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1. a.

Write a program using structure within structure to maintain student details like name, regnum,
and three subject marks and display only those records whose averages is between 60 and 70.
1.b. Implement a program to evaluate any given postfix expression. Test your program for the
evaluation of the equivalent postfix form of the expression ( - (A*B)/D) C + E F * H * I for A =
1, B =2, D =3, C =14, E =110, F =220, H =16.78, I =364.621.
2. a.Write a program to print N number of multiplication tables using pass by
reference and pass by value.
2.b.Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on a singly linked list.
a. Create
b. Insert
c. Delete
d. Display
e. Exit.
3.a. Write a program using arrays within structure to calculate three subjects total for 5 students and
print the total obtained by the students in alphabetic order.
b.Write a C program to find out the sum of third smallest and second largest elements in an
nsorted array of 15 elements.
4. Write a program using pointers to count no of odd numbers and even numbers in a given set of
b.Write a program to solve the following problem:- Create an array with 6 student names (names
length should be 7 characters long), an array to store their ages and grades and display the same.
5. a.Create a 3D array of strings by taking the names of students in first 2D array inside the 3D array
and favorite color in 2nd 2D array inside the 3D array.Use pointers to sort the names and also
appropriately sort their favorite Colors
5.b.Write a program to create an ordered list L[d
, d
, d
] where each d
is the name of a
peripheral device, which is maintained in the alphabetical order. Write functions to
a. Insert a device d
onto the list L.
b. Delete an existing device d
from L. In this case the new ordered list should be L
, d
, d
, d
, d
) with (n 1) elements.
c. Find the length of L.
d. Update the device d
to d
and print the new list.

6. Create a menu driven program to perform the following matrix operations:
a) Sum of diagonal elements b) print the upper triangular matrix c)to determine the matrix is similar
or not.
7. a.Write a program to implement matrix multiplication using recursion.
7.b. Write a program in C to merge two different strings in such a way that the resultant string
should display the characters of the first string interleaved with the characters of the second
8. Write a program to read an array of string and sort the string and print all the string which has a
specific substring
For example : given a string COMPUTER SCIENCE search a substring PUT
9. Write a program to create a one dimensional array at run time using a user defined function with
user given number of elements into it. Also write separate functions that would allow you to insert
and delete elements into/from this array at any arbitrary location.
10.a.WAP to add and subtract following polynomials 5x
3xy +y, 2x
+5xy x +y using
10.b. Write a C program to create two independent structures to store the following from the
original arrays:-
First structure should store the prefix of student names (prefix length=4).
Second structure should store the age and grade of all students from the original arrays

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