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World Religions

Instructor: Julie DeMarchi Heiland

Colleges Part of the Syllabus (orange)

College Prerequisites:
Completion of ENGL080 or placement into ENGL101

College Course Description:
Introduction to the major religions of the world with an emphasis on their origins and
essential ideas. Included are oral religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,
Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and several extant
alternative paths. The study is accomplished through key characteristics and patterns of
religions including worldview community, central myths, ritual, ethics, emotional
experiences, material expression, and sacredness. Meets General Education
requirement for Diversity and Humanities.

College Course Learning Goals:
The World Religions course is designed to expose students to the major religions of the
world to increase their understanding of the human needs satisfied by the religious
experience. It will also provide information concerning the factors that determine the
form particular religions have taken (symbols, rituals, sacred texts, supreme reality,
etc.). As belief systems, the inherent uncertainty of each religion should be clearly
understood. The differences of sources, methodologies, and purposes between religion,
science, and philosophy are noted. Through developing an understanding of the factors
that have shaped each religion, tolerance for the diversity of religious belief systems will
be obtained.

College Course Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Students will be able to:

Outcome 1: develop an understanding of the human needs satisfied by the religious
Objective 1: Identify and discuss the patterns of religions.
Objective 2: Identify and discuss the perspectives from which religions can be
Objective 3: Describe the purpose of studying religions of the world.

Outcome 2: develop an understanding of the factors that help to determine the form
that particular religions take.
Objective 1: Identify and explain a variety of religious beliefs and the correct
interpretation of the concepts and symbols used.
Objective 2: Identify and explain the characteristics of Hinduism, Buddhism,
Jainism, Sikhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and several
current alternative paths.

Outcome 3: develop a sense of the uncertainty that is inherent in belief systems.
Objective 1: Compare and contrast various religious belief systems.

Outcome 4: clearly and precisely articulate the commonalities and differences between
religion, science, and philosophy.
Objective 1: Compare and contrast the differences in methodologies, sources,
objects of study, and purposes of religion, science, and philosophy as paths to

Outcome 5: develop a sense of tolerance for the diversity of religious belief systems.
Objective 1: Identify and discuss pressures and influences of and to religions.

Colleges Academic Integrity Policy:
Atlantic Cape Community College expects unwavering integrity from students in
submitted work. Acts of cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated and the student will
be subject to disciplinary action. Students are required to give credit to all individuals
who contributed to the completion of any assignment. Specific sources of all information,
ideas and quotations not original to the author of the assignment must be referenced. It
should be noted that persons facilitating plagiarism or cheating by another student are
equally culpable and such persons may also be subject to penalties. All students are
reminded that they have an ethical responsibility to guard the academic process against
corruption by such acts of dishonesty. In addition to the above, students must follow all
course-specific or instructor-specific procedures established for examinations,
laboratory experiments, reports and projects. All confirmed breaches of academic
honesty will become part of the students permanent academic record. Two such
offenses will constitute grounds for Academic Dismissal. For more information please see
the current Student Handbook for the complete Academic Honesty Policy. Because
academic honesty is essential to the trust that is fundamental to an educational
experience, academically dishonest behaviors will not be tolerated. Examples include,
but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, copying and facilitating academic
dishonesty. Any academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Instruction and the
Dean of Students. Penalties will result in an 'F' or '0' for the assignment and may result in
an 'F' for the course. Two such offenses at Atlantic Cape Community College will be
grounds for academic dismissal. See the student handbook for more information.

Julies Part of the Syllabus (blue)

to obtain a competent, basic knowledge of the fundamental aspects of each of the
world's major religions, as well as some smaller ones, to become religiously literate

to be able to articulate, discuss, compare, and contrast the world religions
to understand, identify and distinguish inter-religious problems from political and
cultural ones, and to see where culture and religion are not so easily separated
to learn how religious understanding shapes decision-making

From the Instructor: I am very happy you've
chosen to take this class. I've made this syllabus
as comprehensive as possible, but if there's
anything you still need an answer to, please let
me know. World religions is one of my favorite
subjects and I have long had a concern for
religious literacy. In American society there is a
definite stigma attached to
discussing religious things in
the public arena; therefore, while we receive training in all manner
of subjects, religion is typically not one of them. I hope to learn
along with you.

Text: We will be using the text Experiencing the World's
Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change by Michael Malloy,
6th Edition, as selected by ACCC. ISBN 0078038278 Supplemental
texts, websites, videos, and materials are recommended, including
alternative texts (used) if you have
difficulty with the Malloy text. See
the bottom of this syllabus and the course website for

Website: I hope that you will help me add to website for
the class. If you find an interesting website, book, video,
or movie, you can email it to me and I may add it to our
class's "resource" site.

Classroom Policies and
Assessment Strategies:

My approach to this course,
grade-wise: I like to offer a variety of
evaluations to obtain as fair a grade as
possible. Frequent assessment offers the
greatest possible chance for a successful
grade since each assessment provides an
opportunity to shine. The following breaks
down how you will be evaluated in this class:

1. In person class only: Attendance, by
way of participation, will be considered
part of your grade. Obviously if you are not
physically in class it is not possible to participate. Since each of our sessions is worth
about two normal classes, no more than two unexcused absences during the
semester will be permitted before total loss of participation points. Do not be late for
class or leave early. Repeated lateness/leaving is equivalent to absence. While in class,
be respectful by leaving your cell phone off and out of sight,
giving courteous attention to the instructor or presenter, and
by refraining from putting ones head on the desk. You will
receive one grade only for participation.

2. The exams will be a substantial portion of your grade. You
may choose any ten of the online exams over the course of
the semester, or more if youd like extra credit. Depending on
progress of the course during the semester, the exam schedule
is subject to change. The exams are primarily objective in
nature (T/F, multiple choice). As much as possible this
semester, we will utilize online testing, using Blackboard, to save
ourselves valuable class time.

3. The research paper, reflection paper, and presentation are very important
since we will be learning from each other. (The presentation pertains to the in-person
class only, not to the online class.) You will find your
assigned research paper topic on the course website: You
may choose to do your presentation on either your research
paper topic or your reflection paper topic (see below for
more on the reflection paper). You will notice that research
paper topics are grouped according to world religion.
Therefore you have the option of doing your presentation
either individually or with your group. If you choose to give
your presentation as a group (such as the Buddhism group),
you will receive a group grade for the presentation. In either case, you should get to
know the people in your group. Each person in the group will be required to write their
own seven to ten page paper, utilizing APA style/citation. All papers are to be
submitted on Blackboard only, where they will be
automatically run through Turnitin plagiarism detection
software. All presentations need to utilize audio and/or
visual aids of some kind.

The reflection paper must be five to ten pages long.
You are required to attend any religious worship service,
meeting, study, festival, or event of your own choosing.
Choose something that interests you! Perhaps you will
choose to attend church or temple with a friend. Please
visit an event/location that is not associated with your
own congregation. If you do not regularly attend religious
services, however, you may choose to return to your own
religious house of worship to experience and write about
that experience through new eyes. You may attend a
museum if there is a religious aspect to the exhibit(s),
such as the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, the National Museum of American
Jewish History in Philadelphia, Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Cultural Center in Bridgeton,
etc. The African American Heritage Museum in Newtonville (near Hammonton) may be
an option if there is an exhibit with a religious aspect or if you can show religious
background to someone being profiled. The same is true of the Ocean City or Atlantic
City Historical Museums, for example; some overtly religious subject must be the focus.
I would much prefer, however, that you attend a religious service or festival. No matter
where you decide to go, the location/event should first be approved by me. I want to
know when and where you plan to go. If your intended destination is not first approved,
you will not receive credit. When you go, you need to have at least one picture of yourself
at the location/event. If this poses some difficulty to you,
then you need to obtain literature/handouts from the
event and have an organizational leader sign that

The goal of a reflection paper is different than the
research paper. A research paper is objective in nature.
You will have a thesis statement that you have arrived at
as a result of research, and the entirety of your paper will
support this thesis statement. No personal opinion or I
statements should appear in your research paper. A
reflection paper, by contrast, is an opinion paper. In a
reflection paper, the content is subjective and you are to
reflect, in an educated manner, on the even you have
experienced. You will need to do some amount of
research on the event or background of the group you have visited. This research may
be conducted either prior to the event or following the event. It is not advisable to write
a reflection paper without having done any research on the group being profiled.

4. The Blackboard discussions will not be graded for content, only in that they were
completed according to instructions. Each discussion is worth a maximum of one point
for in-person class, two points for online class. You are required to participate in at least
eight for the in-person class, ten for the online class. The purpose of the discussions is
that you share your honest reactions, thoughts, feelings, questions, ideas, etc. regarding
what you are learning. I would like a minimum of three paragraphs to two pages for
every religion we explore. In your discussions you are allowed to be totally honest and
opinionated (within respectful limits, of course). I want you to really think about the
subject matter. Contrary to popular opinion, all religions are not alike. Do not regurgitate
information/repeat factual statements. Use appropriate spelling/grammar.

Breakdown (In-Person Class): Breakdown (Online Class):
12 points=Participation/Attendance 20 points (10 x 2)=Discussions
8 points (1 x 8)=Discussions 50 points (10 x 5)=Exams
50 points (10 x 5)=Exams 15 points=Research Paper
10 points=Research Paper 15 points=Reflection Paper
10 points=Reflection Paper
10 points=Presentation

Total=100 possible points, excluding extra credit

To figure out your grade, simply add up your

Colleges grading system (as of Fall 2012):
93100 = A (there is no A+)
9092 = A-
8789 = B+
8386 = B
8082 = B-
7779 = C+
7076 = C (there is no C-)
6069 = D
59+below = F

Help is available:

ME: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
have any
difficulties. My
email address
is: You should also be able to find me through our
course website,, where updates,
suggested resources, and my contact information are located. Lastly, dont forget my
phone number if you need me immediately: 365-0124.

TUTORING: For tutoring, check out the college's various tutoring services: In addition, student support services
offers resources:

SPECIAL NEEDS & ASSISTANCE: If you have any special needs, you should not
hesitate to contact counseling services. You might also consider contacting DSS,
Disability Support Services. If this is your first "classroom" experience
(if you have been homeschooled), if you have a learning difference of any kind, or if you
have previously had an IEP you may feel free to speak with me. I encourage you to avail
yourself of whatever helps the school can offer you.

Citation: We will be using the APA method of citation for this course. APA is what is
typically used in the social sciences. Please do not mix styles. No MLA, please.Here are
some useful links to help you navigate APA style:

Cornell University:
Citation Machine:
Citation Producer:

Plagiarism/Cheating: Plagiarism is very easy to do, but it is also extremely easy to
catch. If plagiarism is detected, please be advised that it will result in a 0 grade. No
exceptions. Be very careful when writing a paper that you use your own words as much
as possible. Just changing around a few words or citing your sources is not enough. A
paper needs to be constructed from the bottom up and be completely original. Excessive
quoting should be avoided, but if you are quoting, you must show that by using a block
quote or quotation marks and by citing the source. Honesty is expected. IF YOU DONT

Computers & Cells: Computers are not
allowed during class or any in-class exams.
Cell phones must be turned off and put
away during class. They should not visible
or used. You will be warned only once before
losing your participation grade. If the cell phone continues to
be used, you will not be permitted to complete any extra

If you have an emergency, please let me know. Only in the
case of a substantiated family emergency may a cell phone
be left on and even then, it must be on vibrate or silent
mode. Emergency phone calls must be placed or received
outside the classroom. I require that, during exams, all cell
phones be placed on my desk.

Breaks: Since our class is so long, we will usually have one fifteen minute (or so) break
per class period.

Food & Drink: The colleges official policy is that no food or drink is permitted in the

Perspective: We all come to this class with life experience, some of us with our own
religious and cultural background and ideas. That's ok. We shouldn't expect to be
completely objective in our evaluation of religions. This is not a math class. However we
should still strive for a fair and balanced appreciation of interesting aspects found within
each. If nothing else, this course should help you understand the world and maybe your
neighbors a little bit better. Hopefully youll learn something new (or, in many cases,
something old).

Missed Paper/Assignment Turn-In: If you need more time to complete an
assignment, you need to contact me
a couple days prior to the date it is
due. I will assess your situation and
determine if an extension is
warranted. If you are unprepared
for your presentation/paper, you will receive a 0 grade. Sob stories are evaluated on
a case-by-case basis and must be substantiated.

Research Resources: Please, please make use of the library. ACCC has a library and
your local municipality has a library as well. Stockton's library, as far as I know, is also
available to outside use, as I've used it in the past. You may use the internet since it is of
tremendous value when it comes to the subject matter, but you must be extremely
careful what you use for our course. Only reliable, academic sites are permitted for
reference, unless the subject warrants otherwise. ASK me if you are unsure. Please refer
to the course website for helpful suggestions. Not all links are academic resources. In
addition, we now have the Ask A Librarian feature on Blackboard. Ellen
Parker, college librarian, has kindly agreed to assist us in our research and related needs.

Summer Session Two 2014 CALENDAR:

Calendar Notes:
This calendar is subject to change, depending upon the progress of the course.
Remember: Blackboard discussions on each religion are due after having
CALENDAR BELOW. Youre also expected to explore links on the course website as part
of the class.
Any extra credit assignments must be turned in in a timely manner. I will not accept
items in bulk at the end of the semester.
Movie, book, website, or article reviews,
as well as extra reflection or research
papers are also eligible for extra credit.

Mon. June 30: (1) By today, you
definitely should have purchased the
course text. (Be aware that there are
definitely some opinionated portions of
the text, that the author has opinions, and
its slanted and derogatory at times when
dealing with traditional religion, especially
Christianity.) (2) You need to read all course requirements, including the syllabus,
course calendar, and website. (3) Watch Around the World in Eighty Faiths: Australasia
and the Pacific Ring of Fire and The
Far East All
the videos are also available here: These
videos will give you an excellent introduction to the content of this course in a very fun
and interesting way. They are in no way boring! I promise. (4) Have fun clicking around
here: and also on the various religion pages
(see menu on left) located at .

Tues. July 1: (1) How do you best study and learn? If you dont know, I suggest
contacting Student Support Services for help with study skills, time management, etc. I
recommend asking for Ms. Lynette Ingram. For example, while reading the course text,
should you have a notebook and pen? A highlighter? Some index cards? An open
computer? Would listening to religion podcasts in the car or bus help you? What should
you do when your eyes start to glaze over and your mind is full? (2) Read text Ch. 1
pgs. 5 (start at Key Characteristics of Religion) to 29. (3) Find your research paper
topic here: (4) First two exams, on
Introductory Material and Indigenous Religions, open today.

Wed. July 2: (1) Review the slideshow How to Write a Research Paper Step-by-Step
IQRY_M4/edit?usp=sharing or here (the first one will let
you click on words in bold). (2) Begin to research your research paper subject. Take
advantage of your local librarian or Ellen Parker at the college. (3) Watch the next two
sections of Around the World in Eighty Faiths: Africa (59 min.) and The
Middle East (min.) (4) Quiz
yourself in text pgs. 29-30, review key terms pg. 31.

Thurs. July 3: (1) Review slideshow Presentation 1 through slide #32. (2) Watch
Around the World in Eighty Faiths: United States and The
Indian Subcontinent (3)
Continue to research and make an outline for your research paper. (4) Think about
where your personal field trip will be and when you will go. Research this (or ask me for

Fri. July 4: OFF (Exam on Introductory Material closes today.)

Mon. July 7: (1) Read text pgs. 35 (Discovering Indigenous Religions) to 68. (2)
Watch Around the World in Eighty Faiths: Latin America and Europe (These are
the last two segments from this series. They may or may not deal with Indigenous

Tues. July 8: (1) Personal field trip locations/dates are due to me by today. (2) Watch
Smoke Signals (3) Test
Yourself and Key Terms, pgs. 69-71.

Wed. July 9: (1) Review slideshow Presentation #1, slides #33-57. Dont forget to
listen to Last Words from Hopi High (the link is also in
the slideshow. Youll see it when you get to it).

Thurs. July 10: (1) Indigenous Religions exam closes today. Hinduism exam opens
today. (2) Read text Ch. 3, pgs. 75-93. (3) Dont forget to continue with your research

Fri. July 11: (1) Watch The Story of India, Part 1: Beginnings (2) Read
text Ch. 3, pgs. 94-107 (stop when you get to Hinduism) (3) Continue with your
research paper. (2) Read text, Ch. 3, pgs. 107-117.

Mon. July 14: (1) By today, you should have a rough draft of your paper that you are
able to submit for proofing to the Writing Lab. Heres the rubric Ill be using:
mBXj0pM/edit?usp=sharing (2) Review slideshow Presentation #1, slides #58 to end of
slideshow. (3) In text, review key terms and quiz yourself, pgs. 118-121.

Tues. July 15: (1) Personal field trips should result in a reflection paper. Work on your
reflection paper. Heres the rubric youll be graded on:
g6H9VgWM/edit?usp=sharing (2) Hinduism exam closes today. Buddhism exam opens

Wed. July 16: (1) In your text, read Ch. 4, pg. 124 (The Beginnings) to 139. (2)
Watch The Little Buddha, available here:

Thurs. July 17: (1) In your text, read Ch. 4, pgs. 140-161. (2) Watch The Story of
India, Part 2: The Power of Ideas, available here:

Fri. July 18: (1) In your text, read Ch. 4, pgs. 162-177 (top) (2) Finish writing your
reflection paper and have someone who is a good and trusted writer proofread it.

Mon. July 21: (1) Reflection papers on personal field trips are due to me by today. (2)
In your text, Test Yourself on pgs. 177-178. Review the key terms on pg. 179.

Tues. July 22: Review slideshow Presentation #2:

Wed. July 23: (1) Buddhism exam closes today. Taoism & Confucianism exams open
today. (2) In the text, read Ch. 6, pgs. 206-227. (Stop when you get to where it says
Confucianism.) (3) Continue to work on your research paper. By today, you should
have submitted a draft of your research paper to someone you know to be a good writer,
such as someone at the Writing Lab.

Thurs. July 24: (1) Polish up your research paper. It is due in a couple days. (2) Watch
slideshow Presentation #3, slides #3 to the end. You can certainly read the first couple of
slides (#1 and 2), but I think the texts error may have been fixed in the recent edition.
Check and see. Always use critical thinking. Just because its written in a text doesnt
make it true!

Fri. July 25: (1) In the text, read Ch. 6, pgs. 227-243. (2) View slideshow #4: (3) If you have not put the
finishing touches on your research paper, do that now. Do not submit a research paper
that you have not had someone else (preferably more than one person) proof, and that
you yourself have not read in its final form!

Mon. July 28: Research papers are due today.

Tues. July 29: (1) In your text, read Ch. 6, pgs. 243-249. (2) Quiz yourself and review
the key terms on pgs. 250-253.

Wed. July 30: (1) Taoism and Confucianism exams close today. Shinto, Jainism and
Sikhism exams open today. (2) In your text, read all of Ch. 7 (Shinto).

Thurs. July 31: (1) Review slideshow Presentation #5 (Shinto) (2) If you havent done the Ch. 7
quiz yourself and key terms, do that today.

Fri. Aug. 1: (1) Watch the first and fourth video here: (the first one and the animated one). You
will curse my name after having watched the animated one. Youll be singing the song in
your dreams. Its awesome. (2) In your text, read Ch. 5, pgs. 183-193 (top, stop when
you get to Sikhism). (3) Review slideshow Presentation #6

Mon. Aug. 4: (1) No further extra credit assignments will be accepted after today.
There will be no exceptions! (2) In your text, read Ch. 5 (second half), pgs. 193-200. (3)
Click around here and see what stuff interests you: Please also look here: and here:

Tues. Aug. 5: (1) Review slideshow Presentation #7 (Sikhism). Dont forget to watch
this video. The link is in the presentation, but just in case you forget, here it is:

Optional: Excellent BBC video on Sikhism in
general, but also on the 1984 massacre, specifically. Apparently there is
some controversy about this video because of its portrayal of a
controversial figure. A Sikh basics
presentation, brief. Sikh basics meant for kids, but still good!
By the BBC
White Sikhs in Espanola, NM, choose a video that interests you:

Wed. Aug. 6: (1) Shinto, Jainism, and Sikhism exams close today. Judaism and
Christianity exams open today. (2) In your text, read Ch. 8 (Judaism), pgs. 282-300. (3)
Review slideshow Presentation #8

Thus. Aug. 7: (1) Watch The Jewish Americans, Part 1 (2) Review
important terms here: (Not all of these
terms are in the text!)

Fri. Aug. 8: Read in your text, Ch. 8, pgs. 301-327. Quiz yourself and review the key
terms, pgs. 327-331.

Mon. Aug. 11: Review slideshow Presentation #8

Optional: You
have to check out Rivka! I love her videos!
Check out these videos from a Jewish woman.

Tues. Aug. 12: (1) Judaism exam closes today. (2) Read in your text, Ch. 9
(Christianity), pgs. 335-360 (stop at The Eastern Orthodox Church). (3) Watch
Catholicism: Amazed and Afraid

Wed. Aug. 13: (1) Read in the text, Ch. 9, pgs. 361-381. (2) Watch Catholicism: Happy
We Are, The Teachings of Jesus

Thurs. Aug. 14: (1) Read in the text, Ch. 9, pgs. 382-401.

(2) Optional Items:
Amish documentary, BBC:
Check out an Orthodox Christian wedding ceremony:
dding+ceremony (pick one)
Traditional Carmelite monks in Wyoming:
Byzantine Carmelite nuns in Pennsylvania: Quakers Amish Old Order funeral
Check out the singing at this Amish/Mennonite gathering:

(3) Quiz yourself and check out the key terms on pgs. 401-405.

Fri. Aug. 15: (1) View slideshow Presentation #9 (2) Feel free to view any of the
additional Catholicism videos:

Mon. Aug. 18: (1) Christianity exam closes today. Islam, Alternative Religions and
Cumulative Final exams open today. (2) Read in text, Ch. 10, pgs. 409-435. (3) Watch
Inside Mecca

Tues. Aug. 19: (2) In text, read Ch. 10, pgs. 435-466. (3) Review slideshow
Presentation #10 (4) Quiz
yourself and review key terms on pgs. 467-469.

Wed. Aug. 20: (1) Read in text Ch. 11, pgs. 472-505 (Alternative). (2) Check out some
of the links here: (3) Watch The

Thurs. Aug. 21: (1) All exams close tonight (Islam, Alternative, Cumulative Final).

Note: For all exams, I recommend preparing by reviewing the slideshow presentations,
movies, videos, or links that interest you, and of course your notes from the text and
class. The text and slideshows are where about 99.9% of all semesters exam questions
come from.

Additional Recommended Resources:
I'm not sure how readily available these things will be at your library or elsewhere.
Some of them I will bring into class for your perusal.

Dye, J.M. (1980). Ways to Shiva. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art.
This is a beautifully illustrated book that brings to life the devotionalism implicit
in the Hindu religion(s). See also Meeting God.

Pickthall, M.M., trans, & El-Ashi, A. K., ed. (1999). The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an.
Beltsville: Amana Publications.
This is the Qur'an. It is the translation recommended by one of my graduate
instructors in Islam. It is called The Meaning of because the Qur'an is not considered
able to be translated, as Arabic is the true language of the Qur'an. In this sense it is
recognized that translations are always flawed since languages in and of themselves are
worldviews. This version is the first translation into the English language by an
Englishman who was also a Muslim.

Fisher, M. P. (1994). Living Religions. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
This is a good alternate textbook on world religions and I recommend it. You
may be able to find it used inexpensively online. It is a very good resource.

Hammer, J. (1999). Chosen By God. New York: Hyperion.
This is the interesting story from the perspective of a well-known journalist who
was raised, along with his brother, a secular Jew. In the book he chronicles the journey of
his relationship (or at times a lack thereof) with his brother, who becomes
ultra-Orthodox. This story offers a glimpse into the world of the ultra-Orthodox and
Joshua Hammer's opinion of it.

Huyler, S. P. (1999). Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion. New Haven: Yale
University Press.
This is a beautifully illustrated book that brings to life the devotionalism implicit
in the Hindu religion(s). See also Ways to Shiva.

Miller, T., ed. (1995). America's Alternative Religions. Albany: State University of New
This excellent compilation of essays is a wonderful reference work for America's
smaller religions. These days wikipedia might be helpful in this respect also.

Smith, H. (1994). The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions.
Francisco: Harper Collins.

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