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When I first started to learn about systems and how they work I was a bit confused.

I can
recall the professor talking about how our lives are made up of interconnected systems. I did find
the whole process of systems incredibly fascinating. The Systems theory is an important aspect
to human service field. As stated in the Council for Standards in Human Services Education,
Standard 12: The curriculum shall include knowledge and theory of the interaction of human
systems including individual, interpersonal, group, family, organizational, community and
societal. We explored the system theory in all of the courses and how they interact with other
Systems theory is the core value of the Human Service Program. Through the different
system courses we found out what systems theory is; a science of wholeness, systems that can be
opened or closed, and through that the systems generate information and feedback
communication between the systems. This systems theory was the base from which we built
upon throughout the six quarters in the program.
First we explored our personal system in Personal Systems HSP 301. We learned about
ourselves as individuals, how our system is set up and our motives behind becoming a human
service professional. In the beginning I was a bit confused and wondered why we needed to
explore our systems. As the class went on I realized we needed to know ourselves thoroughly,
and how important it is to know ourselves before we can help others. I created a PowerPoint (My
Personal System File below) about my personal system. This is where I found myself, and I took
a closer look at my life. I found how my system is set up and how it interacts with other systems
and how along the way other systems influenced me as I did them. Since this class and all other
classes are on-line I feel the discussion forums in the class were also a great leaning experience.
Having a personal system in place will help us maintain feelings, attitudes, intentions,
and motivations. I did a self inventory and found that I use to be intolerant of people with
different beliefs than that of mine. When I used the Jahari window in Introduction to Human
Services HSP 302, I found that the blind area is important to use. I was blind to my own thoughts
and ignorance. In the discussion forums we shared what we found in the Jahari window, and how
it affects all of us. I found the forums so helpful and educational at the same time. I wrote a
paper in how to be culturally competent (Culturally Competent file below). The paper explains
how attitudes, behaviors and policies come together in a system, which will enable effective
work in cross cultural situations. To understand the cultures of those we serve will require us to
want to learn from experience.
In Human Service Professionals and Interpersonal Systems HSP 303, we were assigned
dyad partners. This partnership lasted throughout the quarter. We found just how important it is
to work in small groups and how they developed. We learned about all the effective strategies
that we can use while in small groups and partnerships. In the discussion forums we were asked
to write two substantial posts and respond to at least two others. I feel because of the discussions
in the forum I learned more about my classmates and how they work in partnerships.
My partner and I wrote a story of partnership through a work experience and how
important it is to maintain the best dialog, feel the appropriate emotions, gather the facts and
information and then act on them through a PowerPoint (Master my Story file below). In this
class we were also assigned an interview project. We were then asked to find a true long term
partnership that has lasted the test of time. I interviewed a friend of mine and her husband, they
have been married for twenty-five years their story was fascinating and fulfilled (Jane and Ryan
file). Another assignment in this class was to write an essay on our understanding of true
partnerships (Zaiss Essay file below). Our last assignment was to reflect and analyze what we
learned (Synthesis paper file below). This class has given me the ability to assess what
constitutes an effective relationship, analyze good dyad partnerships, and compare and contrast
effective interpersonal communication.
I gained more experiences and knowledge of systems in Human Services Professional
and Small Group Systems HSP 305. We studied the importance of small groups and how they
develop through using effective strategies. This class also had the discussion forums for us to
post at least two substantial contributions, where I feel it took our learning experience to another
level. We were able to communicate with each other even though we were not in a classroom
together. Our first assignment was to lead a group or write about a small group session. I did lead
a group meeting where I work and the results were amazing (Group leadership file below). I got
to show my knowledge in leading a group and was very successful in accomplishing the goals I
set. One of the other assignments in this class was to create a PowerPoint on leadership and to
further my knowledge on group theory and leadership challenges (Leadership Challenges file
below). In this class I learned how to analyze the diverse ways groups support the delivery of
human services, and the process necessary to function in a group setting, and the ability to
facilitate a small group successfully.
I then entered Human Services Professionals and Organized Systems HSP 402 where I
furthered my education on analyzing systems in my community and society as a whole. In this
class we demonstrated our knowledge through discussion forums, which allowed us to learn
from each other. We were asked to write a brief summary on subjects throughout our readings
and post them on the discussion board. We then interacted with each other and learned from that
interaction. We were asked to write an essay that would demonstrate our knowledge on an
organized system. I wrote an essay on our Social Service System, how it got started, its strengths,
purpose, relationships and the limitations of this system (social service system file below). This
would directly relate to Council for Standards in Human Services Education Standard 11: The
curriculum shall include the historical development of human services. We were then asked to
write a synthesize paper and to integrate information from the course including our readings,
articles, discussion forums, and websites (Learning reflection file below).
In Human Services Professionals and Community Services HSP 404 I gained an
incredible amount of knowledge about our community systems. We were asked to make
substantial comments on the discussion forum and to respond to each other. I did feel this was a
great learning experience; learning from other classmates is just another way to demonstrate how
our systems work. We were asked to create a presentation on our four learning outcomes and
then reflect on the concepts we learned in this course. I created a (Photo Essay file below) on a
PowerPoint. It demonstrates my knowledge on community systems and how they work together.
We were also asked to create a policy brief, a document that outlines the rationale for particular
policy alternative or course of action in a current policy debate. This was all new to me, I have
never written a policy brief, but our professor walked us through it. We turned in the issue we
wanted to observe, wrote an annotated bibliography and then the brief (policy brief final file
Our last systems course is Human Services Professionals and Global Systems HSP 406.
In this course we are learning the process of societal systems, structures and issues and how
political ideologies influence global systems. We were asked to research a topic of interest to us,
I chose Global Happiness (file below). I had to use my critical thinking skills and deliver a
presentation that represented global happiness.

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