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1. Why pharmacy?

2. What do you do for fun?

3. Describe a situation where you were assigned to be the leader (does not have to be school-related).
4. If you could take 3 historical figures out to dinner, who would you pick and why?
5. Do you think robots will ultimately take over the role of pharmacists?
6. Why pharmacy? Why not nursing? What not medicine? How do you know for sure that pharmacy is
what you want to do?
7. How do you handle stressful situations?
8. Name a few qualifications that you think pharmacists ought to be/have and why.
9. If you caught your friend cheating what would you do?
10. Why I didn't choose nursing career.
11. What's your biggest accomplishment?
12. Tell us about a drug that you have learned about (I had mentioned that I had learned about a ton of
new drugs during my experience in the pharmacy).
13. What do I think are downfalls of pharmacy are.
14. Tell us about a conflict that you've experienced in the pharmacy.
15. What would you bring to this school if you were accepted/and your greatest accomplishment.
16. What is the best criticism anyone has ever given you?
17. If you were an orientation leader for the school of pharmacy, how would you describe the pharmacy
18. In your experience with pharmacists, what would you say is the biggest challenge that pharmacists
19. How do you view direct-to-consumer advertising from the perspective of the health care provider and
from the public? What do you think the purpose of the direct-to-consumer advertising is?
20. What would you do if the pharmacist manager wanted you to stop spending time counseling patients
and wanted you to focus more on dispensing medication?
21. If you were the manager of the pharmacy, what would you do to generate more money for the
22. If you were a patient, how would you feel if the pharmacist refused to fill your prescription because it
is against their beliefs?
23. Once you graduate as a pharmacist, how do you think you could improve the health care system?
24. What would you do if you were working in a pharmacy that did not follow regulations and skipped
steps during their patient care?
25. What is the thing that you want us to remember about you the most?
26. Why are you interested in clinical pharmacy? What is clinical pharmacy?
27. How I would contribute to their student body.
28. What would I do if I gave out the wrong prescription?
29. What is the significance that Merck get so much public attention for its law suits with Vioxx?
30. How would you react if you have a 'bad' grade in one of our pharmacy class?
31. What would you like to most improve as a person?
32. How would you make retail pharmacy a bit more like the clinical pharmacy setting.
33. Pros and cons of pharmacy
34. Expand on a current health issue facing pharmacists.
35. How do you deal with stress?
36. What do you think a leader is?
37. How would you handle a conflict between two co-workers?
38. Why are you interested in this school?
39. Why should we pick you?
40. Would you ever deny giving medication to a patient?
41. What I think are challenges that pharmacist face today? How can pharmacist start doing a better job
at educating patients?
42. Do I think it is right to not fill prescriptions? If there was a drug I'd know that was toxic to a patient,
how would I handle the situation and what if the doctor strongly disagreed with me then what you I as a
pharmacist do?
43. As an immigrant, do I plan to every work in immigrant community? With so many immigrant groups,
how is it possible for pharmacists to make people more comfortable?
44. Who [and why] should bear the cost of transferring primary care responsibilities to pharmacies.
45. How does a clinical/hospital pharmacist justify their employment and value to the institution? [stated
more elegantly than that]
46. They wanted to hear a lot about my research experience.
47. If a customer who was blatantly obese came to you and you know that it would be detrimental to their
health if they don't lose weight, but they refuse to admit that their weight is a problem, what would you
48. What are some of the positive and negative experiences that you had as an undergrad that shaped
who you are?
49. How would I go about helping a patient who couldn't speak English as a pharmacist?
50. Did you every fail?

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