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3,E4&,@%D, C,@@4,E3F, 3,4CE,%$@, 3,%&%,@EC, 3,%&%,@E&, 3,D$D,CED, 3,%$@,4C3, 3,43F,&E3,
3,F3%,DC$, 3,@@@,$4%, 3,4%C,EF@, 3,F3&,$E4, 3,4E$,3%F, 3,&D4,34%, 3,%$@,DD%, 3,C$%,C$@,
3,&@3,F%4, C,CD%,3&@, 3,&%&,EC@, 3,CD&,@4&, 3,4$3,$FD, D,4@E,@&&, 3,FE4,E$&, 3,&F3,@F&,
3,@$$,@E$, C,@E%,&@@, 3,F4$,$F$, 3,&@%,33%, 3,4F3,DF@, 3,%E$,@43, 3,E4$,%$D, 3,@$E,4ED,
3,CC3,%%D, D,444,$@D, 3,&C&,FF$, 3,&3@,E%@, 3,F$D,E3C, 3,3%E,%EC, 3,E%&,%@@, 3,3F3,3F$,
3,3E&,3%%, 3,EFE,4E%, D,&33,@E4, D,4$3,@%%, 3,@CF,E@C, 3,@@%,3E4, 3,ED4,CF3, 3,3DC,&CC,
3,@3F,4$C, 3,E&3,EE3, 3,3D4,@3$, D,F4$,%@@, D,4%D,43E, 3,@%D,D3E, 3,E3D,DD$, D,&C@,@$F,
D,&E4,4@$, D,%D%,3@E, D,&3&,3$C, D,%ED,$@$, D,&%C,$33, 3,EFD,&EF, 3,@&$,344, 3,$FF,&E%,
3,@@%,3EC, D,FE&,E%D, D,3%4,@$$, D,3%4,@FD, D,C%3,D$@, D,%CF,%&C, D,DD4,$&C. D,DE%,&$@,
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patents pending.

&hird'(art) Software *redits and Attributions
This softare is based in part on the orks of the folloing:
Additional 'isclaimer: The *itri) application is netork!based, and performance of Autodesk *itri)
7eady Applications may vary ith netork performance. The softare does not include the *itri)
application, nor does Autodesk provide direct support for issues ith the *itri) application. #sers
should contact *itri) directly ith Huestions related to procurement and operation of the *itri)
Portions related to e98(+ are *opyright %44F, %44C Aaron =oisine, under the folloing license:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softare and
associated documentation files 1the ISoftareJ2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction, including
ithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Softare, and to permit persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, sub6ect to
the folloing conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Softare.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' IAS "SJ, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T, S.A++ T.- A#T.57"S 57 *5PA7"/.T
.5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F
*5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.-
S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
A*"SB K $@E@L%44% Spatial *orp.
Portions K$@@D! %44@ Acresso Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc.
Portions *opyright 1c2 $@@D!%444 0arry Allyn. All rights reserved.
AdobeB FlashB Player, *opyright K $@@3!%443 Adobe Systems "ncorporated. All 7ights 7eserved,
Protected by #.S. Patent 3,ED@,&%DG Patents Pending in the #nited States and other countries. Adobe
and Flash are either trademarks or registered trademarks in the #nited States and/or other countries.
AdobeB ShockaveB Player. *opyright K $@@3!%443 Adobe Systems "ncorporated. All 7ights
7eserved. Adobe and Shockave are either trademarks or registered trademarks in the #nited States
and/or other countries.
Portions relating to Adobe Photoshop
*SF softare *opyright $@@4!$@@$ by Thomas <noll. *opyright
$@@%!$@@C by Adobe Systems, "nc.
' 3 '
Portions related to Apache 8erces '++ are *opyright K $@@@!%444 The Apache Softare Foundation.
All rights reserved. This product includes softare developed by the Apache Softare Foundation
1htt$+%%www.a$ache.org2 sub6ect to its license terms and conditions
Typefaces from the 0itstream B typeface library *opyright K $@@%.
Portions related to .+( are '!*ubed? .+( K %4$4. Siements Product +ifecycle (anagement
Softare 1/02 +imited. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions related to are '!*ubed? %' '*( K *opyright %4$4. Siemens Product +ifecycle (anagement
Softare 1/02 +imited. All 7ights 7eserved.
Auto*A' B and Auto*A' +T B products are produced under a license of data derived from '"* *olor
/uide B from 'ainippon "nk and *hemicals, "nc. *opyright K 'ainippon "nk and *hemicals, "nc. All
rights reserved. '"* and '"* *olor /uide are registered trademarks of 'ainippon "nk and *hemicals,
Portions relating to MP-/ softare is copyright K $@@$!$@@E, Thomas /. +ane. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions of this softare are based on the ork of the "ndependent MP-/ /roup.
Active 'elivery? %.4 K $@@@!%44F "nner (edia, "nc. All rights reserved.
libpng version $.%.E ! 'ecember &, %44F, *opyright 1c2 $@@E!%44F /lenn 7anders!Pehrson, *opyright
1c2 $@@3!$@@D Andreas 'ilger, *opyright 1c2 $@@C!$@@3 /uy -ric Schalnat, /roup F%, "nc.
+ibTiff 1http://.libtiff.org2, *opyright 1c2 $@EE!$@@D Sam +effler, *opyright 1c2 $@@$!$@@D Silicon
/raphics, "nc., under the folloing license:
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this NlibtiffO softare and its documentation for
any purpose is hereby granted ithout fee, provided that 1i2 the above copyright notices and this
permission notice appear in all copies of the softare and related documentation, and 1ii2 the names
of Sam +effler and Silicon /raphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the
softare ithout the specific, prior ritten permission of Sam +effler and Silicon /raphics.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS!"SP A>' :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS, "(P+"-'
57 5T.-7:"S-, ">*+#'">/ :"T.5#T +"("TAT"5>, A>A :A77A>TA 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA 57
F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S-.
"> >5 -=->T S.A++ SA( +-FF+-7 57 S"+"*5> /7AP."*S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A SP-*"A+, ">*"'->TA+,
">'"7-*T 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 5F A>A <">', 57 A>A 'A(A/-S :.ATS5-=-7 7-S#+T">/
F75( +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA 57 P75F"TS, :.-T.-7 57 >5T A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F
'A(A/-, A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, A7"S">/ 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- #S-
57 P-7F57(A>*- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-
Portions are *opyright K +ingea s.r.o. %443.
Portions of this computer program are copyright K $@@C!%4$$ *elartum, "nc., doing business as
+i9ardTech. All rights reserved. (rS"' is protected by #.S. Patent >o. C,D$4,E&C. Foreign Patents
Portions *opyrighted mental images/mb. Q *o. </ $@E@!%44D
*opyright K $@@3!%4$% (icrosoft *orporation. All rights reserved
Portions utili9e (icrosoft :indos (edia Technologies. *opyright K $@@@!%44F (icrosoft *orporation.
All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions utili9e StdString.h *opyright K %44% Moseph (. 5R+eary.
PA>T5>-B *olors displayed in the softare application or in the user documentation may not match
PA>T5>-!identified standards. *onsult current PA>T5>- *olor Publications for accurate color.
PA>T5>-B and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone ++*. K Pantone ++* %4$4
Pantone is the copyright oner of color data and/or softare hich are licensed to Autodesk, "nc., to
distribute for use only in combination ith certain Autodesk softare products. PA>T5>- *olor 'ata
and/or Softare shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the e)ecution
of this Autodesk softare product.
Portions *opyright $@@%, $@@3 Payne +oving Trust, All rights reserved.
P'F technology poered by P'F>et S'k copyright K P'FTron? Systems "nc., %44$!%44E, and
distributed by Autodesk, "nc, under license. All rights reserved.
Portions of the subdivision surface implementation technology are protected by #.S. patents
3,4&D,@F@, 3,%%%,CC&, 3,&44,@34, and 3,FE@,@34 and used under license from Pi)ar. #se of the Pi)ar
creasing softare may reHuire a license under patents oned by Pi)ar.
7A+ '-S"/> K 7A+, Sankt Augustin, %44%.
7A+ *+ASS"* K 7A+, Sankt Augustin, %44%.
7epresentation of the 7A+ *olors is done ith the approval of 7A+ 'eutsches "nstitut fSr
/Stesicherung und <enn9eichnung e.=. 17A+ /erman "nstitute for ,uality Assurance and *ertification,
re. Assoc.2, '!C&DCD Sankt Augustin.
Please note that the representation of colors on monitors can only appro)imate the actual color shades
as they are registered as lacHuered samples. >either the Huality of the present softare nor the
hardare used is responsible for it.
' . '
The Sentry Spelling!*hecker -ngine *opyright K $@@F!%44& :intertree Softare, "nc.
Portions of this product include one or more 0oost libraries. 0oost Softare +icense L =ersion $.4L
August $D
, %44&, under the folloing license:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organi9ation obtaining a copy of the
softare and accompanying documentation covered by this license 1the ISoftareJ2 to use, reproduce,
display, distribute, e)ecute, and transmit the Softare, and to prepare derivative orks of the
Softare, and to permit third!parties to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, all sub6ect to the
The copyright notices in the Softare and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this
restriction and the folloing disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Softare, in hole or in
part, and all derivative orks of the Softare, unless such copies or derivative orks are solely in the
form of machine!e)ecutable ob6ect code granted by a source language processor.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' IAS "SJ, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S-, T"T+- A>' >5>!">F7">/-(->T, "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T
.5+'-7S 57 A>A5>- '"ST7"0#T">/ T.- S5FT:A7- 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7
+"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 ">
*5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
*ertain portions *opyright K %4$$ 0entley Systems, "ncorporated. All rights reserved.
Portions related to *hromium v $D.4.@3&.D@ are *opyright 1c2 %4$& The *hromium Authors. All rights
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
T 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
T 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
T >either the name of /oogle "nc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S A>' *5>T7"0#T57S PAS "SP A>' A>A
-8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S
5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T 5:>-7 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
Portions related to Apple :ebkit are *opyright 1*2 %44C, %443, %44D, %44E, %44@ Apple "nc. All rights
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A APP+- ">*. A>' "TS *5>T7"0#T57S UUAS "S;; A>' A>A-8P7-SS
57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7-
'"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ APP+- ">*. 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T,
">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T
+"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57
P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA,
:.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2
A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA
5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
libpng versions $.%.3, August $C, %44F, through $.C.$%, Muly $$, %4$%, are
*opyright 1c2 %44F, %443!%4$% /lenn 7anders!Pehrson, and are distributed according to the same
disclaimer and license as libpng!$.%.C ith the folloing individual added to the list of *ontributing
Authors *osmin Truta
libpng versions $.4.D, Muly $, %444, through $.%.C ! 5ctober &, %44%, are
*opyright 1c2 %444!%44% /lenn 7anders!Pehrson, and are distributed according to the same disclaimer
and license as libpng!$.4.3 ith the folloing individuals added to the list of *ontributing Authors
Simon!Pierre *adieu)
-ric S. 7aymond, /illes =ollant and ith the folloing additions to the disclaimer:
There is no arranty against interference ith your en6oyment of the library or against infringement.
There is no arranty that our efforts or the library ill fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs.
This library is provided ith all faults, and the entire risk of satisfactory Huality, performance,
accuracy, and effort is ith the user.
libpng versions 4.@D, Manuary $@@E, through $.4.3, (arch %4, %444, are
*opyright 1c2 $@@E, $@@@ /lenn 7anders!Pehrson, and are distributed according to the same
disclaimer and license as libpng!4.@3, ith the folloing individuals added to the list of *ontributing
Tom +ane
/lenn 7anders!Pehrson
:illem van Schaik
libpng versions 4.E@, Mune $@@3, through 4.@3, (ay $@@D, are
*opyright 1c2 $@@3, $@@D Andreas 'ilger
'istributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng!4.EE,
ith the folloing individuals added to the list of *ontributing Authors:
Mohn 0oler
<evin 0racey
Sam 0ushell
(agnus .olmgren
/reg 7oelofs
Tom Tanner
libpng versions 4.C, (ay $@@C, through 4.EE, Manuary $@@3, are
*opyright 1c2 $@@C, $@@3 /uy -ric Schalnat, /roup F%, "nc.
For the purposes of this copyright and license, P*ontributing AuthorsP
is defined as the folloing set of individuals:
Andreas 'ilger
'ave (artindale
/uy -ric Schalnat
Paul Schmidt
Tim :egner
The P>/ 7eference +ibrary is supplied PAS "SP. The *ontributing Authors
and /roup F%, "nc. disclaim all arranties, e)pressed or implied, including, ithout limitation, the
arranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The *ontributing Authors and /roup F%,
' / '
"nc. assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, e)emplary, or conseHuential damages,
hich may result from the use of the P>/ 7eference +ibrary, even if advised of the possibility of such
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source code, or portions hereof,
for any purpose, ithout fee, sub6ect to the folloing restrictions:
$. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
%. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the
original source.
&. This *opyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source or altered source distribution.
The *ontributing Authors and /roup F%, "nc. specifically permit, ithout fee, and encourage the use of
this source code as a component to supporting the P>/ file format in commercial products. "f you use
this source code in a product, acknoledgment is not reHuired but ould be appreciated.
Portions related to google!6stemplate are *opyright %443 /oogle "nc. +icensed under the Apache
+icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2Gyou may not use this file e)cept in compliance ith the +icense.
Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.
Portions related to 6,uery MavaScript +ibrary are *opyright %4$& 6,uery Foundation and other
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softare and
associated documentation files 1the PSoftareP2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction, including
ithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Softare, and to permit persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, sub6ect to
the folloing conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Softare.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T
.5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F
*5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.-
S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
Portions related to libcurl vD.%&.$ are *opyright 1c2 $@@3 ! %4$$, 'aniel Stenberg, VdanielWha)).seX.
All rights reserved.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this softare for any purpose ith or ithout fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T 5F T."7' PA7TA 7"/.TS. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.-
A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA,
:.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 ">
*5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.

-)cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or
otherise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Softare ithout prior ritten
authori9ation of the copyright holder.
Portions of *S!(ap v. $F.44 is 1c2 %44E, Autodesk, "nc. All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
T 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
T 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
T >either the name of the Autodesk, "nc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A Autodesk, "nc. UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ Autodesk, "nc. 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Portions related to +ogF>et are *opyright K %44F!%443 The Apache Softare Foundation
+icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in
compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.
Portions related to are *opyright %443 The Apache Softare Foundation
The Apache Softare Foundation 1 +icensed under the Apache +icense,
=ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in compliance ith the +icense. Aou may
obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.
This product includes softare developed by The Apache Softare Foundation
1 The snoball stemmers in contrib/snoball/src/6ava/net/sf/snoball
ere developed by (artin Porter and 7ichard 0oulton. The full snoball package is available from The Arabic stemmer 1contrib/analy9ers2 comes ith a default
stopord list that is 0S'!licensed created by MacHues Savoy. The file resides in
See The Persian analy9er 1contrib/analy9ers2
comes ith a default stopord list that is 0S'!licensed created by MacHues Savoy. The file resides in
See "ncludes lib/servlet!api!%.F.6ar from
Apache Tomcat The Smart*hineseAnaly9er source code 1under contrib/analy9ers2 as provided by
8iaoping /ao and copyright %44@ by "*#FM, 1under contrib/collation2 is licensed under
an ("T styles license 1contrib/collation/lib/"*#!+"*->S-.t)t2 and *opyright 1c2 $@@C!%44E
"nternational 0usiness (achines *orporation and others
Portions related to "nfo!Y"P are *opyright 1c2 $@@4!$@@@ "nfo!Y"P. All rights reserved.
For the purposes of this copyright and license, P"nfo!Y"PP is defined as the folloing set of individuals:
(ark Adler, Mohn 0ush, <arl 'avis, .arald 'enker, Mean!(ichel 'ubois, Mean!loup /ailly, .unter
/oatley, "an /orman, *hris .erborth, 'irk .aase, /reg .artig, 7obert .eath, Monathan .udson, Paul
<ienit9, 'avid <irschbaum, Mohnny +ee, 5nno van der +inden, "gor (andrichenko, Steve P. (iller,
' 0 '
Sergio (onesi, <eith 5ens, /eorge Petrov, /reg 7oelofs, <ai #e 7ommel, Steve Salisbury, 'ave
Smith, *hristian Spieler, Antoine =erhei6en, Paul von 0ehren, 7ich :ales, (ike :hite.
This softare is provided Pas is,P ithout arranty of any kind, e)press or implied. "n no event shall
"nfo!Y"P or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or conseHuential
damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this softare.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this softare for any purpose, including commercial
applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, sub6ect to the folloing restrictions:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and
this list of conditions.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and
this list of conditions in documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. Altered versions!!including, but not limited to, ports to ne operating systems, e)isting ports ith
ne graphical interfaces, and dynamic, shared, or static library versions!!must be plainly marked as
such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source. Such altered versions also
must not be misrepresented as being "nfo!Y"P releases!!including, but not limited to, labeling of the
altered versions ith the names P"nfo!Y"PP 1or any variation thereof, including, but not limited to,
different capitali9ations2, PPocket #nYip,P P:iYP or P(acYipP ithout the e)plicit permission of "nfo!Y"P.
Such altered versions are further prohibited from misrepresentative use of the Yip!0ugs or "nfo!Y"P e!
mail addresses or of the "nfo!Y"P #7+1s2.
F. "nfo!Y"P retains the right to use the names P"nfo!Y"P,P PYip,P P#nYip,P P:iY,P PPocket #nYip,P
PPocket Yip,P and P(acYipP for its on source and binary releases.

Portions related to +ibcurl are *opyright 1c2 $@@3 ! %44@, 'aniel Stenberg, VdanielWha)).seX.
All rights reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this softare for any purpose ith or ithout fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all

T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57
"(P+"-', ">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA,
F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T 5F T."7' PA7TA 7"/.TS. "> >5
-=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(,
'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T, T57T 57
5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57
5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
-)cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not
be used in advertising or otherise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Softare ithout prior ritten authori9ation of the copyright holder.
Portions related to 5penSS+ are *opyright 1c2 $@@E!%443 The 5penSS+ Pro6ect. All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgment: PThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the
5penSS+ Toolkit. 1
F. The names P5penSS+ ToolkitP and P5penSS+ Pro6ectP must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this softare ithout prior ritten permission. For ritten permission, please
contact openssl!
C. Products derived from this softare may not be called P5penSS+P nor may P5penSS+P appear in
their names ithout prior ritten permission of the 5penSS+ Pro6ect.
3. 7edistributions of any form hatsoever must retain the folloing acknoledgment: PThis product
includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS-' 57
"(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG
+5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A
T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/
>-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F
A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
This product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. This product
includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
5riginal SS+eay +icense *opyright 1*2 $@@C!$@@E -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2
All rights reserved.
This package is an SS+ implementation ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2.
The implementation as ritten so as to conform ith >etscapes SS+.

This library is free for commercial and non!commercial use as long as the folloing conditions are
adhered to. The folloing conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the 7*F, 7SA,
lhash, '-S, etc., codeG not 6ust the SS+ code. The SS+ documentation included ith this distribution
is covered by the same copyright terms e)cept that the holder is Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
*opyright remains -ric Aoung;s, and as such any *opyright notices in the code are not to be removed.
"f this package is used in a product, -ric Aoung should be given attribution as the author of the parts
of the library used.
This can be in the form of a te)tual message at program startup or in documentation 1online or
te)tual2 provided ith the package.7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout
modification, are permitted provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgement: PThis product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung
1eayWcryptsoft.com2P The ord ;cryptographic; can be left out if the rouines NsicO from the library
being used are not cryptographic related :!2.
' 11 '
F. "f you include any :indos specific code 1or a derivative thereof2 from the apps directory
1application code2 you must include an acknoledgement: PThis product includes softare ritten by
Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2P
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A -7"* A5#>/ UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Apache Avro *opyright %44@!%4$% The Apache Softare Foundation
+icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in
compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.
Portions relating to F+-8net Publisher v.$$.$$ are *opyright 1c2 $@ED!%4$% Fle)era Softare ++*. All
7ights 7eserved.
Portions relating to lib*url v.D.$C.C are *opyright 1c2 $@@3 ! %4$%, 'aniel Stenberg,
All rights reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this softare for any purpose ith or ithout fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all

T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T 5F T."7' PA7TA 7"/.TS. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.-
A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA,
:.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 ">
*5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.

-)cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or
otherise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this softare ithout prior ritten
authori9ation of the copyright holder.
Portions relating to :indos Template +ibrary!:T+ v.E.4 are *opyright 1*2 (icrosoft *orporation. All
rights reserved.
This file is a part of the :indos Template +ibrary. The use and distribution terms for this softare are
covered by the *ommon Public +icense $.4 1$.4.php2 hich can be
found in the file *P+.T8T at the root of this distribution. 0y using this softare in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. Aou must not remove this notice, or any other, from
this softare.
The source code for :T+ v.E.4 1and modifications made by Autodesk, if any2 is available from
Portions related to <,5Auth v.4.@D are authored by Mohan Paul 16ohan.paulWgmail.com2 This Autodesk softare contains <,5Auth v.4.@D, as modified by
Autodesk. <,5Auth v.4.@D is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can
be found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is
included on the media provided by Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may
obtain a copy of the source code for <,5Auth v.4.@D, as modified by Autodesk, from or by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
1. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a
'='2 ith postage sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice
First *lass postage rate for *'/'=' mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2
eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your indicated addressG
2. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for <,5Auth v.4.@D, as modified
by AutodeskG and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this <,5Auth v.4.@D
source code via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is
valid for a period of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk
Aou may modify, debug and relink <,5Auth v.4.@D to this Autodesk softare as provided under the
terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions relating to 5penSS+ toolkit v.$.4.4e are *opyright 1c2 $@@E!%4$$ The 5penSS+ Pro6ect. All
rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
1. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
2. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgment: PThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in
the 5penSS+ Toolkit. 1
4. The names P5penSS+ ToolkitP and P5penSS+ Pro6ectP must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this softare ithout prior ritten permission. For ritten permission,
please contact openssl!
5. Products derived from this softare may not be called P5penSS+P nor may P5penSS+P appear in
their names ithout prior ritten permission of the 5penSS+ Pro6ect.
6. 7edistributions of any form hatsoever must retain the folloing acknoledgment: PThis product
includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit
' 13 '

T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS-' 57
"(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
Portions relating to 5penSS+ toolkit v.$.4.4e are *opyright 1*2 $@@C!$@@E -ric Aoung
1eayWcryptsoft.com2. All rights reserved.
This package is an SS+ implementation ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. The
implementation as ritten so as to conform ith >etscapes SS+.
This library is free for commercial and non!commercial use as long as the folloing conditions are
aheared to. The folloing conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the 7*F, 7SA,
lhash, '-S, etc., codeG not 6ust the SS+ code. The SS+ documentation included ith this distribution
is covered by the same copyright terms e)cept that the holder is Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
*opyright remains -ric Aoung;s, and as such any *opyright notices in the code are not to be removed.
"f this package is used in a product, -ric Aoung should be given attribution as the author of the parts
of the library used. This can be in the form of a te)tual message at program startup or in
documentation 1online or te)tual2 provided ith the package.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
1. 7edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
2. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
ith the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgement: PThis product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung
1eayWcryptsoft.com2.P The ord ;cryptographic; can be left out if the rouines NsicO from the
library being used are not cryptographic related :!2.
4. "f you include any :indos specific code 1or a derivative thereof2 from the apps directory
1application code2 you must include an acknoledgement: PThis product includes softare
ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2P
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A -7"* A5#>/ UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Portions relating to ,A)*ontainer are *opyright 1c2 %44@ >okia *orporation and/or its subsidiary1!ies2.
All rights reserved. *ontact: ,t Softare "nformation 1Ht!infoWnokia.com2. This softare contains
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
T 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
T 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
T >either the name of >okia *orporation and its Subsidiary1!ies2 nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S A>' *5>T7"0#T57S PAS "SP A>' A>A
-8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S
5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T 5:>-7 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
Portions relating to ,t v.F.D.% are *opyright 1c2 %4$$ >okia *orporation and/or its subsidiary1!ies2. All
rights reserved. *ontact: ,t Softare "nformation 1Ht!infoWnokia.com2. This Autodesk softare
contains ,t v.F.D.%. ,t is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be
found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is included
on the media provided by Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a
copy of the source code for ,t vF.D.% from or by sending a ritten
reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for ,t vF.D.%G and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this ,t source code via
the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is valid for a period
of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk softare.
Aou may modify, debug and relink ,t to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of the
/># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
*opyright 1c2 $@@E, $@@@, %444 Thai 5pen Source Softare *enter +td and *lark *ooper
*opyright 1c2 %44$, %44%, %44&, %44F, %44C, %443 -)pat maintainers.
' 1. '
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softare and
associated documentation files 1the PPPPSoftarePPPP2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction,
including ithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Softare, and to permit persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so,
sub6ect to the folloing conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Softare. T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PPPPAS
"SPPPP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-', ">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5
T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>'
>5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57
A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T, T57T 57
5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57
5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
Portions related to 5penSS+ are *opyright 1c2 $@@E!%44E The 5penSS+ Pro6ect. All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:

$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
PPThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit.
F. The names PP5penSS+ ToolkitPP and PP5penSS+ Pro6ectPP must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this softare ithout prior ritten permission. For ritten permission, please
contact openssl!
C. Products derived from this softare may not be called PP5penSS+PP nor may PP5penSS+PP appear
in their names ithout prior ritten permission of the 5penSS+ Pro6ect.
3. 7edistributions of any form hatsoever must retain the folloing acknoledgment:
PPThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS-' 57
"(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
This product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. This
product includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
5riginal SS+eay +icense
*opyright 1*2 $@@C!$@@E -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. All rights reserved.

This package is an SS+ implementation ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. The
implementation as ritten so as to conform ith >etscapes SS+.

This library is free for commercial and non!commercial use as long as the folloing conditions are
aheared NsicO to. The folloing conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the 7*F,
7SA, lhash, '-S, etc., codeG not 6ust the SS+ code. The SS+ documentation included ith this
distribution is covered by the same copyright terms e)cept that the holder is Tim .udson

*opyright remains -ric Aoung;s, and as such any *opyright notices in the code are not to be removed.
"f this package is used in a product, -ric Aoung should be given attribution as the author of the parts
of the library used. This can be in the form of a te)tual message at program startup or in
documentation 1online or te)tual2 provided ith the package.

7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
PPThis product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2PP
The ord ;cryptographic; can be left out if the routines from the library being used are not
cryptographic related :!2.
F. "f you include any :indos specific code 1or a derivative thereof2 from the apps directory
1application code2 you must include an acknoledgement:
PPThis product includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2PP
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A -7"* A5#>/ UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.

The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot
be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence
Nincluding the /># Public +icence.O
*opyright K $@@C!%44C The 5penSS+ Pro6ect. All rights reserved.

7edistributions and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:

$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the folloing disclaimer.

%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the

&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the
folloing acknoledgment: PThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use
in the 5penSS+ Toolkit. 1

F. The names P5penSS+ ToolkitP and P5penSS+ Pro6ectP must not be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout prior ritten permission. For ritten permission,
please contact openssl!

' 1/ '
C. Products derived from this softare may not be called P5penSS+P nor may P5penSS+P
appear in their names ithout prior ritten permission of the 5penSS+ Pro6ect.

3. 7edistributions of any form hatsoever must retain the folloing acknoledgment: PThis
product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit

T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T ;;AS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS-' 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- 5penSS+
P75M-*T 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+,
-8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F
S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS
">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T,
ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T
5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
This product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2. This product
includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.

*opyright 1c2 $@@C!$@@E -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2 All rights reserved.
This package is an SS+ implementation ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2.
The implementation as ritten so as to conform ith >etscapes SS+.

This library is free for commercial and non!commercial use as long as the folloing conditions are
adhered to. The folloing conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the 7*F, 7SA,
lhash, '-S, etc., codeG not 6ust the SS+ code. The SS+ documentation included ith this distribution
is covered by the same copyright terms e)cept that the holder is Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
*opyright remains -ric Aoung;s, and as such any *opyright notices in the code are not to be removed.
"f this package is used in a product, -ric Aoung should be given attribution as the author of the parts
of the library used.
This can be in the form of a te)tual message at program startup or in documentation 1online or
te)tual2 provided ith the package.

7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are
permitted provided that the folloing conditions are met:

$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.

%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the

&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the
folloing acknoledgement: PThis product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung
1eayWcryptsoft.com2P The ord ;;cryptographic;; can be left out if the routines from the library being
used are not cryptographic related.

F. "f you include any :indos specific code 1or a derivative thereof2 from the apps
directory 1application code2 you must include an acknoledgement:

PThis product includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2P
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A -7"* A5#>/ ;AS "S; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S,
">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS
F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-. The license and distribution
terms for any publicly available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code
cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution license Nincluding the /># Public

*opyright 1c2 %44%!%4$4 by P'FTron Systems, "nc. and distributed by Autodesk, "nc, under license.
All 7ights 7eserved. P'FTron and P'F>et S'< are either trademarks and/or service marks and/or
registered trademarks of P'FTron Systems "ncorporated in *anada and/or other countries.
Portions relating to A*"S
$@E@L%44$ Spatial *orp.
Portions related to "ntel
Threading 0uilding 0locks v.F.4 are *opyright 1*2 %44C!%4$% "ntel
*orporation. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions related to "ntel
(ath <ernel +ibrary v.$4.4.& are
*opyright 1*2 %444L%44E, "ntel *orporation. All rights reserved.
This Autodesk softare contains the folloing softare components licensed from Siemens "ndustry
Softare +imited:
%4$%. Siemens "ndustry Softare +imited. All 7ights 7eserved.
%4$%. Siemens "ndustry Softare +imited. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions relating to MT5pen Toolkit v.3.& are licensed from Siemens Product +ifecycle (anagement
Softare "nc.
5pen "nventor code is copyright S/". All rights reserved. This Autodesk softare contains 5pen
"nventor. 5pen "nventor is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.&.4, hich can be
found at A te)t copy of this license and the source code for
5pen "nventor 1and modifications made by Autodesk, if any2 are included on the media provided by
Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may modify, debug and relink 5pen
"nventor to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public
+icense v.&.4.
Portions relating to lib6peg softare v.3b are copyright K $@@$!%4$4, Thomas /. +ane, /uido
=ollbeding. All 7ights 7eserved. This softare is based in part on the ork of the "ndependent MP-/
This Autodesk softare contains 'ev"+ v.$.D.E. 'ev"+ is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public
+icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t
copy of this license and the source code for 'ev"+ v. v.$.D.E 1and modifications made by Autodesk, if
any2 are included on the '=' or ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may modify, debug
and relink 'ev"+ to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of the /># +esser /eneral
Public +icense v.%.$.
P*7- +"*->S-
P*7- is a library of functions to support regular e)pressions hose synta) and semantics are as close
as possible to those of the Perl C language.
7elease E of P*7- is distributed under the terms of the P0S'P licence, as specified belo. The
documentation for P*7-, supplied in the PdocP directory, is distributed under the same terms as the
softare itself.
The basic library functions are ritten in * and are freestanding. Also included in the distribution is a
set of *[[ rapper functions.
' 10 '
T.- 0AS"* +"07A7A F#>*T"5>S
:ritten by: Philip .a9el
-mail local part: ph$4
-mail domain:
#niversity of *ambridge *omputing Service,
*ambridge, -ngland.
*opyright 1c2 $@@D!%4$4 #niversity of *ambridge
All rights reserved.
T.- *[[ :7APP-7 F#>*T"5>S
*ontributed by: /oogle "nc.
*opyright 1c2 %44D!%4$4, /oogle "nc.
All rights reserved.
T.- P0S'P +"*->*-
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
T 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
T 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
T >either the name of the #niversity of *ambridge nor the name of /oogle "nc. nor the names of
their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this softare ithout
specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S A>' *5>T7"0#T57S PAS "SP
A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.-
"(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7-
'"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T 5:>-7 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0-
+"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F
S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS
">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2
A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.-
P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Threading 0uilding 0locks v.&.4.C are *opyright 1*2 %44C!%4$% "ntel *orporation. All 7ights
Portions relating to 8erces!*[[ v.&.$.$ are *opyright K $@@@!%4$4 The Apache Softare Foundation.
All 7ights 7eserved. +icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use
this file e)cept in compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4. #nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in
riting, softare distributed under the +icense is distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T
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specific language governing permissions and limitations under the +icense.
Portions relating to Parasolid *ommunicator Toolkit v.%C are *opyright %4$% Siemens Product +ifecycle
(anagement Softare "nc. All rights reserved.
Portions relating to /7A>"T-
"nteroperability <ernel v.E.4 are *opyright
%4$$ Parametric Technology
*orporation and/or "ts Subsidiary *ompanies. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions relating to 75'8/*AT, 75'8/*ATC, and :5'8/*ATC are *opyright
*A'*A(!-.*5(, "nc.
Portions relating to uuencode/uudecode are
$@E&L%443 7egents of the #niversity of *alifornia. All
rights reserved.
D!Yip *opyright 1*2 $@@@!%4$% "gor Pavlov.
This Autodesk softare contains D!9ip. D!9ip is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense
v.%.$, hich can be found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of
this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk
softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for D!9ip from or
by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
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Aou may modify, debug and relink D!9ip to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of the
/># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions relating to 7SA 'ata Security, "nc.('C (essage!'igest Algorithm are
$@@$L%44D 7SA 'ata
Security, "nc. All rights reserved.
+icense to copy and use this softare is granted provided that it is identified as the P7SA 'ata
Security, "nc. ('C (essage!'igest AlgorithmP in all material mentioning or referencing this softare
or this function.
' 21 '
+icense is also granted to make and use derivative orks provided that such orks are identified as
Pderived from the 7SA 'ata Security, "nc. ('C (essage!'igest AlgorithmP in all material mentioning
or referencing the derived ork.
7SA 'ata Security, "nc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of this
softare or the suitability of this softare for any particular purpose. "t is provided Pas isP ithout
e)press or implied arranty of any kind.
These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or softare.
Portions relating to %' '*( v.34 are licensed from Siemens "ndustry Softare +imited: '!*ubed
%4$%. Siemens "ndustry Softare +imited. All 7ights 7eserved.
Portions relating to MT5pen Toolkit v.3.4 are licensed from Siemens Product +ifecycle (anagement
Softare "nc.
Portions relating to 'irect8 S'< v.F& are
$@E$L%4$4 (icrosoft *orp. All rights reserved.
Portions related to ,t (F* (igration Frameork are *opyright 1c2 %44@ >okia *orporation and/or its
subsidiary1!ies2. This Autodesk softare contains ,t (F* (igration Frameork v.%.E, as modified by
Autodesk, "nc.. ,t (F* (igration Frameork is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense
v.%.$, hich can be found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of
this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk
softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for ,t (F* (igration Frameork v.%.E, as
modified by Autodesk, "nc., from or by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
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c. The above #7+
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Frameork source code, as modified by Autodesk, "nc., via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is valid for a period of three 1&2
years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk softare.
Aou may modify, debug and relink ,t (F* (igration Frameork to this Autodesk softare as provided
under the terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions related to ,t v.F.E.% are *opyright 1*2 %4$% 'igia Plc and/or its subsidiary1!ies2. All rights
reserved. This Autodesk softare contains ,t v. F.E.%, as modified by Autodesk. ,t is licensed under
the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!
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ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for ,t v.
F.E.%, as modified by Autodesk, from or by sending a ritten reHuest
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
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Portions related to F"PS $E4!% S.A!%%F/%C3/&EF/C$% are *opyright 1*2 %44C, %44D 5livier /ay VX
All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
&. >either the name of the pro6ect nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- P75M-*T A>' *5>T7"0#T57S UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS
57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- P75M-*T 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+,
SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5,
P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2
.5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA,
57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F
T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Portions related to (urmur.ash are *opyright 1c2 %44@ (urmur.ash%, 3F!bit versions, by Austin
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this softare and
associated documentation files 1the PSoftareP2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction, including
ithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Softare, and to permit persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, sub6ect to
the folloing conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Softare.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
' 23 '
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T
.5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F
*5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.-
S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
Portions related to Paul .sieh Super Fast .ash are *opyright 1c2 %44F!%44D Paul .sieh
All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
ith the distribution.
>either the name of the Paul .sieh nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S A>' *5>T7"0#T57S PAS "SP A>' A>A
-8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S
5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
Portions related to sparsehash are *opyright 1*2 %44C, /oogle "nc. All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the
&. >either the name of the pro6ect nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission.
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- P75M-*T A>' *5>T7"0#T57S UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS
57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- P75M-*T 57 *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+,
SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5,
P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2
.5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA,
57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F
T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Portions related to libcurl are *opyright 1c2 $@@3 ! %4$4, 'aniel Stenberg, VdanielWha)).seX.

All rights reserved.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this softare for any purpose ith or ithout fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all

T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T 5F T."7' PA7TA 7"/.TS. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.-
A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA,
:.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 ">
*5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.

-)cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or
otherise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Softare ithout prior ritten
authori9ation of the copyright holder.
Portions related to 9lib are *opyright 1*2 $@@C!%44F Mean!loup /ailly and (ark Adler
This softare is provided ;as!is;, ithout any e)press or implied arranty. "n no event ill the
authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this softare. Permission is granted to
anyone to use this softare for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, sub6ect to the folloing restrictions:
$. The origin of this softare must not be misrepresentedG you must not claim that you rote the
original softare. "f you use this softare in a product, an acknoledgment in the product
documentation ould be appreciated but is not reHuired.
%. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being
the original softare.
&. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Portions related to 5penSS+ +icense are *opyright 1c2 $@@E!%4$$ The 5penSS+ Pro6ect. All rights
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgment: PThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the
5penSS+ Toolkit. 1
F. The names P5penSS+ ToolkitP and P5penSS+ Pro6ectP must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this softare ithout prior ritten permission. For ritten permission, please
contact openssl!
C. Products derived from this softare may not be called P5penSS+P nor may P5penSS+P appear in
their names ithout prior ritten permission of the 5penSS+ Pro6ect.
3. 7edistributions of any form hatsoever must retain the folloing acknoledgment:
T PThis product includes softare developed by the 5penSS+ Pro6ect for use in the 5penSS+ Toolkit
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS-' 57
"(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F
(-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T
S.A++ T.- 5penSS+ P75M-*T 57 "TS *5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T,
">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-'
T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T- /55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57
0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2.5:-=-7 *A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 ">
*5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T 1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A
:AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*.
This product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung1eayWcryptsoft.com2. This product
includes softare ritten by Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2.
5riginal SS+eay +icense
*opyright 1*2 $@@C!$@@E -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2 All rights reserved.
' 2. '
This package is an SS+ implementation ritten by -ric Aoung 1eayWcryptsoft.com2.
T The implementation as ritten so as to conform ith >etscapes SS+.
This library is free for commercial and non!commercial use as long as the folloing conditions are
aheared NsicO to. The folloing conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the 7*F,
7SA, lhash, '-S, etc., codeG not 6ust the SS+ code. The SS+ documentation included ith this
distribution is covered by the same copyright terms e)cept that the holder is Tim .udson
1t6hWcryptsoft.com2. *opyright remains -ric Aoung;s, and as such any *opyright notices in the code
are not to be removed. "f this package is used in a product, -ric Aoung should be given attribution as
the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a te)tual message at program
startup or in documentation 1online or te)tual2 provided ith the package.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met:
$. 7edistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
folloing disclaimer.
%. 7edistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the folloing disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution.
&. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softare must display the folloing
acknoledgement: PThis product includes cryptographic softare ritten by -ric Aoung
1eayWcryptsoft.com2P The ord ;cryptographic; can be left out if the rouines NsicO from the library
being used are not cryptographic related :!2.
F. "f you include any :indos specific code 1or a derivative thereof2 from the apps directory
1application code2 you must include an acknoledgement:PThis product includes softare ritten by
Tim .udson 1t6hWcryptsoft.com2P
T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A -7"* A5#>/ UUAS "S;; A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-'
:A77A>T"-S, ">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA
A>' F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-. The licence and distribution
terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code
cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence Nincluding the /># Public +icence.O
Portions related to +ogF*P+#S v $.4.F are *opyright %4$$ Apache, "nc.
+icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in
compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.
'evelopment tools and related technology provided under license from &'conne)ion. 1*2 $@@%!%44@
&'conne)ion. All rights reserved.
Portions related to libtiff are *opyright 1c2 $@EE!$@@D Sam +effler
*opyright 1c2 $@@$!$@@D Silicon /raphics, "nc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this softare and its documentation for any
purpose is hereby granted ithout fee, provided that 1i2 the above copyright notices and this
permission notice appear in all copies of the softare and related documentation, and 1ii2 the names
of Sam +effler and Silicon /raphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the
softare ithout the specific, prior ritten permission of Sam +effler and Silicon /raphics. T.-
S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS!"SP A>' :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS, "(P+"-' 57
5T.-7:"S-, ">*+#'">/ :"T.5#T +"("TAT"5>, A>A :A77A>TA 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA 57 F"T>-SS
F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S-.
"> >5 -=->T S.A++ SA( +-FF+-7 57 S"+"*5> /7AP."*S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A SP-*"A+, ">*"'->TA+,
">'"7-*T 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 5F A>A <">', 57 A>A 'A(A/-S :.ATS5-=-7 7-S#+T">/
F75( +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA 57 P75F"TS, :.-T.-7 57 >5T A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F
'A(A/-, A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, A7"S">/ 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- #S-
57 P-7F57(A>*- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-.
-)cept here otherise noted in the source code 1e.g. the files hash.c, list.c and the trio files, hich
are covered by a similar licence but ith different *opyright notices2 all the files related to lib)ml are:
*opyright 1*2 $@@E!%44& 'aniel =eillard. All 7ights 7eserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of
charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softare and associated documentation files 1the
PSoftareP2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction, including ithout limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Softare, and to permit
persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, sub6ect to the folloing conditions: The above
copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
Softare. T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57
"(P+"-', ">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- 'A>"-+ =-"++A7' 0-
+"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F *5>T7A*T,
T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5> >-*T"5> :"T. T.- S5FT:A7- 57 T.-
#S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-. -)cept as contained in this notice, the name of 'aniel
=eillard shall not be used in advertising or otherise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this
Softare ithout prior ritten authori9ation from him.

Portions related to ,Mson v 4.D.% are *opyright 1c2 %4$% 'igia Plc and/or its subsidiary1!ies2. This
Autodesk softare contains ,Mson v.4.D.%, as modified by Autodesk, "nc. ,Mson is licensed under the
/># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!
licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or
ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for ,Mson
v.4.D.% as modified by Autodesk, "nc. from or by sending a ritten
reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for ,Mson v.4.D.%, as modified by AutodeskG and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this ,Mson v 4.D.%
source code via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is
valid for a period of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk
softare. Aou may modify, debug and relink ,Mson v4.D.% to this Autodesk softare as provided
under the terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions related to 5penSS+ plugin to ,t *ryptographic Architecture are
*opyright 1*2 %44&!%44D Mustin <arneges V6ustinWaffini).comX
*opyright 1*2 %44F!%443 0rad .ards VbradhWfrogmouth.netX
This Autodesk softare contains 5penSS+ plugin to ,t *ryptographic Architecture v%.4.4 beta&
15penSS+ plugin to ,*A2, as modified by Autodesk. 5penSS+ plugin to ,*A is licensed under the
/># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!
licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or
ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for 5penSS+
' 2/ '
plugin to ,*A v%.4.4 beta&, as modified by Autodesk, from or by
sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for 5penSS+ plugin to ,*A v%.4.4 beta&, as modified by
AutodeskG and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this 5penSS+ plugin to
,*A source code via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk
is valid for a period of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk
Aou may modify, debug and relink 5penSS+ plugin to ,*A to this Autodesk softare as provided under
the terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions related to ,5Auth are *opyright 1*2 %4$4 'ominik <apusta VdWayoy.netX
This Autodesk softare contains ,5Auth v $.4, as modified by Autodesk. ,5Auth is licensed under
the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!
licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or
ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for ,5Auth v
$.4, as modified by Autodesk, from or by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for ,5Auth v $.4, as modified by AutodeskG and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this ,5Auth v $.4 source
code via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is valid for
a period of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk softare.
Aou may modify, debug and relink ,5Auth v $.4 to this Autodesk softare as provided under the
terms of the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions related to ,t *ryptographic Architecture are
*opyright 1*2 %44&!%44D Mustin <arneges V6ustinWaffini).comX
*opyright 1*2 %44F!%44D 0rad .ards
This Autodesk softare contains ,t *ryptographic Architecture v. %.4.% 1,*A2. ,*A is licensed under
the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$, hich can be found at!
licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or
ith the donload of this Autodesk softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for ,*A v
%.4.% from or by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for ,*A v %.4.%G and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this ,*A source code via
the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is valid for a period
of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk softare. Aou may
modify, debug and relink ,*A to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of the />#
+esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
Portions related to A8"S%/* v$.3.4 are *opyright 1*2 %44@ The Apache Softare Foundation. +icensed
under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in compliance
ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4. #nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in
riting, softare distributed under the +icense is distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T
:A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either e)press or implied. See the +icense for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the +icense.
About 0o) notice for copies of unmodified libiconv v.$.@.% source code provided via electronic link:
Portions related to libiconv are *opyright $@@@!%44& Free Softare Foundation, "nc. This Autodesk
softare contains libiconv v.$.@.%. libiconv is licensed under the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense
v.%.$, hich can be found at!licenses/lgpl!%.$.t)t. A te)t copy of
this license is included on the media provided by Autodesk or ith the donload of this Autodesk
softare. Aou may obtain a copy of the source code for libiconv v.$.@.% from or by sending a ritten reHuest to:
Autodesk, "nc.
Attention: /eneral *ounsel
+egal 'epartment
$$$ (c"nnis Parkay
San 7afael, *A @F@4&
Aour ritten reHuest must:
$. *ontain a self!addressed *'/'=' mailer 1or envelope sufficiently large to hold a '='2 ith postage
sufficient to cover the amount of the current #.S. Post 5ffice First *lass postage rate for *'/'='
mailers 1or the envelope you have chosen2 eighing C ounces from San 7afael, *alifornia #SA to your
indicated addressG and
%. "dentify:
a. This Autodesk softare name and release numberG
b. That you are reHuesting the source code for libiconv v.$.@.%G and
c. The above #7+
so that Autodesk may properly respond to your reHuest. The offer to receive this libiconv v.$.@.%
source code via the above #7+ or by ritten reHuest to Autodesk is
valid for a period of three 1&2 years from the date you purchased your license to this Autodesk
Aou may modify, debug and relink libiconv to this Autodesk softare as provided under the terms of
the /># +esser /eneral Public +icense v.%.$.
' 20 '
*opyright K $@@3 %44@ Acresso Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc. All 7ights 7eserved.
This product contains proprietary and confidential technology, information and creative orks oned
by Acresso Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc. and their respective licensors, if any. Any use,
copying, publication, distribution, display, modification, or transmission of such technology in hole or
in part in any form or by any means ithout the prior e)press ritten permission of Acresso Softare
"nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc. is strictly prohibited. -)cept here e)pressly provided by Acresso
Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc. in riting, possession of this technology shall not be
construed to confer any license or rights under any Acresso Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc.
intellectual property rights, hether by estoppel, implication, or otherise.
All copies of the technology and related information, if alloed by Acresso Softare "nc. and/or
"nstallShield *o. "nc., must display this notice of copyright and onership in full.
Acresso, AdminStudio, F+-8net *onnect, "nstallShield, "nstallShield 'eveloper, "nstallShield
'evStudio, "nstallShield Professional, 5ne*lick"nstall, and ,uickPatch are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Acresso Softare "nc. and/or "nstallShield *o. "nc. in the #nited States of America
and/or other countries. All other brand and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks and
registered trademarks of their respective oners.
7estricted 7ights +egend
The softare and documentation are commercial items, as that term is defined at FE *.F.7. \%.$4$,
consisting of commercial computer softare and commercial computer softare documentation, as
such terms are used in FE *.F.7. \$%.%$% or FE *.F.7. \%%D.%D4%, as applicable. *onsistent ith FE
*.F.7. \$%.%$% or FE *.F.7. \%%D.%D4%!$ through %%D.D%4%!F, as applicable, the commercial computer
softare and commercial computer softare documentation are being licensed to #.S. government
end users 1A2 only as commercial items and 102 ith only those rights as are granted to all other end
users pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Acresso Softare standard commercial
agreement for this softare. #npublished rights reserved under the copyright las of the #nited
States of America.
libpng versions 4.@D, Manuary $@@E, through $.4.3, (arch %4, %444, are *opyright 1c2 $@@E, $@@@
/lenn 7anders!Pehrson, and are distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng!
4.@3, ith the folloing individuals added to the list of *ontributing Authors:
Tom +ane /lenn 7anders!Pehrson :illem van Schaik
libpng versions 4.E@, Mune $@@3, through 4.@3, (ay $@@D, are *opyright 1c2 $@@3, $@@D Andreas
'ilger 'istributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng!4.EE, ith the folloing
individuals added to the list of *ontributing Authors:
Mohn 0oler <evin 0racey Sam 0ushell (agnus .olmgren /reg 7oelofs Tom Tanner
libpng versions 4.C, (ay $@@C, through 4.EE, Manuary $@@3, are *opyright 1c2 $@@C, $@@3 /uy -ric
Schalnat, /roup F%, "nc.
For the purposes of this copyright and license, P*ontributing AuthorsP is defined as the folloing set of
Andreas 'ilger 'ave (artindale /uy -ric Schalnat Paul Schmidt Tim :egner
The P>/ 7eference +ibrary is supplied PAS "SP. The *ontributing Authors and /roup F%, "nc. disclaim
all arranties, e)pressed or implied, including, ithout limitation, the arranties of merchantability
and of fitness for any purpose. The *ontributing Authors and /roup F%, "nc. assume no liability for
direct, indirect, incidental, special, e)emplary, or conseHuential damages, hich may result from the
use of the P>/ 7eference +ibrary, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source code, or portions hereof,
for any purpose, ithout fee, sub6ect to the folloing restrictions:

$. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.

%. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the
original source.

&. This *opyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source or altered source distribution.

The *ontributing Authors and /roup F%, "nc. specifically permit, ithout fee, and encourage the use of
this source code as a component to supporting the P>/ file format in commercial products. "f you use
this source code in a product, acknoledgment is not reHuired but ould be appreciated.
Portions related to +uaPlus vC.$ are *opyright K $@@FL%44E, P#*!7io.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this softare and
associated documentation files 1the PSoftareP2, to deal in the Softare ithout restriction, including
ithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Softare, and to permit persons to hom the Softare is furnished to do so, sub6ect to
the folloing conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Softare.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' PAS "SP, :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-',
">*+#'">/ 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5 T.- :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA, F"T>-SS F57 A
PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A>' >5>">F7">/-(->T. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- A#T.57S 57 *5PA7"/.T
.5+'-7S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A *+A"(, 'A(A/-S 57 5T.-7 +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> A> A*T"5> 5F
*5>T7A*T, T57T 57 5T.-7:"S-, A7"S">/ F75(, 5#T 5F 57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.-
S5FT:A7- 57 T.- #S- 57 5T.-7 '-A+">/S "> T.- S5FT:A7-.
Portions relating to 5pen-87 $.3.4 *opyright K %44F, "ndustrial +ight Q (agic, a division of +ucas
'igital +td. ++* All rights reserved.
7edistribution and use in source and binary forms, ith or ithout modification, are permitted
provided that the folloing conditions are met: 7edistributions of source code must retain the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the folloing disclaimer. 7edistributions in binary form must
reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the folloing disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided ith the distribution. >either the name of "ndustrial
+ight Q (agic nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this softare ithout specific prior ritten permission. T."S S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' 0A T.-
*5PA7"/.T .5+'-7S A>' *5>T7"0#T57S PAS "SP A>' A>A -8P7-SS 57 "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S,
">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, T.- "(P+"-' :A77A>T"-S 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA A>' F"T>-SS
F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S- A7- '"S*+A"(-'. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ T.- *5PA7"/.T 5:>-7 57
*5>T7"0#T57S 0- +"A0+- F57 A>A '"7-*T, ">'"7-*T, ">*"'->TA+, SP-*"A+, -8-(P+A7A, 57
*5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 1">*+#'">/, 0#T >5T +"("T-' T5, P75*#7-(->T 5F S#0ST"T#T-
/55'S 57 S-7="*-SG +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA, 57 P75F"TSG 57 0#S">-SS ">T-77#PT"5>2 .5:-=-7
*A#S-' A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"+"TA, :.-T.-7 "> *5>T7A*T, ST7"*T +"A0"+"TA, 57 T57T
1">*+#'">/ >-/+"/->*- 57 5T.-7:"S-2 A7"S">/ "> A>A :AA 5#T 5F T.- #S- 5F T."S
S5FT:A7-, -=-> "F A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F S#*. 'A(A/-.
Portions relating to T"FF K *opyright $@EE!$@@D Sam +effler. K *opyright $@@$!$@@D Silicon
/raphics, "nc. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this softare
and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted ithout fee, provided that 1i2 the above
copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the softare and related
documentation, and 1ii2 the names of Sam +effler and Silicon /raphics may not be used in any
advertising or publicity relating to the softare ithout the specific, prior ritten permission of Sam
+effler and Silicon /raphics.
T.- S5FT:A7- "S P75="'-' IAS!"SJ A>' :"T.5#T :A77A>TA 5F A>A <">', -8P7-SS, "(P+"-'
57 5T.-7:"S-, ">*+#'">/ :"T.5#T +"("TAT"5>, A>A :A77A>TA 5F (-7*.A>TA0"+"TA 57
F"T>-SS F57 A PA7T"*#+A7 P#7P5S-. "> >5 -=->T S.A++ SA( +-FF+-7 57 S"+"*5> /7AP."*S 0-
+"A0+- F57 A>A SP-*"A+, ">*"'->T"A+, ">'"7-*T 57 *5>S-,#->T"A+ 'A(A/-S 5F A>A <">', 57
A>A 'A(A/-S :.ATS5-=-7 7-S#+T">/ F75( +5SS 5F #S-, 'ATA 57 P75F"TS, :.-T.-7 57 >5T
' 31 '
A'="S-' 5F T.- P5SS"0"+"TA 5F 'A(A/-, A>' 5> A>A T.-57A 5F +"A0"0"T+A, A7"S">/ 5#T 5F
57 "> *5>>-*T"5> :"T. T.- #S- 57 P-7F57(A>*- 5F T."S S5FT:A7-.
Portions relating to +ib)erces!c %.D.4 are copyright $@@@!%444, %44F The Apache Softare
Foundation. +icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the I+icenseJ2G you may not use this file
e)cept in compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4. #nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in
riting, softare distributed under the +icense is distributed on an IAS "SJ 0AS"S, :"T.5#T
:A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either e)press or implied. See the +icense for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the +icense.
This product includes the SiftShader Softare /P# Toolkit, *opyright 1c2 %44&!%4$$ Transgaming,
"nc. All rights reserved.
Portions related to open!vcdiff are *opyright %44E K /oogle, "nc.
+icensed under the Apache +icense, =ersion %.4 1the P+icenseP2G you may not use this file e)cept in
compliance ith the +icense. Aou may obtain a copy of the +icense at"*->S-!%.4
#nless reHuired by applicable la or agreed to in riting, softare distributed under the +icense is
distributed on an PAS "SP 0AS"S, :"T.5#T :A77A>T"-S 57 *5>'"T"5>S 5F A>A <">', either
e)press or implied. See the +icense for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the +icense.

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