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The Corrupt Primordial Class

JC Collins
Death is a release from the impressions of the senses, and from desires that mak
e us their puppets, and from the vagaries of the mind, and from the hard service
of the flesh. Marcus Aurelius Meditations. 167 AD
Socialism corrupts capitalism and than blames capitalism for the ineffectiveness
of its own inefficiencies. But lets not get lost in ideological blathering and
economic system fundamentals.
All economic and sociological structures are built by the human mind and as such
are designed to feed the deficiencies within the mind itself. These deficienci
es are born from the survival instinct of primordial man and his battle to survi
The class structures which we have been conditioned to accept are defined as the
poor, middle class, and rich. But what is the one thing all classes have in co
Perhaps human greed is the answer, though the correct answer could also be man's s
urvival instinct which is manifested as greed. This greed does not seldom exist
on the surface of our everyday interactions, but is well hidden within the conf
ines of the subconscious mind and consolidated filters of the senses.
As such, few of us consider ourselves to be greedy people. Yet, survival today,
being represented by trips to the grocery store and gas station, has left a pri
mordial emptiness within us which we attempt to fill with the waste and vagaries
of the material world.
Long journeys across the plains foraging for food is no longer the physical requ
irement of the modern man. The mind, not focused upon on the securing of food a
nd shelter, has left our primordial selves in a form of suspended animation.
This status has been manipulated and further engineered to deepen the coma of th
e higher awareness within and has reduced us to the lowest common denominator of
base physical existence. A new class of humanity has emerged from the mass col
lective of modernity and overabundance.
I propose to define this new class distinction as - The Primordial Class the low
est common denominator quest for survivability as actualized in the amoral struc
ture of modern civilization.
This class can be found in all levels of civilization and in all segments of ind
ustry and arts. It is the mindset of what is mine is mine and what is yours is
also mine.
It is the madness of dancing on pedestals over the void of selfness.
It is the destructive idea of peeling back the street to take what is underneath
It attempts to qualify and define the nature of now.
Mankind cannot go back to the days of foraging and shivering in caves at the sou
nds of predators. Mankind most push through the traps of modernity and explode
from the prison of the senses.
Our true physical instinctual nature was best represented by Capitalism but has
since been corrupted into a twisted ideological bastardization of what we are an
d what we seek to be.
A king and beggar play chess together.
The king can king and the beggar can beg,
But the board knows the truth of it all.
The affliction of the Primordial Class knows no boundaries or borders. Whether
you be rich or poor, or wanting more, the corruption of the human heart and mind
is the door through which we have entered the modern the world.
It is time to relinquish old paradigms and unfounded stereotypes and realize tha
t corruption in the material world is not limited to the boundaries which satisf
y our lack of awareness.
It is time for the Primordial Class to be subjected to the self-limiting of rent
seeking. This rent seeking exists at all levels of society. Those who are ric
h are cursed by those who are not because they are not. The majority in civiliz
ation are the Primordial Class no matter the sociological level.
It has been relentlessly repeated here by many that for the world to change we m
ust change ourselves first. The affliction of primordial corruption must be rec
ognized within individually first before real change can be realized for the who
It is a guaranteed reality that there are those at all levels of society who are
not completely lost to the Primordial Class. Perhaps a few of us have already
consolidated ourselves here at Philosophyofmetrics. We invite more, for with ea
ch awareness comes the ability to free more. Tomorrow is depending on it. JC

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