I c s r : r " o n . L ' r , d : " o " o i 1 I ' L l r r l , p I a a . s - o r n s j u . , a c y c l o
o l r D r r s . r ' ' l . L m n r .| . i i . . . \ i l s j r :. r'.r. rl, .-rk-r ^r.r.,no

The assessedvaluatiol of the city ol Alharnbrrl has incr.eased

froD one to ninel.een illioD ju the lasi five t,e3r's;the baDl( deposits
have inclcased fionl one to five million;2] building recold oi two
millioD a yeal jnDpcd to nearly t$'o millions a rnonth.
Four' hundled and t\r'enty acres r-ele subdivided fo.- building tots
for $'hich eight iles oI public stlects and foul milcs ol public alleys
have bceD rcqrrired; oul population has leapcd fr.or1 5000 to 2b,000
jn thc last t\.eh'e vears.
With thc nest inlnnd plulge in thc south*est, extensive Dlay
apD:uatus, tcnnis and basket-b:1ll courts and plovisions for open
camp fir'cs, all groupcd in a beautiful setting, Alhambra,s fourteer
acre palk prc\'ides anlpll' for' the Dhysiczrln-cll-bejng of her citizens.
With a Dublic libralj' that {onld do credit to a metlopolis; eight
grannnal schools and one high school, Alhambra iras generousl]. pro-
vided for the rrental 1yellar.cof her citizens and the education of her
youth; eleveD chulches bespeak fol' her peoplc that iDterest in rc-
ligious altrits, r-ithoul rvhich no city lnay safcly stand.
T$ro hundred and folty-t$-o electlic traiDs, opelating over three
car'lines, D:rssir a d out of Alharrbr.r d:lily;miles of paved highways
radiate out ilto the r.ich oil nelds oi Morltcbello, S lta Fe Splirgs and
Si$al Hill aDd rerlder' accessiblo California's vast plalglound of
mountairl resor'l :ud sanded beach.
Alhambr.a has a live Athletic Club; a ploglessive Ki\l-:rnis Ctub;
aD active Chambel oI Corrmclce a d a scole of civic clubs devoted to
(onDrllnity sclvice.
With :r 400 acle segres:rted i dustrial rlistrict, rvhereiD lies the
Southelr Califorria Ddison ComDant"s offices and
houses; the C. F. Blnun Co.; Standard Felt Colnparly; Alhamtrr.a
Olchald Spl a)' Conlpnnt':AmeliclD Stcel PiDeard Tank Co.; the Los
Angeles Concretc lile Co. aDd t$'entv-cig.hl otlref lines of industries,
our p:rl-i oll is taken car.e o{ fol all time to con]e.
Colne to Alharnbra And shnrc lvith us.

l.isl'.l l l,l lln()lil.Jls

,\cron, lhos. Co., 212 W, \Iain St. Nclntostr & Santer. 112 $r'. \rrif
( l l i d d d r . \ t r l l r c f 1 . ' .C o . , 11li \\' llri! 11,116& lnnke, I2 1\''. X[aiD Si
Haryard & BroNr, l82e tlair Sr. Stanlorrl & Cro$!, 180! Sr. Main
Jones. G.o \!'. Co 6 N. H.ymourl Sr. $rlight li -q.D, 13 1]. Ifrin sl
Livrn(.od & Tnclicr.l N Cnrfi€ld nr..

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