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Sutter Portner
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The mountainous plateau is an isolated,
lush land. The blurry rocky mountain
looks like its covered in ash, as it stands
tall like a guard that protects the en-
chanting plateau. The cool air the morn-
ing brings is swift in the sky like a bird
that soars over the land high above
while the smell of the fresh, lean, fertile
grass dances across the plain like a balle-
rina. The dark olive colored grass grows
This is the Crystophians land they live on and modify.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
freely and overlaps each other when
they get too dense in weight. The grass
is so thick and lush it looks like a gar-
dener has been taker care of it for
years, and its so soft an animal could lay
there without even touching the dirt be-
low. It has a tint of lime green and a bit
of yellow. The majestic, blinding sunset
radiates over the sky. The sunset is like
a ripe peach that taste so sweet and
juicy like it has just been opened. The
small hills far off in the distance are like a
wrinkled blanket carefully set on the
land, yet made with the softest materi-
als. Six bison eat the emerald green
grass while one looks on to the remote
It is in this unfavorable geographic envi-
ronment that the civilization of Crysto-
phia will be founded. It is a civilization
whose design takes inspiration from the
study of past civilizations such as the Ar-
abs, the Aztecs, the Greeks, the May-
ans, the Mesopotamians, and the Ro-
mans, among others. This book will
document steps to take in order to cre-
ate a successful civilization.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
The peoples good is the highest law.
- Cicero
Law & Government
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
Crystophias gov-
ernment should sat-
isfy the Crysto-
phian people be-
cause if they do
not, the citizens
Maintaining Civil Order
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
could rebel and possibly overthrow the
government. Crystophia should satisfy
the people by creating a healthy govern-
ment, creating an economy that may
contribute to wealth for its citizens, and
making sure there is political equality. In
the past, city-states such as Rome, they
saw people of their civilization rebel be-
cause of lack of government, wealth,
and political equality. Frey shows the Ple-
beians going on a so- called strike in
494 B.C.E., Angry over their lack of
power, the Plebeians marched out of the
city and camped on a nearby hill
(319). Crystophia should not be unfair
to its people or it may cause them to
strike and we know Crystophia will fail
based of what we have seen from past
civilizations. Crystophia should not have
classes such as Plebeians or Patricians
History has
shown us
that separa-
tion in
divides nations and does not contribute
to strength. Having a separation in
classes also causes great conflict, which
can lead to riots and chaos. By not hav-
ing classes, citizens would be allowed to
communicate openly which would only
lead to a stronger civilization. There may
be someone who has a great idea or
they or may have important information
about the security and safety of the
group. By having this open communica-
This picture shows the Plebeian war
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
tion, democracy, there would be less of
an idea to overthrown the government
in times of trouble.
Age Range:
The Crystophians should choose people
who are around the age of 30 for gov-
ernment. The older a person is, the
wiser they are and the more they can
contribute to their civilization. If a Crysto-
phian is 18 they have a good education
and can remember more solutions from
school, but no experience in life because
they have been focused on school for
the past couple years and they wouldnt
know what to do when a huge problem
hits the Crystophians civilization due to
lack of experience. In Frey it states,
Each year, the names of all citizens 30
years of age or older were collected,
and 500 of those names were chosen
(261). Crystophia should have a sys-
tem somewhat like this. Crystophia
should have a 30-year age requirement
in order to participate in being elected in
Athens had an age range of 30 years or up and you had to be a citizen
which meant you had to be born in Athens and a male.
Gallery 1.1 Athens Government Age System
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
the government. Although Spartan
elected men who were 60 years old, the
Crystophians should not have a 60-
year-old man elected to the government
because the Crystophians would have
the risk of loosing that person to death.
Even though they knew what happened
in the past and can think of some good
solutions they should not have to risk
loosing their lives. They might also have
trouble remembering things and the
Crystophians would also have to replace
new members constantly if they were
that old and passed away. Over all
Crystophia should have an age limit of
30, because they are not too young
and they are not too old and Crystophia
should have healthy young (not too
young) members.
The better system of making laws is
through a democratic means. The peo-
ple of Crystophia should express what
they feel because some people in their
civilization could have good reasons why
the government should make laws. If the
Crystophians had a government like
Sparta did, they could be missing out on
all the great ideas to help maintain stabil-
ity and save their civilization. Someone
might have one idea that might poten-
tially save Crystophias civilization from
perishing if they disagree or agree on a
law. In Athens, Frey states, The Assem-
bly debated and voted on laws proposed
by the council (261). This proves that
in Athens they had a democracy al-
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
though only the Assembly could debate
on the laws. Even though the assembly
was only able to debate on the laws, the
Crystophians should have a democracy
in which their citizens have equal say in
the laws as the assembly does. This is
great for Crystophia because they can
hear what the people have to say, and
the people will be happy they get to ex-
press their belief. Over all
Crystophia should have a
democracy, because they
wont be missing out on all
the great ideas to help
maintain stability and save
their civilization.
Code Of Laws
The major threat of the Crystophians civi-
lizations success is equality of the peo-
ple. Based on Athens and Sparta they
did not have women in any form of gov-
ernment. Women should have equal
rights because some women have great
ideas and if the Crystophians do not
have that they might not have the best
civilization, because women can past
Hammurabi Code of Laws
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
great ideas through government. The
Crystophians should not have Plebeians
or Patricians because later on it could
start rebellion. If Crystophia has Plebe-
ians then sooner or later they can find
out that some rich people are lying
around drinking wine and they will rebel
and start riots that will be chaos. The
Crystophians civilization have medical
service to a child poorly deformed, be-
cause mother should not have to suffer
that much, and the child should not die.
Even though the child is deformed it can
have many talents that the Crystophians
might need.
It is written that all people shall follow
these laws,
I. If a woman is hit or treated differently
by a man, the man will pay the woman
1,000 twinks, and write a paragraph on
how women are equal and have the
same rights as men and if the woman
does not approve, she can make the
man do as many paragraphs as she
want him to do until she approves.
II. If a parent abuses their child, they will
lose their child and pay a fine of 650
III. If a person does not pay twinks for
their house they shall be paid 500
twinks to get a job, and if they do not
pay in 3 months they will be kicked out
of their house.
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IV. If a dreadfully deformed child is born,
it should be treated as soon as possible
and if nobody does anything and the
child dies, they shall wear only black for
a day to show they caused a death of
an infant, and they will need one more
year of training before they touch an-
other child.
V. If a shop owner fools another man,
child, or women, they will not have the
advantage of owning the shop any
longer and they will have to work in the
fields for a month.
VI. Anyone should not be buried in the
city (alive or dead). They will have to
pay 300 twinks if anyone in the area
gets sick.
VII. If anyone kills another person they
shall pay the fine of 2,500 twinks and
serve 3-4 years in jail.
VIII. A person should only be able to
have 3 buckets of water for each day or
they will have to pay 50 twinks and then
be cut back to 2 buckets of water.
IX. If someone steals something on an-
other persons property and gets caught
they shall pay the fine of 100 twinks
and return the stolen item. Plus the per-
son robbed gets to take three items
from the robbers household.
These laws will help create a successful
civilization, because they help under the
categories of health, theft, safety, rela-
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
tionships, ownership, property, fairness,
and that leads up to a happy civilization.
If Crystophia has a happy civilization
than there will be no rebellion, chaos,
and most importantly Crystophia will
grow as a civilization to be the best civili-
zation. If there is none of that than
Crystophia will in fact be one of the
greatest civilization, because if the peo-
ple are happy they will do anything under
the rulers command, so if Crystophia
goes to war since the people are happy
you could get more warriors. These
laws create order, and a civilization
needs order to maintain stability. With-
out laws civilizations would be chaos and
these laws help with the opposite of
chaos. In the past Hammurabis code
helped maintain the civilization, and they
helped cover many situations. The
Crystophians should have laws, because
of the proof that Hammurabi Code was
Political Leader-
An important les-
son to be taken
away by Julius
Caesar is to re-
duce taxes so
the rich do not
take advantage
of the poor. Julius Caesar was a great
man that lived from 100 B.C.- 44 B.C
in Rome. Julius Caesar made many laws
that helped slave revolts, unemployed
farmers and others becoming slaves,
threats of unemployed mobs rebelling,
and reducing taxes. Even though Julius
Julius Caesar's coin
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
Caesar lived in a republic he was a
threat to a lot of people even though he
passed some good laws through Rome.
Senators thought that he was going to
bring back monarchy, which is where
there is a king and all the power is
passed on to heirs unlike a republic
where you can be elected. Julius Caesar
had his named stamped on coins, wore
royal purple, and had his statue put into
the temple where only god statues were
put in
there before his statue. This made many
senators believe that Caesar was bring-
ing monarchy back and they thought he
was a threat. On March 15 44 B.C Ju-
lius Caesar was murdered by senators
and was stabbed to death 23 times re-
corded in history. One of Julius Caesar
achievements was reducing taxes which
helped Romes conquered territories re-
sent having to pay taxes to Rome and
in the Roman army. This helps because
if Crystophia conquers a territory then
the civilization will not be happy so if
Crystophias government reduces tax
then the people may not be as angry
and enraged than before, and if they are
not angry there is a greater chance they
will not rebel. In the source Julius Cae-
sars Rule as Dictator it states, He re-
duced taxes and made tax collections
more fair. This is the kind of leader
Crystophia has because it would make
the people happier if there would be less
taxes, because they can spend more on
Julius Caesar
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
clothes, other taxes, and food. If Crysto-
phia did not reduce taxes they civilization
they conquered might still might be en-
raged, and if Crystophia just had a war
soldiers will probally be hurt and many
might of died so they would not have
good protection from the other civiliza-
tion if they rebelled. Crystophia should re-
duce taxes like Julius Caesar, because
Crystophia would have a greater chance
of no rebellions.
The Pompeii-Anteatro
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
An important political lesson that should
be learned from Rome is to make the
people in Crystophia happy. Augustus
Caesar was great man who helped
Rome in many ways. He helped build the
first libraries, arenas, and theaters that
were open to the public which helped
Rome keep people happy. Crystophia
shall allow anybody to go any place, if
the person pays taxes for their home.
Crystophia should reduce peoples taxes
by 30% if Crystophians go too war, be-
cause a lot more people would go to
war, and still be happy their taxes are be-
ing getting reduced. If there are more
people going to war to fight then Crysto-
phia would have a greater chance of con-
quering the other civilization. In this
quote by Political Leadership of Caesar
Augustus it states, This program in-
cluded restoring 82 temples and building
new statues, theaters, and a large out-
door arena, or forum. In the Crysto-
phias civilization they should make the
people happy by allowing most areas
available to anyone. In the Crystophias
civilization they should
have the arts so they can
enjoy the civilization and
be happy.
should have
theaters build
for anyone to enjoy. Crystophia should
also have music and dancing in the thea-
Plebeians Revolting
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
ter too for people to enjoy. If the people
are happy they will not rebel so Crysto-
phia should do anything to satisfy their
civilization, and if the people are happy
they are more willing to do things.
Crystophia should also have Libraries
open for anyone too have learn
the past
and to
have the
edge as
anyone else.
To make the people happy
Crystophia should also have an arena for
people to play sports, get active, have
fun, and be happy. If people are happy
they will not rebel or start war so Crysto-
phia should do anything to keep there
civilization happy. If anything is de-
stroyed then Crystophia shall restore it,
because if the people love a monument
and it gets destroyed they will be un-
happy. Crystophia learned from the
ments of
Caesar to
your peo-
ple happy,
because if
you do
not they can start riots, rebels, and even
Decline Of The Roman Empire
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
The main reason for the decline of the
Western Roman Empire was military
spending.Rome started out as a healthy
thriving Republic, but later in 476 C.E.
Rome was spending so much on military
that they had too go on des
perate measures. Rome got so desper-
ate they started asking mobs and con-
quered territories to fight in the army.
This not only made it more expensive,
but it made their military unreliable.
Rome had such an unreliable army, the
soldiers could have turned on their lead-
ers during a war and they could have
conquered Rome. Romes excessive
spending in the military had a huge nega-
tive impact that lead to the decline of Ro-
man Empire. According to "Decline of
the Western Roman Empire", The Em-
pire had to begin hiring soldiers recruited
from the unemployed city mobs or
worse from foreign countries. If Rome
were to recruit people they conquered
from previous wars, those new soldiers
would probably turn against Rome and
take them over. The idea of excessive
military spending would have many impli-
cations. If Rome were asking people
from conquered territories to fight in their
army they obviously would have a huge
problem on their hands. Rome was so
destitute that they had to turn to their
conquered territories for their army. If
Rome had conquered people in their
army then they would most likely turn
on them. Rome basically fought two
wars, so if they recruited soldiers from
conquered territories they would have
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
been in great debt. Military spending
was a humongous threat to the civiliza-
tion of Rome because without it they
could easily be conquered. Overall mili-
tary spending was a major factor that
impacted Rome, and how Rome would
be successful or not.
Military spending was a huge factor in
the demise of the Western Roman Em-
pire. If excessive spending on the military
were to occur in the Crystophias civiliza-
tion, the government would have to
raise money to cover these costs by col-
lecting more taxes from the citizens of
Crystophia. Crystophia should keep the
taxes fair by ordering a census that
would keep track of taxes so the people
will be equal. Crystophia should not rise
taxes to people that are poor, because
this would lead to riots and chaos within
the civilization. Crystophians could even-
tually start rebellions against the govern-
ment if this were to happen so this is the
best way to. This would mean that the
Crystophians would be fighting two
wars, one against their own people and
another against their enemies. If so
much turmoil and fighting were to hap-
pen, Crystophias civilization would also
have a decline in population which would
result in having fewer people in the
Crystophian army, and having fewer peo-
ple in the army would mean a higher risk
of losing wars. According to "Decline of
the Western Roman Empire", Military
spending left fewer resources for other
vital activities, such as providing public
housing and maintaining quality of roads
and aqueducts. This is the overall idea
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
of what will happen if military spending in-
creases. There will be no public housing
or good quality roads or aqueducts,
which would be safety and health haz-
ard. To help Crystophia, its government
should lower taxes for people who fight
in their wars so that soldiers are more
willing to support protecting Crystophia.
This would encourage people to join
Crystophias military. Crystophians
should also have all citizens gather up
their own items and make their own
weapons. By doing this, it will cut down
on military spending. If the people do this
Crystophia will award them with a neck-
lace made out of wood in honor of their
bravery so that everyone who sees that
necklace recognizes that person. If
Crystophians hear that they get a neck-
lace of honor if they fight in the army,
that person might be more willing to join
the military also. Crystophia should learn
from the past in order to create a suc-
cessful civilization, and will learn from
Romes mistakes of military spending.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
As a
[person] believes, so will the person act.
Belief Systems
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
Role of the Catholic Church and its Belief System in Medieval
~Role of The Catholic Church In Medieval Europe~
The Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe grew in both eco-
nomic and political power after the collapse of the Western Roman
Empire in 476 C.E. At this time the king wanted people to obey
him, so he stated that he had the will of god to rule. The king
feared that people would not believe him so he asked the pope to
tell the people he wasnt lying. Henry also stated that he did not
like the Pope, and decided to re him from being pope. After
Henry did this, Pope Gregory said he would excommunicate King
Henry from the church. This was a big problem for King Henry be-
cause citizens would no longer believe Henry so he begged for
Impact of A Belief System
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
three days to let him stay in the Church. Since Church ofcials
were the only one in Rome that could read, the king went to the
pope for him to write letters and read messages. Another benet is
the Church ofcials could make laws. Making laws could be a
huge deal, because now they can make rules for the civilization,
and people have to obey the laws. The Church also got money
from taxes known as the tithe. The Church gained more economi-
cal power collecting taxes from people. As stated by Frey, The me-
dieval Church added to its wealth by collecting Tithe, or tax. (33).
Tithe was important to the church because, the Church needed
money to pay taxes and other bills. When a citizen pays the tax
they are obliged to give one tenth of their money to the Church.
This means if a person has one hundred dollars, they would give
10 dollars to the church.Tithe increased economical power, because
the church collected taxes. Not only did tithe create more economi-
cal power, but people could also start seeing the church differently,
with more power. As the church grew stronger and stronger, the
economical and political power got even bigger in as it strived to
be the most powerful in Rome.
The Roman Catholic Church inuenced peoples good thoughts
and deeds in Medieval Europe because of salvation.Rome s catho-
lic church grew stronger as more and more people strived for salva-
tion. Salvation is when a person dies and goes to heaven, but if
that person did not have salvation, they go to hell. To achieve salva-
tion a person will have to follow Christian duties, like to believe in
God, pray, and more. Salvation has an inuence on a persons ac-
tion, because a person can do horrible things but not want to go to
hell, so the person will be more likely to create less chaos and fol-
low Christian rules. Salvation was a huge deal back then because
chaos was in Rome when the Crusades hit, and there was no hope.
Luckily the Roman Catholic Church formed and there was hope in
the Rome. Since chaos was still present, salvation was a key factor
for a persons life, because in his or her afterlife peace was some-
thing everyone wanted. Frey states, The church taught that salva-
tionwould come to those who followed the churchs teachings
(31). Salvation was huge factor in a citizens life. Salvation was
such a big deal at the time, when Pope Urban II made his speech it
made history. At the time, Rome was scared the Seljuks would not
permit Christians to visit Jerusalem. Pope Urban gave a speech,
and stated if the citizens of Rome fought with the Crusades, he
would grant eternal salvation, and forgive all sins. Salvation was
Interactive 2.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
such a big deal
many Christians
joined the cru-
sades in battle
just for salvation.
Women that had
less power than
men even joined
as well as peas-
ants. Even chil-
dren crusades
joined the battle,
and started a
Children Cru-
sade. Salvation
was so big at the
time; almost no
one would pass
up the chance to
get to go to
heaven for free.
Salvation was so
powerful in life; a
person would
change there whole personally in order to get to heaven. Salvation
could change a persons actions or deeds as fast as because the
temptation to have salvation at the time was so powerful.
Opening Paragraph
The civilization of a will have a belief system, because without
one Crystophia will not be guided and have rules to follow other
than laws. Crystophians will make the right choice with the right
religion. Without a religion or belief system people will be lost
and question and ght over who is right and wrong. Crystophia
will have to learn from past belief systems like Hinduism, Bud-
dhism, and Confucianism. If Crystophia has a belief system it will
guide people to act well, do good deeds, and have good actions.
Crystophia will be able to teach people the right ways in life and
to help others so Crystophia can become a strong civilization. A
belief System is a major part in a civilization, because without one
Crystophia will have chaos and people would not know who to
follow, how to act, and most importantly who they are.
To better understand the role of a belief system within a civiliza-
tion and how they can inuence the actions and decisions of a per-
son, consider the following moral dilemma:
Joe is a fourteen-year-old boy who wanted to go to camp very
much. His father promised him he could go if he saved up the
money for it himself. So Joe worked hard at his paper route and
saved up the $40 dollars it cost to go to camp, and a little more be-
sides. But just before camp was going to start, his father changed
his mind. Some of his fathers friends decided to go on a special
shing trip, and Joe's father was short of the money it would cost.
So he told Joe to give him the money he had saved from the paper
route. Joe didn't want to give up going to camp, so he thinks of re-
fusing to give his father the money.
Pope Urban II statue located in Clermont.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
If Joe the fourteen-year-old boy were a Confucian, Joe would
respect his father. Since Joe is a Confucian it is his duty to respect
his elder like stated in Frey According to the Confucianism, there
are ve basic relationships: ruler and subject, husband and wife, fa-
ther and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and
friend(208) Joe would choose to give his money that he raised to
his father, because even if Joe does not want to give his father the
money, it is his duty to obey his father, as a true Confucian would
do. Joe's duty include respecting your elders so if Joe does not give
the money, above all Joe is would not be a true Confucian. If Joe
does not follow his own duties his father would have the right to
punish him so Joe would likely hand over the money to his elder
(father). Joe has rules, and those rules are what guide him to be his
best self. Joe follows, trust, and he lives by those Confucian words.
Joe is following his Confucian ways and he knows he has bounda-
ries. A civilization needs boundaries in order to maintain stability.
If people are following their belief system they are under control,
and there will be no chaos. People will have to obey certain rules,
and they will know and believe that they can do certain things and
they cannot do certain things.Joe gave his father the money, be-
cause he knew that he needed to follow his Confucian ways and
respect his elders instead of creating a bigger problem than it al-
ready was.
If Joe were a Buddhist Joe would give the money to his father be-
cause said in The Eightfold Path people should not live a life full of
selshness, but love. Hindus believe that nothing last forever, and
in Joes dilemma money never last forever. In The Four Noble
Truths, Frey states, Suffering is present in all things, and nothing
lasts forever(159). Joe would give up the money, because he
would know from The Four Noble Truths, nothing lasts forever,
and Joe would know that the money does not last forever, because
money comes and goes. Joe would also give the money to his fa-
ther, because Joe would know that A true Buddhist has to give up
all their possessions and special items, in this case money Joe
worked hard for. He knows this because A Buddhist thinks Posses-
sion and special items to a have a good life you need to take away
your needs. This belief system has people that follow Hinduism be-
lieve that you have to live by your dharma, because you will rein-
carnate into a higher class. This makes people do even better
deeds, and this will help create a better civilization Hindus believe
in helping others. A Confucians and a Buddhist think alike and
would make the same decision because they both would honor the
idea of giving the money to his father.
A belief system is a key factor in a civilization because without one
their will be chaos. A belief system is a huge part of a civilization
On left is the Confucian religious symbol, and on the right is the Hindu
Dharma Wheel.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
because people will be lost, they will argue, question whether who
is right and wrong, and affect their thinking and how they will re-
act to a solution that may rely on that problem. This will inuence
people and how they act to problems they face. A belief system can
change how they act, how they think, and how people face prob-
lems to nd solutions. With a belief system people will act differ-
ently because they will have consequences or rewards. This will
help civilizations because the people will be guided and they will
know how to act and how to come up with solutions to problems.
Without a belief system people will not have a path or direction to
follow. If a civilization has a belief system the people with be
guided and have rules besides laws. All in all a belief system is a
major part of a civilization because without it, it would affected
how people act, think, and nd solutions to problems.
Belief System Of Crystophia
In an effort to create a successful civilization the people of Crysto-
phia have established their own belief system. It shares similar re-
ligious belief and teachings with other world religions and helps
the people of Crystophia act, think, and provide solutions to prob-
lems. Here are some examples.
The rst tenet Crystophians believe in is called Plezu, which repre-
sents kindness to one another. Plezu is shown during special occa-
sions once a month. Giving a gift or present to someone one has
been in conict with in the past is an act of Plezu. This act shows
kindness to one another and helps build healthy relationships with
people. Plezu helps people think about others and it also encour-
ages them to respect and honor people and to make them feel
good. Plezu teaches a person to always think about others instead
of themselves. Plezu has a direct connection to the ve pillars of Is-
lam. The third pillar (Zakat) is all about charity and helping an-
others soul. Stated by Frey, Muslims must share about one for-
tieth (2.5 percent) of their income and possessions with their
poorer neighbors (98). When the civilization of Crystophia prac-
tices Plezu, this helps create a successful civilization by making
people think of people, and be kind. Plezu helps a civilization be-
cause of how it places value on people and Plezu not only helps to
promote kindness with one another, but it also promotes deeper
thinking into treating people right for the good of the civilization.
By carrying out Plezu and being kind to one another people learn
to appreciate others. In order for a civilization to be successful, the
people of Crystophia can practice the belief of Plezu regularly and
in everyday life inuence.
People at church meditating. The Crystophians have their chairs
high, because it shows they are bigger than their problems.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
The second tenet Crystophia believes in is called
Keehyla, which represents control. Control over a society and indi-
vidual self-control. Keehyla helps a civilization by enforcing non-
violence with the exception of war. Keehyla helps people get
through tough times without the need to feel like they have to re-
sort to violence. A civilization, which enforces Keehyla, creates a
calm society, which feels it has a stable environment. Keehyla is an
important factor because a civilization needs not only control over
a civilization, but self-control. If people have control over them-
selves they will be more mature and reliable. In order for a society
to truly master Keehyla, is carried out by meditation. People will
meditate once a day inside the church in order to clear their minds,
focus on non-violence and try having a pure mind by thinking of
good not bad. They will also meditate on the chairs inside the
church which represents them above all their problems. Meditation
will help people clear their minds and let go of their problems and
gain clarity. Frey states, They believed they could reach enlight-
ment through meditation. While meditating, the ascetics sat qui-
etly and focused on their minds and spiritual questions (157).
Crystophians will have time each afternoon to meditate and clear
their minds and think of how they will react to tempting situations
and learn to resist. After meditation Crystophians will carry out
their normal schedules. Meditation starts when a person has done
at least 17 things that show resistance or Keehyla. In Crystophia,
parents or guardians will approve when children are free to medi-
tate. Once approved, they will be allowed to meditate and focus on
resistance even more. It is an honor to meditate, because that
means you have taken the time to complete your duties like being
patience, resisting, and being more civilized. This task can be n-
ished in a day, month, or even year, but when you nish you are
free to meditate. Keehyla will help a civilization, because with Kee-
hyla it will be easier for people to control themselves over things
like pier pressure.Keehyla is important for a successful civiliza-
tion because Keehyla will not only help people, but it will help
Crystophia as they learn self-control.
The third tenet Crystophians believe in is called Yabi, which stands
for peacefulness. Yabi will help people have peace with rival. Yabi
helps to create a successful civilization because is helps create ca-
maraderie among the civilization. Yabi builds trustworthiness in
the civilization, which is important for armies, because in past civi-
lizations like Rome, the armies were unreliable. Yabi will help
bring happiness in Crystophia, and lessen conict. With Yabi, peo-
ple will be free to talk to whomever they would like to speak with
Holy month of Ramadan when Hindus fast.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
and will not have to worry about rivals and enemies. Stated by
Frey, Hindus believe that all life forms have a soul, so Hindus re-
spect all forms of life and doing no harm to them (148). Crysto-
phias civilization will have peace with others and will not harm
others or animals like Hindus. To carry out this value of peace
Crystophians will have a holiday in September in which they do
chores for an enemy or rival. In this holiday they will do chores
that include harvesting their crops, cleaning their clothes, washing
dishes, and daily chores around the house. This holiday will help
repair relationships with people and create a successful civilization
by having peace with others.
Hindus are vegetarians and do not harm animals, especially cows that are
Gallery 2.1
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
Review 2.1
Check Answer
Question 1 of 3
Did The Roman Church Collect Tax
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Only when they needed it
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
A person may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
John K Kennedy
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
A humanist mindset promoted new
ideas in literature that can make a suc-
cessful civilization. Humanists believe
that any person can achieve greatness
in their life if they set their mind to it. Hu-
manist thinking started in the 1500s.
When Rome was in the medieval age,
most books were written in a different
language like Latin. Since most people
did not know how to read, transferring
Power of Ideas
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
the language to a different language did
not help people. Due to the lack of
books that were not legible, people
couldnt have the knowledge they could
have had. People would also be limiting
their ideas because they could not ac-
cess new information and use it to cre-
ate new ideas. In the Renaissance age
Humanist changed literature and turned
it into something new. People started
writing about self-experience, and they
started creating poems. Since the
authors started writing in their own na-
tive language, it spawned new ideas be-
cause other citizens could read it. Frey
States, Writing about secular, or non-
religious, topics became more com-
mon(328). Since secular topics be-
came more common and it was written
in the native language, more people
would be influ-
enced by hu-
manist mind-
set, rather
than religious
mindset. Not
all people read
humanist litera-
ture. Even
though some
people choose
to think like a
humanist and
some choose
a more relig-
ious mindset many tried to balance the
two. Humanist literature is very powerful
because people can create ideas with
the intelligent of anothers and turn it into
This is a image of a renaissance painting
drawn in a book.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
a new idea that could help a civilization persevere.
The social structure was one of the
main impacts from humanism and its im-
pact on Rome with markets and other
public places. During medieval times the
social structure was strict, and many
people were servants and peasants.
They usually could not communicate
with higher-class people so that pre-
vented people to share ideas with one
another. During the Renaissance age
people from different places and differ-
ent classes gathered to get food at pub-
lic markets. Places like these allowed
people from all classes to mingle and
share ideas without thinking about
classes. Not only did people come from
different classes, but they also came
from different cultures. This was a great
This image is drawn by Leonardo da Vinci and symbolizes hu-
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
opportunity for people to share different
ideas that might help people save
money, help with their health, or different
daily things. As stated by Frey, If some-
one was born a peasant, he or she
would always have less status from a
noble(321). Since Humanism was so
popular and they believed anyone could
achieve greatness, the social structure
was declining. When all of these classes,
races, and culture combine, there are
many possibilities for new ideas. Say if a
peasant is talking to a higher-class citi-
zen, the peasant can talk about handy
tips and then the other citizen can build
on that idea. Another example is if a per-
son from a different place comes to the
market, they can talk about a good way
to manage crops or make money. With
all these ideas from different people this
is what is going to build up a civilization,
make it strong, and stay strong. Human-
ist changed the way people think and
not only helped the social structure but
they help create ideas.
During the renaissance age, people ques-
tioned the Roman Catholic Churches tra-
ditions and teaching as well as the be-
liefs. Many people believed in the Roman
Catholic Churchs teachings until Human-
ism began to rise. Many people were Hu-
manist like Jan Hus, John Calvin, and
Leonardo De Vinci, but Martin Luther
stayed and protected his idea even
when threatened by his life. Luther al-
ways questioned things including the
church. Like any humanist he asked
questions that pressured the church. The
church also sold indulgences to people.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
Idulgences are granted to people who
pay money to the church officials and in
return all sins are forgiven. Many people
were interested because having salva-
tion and going to heaven were big things
even in the renaissance. After some
time bishops and popes started selling in-
dulgences, which made people in Rome
suspicious and even disturbed. Not only
did the Church give indulgences they also
gave out Simony. As stated by Frey,
The church also sold offices, or leader-
ship positions (348). This meant
citizens/church officials were allowed to
buy/sell with their own money. This was
quite popular though some thought it
was wrong to do this. Martin Luther also
believed that there were only two sacra-
ments, which were baptism and the
Eucharist instead of the seven sacra-
ments, the church and its followers be-
lieved in. Martin Luther also asked ques-
This picture shows church ofcials and the pope selling positions
in the church.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
tions like what should he do to be saved
which put stress on the church. Even
though Luther meant no harm the
Church thought Luther was fundamen-
tally attacking the Roman Church. First
the church excommunicated Luther from
the church that meant he was no longer
apart of it and could not get salvation.
Then they banned Luther from selling his
own writing. To finally make Luther stop
they threatened his life. Martin Luther
went into hiding, but when someone
starts an idea, it is nearly impossible to
get rid of it so his idea spread on to form
In the civilization of Crystophia, a human-
ist mindset would challenge Crystophias
religion in many ways. In Crystophia a
humanist from Glandia visited the Crysto-
phians and made many critics. Some
were helpful but some were bad. The
Glandian told the Crystophians to make
their cross on the Christian houses
smaller even though the cross repre-
sents Jesus and making it smaller would
be a sign of disrespect. The Glandian
also requested glass panels for my gov-
ernment building, but Roman Architec-
ture originally inspired it. From these sim-
This picture shows Crystophia's church that was doubted by the mind-
set of a Glandian.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
ple suggestions Crystophians can agree
to the advice and have a whole new
mindset that might threaten Crystophia
later on. Even though some suggestions
are not appropriate for Crystophia, they
created a system in Crystophia that
helps control ideas, but still has opportuni-
ties for new ideas. In Crystophia they
created a mail system where any per-
son will write a letter to the government
building and state their idea or concept.
To make the Crystophian feel apart of
the civilization, if their idea does not ap-
ply for what Crystophia is looking for the
government will send out kind letters say-
ing that the idea was not what they
were looking for. Of course all the mail
being sent will be hectic to each Crysto-
phian is assigned a month where in that
month they can only send one idea. This
strategy will help ideas grow and flourish
while others will be kept under control.
This system will help Crystophia because
Crystophia will be able to verify these
ideas that might help in multiple ways like
increasing population, war technics, and
more. Overall the mail system in Crysto-
phia will make for a successful civilization
by opening up to new ideas yet still con-
trolling them.
Galileo was a humanist that could have
a great impact on Crystophia by his fasci-
nation for astronomy. Galileo took onto
the idea of the Copernican theory discov-
ered by Nicolaus Copernicus. Back when
Galileo first build on the theory many
doubted him and his silly prediction. The
church was not quite amused but nerv-
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
ous that he might change peoples ideas
and then people could question the
church. Galileo believed that the earth
was not the center of the world, but the
sun is the center. The church did not
agree because they believed god made
earth in the very middle of the universe,
so there was turmoil between the
church and Galileo. After Galileo was
banned to sell any of his books about
the Copernicus theory and he had to
swear the geocentric theory was right.
Frey states, Galileo decided to build his
own telescope (392). The Crystophi-
ans would learn from Galileo to build and
create new things, which can help
Crystophia become an even more pow-
erful civilization. Crystophia would benefit
from Galileo by promoting new ideas
and making them into books if govern-
Galileos portrait.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79
ment approves. Galileo still spread his
ideas even when he was being doubted
and he made a huge discovery. If Galileo
was in Crystophia then he and start build-
ing on even more to make greater dis-
coveries could influence people. If Galileo
were in Crystophia he would make a suc-
cessful civilization because he promoted
his ideas into books to share and if more
ideas are shared the Crystophia can use
them to come up with techniques.
Portner, Sutter Monday, June 2, 2014 2:57:49 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:dd:79

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