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Personal project: Investigation phase

To start my personal project, I have to identify what I already know and what I
need to find out. I have to have research for the different sections which are,
relationships (friends and family), balanced lifestyle, academic choices and

I will plan out what I want to include in each of these sections and then highlight
what I already know and what I need to find out.

Relationships (friends and family)
Healthy relationships
-What makes a relationship healthy?
-Communication and sharing
-Respect and trust
-Self esteem
-Negotiation and compromise
-How do you know you have a healthy relationship with someone?
Working through problems in your relationship
-Conflict, how is it in our teenage life?
-Different types of conflict
-Talk it out
-Conflict (how do you react)
-Dealing with conflict (step by step)
-What if you need help to work it out?
-How do you know when you should walk away?
-Peer pressure
-Tips for handling fights
-Making new friends
-Ending a friendship
-Helping a friend in need
-When to start dating?
-What is a healthy dating relationship?
-Why is it good to date someone close to your age?
-What if theres pressure to do something you dont want to do?
-Tips for having a healthy/safe relationship
Family relationships:
-Parents, stepparents, grandparents, and guardians
-Sisters and brothers
-Abuse within families

Individual feelings
Self esteem and confidence
-Feeling good about yourself
-Self esteem (what can you do to boost your self esteem)
-Self confidence (what you can you do to boost your self confidence)
Diagnosing depression
-How do you know if you have depression?
-Symptoms of depression
-Helping a friend or relative who is depressed
Self harm
-What does hurting yourself mean?
-Why do some people self harm?
-Who are the people that hurt themselves?
-What are the signs of self injury?
Healthy ways to handle stress
-What is stress?
-How does your body handle stress?
-What causes stress?
-Is stress always a bad thing?
-What are signs that you are stressed out?
-What are ways you can handle stress?
-Can stress lead to more serious problems?
Feeling suicidal
-Reasons why some teens feel this way
-How common is suicide
-How can you help a friend
-How to deal with a suicide
Body image and self esteem
-Body image
-Stressing out about your body
How anxiety and other mental illnesses affect teens
-Social phobia
-When does social phobia start
-How to tell your parents if you feel anxious

Fitness and nutrition:
Why fitness matters to your health?
-Mental health benefits of exercise
-Physical health benefits of exercise
How much and what kind of exercise you need?
-Difference exercises
Fun ways to workout
-Making a fitness plan
How to keep from getting hurt while working out
-Warming up and cooling down
-Important exercise tips
-Using the right equipment
What nutrients are?
What types of foods should you eat and how much?
-Information on each food group (grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein)
-Information on calories
How to read the nutrition fact labels
-Serving size
-Calories and calories from top fat
-% Daily value
-Total fat
-Nutrients to emphasize (calcium, dietary fiber, vitamins, iron)
-Trans fat
Healthy weight goals
-Overweight and obesity
-What are calories?
-What is a healthy weight?
How to eat healthy at restaurants
-Suggest healthy options at popular restaurants
Eating for strong bones
-Why should you think about bone health
-What nutrients do you need to protect your bones?
-How much calcium and vitamin D do girls need?
-How can you get calcium and vitamin D?

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