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Women's Roles in American History
uan ! imene" #ilone
HIS $%&: American History Since 1'()
Instructor: e**rey +il"
August 1,- $%1.
Women/s role in America $
In t0e 0istory o* t0e 1orld- 1omen 0a2e ruled t0e 1orld- s0a3ed t0e 1orld- and c0anged t0e
1orld and in t0e 4nited States- 1omen 0a2e 0ad a storied and grand 0istory t0at 0as e2ol2ed t0e
role o* 1omen *rom ty3ical 0ouse1i*e to leaders o* 1omen's rig0ts mo2ements and 0as s0o1n
t0eir true 1ort0 and true 3otential5 In t0is 3a3er- I 1ill 6e tal7ing a6out si8 e2ents and time 3eriods
t0at 0a2e c0anged not 9ust 1omen's 0istory 6ut t0e o2erall 0istory a nation5 I 1ill 6e tal7ing a6out
t0ree e2ents t0at occurred 6e*ore 1,.% and t0e ot0er t0ree a*ter 1,.% to gi2e an o2erall sense o* t0e
e2olution o* t0e role 1omen 0a2e 3layed5
:0e e2ents t0at I 1ill 6e tal7ing a6out are t0e roles t0at 1omen 3layed in World War
One 6eginning in 1,1&- t0e second 0istoric e2ent is t0e 1,
Amendment- gi2ing 1omen t0e rig0t to
2ote- t0e t0ird time 3eriod I 1ill 6e tal7ing a6out 6e*ore 1,.% is t0at o* t0e roaring 1,$%s5 A*ter
1,.%- t0e c0anges 1ere still 0a33ening *or 1omen and World War II 1as a ma9or 3oint in t0e
e2olution o* 10at it means to 6e a 1oman- t0is time 3eriod 1as ;uic7ly *ollo1ed 6y t0e 6a6y
6oom5 :0e *inal time 3eriod I 1ill discuss is t0e <eminist Mo2ement in t0e 1,(%s and 0o1 t0ose
e**orts 0a2e led to a lasting im3ression o* 10o 1omen are in today's modern era5
Women/s role in America .
Annotated =i6liogra30y:
Roc0man- H5 >$%%1?5 :0ose e8traordinary 1omen o* 1orld 1ar I5 The Booklist, 98>(?- )(&@
)(&5 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$.))1,%)1BaccountidC.$)$1
:0is document 1ritten in $%%1 3ro2ides an o2er2ie1 o* t0e dedication and acts t0at 1omen
did during t0e *irst 1orld 1ar- 0o1 t0ey 3ro2ided aid to t0e 1ar e**ort and 0o1 t0ey gained more
res3ect and t0e roles t0ey *illed5
=ro1n- 5 D5 >1,,.?5 :0e nineteent0 amendment and 1omen's e;uality5 The Yale Law
Journal, 102>'?- $1E)@$1E)5 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A1,'&)'.E%B
:0is article in :0e Fale La1 ournal descri6es t0e small 2ictories as 1ell as t0e large
2ictories 1on during t0e 1omen's su**rage mo2ement and t0eir attitudes to1ards 10at 1as ta7ing
3lace5 :0is article o**ers insig0t to 1omen's 2oting and e;uality- 9ury duty and citi"ens0i3- as 1ell
as t0e di**erent meanings o* su**rage and 1ill 6e 2ery use*ul in 0el3ing me de*ine many o* t0e
di**erent as3ects o* 1omen's su**rage5
Sc0um3eter- 5A5>1,&(? :0e decade o* t0e t1enties5 The American Economic Review- .(>$? 1@1%
Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA1'1'1,$
:0is article 6y noted aut0or ose30 A5 Sc0mu3eter is going to 6e 2ery 6ene*icial to me in
1riting a6out t0e roaring t1enties 6ecause t0e article goes o2er all t0e c0anges t0at too7 3lace in
t0e 1,$%- t0e ne1 morality- t0e ne1 1oman 1it0 c0anging styles and morals and also discusses t0e
3eo3le 3re2alent in t0e 1,$%s including Her6ert Hoo2er and Warren Harding5
Noggle- =5 >1,((? The Twenties A new historio!ra"hical #rontier :0e 9ournal o* American History-
).>$? $,,@.1& Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA1',&$%1
Women/s role in America &
:0is article is im3ortant and in*luential in descri6ing t0e c0anges t0at too7 3lace 1it0in t0e
1,$%'s including t0e c0anges in 3residency and t0e 1ay 1omen res3onded to t0eir ne1 *reedoms
in dress- entertainment and 9o6s5
Ma7ing War- Ma7ing Women : <emininity and #uty on t0e American Home <ront- 1,&1@
1,&) McEuen- Melissa A5 +ages: $'E- 4ni2ersity o* !eorgia +ress- At0ens- !A- 4SA- %$A$%11
:0is article e8amines t0e role t0at 1omen 3layed during t0e second 1orld 1ar5 :0is article
1ill 6e most 0el3*ul 6ecause it e83lain not 9ust t0e roles t0at 1omen 3layed 6y 0o1 and 10y t0ose
roles c0anged and e2ol2ed5 Women 1ere a6le to ser2e in t0e Air <orce to 3rotect t0eir country and
s0o1 t0at t0ey 1ere ca3a6le o* muc0 more t0an 6eing a 0ouse1i*e5 :0ere 1as also an a6undance
o* 9o6s t0at 6ecame a2aila6le- including *actory 1or7 and ot0er 1ar@time e**orts- all o* 10ic0 are
descri6ed in t0is article5
Maureen Honey- $reatin! Rosie the Riveter $lass, %en&er an& 'ro"a!an&a &urin! (orl&
(ar ))- 3 $&
:0is article e83lains e8actly 10at t0e cartoon o* Rosie t0e Ri2eter did and 0o1 s0e ins3ired
0undreds o* t0ousands o* real li*e GRosiesH to aid in t0e 1ar@time e**orts and to gain inde3ence- all
o* 10ic0 is discussed in t0is article and 1ill 6e 0el3*ul to me 10en 1riting my *inal 3a3er5
#a2id- L5 M5 >1,,'?5 <acts and *igures a6out t0e 6a6y 6oom5 %enerations, 22>1?- 1%@1)5
Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$1$$1(.),BaccountidC.$)$1
:0is article ans1ers all o* t0e im3ortant and most as7ed ;uestions a6out t0e 6a6y 6oom-
suc0 as- 0o1 does t0e 6a6y 6oom com3are to ot0er generations- 10at 1ere t0e origins o* t0e 6a6y
6oom- 0o1 1ill t0e 45S5 +o3ulation c0ange 1it0 t0e aging o* t0e 6a6y 6oom- and 0o1 does t0e
6a6y 6oom com3are to ot0er generations5 :0is article 1ill 6e instrumental in 0el3ing me 1it0 t0e
*inal 3a3er5
W0el3ton- +5D5 I <reedman- R5 >1,)(? A Study o* t0e !ro1t0 o* American <amilies,
Women/s role in America )
American Journal o# *ociolo!+- (1>(? ),)@(%1 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA$EE.)E&
:0is 3rimary source- an article 1ritten in 1,)( is a researc0 article studying gro1ing 10ite
*amilies in America and 0y3ot0esi"ing and attem3ting to t0e reason *or t0e gro1t05 :0is article
1ill 6e use*ul to me in s0o1ing researc0 done in t0e time 3eriod I am discussing *rom t0e mid
1,&%s to t0e mid 1,(%s5
Solinger- R5 >1,,&?5 =oo7 re2ie1s @@ 3rogressi2e 1omen in conser2ati2e times: Racial 9ustice-
3eace- and *eminism- 1,&) to t0e 1,(%s 6y susan lynn5 The Journal o# American ,istor+, 81>1?- .&%@
.&%5 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$$&,$,,%%BaccountidC.$)$1
:0is article is 2ery interesting and discusses t0e role o* 3rogressi2e 1omen in conser2ati2e
times- t0eir e83eriences- t0eir searc0 *or 3eace and *eminism o* t0e 1,(%s5 :0is article 1ill 6e 2ery
0el3*ul 10en discussing t0e <eminist Mo2ement in t0e 1,(%s5
Ha17ins- R5R5 >1,(,? :0e Odds against Women C0ange in Hig0er Education- 1>(? .&@.(
+u6lis0ed 6y: :aylor I <rancis- Ltd5 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA&%1(%,(.
:0is 3rimary source- 1ritten in 1,(, o**ers insig0t into t0e c0anging roles o* 1omen and
t0e *eminist mo2ement *rom *irst0and e83eriences a6out t0e lo1@3aid 9o6s t0at 1omen 1ere
ser2ing in5 :0e article also touc0es on t0e amount o* college degrees earned during t0is time- and
tal7s a6out 0o1 t0ese degrees are not muc0 0el3 to 1omen 6ecause men al1ays get t0e 6etter 9o6s5
:0is article and t0e in*ormation it 3ro2ides 1ill 6e 2ery 0el3*ul in 0el3ing me to discuss t0e
*eminist mo2ement and use in*ormation *rom a 3rimary source5
=o1les- M5 >$%11?5 A 0istory o* t0e 4nited States since 1'()5 Retrie2ed *rom
:0e te8t6oo7 *or t0is class 1ill 6e a6le to 3ro2ide me 1it0 in*ormation on all o* t0e su6to3ics I
1ill 6e *urt0er discussing in my *inal 3a3er5 It discusses t0e role o* 1omen in World War 1- t0e 1,
Amendment- and t0e Roaring :1enties- as 1ell as 3ro2iding insig0t and in*ormation a6out t0e role
Women/s role in America (
o* 1omen in World War II- t0e =a6y =oom- and t0e 1,(%s *eminist mo2ement5
Women/s role in America E
Roc0man- H5 >$%%1?5 :0ose e8traordinary 1omen o* 1orld 1ar I5 The Booklist, 98>(?- )(&@)(&5
Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$.))1,%)1BaccountidC.$)$1
=ro1n- 5 D5 >1,,.?5 :0e nineteent0 amendment and 1omen's e;uality5 The Yale Law Journal, 102>'?-
$1E)@$1E)5 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A1,'&)'.E%BaccountidC.$)$1
Sc0um3eter- 5A5>1,&(? :0e decade o* t0e t1enties5 The American Economic Review- .(>$? 1@1%
Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA1'1'1,$
Noggle- =5 >1,((? The Twenties A new historio!ra"hical #rontier :0e 9ournal o* American History-
).>$? $,,@.1& Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA1',&$%1
Ma7ing War- Ma7ing Women : <emininity and #uty on t0e American Home <ront- 1,&1@1,&)
McEuen- Melissa A5 +ages: $'E- 4ni2ersity o* !eorgia +ress- At0ens- !A- 4SA- %$A$%11
Maureen Honey- $reatin! Rosie the Riveter $lass, %en&er an& 'ro"a!an&a &urin! (orl& (ar ))- 3
$&- IS=N %@'E%$.@&).@(
#a2id- L5 M5 >1,,'?5 <acts and *igures a6out t0e 6a6y 6oom5 %enerations, 22 >1?- 1%@1)5 Retrie2ed
*rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$1$$1(.),BaccountidC.$)$1 W0el3ton- +5D5 I
<reedman- R5 >1,)(? A Study o* t0e !ro1t0 o* American <amilies, American Journal o#
*ociolo!+- (1>(? ),)@(%1 Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA$EE.)E&
Solinger- R5 >1,,&?5 =oo7 re2ie1s @@ 3rogressi2e 1omen in conser2ati2e times: Racial 9ustice- 3eace-
and *eminism- 1,&) to t0e 1,(%s 6y susan lynn5 The Journal o# American ,istor+, 81>1?- .&%@.&%5
Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AAsearc053ro;uest5comAdoc2ie1A$$&,$,,%%BaccountidC.$)$1
Ha17ins- R5R5 >1,(,? :0e Odds against Women $han!e in ,i!her E&ucation, 1>(? .&@.( +u6lis0ed
6y: :aylor I <rancis- Ltd Retrie2ed *rom 0tt3:AA11159stor5orgAsta6leA&%1(%,(.
=o1les- M5 >$%11?5 A 0istory o* t0e 4nited States since 1'()5 Retrie2ed *rom
0tt3s:AAcontent5as0*ord5eduA6oo7sAA4HIS$%&5115$5 5

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