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Over time, bacteria have been known to grow resistant to antibiotic used to cure many infections and

viruses. These bacteria can become resistant by over-prescription or over usage of antibiotics or poor
hygiene in hospitals plus many other reasons. Natural selection and DNA swapping can help these bacteria
become resistant and become harder to cure. There are many ways that mutations like this can be stopped
from occurring or slowed majorly.

Different types of bacteria have grown resistant to antibiotics used today. Many of these mutations
and adaptions can come from poor usage of antibiotics or just pure luck. "Antibiotic resistance continues to
expand for a multitude of reasons, over-prescription of antibiotics by physicians, non-completion of
prescribed antibiotic treatments by patients and poor hospital hygiene" (Purdom, 2014). But not only human
errors can cause these mutation to happen. Bacteria can become resistant not only by mutation but by
swapping DNA with other bacteria. This exchanging DNA is necessary for bacteria to survive in extreme or
rapidly changing environments. Some bacteria may become resistant other ways though. "When stressed,
some microbes go into a mutation mode, rapidly producing a variety of strains, thereby increasing the odds
that some will survive the stress" (Morris, 1998). Other factors like natural selection help the bacteria.
While the weak bacteria die off, the strong bacteria can thrive.

While bacteria become harder to cure, different factors can come into play to help the bacteria.
Natural selection takes the best cells, which will be the ones who can become resistant, and those cells will
continue to mutate. "This mechanism of exchanging DNA is necessary for bacteria to survive in extreme or
rapidly changing environments like a hospital." (Purdom, 2014) This factor is complete nature at work. It is
like survival of the ttest. The best cells continue to reproduce which makes it harder to treat. Also DNA
swap can occur. DNA swap is when one bacteria takes traits of a different organism. It can help take desired
traits from other organisms but can also take undesired traits which can help or kill the bacteria. While
natural selection helps bacteria its DNA swap can defy it.

Bacteria can be stopped from creating mutations that ght off antibiotics by being smart and listening
to doctors. "When antibiotics are used for things other than bacterial infections, like the u, or not taken as
the doctor prescribed, they will become less effective for future bacterial infections and possibly acquire
resistance genes." (Superbugs, 2014) This quote explains how when misusing drugs like these can lead to
harder to ght bacteria. Before using antibiotics, people should know how and when to use it. Under using
can also lead to resistance because when it has time to spread it has longer opportunity to reproduce and get
more resistant cells. This chart represents how under using the antibiotic helps create resistant cells. When
the cell is exposed to the antibiotic but is not fully killed it has time to
produce resistant genes that help secure the cell from antibiotics. Antibiotics
can stay bacteria killers only if people using them smart and listening to what
their doctors say.

So as bacteria become resistant, it becomes clearer why these type of things occur. DNA swap, over
prescriptions and poor hygiene are all causes to these devastating bacteria. While the bacteria become
resistant it is better known how to stop them and cure them. Bacteria resistance can spread by pure luck or
poor judgment by people but resistance can be halted.

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