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Causes of right lower quadrant pain

A ppendiitis! A "sess
P ID! P eriod
P anreatitis
E topi! E ndo#etriosis
N eoplasia
D i$ertiulitis
C rohns Disease! C %st &o$arian'
T orsion &o$ar%'
Irrita"le (owel S%ndro#e
+ Cer$ial Dilation
,- Cer$i. dilated / , #: 0
1- Cer$i. dilated , 21 #: ,
3- Cer$i. dilated 1 24 #: 1
4- Cer$i. dilated 5 4 #: 3
+ Cer$ial 6ength & Effae#ent'
,- Cer$ial 6ength 5 4 # & 0 7
effaed ' : 0
1- Cer$ial 6ength 1 24 # & 0 to
80 7 effaed ' : ,
3- Cer$ial 6ength , 21 # & 80 to
98 7 effaed ' : 1
4- Cer$ial 6ength / , # &5 98 7
effaed ' : 3
+ Cer$ial Consisten%
,- :ir# er$ial onsisten% : 0
1- A$erage er$ial onsisten% :
3- Soft er$ial onsisten% : 1
+ Cer$ial Position
,- Posterior er$ial position : 0
1- Middle or anterior er$ial
position : ,
+ ;ero Station Notation & presenting
part le$el '
,- Presenting part at ishial
spines 23 #: 0
1- Presenting part at ishial
spines 2, #: ,
3- Presenting part at ishial
spines < , #: 1
4- Presenting part at ishial
spines < 1 #: 3
=Add , point to sore for :
,- Preela#psia
1- Eah prior >aginal Deli$er%
=Su"trat , point fro# sore for :
,- Postdates Pregnan%
1- Nulliparit%
3- Pre#ature or prolonged
*upture of Me#"ranes
Indiations for Cer$ial *ipening
with prostaglandins
,- (ishop Sore / 8
1- Me#"ranes intat
3- No regular ontrations
Indiations for 6a"or Indution
with Pitoin
,- (ishop Sore 5? 8
1- *upture of Me#"ranes
@eorge (ushBs Soial Consiene :ouses
:ro# Patheti )u#or Cpto >iolent )ea$%
Poetr% A"out Pri#e Minister Of Dailhouse
@?@oodellBs sign
(?"reast signs
C?er$ial hanges
:?frequen% of #iturition
P?Pal#erBs sign
)?)egarBs sign
C?uterine hanges
>?$aginal wall
)?hC@ le$els
P?PisEaeEBs sign
P?plaental sign
M?#orning siEness
O?OsianderBs sign
D?Daque#ierBs sign
C?rown ru#p length
1nd tri#ester
(ushBs Cheap Stunt :or *eeletionF
Cpon :iring At (aghdadBs 6oals G Soiet%F
(aEfired Sine Ar#% (eha$ed
(?(reast hanges
:?fundal height
*?radiologial signs
:?fetal parts palpated
C?uterine hanges
(?(ra.ton )iEs Contrations
6?linea nigra
S?soft er$i.
A?ati$e fetal #o$#ents
(?"lue er$i.
3rd tri#ester
:eeling :reed (% :iring :ield :oused
Co#pletel% Cpon :oreigners in (aghdadF
A#erian leaders G Soiet% Slept-
:?fetal #o$e#ent
(?"reast hanges
:?fundal height
:?fetal #o$e#ents
:?fetal parts palpated
C?utaneous hanges
C?uterine shape
(?(ra.ton )iEs ontrations
S?S%#ph%sis :undal )eight
*ashes : ti#e of appearane after fe$er
"* eall% SiE C hildren M ust T aEe N o
E .erise":
=Nu#"er of da%s after fe$er Onset
that a *ash will appear:
, Da%: * u"ella
1 Da%s: Sarlet fe$er! S#allpo.
3 Da%s: C hiEenpo.
4 Da%s: M easles &and see the IopliE
one da% prior to rash'
8 Da%s: T %phus G riEettsia &this is
J Da%s: N othing
9 Da%s: E nteri fe$er &sal#onella'
# heart disease in pregnan%------ MSD
worst prognosis------ ASD
do for- ela#psia---- la"etalol
ela#pi seiKure due to----- ere"ral ano.ia
dangerous plaenta pre$ia----- entral with post t%pe 1
e.pulsion of 800 g# n "efore 10 wEs alled----- a"ortion
# o#pliation of 3rd stage of la"our------ he#orehgei shoE
do for liphoid nephrosis------ steroid
# pel$i tu#or----- fi"roid
antioagulant of hoie in , st tri#ester------ heparin
,- sensation lost in s%rngio#alia----- pain n te#prature
1- unilateral swealing of leg in fe#ale---- an er$i.
3- nor#al ross setional area of #itral $al$e---- 0-4
4- SAA@- assoiated with------ asiti fluid
8- In pri#ar% PT( affets whih part of lungs----- peripher%
J- #ost a"undant antio.idant------ $ita#in e
9-Tiger #osquito is another na#e of----- ades
L-"uilding "loE of fatt% aid "io s%nthesis----- aet%l hoine
M-dose of hepatitis $aine ------ 08 #l i#
,0-#a.i#u# student allowed in a lass----40
,-Strangulated hernia TOC----- hernioraph%
1- Night #ade in whih phase ----(E*M
3- (a"% an swallow in whih age NNNNNN plK ans
4- Aute he#iarthrosis TOC---- e$auation
8- TOC holedoolithiasis -----erp
J- In TA) whih struture should re#o$ed n whih #a% preser$e ---uterus n
er$i.F preser$ed o$ar%
9-TOC for non desended testis in hildren -----orhidope.%
L- TOC for Prolapse retu# ------retope.%
M- Oat is MIP)----- #ini#al in$asi$e proedure for he#oraideto#%
,-glue ear is a o#pliation of 22
pre2suppurati$e stage of aute suppurati$e otitis #edia
1-hild with glue ear ha$e22adenoid h%pertroph%
3-adult with glue ear ha$ePnasophar%n. arino#e
4-aute suppurati$ otitis #edia22infetion less then 3 weeENN
8-glue ear22infetion for 123 #onths
J-hroni suppurati$ otits #edia22infetion #or ethen 3 #onths
9--# graft used in #%ringoplast%:te#poral fasia
,-Euss#aul sign22rise in D>Pon inspiration-itNs seen in so#e for# of heart disease and is
usuall% indiati$e of li#ited right $entriular filling-
1- Euss#aul disease222its another na#e for pol%arteritis nodosa
3-# ause of pig#ent stone in gall"ladder: he#ol%ti ane#ia
4-ear wa.22se"u# < eru#in<dust
8-land#arE of t%#pani #e#"rane22u#"o
JFrelia"le land#arE of t%#pani #e#"rane22handle of #alleus
9-position of u#"o on t%#pani #e#"rane22right side is 8 o loE
left side is 9 o loiE
L-a"sess in digastri #usle22itellis
M-a"sess in sternoleido#astoid #usle22"enKold
,0-#astoiditis on .2ra%22louded or slerosed
,,-ner$es of stapedial refle.22faial-n QefferentRFFF$esti"oohlear-n
,1-ner$e suppl% of tensor t%#pani22#andi"ular-n
,3-# of hearing loss in hildren22glue ear or serous otitis #edia
,4-singapore earS 22another na#e of fungal oto#%osis "% aspergillous niger
,-goodells sign22is the first sign of pregnan% at J weeEs
1-hadwiE sign aEa TaE#ear sign-seen at L weeE
3-osianger sign seen at L weeE
4-hegars sign22isth#us e#pt% on "i#anual e.a#ination--seen at J 2,0 weeE
8-pisaE sign22as%#etri enlarge#ent of uterus
a#nioti fluid in ter#s------ L00 #l
"lood $olu#e during #enstruation ---- 80 #l
fertiliKation ours at------a#pula
K%gte reahes uterie a$it%----- ,J elled
C>S done at----- ,02 ,1 wEs
r%the#i ontration of uerus---- pal#ers sign
%anosis n softing of uterus----goodellNs sign
pulsation lateral $aginal forni.--------osiander sign
ongestion pe$isausin lush of $aina-----ChadwiE sign
if C>S done "efore ,0 OS results in---oroandi"ular defet
DOC for "rain aners 2225 Nitrosoureas &e-g- lo#ustineF ar#ustine'-
DOC for tr%panoso#a ruKi &CNS stage' 2225 Milarsoprol-
DOC for epileps% 2225 Phen%tion-
DOC for CM> retinits 2225 @an%lo$ir &anti $iral'-
DOC for $o#iting in2patient with #igraine 2225 ProhlorperaKine
Drug of hoie for ShiKophrenia is PhenothiaKines &e-g- Chlorpro#aKine!)aloperidol'
UDOC for Multiple M%lo#a22 (orteKo#i"
U DOC for C6622 :ludara"in
U DOC for (rain Tu#ors2 Te#oKola#ide
U DOC for Panreati Carino#a22 @e#ita"ine
U DOC for Chorioarino#aV2 Methotre.ate
U DOC for Coloretal aner22 82:C
UDOC for )air% Cell 6euEe#ia2 Cladri"ine
UDrugs of hoie for OengerNs granulo#atosis2V2 C%lophospha#idVe
DOC for spas#odi a"do#inal pain 2225 Drota$erine &DortinF Drote$a'
Do for diarrhea in pregnan%Slopera#ide
H- Methadone is useful in the treat#ent of heroin dependene "eause it : ats on the
opioid reeptor
Do for aute gout:indo#ethainQnsaidsR
Antih%pertensi$es ontraindiated in pregnan% :2
pneu#oni 222 DA*SAN 222
D ? Diuretis
A ? Angiotensin I antagonists
* ? *eserpine
S ? Sodiu# nitroprusside
A ? ACE inhi"itors
N ? Non seleti$e W "loEers
,- aeta#inophen 2 aet%l%teine
1- "enKodiaKepine 2 flu#aKenil
3- ou#adin 2 $ita#in E
4- urare 2 tensilon
8- %anide poisoning 2 #eth%lene "lue
J- digitalis 2 digi"ind
9- eth%lene poisoning 2 antiKol
L- heparin 2 prota#ine sulfate
M- iron 2 desferal
,0- lead 2 edetate disodiu# &edta'F di#eraprol &"al'F sui#er &he#et'
,,- lo$eno. 2 prota#in sulfate
,1- #agnesiu# sulfate 2 aliu# gluonate
,3- #orphine sulfate 2 h%drohloride
,4- #ethotre.ate 2 leuo$orine
,8- #estinon 2 atropine sulfate
,J- neostig#ine X atropine
fish% s#ellF ottage hees% disharge----- "ateria $aginosis
op pil for latating #other -----#inipil
whih a an pre$ented "% $aine -- a er$i.
TOC for prolapse uterus in %oung ----- sling operation
when "lasto%tes in uterus a$it%------ ent i#plantation
whiff test positi$e in-- "ateria $aginitis
%stoele---- prolapse of upper 1!3rd $aginal wall
deu"itus uler due to------ $enous ongestion
po#egr% operation----istha#us n a#pula portion
# site for genetial tu"erulosis---- fallopian tu"e
a$iator frature------ neE of taslus
hang#an frature------frature "oth PedileNs of 1
Teffron frature- ----"rust feature er$ial ,
)einK "odies-------@JPD defiien%
hirano "od%------alKe#erNs diseases
#oot "od%-----#ultiple #%elo#a
a ,M2M-----panreati n oloretal aner
an ,823-----"reast aner
a 9124--- panreati n o$arian aner
S2,00 n TA2 M0------Melano#a
ation of serrataur anterior------ pushing n punhing
#oa of paro.etine------ SS* inhi"itor
indiation of ato#o.etine-------AD)D
#ini#u# duration to define shiKophrenia------ J #onths
linear "alane organs of "od%-------urtile n saule
griesinger sign seen in ------6ST
$i"rating area of t%#poani #e#"rane------- 88 sq ##
M agent in aousti neurons-------E oKanae
purpose of peri#etr%------field of $ision
illiar% #usle de$eloped fro#------para.ial #esoder#
radel ap-------pti%riasis apttis
lish nodule-----neurofi"ro#atosis
C>SFl%#phatis-"lood de$elops fro#----- #esoder#
angel of 6ouis-----1nd ri"
alder#anNs ner$e------auriular "ranh of $agus
shrugging of shoulder----- trapeKius
Carina in adult lies in--T4
ation of anoneus------ srewing #o$e#ent
arter% ao#pan% with radial ner$e in spiral groo$e----- profunda "rahii
u"ital tunnel s%ndro#e----- ulnar ner$e
things speaEs for it self------red IPSA loquitor
piner grasp o#es at----- M #onths
"erloque der#atitis due to------ os#etis
effet of intu"ation on dead spae----- dereased
allenNstest-F----integrit% of pal#ar arh
diagnosis #ade for as topi der#atitis----linial e$aluation
$aga"ondNs diseases also Enown as----pediulous orporis
rose spot seen in---- t%phoid fe$er
87 guanethidine used in-----th%roto.i opthal#opath%
h%per seretor% glauo#a seen in----- epide#i drops%
forniuos gangrene ourred onl% in------- srotu#
testis entered to inguinal anal "%----- 9 the weeE
hroni lead poisoning leads to----- fine tre#ors
pepti perforation------ D,
TOC noturnal regurgitation------- do#paradon
EherNs sign is positi$e in----- #eningitis
"urgenNs diseases related to------ s#oEing
in total a"do#inal h%stereto#%----- uterus n er$i. r re#o$ed
TOC for D, perforation-------- losure n o#entoplast%
PSA related to------ CA prostate
furasol DA is used to----- inrease o.%gen deli$er% to tissue
"ilateral retino "lasto#a------3072 407 ases
string "ed appearane-F--FFfi"ro#usular d%splEasia
peeper pot sEull------h%per para th%roidis#
looser Kone----osteo#alasia
notohord de$lopes in----- 3rd weeE
fition of illiar% #usle------- ao##odation
ger#inal enter------ l%#ph node
ape. heart for#ed "%F-F----Fleft atriu#
earl% onset n worst prognosis in-----FFhe"ephreni shiKophrenia
an pennies----- adeno
wardi#a%o ----- prolapse or o#plete proedentia
IOC pleural effusion---- t san
18 7 de.trose n insulin----- DIA
DIA ours in #ostl% t%pe , DM
frature pennies------ repair at the frature site with $ir%l
TOC for non deended testis----- orhidope.%
riteria for )D--- h%perEale#ia---pul#onar% ode#a- Anuria #ore than 14 hr
anti dote for organophosphorus---- inn pa#
,-Arg%ll *o"ertson pupil seen in 2 neuros%philis
1-#arus gunn pulil seen in 2 opti neuritis
3-adies pupil seen in 2 post $iral illness un %oung fe#ale
4-huthinson pupul 2 ause 3 rd ner$e o#pression
8-protanopia2 red olour defet
J-deutranopia2 green olour defet
9-tritanopia2"lue olour
L-olored halos seen in 2 , ataratF1 angle losure glauo#aF3 #uopurulent
M-wrist drop aused "%2 a-lead poisoningF"-radial ner$e pals%-
,0-#usiian ner$e2 ulnar
high pepti struture seen in------ (arretNs oseophagus
rotation of $ol$ulus sig#oid olon----on its own
sign of dane------ e#pt% *I:
frog hand seen in -----deep pal#er a"ess
risoid anerus%#----- pulsating swealing of arter% in fore head
tedd% "ear walE #! seen in---- hr rheu#atoid arthritis Enee
late du#ping s%ndro#e----Y- after 1 hr
TOC prolapse retu#----- retope.%
horse shoe fistula TOC-----high end e.ision
#!! of retro"ul"er neuritis----------- #ultiple slerosis
proptosis ause------------,- gra$eNs dK 1-tu#or of hild
#!! of e.traoular tu#or of hild--------rha"do#%osaro#a
#!! oulatu#or of hild--------- retino"lasto#a
dangerous area of e%e-------iliar% "od%
#! #usle in$ol$ed gra$es dK-------- inf retus
#ost harateristi sign of gra$es dK------ stare sign
%le ours in *(C-----gl%ool%sis
*etiulo%tes are not seen in----- hr anae#ia
sinus not drain in to #iddle #eatus -----post eth#oidal
OIA star in used for---- $arisella
Duff% antigen found in----- faliparu# #alaria
soot in trahea----- ther#al inTur%
plaenta has---- 1 arter% n , $ein
"est plae for IO6----- apsular "ag
@CS for intu"ation------ 9
er$i. erosion an "e #i. interpritted with CaCer$i.---- T( er$i.
[ da#age to audate nuleus 2 horea
[ da#age to glo"us pallidus 2 athetosis
[ da#age to su"tahala#i 2 ha#i"allis#us
[ da#age to "asal ganglia da#age & su"stantia nigra ' 2 parEinsonis#
[ da#age to lower #otor neurons & anterior horn ell da#ages' 2 polio#%elitis
[ anaroti pulse & pulsus pardus2 slow rise and ET par$us 2 dereased a#plitude' 2
aorti stenosis
[ "isfireins pulse 2 )OCM
[ ollapsing pulse 2 A* & aorti regurgitation '
[ diroti pulse 2 dilated ardio#%opath%
[ pulsus alterans 2 6>:
[ DIC*OTIC NOTC) 2 aorti o#petene
[ large A wa$e 2
2 Triuspid StenosisF
2 Pul#onar% Stenosis F
2 Mitral StenosisF
2 Pul#o Art )%pertension
& sleroder#a and eisen#enger o#ple.'
2 TO:F
2 e"stein ano#al% & OPO s%ndro#e '
[ a"sent A wa$e 2 atrial fi"rillation
[ a"sent \ wa$e 2 triuspid regurgitation
[ C> wa$e and steep A desent 2 se$ere triuspid regurgitation
[ a"sent A wa$e 2 Periardial effusion & ardia te#ponade F"eEsNs triad '
[ anon A wa$e 2 o#plete heart "loE
[ &#!' lateral wall MI 2 6eft Ciru#fle\ art
[ right ant wall MI 2 6eftAnterior Desending art
[ e.tensi$e ant wall MI 2 6eft #ain CA
[ post wall MI 2 PDA
[ inf wall MI 2 *CA
[ aute periarditis
2 ST ele$ation & ona$e '
2 periardial frition ru"
2 hest pain
2 treat the ause
[ periardial effusion :2
2 eletrial alterans
2 #one% "ag and water "ottle app
2 low $oltage EC@ & non speifi '
2 TOC 2 ehoradiograph%
[ ardia te#ponade :2
2 "eENs triad 2 h%potensionF #uffled )eart soundFongested neE $ein
2 pulsus < eletrial alterans
U other auses of Pulsus 2 alifiation & onstriti$e periarditis 'F inf wall
MIFpul#onar% e#o"olis#F status astha#atiusF COPD
[ onstriti$e periarditis
2 alifiation
2 Euss#ualNs sign
2 square root sign
2 periardial shudder
2 pulsus
[ #! "enign "rain tu#or in adults 2 #eningio#a
[ #! "rain tu#or in hild 2
Cere"ller astro%to#a
[ #! "enign "rain tu#or in hildren 2 raniophar%ngio#a
[ # t%pe of seiKure in adult 2 @TCS
[ # t%pe in hildren 2 fe"rile seiKure
[ # t%pe in adolesents 2 Tu$enile #%oloni epileps%
[ # t%pe in neonates 2 su"tle seiKures
[ anti2 (1 g%loprotein A( 2 antiphospholipid anti"od% s%ndro#e
[ anti2 p 2 rheu#atoid arthritis
[ Ds2 DNA 2 S6E
[ Anti2 topoiso#erase 2 Sleroder#a
[ anti entro#ere 2 C*EST SAND*OME
[ SSA AND SS( 2 sia s%ndro#e
[ )6A (8,F )6A (8 2 "ehetNs disease
[ M!C!C of #eningitis in neonates 2 @(S and in india 2 E-CO6I 5 Ele"siella
[ M!C!C of #eningitis pediatris 2 S-pneu#onia
[ M!C!C of #eningitis in adulti 2 S-pneu#onia & in sporadi '
2 if asE in epide#i #eningtis then it will "e 2 N-#eningitides-
[ narrow split & s1' 2 aorti stenosisF )OCM F 6>: & PDA '
[ wide split S1 2 M*F>SDFASD & wide fi.ed split S1'
[ fi.ed split s1 2 ASD
& CACSES O: ASD )ENCE CACSES O: fi.ed splite s1 '
[ SAN 2 siE sinus s%ndro#e
[ A>N 2 o#plete heart "loE
[ (O) 2 #o"its 1 "loE
[ S3 2 ph%siologiFdilated ): FP-shudder
[ [ "undle of Eent 2 A""erant ondution 2 hall #arE of OPO s%ndro#e-
2 post surgial--ilia and g%ne s.
Z or2pul#onale2 PA)TNF *> failureFhepeato#agel%-
Z EC@ 2 deep S, ? lead , 2 dilation of *> & DE:ECTI>E DEPO6A*ISION'
P!E findings 2 loud S,F wide fi.ed splitF S3 $entriular gallops
IOC 2 spiral CT or >!P san
\2 ra% findings 2 wester#arE signsF ha#pton sign-
T. 2 thro#"ol%sis-
[ #%oplas#a auses paro.%s#al old he#oglo"inuria "% auto a" against *(C & donath
landstainer a" ' with at%pial pneu#onia
[ legionella asues SIAD) with pneu#onia
[ Ele"siella pneu#onia 2 "ulging fissure sign T. 2 efota.i#e<a#iEain & I> '
[ interstitial pneu#onia aused "% P-Diro$ei in )I> pt- T. 2 otri#o.aKole-
[ papillar% aner th%roid 2 a!w *ET or NT*I, or (*A: and ioniKing rad
2 histopath :2 psa##o#a "odies and ground glass or orphan annie e%e nulei
& pseudoinlusions '
[ folliular aner of th%roid 2 a!w *AS ono gene and N2*AS
[ DOC for atrial fi"rillation :2 aute 2 ESMO6O6 and hroni 2
[ DOC for PS>T 2 adenosine
[ for PS>T 2 $erapa#il
[ DOC for $entriular tah%ardia :2 lignoaine and 2 a#iodarone
[ TOC for >entriular fi"rillation 2 ardio$ersion and DOC2 6ignoaine!"ret%liu#
[ DOC for OPO s%ndro#e 2 fleainide and definiti$e treat#ent 2 laser a"lation
[ DOC for torsades de pointes 2 #gso4 and 2 propanolol
[ DOC :O* digitalis indued >-A :2 6I@NOCAINEQ!"R
ZZ IMP ardio$asular s%ste# radiolog% features :2
[ Shoe2#an "oot shaped heart & or2en sa"ot ' :2 tetrolog% of fallot
[ N figure of 3N appearane of aorti EnuEle : oartation of aorta
[ #one% "ag! leather "ottle! flasE shaped heart :2 periardial effusion
[ "anana2shaped left $entriles :2 )%pertrophi ardio#%opath%
[ N Egg2on2sideN appearane :2 Transposition of great arteries & T@A'
[ NSnow2#anN ! N figure of LN appearane :2 total ano#alous pul#onar% $enous drainage
& TAP>C'
[ )ilar dane & fluorosop% ' :2 atrial septal defet
[ N Pruned treeN appearane :2 Pul#onar% arterial h%pertension
[ Stag2anglerNs sign :2 #itral stenosis
[ (o. shaped heart 2 e"stainNs ano#al%
Croodile sEin 2 ith%osis $ulgarisF a"sene of stratu# granulousu#-
)ous Eeeping 2 S-"asale
Pal# and soles onl% 2 s-luidu#-
Epider#al turn o$er ti#e nor#al 2 1L
Psoriasis 2 4 da%s
:lat ells w!o an% neuleus 2 s-ornui#
L02M0 7 2 Eeratino%tes
Melano%tes2 s%nthesised #elanin 2 s-"asale
6angerhans ells 2 antigen presenting ells2 i##unologiall% ati$e ells2 s-spinosu#2
horse shoe shaped 2 "one #arrow 2 #igrator% ells
MerEel ells 2 #ehanoreeptors
Saw tooth 2 lihen planus
*ete ridges elongation 2 psoriasis
Ede#a su" utaneous 2 angioede#a
Sweat gland 2 erine glandFaporine
Most a"undant pal# and soles 2 sole
Most of o$er "od% sweat gland Erine in nature
Molls glandF eru#in gland
Infla##ation of erine sweat gland 2 #ilariasis
Infla##atio# of aporine 2 fo. ford%es spot 2 a.illa
Sweatgland ontrolled "% preor"ital area-
Se"aeous gland 2 all o$er the "od% e.ept 2 pal# and soles
Atthed hair folliles 2 pilo se"aeous unit
E.eption isolated 2 ford%es spot
Oral #uosa and lips 2 #ost o##on
anatomy notes for fmge must read
, #illion 2 "od% hair
, laEh 2 sEull hair
SEull hair 2 0-4 ##
(eard 2 0-1 ##
Pu"es 2 0-, ##
A.illa 2 0-1 ##
I#p points of anato#%
Medial epiond%litis 2 golferNs el"ow
6ateral epiond%litis 2 tennis el"ow
Z arr%ing angle 2 "!w long of ar# and long of forear#
fe#ale 2 ,4 degree
Male 2 ,, degree
Pulled el"ow 2 head of the ulnar "one pulled out fro# annular liga#ent
Superior and inferior radioulnar Toints are pi$ot
Supinator 2 "iep "rahiiF#usulo utenous ner$e
Pronator 2 pronator teres and pronetor qudratur
:le.ion of the el"ow 2 "iep "rahiiF"rahialisF"rahioradialis
E.tension 2 triep "rahii
M! t%pe of Z supraond%lar frture
Orist Toin 2 s%no$ial Toint of ellipsoid
Pissifor# 2 ossifies ,1 %rs of age
Capitate 2 largest "one] 1nd #onth of life
)a#ate 2 3rd #nth
Triquetru# 2 3rd #nth
6unate 2 4th
SaphoidFtrepFtrep 2 8th
Carpo#etaarpal Toint 2 ,st 2 saddle ] 1nd to 8th 2 ellipsoid
MCP 2 COND%lar
Ip 2 hinge
M! Z of arpal "one 2 saphoid
Pro. seg of saphoid 2 1nd #! a$asular nerosis
:e#ur #! a$sular ner
6unate 2 #st o##onl% disloated
CTS 2 #edian ner$e inTur%
Anato#% of sapula
^ Aess of rotation is pass "% inf angle
^ *otation of sapula deide "% inf angle
^ Shoulder Toint 2 "all2 soEet Toint
^ @lenoidal la"ru# 2 fi"ro artilage atthed at the #argin of the glenoid
^ Supraglenoid tu"erle2 long head of "iep "rahii
^ Infraglenoid tu"erle 2 longhead of triep "rahii
^ Supraspinous fossa 2 sa#e "ut #usle
^ I#fraspinous fossa 2 infraspinous #usle
^ A"dution at Shoulder Toint 2
02,8 :2 supraspinous #usle
,82M0 :2 deltoid #usle
Z related ner$e to hu#erous
2 a.illar% ner$e
2 radial ner$e
2 ulnar ner$e 2 "ehind the #edial epiond%le
^ *adial groo$e 2 radial ner$e F profound "rahii 2 nutrient arter% of hu#erous "one
Anato#% hu#erous
@reater tu"erle
2 supraspinous #usle
2 infraspinous #usle
2 teres #inor
6esser tu"erle
2 su" sapularis
Shoulder Toint
2 tenden% 2 inferiorl%
Dislose #ost o##on at anteriorl%
6ips of hu#erous :2 #edial groo$e2 teres #aTor
6at lip 2 petoralis #aTor
6atissis#us dorsii floor of the groo$e
fracture and treatment imp points
,' )u#erus shaftZ 2 C* G C Cast
1' SuprasapularZ 2 C*I: with I wire
3' shoulder disloation: EoherNs #ethod
4' lat- Cond%larZ 2 O*I: with I wire
8' el"ow disloation: C*
J' IndiretZ 2 O*I: with T(O
9' *adial headZ 2 C*! O*I:
L' Pulled el"ow: C* "% supination
M' "oth "one forear#Z :2
O*I: with plate &adult'
C* G A!E ast &hild'
,0' ollesZ :2 C* G Colles ast
,,' lunate disloation:2 O*I:
,1' :e#ur neEZ :2 C*I: with pin!srew
,3' :e#ur intertrohanterZ :2 C*I: with
Duput%trenNontrature 2 pal#ar aponeurosis ontrature
Tennis el"ow 2 lateral epiond%le
@olferNs el"ow 2 #edial epio"d%le
(ursitis 2 "ursa
Tenos%no$itis 2 s%no$ial lining of tenon sheath
Carpal tunnel s%ndro#e 2 #edian ner$e o#pression
:roKen shoulder 2 Toint apsule
Meralgia paraesthesia 2 entrapped lateral utaneous ner$e
Austin2#oore prosthesis 2 frature neE of fe#ur
Iirshner wire 2 s#all "one fi.ation
Iuntsher nail 2 frature shaft of fe#ur
(anEartN s proedure 2 reurrent disloation of shoulder
Dw%erNs osteoto#% 2 CTE>
#e%erNs operation 2 frature neE of fe#ur
Tho#as splint 2 i##o"ilisation of hip and thigh inTuries
CoE up splint 2 radial ner$e pals%
>on rosenN s splint 2 ongenital disloation of hip
Dennis "rown splint 2 CTE>
MilwauEee "rae 2 soliosis
@allowNs tration 2 frature shaft of fe#ur & age "elow 1 %ears '
)ip spia 2 Z shaft of fe#ur
*usselNs tration 2 trohanteri frature
:rogNs ast 2 ong disloation of hip
(athelorNs hil 2 ong disloation of hip
)anging ast 2 Z shaft of hu#erus
Miner$a TaEet 2 i##o"iliKation of er$ial spine
biochem notes
M%ophenolate 2 "loE IMP 2 D) in purine s%nthesis "% deno$o and thats how "loEs (
and T l%#pho%tes
JMP 2 inhi"it aden%lo suinate and i#p2dh in purine s%nthesis "% deno$o s%nthesis
(oth drugs are antineoplasti
Allopurinol 2 inhi"it .anthine o.idase in the step of .anthine to uri aid in purine
End produt of purine in hu#an "eing is uri aid
End produt of protein in hu#an is urea
Allantoin 2 end produt of purine in non pri#ates
Adenine dea#inase def an ause SCID
Purine #eta"olis# disorder :2
@out 2 #ono na< urate
Psuedo gout 2 a<1 p%rophosphate
SCID 2 ADA defiien%
6esh2na%an s%ndro#e 2 laE of nuleotide sal$age pathwa%
Co#plete def of )@P*T
Ielle% sieg#iller s%ndro#e 2 ino#plete defiien% of )@P*T
>on2gierEe s%ndro#e 2 gJpase def
ZAutosonal do#inantZ
U>o2 $on wille"rand disease
U:a#ilial2 fa#ilial adeno#atus pol%posis
U)%perholsterole#ia2 fa#ilial )-
UAutoso#al2 adult pol%%sti Eidne%
UD2 d%strophi #%otonia
UO2 osteogenesis i#perfeta
UM2 #arfan s%ndro#e
UI2 inter#ittent porph%ria
UN2 N: ,
UA2 ahondroplasia
UN2 N: 1
UT2 Tu"erous slerosis
U)2 huntington disease G hereditar% sphero%tosis
UE2 ehler danlos s%ndro#e
ZAutoso#al reessi$eZ
U:ried2 friedrihNs ata.ia
UPoori2 phen%lEetonuria
UAnd2 al"inis#
U@ara#2 galatose#ia
UC2 %sti fi"rosis
U)2 he#ohro#atosis
UA2 alfa, antitr%psin defiien%
UO2 wilson disease
UA2 alEeptonuria
U62 l%soso#al G gl%ogen storage disease
UM2 #usular atroph%
UA2 adrenal h%perplasia
US2 siEle ell disease
UT2 thalese#ia
U)ai2 ho#o%stinuria
Z\ linE reessi$e disorderZ
U6ess2 lesh n%han s%ndro#e
U)2 he#ophilia AF ( G hunter s%n-
UC2 hroni granulo#atus disease
U@2 @JPD def-
UDeteted2 duhhene #usular d%stroph% G dia"etes insipidus
UCliniall% in2 olor "lindness
UA2 aga##aglo"uline#ia
U:ragile2 fragile . s%n- G fa"r% disease
UOo#an2 wisEott aldrih s%n-
Z\ linE do#inant disorderZ
U)%pophosphate#i t%pe of $it D resistand riEet
UInontinentia pig#enti
UOro faial digital s%nd-
Ualport s%ndro#e
Merur% poisoning
(laE TEA P 6e
(laE 2 "laE "lue line on gu#s
T 2 tre#ors2 dan"err%!hatter!glass "owler
E 2 Erethis#
A2 arod%nia
P 2 PCT #ainl% in$ol$edFpinE disease
6e2 lentis!#eruria lentis
6EAD poisoning
New2 neuropath% G nephropath%
A 2 ane#ia with puntate "asophilia
( 2 "urtonian or "lue stippled lead line
C 2 oli G onstipation
D 2 dr% "ell% ahe
E2 enephalopath%
: 2 faial pallor
poisoning and antidotes
Dhatura 2 ph%sostig#ine
Organo phosphate 2 atropine
Arseni 2 h%drated ferri o.ideFaliu# sodiu# edetate- C!i alEali
Phosphorous2 uso4
Murur% 2 sodiu# for#aldeh%de sulfures%late
)1So4 2 Mgo
)CN 2 a#iline nitrite&inhalatio#' <sodiu# nitrite<sodui# thiosulphate
6ead 2 aliu# sodiu# EDTA
Car"oli aid & phenol ' 2 gastri la$ageF helating agent
Opiu# 2 nalo.ane
O.ali aid 2 aliu# gluonate
Cu poisoning 2 I< ferro feri %anide
SnaEe $eno# 2 antidote 2 #ade fro# o##on EraitF o"raF russel $iperFsaw sale $iper-
Meth%l alohol 2 he#odial%sis
2 fo#epiKole
2 eth%l alohol
Str%hinine poisoning 2 "enKodiaKepines
Aonite 2 ati$ated harol
IMP points in toxicology
Deliriant poisons2 dhatura2road poisoning2 ,00seeds2ph%sost%g#ine
[ anna"is sati$a!tetra h%dro anna"inol2haras is #ost potent for#
[ "hang 2 dried lea$es
[ ganTa 2 flowering tops of fe#ale plant
[ haras2 resinous e.udate
[ #aToon 2 sweet part of plant
[ o.ali aid 2 offee ground $o#itus
[ phenol 2 white leather% appearane of sto#ah #uosa
2 ar"oluria
2 ohronosis
[ nitri o.ide 2 .anthoprotei reation
[ arseni 2 aldrih #ees lineFholeraFaddison diseaseFraindrop pigFred $al$et% #uosa
encapsulated bacteria
A o##on #ne#oni used to re#e#"er so#e enapsulated pathogens is:
"E$en So#e Super Iillers )a$e Prett% Nie Capsules"
Esherihia oliF
Streptoous pneu#oniaeF Sal#onella
Ile"siella pneu#oniaeF
)ae#ophilus influenKaeF Pseudo#onas aeruginosaF
Neisseria #eningitidisF
Cr%ptoous neofor#ans-
Z >irus 2 10 2 100 n#
Z 10n# 2 par$o $irus
Z 100n# 2 hiEen po.
Z Doshep lister 2 antisepti #easure to pre$ent surgial sepsis
Z Anton% $an leuwenhoeE 2 founder of #irosop%
Z Iarr% (- Mullis 2 diso$ered PC*
Z Paul ehrliih 2 aid fast stain
Z *o"ert Eoh 2 father of #edial #iro"iolog%
Z 6ouis pasteur 2 Enown as father of #iro"iolog%
Microbiology igh yeild notes!!"""
_MCC o##on old! C*TI:
5*hino $irus
_MCC "ronhiolitis hild:
_MCC lar%ngotraheo"ronhitis!roup! "arEing ough:
5parainflenKa $irus
_MCC asepti #eningitis:
5 entero$irus
_ MCC asepti #eningitis world:
_ onl% single stranded DNA $irus:
5 Par$o
_ nOn en$elop DNA $irus
5 par$O
5 papO$a
5 adenO
_ onl% DNA $irus w! o#p- s%##etr%
5 po. ` en$eloped $irus
_ onl% dou"le stranded *NA $irus:
5 reo $irus
_ $irus undergo antigeni shift or geneti reassort#ent: QA(O G *h grpR
,' Arena $irus
1' (uni%a $irus
3' Ortho#%.o $irus? influenKa &MC'
4' *eo? rota $irus
_ $iral diarrhea :
U DNA $irus ause2 ADeNo $irus
U *NA $irus Cause2 Q*NA CR
,' *ota
[[[ $irulane fator
Capsule and sli#e la%ers
,' S-pneu#oniae
1' )-influenKa
3- Ile"seila
4- N-#eningitidis
8- E-oli
J- Cr%ptoous
Antiphago%ti surfae
,-S-p%ogens M protein
1-N-gonorroeae pili
3-S-aureus protein A
O"ligate anero"es Atino#%esF"ateroidsFlostridiu#
ZZZZ and "ateria
to. #ehanis#2 "ateria na#e
C-diptheriae 2 protein s%nthesis inhi"itor
P-aeruginosa 2 sa#e
S-d%senteriae 2 sa#e
E)EC 2 Sa#e
C-"otulinu# 2 2 flaid paral%sis 2 "loEing of inhi"itor% neurotrans#ittors
C-tetanus 2 neuroto.ins 2 spasti paral%sis
Super antigen 2 s-aureus] s-p%ogenes]
AMP 2 ETECF $-holeraeF(-anthraiaF(-pertusisF
C%tol%sin 2 C-perfringensF S-aureus-
Apple Tell% nodules26upus $ulgaris
Anho$% saue pus 2 a#oe"i
(unh of @rapes2Eth#oidal pol%p
Chinese fried rie2(-ereus
Cha#pagne glass pel$is2Ahondro plasia
Cha#pagne leg defor#it%2>ari
ose $ain
Cherr% red lip2 CO poisoning
Cauliflower ear2)a#arto#a
Choolate %st 2 endo#etriosis Dinner :orE defor#it%2Colle Ns
Egg on side appearane2T@A
Egg ell alifiation2S
iliosisFSaroi dosis
Egg on string 2 transposition of great $essels
with intat $entriular septu#
:ried egg olon%2M%oplas#a
@arli s#ell2Arseni poisoning-
)one% o#" lung 2 pul#onar%
fi"rosis )one% oloured rusts2I#petigo
In$erted ups2 6arge intest
Nut#eg li$er 2 C):
Onion sEinning 2 ewings saro#a Port wine stain 2 he#angio#a
Pea soup diarrhea2T%phoid
Potato nose2*hinoph%#a
Poporn ells2)6&8th t%pe2Nodular
Poporn alifiation2P ul#onar%
*ed urrent Tell% stools2Intussus
*ie water diarrhea2Cholera
*ed urrent Tell% sputu# 2 Ele"siella
Salt n pepper *etinopath%2Con
genital *u"ella S%ndro#e
Straw"err% pol%p2*hinospor
Straw"err% tongue 2 EawasaEi F sarlet fe$er F
to.i shoE s%ndro#e
To#ato Eethup fundus2C*>O
Pathology Must #no$ %bodies%!!""""
,' Asteroid "odies 2 Sporotrihosis
1' Counil#an "odies 2 Aellow fe$er
3' Torres "odies 2 Aellow fe$er
4' 6eish#anBs Dono$anBs "odies 2 Iala AKar
8' )al"erstaedter 2ProwaKeEBs "odies 2 Traho#a
J' Mi%aga$aNs "odies2 6%#phogranulo#a $enereu#
9' 6e$inthal2Cole26illie "odies X Psittaosis
Negri "odies &intra%toplas#iF intra neuronF hippoa#pus' 2 *a"ies
M' @uarnieriNs "odies 2 >ainia &intra%toplas#i'
,0' (ollingerNs "odies 2 :owl po. &intra%toplas#i'
,,' )enderson2PetersonNs "odies 2 Mollusu# ontagiosu#
,1' Cowdr% t%pe2A "odies 2 Aellow fe$erF )erpes $irus infetion
,3' Cowdr% t%pe2( "odies 2 Adeno$irusF
Polio$irus &ode2(AP'
,4' AshoffNs "odies 2 *heu#ati fe$er
,8' *ussellBs "odies 2 Multiple #%elo#a
& Intranulear '
,J' Shau#annBs!Conhoids "odies &aliu# G iron' 2 Saroidosis G
,9' Asteroid "odies &eosinophili inlusions' 2 Saroidosis
,L' Call2E.ner "odies 2 @ranulosa ell tu#or of o$ar%
,M' >eroa% "odies 2 Neurile##o#a
10' Ci$atteBs &olloid' "odies 2 6ihen planus
1,' Mihaelis2@utt#annNs "odies 2 MalaEoplaEia
11' 6ew% "odies 2 ParEinsonNs disease
13' 6afora "odies 2 :a#ilial #%olonus
14' )irano "odies 2 AlKhei#erBs disease
18' Oei"el2Palade "odies 2 storage organelles of $on Oille"randBs fator in platelets G
1J' Pappenhei#er "odies X non he#e iron pig#ents in sidero%te
19' )owell2Dell% "odies 2 spleneto#% F
Megalo"lasti Anae#iaF )e#ol%ti anae#ia
1L' )etoid "odies 2 SiEle ell ane#ia
1M' )einK "odies 2 thalasse#ia
30' Dahle "odies 2 %toplas#i inlusion "odies in neutrophils seen in "aterial infetion
3,' )istio%tosis2\&)\'&(ir"eENs granules' 2 )istio%tosis2\
31' @a##a2@and% "odies 2 Congesti$e
33' Mallor%Ns "odies 2 h%aline inlusions in hepato%tes seen in aloholiF indian
hildhood irrhosis--
34' Apoptoti "odies 2 #e#"rane "ound spherial strutures in Apoptosis
38' Psa##o#a "odies 2 d%strophi alifiation in #eningio#aF papillar% serous
%stadeno#a of o$ar% G papillar% arino#a of th%roidF papillar% t%pe of *CC-
3J' 6E "odies &he#ato.%lin "odies' 2 S6E
39' Du#""ell shaped As"estos "odies 2 as"estos fi"res oated with gl%oprotein G
stained with Prussian "lue stain
3L' 6u%s "od% 2 su"thala#i nuleus
3M' Da$idsonBs "od% 2 se. hro#atin in
neutrophils &du#""ell shaped'
40' )erring "odies 2 pars ner$osa of pituitar% gland
4,' Dono$an "od% 2 @ranulo#a inguinale
41' NisslBs "odies 2 %toplas#i inlusions in neurons
43' MoserBs "odies 2 T%phus fe$er
44' 6ipshbtKN "odies 2 intra nulear inlusions in herpes si#ple. infetion
48' ;e"ra "odies 2 %toplas#i inlusions in shwann ell degeneration
4J' (a"es2Ernest #etahro#ati granules 2 Diphtheria
49' *eill%Bs "odies 2 )urlerNs s%ndro#e
4L' @a##a2:a$re "odies 2 6@>
4M' OinElerNs G *ossNs "odies 2 S%philis
80' Sandstra#Bs "odies 2 Parath%roid gland
8,- Counil#an (odies ? )EP ( & d%ing
hepato%tes '
81- :eruginous (odies ? As"estosis
83- )einK (ODIES ? @JPD DE:
88- Creola (ODIES ? Asth#a
8J- Odland (ODIES ? Ieratinoso#e
89- *ushton (ODIES ? Odontogeni CASTS
8L- ;e"ra (ODIES ? Metahro#ati
6euEod%stroph%F Nie#ann PiENs Disease-
8M- (rah% Ochter (odies ? Infeti$e
J0- @lo"oid "odies ? Ira""es disease
J,- Alder 2 *eill% (odies ? oarse aKurophili granules in the leuEo%tes in A6DE* 2
J1- (odies Of Arantius ? aorti $al$e nodules
J3- >eroa% (odies ? shwanno#a
J4- (al"ianiNs (odies ? %olE nuleus
J8- (a#"oo (odies ? as"estos "odies
JJ- (rass% (od% ? darE shrunEen "lood
orpusle found in MA6A*IA
J9- Cooid \ (odies ? psittaosis
JL- C%toid (odies ? in degenerated retinal-N fi"res- seen in otton wool spots
JM- )arting (odies ? alospherite in the ere"ral apillaries
90- (od% Of )igh#ore ? #ediastinu# testis
9,- Masson (odies ? rheu#ati pneu#onia
91- Mott (odies ? #ultiple #%elo#a
93- Donnes (odies ? olostru# orpusles
94- OEenNs (od% ? #esonephros
98- Pashen (odies ? $ariola or $ainia
9J- Shiller Du$alNs (odies ? ENDODE*MA6 SINCS TCMOC*
99- *esidual (odies ? SA*COID AND SA*COID 6IIE @*ANC6OMAS
9L- (od% Of )igh#ore ? #edullar% arino#a of testis
9M- Odland (odies ? :legelBs Disease &i-e
h%perEeratosis lentiularis perstans'
L0- *ed Neurons ? Apoptosis
&ab 'alues these is imp and should remember!!""
Total (iliru"in: 0-3 2, #g!dl
ConTugated "iliru"in: 0-,20-3 #g!dl
CnonTugated "iliru"in: 0-120-9 #g!dl
A6P: 32,3 IA>
: 302,10 IC!6
Q51. nor#al in o"strutionR
Q/3. nor#al in $iral!aloholi hepatitisR
AST G A6T: 80 C!6 appro.-
Qaloholi hepatitis:AST!A6T ratio 5,F 51F 53 G ASTFA6T /400 C!6
$iral! hepatitis: AST!A6T ratio /, G ASTFA6T 5800 C!6 R
total protin: J2L g#!dl
al"u#in: 3-828-8 g#!dl
^ EnK%#e induer
[ @P*S Cell Phone
P d phen%toin
* d rifa#piin
S d s#oEing
Cell d ar"a#aKepines
Phone d pheno"ar"itone

[ EnK%#e inhi"itors
>it d $alproate
I- d EetoonaKole
Cant d i#entidine
Cause d iproflo.ain
EnK%#e d er%thro#%in
Inhi"ition d isoniaKid
[ ;ero order Einetis drugs
;ero d Kero order Einetis
O d warfarin
A d alohilFaspirin
T d theoph%lline
T d tol"uta#ide
Power dphen%toin
[ drugs #eta"oliKed "% aet%lation- & S)IP drugs auses S6E '
S d sulfona#ides
) d h%dralaKine
I d inh
P d proaina#ide
[ prodrusgs
M d #eth%ldopa
6 d le$odopa
A d all ACE inhi e.ept apropril and lisinopril
M d #eraptopurine
P d proguanil
D d dipo$efrine
S d sulfasalaKine
P d prednisone
M d #ino.idil
S d sulinda
:aEe d flurourail
Person d prodrugs
[ side effets of phen%toin
) d hirsutis# and h%pertroph% of gu#s
O d osteo#alaia
T d Teratogeni
M d #egalo"lasti ane#ia
A d arr%th#ia
6 d l%#phnode enlarge#ent
I d derease insulin
I d derease $it E
A d ata.iaFn%stag#isF$ertigo
IMP points in pathology
Z*eurrene of disease after li$er transplant:
< autoi##une hepatitis
< pri#ar% "illiar% irrhosis
2 wilsons disease
2 alpha, anti tr%psin defiien%
Z AST out of proportion to A6T seen in:
_ aloholi hepatitis
_ fatt% li$er in pregnan%
Z stig#ata of aloholi hepatitis! irrhosis:
,' "ilateral enlarge parotids
1' g%neo#astia
3' testiular atroph% with "od%hair loss
4' wasting of #usle #ass
8' duput%rens ontrature
Z #allor% h%aline "odies &preEeratin inter#ediate fila#ent eosinophili' seen in:
&New Indian OATC)'
_Indian hildhood irrhosis
_Oilson disease
_Alfa , anti tr%psin defiien%
_Aloholi li$er disease
_Tu#or of li$er: )CC
_Chroni holestati onditions
_)epati!,e "illiar% irrhosis
Qnot seen in 1e "illiar% irrhosis G he#ohro#atosisR
Z arseni assoiated with following:
_sEin aner
_lung aner
_hepati angiosaro#a
Z! flapping tre#or! irregular oarse tre#ors seen in:
`)epatiF ure#i G respirator% failure
Z rapid fine tre#ors seen in: `th%roto.iosis
Z I: rings seen in:
_wilson disease
_hroni ati$e! autoi##une hepatitis
_,e "illiar% irrhosis
_intrahepati holestati s%ndro#e
IMP points in pathology
Thro#"in ti#e:
,82,M se
5ti#e of fi"rin for#ation fro# fi"rinogen in plas#a
5 done as ne.t step to inrease PT G PTT to e.lude fi"rin for#ation a"nor#alities liEe
DICF afi"rinogene#iaF a#%loidosisF MMF diret thro#"in inhi"itors and anti"odies
Ati$ated Clotting ti#e &ACT!CT':
L0d,J0 se
5 ti#e of lot for#ation $ia intrinsi pathwa% "% addition of :\II ati$ators
5 done intraoperati$el% to #onitor unfrationed heparin therap% during in$asi$e
IMP points in pathology
MC )6: Nodular slerosis&world'
: #i.ed ellularit% &india'
MC N)6: D6(6
PreluEe#i: MDSF AAF PN)
No spleno#egal%: ITPF AA
II: "eta Z
I>: Ca Z
>: others
, 2 fi"rinogen
1 2 prothro#"in
3 2 thr#"oplastin
4 2 aliu#
8 2 la"ile fator & proaelerin '
J 2 2
9 2 proon$ertin & SPCA ' F sta"le fator
L 2 antihe#ophili fatore & antihe#opholi glo"ulin! antihe#ophili A '
M 2 hris#as fator & antihe#ophili fator ( '
,0 2 sturart power fator
,, 2 plas#a thro#"oplastin anteedent & antihe#ophili fator C '
,1 2 hage#en fator & glass! ontat fator '
,3 2 fi"rin sta"ilising fator & laEi lorand fator '
*e$ersi"le ell inTur%:
)%dropi hange
M%elin figure
*edue protin s%nthesis
Clu#ping nulear hro#atin
Irre$ersi"le ell inTur%:
Cell #e#"rane da#age
Mitohondrial densit%
Chro#atin ondensation: p%Enosis
CaspaseF endonuleaseF C%t2C : intrinsi
:as26 ! CD M8 : e.trinsi
(rug of choice!!""
["elladona poisoning and dhatura 2 ph%sostig#ine
[plague 2 strepto#%in
[hepati o#a 2 neo#%in
[der#atitis herpatifor# 2 dapsone
[pneu#o%stis arini 2 otri#o.aKole
[to.oplas#osis 2 sulfado.ine < p%ra#etha#ine
[anthra.F th%phoid fe$er in opdF 1nd DOC of #eningooal #eningitis 2
[DOC #eningooal #eningitis 2 rifa#pin
["ruella 2 do.%%lin < rifa#piin
[lepra reation 2 steroides
[at%pial #%o"ateriu# 2 *ifa"utin < Etha#"utol < Clarithro
[EalaaKar 2 a#photeriin (F sti"ogluonate and oral 2 #ilfefosine
[andidaF r%ptoousF oides 2 fluonaKole
[aspergillosis 2 >orionaKole
[atropine poisoning 2 ph%sostig#ine
[alKhei#ers disease 2 donepeKil
[#%esthenia gra$is and o"ra"ite 2 neostig#ine< atropine
[organophosphateF #orphineF pontine and phenol poisoning 2 Atropine
[AD)D 2 #eth%l phenidate
[shoE with oliguria 2 DOPAMINE
ZZ i#p hro#oso#es ZZZ
,-P83 2hr- ,9 pF
1-neuro"lasto#a2 hr- ,p
3-$hl 2 hr- 3p
4-adult pol%%sti Eidne% 2 hr- ,J
8-%sti fi"rosis 2 hr-9q
J-wil#s tu#or 2 ,,p
9-retino"lasto#a 2 hr- ,3 q
L-"ra , 2hr-,9q
M-"ra 12hr-,3 q
,0-nf ,2 ,9q
,,-nf 12hr- 11 q
CNS P)*O&O+,!!S-PER (-PER!!I+ ,IE&(!!""""
ZZZ CNS patholog% ZZZ
[ Neuroetoder#al ells are :2
,' astro%tes
1' oligodendro%tes
3' epend%#al ells
[ Su"auteSlerosing PanEnephalitis 2 aused "% #easles 2 warthin franEelda% giant
[ Progressi$e Multifoal 6euoenephalopath% 2 DC pol%#o $irus 2 ground glass
appearane d!t infetion of oligodendro%tes
[ Miroglial ells 2 gitter ells 2 lipid inlusion seen in sudan i$ test-
[ anterior fossa ano#alies 2 neural tu"e defet & #!' 2 spina "ifida oulta #! t%pe of
<[ l%sseneephal% 2 a!w triso#% ,3 2 agenesis of orpus allosu# 2 "at wing defor#it%
[ dand% walEer s%ndro#e 2 4th $entrile %sti dilatation 2 inreased posterior fossa
[ arnold2 C)iari #alfor#ation #alfor#ation 2due to ere"ellar herniation 2 TECTCM
(*EAIIN@ a!E!a quadrige#inal plate da#age
[ CS: for#ation :2
lateral $entriles and horoid 55 1nd $entriles 55 fora#en of #unro 55 3rd
$entriles 55 auqedut s%l$ius 55 4th $entriles 55 fora#en #agendie and lushEa 55
su"arahonoid spae or $erte"ral olu#n
[ sturge we"er s%ndro#e 2 serpentine alifiation a!E!a *AI6 *OAD T*ACT
[tu"erous slerosis 2 CAND6E D*IPPIN@ SI@N
2 triad of linial presentations
,' adeno#a se"aeou# &shagreen pathes'
1' seiKure
3' #ental retardation
[ Neurofi"ro#atosis21 :2 hr211 25 #erlin and shwanno#in protein seen
[ Neurofi"ro#atosis2, 2 & hr2,9 ' 2 f diagnosti riteria
a' afe au lait #aules
"' iris he#arto#a & lish nodules '
' a.illar% or inguinal freEles
D' opti glio#a
E ' neurofi"ro#a
:' fa#il% #e#"er has nf,
[ glio"lasto#a2#ultifor#e :2 pseudopalisading nerosis & serpentine nerosis and around
it there is tu#or ells '
[ #!C tu#or of "rain 2 #etastasis
[ #! pri#ar% tu#or of "rain 2 glio#a if not in option #eningio#a
[ #! pri#ar% "rain tu#or of pediatri age grp is Tu$enile pilo%ti astro%to#a
& ere"ellar astro%to#a'
[ su" epend%#al ger#ell astro%to#a 2 #!!s of origin is fora#en of #unro
[ huntigtonNs horea 2 hr 4
2 trinuleotide repeat #utation of CA@ and deposition in intrastriatal areas & audate and
puta#en '
[ intraere"ral he#orrhage 2 C)A*COAT2(OCC)A*D ANEC*ASM & lipo2
h%alinosis of $essels '
[ tu"erular #eningitis 2 CO(2OE(2COA@C6CM
2 M!C! presentation diffuse #eningoenephalitis
2 #!! o#pliation ere"ral $essel infartion
[ al"u#ino %tologial dissoiation 2 gullian "arre s%ndro#e
[ $iral #eningitis light #irosop% findings 2
,' #iroglial nodules
1' peri$asular 6%#pho%te infiltrates
3' white #atter nerosis & de#%elination '
4' $iral inlusion :2
A' )S> 2 COOD*A NAN TAPE 2 intranulear
(' ra"ies :2 negri"odies 2 intra 2%toplas#i
C' CM> :2 intra%toplas#i and intra nulear inlusion
[ prionNs disease 2 C6CSTE* O: @*APES 6IIE >ACCO6ES a!E!a spongioti $auole
[ alKhei#er disease :2
,' neuriti plaques
1' neurfi"rillar% tangles 2 tau protein olletion
3' granulo $auolar degener2ation of neurons
4' A" t%pe of a#%loid deposition
8' hirano "od% &alpha atin prt '
[ piENs disease :2 thin wafer liEe g%rus a!E!a Enife edge appearaneF "alloned neurons
[ h%droephalus2. $aouls a!w AD and piENs disease
[ parEinsons disease 2 lew% "od%
& alpha s%nlein protein '
*eflu. esophagitis! @E*D: 5fundopliation
5 str- Squa#ous hange to int- Colu#nar epitheliu#
Ahalasia ardia
5"ird "eaE appearane
(arret esophagus
5rat tail appearane
,' T%pe A: autoi##une
5 fundusF "od%
5neutrophil < #arophage
1' T%pe (: )- P%lori
5 antru#
5 plas#a ell
5 neut < #arophage
dr!sparsh pathology notes
CD3 pan T ell #arEer
CD ,M pan ( ell #arEer
T ell: CD ,---L e.ept J
( ell: CD ,M--13
i##ature ( ell! CA66A: CD ,0
E(>: CD 1,
NI ell: CD ,JF 8J
APC: Dendriti ellF ( ellF #arophage
M%eloid #arEer: CD ,,9
Pan leuEo%te #arEer: CD 48 *O
Classial *S ell: CD ,8F 30 <
MegaEar%o%te: CD 4,F 41F J1
)air% ell leuEe#ia: CD ,,F 18F ,03 <
CD 8 2
Mantle ell l%#pho#a: CD 8 < CD 132
:olliular l%#pho#a: CD 82
CD ,0F ,M to 13F9M <
dr!de'esh fmge imp points!!must read last min re'ie$!!""
[ Classi *S ells 2 CD,8< and CD30<
,' Nodular slerosis 2 launar *S ells
1' 6%#pho%te predo#inant )6 2 si#ple *S ells 2 CD10 <>E F CD ,82 and CD 302
& POPCO*N *S CE66S '
3' Mi. ellularit% 2 #ono nulear *S ells
4' 6 poor 2 pleo#orphi *S ells or nero"ioti ellF#u##ified *S ells
[ AM6 2 aKurophili granules
[ @ood Prognosis of A66 2 CD,0< F CD ,M213F 9M<
[ A66 2 good prognosis if :2
a' h%perdiploid%
"' triso#% 4F9F,0
C' t & M:,1'F t & ,1: 1,'
[ a"nor#al aKurophili granules 2 ACE**ODS
[ group of auerrods :2
g :A@@OTS CE66S
and A!O AM62M3
[hloro#a & #%elo"lasto#a ' 2 "est #arEer MPOF seond "est 2 CD,,9 <>E
g a!w t & L:1,'
[ #ost o##on AM6 in downs%ndro#e :2
g AM62M9 2 #egaEar%o "last 2 CD4, F41FJ1
f MDS %togenetis hanges
2 #onoso#% of hr 8 and 9
2 deletion of hr 8 and hr 9
2 a!w triso#% LF deletion 10 & 102'
[ #! pediatri %togeneti hanges in AM6 2 9 #onoso#%
[ #! adult %togenetis AM6 2 hr 8 deletion
[ #! o$er all AM6 2 hr 8 deletion-
[ C66 2 "oth #ust "e present 2 CD8< and CD13<
[ If one present onl% CD8< 2 MANT6E CE66 6ECIEMIA
[ IOC of C66 2 :low %to#etr% 2 i##unophenot%ping
[ C66 peripheral s#ear 2 s#udge ell or "asEet ell or parahute ell
[ diagnosti findings of C66
,' prol%#pho%tes whih are highl% #otileF fast di$ision & pathogno#i
of C66 '
1' proliferation entre
3' diffuse e.pansion of l%#phnode arhiteture
A"sent : 1,2h%dro.%lase &MC'
In-: ACT) 225 se. steroids
USreening test: ,92Eetosteroids in #aternal urine
UIOC: Cordoentesis &heE for ,92Eetosteroids'
ta"- de.a#ethasone to #other
&U 1, h%dro.%lase def-: MC
(A(A@I*6: $iriliKation<de-sugar<h%potension
U,, h%dro.%lase def-:
(A(A@I*6: $iriliKation<)TN
U,9 h%dro.%lase def:
(A(A(OA: a#"iguous genitalia< )TN
U3 h%dro.%lase def-:
(A(A(OA: a#"iguous genitalia < h%potension'
Apple Tell% nodules26upus $ulgaris
Anho$% saue pus 2 a#oe"i
(unh of @rapes2Eth#oidal pol%p
Chinese fried rie2(-ereus
Cha#pagne glass pel$is2Ahondro plasia
Cha#pagne leg defor#it%2>ari
ose $ain
Cherr% red lip2 CO poisoning
Cauliflower ear2)a#arto#a
Choolate %st 2 endo#etriosis Dinner :orE defor#it%2Colle Ns
Egg on side appearane2T@A
Egg ell alifiation2S
iliosisFSaroi dosis
Egg on string 2 transposition of great $essels
with intat $entriular septu#
:ried egg olon%2M%oplas#a
@arli s#ell2Arseni poisoning-
)one% o#" lung 2 pul#onar%
fi"rosis )one% oloured rusts2I#petigo
In$erted ups2 6arge intest
Nut#eg li$er 2 C):
Onion sEinning 2 ewings saro#a Port wine stain 2 he#angio#a
Pea soup diarrhea2T%phoid
Potato nose2*hinoph%#a
Poporn ells2)6&8th t%pe2Nodular
Poporn alifiation2P ul#onar%
*ed urrent Tell% stools2Intussus
*ie water diarrhea2Cholera
*ed urrent Tell% sputu# 2 Ele"siella
Salt n pepper *etinopath%2Con
genital *u"ella S%ndro#e
Straw"err% pol%p2*hinospor
Straw"err% tongue 2 EawasaEi F sarlet fe$er F
to.i shoE s%ndro#e
To#ato Eethup fundus2C*>O
Z Alurepeat sequene :2
an% of a fa#il% of relatedF repetiti$eF di#eri DNA sequenesF na#ed for their lea$age
"% the restrition endonulease Alu I- The sequenes are appro.i#atel% 300 "ase pairs
long and are interspersed throughout the pri#ate geno#e in up to a #illion opies per
haploid geno#e] so#e an generate opies of the#sel$esF whih an insert elsewhere
into the geno#e-
a#nioti "and sequene
Z onsensus sequene :2
a sequene of nuleotides that is o##on to different genes or geno#esF usuall% with
so#e $ariations "ut showing su"stantial si#ilarit%] frequentl%F the protot%pe sequene
that #ost others approah-
Z flanEing sequene
in a nulei aidF a short streth of nuleotides i##ediatel% adTaent to either end of the
region under onsideration-
Z gene sequene
The ordered arrange#ent of nuleotides into odons in a gene-
Z insertion sequene &IS'
a s#all "aterial transposa"le ele#ent ontaining onl% genes that enode transposition
funtions and ha$ing a short run of in$erted repeated sequenes at eah of its ter#iniF it
auses dupliation of the reipient DNA site into whih it insertsF one op% of the
reipient DNA flanEing it on eah side- It #a% at as an indi$idual transposa"le ele#entF
or it #a% our in pairs as the ter#ini of #ore o#ple. transposons-
Z Definition2 in d%s#orpholog%F a pattern of #ultiple ano#alies deri$ed fro# a single
Enown or presu#ed prior ano#al% or #ehanial fator- Called also ano#alad and
:ew e.a#ples of sequenes
Z oligoh%dra#nios sequene :2
a group of ano#aliesF usuall% ausing death shortl% after "irthF aused "% o#pression of
the fetus seondar% to oligoh%dra#niosF whih #a% result fro# renal agenesis or other
fetal urinar% trat defets or fro# leaEage of a#nioti fluid] infants ha$e harateristi
flattened faies &Potter faies' and sEeletal a"nor#alities suh as lu""ed feet and
ontrated TointsF often with h%poplasia of the lungs-
Z Pierre *o"in sequene
the triad of #irognathiaF left palateF and glossoptosisF with "aEward and upward
displae#ent of the lar%n. and angulation of the #anu"riu# sterni] left palate #aEes
ra##ing and swallowing diffiultF per#itting eas% aess of fluids into the lar%n.-
*espirator% failure seondar% to upper airwa% o"strution an "e fatal- It e$ol$es due to
a"nor#all% h%poplasti de$elop#ent of the #andi"le "etween gestational weeEs 9 to ,,F
and #a% appear in assoiation with other s%ndro#es or as an isolated entit%- Called also
Pierre *o"in s%ndro#e-
Z pulse sequene
in #agneti resonane i#agingF the orderF spaingF and t%pe of radio frequen% pulses
that produe #agneti resonane i#ages aording to hanges in the gradients of the
#agneti field-
Z signal sequeneF targeting sequene :2
a sequene of ,8 to 30 a#ino aids ourring at the N2ter#inal end of the preursors of
seretor% proteins] it is required for transport of the protein aross the #e#"rane of the
rough endoplas#i retiulu# into the isternaeF where it is i##ediatel% lea$ed off "% an
endopeptidase- Called also leader s- and signal peptide-
Z >ACTE*6 Assoiation
Nonrando# assoiation of
"irth defets:
>erte"ral ano#alies
Anal atresia
Cardia defet
TraheoEsophageal fistula &i#p'
*enal ana#olies
6i#" a"nor#alities
Z Congenital nasolari#al dut o"strution &dar%ostenosis'
hlgl- :ailure of analiKation of
dut as it enters the nose
h E.essi$e tearsF #uoid
#aterial that is produed
in the lari#al saF-l
h Treat#enti-gt
nasolari#al #assage
1X3j!da% and war#
water leansing
h Most resol$e /, %ear
of age
DeTunal or Ileal Atresia
Z Most present on the first da%
of life-
Z There is "ile2stained e#esis
with a"do#inal distention-
&Oith duodenal atresiaF there
is no a"do#inal distention-'
Z Plain fil#s show air2fluid
Z Contrast studies of the upper
and lower intestine an
delineate le$el of o"strution-
Cltrasound #a% also
differentiate intestinal atresia
fro# #eoniu# ileus fro#
Triso#% 1, &Down S%ndro#e'
h Most o##on pattern of hu#an #alfor#ation
h @enetis
X M47 full triso#% 1,&nondisTuntion'] risE of reurrene ,X17 and then inreases
with ad$aning #aternal age
X 4XJ7 with transloation] #ost are new #utations "ut #ust o"tain parental
Ear%ot%pes for possi"le "alaned transloation arrier
h :indings
X Cpward slanting palpe"ral fissures] speEling of iris &(rushfield spots'] inner
epianthal folds
X S#all statureF #outh open with tongue protrusion] #ild #iroephal%F short neEF flat
oiputF short #etaarpals and phalanges] single pal#ar rease
X )%potonia
X )earing loss &sensorineuralF onduti$eF and #i.ed'
X Pri#ar% gonadal defiien%
X Cardia ano#al%iECD 5 >SD 5 PDAF ASD] also M>P
X @astrointestinal ano#alies: duodenal atresiaF )irshprung
X Atlanto2a.ial insta"ilit%
X )%poth%roidis#
X Aute l%#pho%ti leuEe#ia
X Mental
X Mental retardation
X 6ow2setF #alfor#ed ears] #iroephal%F #irognathia] pro#inent oiput
X Clenhed handiinde. o$er third] fifth o$er fourth
X Short sternu#
X >SDF ASDF PDAF %anoti lesions
X *oEer2"otto# feetF ha##er toe
X O#phaloele
X )oloprosenephal% and other CNS defets
X Se$ere #ental retardation
X Miroephal%] #irophthal#ia
X Se$ere left lipF palateF or "oth
X Salp defets in parietal2oipital area &utis aplasia'
X Posta.ial pol%dat%l%
h @enetis] #ost o##on findings #anifested at pu"ert%
h :indings
X Mental retardation &a$erage IH L8kM0'
X (eha$ioral pro"le#s
X 6ong li#"s &dereased upper:lower seg#ent ratio'] ar# span 5 height
X Sli# &weight!height ratio low'
X )%pogonadis# and h%pogenitalis# &testosterone replae#ent at ,,k,1 %ears of
age' ? h%pergonadotrophi h%pogonadis# &inreased :S) and 6)F and dereased
X @%neo#astia
X @onadal d%sgenesisXstreaE o$aries in \O
X A$erage IH M0
X Congenital l%#phede#aF residual puffiness o$er dorsu# of fingers and toes
X (road hestF wide2spaed pages
X 6ow posterior hairline] we""ed posterior neE
X Cu"itus $algus &el"ow' and other Toint pro"le#s
X )orseshoe Eidne%F and other renal defets
X Cardia:
e (iuspid aorti $al$e &nu#"er , ardia ano#al%'
e Coartation
X Estrogen treat#ent indiated
X Ma% inrease height "% 3k4 # with growth hor#one &@)' and ana"oli steroids
X Mild to profound #ental retardation] learning pro"le#s
X 6arge earsF d%s#orphi faial featuresF large TawF long fae
X 6arge testesi#ostl% in pu"ert% &#aroorhidis#'
X Most with deletion at ,8q,,2q,3Xi#printed seg#ent
X Paternal hro#oso#e responsi"le
X Negligi"le reurrene risE
h :indings
X O"esit%ionset fro# J #onths to J %ears
X Mild to se$ere #ental retardation
X :ood2related "eha$ioral pro"le#s &"inge eating'
X S#all hands and feetF puff%] s#all genitalia
X )%pothala#iipituitar% d%sfuntion &growthF th%roidF adrenal'
AniridiaXOil#s Tu#or Assoiation &OA@* s%ndro#e'
X ,!90 with aniridia also has Oil#s
X OA@* s%ndro#e: deletion of ,,p,3] Oil#s < aniridia < @C ano#alies < M*
X )ighest risE of Oil#sB &o#pared to independent aniridia or @C defet'
Z Shwah#an2Dia#ond
X Panreati insuffiien%
X Neutropenia
X Mala"sorption
Z Intestinal l%#phangietasia
X 6%#ph fluid leaEs into
"owel lu#en
X Steatorrhea
X Protein2losing enteropath%
Z Disaaridase Defiien%
X Os#oti diarrhea
X Aidi stools
Z A"etalipoproteine#ia
X Se$ere fat #ala"sorption
for# "irth
X Aantho%es
X >er% low to a"sent plas#a
holesterolF trigl%eridesF et
ophthalmolgy ultimate """
UAantha#oe"a: Nring ulerN F
pain out of propulsion
T.o: orneal transplantation
Cler: Nuler serpensNF
M: staph aureus
M in India: strep pneu#onia
)%pop%on: (aterial h%pop%on #o$es in diretion of gra$it%-
Onl% orgnis# dt an penetrate d dese#ent #e#"rane of ornea
Slow growing
Signs5 s%#pto#s
Cause: fila#entous fungi
M: aspergillus nd fusariu#
Cause: prolonged topial steroidal use &glauo#a5 fungal inf-'
Cler: Nfinger liEe proTetionsN
N:eather% #arginsN
NSatellite lesionsN
NEle$ated surfaeN
NThiE nd fi.edN
)%popion: non sterile nd non #o"ile "K of dese#ent #e#"rane penetration-
Most painless &loss of orneal sensation'
M: )S> &true dendriti uler'
NDendriti ulersNF
dendriti e.pands225N@eographial ulersN
NOessle%Ns ringN
2Neuroparal%ti uler:
NCN9 paral%sisN &e%elid nt go dwn nd e%e re#ains opn as 0r"iularis 0uli gets paral%sed'
E.posure Eeratitis
2Neurotrophi uler:
NCN8 paral%sisN
Dendriti Eeratitis
)erpes Koster &shingles'
ause: >;>
Csuall% in older p.-
If %oung p.F sign of )I>-
whn e%es get affeted:22255
N); opthal#itisN
T. :
U>iral ulers:
A%lo$ir! $ala%lo$ir! fa#a%lo$ir
Ufungal ulers:
&onl% antifungal dt n trt fila#entous fungi'
genta#%in! a#iEain
@i$en topialF not s%ste#i as ornea is A>ASCC6A*-
Uaantha#oe"a: Eeratoplast%
Do: pol% he.a #eth%l "iguanide
UIf pain: %loplegis
U non healing ulers:
Cause: ,- DM &#'
1- Orong diagnosis
,- :or i#pending perforated ulers: Eeratoplast%
1- :or perforated ulers:
2tissue adhesi$e2 %anoar%late glue &if ornea is not a$l"l'
5I6, G I61 "% T),
5I64 G I68 "% T)1
5I6, #ost i#p for s%ste#i effet of infla##ation
5I6,0 anti infla##ator% ation
5I6J a!w osteolast ati$it%
5I6L he#otati$e for neutrophil
5 MC o#ple#ent def- is C1
5 IgA responsi"le for ati$ation of alternate pathwa%
Cr%ptosporidiu# par$u#
Capillaria philippinesis
Pedigree nd e.a#ples
,- AD
Trans#itted "% "oth genders
All generations affeted
No arrier state
eg-: $on wille"rand dsF fa#ilial h%per holesterole#iaF fa#ilial retino"lasto#aF fa#-
Adeno#atous poliposisF F d%strophia #%otoniaF osteogeni i#perfetaF #arfanNs s.F
inter#ittent porph%riaF N: ,F N: 1F Adult pol%%sti Eidne% dsF tu"erous slerosisF
heredetor% sphero%tosisF huntingsonNs ds AhondroplasiaF #arfanNs s.F pol%%sti
Eidne% ds
&anato#ial disorders'
1 A*:
trans#itted "% "oth genders
Often sEip generations
Male G fe#ale arriers
eg-: %sti fi"rosisF siEle ell ane#iaF ta% saENs dsF phen%lEetonuriaF ong-adrenal
h%perplasiaF galatosse#iaF wilsonNs disease
&enK%#e disorders'
No #ale2#ale trans#ission
SEip generations
E.pressed onl% in #ale
:e#ale arriers
eg-: leish n%ahn s.F he#ophilia A G (F olour "lindnessF hroni granulo#atous dsF
@JPD def-F aga##aglo"uline#iaF fragile \ s.F wisEot aldreih s.
All generations affeted
Male G fe#ale "oth n h$ disorder
No arrier state
Mother: to daughter G son "oth
:ather: onl% to daughter
eg-: h%pophosphate#i riEets! $it- D resistent riEets-
*ate li#iting enK%#es 2 *ate li#iting enK%#es
@l%ol%sis 2 P:I2,
@luoneogenesis 2 frutose ,FJ "iphosphate
TCA %le 2 isoitrate deh%drogenase
@l%ogen s%nthesis 2 gl%ogen s%nthase
@l%ogenol%sis 2 gl%ogen phosphor%lase
)MP shunt 2 @JPD
:att% aid s%nthesis 2 aet%l o2A ar"o.%lase
:att% aid o.idation 2 arnitine a%l transfetase ,
Ietogenesis 2 )M@ o2A s%nthase-
Cholesterol s%nthesis 2 )M@ o2A redutase
Crea %le 2 ar"a#o%l phosphate s%nthase ,
De2no$o p%ri#idine s%nthesis 2 ar"a#o%l phosphate s%nthase 1
De2no$o purine s%nthesis 2 gluta#ine2P*PP a#idotransferase
Arahidoni aid s%nthesis 2 phospholipase A1
cardiology mnemonics!!courtesy of medical student!!
Aorti stenosis harateristis SAD:
MI: "asi #anage#ent (OOMA*:
(ed rest
*edue lot siKe
EC@: left $s- right "undle "loE "Oi66iaM Ma**oO":
O pattern in >,2>1 and M pattern in >32>J is 6eft "undle "loE-
M pattern in >,2>1 and O in >32>J is *ight "undle "loE-
h Note: onsider "undle "ranh "loEs when H*S o#ple. is wide-
Periarditis: auses CA*DIAC *IND:
Collagen $asular disease
Aorti aneur%s#
Drugs &suh as h%dralaKine'
Aute renal failure
Cardia infartion
*heu#ati fe$er
DresslerNs s%ndro#e
Mur#urs: s%stoli t%pes SAPS:
h S%stoli #ur#urs inlude aorti and pul#onar% stenosis-
h Si#ilarl%F itNs o##on sense that if it is aorti and pul#onar% stenosis it ould also "e
#itral and triusp regurgitationR-
MI: signs and s%#pto#s PC6SE:
Persistent hest pains
Cpset sto#ah
Shortness of "reath
E.essi$e sweating
)eart o#pensator% #ehanis#s that Nsa$eN organ "lood flow during shoE ")eart
S%#phatoadrenal s%ste#
Atrial natriureti fator
Endogenous digitalis2liEe fator
*enin2angiotensin2aldosterone s%ste#
h In all 8F s%ste# is ati$ated!fator is released
Mur#urs: right $s- left loudness "*I6E":
*ight sided heart #ur#urs are louder on Inspiration-
6eft sided heart #ur#urs are loudest on E.piration-
h If get onfused a"out whih is whihF re#e#"er 6I*E?liar whih will "e inherentl%
ST ele$ation auses in EC@F E6E>ATION:
Earl% repolariKation
>entriular h%pertroph%
Treat#ent &eg periardioentesis'
InTur% &AMIF ontusion'
Os"orne wa$es &h%pother#ia'
Non2olusi$e $asospas#
(eENs triad &ardia ta#ponade' 3 DNs:
Distant heart sounds
Distended Tugular $eins
Dereased arterial pressure
MI: therapeuti treat#ent *OAM(A6:
Morphine &dia#orphine'
(eta "loEer
C):: auses of e.aer"ation :AI6C*E:
:orgot #ediation
Arrh%th#ia! Anae#ia
Ishe#ia! Infartion! Infetion
6ifest%le: taEen too #uh salt
Cpregulation of CO: pregnan%F h%perth%roidis#
*enal failure
E#"olis#: pul#onar%
Mur#urs: s%stoli $s- diastoli PASS: Pul#oni G Aorti Stenosis?S%stoli-
PAID: Pul#oni G Aorti Insuffiien%?Diastoli-
Mur#urs: s%stoli $s- diastoli S%stoli #ur#urs: M* AS: "M*- ASner"-
Diastoli #ur#urs: MS A*: "MS- A*den"-
h The fa#ous people with those surna#es are Mr- Ed Asner and Ms- Dane Arden-
Mitral stenosis &MS' $s- regurgitation &M*': epide#iolog% MS is a fe#ale title &Ms-'
and it is fe#ale predo#inant-
M* is a #ale title &Mr-' and it is #ale predo#inant-
Periarditis: EI@ "PeriarditiS":
P* depression in preordial leads-
ST ele$ation-
Dugular $enous pressure &D>P' ele$ation: auses )O6T: @ra" )arold )olt around the
neE and throw hi# in the oean:
)eart failure
O"strution of $enea a$a
6%#phati enlarge#ent 2 suprala$iular
Intra2Thorai pressure inrease
Depressed ST2seg#ent: auses DEP*ESSED ST:
Drooping $al$e &M>P'
Enlarge#ent of 6> with strain
Potassiu# loss &h%poEale#ia'
*eiproal ST2 depression &in I!O AMI'
E#"olis# in lungs &pul#onar% e#"olis#'
Su"endoardial ishe#ia
Su"endoardial infart
Enephalon hae#orrhage &intraranial hae#orrhage'
Dilated ardio#%opath%
To.iit% of digitalisF quinidine
Mur#urs: innoent #ur#ur features L SNs:
Sounds &S, G S1' nor#al
Speial tests nor#al &\2ra%F EI@'
Standing! Sitting &$ar% with position'
Sternal depression
Mur#ur attri"utes "I6 PH*ST" &person has ill PH*ST heart wa$es':
Mur#urs: loations and desriptions "M*S All":
M*S: Mitral *egurgitation22S%stoli
All: Aorti Stenosis22S%stoli
h The other two #ur#ursF Mitral stenosis and Aorti regurgitationF are o"$iousl%
(eta"loEers: ardioseleti$e "eta"loEers "(eta"loEers Ating E.lusi$el% At
h Cardioseleti$e "eta"loEers are:
Ape. "eat: a"nor#alities found on palpationF auses of i#palpa"le )I6T:
6aterall% displaed
Thrusting! Tapping
h If it is i#palpa"leF auses are COPD:
PleuralF Periardial effusion
MI: treat#ent of aute MI COA@:
@l%erol trinitrate
Coronar% arter% "%pass graft: indiations DCST:
Depressed $entriular funtion
Cnsta"le angina
Stenosis of the left #ain ste#
Triple $essel disease
Peripheral $asular insuffiien%: inspetion riteria SIC>D:
S%##etr% of leg #usulature
Integrit% of sEin
Color of toenails
>ariose $eins
Distri"ution of hair
)eart #ur#urs "hA*D ASS M*S- MSD":
hA*D: Aorti *egurg ? Diastoli
ASS: Aorti Stenosis ? S%stoli
M*S: Mitral *egurg ? S%stoli
MSD: Mitral Stenosis ? Diastoli
Mitral regurgitation Ohen %ou hear holos%stoli #ur#ursF thinE "M*2T)EM A*E
holos%stoli #ur#urs"-
Sino2atrial node: inner$ation S%#patheti ats on Sodiu# hannels &SS'-
Paras%#patheti ats on Potassiu# hannels &PS'-
Supra$entriular tah%ardia: treat#ent A(CDE:
Caliu# hannel antagonist
E.itation &$agal sti#ulation'
>entriular tah%ardia: treat#ent 6AM(:
Me.iltene! Magnesiu#
Pulseless eletrial ati$it%: auses PATC) MED:
Pul#onar% e#"olus
Tension pneu#othora.
Cardia ta#ponade
)%poEale#ia! )%perEale#ia! )%po.ia! )%pother#ia! )%po$ole#ia
M%oardial infartion
Eletrol%te derange#ents
Sinus "rad%ardia: aetiolog% "SINCS (*ADICA*DIA" &sinus "rad%ardia':
Infetions &#%oarditis'
Neap th%roid &h%poth%roid'
Cnonsiousness &$aso$agal s%nope'
Su"nor#al te#peratures &h%pother#ia'
(iliar% o"strution
*aised CO1 &h%perapnia'
Defiient "lood sugar &h%pogl%e#ia'
I#"alane of eletrol%tes
CushingNs refle. &raised ICP'
*. &drugsF suh as high2dose atropine'
Deep anaesthesia
Ishe#i heart disease
*heu#ati fe$er: Dones riteria h MaTor riteria: CANCE*:
*heu#ati ana#nesis
h Minor riteria: CA:E PA6:
C*P inreased
Ele$ated ES*
Prolonged P* inter$al
Ana#nesis of rheu#atis#
D>P: wa$e for# ASI ME:
Atrial ontration
S%stole &$entriular ontration'
Ilosure &losure' of triuspsF so atrial filling
Ma.i#al atrial filling
E#pt%ing of atriu#
Coronar% arter% "%pass graft: indiations DCST:
Depressed $entriular funtion
Cnsta"le angina
Stenosis of the left #ain ste#
Triple $essel disease
E.erise ra#p EC@: ontraindiations *AMP:
*eent MI
Aorti stenosis
MI in the last 9 da%s
Pul#onar% h%pertension
EC@: T wa$e in$ersion auses IN>E*T:
Nor#alit% Qesp- %oungF "laER
>entriular h%pertroph%
Etopi foi Qeg alified plaquesR
*(((F 6(((
Treat#ents Qdigo.inR
*heu#ati fe$er: Dones #aTor riteria DONES:
Doints &#igrating pol%arthritis'
O"$iousF the heart &arditisF panarditisF periarditisF endoarditis or $al$ulits'
Nodes &su"utaneous nodules'
Er%the#a #arginatu#
S%denha#Ns horea
M%oardial infartions: treat#ent IN:A*CTIONS:
I> aess
Naroti analgesis &eg #orphineF pethidine'
:ailities for defi"rillation &D:'
Aspirin! Antioagulant &heparin'
Con$erting enK%#e inhi"itor
I> "eta "loEer
O.%gen J07
Stool Softeners
Atrial fi"rillation: auses PI*ATES:
Pul#onar%: PEF COPD
*heu#ati heart: #irtral regurgitation
Atherosleroti: MIF CAD
Th%roid: h%perth%roid
SiE sinus s%ndro#e
Atrial fi"rillation: #anage#ent A(CD:
(eta2"loE to ontrol rate
Anti2arr%th#is: for A> nodes "Do (loE A>":
Mur#urs: s%stoli M* P> T*APS:
*egurgitation and
Aorti and
Ape. "eat: differential for i#palpa"le ape. "eat DOPES:
Periarditis or periardial ta#ponade
Sinus in$ersus! Student ino#petene
De#entia: so#e o##on auses
Dia"etes Ethanol Mediation En$iron#ental &eg CO poisoning' Nutritional Trau#a
Infetion AlKhei#erNs
OhippleNs disease: features Qfor neurologistsR
Arthralgias Ohipplei &organis#' )%pothala#i in$ol$e#ent Intestinal in$ol$e#ent!
Intestinal "iops% required PAS positi$e #arophages PC* positi$it% 6%#phadenopath%
E.trap%ra#idal in$ol$e#ent Septran treat with De#entia Oular a"nor#alities &$ertial
gaKe pals%' Oulo#astiator% #%orh%th#ia M%olonus
Neurofi"ro#atosis: diagnosti riteria
*elati$e &,st degree' Osseous fi"ro#as 6ish nodules in e%es A.illar% freEling
Neurofi"ro#as Di#e siKe afe au lait spots Opti glio#as
>isual loss: persistent "ilateral sudden onset $isual loss differential
:untional 6e"erNs hereditar% neuropath% Oipital infartions Pituitar% apople.%
Neurofi"ro#atosis: diagnositi riteria &t%pe2,'
Cafe2au2lait spots A.illar%F inguinal freEling :i"ro#a E%e: lish nodules SEeletal
&"owing legF et' Pedigree! Positi$e fa#il% histor% Opti Tu#or &glio#a'
(a"insEi and 6MN signs: onditions e.hi"iting the#
Dia"etes Motor neuron disease Ata.ia &friedrihs' Su"aute o#"ined degeneration of
ord Ta"o paresis S%ringo"ul"ia
*a#sa%2)unt s%ndro#e: ause and o##on feature
"*a#sa% )unt":
h Etiolog%: *eati$ated )erpes Koster
h Co#pliation: *edued )earing
StroEe risE fators
)EADS: )%pertension! )%perlipide#ia Elderl% Atrial fi" Dia"etes #ellitus! Drugs
&oaine' S#oEing! Se. &#ale'
>ertigo: differential
>esti"ulitis Ototo.i drugs MeniereNs disease InTur% Tu#or Spin &"enign positional
Enephalitis: differential
Entero$iridae &esp- Polio'
Slow $iruses &esp- DCF prions' S%philis
6egionella! 6%#e disease! 6%#pho%ti #eningoenephalitis
Intraranial pressure
Neisseria #eningitidis
Measles! Mu#ps! M%o"ateriu# tu"erulosis! Muor
E- oli
*a"ies! *u"ella
Cr%ptoous! Candida
Neoplas#! Neuro%stierosis h Neuro%stierosis should "e assu#ed with reent 6atin
A#erian i##igrant patient unless pro$en otherwise-
embryology mnemonics!!""
Co#a: onditions to e.lude as ause MIDAS:
Air &respirator% failure'
Su"dural! Su"arahnoid he#orrhage
*esusitation: "asi steps A(CDE:
Malignant h%perther#ia treat#ent
"So#e )ot Dude (etter @i$e Ied :luids :astY"
&)ot dude ? h%pother#ia':
Stop triggering agents
)%per$entilate! )undred perent o.%gen
Dantrolene &1-8#g!Eg'
@luose and insulin
I> :luids and ooling "lanEet
:luid output #onitoring! :urose#ide! :ast heart Qtah%ardiaR
>fi"!>tah drugs used aording to AC6S "E$er% 6ittle (o% Must Pra%":
Co#a auses heElist AEIOC TIPS:
Aidosis! Alohol
Trau#a to head
Insulin: too little or or too #uh
P%shosis episode
StroEe ourred
ShoE: t%pes *N C)AMPS:
h Alternati$el%: "M*- C-)- SNAP"F or "N) C*AMPS"-
ShoE: signs and s%#pto#s T> SPA*C CC(E:
Pulse weaE
*espirations shallow!rapid
(P low
E%es "lanE
:all: potential auses C6ADE SPADE:
Cardio$asular! Cere"ro$asular
6oo#otor &sEeletalF #usularF neurologial'
Ageing &inreased "od% swa%F dereased reation ti#e'
Drugs &esp- antih%pertensi$esF antips%hotis'
Sensor% defiits &eg- $isual pro"le#s'
Ps%hologial! Ps%hiatri &depression'
Aute illness
Dia"eti Eetoaidosis #anage#ent :UmIIN@:
:luids &r%talloids'
Crea &heE it'
Creatinine &heE it'! CatheteriKe
I< &potassiu#'
Insulin &8u!hour- Note: sliding sale no longer reo##ended in the CI'
Nasogasti tu"e &if patient o#atose'
@luose &one seru# le$els drop to ,1'
Asth#a: #anage#ent of aute se$ere "O SZYT":
O.%gen &high dose: 5J07'
Sal"uta#ol &8#g $ia o.%gen2dri$en ne"uliser'
)%droortisone &or prednisolone'
Ipratropiu# "ro#ide &if life threatening'
Theoph%lline &or prefera"l% a#inoph%lline2if life threatening'
Pul#onar% infiltrations induing drugs "@o (AN MeY":
(leo#%in! (usulphan! (CNC
A#iodarone! A%lo$ir! AKathioprine
Melphalan! Methotre.ate! Meth%sergide
MPTP: #ehanis#F effet MPTP:
Mitohondrial ParEinsonNs2T%pe Poison-
n A #itohondrial poison that eliits a ParEinsonNs2t%pe effet-
Anti#usarinis: #e#"ersF ation
"Inhi"its Paras%#patheti And Sweat":
Ipratropiu# PirenKepine Atropine Sopola#ine
n Musarini reeptors at all paras%#patheti endings sweat glands in s%#patheti-
Teratogeni drugs: #aTor non2anti"iotis TAP CAP:
Thalido#ide Androgens Progestins Cortiosteroids Aspirin G indo#ethain Phen%toin
Steroid side effets CCS)IN@OID:
SEin: striaeF thinningF "ruising
)%pertension! )irsutis#! )%pergl%e#ia
NerosisF a$asular nerosis of the fe#oral head
OsteoporosisF o"esit%
(eta "loEers with CAP1DJ pol%#orphi #eta"olis#
"I Met Ti# Car$erF the #eta"oli pol%#orph":
n The following "eta "loEers require dose adTust#ent due to CAP1DJ pol%#orphi
Metoprolol Ti#olol Car$edilol &in patients with lower or higher than nor#al CAP1DJ
(eta "loEers with intrinsi s%#patho#i#eti ati$it%
Piture dia"eti and asth#ati Eids riding awa% on a art that rolls on pinwheels- Pindolol
and Carteolol ha$e high and #oderate ISA respeti$el%F #aEing the# aepta"le for use
in so#e dia"etis or asth#atis despite the fat that the% are non2seleti$e "eta "loEers-
Musarini effets S6C@ (AM:
Sali$ation! Seretions! Sweating
@astrointestinal upset
(rad%ardia! (ronhoonstrition! (owel #o$e#ent
A"do#inal ra#ps! Anore.ia
Sulfona#ide: #aTor side effets
n Sulfona#ide side effets:
Ste$en2Dohnson s%ndro#e
SEin rash
Solu"ilit% low &auses r%stalluria'
Seru# al"u#in displaed &auses new"orn Eerniterus and potentiation of other seru#
al"u#in2"inders liEe warfarin'
Epileps% t%pesF drugs of hoie:
"Militar% @eneral AttaEed Oear% :ighters Pronouning N>eni >edi >eiN After Crushing
n Epileps% t%pes: M%oloni @rand #al Atoni Oest s%ndro#e :oal Petit #al &a"sene'
n *espeti$e drugs: >alproate >alproate >alproate ACT) Car"a#aKepine Ethosu.i#ide
Huinolones Qand :luoroquinolonesR: #ehanis#
"Topple the Hueen": Huinolone interferes with Topoiso#erase II-
(eta "loEers:
(, seleti$e $s- (,2(1 non2seleti$e
A through N: (, seleti$e: Ae"utalolF AtenololF Es#ololF Metoprolol-
O through ;: (,F (1 non2seleti$e: PindololF PropanalolF Ti#olol-
*i"a$irin: indiations *I(A$irin:
InfluenKa (
Arena$iruses &6assaF (oli$ianF et-'
)%pertension: treat#ent A(CD:
ACE inhi"itors! AngII antagonists &so#eti#es Alpha agonists also' (eta "loEers
Caliu# antagonists
Narotis: side effets "SC*AM if %ou see a drug dealer": S%nergisti CNS depression
with other drugs
*espirator% depression
Se. hor#one drugs: #ale ":e#inine Males Need Testosterone":
Ca<< hannel "loEers: uses CA<< MAS):
Cere"ral $asospas#! C):
Atrial flutterF fi"rillation
Supra$entriular tah%ardia
n Alternati$el%: "C)ASM":
Cerer"ral $asospas# ! C):
Supr$entriular tah%arrh%th#ia
Disulfira#2liEe reation induing drugs "PM PMT" as in Pre Medial Test in the PM:
Cefo &PeraKoneF MandoleF Tetan'-
Deleriu#2ausing drugs ACCTE C)AN@E IN MS:
Anti"iotis &"ia.inF peniillinF iproflo.ain'
Cardia drugs &digo.inF lidoaine'
Crinar% inontinene drugs &antiholinergis'
)1 "loEers
AntiparEinsonian drugs
Narotis &esp- #epridine'
@eriatri ps%hiatri drugs
ENT drugs
Inso#nia drugs
NSAIDs &eg indo#ethainF'
Musle rela.ants
SeiKure #ediines
Morphine: side2effets MO*P)INE:
Out of it &sedation'
*espirator% depression
Pneu#onia &aspiration'
Infrequen% &onstipationF urinar% retention'
Therapeuti dosage: to.iit% $alues for #ost o##onl% #onitored #ediations
"The #agi 1s":
Digitalis &-82,-8' To.iit% ? 1-
6ithiu# &-J2,-1' To.iit% ? 1-
Theoph%lline &,0210' To.iit% ? 10-
Dilantin &,0210' To.iit% ? 10-
APAP &,230' To.iit% ? 100-
thiaKides: indiations "C)IC to use thiaKides":
Caliu# aluli
Migraine: drugs
">er% >olatile Phar#aotherapeuti Agents :or Migraine":
>alproi aid
Adrenoeptors: $aso#otor funtion of alpha $s- "eta
Alpha ? Constrit-
(eta ? Dilate-
Antiarrh%th#is: lassifiation
I to I> M(A College
n In order of lass I to I>:
Me#"rane sta"iliKers &lass I'
(eta "loEers
Ation potential widening agents
Caliu# hannel "loEers
Opiods: #u reeptor effets "MD CA*ES":
*espirator% depression
Caner drugs: ti#e of ation "etween DNA25#*NA A(CDE:: AlE%lating agents
Datino#%in! Do.oru"iin
:luta#ide and other steroids or their antagonists &eg ta#o.ifenF leuprolide'
(usulfan: features A(CDE::
AlE%lating agent
(one #arrow suppression s!e
CM6 indiation
DarE sEin &h%perpig#entation' s!e
Endrorine insuffiien% &adrenal' s!e
:i"rosis &pul#onar%' s!e
Tri%li antidepressants: #e#"ers worth Enowing
"I ha$e to hideF the CIA is after #e":
Clo#ipra#ine I#ipra#ine A#itrpt%line
n If want the ne.t 3 worth EnowingF the DNDis also after #e:
Desipra#ine Norrtript%line Do.epin
Torsades de Pointes: drugs ausing APAC)E:
A#iodarone Proaina#ide Arseniu# Cisapride )aloperidol Eritro#%in
Serotonin s%ndro#e: o#ponents Causes )A*M:
)%perther#ia Autono#i insta"ilit% &deliriu#' *igidit% M%olonus
Tetra%line: teratogeniit%
TEtra%line is a TEratogen that auses staining of TEeth in the new"orn-
Patent dutus arteriosus: treat#ent
"Co#e In and Close the door": INdo#ethain is used to Close PDA-
Ph%sostig#ine $s- neostig#ine 6MNOP:
6ipid solu"le
Orall% a"sor"ed well
n Neostig#ineF on the ontrar%F is:
Oater solu"le
Csed in #%esthenia gra$is
Poor oral a"sorption
(eta , seleti$e "loEers
"(EAM ONE upF Sott%":
(eta , "loEers:
Antirheu#ati agents &disease #odif%ing': #e#"ers
)%dro.%loroquine and holoroquinine
Auranofin and other gold o#pounds
AuranofinF aurothiogluose: ategor% and indiation
Auru# is latin for "gold" &goldNs he#ial s%#"ol is Au'-
@eneri Aur2 drugs &AuranofinF Aurothiogluose' are gold o#pounds-
n If didnNt learn %et that goldNs indiation is rheu#atoid arthritisF AC*2 Ats Cpon
Antiarrh%th#is: lass III #e#"ers (IAS:
MAOIs: indiations MAOINS:
Melanholi Qlassi na#e for at%pial depressionR
O"esit% disorders Qanore.iaF "ule#iaR
I#agined illnesses Qh%pohondriaR
Soial pho"ias
n 6isted in dereasing order of i#portane-
n Note MAOI is inside MelAnhOlI-
SIAD)2induing drugs A(CD:
Analgesis: opioidsF NSAIDs
C%lophospha#ide! Chlorpro#aKine! Car"a#aKepine
Diureti &thiaKide'
I< inreasing agents I2(ANI:
I2sparing diureti
(eta "loEer
I supple#ent
*eserpine ation:
*eserpine depletes the *eser$es of atehola#ines Qand serotoninR-
ationF use Suin%lholine gets StuE to Ah reeptorF then SuEs ions in through open
pore- Aou SuE stuff in through a #outh2tu"eF and drug is used for intu"ation-
(eta2"loEers: side effets "((C 6oses >iewers In *ohedale": (rad%ardia
>i$id drea#s G night#ares
2$e Inotropi ation
*edued sensiti$it% to h%pogl%ae#ia
Cisplatin: #aTor side effetF ation "Ci2Splat2In":
MaTor side effet: Splat &$o#iting sound'22$o#iting so se$ere that anti2nausea drug
needed- Ation: @oes Into the DNA strand-
>ir2na#ed drugs: use"2$ir at startF #iddle or end #eans for $irus": n Drugs:
Pheno"ar"itone: side effets
Children are anno%ing &h%perEinesiaF irrita"ilit%F inso#niaF aggression'-
Adults are dos% &sedationF diKKinessF drowsiness'-
PraKoin: usage
PraKoin sounds liEe an aron%# of "prasKK Kour urine"-
Therefore PraKoin used for urinar% retention in (P)-
Opioids: effets (AD AME*ICANS:
(rad%ardia G h%potension
Di#inished pupilar% siKe
*espirator% depression
Inreased s#ooth #usle ati$it% &"iliar% trat onstrition' Constipation
A#eliorate ough refle.
Nausea and $o#iting
T(: anti"iotis used
STrepto#%in *ifa#piin IsoniaKid P%riKina#ide Etha#"utol
Phen%toin: ad$erse effets P)ENATOIN:
P2480 interations
Enlarged gu#s
Aellow2"rowning of sEin
Interferene with (,1 #eta"olis# &hene ane#ia'
Neuropathies: $ertigoF ata.iaF and headahe
Naroti antagonists
The Naroti Antagonists are and n I#portant liniall% to treat
naroti o$erdose-
Thro#"ol%ti agents CSA:
CroEinase StreptoEinase Alteplase &tPA'
*outes of entr%: #ost rapid wa%s #eds!to.ins enter "od%
"StiE itF Sniff itF SuE itF SoaE it":
StiE ? InTetion
Sniff ? inhalation
SuE ? ingestion
SoaE ? a"sorption
Asth#a drugs: leuEotriene inhi"itor ation
KAfirluEast: Antagonist of lipo.%genase
KIlueton: Inhi"itor of 6T reeptor
Diret s%#patho#i#eti atehola#ines DINED:
Antiholinergi side effets
"Inow the A(CDNS of antiholinergi side effets":
(lurr% $ision
Constipation! Confusion
Dr% Mouth
Sedation! Stasis of urine
Atropine use: tah%ardia or "rad%ardia
"A goes with (": Atropine used liniall% to treat (rad%ardia-
(leo#%in: ation
"(leo2M%in (lows M% DNA to "its": (leo#%in worEs "% frag#enting DNA &"lowing
it to "its'- M% DNA signals that its used for aner &targeting self ells'-
Aspirin: side effets ASPI*IN:
Pepti uler disease! Phosphor%lation2o.idation unoupling! PP)! Platelet
disaggregation! Pre#ature losure of PDA
Intestinal "lood loss
*e%eNs s%ndro#e
Noise &tinnitus'
6upus: drugs induing it )IP:
>iga"atrin: #ehanis# >i2@A(A2Tr2In:
>ia @A(A Transferase Inhi"ition
Morphine: effets at #u reeptor PEA*:
Ph%sial dependene
*espirator% depression
Eno.aprin &protot%pe low #oleular weight heparin': ationF #onitoring Eno\aprin onl%
ats on fator \a- Monitor \a onentrationF rather than APTT-
(eta2, $s (eta21 reeptor loation "Aou ha$e , heart and 1 lungs":
(eta2, are therefore pri#aril% on heart- (eta21 pri#aril% on lungs-
SS*Is: side effets SS*I:
Serotonin s%ndro#e
Sti#ulate CNS
*eproduti$e disfuntions in #ale
Ipratropiu#: ation Atropine is "uried in the #iddle:
iprAtropiu#F so it "eha$es liEe Atropine-
Oarfarin: ationF #onitoring OePT:
Oarfarin worEs on the e.trinsi pathwa% and is #onitored "% PT-
Propranolol and related N2ololN drugs: usage"olol" is Tust two "aEwards lower ase "Ns-
(aEward "Ns stand for ""eta "loEer"- n (eta "loEers inlude ae"utololF "eta.ololF
"isoprololF o.prenololF propranolol-
Depression: 8 drugs ausing it P*OMS:
Oral ontraepti$es
6ead poisoning: presentation A(CDE:@:
(asophili stripping
ColiE% pain
:oot drop
@u# &lead line'
M%asthenia gra$is: edrophoniu# $s- p%ridostig#ine
eDrophoniu# is for Diagnosis-
p%*IDostig#ine is to get *ID of s%#pto#s-
Morphine: effets MO*P)INES:
Orthostati h%potension
*espirator% depression
Pain supression
)ista#ine release! )or#onal alterations
Inreased ICT
Inhalation anesthetis S)INE:
Nitrous o.ide
n If want the defunt Metho.%flurane tooF #aEe it MoonS)INE-
Cholinergis &eg organophosphates': effets
If %ou Enow theseF %ou will "e "6ESS DCM(":
E.itation of niotini s%napses
(enKodiaKapines: ones not #eta"oliKed "% the li$er &safe to use in li$er failure' 6OT:
6oraKepa# O.aKepa# Te#aKepa#
(enKodiaKepines: ations
"(en SCAMs Pa# into sedution not "% "rain "ut "% #usle":
Musle rela.ant
Not "% "rain: No antips%hoti ati$it%-
(otulis# ationF related "
Ation: "(otulis# (ottles up the Ah so it anNt "e the released":
*elated " "(otulis# is related to (eta ( &"eta2F not alpha2
"ungaroto.in22alpha has different #ehanis#'-
Teratogeni drugs "O! TE*ATOgeni":
Epilepti drugs: phen%toinF $alproateF ar"a#aKepine
ACE inhi"itor
Third ele#ent: lithiu#
OCP and other hor#ones &eg danaKol'
@%naeo#astia2ausing drugs DISCOS:
(enKodiaKepenes: drugs whih derease their #eta"olis#
"IN# O$erl% Cal#":
Oral ontraepti$e pills
n These drugs inrease al#ing effet of (;Ds "% retarding #eta"olis#-
Anesthesia: 4 stages "Anesthesiologists EnTo% S G M":
Surgial anesthesia
Medullar% paral%sis
42A#inop%radine &42AP' use"42AP is :or AP":
:or AP &ation potential' propagation in Multiple Slerosis-
Os#oti diuretis: #e#"ers @CM:
Sodiu# $alproate: side effets >A6P*OATE:
6i$er to.iit%
Panreatitis! Pan%topenia
*etention of fats &weight gain'
Oede#a &peripheral oede#a'
Appetite inrease
EnK%#e induer &li$er'
Nitrofurantoin: #aTor side effets Nitro:urAntoin:
Neuropath% &peripheral neuropath%'
:i"rosis &pul#onar% fi"rosis'
Ane#ia &he#ol%ti ane#ia'
;afirluEastF MonteluEastF CinaluEast:
#ehanis#F usage";afir2luE2astF Monte2luE2astF Cina2luE2ast": n Anti26uEotrienes for
n DaKKle %our oral e.a#iner: ;afirluEast antagoniKes leuEotriene24-
;ero order Einetis drugs &#ost o##on ones' "PEA; &sounds liEe pees' out a onstant
;ero order
n So#eone that pees out a onstant a#ount desri"es Kero order Einetis &alwa%s the sa#e
a#ount out'
)epati nerosis: drugs ausing foal to #assi$e nerosis
">er% Angr% )epato%tes":
>alproi aid
Steroids: side effets (EC6OMET)ASONE:
(uffalo hu#p
Eas% "ruising
6arger appetite
Thin ar#s G legs
)%pertension! )%pergl%ae#ia
A$asular nerosis of fe#oral head
SEin thinning
Negati$e nitrogen "alane
E#otional lia"ilit%
A#iodarone: ationF side effets J PNs:
Prolongs ation potential duration
Pig#entation of sEin
Peripheral neuropath%
Pul#onar% al$eolitis and fi"rosis
Peripheral on$ersion of T4 to T3 is inhi"ited 25 h%poth%roidis#
Monoa#ine o.idase inhi"itors:
Me#"ers "PIT of despair":
Tran%l%pro#ine n
A pit of despairF sine MAOs treat depression
Oarfarin: #eta"olis# S6OO:
n )as a slow onset of ation-
n A quiI >ita#in I antagonistF though-
S#all lipid2solu"le #oleule
6i$er: site of ation
Oral route of ad#inistration-
Prop%thiourail &PTC':
Mehanis# It inhi"its PTC:
Pero.idase! Peripheral deiodination
T%rosine iodination Cnion &oupling'
Anti"iotis ontraindiated during pregnan% MCAT:
nonseleti$e "eta2"loEers"Ti# Pinhes )is Nasal Pro"le#"
&"eause he has a runn% nose---':
side effets MET)A6DOPA:
Mental retardation
Eletrol%te i#"alane
)eadahe! )epatoto.iit% psAologial upset
6atation in fe#ale
Dr% #outh
Anae#ia &hae#ol%ti'
6ithiu#: side effets 6IT):
Insipidus Qdia"etes insipidusF tied to pol%uriaR
Tre#or! Teratogenesis
*espirator% depression induing drugs "STOP "reathing":
Sedati$es and h%pnotis
(enKodiaKepenes: antidote "(en is off with the flu":
(enKodiaKepine effets off with :lu#aKenil-
some imp diseases!!""
AC6 InTur%
It pre$ents gliding of ti"ia under fe#ur- InTur% is seen after )%pere.tension- A poping
sensation is felt at ti#e of inTur%- Co##onl% asso with Medial Menisus and Medial
Colateral 6iga#ent &T*IAD'- 6ah#an test is a test for AC6 tear- :le. and pull ti"ia-
Drawer sign also test AC6 "ut its less sensiti$e- Posterior Drawer sign tests PC6- M
#urr%Ns sign tests Menisus inTur%- >algus test is for MC6-
Ane 2 1
,2Co#edons &"laE!white heads': uase #ini#al infla#ation and t. is topial retinoids- If
reati$ation our add topial Er%thro#%in or (enKo%l pero.ide- 12Papular and
infla#ator% ane: with #oderate2se$ere infla#ation: Oral Do.%%line- 32Nodular or
saring ane: Oral Isotretinoin-
Cer$iofaial atino#%osis presents as slowl% progressing F non tenderF indurated #assF
whih e$ol$es into #ultiple a"sessesF fistulaF and draining sinus trats with sulfur
granulesF whih appear %ellow- Atino#%es israelii is the agentF T. is high dose I>
peniiline for J2,1 weeEs- Surgial de"re#ent o#es after peniillin therap%-
Aute adrenal insuffiien%:
Aute onset of naseauF $o#itingF a"do#inal pain and h%pogl%e#ia and h%potension
after a stressful e$ent &surger%' in a pt sho is steroid dependant is t%pial- A lue is
preoperati$e steroid use- E.ogenous steroids depress pit2adrenal and a stressful
situation an preipitate AAI- DD\: insulin indued h%pogl%e#ia does not ause naseau
and $o#it and a"do#inal pain and h%potension-
Aute AlEali ingestion
Ohen a pt taEes 6%e &alEali su"stane for suiide'F upper @I ontrast studies should "e
perfor#ed as ear% as possi"leF to assess the da#age and posi"le perforation of esophagus-
Nor#al .2ra% does not rule out a perforation- One %ou Enow there is no perforation then
%ou an do Diagnosti peritoneal la$age if neessar%- (ut the first thing is to rule out
Aute Appendiitis 2 3
Pt who o#es to hospital after 8 da%s of initial s%#pto#s #ust "e hospitaliKed with I>
h%dration and I> Cefotetan- If threre is a"ess with CTF perutaneous drainage is an
option-UUUUMost pel$i a"sesses are due to perforation of AA- Pt #ight ha$e a 14 hour
*CH pain that reso$es spontaneousl% and then later on in a few da%s he #ight o#e with
anal a"sess s%#pto#s- Drainage of the a"sess is t. of hoie-UUUUE.periene has
shown that right he#ileto#% with ileo2trans$ers anato#osis has "est postoperati$e
results when resetion of part of asending is requires- And that is when pt has shown
gangrenous rupture of appendi. with questiona"le nerotiKed olon-
Aute (aterial Protatitis:
MCC in %oung is Chla#%dia and @onoousF in old E- Coli- To diagnose do ulture of
#id2strea# urine sa#ple and start e#piri therap%- Prostati #assage is ontraindiated
due to septee#ia hane-
Aute @I "leeding
There are three auses: ,2Di$ertiulosis &Painless- an "e ruled out with (ariu# Ene#a'F
12Angiod%splasia &Painless- #a%"e seen as herr%2red sopts that #a%"e oagulatedF d.
with la"eled er%thro%te sintigraph%'- 32PCD &Painfull- D. with endosop%F if there is
)e#atoheKiaF red "right "loodFdue to lower @I "leedF then there is no need for
endosop%F the "lood is fro# lower C@I "leeding'-
Aute renal transplant reTetion
*enal transplant reTetion in the earl% post2operati$e stage an "e e.pained "%F ureteral
o"strutionF Aute reTetionF C%losporine to.F $asular o"strution and ATN- To
deter#ine the ause we do CSF M*I and (iops%- If "iops% shows infiltration of
l%#pho%tes and $asular swelling and there is inrease Crt and (un and oliguriaF then the
ause is Aute *eTetion- T. is high dose I> steriods-
Aute Tu"ular Nerosis
Prolonged h%potention due to an% reason &)%po$ole#i shoE' an lead to ATN-
)all#arE finding on urin anal%sis is Mudd% "rown granular ast- DD\,:*(C astF @N-
DD\1:O(C astF Interstitial Nephritis and P%elonephritis- DD\3::att% astF NephrOti
S%nd- DD\4:(road and Oa.% ast:Chroni renal failure-
A%lo$ir To.iit%
Can ause r%stalluria with renal tu"ular o"strution during high dose parenteral therap%F
espeiall% in inadequatel% h%drated pts-
AddisonNs Disease 2 1
MM2,0,- Aldosterone def leads to non2anion gap h%perEale#iF h%ponatre#i #eta"oli
aidosis- UUUL07 of pt ha$e pri#ar% adrenal defiien% due to Autoi##une adrenalitis-
These pts also present with autoi##une in$ol$e#ent of other glands as wellF liEe
th%roidFparath%roidF o$aries-UUU 907 of the Causes of Pri#ar% Adrenal Insuffiien%
autoi##uneF #ostl% in de$eloped ountries- In underde$eloped ountries
TC(E*CC6OSISF :ungal infetion and CM> infetion are the #F T( is the MCC in
unde$eloped ountries- Adrenal Califiation is a t%pial feature of T( PAI- Pt presents
with no rise in seru# ortisol following inTetion of Cos%ntropin &ACT) analog'F CT
shows alifiation of adrenal glands- T. of T( does not result in nor#aliKation of
adrenal gland- PAI in )I> pt is o##onF # is CM>- So#eti#es IetoonaKole an
ause it- PAI is $er% rare with adrenal tu#or #etastasisF e$en then alifiation is not
Is defined as presene of Endo#etrial glands in the uterine #usle- M: in wo#en a"o$e
4MF F presents with se$ere d%s#enorrheaF and #enorrhagia- The t%pia le.a# re$eals
enlarged s%s#etrial uterus- If Adeno#%osis is in one side of uterus then enlarg#ent is
as%#etrial- DD\ inludes M%o#atous Cterus F 6eo#%o#aF Endo#etrial ario#a- :or
wo#en a"o$e 38F its #andator% to perfor# an Endo#etrial uretage or e$en
h%stereto#%to rule out endo#etrial aner- DD\,:Endo#etriosis is a "enign onditionF
where foi of endo#etrial glands are found OCTSIDE of endo#etriu#- The% inrease in
siKe throgh out #enstrual %le- Asso with Adeno#%osis ours in ,87 of ases-
DD\1:6eo#%o#asF are diffiult to dd. fro# Adeno#%osisF e.ept that onsisten% of
Cterus is softer in Adeno#%osis- DD\3:Endo#etrial Carino#aF ours in wo#en after
#enopause - DD\4:Endo#etritis #anifest with fe$erF and enlarged and tender uterusF
asso with $aginal disharge - It usuall% ours after a septi a"ortionF and the # oranis#
responsi"le is Strep-
emergency medicine!!""
Co#a: onditions to e.lude as ause MIDAS:
Air &respirator% failure'
Su"dural! Su"arahnoid he#orrhage
*esusitation: "asi steps A(CDE:
Malignant h%perther#ia treat#ent
"So#e )ot Dude (etter @i$e Ied :luids :astY"
&)ot dude ? h%pother#ia':
Stop triggering agents
)%per$entilate! )undred perent o.%gen
Dantrolene &1-8#g!Eg'
@luose and insulin
I> :luids and ooling "lanEet
:luid output #onitoring! :urose#ide! :ast heart Qtah%ardiaR
>fi"!>tah drugs used aording to AC6S "E$er% 6ittle (o% Must Pra%":
Co#a auses heElist AEIOC TIPS:
Aidosis! Alohol
Trau#a to head
Insulin: too little or or too #uh
P%shosis episode
StroEe ourred
ShoE: t%pes *N C)AMPS:
h Alternati$el%: "M*- C-)- SNAP"F or "N) C*AMPS"-
ShoE: signs and s%#pto#s T> SPA*C CC(E:
Pulse weaE
*espirations shallow!rapid
(P low
E%es "lanE
:all: potential auses C6ADE SPADE:
Cardio$asular! Cere"ro$asular
6oo#otor &sEeletalF #usularF neurologial'
Ageing &inreased "od% swa%F dereased reation ti#e'
Drugs &esp- antih%pertensi$esF antips%hotis'
Sensor% defiits &eg- $isual pro"le#s'
Ps%hologial! Ps%hiatri &depression'
Aute illness
Dia"eti Eetoaidosis #anage#ent :UmIIN@:
:luids &r%talloids'
Crea &heE it'
Creatinine &heE it'! CatheteriKe
I< &potassiu#'
Insulin &8u!hour- Note: sliding sale no longer reo##ended in the CI'
Nasogasti tu"e &if patient o#atose'
@luose &one seru# le$els drop to ,1'
Asth#a: #anage#ent of aute se$ere "O SZYT":
O.%gen &high dose: 5J07'
Sal"uta#ol &8#g $ia o.%gen2dri$en ne"uliser'
)%droortisone &or prednisolone'
Ipratropiu# "ro#ide &if life threatening'
Theoph%lline &or prefera"l% a#inoph%lline2if life threatening'
medical amnesia!!"" try to remember each of them!!"""
,- AddisonBs Disease 2 Pri#ar% adrenoortial defiien%
1- Addisonian Ane#ia 2 Perniious ane#ia &anti"odies to intrinsi fator or parietal ells
o pI: o p>it (,1 o #egalo"lasti ane#ia'
3- Al"rightBs S%ndro#e 2 Pol%ostoti fi"rous d%splasiaF preoious pu"ert%F afq au lait
spotsF short statureF %oung girls
4- AlportBs S%ndro#e 2 )ereditar% nephritis with ner$e deafness
8- AlKhei#erBs 2 Progressi$e de#entia
J- Arg%ll2*o"ertson Pupil 2 6oss of light refle. onstrition &ontralateral or "ilateral'F
rProstituteBs E%es X ao##odates "ut does not reat F Pathogno#oni for 3eS%philisF
6esion pretetal region of superior olliulus
9- Arnold2Chiari Malfor#ation2 Cere"ellar tonsil herniation through fora#en #agnu# ?
see thoraolu#"ar #eningo#%eloele
L- (arrettBs 2 Colu#nar #etaplasia of lower esophagus &t risE of adenoarino#a'2
onstant gastroesophageal reflu.
M- (artterBs S%ndro#e 2 )%perrenine#ia
,0- (eEerBs Musular D%stroph%2 Si#ilar to DuhenneF "ut less se$ere &#utationF not a
defiien%F in d%strophin protein'
,,- (ellBs Pals%2CN>II pals% &entire fae] reall that CMN lesion onl% affets lower fae'
,1- (ergerBs Disease 2IgA nephropath% ausing he#aturia in EidsF usuall% following
,3- (ernard2Soulier Disease 2 Defet in platelet adhesion &a"nor#all% large platelets G
laE of platelet2surfae gl%oprotein'
,4- (err% Aneur%s# 2 Cirle of Oillis &su"arahnoid "leed' Anterior Co##uniating
arter%F Often assoiated with ADPID
,8- (owenBs Disease 2 Carino#a in situ on shaft of penis &t risE of $iseral a'
Qo#pare w! Hue%ratR
,J- (rill2;insser Disease 2 *eurrenes of riEettsia prowaKaEi up to 80 %rs later
,9- (riquetBs S%ndro#e 2 So#atiKation disorder F Ps%hologial: #ultiple ph%sial
o#plaints without ph%sial patholog%
,L- (roaBs Aphasia 2 Motor Aphasia &area 44 G 48' intat o#prehension
,M- (rown2Sequard 2 )e#isetion of ord &ontralateral loss of pain G te#p ! ipsilateral
loss of fine touhF CMN ! ipsi loss of ons- Proprio'
10- (rutonBs Disease 2 \2linEed aga##aglo"ine#ia &p ( ells'
1,- (udd2Chiari 2 Post2hepati $enous thro#"osis ? a" pain] hepato#egal%] asites]
portal )TN] li$er failure
11- (uergerBs Disease2 Aute infla##ation of #ediu# and s#all arteries of e.tre#ities
o painful ishe#ia o gangreneF Seen al#ost e.lusi$el% in %oung and #iddle2aged #en
who s#oEe-
13- (urEittBs 6%#pho#a 2 S#all nonlea$ed ell l%#pho#a E(> F L:,4 transloation
14- F Seen o##onl% in TawsF a"do#enF retroperitoneal soft tissuesF Starr% sE%
18- Caisson Disease 2 Nitri gas e#"oli
1J- ChagasB Disease 2 Tr%panso#a infetion 2 ardio#egal% with apial atroph%F ahlasia
19- ChediaE2)igashi Disease 2 &A*' Phago%te Defiien% ? defet in #irotu"ule
pol%#eriKationF NeutropeniaF al"inis#F ranial G peripheral neuropath% G repeated
infetions w! strep G staph
1L- ConnBs S%ndro#e 2 Pri#ar% Aldosteronis#: )TN] retain Na< G )1O] h%poEale#ia
&ausing alEalosis'] p renin
1M- CoriBs Disease 2 T%pe III @l%ogenosis X @l%ogen storage disease &de"ranhing enK:
a#%lo ,FJ gluosidase def- t @l%ogen'
30- CreutKfeldt2DaEo" 2 Prion infetion o ere"ellar G ere"ral degeneration
3,- Crigler2NaTTar S%ndro#e 2 Congenital h%per"iliru"ine#ia &unonTugated' F
@luuron%l transferase defiien%- Can progress to IerniterusF 6ess se$ere for# will
respond to Pheno"ar"ital therap%
31- CrohnBs 2 I(D] ileoeu#F trans#uralF sEip lesionsF o""lestonesF l%#pho%ti
infiltrateF granulo#as F &ontrast to CC: li#ited to olonF #uosa G su"#uosaF r%pt
a"sessesF pseudopol%psF t olon aner risE' F Cliniall%: a" pain G diarrhea] fe$er]
#ala"sorption] fistulae "!t intestinal loops G a"d strutures
33- CurlingBs Cler 2 Aute gastri uler assoiated with se$ere "urns
34- CushingBs 2 Disease: )%perortiis# 1e to t ACT) fro# pituitar% &"asophili
adeno#a'F S%ndro#e: h%perortiis# of all other auses &,e adrenal or etopi' F #oon
fae] "uffalo hu#p] purple striae] hirsutis#] )TN] h%pergl%e#ia
one of my best note O./+,N!!""
,' Serous tu#or 2 #ost o##on o$arian tu#or
2 "ilateral in 807
)P 2 psa#o#a "od%
1' #uinous tu#or2 largest o$arian aner
2 pseudo#%.o#aperitonei
3' endo#etroid tu#or
2 lining epitheliu# is liEe endo#etrial gonads
4' lear ell tu#or 2
)P 2 ho"nail ells 2 protruding nuleus
8' "renners tu#or
2 linning epi 2 transitional
2 for#s a o#ponent of pseudo#eig tu#or
2 asso with asites<h%drothora.<"renner
Meig s%ndr#:2
2 asites
2 h%drothora.
555 Tu#or #arEer for epithelial tu#or of o$ar% is "CA ,18 " ///
J' D%sger#ino#a 2 #ost o##on pure #alingant tu#or of ger# ell tu#or of o$ar%
TM 2 6D)! alEaline phosphateMost radiosens o$arian tu#or
9' endoder#al sinus tu#or 2TM 2 alpha2 fetoproteinF antitrips%n
,00 7 unilateral)P 2 shilla du$all "od%
L' pol% e#"r%o#as 2 TM 2 "eta2hg
M ' granulosa ell tu#or 2 all2e.ner "od%F TM 2 all e.ner "od%
biochem!!"" PE,.I)N!!
6aE of surfatant &dipal#ito%l leithin ' 2 ollapse of lung
Due to ant%tripsin defiien% 2A*DS
6eithine!sphingo#%elin 2 infant respirator% distres s%ndro#e
Depletion of PI@2A2gene 2 paro.i#al noturnal he#oglo"inuria 25 t. 2 euliKu#a"
Defiien% of plas#alogen 2 loss of lipid2 #ultiple slerosis
Defiien% of sphingo#%elinas 2 NIEMAN2PACI DISEASE 2 Ke"ra "od% and
Def of 0era#idase 2 era#ides 25 :A*(E*S DISEASE
Def of gluosidase or gluoere"roside 25 @ACC)E*S DISEASE
Def of alpha galatosidase 2 :A(*A DISEASE 25 . linEed reessi$e F no #ental
Defi of "eta galatosidase 25 I*A((ENS DISEASE
Def of he.a#inidase A d5 TAASAC) DISEASE
Def of he.a#inidase A<( d5 SAND)O:: DISEASE
Defiien% of essential fatt% aid 55 phrenoder#a 2 toad liEe sEin
Defet in #eta"olis# of short hain fatt% aid 2 of defet in funtional pero.iso#es
Defet in alpha rediation 2 au#ulation of ph%tani aid 2 *E:SCM DISEASE
(,1 defiien% 55 #eth%l #alon%l oa 2 #egalo"asti ane#ia!nerotiKing ane#ia
biochem!!"" PE,.I)N!!
T20 :2 gl%ogen s%nthase
T2,a2 $on gierEeNs :2 g2J2pase 2 #uele are not affeted
T2,a @JP transloase in E* & neutropenia and reurrant '
T21 2 poo#pNs 2 pu#p failure in heart failure 2 aid #altase ualpha & ,24 ' gluosidase
T23 :2 ori 2 de"ranhing
T24 :2 anderson 2 "ranhing
T28 :2 #2ardle 2 #%o2phosphor%lase
T2J :2 her 2 hepati phosphor%lase
T29 :2 Tauri 2 P:I in *(C and #usle
T2L :2 P:I in li$er -
T2M :2 P:I in li$er and #usle
T2,0 :2 CAMP dependant protein Einase
6ung $olu#es G apaities
Tidal >olu#e 800 #l
Inspirator% *eser$e >olu#e 3-36
Inspirator% apait%2 T><I*>: 3-L6
E.pirator% *eser$e >olu#e ,6
E.pirator% Capait%2 T><E*>: ,-86
*esidual >olu#e ,-16
>ital Capait%2 T><I*><E*>: 4-L6
:untional *esidual Capait%2
*><E*>: 1-16
Total 6ung Capait%2 >C<*>: J6
Ma.- >oluntar% >entilation 5,006
Minute >entilation: T> U ** d 96
(reathing reser$e: &M>>2 M>' ! M>>
.rachial plaxus!!"" anatomy phybian!""
,' Dorsal sapular ner$e
M2 6e$ator sapulae and rho#"oids
1' 6ong thorai ner$e
M2 Serratus anterior
Cpper trunE 2
,-Suprasapular ner$e :2
M2 Supraspinatus and infraspinatus
1-Su"la$ius ner$e2
M2 Su"la$ius
6ateral ord :2
,-6ateral petoral ner$e
M 2 Petoralis #aTor
1-Musuloutaneous ner$e
M2 Anterior o#part#ent #usles of ar#
Medial ord :2
,-Medial petoral ner$e
M2 Petoralis #inor and #aTor
1-Clnar ner$e 2
M 2 So#e forear# and #ost hand #usles
Medial and lateral ords :2
,-Median ner$e
M 2 Most forear# and so#e hand #usles
Posterior ord :2
,-Cpper su"sapular ner$e 2
M2 Su"sapularis
1-Thoraodorsal ner$e 2
M2 6atissi#us dorsi
4-6ower su"sapular ner$e
M2 Su"sapularis and teres #aTor
4-A.illar% ner$e
M :2 Deltoid and teres #inor
8-*adial ner$e :2
M:2 Posterior o#part#ent #usles of the ar# and forear#
muscles of forearm!!" imp from phybian!!00
Anterior o#part#ent superfiialis
,- Pronator teres 2 #edian ner$e
1-fle.or arpi radialis 2 M
3- :le.or arpi ulnaris 2 ulnar ner$e
4- :le.or digitoru# superfiialis 2 M
8- Pal#aris longus 2 M
Anterior o#part#enr deep #usles
,- Pronator quadratous 2 M
1- :le.or polliis longus 2 M
3- :le.or digitoru# profundus 2 lat half M F #ed half C
Posterior o#part#enr of superifiial #usle 6ateral epiond%le hu#erus is origin
,- Anoneus
3-e.tensor arpi radialis longus
4-e.tensor arpi radialis "re$is
8-e.tensor arpi digitoru#
J-e.tensor arpi digiti #ini#i
9-e.tensor arpi ulnaris
All suppilied "% *ADIA6 NE*>E and originated fro# 6ATE*A6 EPICONDA6E and
#ain funtion is E\TENSION-
Deep #usle of posterior o#part#ent
,- Supinator
1-a"dutor polliis longus
3-e.tensor polliis "re$is
4-e.tensor polliis longus
8- E.tensor indiis l
2 *ADIA6 NE*>E
halll mar# findings
Al"u#ino2C%tologi Dissoiation 2 @uillain2(arre &#arEedl% inreased protein in CS:
with onl% #odest inrease in ell ount'
Antiplatelet Anti"odies 2 idiopathi thro#"o%topeni purpura
Arahnodat%l% 2 MarfanNs
Ashoff (odies 2 rheu#ati fe$er
Auer *ods 2 aute #%elo%ti leuEe#ia
Autospleneto#% 2 siEle ell ane#ia
(a"insEi 2 CMN lesion
(asophili Stippling of *(Cs 2 lead poisoning
(ene Dones Protein 2 #ultiple #%elo#a free light hains &either Eappa or la#"da'
Oaldenstro#Ns #aroglo"ine#ia
(ir"eE @ranules 2 histio%tosis \ &eosinophili granulo#a'
(lue (loater 2 Chroni (ronhitis
(oot2Shaped )eart 2 Tetralog% of :allot
(ouhardNs Nodes 2 osteoarthritis &PIP'
(outonniereNs Defor#it% 2 rheu#atoid arthritis
(rown Tu#or 2 h%perparath%roidis#
(rushfield Spots 2 DownNs
Call2E.ner (odies 2 granulosa ell tu#or
Cardio#egal% with Apial Atroph% 2 ChagasN Disease
Chanre 2 ,e S%philis
Chanroid 2 )ae#ophilus dure%i
Charot Triad 2 #ultiple slerosis &n%stag#usF intention tre#orF sanning speeh'
Charot26e%den Cr%stals 2 "ronhial asth#a
Che%ne2StoEes (reathing 2 ere"ral lesion
Choolate C%sts 2 endo#etriosis
Ch$osteENs Sign 2 )%poale#ia faial spas# in tetan%
Clue Cells 2 @ardnerella $aginitis
Cod#anNs Triangle 2 osteosaro#a
Cold Agglutinins 2 M%oplas#a pneu#onia Finfetious #ononuleosis
Cond%lo#a 6ata 2 1e S%philis
Cotton Oool Spots 2 )TN
)**!!"" must #no$!for mci!!""
U6atent T(: dail% IN) for M #os
Uat-,: 1)*;E<4)*
Uat-1: 1)*;ES<,)*;E<8)*E
UT. failure G speial ases:
resistene!intolerane to ): J*;E<H &for e.tensi$e ds-'
resistene!intolerane to *: J);EH<S &for e.tensi$e ds-'
resistene!intolerane to ;:
&At%pial #%o"aterial inf-&MAC'
U*ECU regi#en:
,- *I:A(CTIN
,- Proprioeption lost : rho#"erg sign
1- Opti pathwa% da#age: arg%l ro"ertsonNs pupil &prostituteNs pupil'
3-peripheral neuritis: sta#pling gait! high sleepage gait
4- Crinar% inontinene &s1F s3F s4 da#age'
*. of s%philis:
U,e: (enKathine Pen-
Urest t%pe of s%philis: Pen @ I>
T.OC for s%philis :
motility !!of organisms!!""
Darting22>i"rioF Ca#p%lo"
DerE%22Triho#onas >agin
:allin 6eaf2@iardia
Sluggish2 Clostridiu#
most commons!!""
MC Cause 6I o"strution: olon a
MC ause SI o"st : adhesions
MC ause SI o"st- india: T( Intestine
MC ause int o"st hild: intususeption
MC ause int o"s hild india: asariasis
MC ause int o"s new"orn: duo- Atresia
lCell %le speifiit% of antianer drugsl
"leo#%in: #aEes wid :e G O.%gen222DNA strand sission-
UM: &#itosis inhi"itor'
$inristineF $in"lastine: inhi"it pol- of #irotu"ule
palita.el: inhi"it depol- of #irotu"ule
isplatinF %lophospha#ideF alE%lating agentsF antitu#or anti"iotis e.ept "leo#%inF
nitrosoureas &lo#ustine G ar#ustine'
US:&anti#eta"olites': inhi"it DNA s%nthesis
#ethotre.ateF h%dro.%ureaF etoposideF J2#eraptopurineF J2thioguianineF %tara"ineF 82
:CF aKathioprine-
some imp notes!!""
UColour of urine turns
%ellow on air e.posure 2 urohro#es
(laE on air e.posure2AlEaptonuria
Uola oloured urine2he#oglo"inuria
U*ifa#piin auses 2orange oloured urine
U*ed oloured urine 2Porph%riaFtrau#aF lofaKa#ine
Multiple #%elo#a and Oalden2stra#Ns #aroglo"uline#ia 2 "ene Tones protein
Z ChlorKo.aKone
Z diaKepa#
Z "alofen
Z tiKanidine
Z #eta.alone
A' Non2depolarising o#petiti$e "loEer
,' long ating :2 d2tu"ouranineFpanuroniu#Fdo.auriu#Fpipeuroniu#
1' inter#ediate ating :2 $euroniu#Fatrauriu#Fis2atrauriu#Frouroniu#Frapauroniu#
3' short ating 2 #i$auriu#
(' DepolariKing "loEers
2 suin%lholine
2 dea#ethoniu#
Classi *S ells 2 CD,8< and CD30<
,' Nodular slerosis 2 launar *S ells
1' 6%#pho%te predo#inant )6 2 si#ple *S ells 2 CD10 <>E F CD ,82 and CD 302
& POPCO*N *S CE66S '
3' Mi. ellularit% 2 #ono nulear *S ells
4' 6 poor 2 pleo#orphi *S ells or nero"ioti ells
8' 6 rih 2 #u##ified *S ells
[ AM6 2 aKurophili granules
[ @ood Prognosis of A66 2 CD,0< F CD ,M213F 9M<
[ A66 2 good prognosis if :2
a' h%perdiploid%
"' triso#% 4F9F,0
C' t & M:,1'F t & ,1: 1,'
[ a"nor#al aKurophili granules 2 ACE**ODS
[ group of auerrods :2
g :A@@OTS CE66S
and A!O AM62M3
[hloro#a & #%elo"lasto#a ' 2 "est #arEer MPOF seond "est 2 CD,,9 <>E
g a!w t & L:1,'
[ #ost o##on AM6 in downs%ndro#e :2
g AM62M9 2 #egaEar%o "last 2 CD4, F41FJ1
f MDS %togenetis hanges
2 #onoso#% of hr 8 and 9
2 deletion of hr 8 and hr 9
2 a!w triso#% LF deletion 10 & 102'
[ #! pediatri %togeneti hanges 2 9 #onoso#%
[ #! adult %togenetis 2 hr 8 deletion
[ #! o$er all 2 hr 8 deletion-
[ C66 2 "oth #ust "e present 2 CD8< and CD13<
[ If one present onl% CD8< 2 MANT6E CE66 6ECIEMIA
[ IOC of C66 2 :low %to#etr%2i##unophenot%ping
[ C66 peripheral s#ear 2 s#udge ell or "asEet ell or parahute ell
[ diagnosti findings of C66
,' prol%#pho%tes whih are highl% #otileF fast di$ision &pathogno#i of C66 '
1' proliferation entre
3' diffuse e.pansion of l%#phnode arhiteture
)one% o#" lungs: U*heu#atoid arthritis- USleroder#a- U)istio%tosis \- USaroidosis-
Miro"iolog% 2 Miro"iolog%
PoEs lesionsd Po.F )erpes $irus
Ani#al inoulation2ar"o$irusF o. saEie $irus
A#nioti a$it%2influenKa $irus
Allontoi a$it%2su" ulture of influenKa and for $aines
AolE sa2hla#%diaF riEettsia
Countinue ell line
)ela2hu#an er$ial a
I"2hu#an phar%ngeal a
)ep12 hu#an squa#ous ell a of lar%n.
Shared fro# @oogle Ieep
[ par$o$irus 2 8th disease & er%the#a infetiosu# & slapped heeE '
[ ))>2J 2 Jth disease & e.anthe#a su"itu# ' roseola infantu#-
[ @uarneri "od% 2 inlusion of s#all po. speiall% $ainia $irus
[ henderson2peterson "od% 2 #olluso# ontagiosu#
[ DC $irus a!w with )I> i##unoo#pro#ised progressi$e #ultifoal
[ at latent stage of )S>2, its $irus site is T*I@EMINA6 @AN@6ION & sens ner$e '
[ reurrent infetion 2 )E*PES 6A(IA6ISF aEa :E>E* (6ISTE* aEa CO6D SO*E
[ site of )S>21 laten% is SAC*A6 @AN@6ION
[ D. of genital herpes 2 TKanE test 2 intranulear inlusion of #ultinuleated giant ells
peuliar feature-
[ latent site for ))>23 & >;> ' 2 spinal ner$ ganglion & single ganglion ' T3 to 63
[ reurrent infetion of $eriella 2 shingles 2 POST )E*PETIC NEC*A6@IA
[ ))>23 & );> ' 2 $aine 2 li$e attenuated 2 OIA strain
[ test for ))>24 &E(>' 2 heterophite testFpaul "unnel test F #onospot test-
[ #!! of heterophile 2$e #ononuleosis 2 CM>
[ #!!site of latent infetion of #$ in i##unoo#petent pt is 2 Eidne% and sali$ar%
[ #!! of oppurtunisti inf 2 CM> aftr organtransplant 2 PNECMONIA
[ #!! ause of "lindness in )I>!AIDS Pts 22 he#orrhagi retinitis due to CM>
[ D. of CM> 2 inlusion "odies 2 OO6 EAE INC6CSION-
[ ))>2L :2 EaposiNs saro#a
UEarliest sign of plaental separation is hange in onsisten% nd shape of uterus-
Udefinate sign of plaental separation is detahed plaenta felt in lower seg#ent-
;in def Enown as aroder#atitis enteropathiu#- Essential fatt% aids defiien% leads
to phrenoder#a or toad sEin
Prodrugs 2 Prodrugs
All ACE inhi"itiors e.ept aptoprilA and lisinopril
6e$o dopa
Meth%l dopa
Shared fro# @oogle Ieep
3 da%s #easles 2 ru"ella ! ger#an #easles
8th dse 2 par$o$irus (,M ! er%the#a infetiosu#! slapped heeE appearane
Jth dse 2 ))> J ! e.anthu# su"itu# ! roseola infantu#
Lth da% fe$er 2 tetanus
,00 da% 2 whooping ough
,-M of thro#"oe#"oli:arthero slerosis
1-M endogenous ause of fat e#"oli: Z long "ones&:EMC*'-
3-M e.ogenous ause of fat e#"oli:total parental nutrition
4-M of air e#"oli:entral $ein alulation
8-M gas e#"oli:deo#pression siEness&CAISSONI DIS'
J-M site of origin art e#"oli:heart
9-M of art e#"oli:arterial fi"rillation
L-M of $enous e#"oli:D>T of lower li#"
M-M o#pliation of $enous e#"oli:pul#onar% e#"oli &OESTE*N MA*I SI@N'
O :ors
(:"reast feed
I :i##uniKation
::fa#il% planning
:: fe#ale eduation
: :food suple#entation
,' organophosphate posioning
1' ar"a#ate poisoning
3' irodo%litis
4' to indue %loplegia in hildren for refration testing
Pheno.%"enKa#ine : is used to pr$nt htn episodes during operati$e #anipulation of
tu#or in pheohro#o%to#a-
6a"etalol G Car$edilol r useful 4 htn episodes in pheohro#o%to#a-
most imp!!"""
3 #odes of ultrasonograph%:
A #ode o used in optha dept- :or "io#etr%-
( #ode oroutine #odeF &a"do#enF hest et-' "@re%2sale #ode"
C #ode oused in #%oardiu# &eho'
hange in atrial pressure
A 2 atrial s%stole
C 2 s#all flutuation "K of "ulging of a$ wall to triuspid $a$le
$ 2 filling of right atrial when triuspid $al$e is losed
\ 2 a$ $al$e o#es "aE to original position during $entriular rela.ation
A 2 opening of triuspid $al$e
,st heart sound2 starting of iso$olu#etri $entriular ontration
1nd heart sound 2 starting of iso$olu#etri $entriular rela.tion
S3 2 rapid $enrtiular fillin@
S4 2 pathologial
ZZ Methods to #easure EC:
5 Inulin : #st aurate #ethod to #easure EC:
5 Mannitol
5 Surose
ZZ #ethod to #easure plas#a $olu#e
5 E$ans "lue & T,L14'
5 *adio2iodinated hu#an seru# al"u#in &SI*A'
5 *adio iodinated ga##aglo"ulin
5 :i"rinogen
UZ #ethod to #easure red ell $olu#e
5 *adioati$e isotopes of hro#iu# phosphorusFiron
Malignant aanthosis nigrians
AN assoiated with internal #alignan%
Most o##on underl%ing aner is tu#our of the gut &M07' espeiall% sto#ah aner
In 182807 of asesF lesions are present in the #outh on the tongue and lips
MeissnerNs orpusles 2 respond to hange in te.ture and $i"ration
MerEel ell 2 respond to sustain pressure
*uffini orpusles2 respond to sustained pressure
Painian orpusles 2 respond to deep pressure and fast $i"ration
Dalen fushs nodules found in s%#patheti opthal#itis
:requen% used in CS@- A"do#en- U328 M)K Superfiial tissue- U92,0M)K-
Trans$aginal- U829 M)K- Endosopi CS@ or ehoardiograph% U10M)K
Athetosis: lesion in lentiular nuleus
Chorea: lesion in audate nuleus
Ierniterus: lesion to glo"us pallidus
)a#i"allis#s: lesion to su"thala#i nuleus
OilsonNs disease: progressi$e hepatiolentiular degenerationF high opper ontent of
su"stantia niagra G low eruloplas#in-
Modified Eoopan%s test : "ariturates
guaia test : hae#aturia
*otheras test : Eetone "odies
gerhardts test : Eetosis
Molishs test : sugar &olor test'
Millons test : t%rosinosis
SulEowith test : urinar% a<1
(iuret test : protein
)ae#ophilia A 2 def of
:ator >III
)ae#ophilia ( 2 def of
:ator I\
)ae#ophilia C 2 def of :ator \I
Lth #arh 2 internation wo#enNs da%
,8th #arh world disa"led da%
Lth #a% 2 world red ross da%
1Jth Tune 2 international da% against drug a"use and illiit traffiEing
,st Tul% 2 dotors da%
,,th 2 world poplulation da%
,st ot 2 international da% for older personsF national $oluntar% "lood donation da%
Mth ot 2 world sight da%
,0th ot 2 world #ental health da%
14th ot 2 CN da%
,0th ot 2 world #ental health da%
14th ot 2 CN da%
,0th no$ 2 uni$ersal i##uniKation da%
18th no$ 2 international da% for eli#ination of $iolene against wo#en
3rd de 2 international da% of disa"led persons
,0th 2 hu#an rights da%s
:roKen plas#a: laE fator LF8 and $on wille"rand fator-
Cr%opreipitate: onentrated soure of fators LF $on wille"randF
Produed "% slow thawing 4degree C of froKen plas#a ff "% entrifugation at 4 degree
:etal he#oglo"in&h":': struture si#ilar to adult he#oglo"in e.ept "eta hains are
replaed "% ga##a hains-
More resistant to alEalis-
@reater affinit% for o.%gen-
6esser life span
[ 6egal age of #arriage in india 2 ,L %rs for girls and 1, %rs for "o%s
[ 6egal age for $oting in india 2 ,L %rs for "oth "o%s and girls
[ 6egal age for e#plo%#ent 5 ,4 %rs
[ legal age of onsent "% a girl for se.ual interourse in india 2 ,L%rs
[ Du$enile in india 2 "o% / ,L%rs F girls / ,L %rs
[ MaTor in india 2 ,L %rs and a"o$e
[ To"ao produt an not "e sold in india 2 "elow ,L %rs
[ Alohol annot "e sold in india 2 "elow 18 %rs
Short ter# star$ation: #ain soure of gluose is : li$er gl%ogen
6ong ter# star$ation: #ain soure if gluose is: :att% aids
MeissnerNs orpusles: respond to hange in te.tureF slow $i"ration
MerEel ells: respond to sustaind pressure and touh-
*uffini orpusles: respond to sustaind pressure
Painian orpusles: respond to deep pressure and fast $i"ration
" Contraepti$e #ethod and their pearl inde. & per )OA ' "
[ No #ethod used 2 L0
[ rh%th# & alendar ' #ethod 2 14
[ Coitus interuptus 2 ,L
[ Male ondo#s :2 12,4
[ :e#ale ondo#s :2 821,
[ Diaphrag# :2 ,1
[ $aginal sponge :2
,' parous wo#en 2 10240
1' Nulliparous wo#en :2 M 210
[ ICD :2 0-8 2 1-0
[ oral pill :2 0-, 2 0-8
[ enthro#an & saheli ' :2 ,-L321-L4
UMusle responsi"le for loEing of the Enee is quadrarus fe#oris- U#usle responsi"le
for unloEing of the Enee is popliteus-
Ner$e roots in$ol$ed in er"Ns paral%sis is C8 and CJ-
Ilu#pEeNs paral%sis ner$e roots in$ol$ed is T, and CL
some imp diseases!!""
AlKhei#erNs disease: o##on harateristis
Anterograde a#nesia is usuall% first sign
6ife e.petan% inrease shows #ore ases in reent %ears
;apped &loss of' aet%lholinergi neurons
)ereditar% disease
Entire hippoa#pus "eo#es affeted
Identified "% neurofi"rillar% tangles
Mutation in a#%loid genes assoiated w! disease
Entorhinal areas degenerate first
*etrograde a#nesia ulti#altel% de$elops
Senile plaques are for#ed at s%napse
Ad#inister o1
(egin esarean "irth
*eplae "lood loss
Cse reu#"ent position
Plaenta separation
Third tri#ester
Inspet :)*
O"ser$e for DIC
Mne#oni for raised Alfa feto protein-
"Inreased Maternal Seru# Alpha :eto Protein":
Intestinal o"strution
Multiple gestation! Misalulation of gestational age! M%eloshisis
Spina "ifida %stia
Anenephal%! A"do#inal wall defet
:etal death
Plaental a"ruption
Pepper2pot sEull
*ugger Terse% spine
(rownNs tu#or in #a.illa
Su"periosteal resorption of phalanges
Penil thin orte.
Ohite line of franEel
;one of tru##erfeld
PelEan spur
6ooserNs Kone
Triradiate pel$i
Protrusiin of aeta"uli
*ahiti rosar%
6ooserNs Kone
Oind swept defor#it%
Perthes disease 2 epiph%sis of head if fe#ur
PannerNs disease 2 apitulu#
Iien"oENs disease 2 lunate
Osgood shlatter disease 2 ti"ial tu"erosit%
Iohler disease 2 na$iular
Arahnodat%l% is seen in
,-#arfan s%ndro#e
3-ehlers danlos s%ndro#e
J' Triad Of )%pernephro#a 22 pain<he#aturia<renal Mass-
9' )uthinsonNs Triad 222 )uthisonNs TeethF Interstitial
IeratitisF Ner$e Deafness-
Triad Of IwashiorEar2 @rowth *etardationF Mental ChangesF
M' SaintNs Triad 222 @all StonesF Di$ertiulosisF )iatus )ernia-
TrotterNs Triad 22 Conduti$e DeafnessF I##o"ilit% Of
)o#olateral Soft PalateF Trige#inal Neuralgia-
,,' Congenital *u"ella s%ndro#e22 PDA deafness atarat
,3' @ranherNs triad22 lessened $esiular qualit% of "reathingF
sEodai resonaneF and inreased $oal fre#itus] seen in
earl% pul#onar% tu"erulosis-
,4' OslerNs triad22 telangietasisF apillar% fragilit%F and
hereditar% he#orrhagi diathesis seen in hereditar%
he#orrhagi telangietasia-
,J' OeilNs Disease22 )epatorenal Da#ageF (leeding
DiathesisF P%re.ia-
,9' MeniereNs Disease 22 >ertigoF TinnitusF Sensorineural
)earing 6oss-
,L' MelEersson *osenthal S%ndro#e22 reurrent :aial Pals%F
Pliation Of TongueF :aial Ede#a-
,M' ParEinsonis#22 *igidit%F Tre#or )%poEinasia
10' CushingNs traid 22 (rad%ardiaF h%pertension G irregular
respirations in inreased intraranial pressure-
1,' IartagenerBs S%ndro#e22 "ronhietasisF *eurrent
sinusitisF and Situs in$ersus-
11' )e#o"ilia&Triad of Sand"lo#'22 MalenaF O"struti$e
TaundieF (iliar% oli-
13' Murph%Ns triad&in order'2 PainF >o#ittingF :e$er-
DC*IN@ ATTACISF S-@6CCOSE /40F *elief of s%#pto#s when
the gluose is raised to nor#al-
,- MasE liEe faies ? ParEinsonis#-
1- Elfin faies ? Oillia#Ns s%ndro#e-
3- Moon faies ? CushingNs s%ndro#e-
4- Snarling faies ? M%asthenia gra$is-
8- Mitral faies ? Mitral stenosis-
J- Ashen gre% faies ? M%oardial Infartion-
9- Mouse faies ? Chroni *enal :ailure &C*:'
L- Adenoid faies ? Adenoid h%pertroph%-
M- 6eonine faies ? 6epro#atous lepros%-
,0- (ird faies ? Pierre *o"in s%ndro#e-
,,- Mongoloid faies ? DownBs s%ndro#e-
,1- S%philiti faies ? Congenital s%philis &dog Taw'
,3- Coarse faies2 Soto s%ndro#e
,4- )ipporati faies2 peritonitis
,8- MonEe% faies2 #aras#us
,J- Doll liEe faies 2 @ J p ase def
,9- Chip#unE faies 2 "eta thalasse#ia
,L- leonine faiesPlepros%
Kin ontaining enK%#es----- &#ne#oni'& "@6AD SCA*"'
-@luta#ate deh%drogenase
-AlEaline phosphatase
-DNAF*NA pol%#eraseF
-Supero.ide di#utase
-Car"oni anh%drase
-Alohol deh%droenase
-*etinine redutaseQ!"R
Diagnosti f.:
,-COPD 2 (arrel2Chested
1- Pneu#onia 2 @reenish *ust% Sputu#
3- Perniious Ane#ia 2 (eef% *ed Tongue
&ShillingBs Test'
4- IawasaEi Dieases 2 Straw"err% Tongue
8- T%phoid 2 *ose Spot
J- Tetan% 2 Ch$osteE Sign &Musle Twithing
9- )epatitis 2 Iteri Slera &%ellowish
disoloration of slera'
L- Meningitis 2 (urdKinsEi Sign &Pain on nape'
M- )%perth%roidis#2 E.opthal#us &"ulging e%es'
,0- AddisonBs Disease- 2 (ronKe2liEe sEin
,,- Cholera 2 *ie Oater% Stool
,1- S6E 2 (utterfl% *ashes
,3- 6epros% 2 6eoning :ae &ontrated fae'
,4- (uli#ia Ner$osa 2 Chip#unE :ae
,8- 6i$er Cirrhosis 2 Spider Angio#a
,J- Asth#a 2 OheeKing Inspiration
,9- )%perpituitaris# 2 CA*OTENEMIA
of sEin'
,L- Down S%ndro#e2 Single Crease on Pal#
,M- M%asthe#ia @ra$is &M@' X Ptosis &ina"ilit% to
open upper e%elids'
10- Dengue 2 Petehiae
1,- ParEinsonBs Diease- 2 Pill *olling Tre#ors
11- Measles 2 IopliEBs Spot
opthalmology mnemonics
*e#e#"er "DOA*:" for deri"ing N%stag#us
Diretion?plane of #o$e#ent2horiKontalF$ertial
Oa$efor#? Pendular or DerE%
A#plitude? fine or oarse
*est?At pri#ar% position or gaKe e$olEed
:requen%? )ow often the e%e #o$es
*e#e#"er harateristis of ongenital n%stag#us with CON@ENITA6
Con$ergene G e%e losure da#pens
Osillopsia a"sent
Null Kone that is presentFinreases fo$eation ti#e whih results in inreased auit%
@aKe poisition doesnot hange the horiKontal diretion of n%stag#us
Equal a#plitude and frequen% in eah e%e
Near auit% is good-
In$ersion of optoEineti response
Turning of head to ahei$e null point
A"olishes in sleep
6atent &olusion' n%stag#us ours
*e#e#"er the oular strutures deri$ed fro# neuroetoder# with MO*E
Musles of pupil
Opti Ner$e
*etina &with *PE'
Epitheliu# of Iris
Epitheliu# of Cilliar% (od%
*e#e#"er the strutures deri$ed fro# surfae etoder# with S,61E3
SEin of E%elids and its deri$ati$es $iK- iliaF tarsal glandsF onTunti$al gland
6ari#al @landF
Epitheliu# of ConTunti$aF
Epitheliu# of CorneaF
Epitheliu# of lari#al passage
*e#e#"er the drugs ausing atarat with A(CD
*e#e#"er the auses of Cnioular diplopia as A(CD
(eha$ioral: ps%hogeni
Disloated lens
*e#e#"er angle strutures with "I Can See Till Shwal"eNs 6ine"
Iris root
Cilliar% (od%
Sleral spur
Tra"eular MeshworE
Shwal"eNs 6ine
*e#e#"er the refrati$e indies of oular #edia with L303 &fro# anterior to posterior'
ornea ,-3L
aq hu#our ,-33
lens ,-40
$it hu#our ,-33
the t%pes of olour "lindness with Tu( Pa* Do@
*e#e#"er the auses of lid retration with 4 MP
4M? M%asthenia @ra$isFMarus @unn Taw winEling s%ndro#eFM%otoni auses liEe
d%strophia #%otonia-Meta"oli uses liEe urae#iaFirrhosis
4P?Perinauds s%ndro#eFParEinsonNs Disease!Progressi$e supranulear pals%FPtosis of
other e%eFPals% &a"errant III rnaial ner$e regeneration'
,- ArltNs 6ine 225 Pathogno#oni of a healed Traho#a-
1- (one spiule pig#entation 225 *etinitis pig#entosa-
3- (usaa Nodules 225 @ranulo#atous Anterior u$eitis-
4- (itotNs spots 225 a onTunti$al triangular white pathesF path gno#oni of Dr%
8- (laE sun"urst 2225 *PE )%perplasia in SiEle Cell *etinopath%-
J- (ullNs E%e Maulopath% 225 Chloroquine to.iit%F )%dro.%Chloroquine
to.iit%F Cone d%stroph% G (atten Ma%ou s%ndro#e-
9- Co""le stone papillae 225 Spring atarrh-
L- Cornea $ertiillata 225 A#iodarone side effet -Other Causes 2hloroquineF
:a"r%BsdiseaseF Indo#ethain-
M- Cherr% red #aula 225 C*AO
,0- ChoEed dis 225 Papilloede#a-
,,- Candle wa. drippings &*etinohoroidal e.udates' 225saroid periphle"itis
,1- Egg %olE appearane 225 >itellifor# #aular d%stroph%&(est disease'-
,3- Elipse sign 225 Shallow Anterior ha#"er-
Oular In$ol$e#ent in AIDS
2 Earliest finding in otton wool spots
2 MC oular infetion is CM> horioretinitis
2 drug of hoie of CM> *etinitis is @anilo$ir
2 Most o##on oular neoplas# in Iaposi saro#a
2 CM> infetions are seen with CD4T ell ount/80ells!##3
Da%s To "e *e#e#"ered :
30 Tan 2 Anti 6epros% Da%
4 :e"ruar% 2 Oorld Caner da%
1nd Oednesda% of #arh 2 No
s#oEing da%
L #arh 2 International Oo#enNs
14 #arh 2 Anti T( Da%
9 April 2world health Da%
18 April 2 Oorld Malaria da%
, Ma% 2 6a"our da%
L #a% 2 world *ed Cross da%
3, #a% 2 No To"ao da%
8 Tune 2 Oorld En$iron#ent Da%
1J Tune 2 International Da% against
Drug a"use and Illit traffiEing
, Dul% 2 Dotors Da%
,, Dul% 2 Oorld population Da%
L sep 2 Oorld litera% Da%
1L sep 2 Oorld *a"ies Da%
,0 Oto"er 2 Oorld Mental health
,0 No$ 2 International
I##uniKation Da%
,4 no$ 2 Oorld Dia"eti da%
18 No$ 2 International Da% for
Eli#ination of >iolene against
, Dee#"er 2 Oorld AIDS Da%
,0 Dee#"er 2 hu#an rights da%
1nd wednesda% of Oto"er: Oorld
Disaster *edution Da%
1L Tul% 2 Oorld hepatits Da%
3 #a% 2 Oorld Asht#a da%
18 #a% 2Oorld #ultiple slerosis
,st weeE of August: Oorld (reast
feeding weeE
1nd weeE of Ma%2 thalasse#ia weeE
,st weeE of Ma%2 Malaria weeE in
1nd sunda% of Ma%2 MotherNs Da%
,Jth Oto"er2 world anaesthesia
MC ause of #ortalit% in ulerati$e
olitis : To.i #egaolon-
MC ause of nerol%ti #igrating
er%the#a : @luagono#a
MC ause of neonatal nasal
o"strution : Choanal atresia-
MC ause of Neonatal Pneu#onia :
@roup ( streptoous-
MC ause of neonatal respirator%
distress in full ter#!post#ature
infants X Meoniu# aspiration
MC ause of nephroalinosis in
adults : Pri#ar% h%perparath%roi
MC ause of opti ner$e
enlarge#ent : Opti ner$e glio#a
MC ause of or"ital alifiations :
MC ause of or"ital infetion :
Paranasal sinusitis
MC ause of osteo"lasti "one
#etastases in an adult fe#ale :
(reast aner
MC ause of osteo"lasti "one
#etastases in an adult #ale :
Prostate aner
MC ause of osteol%ti "one
#etastases in a hild :
MC ause of osteol%ti "one
#etastases in an adult fe#ale :
(reast aner
MC ause of osteol%ti "one
#etastases in an adult #ale : 6ung
MC ause of Osteo#%elitis of spine :
Penetrating diret trau#a
MC ause of panreati lipo#atosis
in hildren : C:
MC ause of pleural eosinophilia :
Air in the pleural spae
MC ause of pneu#operitoneu# :
*uptured duodenal uler-
MC ause of postpartu# fe$er :
Mne#oni for Da% of appearane of
rash in a fe"rile patient is :
>er% SiE Person Must TaEe Dou"le
>er% X >ariella &da% ,'
SiE X Sarlet fe$er &da% 1'
Person X Po. X s#all po. &da% 3'
Must X Measles &da% 4'
TaEe X T%phus &da% 8'
Dou"le X Dengue &da% J'
Ta"lets X T%phoid &da% 9'
,' AuspitK sign2 Psoriasis
1' (eauNs lines &Palpa"le horiKontal
deep groo$es G ridges
on nail'2 Trau#aF oronar%
olusionF infetionF
MalnutritionF he#otherap%F
psoriasisF dia"etesF
#onths of onset'
3' MuehrEeNs nails &)%popig#ented
lines on nail- Neither
an% groo$e nor an% ridge is
palpa"le-'2 Che#otherap%F
Nephroti s%ndro#e--
4' A.illar% freEles2Neurof
i"ro#atosis t%pe ,
8' Cafq au lait spots2Neurofi"r
o#atosis t%pe ,
J' 6ish nodules&Iris'2N
eurofi"ro#atosis t%pe ,
9' (uttonhole in$agination2
Neurofi"ro#atosis t%pe ,
Dennie2Morgan fold2 Atopi
M' DarierNs sign2 urtiaria
,0' Ioe"ner pheno#enon2 PsoriasisF
6ihen planusF
>itiligoF Pit%riasis ru"ra pilaris
,,' Nail pitting2 Psoriasis
&AuspitK sign G Ioe"ner
,1' OiEha#Ns striae2 6ihen planus
,3' Pter%giu# of nail2 6ihen planus
&Ciatrial alopeiaF Ioe"ner
(ua #uosa in$ol$e#ent'
,4' )erald path2 Pit%riasis rosea
,8' Christ#as tree pattern2
Pit%riasis rosea
,J' Cigarette paper sales2 Pit%riasis
,9' Pin priE ithing2 Pit%riasis
,L' Sun fungus2 Pit%riasis >ersiolor
,M' NiEolsE%Ns sign2 To.i
epider#al nerol%sis G
Pe#phigus $ulgaris
10' *ow of To#"stone appearane2
Pe#phigus $ulgaris
1,' Aanthol%sis2 Pe#phigus
& Pe#phigus2Intraepider#al "listersF
(ual #uosa
Pe#phigoid22 Su"epider#al "listersF
Muosa not in$ol$ed'
11' Target lesion2 Er%the#a
13' (ullNs e%e2 Er%the#a #ultifor#e
14' Iris lesion2 Er%the#a #ultifor#e
18' @arttage test2 Psoriasis
1J' Candle grease sign2 Psoriasis
19' (urEle%Ns #e#"rane2 Psoriasis
1L' Oarnoff ring2 Psoriasis
1M' Miro2#unro a"sess2 Psoriasis
30' Sil$er% sales2 Psoriasis
3,' On%hol%sis2 Psoriasis
MC "rain ano#al% on prenatal
sonogra#s : Isolated Mild
MC "reast tu#or under age 18
%ears : :i"roadeno#a
MC ardia #anifestation of S6E :
MC ardia tu#or in hildren :
MC ardia $al$ular tu#or :
Papillar% fi"roelasto#a
MC arpal disloation :
Transsaphoid perilunate
MC ausati$e organis# of aute
p%ogeni #eningitis in adults :
Strep- pneu#oniae
MC ausati$e organis# of neonatal
p%ogeni #eningitis : E- oli
MC ause for failure of dial%sis
graft : :i"rointi#al h%perplasia :
$enous outflow stenosis-
MC ause for late failure in lung
transplant patient : (ronhiolitis
,' AuspitK sign2 Psoriasis
1' (eauNs lines &Palpa"le horiKontal
deep groo$es G ridges
on nail'2 Trau#aF oronar%
olusionF infetionF
MalnutritionF he#otherap%F
psoriasisF dia"etesF
#onths of onset'
3' MuehrEeNs nails &)%popig#ented
lines on nail- Neither
an% groo$e nor an% ridge is
palpa"le-'2 Che#otherap%F
Nephroti s%ndro#e--
4' A.illar% freEles2Neurof
i"ro#atosis t%pe ,
8' Cafq au lait spots2Neurofi"r
o#atosis t%pe ,
J' 6ish nodules&Iris'2N
eurofi"ro#atosis t%pe ,
9' (uttonhole in$agination2
Neurofi"ro#atosis t%pe ,
Dennie2Morgan fold2 Atopi
M' DarierNs sign2 urtiaria
,0' Ioe"ner pheno#enon2 PsoriasisF
6ihen planusF
>itiligoF Pit%riasis ru"ra pilaris
,,' Nail pitting2 Psoriasis
&AuspitK sign G Ioe"ner
,1' OiEha#Ns striae2 6ihen planus
,3' Pter%giu# of nail2 6ihen planus
&Ciatrial alopeiaF Ioe"ner
(ua #uosa in$ol$e#ent'
,4' )erald path2 Pit%riasis rosea
,8' Christ#as tree pattern2
Pit%riasis rosea
,J' Cigarette paper sales2 Pit%riasis
,9' Pin priE ithing2 Pit%riasis
,L' Sun fungus2 Pit%riasis >ersiolor
,M' NiEolsE%Ns sign2 To.i
epider#al nerol%sis G
Pe#phigus $ulgaris
10' *ow of To#"stone appearane2
Pe#phigus $ulgaris
1,' Aanthol%sis2 Pe#phigus
& Pe#phigus2Intraepider#al "listersF
(ual #uosa
Pe#phigoid22 Su"epider#al "listersF
Muosa not in$ol$ed'
11' Target lesion2 Er%the#a
13' (ullNs e%e2 Er%the#a #ultifor#e
14' Iris lesion2 Er%the#a #ultifor#e
18' @arttage test2 Psoriasis
1J' Candle grease sign2 Psoriasis
19' (urEle%Ns #e#"rane2 Psoriasis
1L' Oarnoff ring2 Psoriasis
1M' Miro2#unro a"sess2 Psoriasis
30' Sil$er% sales2 Psoriasis
3,' On%hol%sis2 Psoriasis
MC "rain ano#al% on prenatal
sonogra#s : Isolated Mild
MC "reast tu#or under age 18
%ears : :i"roadeno#a
MC ardia #anifestation of S6E :
MC ardia tu#or in hildren :
MC ardia $al$ular tu#or :
Papillar% fi"roelasto#a
MC arpal disloation :
Transsaphoid perilunate
MC ausati$e organis# of aute
p%ogeni #eningitis in adults :
Strep- pneu#oniae
MC ausati$e organis# of neonatal
p%ogeni #eningitis : E- oli
MC ause for failure of dial%sis
graft : :i"rointi#al h%perplasia :
$enous outflow stenosis-
MC ause for late failure in lung
transplant patient : (ronhiolitis
,- COPD 2 (arrel2Chested
1- Pneu#onia 2 @reenish *ust%
3- Perniious Ane#ia 2 (eef% *ed
&ShillingBs Test'
4- IawasaEi Dieases 2 Straw"err%
8- T%phoid 2 *ose Spot
J- Tetan% 2 Ch$osteE Sign &Musle
9- )epatitis 2 Iteri Slera
disoloration of slera'
L- Meningitis 2 (urdKinsEi Sign &Pain
on nape'
M- )%perth%roidis#2 E.opthal#us
&"ulging e%es'
,0- AddisonBs Disease- 2 (ronKe2liEe
,,- Cholera 2 *ie Oater% Stool
,1- S6E 2 (utterfl% *ashes
,3- 6epros% 2 6eoning :ae
&ontrated fae'
,4- (uli#ia Ner$osa 2 Chip#unE
,8- 6i$er Cirrhosis 2 Spider Angio#a
,J- Asth#a 2 OheeKing Inspiration
,9- )%perpituitaris# 2
of sEin'
,L- Down S%ndro#e2 Single
Creaseon Pal#
,M- M%asthe#ia @ra$is &M@' X Ptosis
&ina"ilit% to
open upper e%elids'
10- Dengue 2 Petehiae
1,- ParEinsonBs Diease- 2 Pill *olling
11- Measles 2 IopliEBs Spot
i- Dutus arteriorus: 6iga#entu# arteriosu#
ii- Dutus $enosus: 6iga#entu# $enosu#
iii- 6eft u#"ilial $ein: 6iga#entu# teres of li$er
i$- *ight u#"ilial $ein: Disappears
$- >itellointestinal dut: MeEelNs di$ertiulu#
$i- Crahus: Median u#"ilial liga#ent
$ii- Pro.i#al part of u#"ilial arter%: Superior $esial arter%
22 MC ause of heart transplant in
infants &/ , %ear' ? ong heart
22 MC ause of heart transplant in
hildren 5 , %ear ? ardio#%opath%
&dilated espeiall%'-
22 The first pediatri heart
transplant was perfor#ed in,MJ9
"%Dr- Adrian IantrowitK three da%s
after the first adult heart transplant
was perfor#ed "% Dr Christian
CD ,MF10F1,F11 : ( Cell #arEersF CD ,M is pan ( ell #arEer
CD 13<FCD 8< : C66!S66
CD 132FCD 8< : Mantle ell l%#pho#a
CD 30&onl%' aEa Ii2antigen : Anaplasti 6arge ell l%#pho#a
CD 3,: Endothelial ell #arEer &positi$e in angiosaro#as'
CD 34: Ste# ell &also positi$e in angiosaro#as'
CD 4,FJ,: MegaEar%o%teFplatelet #arEerFpositi$e in AM62M9
CD 48 : On all leuEo%tes&e.ept *S ell'
CD 48 *O: Me#or% ell
CD 48*A!*(: Nai$e (!T Cell
CD 88&DA:'F CD 8M&MI*6' : A"sent in PN)
CD JLFS2,00< :)istio%te #arEer&< in #alignant fi"rous histio%tosis'
Drugs stop!ontinue "efore!during
Drugs to "e stopped "efore surger%-
,- Oral h%pogl%e#i X
If Minor surger% X O#it #orning
If MaTor surger% X Swith to insulin
4Lhrs "efore F and then o#it
#orning dose of
insulin on da% of surger%
1- OCP X Estrogen ontaining pills to
"e stooped 4 wEs "efore surger%-
&Progesterone onl% pills
an "e ontinued'
3- MAO inhi"itors X disontinue 3
wEs "efore Surger%
4- Oral Antioagulant X Stop , wE
"efore and swith to low #oleular
weight heparin &whih is
stopped , da% "efore surger%'
8- Asprin X stop 4L X 91 hrs "efore
J- 6ithiu# X stop 4L X 91 hrs
9- ACE Inhi"itors-
Note: S#oEing should "e stopped
JwEs "efore surger%- E$en if not
stopped thenF it will still "enefit if
stopped ,1hrs "efore surger%-
Drugs that an "e ontinued-
Anti)%pertensi$e &e.ept ACE
AntiAnginals &e.ept Asprin'
AntiTh%roid drugs-
Progesterone onl% pills
STE*OIDS : If patient tooE Steroid
for 5 ,wE in last ,%ear X then
intraop steroid replae#ent is
6i$er X #ost o##onl% inTured in
all a"do#inal trau#a-
Spleen X #ost o##onl% inTured
organ in "lunt trau#a-
6i$er25 #ost o##onl% inTured
organ in penetrating trau#a-
t%#pani #e#"rane2 M in (last
intestines2 #ost o##onl% inTured
in under water "last inTuries
*ate li#iting enK%#e for gl%olo%sis
22phosphofrutoEinase &P:I,'
rate li#iting enK%#e for
gluoneogenesis22frutose ,FJ
rate li#iting enK%#e for the TCA
%le22isoitrate deh%drogenase
rate li#iting enK%#e for gl%ogen
s%nthesis222gl%ogen s%nthase
rate li#iting enK%#e for
rate li#iting enK%#e for the )MP
rate li#iting enK%#e 4 de no$o
p%ri#idine s%nthes22ar"o#ol%
phosphate s%nthetase I
rate li#iting enK%#e for de no$o
purine s%nthesis22gluta#ine2 P*PP
rate li#iting enK%#e for the urea
%le22ar"a#o%l phosphate
s%nthetase I
rate li#iting enK%#e for fatt% aid
s%nthesis222aet%l CoA ar"o.%lase
rate li#iting enK%#e for fatt% aid
o.idation22arnitine a%ltransferase
rate li#iting enK%#e for
Eetogenesis222)M@2CoA s%nthase
rate li#iting enK%#e for holesterol
s%nthesis222)M@2CoA redutase
I#portant InterleuEins #ust
Enow ----YYYY
I62, : fe$er &hot'
I621 : T ell sti#ulator
I623 : (one #arrow sti#ulator
I624 : IgE &lass swithing fro# Ig@'F
( ell growth
I628 : IgAF eosinophils
I62J : Infla##ation
I629 : Infla##ation
I62L : Neutrophil he#oattratant
Ner$e palsies:
MEDIAN: Ape thu#" defor#it%F Pointing inde.F Carpal tunnel s%ndro#e
*ADIA6: Orist dropF Saturda% night pals%F Cruth pals%
C6NA*: Partial law hand &o#plete law hand is "oth ulnar G #edian'F Cu"ital tunnel
COMMON PE*ONEA6: :oot drop
6ON@ T)O*ACIC NE*>E O: (E66: Oinging of sapula
UTertian fe$er &fe$er after 4L hours'
UNo latent li$er h%pnoKoites
U*etiulo%tes and all nor#al G #ature *(Cs are affeted
U(anana shaped ga#eto%tes
U)ighest parasiti "urden
UMature ring trophoKoites
UMaurerNs lefts
UDou"le hor#atin dots
UAole for#ation
UMultiple infetion &5, parasite in$ades *(C'

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