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Ficha de Trabalho 3

Verb Tense Active Passive
Present simple The farmer keeps the cows here The cows are kept here by the farmer
Present continuous They are painting the house The house is being painted
Past Simple John wrote the letter The letter was written by John
Past continuous Sally was driving the car The car was being driven by Sally
Present perfect The police has raid the area The area has been raided by the police
Present perfect
The police has been raiding the area The area has been being raided by the
Past perfect They had never done it before It had never been done before
Past perfect continuous They had been restoring the old
The old house had been being restored
Future We will finish it soon. It will be finished soon
Conditional They would do it in time. It would be done in time
Modals They can't farm that land. That land can't be farmed
Indirect Passive Passiva (Passiva idiomtica)
(o complemento indirecto passa para sujeito da passiva)
Active Passive
They pay him a good salary He is paid a good salary
They offered Jack a new job Jack was offered a new job
We will give her all the support she needs She will be given all the support she needs
Alternative Passive
Active Passive
They say nuclear energy presents too many
It is said that nuclear energy presents too many
Nuclear energy is said to present too many

A. Change into the passive (The first one is already done as an example)
Present Simple
1. They kill 50.000 seals a year
50.000 seals are killed a year
2. He gives an interview every month
An interview
3. The housekeeper doesn't lock the door every night
The door ...
Present Continuous
1. John is writing a new article on consumerism
A new article on consumerism is being written by John.
2. They are building a new road.
A new road .
3. Pollution isnt affecting the area.
The area
Past Simple
1. He increased the voltage slowly
The voltage was increased.
2. He occasionally turned the machine off
The machine ...
3. They didnt give any information about the school rules.
No information ...
Past Simple continuous
1.They were carrying out a survey.
A survey was being carried out.
2. The TV was informing the consumers.
The consumers
3.Peter wasnt taking a different attitude
A different attitude

Present Perfect
1.The police have raided the area frequently.
The area has been raided by the police
2.Somebody has scratched my car
My car ...
3. Somebody has killed the President
The President ...
4. They havent contacted her mother yet.
Her mother....
Present Perfect continuous
1. They havent been executing his orders.
His orders havent been being executed.
2. They have been warning the population about the dangers of contaminated water.
The population
Future; Conditional; Modal verbs
1. They will postpone the meeting.
The meeting will be postponed.
2. They can produce the brochures here.
The brochures
3. You must abandon the scheme.
The scheme
B. Rewrite as indicated below (the first is already done as an example)
1.The policeman stopped the burglar
The burglar was stopped by the burglar.
2. Thousands of people watched the rock concert
The rock concert ...
3. They will repair our bathroom at the end of the week.
Our bathroom...

Esses verbos podem ser classificados quanto:
Ao significado:
PHRASAL VERBS: o significado NO pode ser deduzido a partir do verbo e da partcula adverbial.
PREPOSITIONAL VERBS: o significado PODE ser deduzido a partir das partes que o compem.
Ao nmero de palavras:
A TWO-WORD VERB / TWO-PART VERB: to put on (vestir) - Put on your jacket! (Vista a sua
A THREE-WORD VERB / THREE-PART VERB: to put up with (tolerar) - I can't put up with this
noise. (No posso tolerar este barulho.).

Phrasal Verbs
So verbos de duas ou trs partes formados basicamente por um verbo mais uma ou duas
partculas, que o complementam. isto , podem ser classificados como sendo uma frase. As
partculas podem ser preposies ou advrbios e o significado total das palavras
geralmente diferente do significado individual dos elementos que o compem. Sendo
assim, no podem ser traduzidos literalmente na maioria das vezes e devem ser encarados como
vocbulos independentes dos elementos que os compem.
Exemplo: sit (verbo) + down (advrbio) = sit down (sentar)
get (verbo) + in (preposio) = get in (entrar)

Como podemos ver a partir dos exemplos acima, os phrasal verbs so formados da
seguinte maneira:
verbo + uma partcula (preposio ou advrbio)
Os phrasal verbs so uma peculiaridade da lngua inglesa que do um tom mais informal
linguagem e esto presentes em inmeras situaes, tanto no dia a dia quanto nas situaes que
requerem uma certa formalidade. A aparente dificuldade em entend-los deve-se ao fato de que
eles no existem em portugus.
1. O verbo que segue de base para o phrasal verb pode ser regular ou irregular: call (regular),
give (irregular).

2. Em alguns casos, a partcula pode ser separada do verbo, isto , o objeto colocado entre o
verbo e a partcula. Quando o objeto for um pronome, a partcula ser, necessariamente,
separada. Observe os exemplos a seguir:
Please turn on the light. = Please turn the light on. = Please turn it on. (Por favor, ligue a luz.)
She switched on the TV. = She switched the TV on. = She switched it on. (Ela ligou a
Take off your shoes. = Take your shoes off. = Take them off. (Tire seus sapatos.)

3. H casos, no entanto, em que a partcula no pode ser separada do verbo. Veja alguns
exemplos abaixo:
While she was cleaning the house, she came across a pair of gold earrings. (Enquanto ela estava
limpando a casa, encontrou um par de brincos de ouro.)
Your daughter doesn't take after you at all. (Sua filha no se parece nada com voc.)

4. Como os outros verbos, os phrasal verbs podem ser transitivos (requerem objeto, pois seu
sentido no est completo em si) ou intransitivos (seu sentido est completo em si e portanto,
no requerem objeto). Quando transitivos, os phrasal verbs podem ser separados. Observe:
He took off his jacket. = He took his jacket off. (Ele tirou o casaco.)
(obj. dir.)
The plane took off. (O avio decolou.)
Os Phrasal Verbs transitivos so subdivididos em:
- Inseparveis
What a terrible journey! We broke down twice on the way home. (Que viagem terrvel! Nosso
carro quebrou duas vezes no caminho de volta para casa.)
- Separveis
Please, turn on the light. = (Por favor, ligue a luz.)
Please, turn the light on.
Please, turn it on.
Please, turn on it. Errado! A Separao obrigatria quando se utiliza o pronome it.
5. Alguns phrasal verbs apresentam partculas que servem apenas para indicar que a ao est
completa ou para reforar/enfatizar o sentido do verbo. Este verbo frequentemente formado
com a partcula up. Exemplos:
cut off - cortar
burn up - queimar
mix up - misturar
A) Quando o objeto longo, evita-se separar os phrasal verbs, uma vez que isto
dificultaria a compreenso:
Yesterday the teacher pointed out problems related to phrasal verbs. / Yesterday the
teacher pointed problems related to phrasal verbs out. (Ontem a professora apontou
problemas relacionados aos phrasal verbs.)
Apesar de estar gramaticalmente correta, a segunda orao apresentaria problemas
prticos de compreenso.
B) Quando no soubermos se o phrasal verb separvel ou no, poderemos fazer uso
das seguintes dicas para evitar erros:
1 - Evitar o emprego de objetos pronominais, principalmente em phrasal verbs
idiomticos, aqueles em que no podemos deduzir seu significado total analisando
separadamente as partes que o compem;
2 - Phrasal verbs literais so geralmente separveis;
3 - Phrasal verbs que indicam aes completas, concludas ou reforam/enfatizam o
sentido do verbo so geralmente separveis.

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