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Date: Student:...

1) Complete the chart with the uses of the verbal tenses

General truths for actions that started in the past but continue up to the present
for actions that started at an specific momento in the past - for actions taking place now
por actions that were in progress in the past

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Present Simple

Past Continuos

Present Continuous

2) Multiple choice. Choose the correct option

1.Nile River ___________ from South to North.
a.flew b.flows c.flow d.flown
2. __________ Mary and Chalie seen the movie?
a.Did b.Has c.Do d.Have
3. They arrived in Brazil ___________________
a. last week week c.for three weeks d.Now
4. Christofer _________________ to me at the moment.
a.arent listen b.isnt listen c.dont listen d.isnt talking
5. Where _________ they sleeping?
a. did b.had c.were d.was

3) Circle the correct option

a. Last Saturday, she paid/has paid for the ticket.
b. When I saw him, he tried/was trying to tie his shoes.
c. How many times has she called/did she call since I left?
d. Do/did you enjoy windsurfing when you go on vacation?
e. She has known/knew about this for some time.
Date: Student:...
4) Complete the chart with the past and participle of the verbs.

5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a. We usually. To the beach at the weekend. (go)
b. We lunch when the lights went off. (have)
c. -Where is Kevin? - He .. football with his friends. (play)
d. - What to you? Ive fallen. (happen)
e. George .. his first film when he was 25 years old. (make)
f. My boss.. from New York to California every month. (fly)
g. . River Plate football match yesterday? (you watch)
h. She anything to her parents about last week problema. (not say)

6) Write sentenses with the Subject and Verb given. Use an appropiate adverb of time or
time expression.

a. My parents/live (Past Simple +)
b. The Factory/work (Present Perfect ?)
c. These people/watch (Past Continuous -)
d. The president/travel (Present Simple +)
e. The fire/distroy (Present Perfect +)
f. They/build (Present Continuous -)


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