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Mothers in the Philippines

The 15
annual State of the Worlds Mothers report from Save the Children focuses on
mothers in crisis. One of the organization's case studies is the Philippines !here it
loo"s at the #$month anniversar% of T%phoon &ai%an. Save the Children spo"esman
Philip Carroll told 'O('s )rances (lonzo that disaster preparedness is "e% to "eeping the
Philippines from *ac"sliding on gains it has made on improving the health of mothers
and their children.
Q&A with Phillip Carrol: The State of Mothers in the Philippines
CARROLL/ State of the Worlds Mothers report is no! in its 15
%ear. (nd !e started
this *ecause !e "no! that for children to *e health% their mothers need to *e health%.
(nd so each %ear !e have a different theme. This %ear !e decided to focus on moms in
crisis. These crises can *e an%thing from emergencies natural disasters civil !ars. (nd
!e decided to focus on four different case studies. (nd one of those case studies is the
Philippines. (nd as %ou "no! the Philippines has *een through so much. 0ear after
%ear the% get pounded *% c%clone after c%clone t%phoon after t%phoon and it1s reall%
hard for the Philippines to continue the gains the%1ve made in terms of !omen1s and
children1s health !ithout focusing on disaster preparedness.

ALONZO/ 2hat did %ou find in the Philippines3

CARROLL/ The T%phoon &ai%an !as one of the deadliest t%phoons ever to hit land. (nd
it1s unfortunate that it happens in this region of the !orld !here the health infrastructure
4ust isn1t prepared for disasters li"e this. 2e "no! that children have special needs and
!hen !e go in and !e see that those needs aren1t reall% *eing fulfilled and !e !ant to
ma"e sure that the general pu*lic "no!s that this is a real pro*lem and things !ill not get
*etter unless !e ma"e the right investments in emergenc% readiness.

ALONZO/ 2hat are those investments3 2hat can *e seen or !hat can happen in the
Philippines to *etter prepare mothers and health care professionals3

CARROLL/ There1s not a 5uic" fi6 unfortunatel%. So the *est thing !e can do is to start
raising a!areness a*out !hat it1s li"e to *e in these sorts of emergencies. 2e have to
ma"e sure that there are disaster relief funds availa*le. 7n the situation of the Philippines
the% are on trac" to meet "e% 8illennium .evelopment 9oals : and 5. So that1s the
children1s development goal and the !omen1s development goal. (nd unfortunatel% the%
!ill start to *ac"slide if !e don1t focus on !a%s to "eep the Philippines secure from
disasters that !ill happen ever% %ear.

ALONZO/ So %ou mention mone% and a!areness is that enough3

CARROLL/ 0ou "no! it1s not. 7 thin" !e have to also !or" !ith our polic% ma"ers to
change policies and its education its a!areness it1s o*viousl% raising mone% to ma"e
sure that communities are read% to deal !ith these "inds of disasters.

ALONZO/ This report $ is it onl% geared to!ards polic% ma"ers and those in pu*lic
administration or can the regular person right off the street gain information from this

CARROLL/ ;o a*solutel% 7 thin" the general pu*lic reall% needs to "no! a*out !hat1s
happening to moms in crisis. (nd %ou can visit!!! 0ou1ll *e a*le to
see on our home page the full report some "e% calls to action. 7 thin" !e !ant to ma"e
sure that those countries that have *een at the *ottom of those inde6 that this isn1t
something that continues in perpetuit%. 2e !ant to ma"e sure that those countries !e
are hearing the cries of the mothers and the children in those countries and hopefull% in
the ne6t 15 %ears !e1ll see them come out of the ashes. 7 thin" that a countr% li"e
(fghanistan !hich 4ust a fe! %ears ago !as at the *ottom of our inde6 has moved up
,+ places. (nd this is due in part to investment in mid!ives so that mothers don1t have
to give *irth alone to changing policies on education to ma"ing sure more girls attend
school and providing life$saving immunizations and other health measures for %oung
children. So !e do "no! that success is possi*le. (nd !e can see more success stories
li"e (fghanistan.

ALONZO/ 7s that the onl% countr% in (sia that is one of the *right spots that have actuall%
made changes and made strides3

CARROLL/ ;o. 2e can see a countr% li"e ;epal. ;epal !as a countr% that !as ravaged
*% conflict. (nd the% have actuall% done a lot to improve the health of mothers and
children. (nd 7 thin" there are other e6amples throughout the !orld *ut ;epal and
(fghanistan are t!o countries in (sia that !ith strategic investments have *een a*le to
move up the ran"ings. So !e "no! success is possi*le. 2e "no! that countries don1t
have to sta% at the *ottom ten and that there is hope for these mothers and their children.

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