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Activities at a Bahia Concepcion!

Vocabulary, Video, and Photoshop Lesson Plan

by Ally McWilliams
A# $ational" American Council on the %eachin& o' (orei&n Lan&ua&e
)# Communication
a# Standard 1.1: !tudents en&a&e in conversations, provide and
obtain in'ormation, e*press 'eelin&s and emotions, and e*chan&e
b# Standard 1.2: !tudents understand and interpret +ritten and
spo,en lan&ua&e on a variety o' topics
c# Standard 1.3: !tudents present in'ormation, concepts, and
ideas to an audience o' listeners or readers on a variety o' topics#
-# Cultures
a# Standard 2.1: !tudents demonstrate an understandin& o' the
relationship bet+een the practices and perspectives o' the culture
Standard 2.2: !tudents demonstrate an understandin& o' the
relationship bet+een the products and perspectives o' the culture
.# Connections
a# Standard 3.1: !tudents rein'orce and 'urther their ,no+led&e
o' other disciplines throu&h the 'orei&n lan&ua&e
b# Standard 3.2: !tudents ac/uire in'ormation and reco&ni0e the
distinctive vie+points that are only available throu&h the 'orei&n
lan&ua&e and its cultures
1# Comparisons
a# Standard 4.1: !tudents demonstrate understandin& o' the
nature o' lan&ua&e throu&h comparisons o' the lan&ua&e studied
and their o+n
b# Standard 4.2: !tudents demonstrate understandin& o' the
concept o' culture throu&h comparisons o' the cultures studied and
their o+n#
2# Communities
a# Standard 5.1: !tudents use the lan&ua&e both +ithin and
beyond the school settin&
b# Standard 5.2: !tudents sho+ evidence o' becomin& li'e3lon&
learners by usin& the lan&ua&e 'or personal en4oyment and
B# !tate" L5%6 Modern Lan&ua&e !tandards
a# !tudents +ill be able to use a lan&ua&e other than 6n&lish 'or
communication in listenin&7spea,in& and readin&7+ritin&#
b# !tudents +ill develop cross3cultural s,ills and understandin&s
throu&h e''ective communication#
C# $ational %echnolo&y !tandards" !%6
)# Creativity and nnovation" !tudents demonstrate creative thin,in&,
construct ,no+led&e, and develop innovative products and processes
usin& technolo&y#
a# Apply e*istin& ,no+led&e to &enerate ne+
ideas, products, or processes
b# Create ori&inal +or,s as a means o' personal
or &roup e*pression
c# 8se models and simulations to e*plore comple*
systems and issues
d# denti'y trends and 'orecast possibilities
-# Communication and Collaboration" !tudents use di&ital media and
environments to communicate and +or, collaboratively, includin&
at a distance, to support individual learnin& and
contribute to the learnin& o' others#
a# nteract, collaborate, and publish +ith peers,
e*perts, or others employin& a variety o' di&ital
environments and media
b# Communicate in'ormation and ideas e''ectively
to multiple audiences usin& a variety o' media
and 'ormats
c# 9evelop cultural understandin& and &lobal
a+areness by en&a&in& +ith learners o'
other cultures
d# Contribute to pro4ect teams to produce ori&inal
+or,s or solve problems
.# :esearch and n'ormation (luency" !tudents apply di&ital tools to
&ather, evaluate, and use in'ormation#
a# Plan strate&ies to &uide in/uiry
b# Locate, or&ani0e, analy0e, evaluate, synthesi0e,
and ethically use in'ormation 'rom a variety o'
sources and media
c# 6valuate and select in'ormation sources and
di&ital tools based on the appropriateness to
speci'ic tas,s
d# Process data and report results
1# Critical %hin,in&, Problem !olvin&, and 9ecision Ma,in&" !tudents
use critical thin,in& s,ills to plan and conduct research, mana&e pro4ects,
solve problems, and ma,e in'ormed decisions usin& appropriate di&ital
tools and resources#
a# denti'y and de'ine authentic problems and
si&ni'icant /uestions 'or investi&ation
b# Plan and mana&e activities to develop a solution
or complete a pro4ect
c# Collect and analy0e data to identi'y solutions
and7or ma,e in'ormed decisions
d# 8se multiple processes and diverse
perspectives to e*plore alternative solutions
2# 9i&ital Citi0enship" !tudents understand human, cultural, and societal
issues related to technolo&y and practice le&al and ethical behavior#
a# Advocate and practice sa'e, le&al, and
responsible use o' in'ormation and technolo&y
b# 6*hibit a positive attitude to+ard usin&
technolo&y that supports collaboration,
learnin&, and productivity
c# 9emonstrate personal responsibility 'or
li'elon& learnin&
d# 6*hibit leadership 'or di&ital citi0enship
;# %echnolo&y 5perations and Concepts" !tudents demonstrate a sound
understandin& o' technolo&y concepts, systems, and operations#
a# 8nderstand and use technolo&y systems
b# !elect and use applications e''ectively
and productively
c# %roubleshoot systems and applications
d# %rans'er current ,no+led&e to learnin&
o' ne+ technolo&ies
Lesson 5b4ectives" !tudents and teacher +ill communicate in !panish durin& the
entire class# !tudents +ill learn a ne+ set o' vocabulary about activities at the
beach# %hey +ill use this vocabulary to 'ill out an Actividades +or,sheet#
!tudents +ill use t+o pieces o' technolo&y to enhance their learnin&" )< %hey +ill
+atch a video and describe, +ith a nei&hbor, the beach usin& their ne+
vocabulary +ords# -< !tudents +ill also use Adobe Photoshohp on the computer
to create a persuadin& pamphlet7'lyer in !panish 'or vacationin& at the beach#
ntroduce Learnin& Activity
A# When students arrive, pass around a beach ball and as, each student +here
they li,e to &o 'or vacation# 6*plain to students that +e are &oin& to learn
some ne+ vocabulary about the beach#
B# Pass around some pamphlets =in !panish< so that the students can &et a &ood
idea o' +hat a &ood, convincin& pamphlet loo,s li,e# As, them +hat they
li,e7disli,e about the pamphlet>s desi&n#
V Provide n'ormation
A# We +ill re'er to the beach vocabulary list# We +ill &o over pronunciation as a
class and tal, about the meanin&s o' the +ords# %hen, students +ill 'ill out an
Actividades +or,sheet individually#
B# %hen, +e +ill +atch a video online about a beach in Ba4a Cali'ornia and
discuss the beach and +hat they sa+" https"77+++#youtube#com7+atch?
C# +ill sho+ the students ho+ to ma,e a pamphlet7'lyer on the computer#
6*plain that they can dra+ their o+n pictures in Paint or by hand, or they can
'ind pictures 'rom the internet to add to their pamphlet# !tudents +ill chec,
o'' +hich pamphlets convinced them the most, and the +innin& student +ill
receive a candy bar#
V Provide Practice
A# !tudents +ill have personal time to practice their vocabulary ,no+led&e
durin& the class pronunciation e*ercise and durin& the +or,sheet#
B# !tudents +ill be able to practice +ith 'ormattin& an already3made pamphlet 'or
about 2 minutes be'ore they have to ma,e their pamphlets about the beach#
V Provide Cno+led&e o' :esults
A# Verbal 'eedbac, +ill be &iven to students durin& pronunciation o' ne+
vocabulary, durin& the +or,sheet, and durin& the discussion o' the video#
B# Verbal 'eedbac, +ill be &iven to students durin& the practice o' 'ormattin& the
already3made pamphlet and a'ter they create their beach pamphlet by both me
and their peers#
V :evie+ the Activity
A# Ao over any mispronounced +ords 7 errors that occurred o'ten
B# As, students +hy they chose a certain pamphlet as their 'avorite =did they li,e
the colors, pictures, lan&ua&e, dra+in&, etc?<
C# %o end the class, as, each student +hat their 'avorite activity at the beach is#
V Method o' Assessment
A# !ee +hich students did not participate +ell in the discussion activity# Aive
rapid oral su&&estive 'eedbac, to oral errors 'or improvement in per'ormance#
B# Loo, over 'inal pamphlets 'or errors and correct either orally or +ith +ritten

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