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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

4( ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

"mart .C/ for 0ner+1&0fficient /echanism 2sin+ C34 In
5ireless "ensor #et,or6
, C.K.Gomathy

M.E Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCSVMV Unier!ity Enathur
"!!t.#rofe!!or, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCSVMV Unier!ity Enathur

A 7 " 3 R A C 3

.in6&a,are clusterin+ mechanism (.C/) is to support ener+1 efficient routin+ in 5"#s! 3he
main +oal of the .C/ is to esta8lish a persistent and relia8le routin+ path 81 determinin+
proper nodes to 8ecome cluster&heads and +ate,a1s! In the .C/, cluster&head and +ate,a1
candidates use the node status (e!+!, residual ener+1) and lin6 condition (e!+!, 9ualit1) to
determine a clusterin+ metric, called the predicted transmission count and additionall1 the
8and,idth is also considered! 3he cluster head or +ate,a1 candidate havin+ the hi+hest priorit1
is elected as a cluster&head or a +ate,a1, respectivel1! 3he main contri8ution of this pro-ect is
that it proposes a lin6 a,are clusterin+ mechanism, and the proposed mechanism can support
ener+1&efficient routin+! "imulation results confirm that the .C/ can achieve a hi+h pac6et
deliver1 ratio, e:tend the net,or6 lifetime, and reduce transmission latenc1!

Inde: 3erm; Cluster <ead, =ate,a1, Capa8le 3ransmission Count, Cluster <ead read1, =ate,a1

I! I#3R>?2C3I>#

" 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or% ()SN* i! a computer net'or% con!i!ting of !patia&&y di!tri+uted autonomou!
deice! u!ing !en!or! to cooperatie&y monitor phy!ica& or enironmenta& condition!, !uch a!
temperature, !ound, i+ration, pre!!ure, motion or po&&utant!, at different &ocation!.,1- .he dee&opment
of 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or%! 'a! origina&&y motiated +y mi&itary app&ication! !uch a! +att&efie&d
!urei&&ance. /o'eer, 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or%! are no' u!ed in many cii&ian app&ication area!,
inc&uding enironment and ha+itat monitoring, hea&thcare app&ication!, home automation, and traffic

.he )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or% ()SN* ha! recent&y +ecome promi!ing net'or% architecture and i!
'ide&y u!ed in many app&ication!, enironmenta& monitoring, o+0ect detection, eent trac%ing, and
!ecurity !urei&&ance. 1n genera&, )SN! con!i!t of &arge num+er! of tiny autonomou! 'ire&e!! deice!,
ca&&ed !en!or node!, 'hich perform mu&tip&e function! !uch a! !en!ing, computing, and communication.
1n typica& )SN!, !en!or node! (i.e., !ource node!* mu!t report the !en!ing or monitoring data to a
centra& node, ca&&ed the !in%, 'hen receiing 2uery me!!age! !ent +y the !in%. 3ecau!e !en!or node!
are +attery4po'ered deice!, charging +atterie! for !en!or node! i! often difficu&t. 5peration! !uch a!
communication, and computation, con!ume the energy of !en!or node!, and data tran!mi!!ion i! the
ma0or !ource of energy con!umption. .hu!, it i! a !eriou! cha&&enge to de!ign an energy efficient routing
!cheme for reporting !en!ory data to achiee a high de&iery ratio and pro&ong the net'or% &ifetime
)ire&e!! !en!or! are deice! that range in !i7e from a piece of g&itter to a dec% of card!. .hey are
functiona&&y compo!ed of8

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

4% ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

Sen!ing unit that i! de!igned and programmed to !en!e 'hateer characteri!tic i! of intere!t9
!ome common e:amp&e! of propertie! that are monitored are &ight, temperature, humidity,
pre!!ure, etc.
" conerter that tran!form! the !en!ed !igna& from an ana&og to a digita& !igna&9
" microproce!!or contro&&ing component that inc&ude! an operating !y!tem for the unit,
proce!!or and memory9 a radio component that inc&ude! +oth a receier and a tran!mitter ,2-.

#o'ering the!e component! i! typica&&y one or t'o !ma&& +atterie!. .here are a&!o 'ire&e!! !en!or!
uti&i7ed in app&ication! that u!e a con!tant, 'ired po'er !ource and do not u!e +atterie! a! a po'er
!ource. .hi! type of 'ire&e!! !en!or i! not con!idered in thi! paper.

1n an e:terna& enironment 'here the po'er !ource i! +atterie!, 'hich thi! paper 'i&& concentrate on,
'ire&e!! !en!or! are p&aced in an area of intere!t that i! to +e monitored, either in a random or %no'n
fa!hion. .he !en!or! !e&f4organi7e them!e&e! in a radio net'or% u!ing a routing a&gorithm, monitor the
area for 'hateer parameter it 'a! de!igned to monitor, and tran!mit the data to a centra& node,
!ometime! ca&&ed a +a!e !tation, or !in% node, that co&&ect! the data from a&& of the !en!or!. .hi! node may
+e the !ame a! the other node!, or +ecau!e of it! increa!ed re2uirement!, may +e a more !ophi!ticated
node 'ith increa!ed po'er. .he uni2ue adantage of 'ire&e!! !en!or! i! that they may +e dep&oyed in an
enironment for e:tended period! of time, continuou!&y monitoring the enironment, 'ithout the need
for human interaction or operation. .hi!, ho'eer, e!ta+&i!he! the po'er !ource a! the &imiting
component of the !en!or ,;-.

II! .I30RA32R0 R0VI05

@1A! An 0ner+1 0fficient <ierarchical Clusterin+ Al+orithm for 5ireless "ensor #et,or6s "eema
7and1opadh1a1 and 0d,ard J! Co1le , "chool of 0lectrical and Computer 0n+ineerin+ , Burdue
2niversit1 ,5est .afa1ette, I#, 2"A

" 'ire&e!! net'or% con!i!ting of a &arge num+er of !ma&& !en!or! 'ith &o'4po'er tran!ceier! can +e an
effectie too& for gathering data in a ariety of enironment!. .he data co&&ected +y each !en!or i!
communicated through the net'or% to a !ing&e proce!!ing center that u!e! a&& reported data to determine
characteri!tic! of the enironment or detect an eent. .he communication or me!!age pa!!ing proce!!
mu!t +e de!igned to con!ere the &imited energy re!ource! of the !en!or!. C&u!tering !en!or! into group!,
!o that !en!or! communicate information on&y to c&u!ter4head! and then the c&u!ter4head! communicate
the aggregated information to the proce!!ing center, may !ae energy ,2-.

EC i! !uita+&e for any data co&&ection protoco& that focu!e! on energy con!eration.
.he EC e:tend! net'or% &ifetime and achiee! energy e2ua&i7ation more effectie&y than t'o 'e&&4
%no'n c&u!tering a&gorithm!, /EED and UC<.
EC effectie&y contro&! c&u!ter !i7e!, 'hich a&&o'! an appro:imate&y uniform u!e of the oera&& energy
re!ource! of a )SN.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

4C ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+


1t i! !ti&& +a!ed on !ing&e4hop tran!mi!!ion! to the !in% from the C/! and i! not !ca&a+&e to &arge4!ca&e
.he ana&y!i! of energy con!umption in contro& oerhead cau!ed +y route di!coery and c&u!ter
formation i! not fu&&y coered.
@2A! A ?ensit1 and ?istance 8ased Cluster <ead "election Al+orithm in "ensor #et,or6s
D1oun+h,a .ee E1, Jooh1un .ee E2, <1u8+un .ee E$, Foun+tae "hinE4 ?epartment of Computer,
"oon+sil 2niversit1,"an+do'&don+ ?on+-a6&+u, "outh Dorea

5ne of the mo!t important con!ideration! in de!igning !en!or node! in a 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or%! i! to
e:tend the net'or% &ifetime +y minimi7ing energy con!umption 'ith &imited re!ource!. 1n thi! paper, 'e
propo!e a Den!ity and Di!tance +a!ed C&u!ter /ead Se&ection (DDC/S* a&gorithm in !en!or net'or%!. .he
propo!ed a&gorithm diide! c&u!ter area into t'o perpendicu&ar diameter!, and then !e&ect! c&u!ter head
+y the den!ity of mem+er node! and the di!tance from c&u!ter head. .hrough the !imu&ation e:periment!,
'e !ho'ed that our a&gorithm ha! improe! the performance of c&u!ter head !e&ection and proide!
more energy4efficient ,=-.

DDC/S a&gorithm ha! improe! the net'or% &ifetime a+out >6? +etter than @E"C/ and a+out
16 ? +etter than /EED.
DDC/S a&gorithm 'hich improe! the performance of c&u!tering.
DDC/S a&gorithm ha! improe! the performance of c&u!ter head !e&ection and proide more

/EED doe! not guarantee the num+er of !e&ected c&u!ter head. 1f the energy of a&& node! i! !imi&ar&y
&o', mo!t node! can +ecome c&u!ter head.
Sen!or net'or%! con!i!t of &arge num+er of !ma&&, re&atie&y ine:pen!ie and &o'4po'er !en!or!
that are connected to the 'ire&e!! net'or%.

III! "3A30/0#3 >F 3<0 BR>7.0/

0:istin+ "1stem

1n the pa!!ie c&u!tering techni2ue, each node in a c&u!ter ha! an e:terna& c&u!ter !tate, and the c&u!ter4
head and gate'ay node! are ma0or participant! in pac%et de&iery. )hen a node receie! a data pac%et, it
depend! on it! current !tate and the !tate of the !ender of the pac%et to determine 'hether it mu!t
change it! current !tate ,1-. Each node piggy+ac%! it! !tate onto the tran!mitted pac%et, and thu! a node
can rea&i7e the c&u!ter !tate! of a&& it! neigh+or!. .he pa!!ie c&u!tering techni2ue can effectie&y decrea!e
the num+er of e:p&icit contro& pac%et! to con!tant&y maintain c&u!ter information, and there+y reduce
communication oerhead. 1f there are many c&u!ter4head candidate!, mo!t of the e:i!ting c&u!tering
approache! u!e a random !trategy to determine c&u!ter4head!. /o'eer, thi! !trategy i! &i%e&y to
determine improper c&u!ter4head!. Note that c&u!ter4head! genera&&y con!ume more +attery po'er than
other node! in c&u!ter4+a!ed routing protoco&!. 1f the c&u!ter4head e:hau!t! it! +attery po'er, the routing
path may +e de!troyed. .hi! threaten! per!i!tent tran!mi!!ion, there+y reducing the pac%et de&iery
ratio. /o'eer, if the c&u!ter4head i! a!!ociated 'ith a poor 2ua&ity &in%, it generate! additiona&
retran!mi!!ion!, 'hich &ead! to unnece!!ary energy con!umption.

Broposed "1stem

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

' ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

1n 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or%!, the entire !en!or node! hae to tran!mit the !en!ed data to the !in%
periodica&&y, 'heneer the !in% i! in the need of !en!ing report. .hi! pro0ect propo!e! a &in%4a'are
c&u!tering mechani!m, ca&&ed @CM, to determine an energy4efficient and re&ia+&e routing path. .he @CM
primari&y con!ider! node !tatu! and &in% condition, and u!e! a noe& c&u!tering metric ca&&ed the
predicted tran!mi!!ion count (#.A* and additiona&&y +and'idth, to ea&uate the 2ua&ification of node! for
c&u!ter4head! and gate'ay! to con!truct c&u!ter!. Each c&u!ter4head or gate'ay candidate depend! on the
#.A and +and'idth to derie it! priority, and the candidate 'ith the highe!t priority +ecome! the
c&u!ter4head or gate'ay ,1-.

@CM determine proper c&u!ter4head +y u!ing noe& parameter C.A a&ue
.he c&u!ter4head i! changed according to the !ource and de!tination and a&!o the node 'ith
highe!t C.A a&ue i! !e&ected a! the c&u!ter head.
"oid retran!mi!!ion +y con!idering &in% 2ua&ity 'hi&e choo!ing the c&u!ter head and gate'ay.

IV! >7J0C3IV0

.he o+0ectie of thi! pro0ect i! to determine the energy4efficient and re&ia+&e routing path u!ing @in%
"'are C&u!tering Mechani!m.

"cope of the 5or6
.hi! 'or% had imp&emented an Energy @CM u!ing C.A in a 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or% 'ith !tatic node!.
.hi! !cheme had proided improement gain! in Energy efficiency, .hroughput, De&ay, 3and'idth and
De&iery <atio. 3ut the !uperior nature of thi! !cheme depend! on many enironmenta& factor!, !uch a!
operation !cenario!, !pecific data type! etc. .hu! more re!earch 'or% need! to +e done in future to find
the re!pectie app&ication !cenario! for thi! !cheme 'ith a&& the re&ated factor! ta%en into con!ideration.
.hi! techni2ue need! to +e imp&emented in a 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or% 'ith mo+i&e node!, !ince mo+i&ity
'a! not ta%en into account in thi! 'or%.

V! "F"30/ ARC<I30C32R0

)e propo!e a &in%4a'are c&u!tering mechani!m ca&&ed @CM, to determine an energy efficient and re&ia+&e
routing path. .he @CM primari&y con!ider! node !tatu!, &in% condition, capa+&e tran!mi!!ion count (C.A*
and +and'idth to ea&uate the 2ua&ification of node! for c&u!ter4head! and gate'ay to con!truct c&u!ter!.
Each c&u!ter4head or gate'ay candidate depend! on the C.A to drie it! priority, and the candidate 'ith
the highe!t priority +ecome! the c&u!ter4head and gate'ay.

C.A u!ing @CM "rchitecture, fir!t ca&cu&ate the C.A (Capa+&e .ran!mi!!ion Count* a&ue for the entire
node. 3a!ed on the C.A a&ue each node 'i&& act a! C&u!ter head or Gate'ay for comp&ete! the
tran!mi!!ion to !in%. Source !en!or 'ou&d act a! C&u!ter head and forming a c&u!ter 'ith in the 266
meter coerage. Coerage area! node! are +ecome Gate'ay ready !tate, high C.A a&ue node 'i&& act a!
Gate'ay node for the tran!ition. "gain finding the neigh+or node (266 meter!*, thi! time coerage area!
node! are +ecome C&u!ter head ready !tate. 3a!ed on the high C.A a&ue node 'i&& act a! C&u!ter head to
precede the tran!ition. 1tB! a recur!ie proce!! to find each node !tate +a!ed on the C.A a&ue, fir!t
proce!! time high C.A a&ue +ecome Gate'ay and !econd proce!! time +ecome c&u!ter head, thi! proce!!
'i&& +e carried out ti&& reach the de!tination. Each time c&u!ter 'ou&d +e formed to identify the energy4
efficient path to tran!mit the date in to !in%. .he cha&&enge! in the hierarchy of8 detecting the re&eant
2uantitie!, monitoring and co&&ecting the data, a!!e!!ing and ea&uating the information, formu&ating
meaningfu& u!er di!p&ay!, and performing deci!ion4ma%ing and a&arm function! are enormou!. .he
information needed +y !mart enironment! i! proided +y Di!tri+uted )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%!, 'hich
are re!pon!i+&e for !en!ing a! 'e&& a! for the fir!t !tage! of the proce!!ing hierarchy.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'1 ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

A! Capa8le 3ransmission Count

"&though random !e&ection i! an effort&e!! !trategy to determine C/ and G) node!, it i! not an efficient
approach +ecau!e of it! di!regard of node !tatu! and &in% condition. Moreoer, u!ing on&y a !ing&e factor
cannot e:po!e the inf&uence of other factor! on routing performance. .he propo!ed @CM con!ider! node
!tatu! and &in% condition, and propo!e! a noe& metric, ca&&ed the predicted tran!mi!!ion count (#.A*, to
ea&uate the !uita+i&ity of C/ or G) candidate!. .he #.A repre!ent! the capa+i&ity of a candidate for
per!i!tent tran!mi!!ion to a !pecific neigh+oring node. .hi! !tudy con!ider! the tran!mit po'er, re!idua&
energy, and &in% 2ua&ity to derie the #.A of C/ or G) candidate. " &arge #.A a&ue indicate! a high
&i%e&ihood of +ecoming a C/ or G) node. 3ecau!e the channe& condition of 'ire&e!! &in%! arie! 'ith
time, the &in% re&ia+i&ity often depend! on the channe& condition. 1f a node i! a!!ociated 'ith an unre&ia+&e
&in%, data de&iery i! &i%e&y to fai&, there+y &eading to pac%et retran!mi!!ion!.

7! Cluster "tate 3ransition

.he c&u!ter !tate tran!ition of the propo!ed @CM, upon receiing me!!age!, a node u!e! a&gorithm 2 to
determine 'hether it mu!t change it! current !tate. Cor the &ac% of !pace, thi! paper u!e! the 1N node a!
an e:amp&e to e:p&ain the !tate tran!ition of @CM )hen an 1N node receie! me!!age! from either a C/
node or a G) node, it change! it! c&u!ter identifier a! that of the !ender, +ecau!e thi! 1N node and the
!ender +e&ong to the !ame c&u!ter. 1f the !ender i! a C/ node, the 1N node then tran!it! it! !tate to
G)D<. 5ther'i!e, the 1N node then tran!it! it! !tate to C/D< if the !ender i! a G) node. Mean'hi&e, the
1N node enter! the contention procedure. )hen the 1N node receie! me!!age! from either a C/ node
or a G) node, it change! it! c&u!ter identifier a! that of the !ender, +ecau!e thi! 1N node and the !ender
+e&ong to the !ame c&u!ter.

node sates
Neighbor node


Until reach the Destination

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'2 ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

1f the !ender i! a C/ node, the 1N node then tran!it! it! !tate to G)D<. 5ther'i!e, the 1N node then
tran!it! it! !tate to C/D< if the !ender i! a G) node. Mean'hi&e, the 1N node enter! the contention
procedure to ca&cu&ate it! priority and determine it! u&timate !tate. 1f the node +ecome! a C/ or G) node,
it then for'ard! the receied me!!age.

C! .C/ >peration

.he propo!ed @CM i! a fu&&y di!tri+uted mechani!m +ecau!e the C/ and G) candidate! !e&f4determine
'hether they mu!t +ecome the C/ and G) node!, re!pectie&y. "fter dep&oyment, a&& node! are in the 1N
!tate. )hen Source node(S* intend! to !end a me!!age to the !in%, it chec%! the c&u!ter !tate! of a&& it!
neigh+or!. 3ecau!e node S ha! no C/ neigh+or!, it con!e2uent&y +ecome! a C/ node. )hen receiing
me!!age! from node S, a&& neigh+or node! enter the G)D< !tate +ecau!e they are in the 1N !tate, and then
each node perform! a ca&cu&ation to determine if it can +ecome a G) node. .hen the !e&ected G) node
!end! out the receied pac%et 'hen it! 'aiting time e:pire!. )hen receiing the me!!age, G) nod !end
out the me!!age. 5n receipt of the me!!age from G), it! neigh+or node! enter the C/D< !tate and then
each node perform! a ca&cu&ation to determine if it can +ecome a C/ node. .hi! proce!! 'i&& continue
unti& reach the !in% node ,1-.

VI! "CR00#"<>3"

#rogram ha! +een imp&emented in NS2 !imu&ation !oft'are, find the +e&o' !creen!hot! for the e:ecution
of C.A u!ing @CM "rchitecture.

0:ecution of "mart .C/

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'$ ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

Input for calculatin+ "mart .C/

?ata send from "ource to "in6 usin+ "mart .C/

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'4 ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

?etailed vie, of ?ata transmission from "ource to "in6

Anal1sis +raph of Broposed and 0:istin+ "1stem

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'' ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

VII! C>#C.2"I># A#? F232R0 0#<A#C0/0#3
#aper ha! propo!ed a &in%4a'are c&u!tering mechani!m, ca&&ed @CM, to proide energy efficient routing in
'ire&e!! !en!or net'or%!. .he @CM introduce! the predicted tran!mi!!ion count (#.A* and +and'idth to
a!!i!t in con!tructing c&u!ter !tructure!. .he #.A repre!ent! the &ee& of report 2ua&ity that node! can
!upport and i! deried from the tran!mit po'er con!umption, re!idua& energy, and &in% 2ua&ity. .he
+and'idth i! u!ed to !ay the rate at 'hich a node can tran!fer the data. .he %ey concept of the @CM i! to
u!e the #.A and the +and'idth a! a primary c&u!tering metric to determine a priority for each C/ or G)
candidate. 3a!ed on the deried priority, the @CM can !e&ect the +e!t node! to +ecome c&u!ter4head! or
gate'ay!. "! a !o&ution, the @CM con!ider! node !tatu! (i.e., energy u!age* and &in% condition (i.e., E.A
a&ue* and +and'idth to efficient&y con!truct a per!i!tent and re&ia+&e routing path to guarantee the
report 2ua&ity. Simu&ation re!u&t! confirm that the propo!ed @CM achiee! a +etter pac%et de&iery ratio,
energy con!umption, and de&iery &atency than the origina& #C techni2ue, the #C 'ith on&y the &in%
2ua&ity, and the #C 'ith on&y re!idua& energy. 5n4going re!earch i! ine!tigating the practica+i&ity of
u!ing the @CM for data gathering in )SN!.
.hi! !cheme had proided +etter &ife time of the !en!or node to choo!e proper node! for !ending the data
to !in%. 3ut the !uperior nature of thi! !cheme depend! on many enironmenta& factor!, !uch a!
operation !cenario!, !pecific data type! etc. More re!earch 'or% need! to +e done in future to find the
re!pectie app&ication !cenario! for thi! !cheme 'ith a&& the re&ated factor! ta%en into con!ideration.

VIII! R0F0R0#C0"

,1- @CM8 " @in%4"'are C&u!tering Mechani!m for Energy4Efficient <outing in )ire&e!! Sen!or
Net'or%! 4 Sheng4Shih )ang, Mem+er, 1EEE, and Ee4#ing Chen Vo&. 1=,no. 2,Ce+.261=

,2- "n Energy Efficient /ierarchica& C&u!tering "&gorithm for )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%! Seema
3andyopadhyay and Ed'ard F. Coy&e , Schoo& of E&ectrica& and Computer Engineering , #urdue
Unier!ity ,)e!t @afayette, 1N, US", in proceeding! of 1EEE 1NC5C5M, 266=

,=- /EED8 " /y+rid, Energy4Efficient, Di!tri+uted C&u!tering "pproach for "d4hoc Sen!or Net'or%!
5!!ama Gouni! and Sonia Cahmy Department of Computer Science!, #urdue Unier!ity 2>6 N.
Unier!ity Street, )e!t @afayette, 1N HIJ6IK26LL, US"

,H- C.4/. .!ai and G.4C. .!eng, M" path4connected4c&u!ter 'ire&e!! !en!or net'or% and it! formation,
addre!!ing, and routing protoco&!,N 1EEE Sen!or! F., o&. 12, no. L, pp. 21=>K21HH, Fun. 2612.

,>- )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%!8 "pp&ication 4 Centric De!ignO, +oo% edited +y Geoff V Merrett and Gen
Kheng .an 1S3N JI;4J>=4=6I4=214I, HJ2 page!, #u+&i!her8 1n.ech, Chapter! pu+&i!hed Decem+er
1H, 2616

,L- )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%!8 "rchitecture! and #rotoco&! /ardcoer +y Edgar /. Ca&&a'ay
#u+&i!hed +y .ay&or Cranci! 1nc, 266=. 1S3N 168 6;HJ=1;2=;
,I- )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%! Edited +y Suraiya .arannum, 1S3N JI;4J>=4=6I4=2>4>, =H2 page!,
#u+&i!her8 1n.ech, Chapter! pu+&i!hed Fune =6

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 214! I""# 2$4% & 4%'$

'G ) * 214, IJAFRC All Ri+hts Reserved ,,,!i-afrc!or+

,;- Scoping in )ire&e!! Sen!or Net'or%! " #o!ition #aper 4 Fan Steffan @udger Ciege Mariano Ci&ia
"&e0andro 3uchmann 4 Department of Computer Science 4 Darm!tadt Unier!ity of .echno&ogy
DLH2;J Darm!tadt, Germany, Fu&y 266H.

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,12- http8PP'''.ece.gatech.eduPre!earchP&a+!P+'nPactor!Ppu+&ication.htm&

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