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International Journal of Scientifi c & Engi neeri ng Research, Vol ume 4, I ssue 2, February-2013 1

ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013
Review and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Array
Antenna with different configurations
Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Dr. S.C.Gupta
Abstract - Microstrip patch antenna in wireless communication is gaining importance as a most powerful technological trend. Its immense potential
promises significant change in near term future of wireless application fields. Current technological trend has focused much more attention towards
microstrip patch antenna. Single microstrip patch antenna has some advantages (low cost, light weight, conformal & low profile), but it has little
disadvantages too- like low gain, low efficiency, low directivity and narrow bandwidth. These disadvantages can be overcome by implementation of
many patch antennas in array configuration. Here term array stands for geometrical and electrical arrangements of patch elements. As we increase
number of patch elements to form an array, improvement in performance is observed. In this review paper, performance characteristics for 2, 4, 8, 16
patch elements configured in 2x1, 2x2, 8x1 and 4x4 (respectively) array format has been analyzed and compared.
Index Terms- Microstrip Patch antenna, Array, Feed Mechanism, Impedance Matching, Return Loss, Radiation Patterns, Gain, Directivity and
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mi crostri p patch antenna i s a si ngl e l ayer desi gn which
contai ns mai nl y these four parts - Patch, Ground pl ane,
Substrate and Feedi ng part. I t i s very si mpl e i n construction
usi ng conventi onal mi crostri p l i ne feed. Patch can be gi ven
any shape but rectangul ar and circul ar confi gurati ons are
mostl y used. Ground Pl ane can be fi ni te or i nfi nite
accordi ng to model (Transmi ssi on l i ne - model , cavi ty
model , full wave Model or method of moments) used for
anal ysi s of di mensi ons [1-4].
Rel ati ve Permi tti vi ty and hei ght are two i mportant
characteri sti cs for substrate, Feedi ng Part can be
i mpl emented i n these ways - Microstri p l i ne, coaxi al probe,
Aperture coupl ed and Proxi mi ty coupl ed Feed [5].
An Antenna i s an essenti al component i n Radi o
communi cati on system that i s needed i n both transmi tti ng
and recei vi ng termi nal s. Each type of antenna i s good i n its
own way wi th di fferent uses and properti es. Mi crostri p
patch antenna array i s set of two or more patch el ements.
Si gnal s from the i ndi vi dual patch el ements are processed-
Kul deep Kumar Si ngh is pursuing M.Tech in Digital communication from
Dehradun Instituteof Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, (India).
Dr. S.C.Gupta is Professor in Department of Electronics and communication
at Dehradun Instituteof Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, (India).
Email :
i n order to achi eve i mproved performance over si ngl e
antenna. To obtai n hi ghl y di recti ve Patterns, i t i s requi red
that fi el ds from el ements of array are added posi ti vel y i n
desi red di recti on and cancel each other i n other directi ons
When the patch i s exci ted by the Feed mechani sm, charges
are accumul ated at edge of the patch. These charges create
fri ngi ng fi el ds and these fri ngi ng fi el ds at edge of
mi crostri p antenna add up i n phase and produce radi ation
of the mi crostri p antenna [7-8].
Mi crostri p antenna i s al so known as Patch antenna. Fi g.1
shows structure of patch antenna wi th 3 axes X, Y, Z. i t has
3 l ayers: top l ayer i s the Patch, mi ddl e l ayer i s substrate
(wi th sui tabl e hei ght and di el ectric constant), and bottom
l ayer i s the ground.

Fig.1 Microstrip patch antenna.
International Journal of Scientifi c & Engi neeri ng Research, Vol ume 4, I ssue 2, February-2013 2
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013
Three essenti al parameters for operati on of mi crostri p
patch antenna are : frequency of operati on (resonance
frequency), rel ati ve permi tti vi ty (di el ectric constant) of
substrate, hei ght of substrate (h).after these three
parameters l ength, wi dth, i nput i mpedance of the patch
and fed di mensi ons are eval uated. Then performance of
antenna i .e. Radi ati on pattern, S parameter, Effici ency and
Refl ected l oss i s obtai ned by si mul ati ng i t on software [9-
3.1. Design and analysis of 2x1 Array
Here 2x1 (2 el ements) Array confi gurati on has been
desi gned & anal yzed at 2.4 GHz for wi rel ess appl i cation
fi el d.

Rectangul ar mi crostri p Patch antenna has been taken here
for 2x1 Array arrangements. Resonance frequency (f0)=2.4
GHz, Relative Dielectric constant (r)=2.2 and height of
substrate (h) i s 1.588 mm.
Di mensi ons for si ngl e patch El ement are shown bel ow [6].
The wi dth of the patch W = 49.41069.
Effecti ve Di el ectric Constant of the patch = 2.11106.
Extension of the patch length, L of the patch = 0 .2885
Actual l ength of the patch, L = 41.35621 mm.
The val ue of the y0 = 10.457 mm.
I nput i mpedance of the patch Z in = 204 .

Above di mensi on i s used for both el ements i n the array.
Formati on of an array requires feedi ng arrangement with
proper i mpedance matched network (as shown i n fi g.3)
I nset Fed has been used here, di mensi ons for feedi ng l ine
are: wi dth (w1) of 50 ohm i mpedance l i ne i s 4.8125 mm and
of 100 ohm (w2) i s 1.4079 mm.

Fig.2 design for 2x1 arrays [9].
After si mul ati ng thi s 2x1 array on software S-parameter &
Radi ati on patterns are obtai ned whi ch are shown i n fi g.3
and Fi g.4.

Fig.3 S Parameter for 2x1 arrays [9].

Fig.4 Radiation Pattern for 2x1 arrays [9].
As we see from above graphs Return l oss achi eved i s -9.5
dB and obtai ned Gai n i s 9.186 dB.
3.2. Design and analysis of 2x2 Array
A mul ti el ement mi crostri p patch antenna array appl i cabl e
to WLAN/MI MO has been desi gned here whi ch operates at
2.45 GHz frequency band [10].

Fig.5 Geometry of 2x2 arrays with feed point [13].
International Journal of Scientifi c & Engi neeri ng Research, Vol ume 4, I ssue 2, February-2013 3
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013
Geometri cal arrangement of 2x2 arrays (4 el ements) i s
shown i n Fi gure 9. Di mensi ons of Patch el ement i s taken as:
l ength (L) = 24.6 mm, wi dth (W) = 19.8 mm, Resonance
frequency = 2.45 GHz, rel ati ve permi tti vi ty=10, h=1.5875.
Di stance between antenna el ement i s set at 6.2 cm. antenna
i s fed by 50 ohms coaxi al probe through a connector [10].

Fig.6 Return loss for 2x2 array [10].

Fig.7 E-plane & H plane for 2x2 array [10].

Fig.8 Total field gain vs. frequency for 2x2 array [10].
Fi g.(6, 7 & 8) shows Return l oss, Radi ati on pattern and total
fi el d gai n for 2x2 Array.
Wi th proposed 2x2 array 11.80 dbi peak gai ns i s achi eved.
Si mul ati on gi ves 25.24 db band-wi dths centered at 2.4546
GHz for VSWR l ower than 1.5. Antenna array shows good
radi ati on effici ency at WLAN band (2.40-2.48 GHz [10].
3.3. Design and analysis of 8x1 arrays
An array wi th 8 el ements confi gured i n an 8x1 i s desi gned
here. Wi th thi s large antenna array narrow beams are
obtai ned whi ch are appl i cabl e for di recti on accuracy i n
wi nd profi li ng Radars [11].
Here an 8x1 li near array (8 el ements) has been desi gned.
Fi rst step i n desi gn i s to speci fy di mensi ons for si ngl e
patch; here si ngl e patch taken i s square patch. Di mensi ons
for thi s square patch are: operati ng frequency=1.28 GHz,
relative dielectric constant (r) is 2.2, height of substrate
(h)=3.175 mm, w=7.6 cm and a=9.5 cm [11].When i nter-
element distance is selected to be 0.73, 8x1 arrays satisfies
i ni ti al desi gn requirements (Beamwi dth = 9 degree &
operati ng frequency=1.28 GHz).

Fig. 9 Square patch element used for 8x1 arrays [11].
Wi th al l above shown speci ficati ons an 8x1 Array i s formed
and si mul ated on software, after si mul ati on obtai ned
resul ts are shown i n fi g.11 & Fi g.12. Fi g.11 shows total fi el d
gai n obtai ned at 1.28 GHz frequency and fi g.12 shows
radi ati on patterns obtai ned (E pl ane & H pl ane).
Fi g.12 (a) shows E fi el d at 1.28 GHz for 8x1 arrays with
phi =0 degree and Fi g.12 (b) shows E fi el d at 1.28 GHz for
8x1 arrays wi th phi =90 degree.
International Journal of Scientifi c & Engi neeri ng Research, Vol ume 4, I ssue 2, February-2013 4
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013
An 8x1 array has been desi gned; maxi mum gai n reaches to
16.75 dbi at 1.28 GHz (Fi g.11), antenna exhi bi ts 20 MHz
bandwi dth and beam-wi dth achieved i s 9 degree [11].

Fig. 10 an 8x1 array formed with square patch [11].

Fig.11 Gain vs. frequency for 8x1 arrays.


Fig.12 (a) and (b) shows radiation pattern of 8x1 arrays that operate at
1.28 GHz [11].

3.4. Design and analysis of 4x4 Array
4x4 (16 patch el ements) mi crostri p patch antenna array i s
desi gned wi th operati ng frequency at 5.8 GHz for poi nt to
poi nt communi cati on. WLAN Poi nt to Poi nt appl i cati on i s
based on I EEE 802.11a standard and operates i n upper
unl i censed nati onal i nformati on i nfrastructure band [12].
Fi g.13 shows confi gurati on of 4x4 patch antenna array.
Di mensi on for si ngl e patch i s 15.5 mm x11.5 mm, wi th i nset
feed at 4.3 mm; wi dth of transmi ssi on l i ne i s 3 mm. A co-
axi al feed i s connected to center of array from other si de of
substrate. Quarter wave transformer i mpedance matchi ng
and power di vi der secti on i s used to provi de power to each
el ement of the array. Here for 50 ohms i nput l i ne a 3 db
power di vi der can be made usi ng two 100 ohms l i nes [12].

Fig.13 4x4 Patch antenna array [12]
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ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013

Fig.14 Return loss for simulation and fabrication of 4x4 array [12].


Fig.15 a) E-plane b) H-plane [12].
Si mul ati on resul t gi ves a return l oss of -43 db at 5.88 GHz,
Bandwi dth achi eved i s 15%. Half power beam-wi dth
obtai ned from E-pl ane and H-pl ane radi ati on pattern i s 8.92
degree & 9.33 degree respecti vel y. Gai n obtai ned from E-
pl ane and H-pl ane radi ati on pattern i s 16.071 db. Thus 4*4
array of mi crostri p antenna wi th i nset feed has been
desi gned and return l oss of the antenna array i s wi thi n
desi gned frequency band [12].
S.N. Array
Obtained Output
1. 2x1 (2
el ements)
At 2.4 Ghz, Return l oss = -
9.5(dB), Gai n = 9.186 (dB).
2. 2x2 (4
el ements)
At 2.45 GHz, Return l oss= -
18.05 (dbi ), Gai n = 11.80
(dbi ), V.S.W.R. = 1.35 &
bandwi dth for return l oss >
9.5 db i s 25.24 dB.
3. 8x1 (8
el ements)
Bandwi dth = 20 MHz,
maxi mum gai n =16.75 dbi at
1.28 GHz, beam-wi dth = 9
4. 4x4 (16
el ements)
Return l oss up to -43 dB at
5.88 GHz, Bandwi dth
obtai ned = 11%, Gai n = 16 dB
& H.P.B.W. (half power
beamwi dth) = 9 degree.
Table 1 shows obtai ned output from 2x1, 2x2, 8x1 and 4x4
Arrays [9-12].
I f we are i ncreasi ng number of patch el ements i n the
array Gai n i s enhanced so di recti vi ty wil l al so be
i mproved.
Return l oss up to -43 dB has been achi eved wi th 16
el ements i n 4x4 arrays.
El ement spaci ng i s nearer i n 4x4 arrays as compared to
2x1, 2x2 and 8x1 array, so mutual coupl i ng l oss i s more
i n 4x4 Arrays.
Proper i mpedance matchi ng i s requi red for feedi ng
network arrangement. If we are usi ng l arge number of
patch el ements i n array then we wi l l be needed more
calcul ati ons for l ength & wi dth of i mpedance l i ne. So
compl exi on i ncreases for feed network wi th i ncrease i n
number of patch el ements i n arrays.
Power consumpti on i s more i n 4x4 arrays as compared
to smal l er arrays( 2x1(2 el ements), 2x2(4 el ements),
8x1(8 el ements).

Microstri p Patch antenna confi gured i n an array format
wi th different number of patch el ements has been anal yzed.
Larger number of patch antenna el ements, better gai n of
antenna array i s achi eved. Return l oss up to -43 dB has
International Journal of Scientifi c & Engi neeri ng Research, Vol ume 4, I ssue 2, February-2013 6
ISSN 2229-5518

IJSER 2013
been achi eved by 4x4 arrays at 5.8 GHz. I mproved
Bandwi dth, Directi vi ty and radiated power i s al so achi eved
by i mpl ementi ng more number of patch el ements i n the
arrays. Here 2x1, 2x2 and 4x4 patch arrays are i nset fed so
further anal ysi s work woul d be done by i nserti ng coaxi al
feed to these arrays. Due to i ts smal l si ze, li ght wei ght and
conformal properti es, these anal yzed mi crostri p patch
antenna arrays are useful for WLAN/MI MO and 3G
communi cati on systems.
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