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Important Dates in Greek History

16th c.: Zenith of Minoan civilization; rise of Mycenaean

ca. 15: !olcanic er"ption of #hera.
1$5%1&': Mycenaean occ"pation of (rete.
ca. 1&': )inal *estr"ction of +nossos.
1$th%1&th cs.: Zenith of Mycenaean civilization.
1,th c.: )all of Mycenaean civilization; Dorian infiltration of
11th c.: (olonization of -ast Greece. cs.: Greek Dark /0e
'th c.: 1ene2e* contacts 2ith the 3ear -ast; fo"n*in0 of first
Greekcolonies in 4icily an* 4o"th Italy; Greek alpha5et;
666: #ra*itional *ate of first 7lympia*.
6th c.: Hoplite system of 2arfare; colonization 5e0ins in
8ropontis9 :lack 4ea9 an* 3orth /frica.
6th%6th cs.: /0e of the #yrants in Greece.
561%5,6: #yranny of 8eisistratos in /thens.
5$6;6: 8ersia 5e0ins con<"ests of /sia Minor an* -ast Greece.
51: 7"stin0 of the last tyrant =Hippias> in /thens.
5';6: Democratic reforms of +leisthenes in /thens.
$..%$.$: Ionian revolt a0ainst 8ersia.
$.: )irst 8ersian e?pe*ition to Greece; 5attle of Marathon.
$';6.: 4econ* 8ersian e?pe*ition to Greece "n*er @er?es;
5attles of #hermopylai9 4alamis9 an* 8lataia; 8ersian
sack of /thens.
$6';66: )o"n*ation of the maritime Delian Aea0"e9 2hich 2as to
5ecome the /thenian -mpire.
$6'%$$.: Greek retaliations a0ainst 8ersian -mpire.
$61%$,.: 8erio* of 8eriklesB infl"ence in /thens.
$5$: #reas"ry of Delian Aea0"e move* from Delos to /thens9
often consi*ere* the official 5e0innin0 of the /thenian
$&,%$$: 8eloponnesian Cars =primarily /thens vs 4parta>.
$$: 4"rren*er of /thens to 4parta; en* of the 2ars.
&&': :attle of (haironeia; Greece at the feet of 8hilip II of
&&6: /le?an*er =Dthe GreatD> 5ecomes kin0 of Mace*onia.
&&$%&,&: /le?an*erBs con<"ests in the -ast; /. *ies in :a5ylon in
late $th c.: :attles of /le?an*erBs 0enerals over his empire.
&r* c.: 1ise of Hellenistic monarchies in -0ypt9 4yria9 /sia
Minor9 an* Mace*onia.
,'1%1&&: +in0*om of 8er0amon.
,n* c.: 1oman infiltration of Greece an* /sia Minor.
1$6: 1oman sack of (orinth.
'6;'6: 4ack an* *estr"ction of /thens 5y the 1oman 0eneral
/e0ean Aate :ronze /0e 155%11
Dark /0e 11%6
6th (ent"ry;7rientalizin0 6%6
/rchaic 6%$'
(lassical $'%&,&
Hellenistic &,&%&
Ze"s =E"ppiter>
4"preme 0o*; 2eather an*
*ivine F"stice. 8rincipal c"lt
centers at 7lympia9 3emea9
Do*ona9 an* /thens.
/phro*ite =!en"s>
Da"0hter of Ze"s; love9
h"man emotions. MaFor c"lt
center at +ni*os.
/pollo =/pollo>
4on of Ze"s9 5rother of
/rtemis; prophecy9 fine arts.
MaFor c"lt centers at Delphi9
Delos9 :assai9 an* Di*yma.
/res =Mars>
4on of Ze"s; 2arfare. / Hi0h
(lassical temple to him that
2as locate* some2here in
/ttika 2as move* in early
1oman times to the /thenian
/rtemis =Diana>
Da"0hter of Ze"s9 sister of
/pollo; h"ntin0 an* the 2il*.
MaFor c"lt centers in (orf"
an* at -phesos an* Ma0nesia%
/thena =Minerva>
Da"0hter of Ze"s; 2is*om9
2arfare9 2omanly crafts.
MaFor c"lt centers at /thens9
Delphi9 #e0ea9 an* 8er0amon.
Demeter =(eres> 4ister of Ze"s; a0ric"lt"re9
afterlife. 8rincipal c"lt center
at -le"sis in /ttika.
Dionysos =:acch"s>
4on of Ze"s; 2ine9 revelry9
afterlife. 8rincipal c"lt center
at #eos.
Ha*es =8l"to>
:rother of Ze"s; lor* of the
Hephaistos =!"lcan>
4on of Ze"s; metal2orkin0
an* other in*"stries. MaFor
c"lt center at /thens.
Hera =E"no>
4ister;2ife of Ze"s; affairs of
ho"sehol*. MaFor c"lt centers
at 7lympia an* in 4amos.
Hermes =Hermes>
4on of Ze"s; messen0er9
escorter of so"ls.
Hestia =!esta>
4ister of Ze"s; hearth an*
homelife. Most Greek to2n
halls ha* an ever%5"rnin0 fire
for Hestia.
8osei*on =3ept"ne>
:rother of Ze"s; sea9
seafarin0. MaFor c"lt center at
(ape 4o"nion in /ttika.
8rincipal Greek hero in the
#roFan Car. 4everal of his
e?ploits9 as 2ell as the
2e**in0 of his parents9 8ele"s
an* #hetis9 are sho2n on the
5lack%fi0"re )rancois !ase.
Aea*er of the Greek forces
a0ainst #roy in the #roFan
/ maFor Greek 2arrior in the
#roFan Car; seen playin0 a
0ame 2ith /chilles on a 5lack%
fi0"re amphora 5y -?ekias.
/mazons / race of non%Greek 2arrior
2omen 5elieve* to live in the
northern reaches of the 2orl*.
#heir 5attles 2ith Greeks:
Greek heroes 2ho saile* on
the /r0o in p"rs"it of the
Gol*en )leece; le* 5y Eason9
h"s5an* of Me*ea.
(orinthian hero9 5est kno2
for his slayin0 of the three%
hea*e* (himaira9 2ith the ai*
of his 2in0e* horse 8e0asos.
(reat"res 2ith the tr"nk an*
hea* of a man com5ine* 2ith
the 5o*y of a horse. / famo"s
5attle a0ainst Greeks9
involvin0 #hese"s9 is the
D(enta"romachy9D as seen on
the 2est pe*iment of the
temple of Ze"s at 7lympia
an* on metopes of the
8arthenon in /thens.
#he three%hea*e* ho"n* of
Hell =Ha*es>; the final <"est of
Herakles in his #2elve
:east 2ith the 5o*y an* hea*
of a lion9 a snake for a tail9 an*
the hea* of a 0oat comin0 "p
from its 5ack. 4lain 5y
:ellerophon an* 8e0asos.
/ yo"th 5orn from the slain
Gor0on9 Me*"sa9 as *epicte*
on the pe*iments of the temple
of /rtemis9 (orf".
G"een of Mycenae an*
"nfaithf"l 2ife of
(yclops;(yclopes / race of one%eye* 0iants9
5elieve* 5y the Greeks to have
constr"cte* ancient
D(yclopeanD 2alls9
Dai*alos =Dae*al"s>
/ mythical craftsman of
(rete. He len*s his name to
6th%cent"ry DDae*alicD
Cife of Herakles9 2ho save*
her virt"e 5y slayin0 the
centa"r 3essos9 as on the
8roto%/ttic 3essos amphora.
Diosko"roi =Diosc"ri>
#2in sons of Ze"s9 5orn of
Ae*a: +astor =(astor> an*
8oly*e"kes =8oll"?>.
/n early kin0 of /thens9
*eifie* an* 2orshippe* on the
/kropolis in the
-ros =("pi*>
#he 0o* of physical love9 son
of /phro*ite an* /res.
/ consort of Ze"s9 se*"ce* 5y
him in the form of a 5"ll an*
carrie* off across the sea to
(rete9 2here she 0ave 5irth to
#he task%master of Herakles
in his carryin0 o"t of the
#2elve Aa5ors.
/ 5ea"tif"l yo"th 2hom Ze"s
se*"ce* an* took to 7lympos
to 5ecome the c"p%5earer of
the 0o*s.
Ge or Gaia
#he personification of the
earth9 as seen tryin0 to save
her son from /thena in the
Gi0antomachy frieze of the
/ltar of Ze"s at 8er0amon.
Giants / primitive race of monsters
2ith 2hom the 7lympian 0o*s
ha* to 5attle9 the
DGi0antomachy9D as seen on
the 4iphnian #reas"ry at
Delphi an* the 0reat frieze of
the altar of Ze"s at 8er0amon.
#hree sisters 2ith snakes of
hair an* the po2er to t"rn on%
lookers into stone. 4ee also
Hektor =Hector>
#he principal #roFan hero in
the #roFan Car; son of +in0
8riam. 4lain 5y /chilles in
5attle9 as seen on a re*%fi0"re
krater 5y the :erlin 8ainter.
Cife of +in0 Menelaos of
4parta. 4e*"ce* 5y the #roFan
prince 8aris =/le?an*ros> an*
taken to #roy. #he face that
la"nche* 1 =Greek> ships9
as pro5a5ly seen on an /ttic
Aate Geometric krater.
Herakles =Herc"les>
#he 0reatest of Greek heroes9
the son of Ze"s 5y a mortal
2oman. His carryin0 o"t of
the #2elve Aa5ors9 as sho2n
in metopes on the temple of
Ze"s at 7lympia9 2on for him
immortality in 7lympos.
/ 2ater monster 2ith
n"mero"s tentacles that 0re2
5ack if c"t off. 7ne of
HeraklesB #2elve Aa5ors 2as
to eliminate the Hy*ra.
Iolaos =Iola"s>
/ kinsman of Herakles 2ho
assiste* him in some of his
Aa5ors9 often makin0 it into
the pict"re 2hen these Aa5ors
are *epicte* in art.
/ #hessalian prince an*
lea*er of the /r0ona"ts.
H"s5an* of Me*ea.
/ #roFan seer 2ho9 2ith his
sons9 2as *evo"re* 5y 0reat
snakes sent 5y Ze"s 5efore he
co"l* *iv"l0e the secret of the
#roFan Horse9 as seen in a
famo"s sc"lpt"ral 0ro"p of the
Hellenistic perio*.
/ comm"nity of northern
Greeks 2ho *i* 5attle 2ith the
(enta"rs =D(enta"romachyD>
*"rin0 a feast; they 2ere
assiste* 5y the /thenian hero
#he mother9 5y Ze"s9 of
/pollo an* /rtemis. Aeto 0ave
5irth to her t2ins in Delos9
2here sanct"aries of all three
came to 5e locate*.
3ymphs associate* 2ith
Dionysos9 especially in
*rinkin0 an* or0iastic
activities9 as seen on n"mero"s
/ttic painte* vessels.
#he most terri5le of the three
Gor0on sisters. 8erse"s c"t off
her hea* an* event"ally 0ave
it to /thena9 2ho place* it in
the center of her ae0is or
protective mantle. #he hea*:
the DGor0oneionD
Menelaos =Menela"s>
+in0 of 4parta9 h"s5an* of
Helen9 an* secon* in
comman* of the Greeks
fi0htin0 at #roy.
Minota"r / (retan creat"re 2ith a
manBs 5o*y an* the hea* of a
5"ll. 4on of MinosB 2ife an* a
5"ll. #hese"s sle2 the creat"re
after makin0 his 2ay thro"0h
its lair at +nossos9 the
#he nine 0o**esses of h"man
/ 0ro"p of 5 sea nymphs9 the
*a"0hters of 3ere"s. 7ne of
them9 #hetis9 2as the mother
of /chilles.
3essos =3ess"s>
/ 5a* centa"r9 slain 5y
Herakles 2hen the 5r"te trie*
to rape the heroBs 5ri*e9
Deianira9 as seen on the 8roto%
/ttic 3essos amphora.
+in0 of 8ylos in Messenia;
senior a*visor to the Greeks
fi0htin0 at #roy.
#he personification of victory9
often associate* 2ith /thena9
as on the altar of Ze"s at
8er0amon9 2here 3ike is
a5o"t to 0ive /thena a victorBs
#he chil*ren of 3io5e9 2ho
2ere slain 5y /pollo an*
/rtemis 2hen their mother
5ra00e* that her chil*ren
2ere more 5ea"tif"l than
AetoBs. #he moral: *onBt
compare yo"rself 2ith the
Minor9 n"mero"s female
*ivinities of 2oo*lan*s an*
7*ysse"s =Hlysses> / maFor Greek hero of the
#roFan Car. :est kno2n for
his ten years of travelin0 an*
a*vent"res after the 2ar9 as
tol* in the 7*yssey.
7inomaos =7enoma"s>
+in0 of 8isa in -lis. +ille* 5y
treachery 2hen he "n*ertook
a chariot race a0ainst 8elops9
s"itor for the han* of his
*a"0hter9 Hippo*amia. 4ee
the east pe*iment of the
temple of Ze"s at 7lympia.
Coo*lan* 0o*9 part man an*
part 0oat.
8rince of #roy an* a5*"ctor
of Helen9 2ho 2as offere* to
him 5y /phro*ite for selectin0
her as the most 5ea"tif"l
0o**ess in the E"*0ment of
8atroklos =8atrocl"s>
(lose companion an* frien* of
/chilles. Chen 8. is kille* 5y
Hektor at #roy9 /chilles host
ela5orate f"neral 0ames in his
honor9 as seen on the )rancois
)ather of /chilles9 5y the
3erei* #hetis. #heir marria0e
ceremony9 involvin0 all the
0o*s of 7lympos9 is the
principal frieze on the 5lack%
fi0"re )rancois !ase.
/n /mazon <"een9 kille* 5y
/chilles at #roy9 as seen on a
5lack%fi0"re amphora 5y
-?ekias an* on a re*%fi0"re
amphora 5y the D8enthesilea
8ersephone #he *a"0hter of Demeter. 4he
2as a5*"cte* 5y Ha*es to 5e
his 5ri*e in the Hn*er2orl*.
Her ret"rn to her mother an*
the 2orl* each year 2as
associate* 2ith the comin0 of
/r0ive hero 2ho so"0ht o"t
the Gor0ons an* 5ehea*e*
Me*"sa9 there5y 0ainin0 the
2rath of her s"rvivin0 sisters.
(yclops 2ho trappe*
7*ysse"s an* his men in his
cave. #he captives escape*
clin0in0 to the "n*ersi*es of
sheep9 once they ha* p"t o"t
8olyphemosB one eye after
0ettin0 him *r"nk9 as seen on
the 8roto%/ttic D8olyphemos
+in0 of #roy at the time of the
#roFan Car. )ather of Hektor
an* 8aris.
/ 2arrior of Aycia in 4C
/natolia; lea*er of the Aycians
2ho fo"0ht 2ith the #roFans
in the #roFan Car. His *eath
is sho2n on a re*%fi0"re
krater 5y -"phronios.
Minor *eities of the
2oo*lan*s9 associate* 2ith
Dionysos an* the Maena*s
an* often seen in revelry 2ith
#he lea*in0 hero of /thenian
le0en*; his *ee*s 2ere often
compare* 2ith those of
Herakles. He 2ent to (rete to
resc"e /thenian hosta0es an*
slay the Minota"r.
#hetis / 3erei* an* the mother of
/chilles. #he procession of
0o*s for her marria0e to
8ele"s is the principal frieze
on the )rancois !ase.
#he personification of 0oo*
fort"ne an* l"ck. 4ometimes
personifie* in association 2ith
a city9 s"ch as the #yche of
Greece in the Early Iron Age
#he (hronolo0ical 4e<"ence in /thens
Submycenaean period: 1100-1050
Protogeometric period: 1050-900
Geometric period: 900-700
#erms9 -tc.
Dorian Greeks
Apsidal building at e!kandi" #uboia
Dipylon $emetery" At%ens
Sanctuary o! &era and t%e &ekatompedon" Samos
&ouse models !rom Perac%ora and t%e Sanctuary o! &era" Argos
'ase s%apes: krater" amp%ora" oenoc%oe
'ase painting: t%e (Dipylon )aster(" t%e (&irsc%!eld Painter(
*ron+e statuettes !rom ,lympia and Samos-

Greece in the Seventh Century
The Orientalizing Period
(hronolo0ical Divisions
Corinth: Protocorinthian period, 725-640; Corinthian period, 640-550
Athens: Protoattic period, 700-625
#erms9 -tc.
.ort% Syria
Vase painting:
Analatos Painter and Polyp%emos Painter 0Protoattic1
)ac)illan Aryballos and $%igi 'ase 0bot% Protocorint%ian1
)antiklos Apollo" 2%ebes3*oston-
45ory yout%" Samos-
Daedalic Style: Au/erre )aiden" .ikandre !rom Delos
2emple at Prinias in $rete
2emple o! &era" Samos
Archaic Greek Architecture
Doric 4tyle
2emple o! Apollo" 2%ermon in Aetolia6 ca- 780-790- 2erracotta (metopes(- 1:/9;m-
0ca- 1:91-
2emple o! &era" ,lympia6 ca- 700-590- Structurally transitional !rom <ood to stone-
1;-75/50m- 01::-771-
2emple o! Artemis" $or!u 0$orcyra16 ca- 5;0- =elie! pedimental sculptures- :9-5/89m-
0ca- 1::1-
2emple o! Apollo" $orint%6 ca- 580- De5eloped Doric order in stone- :1-5/89m- 0ca-
2emple o! &era" Paestum in ucania" Sout% 4taly6 ca- 590- A good e/ample o!
(>estern Doric(- :8-5/58-:5 01::-:1-
2emple o! Ap%aia" Aigina6 ca- 500-890- 19-75/:9m- 0ca- 1::1-
2reasury o! t%e At%enians" Delp%i6 ca- 500-
Ionic 4tyle
2emple o! Artemis" #p%esus in 4onia6 begun ca- 5506 rebuilt in 8t% century *-$-
55/115m- 01::-11-
2emples o! &era" Samos: =%oecus 2emple" ca- 575" 5:-5/105m- 01:1-;1-
Polykratean 2emple" ca- 590 *-$- to second century A-$- 70/117m- 01:1-91-
Sip%nian 2reasury" Delp%i6 ca- 590-5:5-
egg and dart
/rchaic 4c"lpt"re
Free-Standing Statuary
+o"roi =stan*in0 n"*e males>
.e< ?ork kouros" Attica6 ca- 700-590
@ouros !rom 2enea 0near $orint%16 ca- 575-550
@ouros 0@roisosA1 !rom Ana5ysos" Attica6 ca- 550-5:5
*ron+e kouros !rom Piraeus6 ca- 590-5:0
Aristodikos" Attica6 ca- 510-500
(@ritios *oy(" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 890-8;0
(*lond *oy(" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 890-8;0
7ther Male #ypes
=ampin &orseman" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 550
$al!-*earer" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 570-550
+orai =stan*in0 *rape* females>
(*erlin @ore(" Attica6 ca- 570-570-
Dedication o! $%eramyes" Samos6 ca- 570
P%rasikleia" by Aristion o! Paros" Attica6 ca- 580
Peplos @ore" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 580-590
Antenor @ore" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 590-5:0
Dedication o! #ut%ydikos" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 890-8;0
45ory (Apollo( and (Artemis( !rom Delp%i" ca- 550-580-
Architectural and Relief Sculture
2emple o! Artemis" $or!u6 ca- 5;0: pediments <it% Gorgon )edusa and ot%er !igures-
(&( 2emple" At%enian Acropolis6 ca- 570-550: (*luebeard( and 2riton pedimental
2emples ? and $" Selinus 0Sicily16 ca- 570 and 550-580" respecti5ely: metopes-
Sip%nian 2reasury" Delp%i6 ca- 590-5:5: pediment and !rie+es 0Gigantomac%y1-
2reasury o! t%e At%enians" Delp%i6 ca- 500: metopes-
Statue bases !rom t%e 2%emistoklean <all" At%ens" ca- 510-
2emple o! Ap%aia" Aigina6 early !i!t% century: pediments-
Archaic !a"e Painting
0listed by painters1

:lack )i0"re
.essos Painter" ca- 7:5:
o amp%ora <it% &erakles and .essos
Sop%ilos" ca- 590:
o dinos <it% scene o! Perseus and )edusa
@leitias and #rgotimos" ca- 570:
o (Brancois 'ase( 0krater1
Amasis Painter" ca- 550-590:
o amp%oras <it% satyrs
#/ekias" ca- 550-590:
o Dionysos on a s%ip 0kyli/1
o ACa/ and Ac%illes playing a game 0amp%ora1

1e* )i0"re
Andokides Painter" ca- 590-5:0:
o &erakles in ,lympos 0amp%ora" (bilingual(1
#up%ronios" late 7t% c-:
o at%letes 0krater1
o deat% o! Sarpedon 0krater1
#ut%ymides" late 7t% c-:
o male re5ellers 0amp%ora1
*erlin Painter" early 5t% c-:
o At%ena and &erakles 0amp%ora1
*rygos Painter" early 5t% c-:
o male and !emale re5ellers 0kyli/1

7ther /rchaic /rt
2omb o! t%e Di5er" Paestum6 ca- 8;0
'i/ krater 0bron+e1" Brance6 ca- 500
The Early Cla""ical Period
/rchitect"re an* /rchitect"ral 4c"lpt"re
#e$ple o% &es, 'l($pia; 46)-460* 27*6)+64*,2$* -,:2*.2/*
Arc%itect: ibon o! #lis
Arc%itectural sculptures:
o )etopes: abors o! &erakles
o Pediments: $%ariot race o! ,inomaos and Pelops 0#16 apit% Greeks battling
$entaurs 0$entauromac%y1 0>1
)ree%4tan*in0 4c"lpt"re
$%arioteer o! Delp%i 0bron+e1" ca- 875-870
Deus or Poseidon !rom Artemision 0bron+e1" ca- 870-850
2%e =iacci *ron+es" ca- 870-850
Diskobolos 0Discus-t%ro<er1 by )yron 0=oman copies16 ca- 870-850 !or t%e original
1elief 4c"lpt"re
So-called (udo5isi 2%rone( s%o<ing birt% o! Ap%rodite" ca- 870-870
So-called (*oston 2%rone"( ca- 870-870
The #igh Cla""ical Period
(lassical Greek /rchitect"re
&ep%aisteion" At%enian Agora" ca- 850-880- 19-7/91-75 01::-9:1-
2emple o! Apollo" *assai 0Arcadia1" begun ca- 850- 18-5/9;-:5m- 01::-781
)onuments on t%e At%enian Acropolis
o Part%enon: ca- 887-89;- 90-9/79-5m- 01::-:51-
Arc%itects: 4ktinos and @allikrates-
Gods and Giants 0#1
Greeks and Ama+ons 0>1
Ball o! 2roy 0.1
apit%s and $entaurs 0S1
Panat%enaic Brie+e
*irt% o! At%ena 0#1
$ontest o! At%ena3Poseidon 0>1
o Propylaia: 897-89:- Arc%itect: )nesikles-
o 2emple o! At%ena .ike: ca- 890- Arc%itect: @allikrates0A1
o #rec%t%eion: ca- 8:1-80538- Arc%itect: AA
(lassical Greek 4c"lpt"re
>orks o! Polykleitos 0later copies1:
o Doryp%oros 0Spear-*earer1
o Diadoumenos 0=ibbon-*inder1
Parapet o! t%e At%ena .ike 2emple" late 5t% c-
.ike o! Paionios" ,lympia" late 5t% c-
Cla""ical Greece in the Fourth Century
/rchitect"re: #emples
2emple o! Asklepios" #pidauros 0Argolis1" early 8t% c-
o Arc%itect: 2%eodotos
o 11-77/:9-07 01:1-971-
2emple o! At%ena Alea" 2egea 0Arcadia1" mid-8t% c-
o Arc%itect: Skopas o! Paros
o 19-19/87-55m- 01::-8;1-
2emple o! At%ena Polias" Priene 04onia1" 9rd Euarter 8t% c-
o Arc%itect: Pyt%eos
o 19-59/97-17m- 01:1-901-
/rchitect"re: 3on%#emples
2%olos 02%ymele1" #pidauros" mid-8t% c- Diameter: :0-1;m-
o Arc%itect: Polykleitos t%e ?ounger-
P%ilippeion" ,lympia" ca- 99;-
o Diameter: 19-9:m-
$%oregic monument o! ysikrates" At%ens" ca- 998-
)ausoleion 02omb o! )ausolos1" &alikarnassos 0Doris1" mid-8t% c-
o Arc%itects: Pyt%eos and Satyros-
2%eater" #pidauros" mid-8t% c-
o Arc%itect: Polykleitos t%e ?ounger
o 0t%eater terms: orc%estra" ca5ea" skene" parodos" dia+oma1
4c"lpt"re: )ree%4tan*in0
#irene and Ploutos 0copy1 by @ep%isodotos" ca- 970-
o $ompare bron+e At%ena !rom t%e Piraeus-
>orks by Pra/iteles" 9rd Euarter 8t% c-:
o &ermes !rom ,lympia 0copyA1
o Ap%rodite o! @nidos 0copies1-
>orks by ysippos" :nd %al! 8t% c-:
o Agias !rom Delp%i
o Apo/yomenos or Scraper 0copy1
o Ale/ander 0A1-
*ron+e yout% !rom Antikyt%era
4c"lpt"re: /rchitect"ral
Brie+es !rom t%e )ausoleion at &alikarnassos
Bloor mosaics:
o at ,lynt%os in t%e $%alcidice 01st %al! 8t% c-1
o at Pella in )acedonia 0late 8t% c-1
So-called 2omb o! P%ilip and contemporary tombs at 'ergina in )acedonia
Greece in the #elleni"tic Age
=&,&%& :.(.>
2emple o! Apollo" Didyma 04onia1" begun ca- 910-900-
o Arc%itect: Paionios
o 87-7/107m- 01::-:::1-
2emple o! Artemis uekop%ryene" )agnesia 04onia1" :00-150-
o Arc%itect: &ermogenes
o 91-7/57-9 01:1-;91-
2emple o! ,lympian Deus 0,lympieion1" At%ens" 175-150-
o Arc%itect: $ossutius
o 81-11/107-;9m- 01::-7:1-
Mon"ments on the (ita*el at 8er0amon =/iolis>:
2emple o! At%ena" 1st %al! 9rd c-
o 1:-:7/:1-77m- 01:1-771-
Stoas o! At%ena Sanctuary" 1st %al! :nd c-
Altar o! Deus" 1st %al! :nd c-

Stoa o! Attalos 44" At%enian Agora" ca- 150
o engt%: 11:m-
4c"lpt"re: )ree%4tan*in0
-as ti$e allo0s/
Pergamene dedications o! Gauls" late 9rd-early :nd cs- 0copies1-
Sleeping Satyr 0*arberini Baun1" ca- :00-
.ike o! Samot%race" ca- :00-
Ap%rodite o! )elos" :nd %al! :nd c-
aocoon group" :nd-1st c-
4c"lpt"re: 1elief
Brie+e o! t%e Altar o! Deus" Pergamon
Palaces on $itadel at Pergamon" :nd c-
&ouses in Delos" later :nd and early 1st cs-

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