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Name of Candidate: Jomodean Alexander

School: West St. George Secondary School

School Center #: 1500!
Candidate #:
"eacher: #r. $ale Sam%el
"a&le of Content 'age #
Acknowledgment 1.
Introduction 2.
Statement of Problem 3.
Reason for Selecting Research Area 4.
Method of Inestigation !.
Instruments used to collect data "# $.
A%%endi& '# (.
Procedures used to collect data 1)# 11.
Presentation of *ata 12# 13.
Anal+sis and Inter%retation of *ata 14.

Statement of ,indings 1!.
Recommendations and Im%lementations Strateg+ 1".
-ibliogra%h+ 1$.
.onclusion 1'.
,irst of all I would like to /hank 0od for hel%ing me in eer+ moment of
time through this Social Studies S-A. I also will like to thank eer+one with
eer+ res%ect who hel%ed me in the com%letion of this S-A %ro1ect. /hanks
to m+ Sisters who hel%ed in some of the most difficult %art of this S-A# m+
cousins# m+ father for %rinting it and deliering it on time for me and I also
want to thank m+ teacher for encouraging me and belieing in me while I
was %erforming certain act. /hank +ou all.
Richmond 2ill and ,renches are both small communit+. It is located in
St. 3incent 4 the 0renadines# 5ingstown and is about 4 miles awa+
from m+ school. I hae been a grown u% resident of Richmond 2ill for
oer the %ast fifteen 61!7 +ears. At this time# I hae obsered a number
of %roblems lead to teenage %regnanc+ in the area and I hae therefore
decided to conduct a sure+ to inestigate the factors that accounts to the
8eels and .auses of /eenage Pregnanc+.
Statement of +ro&lem
/eenage Pregnanc+ is a ma1or %roblem in m+ communit+.
9hat are some leels and causes of /eenage Pregnanc+ in m+ district:
/o find out the %ossible causes of /eenage Pregnanc+.
2ow high is the leels of /eenage Pregnanc+:
In what wa+ can /eenage Pregnanc+ be %reented:
,eason for Selecting ,esearch Area
/he researcher chose to ins%ect this social %roblem because +oung females of
this modern time are being thrown out of their %arents house and kicked out
of school because of them being %regnant at a +oung age without their
%arents knowing and an+one else een notice until the+ start showing signs
and s+m%toms.
Also# +oung females are being reckless and not taking care of themseles# so
in order to gie a little word of adice I choose this to%ic.
#ethod of *n-estigation
In;order for the researcher to collect the data he<she used %rinted
=uestionnaires# =uestionnaires are more suitable for this t+%e of research
because the+ offer arious adantages>
It takes little or no time to be com%leted.
its more easier for the researcher to ask =uestions to this t+%e of
research and receie answers to fulfill his< her task.
Res%ondents are more %leased answering these =uestions because their
%ersonal information is not re=uired.
*nstr%ments %sed to collect data
M+ name is ?omodean Ale&ander I@m a Social Studies student from St. 3incent and the
0renadines at 9.S.0.S.S# researching
/eenage %regnanc+; its leels and causes in m+ district. /his is being done for m+ Social
Studies School -ased Assessment. Aou are re=uired to answer all =uestions honestl+ and
truthfull+# b+ %utting a tick in the bo& that is +our answer# since +our %ersonal
information are not re=uired# %ersons will not know who +ou are and this information
will be ke%t safe. IBm looking forward for +our kind coo%eration# /hank +ou.
Aours Sincerel+#
?omodean Ale&ander.
9hat is +our age grou% range:
13;14 1!;1" 1$;1'
9hat is +our se&<gender:
Male ,emale
1. 9hat t+%e of famil+ are +ou %resentl+ lie in:
C&tended Sibling Duclear Single Parent
2. *oes %oor %arenting cause teenage %regnanc+:
Strongl+ Agree Agree Strongl+ dis;agree *is;agree
3. *oes using alcohol beerages affect +our health:
Agree Strongl+ agree *isagree Strongl+ disagree
4. At what age +ou started to drink:
12;13 14;1! 1!;1" 1$;1'
!. Are +ou willing to sto% drinking alcohol beerages:
Aes Do Ma+be
". Is it im%ortant to use contrace%ties:
Strongl+ agree Agree Strongl+ dis;agree *is;agree
$. Is child abuse a cause of teenage %regnanc+:
Agree Strongl+ Agree *isagree Strongl+ disagree
'. *oes using birth control mean +ou are safe:
Agree Strongl+ agree *isagree Strongl+ disagree
(. 9hat is the best t+%e of birth control method:
.ondoms Abstinence Intrauterine deices
1). Is teenage %regnanc+ a %roblem in the .aribbean:
Agree Strongl+ agree *isagree Strongl+ disagree
11. Is teenage %regnanc+ a common thing in the rural areas:
Strongl+ agree Agree Strongl+ dis;agree *is;agree
12. Is teenage %regnanc+ a common thing in the urban areas:
Strongl+ agree Agree Strongl+ dis;agree *is;agree
13. *oes an+ t+%e of teenage %regnanc+ %rogram e&ist in +our communit+:
Aes Do Done
14. 9hat would +ou do to hel% %reent teenage %regnanc+ in +our communit+:

'roced%res %sed to collect $ata
,or this School -ased Assessment# It would hae been difficult for me to get a
res%onse from eer+ %erson# within the ages 12;2) in 5ingstown where this
research was done. /herefore# two s%ecific illages within this area were being
targeted. -oth Richmond 2ill and ,renches a%%ro&imatel+ consist of about 2)))
%eo%le# which onl+ 1) %erson from each was necessar+ in order to %roide correct
results. I then decided to elect %eo%le b+ random selecting %eo%le. /he 2) selected
%ersons were %roided with 2) =uestionnaires on 9ednesda+ ?anuar+ 1!
th 2)14
were recollected on Monda+ ?anuar+ 2)
th 2)14
A++endix.Sho)ing the res+onses to the /%estionnaires
Euestion F
Euestions G%tions Raw Score PercentageH
Se& Male " 1!
,emale 14 '!
Age 13;14 4 2)
1!;1" " 3)
1$;1' 1) !)
' *oes using Strongl+ 2 1)
birth control
mean +ou are
Agree 3 1!
1) !)
*is;agree ! 2!
1) Is teenage
%regnanc+ a
%roblem in the
12 ")
Agree 4 2!
*is;agree 3 1)
1 !
$ *oes %oor
causes teenage
12 ")
Agree 4 2!
1 !
*is;agree 3 1)
'resentation of $ata
Showing the res%onse to =uestion F 11 which ask# if teenage %regnanc+ is a
%roblem in the rural areas:
G%tions Raw Score Percentage H
Strongl+ Agree 12 ")
Agree 4 2!
Strongl+ *is;agree 1 1)
*is;agree 3 !
/otal 2) 1))
0ig%re.1 Pie chart showing the res%onse to =uestion F 1 which ask
res%ondents to indicate if teenage %regnanc+ a %roblem in the urban areas:
0ig%re. 2istogram showing the res%onse to =uestion F 1) that asked
res%ondents to state if teenage %regnanc+ is a %roblem in the .aribbean.
Analysis and *nter+retation of $ata
In res%onse to =uestion F1) the ma1orit+ of females 6'!H7 agree that %oor
%arenting is the main cause of teenage %regnanc+ while the minorit+ 61!H7 of
males dis;agree with the =uestion. /he res%onses of both males and females ma+
be different because the females ma+ hae encountered more about %regnant
Res%onding to =uestion F1)# the ma1orit+ of older %ersons 6')H7 61!;1'7 belieed
that teenage %regnanc+ is a %roblem in the communit+# whereas a minorit+ of
+ounger %ersons 62)H7 613;147 belieed the statement. /he difference in o%inion
ma+ result because %arents ma+ hae been more res%onsible with the lies of their
+oung teens than the older teens.
Statement of 0indings
"hree fact%al Statements the ,esearcher disco-ered are:
1. Most of the %er%etrators of teenage %regnanc+ are females of the
age 13;1" as indicated ()H of the res%ondents.
2. /he ma1orit+ res%ondents 6'!H7 agree that %oor %arenting is the
main cause of teenage %regnanc+.
3. Ma1orit+ of the res%ondents '!H agree that child abuse is a cause
of teenage %regnanc+.
,ecommendations and *m+lementation Strategy
")o recommendations &ased on the findings are:
/he counselor should organiJe sessions for +oung females of the 13;1"
on how to aoid getting %regnant at a +oung age.
/he 0oernment can o%en sessions<clubs for adults in eer+
communit+ that is based on %arenting skills# haing trained indiiduals
to carr+ out this %rogram.
*m+lementations of recommendations 1 1 :

Im%lementation for recommendation.1
/he counselor should organiJe sessions for +oung females at the ages of 13;1" to
em%ower them on how to aoid getting %regnant at such +oung stage of their life.
/hese sessions should be conducted b+ a %rofessional indiidual# +oung females
can meet at;least twice a week for a 3) minutes session at 12>3) am.
Im%lementation for recommendation.
/he goernments o%ening sessions<clubs for adults in eer+ communit+
that is based on %arenting skills# haing a trained indiidual carr+ing out
this %rogram would be something good in the communit+ to hel% reduce
the rate of teenage %regnanc+. /his session should take %lace three times
a week for 2hrs starting from 3>))%m to !>))%m# all +ear round.
-ook> Cer+thing +ou want to know about /eenage Pregnanc+
Author> /rac+ 2ughes
-ook> Social Studies for the .aribbean
Author> I.- -eeddoe# 8. -ernard# -.A Rohlehr# 5. See%ersad
9ebsite> 2tt%<<www.teenage

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