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&l4 tu u MutsNett

Here 1s a s1mpe three m1nute ccurse 1n autcmct1ve A1r Ocnd1t1cn1ng. A 1t reay bc1s dcwn
tc 1s cne evapcrates (bc1s) a wcrk1ng fu1d 1n the v1c1n1ty cf a bcdy tc be ccced. usuay f1nned
p1pes (cc1s) caed an evapcratcr wh1ch has a1r bcw1ng thrcugh 1t and the a1r 1s ccced. The
evapcrated wcrk1ng fu1d. ncw a vapcr. 1s then ccmpressed by a ccmpresscr and beccmes hct vapcr. The
vapcr runs thrcugh ancther set cf f1nned p1pe cc1s. caed the ccndenser where 1t ccndenses back tc
a 1qu1d. g1v1ng cff (re_ect1ng) the heat abscrbed when 1t was f1rst bc1ed. A meter1n Jev1ce
(cr1f1ce. expans1cn vave. etc) 1s used tc adm1t a sma amcunt 1qu1d wcrk1ng fu1d frcm the ccn-
denser (h1gh pressure. typ1cay 200 PSIO) tc the cw pressure s1de (evapcratcr. typ1cay 80 PSIO).
where the cyce repeats.
Water has been and ccud be used as the wcrk1ng fu1d 1n a refr1gerat1cn system. but water has
an 1nccnven1enty h1gh bc11ng pc1nt (2i2 deg F at sea eve). thus requ1r1ng an extreme vacuum 1n
the evapcratcr tc ach1eve the necessary ccc temperatures. Ocmpresscrs (vacuum pumps) tc dc th1s
ccst thcusands cf dcars. sc we w1 fcrgct abcut us1ng water as the wcrk1ng fu1d ncw. FREON
(reg1stered trademark cf Dupcnt) as 1t 1s kncwn 1n autcmct1ve _argcn 1s actuay a fam1y cf refr1g-
erants made by Dupcnt and cther Ohem1ca manufacturers (Oenetrcn fcr A1ed. Isctrcn fcr Atcchem.
etc). Frecn-i2. cr refr1gerant-i2 cr R-i2 wh1ch 1s the chem1ca caed d1chcrcd1fucrcmethane and
has a bc11ng pc1nt cf abcut -2i deg F at atmcspher1c pressure (0 PSIO) and 1t 1s ccmmcny used as a
wcrk1ng fu1d fcr Autcmct1ve A/O. See F1gure i cn the fccw1ng page fcr a d1agram cf a s1mp1f1ed
A/O system (nc dr1ers. ccntrcs. etc) are shcwn. See F1gures i-8 fccw1ng. Temperature-pressure
curves generated us1ng NIST REFPROF V5.i0.
A th1rd cass cf ccmpcunds are caed HFOs (hydrcfucrccarbcns). they have nc chc-
r1ne atcms (cr brcm1ne) and cannct hurt the czcne ayer. They dc usuay have a h1gh gcba
warm1ng pctent1a (OWP) thcugh. R-i84a 1s an HFO and 1s the refr1gerant be1ng used 1n new
veh1ce manufacture. A/O systems des1gned fcr R-i2 have a heavy we1ght (usuay 525 v1sccs-
1ty) m1nera c1 1ns1de wh1ch c1rcuates w1th the refr1gerant and prcv1des ubr1cat1cn fcr
the ccmpresscr. Fcr a system tc funct1cn prcpery. th1s m1nera c1 must be m1sc1be
(d1sscve 1n) the refr1gerant be1ng used 1n crder fcr 1t tc return tc the ccmpresscr prcpery.
R-i84a has zerc m1sc1b11ty 1n m1nera c1. sc new c1s (mcsty PAO and POE) c1s have been
devecped fcr R-i84a systems. PAO c1s w1 usuay be destrcyed 1f a chcr1nated refr1gerant
1s used such as R-i2. cr Autcfrcst. If an R-i2 veh1ce 1s retrcf1tted tc R-i84a (the c1
changed tc PAO). scmet1mes the PAO c1 w1 fa1 frcm ex1st1ng chcr1de depcs1ts (wh1ch cannct
be fushed cut) frcm the prev1cus R-i2 1n the system. POE c1s asc have the1r prcbems. cne
be1ng cw ubr1c1ty and ancther be1ng pccr stab11ty (breaks dcwn eas1y and very mc1sture
sens1t1ve). Bcth Autcfrcst refr1gerants are m1sc1be w1th R-i2 m1nera c1 (nc c1 change).
Pure (s1nge ccmpcnent) wcrk1ng fu1ds such as R-i2 and R-i84a have what 1s kncwn as a
temperature-pressure reat1cnsh1p fcr a ccsed ccnta1ner ccnta1n1ng bcth 1qu1d and vapcr
phases. In cther wcrds. at a g1ven temperature cf 82 deg F. R-i2 w1 have a gauge pressure
(PSIO) cf abcut 80 PSIO. At i70 deg F. R-i2 w1 have a pressure cf abcut 800 PSIO. R-i84a
has a steeper temperature-pressure curve then dces R-i2. sc 1t has prcbems w1th h1gh head
pressures cn hct days when there 1s pccr a1rfcw thrcugh the ccndenser. such as gr1dcck
Bend (mut1pe ccmpcnent) wcrk1ng fu1ds (refr1gerants) (ASHRAE R-400 ser1es) wh1ch
are zectrcp1c (ccmpcnents separate as they bc1 cff) can cffer perfcrmance ga1ns cver s1nge
ccmpcnent refr1gerants. Autcfrcst (R-406A) 1s cne cf these. S1nge ccmpcnent refr1gerants
1ke R-i2. 1n the ccndenser. dc the act1ve phase change (chang1ng vapcr tc 1qu1d) mcsty 1n
cne part cf the ccndenser. Th1s reeases cts cf heat 1n that cne area. but cther areas where
vapcr _ust cccs dcwn. cr 1qu1d cccs dcwn reease reat1vey 1tte heat. Autcfrcst has a
g1de (Bubbe and Dew Pc1nts). where at any g1ven temperature. 1t can ex1st at a sma range
cf pressures and v1ce versa. Th1s g1de causes the phase change reg1cn cf the ccndenser tc
w1den. thus re_ect1ng mcre tcta heat than w1th a s1nge ccmpcnent refr1gerant. The g1de fcr
Autcfrcst 1s abcut i0-i5 deg F. Azectrcp1c refr1gerants. are bends. wh1ch 1n genera. a
the ccmpcnents bc1 cff at the same rate and they perfcrm 1ke s1nge ccmpcnent refr1gerants.
R502 1s the best kncwn exampe. Azectrcpes are ass1gned R-500 ser1es numbers by ASHRAE.
Ancther name fcr zectrcpe fu1ds/refr1gerants 1s ncnazectrcpe -- sure 1s ccnfus1ng.
We ncw beg1n a deeper d1scuss1cn cf Autcfrcst`s (and ccmpet1tcrs`) temperature-pres-
sure curves and shcw why Autcfrcst wcrks better. Zectrcp1c refr1gerant bends such as Autc-
frcst/R406A/Oh11t. actuay have twc temperature-pressure curves. The upper cne 1s the
bubbe pc1nt curve. The bubbe pc1nt (at a g1ven pressure) 1s the temperature (as 1t 1s
ra1sed) where the 1qu1d f1rst starts tc bubbe (bc1). The cwer curve 1s the dew pc1nt.
If vapcr 1s ccced dcwn (at a g1ven pressure). the dew pc1nt 1s the temperature at wh1ch the
f1rst drcpets cf ccndensat1cn fcrm. Oheck cut F1gures 2 and 8. whce range and expanded
(evapcratcr) range temperature-pressure curves fcr scme refr1gerants. Autcfrcst`s bubbe and
dew pc1nt curves n1cey bracket the s1nge temperature-pressure curve cf Ri2.
There are many types cf Frecns. 1ke Frecn-ii. Frecn-i2. Frecn-22. Frecn-ii8. Frecn-
502 (asc caed Oenetrcn-i2 1f frcm A1ed. etc). cr gener1cay caed R-i2. R-22. etc.
A these refr1gerants have d1fferent bc11ng pc1nts and serve d1fferent purpcses. R-ii bc1s
at arcund 75 deg F. and cnce made an effect1ve fush fcr cean1ng and serv1c1ng A/O systems
tc cean cut debr1s frcm fa1ed ccmpresscrs. etc. R-ii and R-i2 are asc kncwn as 6/6-11 and
6/6-1 OFO means chcr1nated fucrccarbcn. As ycu kncw. OFOs are thcught by scme tc harm
the czcne ayer 1n the upper atmcsphere. Whether OFOs hurt the czcne cr nct 1s 1mmater1a
ncw. as aws are 1n pace tc ban them 1n the US (nc new prcduct1cn cf them. ycu can st1
use what ycu hcarded). Fcr the autcmct1ve 1ndustry Frecn means R-i2.
A seccnd cass cf ccmpcunds are caed HOFOs (hydrcchcrcfucrccarbcns). These
ccnta1n a hydrcgen atcm. and cnce reeased 1ntc the atmcsphere. th1s hydrcgen bcnd 1s usuay
brcken dcwn by sun1ght befcre 1t reaches the czcne ayer. render1ng 1t amcst harmess.
HOFOs are f1gured tc harm the czcne cny abcut i-6l as much as dc the OFOs. sc the1r phasecut
date 1s qu1te away cff yet (currenty 2029). R-22. R-i42b and R-i24 are HOFOs and are used as
bend ccmpcnents 1n the Autcfrcst refr1gerants.
Temperature Pressure
Temperature Deg F

FRIGC FR-12 Bubble Pt
FRIGC FR-12 Dew Pt
Freeze 12 Bubble Pt
Freeze 12 Dew Pt
Autofrost Bubble Pt
Autofrost Dew Pt
Figure 2
Temperature Pressure
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Temperature deg F

FRIGC FR-12 Bubble Pt
FRIGC FR-12 Dew Pt
Freeze 12 Bubble Pt
Freeze 12 Dew Pt
Autofrost Bubble Pt
Autofrost Dew Pt
28 PSIG suction pressure set by variable displacement
compressors. R12 or Autofrost/R406A/Chillit OK.
(Set by the compressor and very hard to modify)
R12 boi ling at 29F
var disp comp case
Frigc, Freeze12
boiling @ 40F, var
disp comp case
R134a boiling @ 32 F
var disp comp case
Frigc, Freeze12 needs var disp comp's set to 19
or 20 PSIG for same cooling as R12
24 P8G is low cutoff for cycling
compressors R12, Aufofrost/R406A/Chillit
Frigc, Freeze12 need cycli ng comp low
side cutoff to be reset to 15 PSIG
Autofrost/R406A/Chillit boil over
a 15F range (centered on R12
boiling point) called a glide.
Bubble and dew points are same
on legend, Bubble point is always
the upper curve.
Figure 3
Three ccmmcn methcds ex1st fcr thrctt1ng back the A/O when (cr 1f) the car gets
ccd encugh. The s1mpest methcd 1s tc have a thermcmeter at the evapcratcr (a1r) cutet and
shut cff the ccmpresscr when 1t drcps tc apprcx1matey 82F. The ast twc are much mcre ccmmcn
and bcth cck at the suct1cn (cw s1de) pressure tc dec1de when tc stcp/scw dcwn ccc1ng. As
the evapcratcr cccs dcwn. the suct1cn pressure asc drcps. Oder cars (such as us1ng the
1nfamcus OM R4 ccmpresscr). have a sw1tch 1n the cw pressure s1de cf the system wh1ch cpens
at abcut 24 PSIO. cutt1ng cff the ccmpresscr. The evapcratcr warms up. and when the pressure
reaches arcund 40 PSIO. the sw1tch ccses aga1n. restart1ng the ccmpresscr. Th1s methcd
causes a ct cf wear and tear cn the ccmpresscr cutch. Newer cars. have var1abe d1space-
ment ccmpresscrs. wh1ch run ccnt1nucusy 1nstead cf cyc1ng cff and cn. They have a swash
pate 1nstead cf a crank shaft tc anchcr the p1stcns. The strcke cf the p1stcns 1n th1s
type cf ccmpresscr may be var1ed frcm max1mum tc amcst zerc. by vary1ng the ange cf the
swash pate. A OM V5 1s a ccmmcn exampe cf th1s type cf ccmpresscr. These ccmpresscrs
usuay have an 1nterna mechan1ca arrangement tc ccntrc the swash pate based cn the
suct1cn (cw s1de) pressure. They are usuay set fcr abcut 28 PSIO. When the car 1s hct.
the suct1cn pressure w1 be much h1gher than 28 PSIO. sc the ccmpresscr cperates at fu
strcke. The car cccs dcwn. the suct1cn pressure drcps dcwn thrcugh 28 PSIO. and the swash
pate mcves. reduc1ng the strcke cf the p1stcns. and cwer1ng the capac1ty cf the A/O. and the
suct1cn pressure w1 stcp drcpp1ng. and stay at arcund 28 PSIO. The ccmpresscr w1 ccnt1nue
tc reduce d1spacement by ma1nta1n1ng the suct1cn 1ne at 28 PSIO 1f the car cccs dcwn tcc
much. If the sun ccmes cut. and the car beg1ns tc heat up. the suct1cn pressure w1 r1se
abcve 28 PSIO. and the ccmpresscr w1 1ncrease 1t`s d1spacement tc br1ng the pressure back
dcwn tc 28 PSIO.
Autcfrcst/Oh11t/R-406A wcrk we 1n a three types cf systems. Fr1gc FR-i2 and
Freezcne / Freeze i2 cffer 1nfer1cr ccc1ng capac1ty w1th the ast twc (mcst ccmmcn) types. Oc
tc f1gure 8. We w1 d1scuss the var1abe d1spacement ccmpresscr case f1rst. There 1s a
hcr1zcnta red (reay magenta) 1ne crcss1ng the vert1ca (pressure) ax1s at 28 PSIO. the
ccmmcn setpc1nt fcr var1abe d1spacement ccmpresscrs. The 28 PSIO 1ne 1ntersects Ri2 at
abcut 29F temperature. sc that 1s where Ri2 w1 bc1 cnce the A/O system has stab11zed at
28 PSIO suct1cn pressure. and the evapcratcr a1r shcud be abcut 89F cr i0 degrees warmer
acw1ng fcr therma drcp acrcss the evapcratcr. Th1s w1 vary scmewhat depend1ng cn the
bcwer fan speed. The 28 PSIO 1ne 1ntersects the (average) cf the Fr1gc & Freezcne/Freeze i2
curves at abcut 40F. Add1ng the i0F evapcratcr drcp. means that the duct temperatures w1
never get becw abcut 50F fcr FRIOO/Freezcne/Freezei2 cr abcut i0F warmer than w1th Ri2.
Autcfrcst/Oh11t/R406A (average between bubbe and dew pc1nts) ccsey match Ri2. Hcwever.
the w1de g1de cf Autcfrcst w1 resut 1n scmet1mes 6-i0F ccder duct temperatures dur1ng
ccc dcwn.
The refr1gerant manufacturers whc have trcube w1th refr1gerant pressures be1ng tcc
cw 1n the evapcratcr (FRIOO & Freezcne/Freeze i2). w1 cften d1str1bute 1terature that
shcws the ent1re temperature-pressure curve frcm 0 tc 200 degrees F cr sc. w1th pressures frcm
vacuum thrcugh 500 PSIO cr mcre. On that scae. a the evapcratcr pressures fcr a the
refr1gerants cck abcut the same (1n the th1ckness cf the graph 1ne). They then w1 argue
that the1r refr1gerant cperates at the same pressures as Ri2. etc. One needs tc shcw an
expanded graph. shcw1ng the temperature-pressure reat1cnsh1ps wh1ch cccur 1n the evapcratcr.
as they are cr1t1ca tc prcper perfcrmance. (See f1gure 8).
As the car cccs dcwn. the evapcratcr beccmes ccder as we. Typ1cay. the a1r
be1ng bcwn thrcugh the evapcratcr 1s abcut i0 degrees warmer than the temperature at wh1ch
the refr1gerant 1s bc11ng. On the cwer r1ght hand quadrant cf f1gure 8. severa tempera-
tures are 1sted fcr bc11ng pc1nts (1n the evapcratcr at 28 PSIO) cf d1fferent refr1gerants.
One must add cn abcut i0 degrees F tc each cf these tc get an apprcx1mate ccd a1r duct
temperature. tc acw fcr the therma drcp acrcss the evapcratcr.
When the A/O 1s f1rst turned cn. the car 1s usuay hct. and warm cr hct a1r 1s be1ng
bcwn thrcugh the evapcratcr. Th1s makes the refr1gerant bc11ng 1n the evapcratcr warmer.
thus ra1s1ng 1t`s pressure (cck at the temperature-pressure charts). P1ck a pressure (cr
temperature). gc acrcss (cr up) tc f1nd the ccrrespcnd1ng temperature (cr pressure). Fcr
bends. use an average pc1nt rcughy m1dway between the bubbe and dew pc1nt curves. A m1nute
cr sc after start-up. evapcratcr temperatures m1ght be 50-60 degrees F. w1th a ccrrespcnd1ng
evapcratcr pressure cf 40-70 PSIO. depend1ng cn the refr1gerant. H1gh g1de refr1gerants 1ke
Autcfrcst/R406A/Oh11t. and Hctshct (Hctshct has prcbems return1ng the c1 1n many systems)
w1 perfcrm superby dur1ng the 1n1t1a ccc dcwn (pu dcwn).
Fcr a var1abe d1spacement ccmpresscr tc cffer gccd perfcrmance w1th FRIOO / Freezcne
/ Freezei2. 1t wcud have tc have 1t`s setpc1nt changed tc i9 cr 20 PSIO frcm 28 PSIO. Th1s
1s very d1ff1cut tc dc at the present t1me. Th1s pressure 1s f1xed and there 1s nc easy
ad_ustment. Even 1f the setpc1nt ccud be cwered tc i9 PSIO tc make FRIOO/Freezcne/Freeze i2
wcrk better. there 1s rcughy a 25l reduct1cn 1n pressure and ccrrespcnd1ng reduct1cn 1n mass
fcw and cwered capac1ty. The suct1cn pressure 1s cwer. therefcre ess gas mcecues enter
the ccmpresscr (abcut 25l cwer) and c1rcuate 1n the system sc 1t cccs ess.
The cyc1ng cutch type system asc perfcrms we w1th Autcfrcst/Oh11t/R406A. The
ncrma ccmpresscr cutcut sw1tch 1s set tc abcut 24 PSIO. FRIOO / Freezcne / Freezei2 wants
tc run abcut i9-20 PSIO 1nstead cf 28-80 PSIO (Ri2. Autcfrcst/R406A/Oh11t) tc prcduce 1t`s
best resuts. If the 24 PSIO cutcut sw1tch 1s nct changed w1th these refr1gerants. then
ccmpresscr cutch cyc1ng w1 beg1n at much warmer temperatures than w1th Ri2/Autcfrcst/
R406A/Oh11t and the cutch w1 cyce mcre cften. further warm1ng up the duct temperatures
and caus1ng excess1ve cutch wear. pcss1by caus1ng 1t tc fa1 1n a ccupe cf mcnths. The
best perfcrmance frcm FRIOO / Freezcne/ Freezei2 1s cbta1ned when the cw s1de cutcut sw1tch
1s changed frcm 24 PSIO tc abcut i4 cr i5 PSIO. Th1s w1 reduce ccmpresscr cyc1ng tc abcut
what Ri2 sees. Hcwever. there w1 st1 be abcut a 25l css 1n capac1ty due tc reduct1cn 1n
mass fcw due tc cwer suct1cn pressures ccmpared tc Ri2. (ess gas 1s c1rcuated 1n the
Oil Return to the Compressor
Wh1e scme cther bends. nctaby IOOR HOTSHOT and Atcchem FX-56 (R-409A) ]FX-56 1s
nct EPA SNAP apprcved fcr cars. cny stat1cnary equ1pment] w1 cffer s1m1ar gccd ccc1ng
perfcrmance 1ke Autcfrcst / Oh11t / R406A. they dc nct d1sscve we 1n the standard
m1nera c1 and may nct prcpery return 1t tc the ccmpresscr frcm the evapcratcr. Th1s can
resut 1n ccmpresscr fa1ure (ack cf c1) 1n scme systems. It 1s est1mated that 70-80l cf
systems w1 st1 funct1cn OK w1th pccr c1 return. i00l cf the systems w1 funct1cn fcr
scme per1cd cf t1me. cften a few mcnths. as the c1 scwy wcrks 1t`s way cut cf the ccmpres-
scr and beccmes stranded 1n cther parts cf the system. There 1s nc way tc reay kncw befcre
hand wh1ch systems w1 ccnt1nue tc run and wh1ch cnes w1 fa1 the ccmpresscr frcm pccr c1
return. FX-56. HOTSHOT. FRIOO FR-i2. Freezcne. Freeze i2 w1 prcv1de gccd c1 return 1f the
c1 1s changed tc akybenzene (AB) c1. wh1ch 1s a super ref1ned fcrm cf m1nera c1.
Of the FRIOO FR-i2 / Freezcne / Freeze i2 grcup. a cf them are very pccr at prcpery
return1ng m1nera c1 tc the ccmpresscr. FRIOO adm1tted 1n a fu page ad (Jan i996) 1n the
A1r Ocnd1t1cn1ng. Heat1ng and Refr1gerat1cn NEWS tc hav1ng tc add POE (pcyc ester) c1 tc
wcrk 1n car A/O systems. Freezcne adds 2l cf a spec1a ubr1cant tc the1r refr1gerant s1nce
the raw gas dces nct return m1nera c1 we. What happens after a few recharges w1th
Freezcne? The c1 can bu1d up 1n the system. break ccmpresscr vaves. and cther sugg1ng
frcm the excess1ve c1. We guess that Freeze i2. _ust hcpes fcr the best (nc c1 add1t1ve).
KNOWN compatibility issues (11/29/96)
There 1s a suspected sea ccmpat1b11ty prcbem w1th Autcfrcst (R-406A) and Autcfrcst-X4 w1th
Ycrk (autcmct1ve) ccmpresscrs us1ng Buty rubber seas 1n scme cases. Seas may fa1 (usuay 80
m1ns tc cne hcur) after the car 1s turned cff. due tc heat scak frcm the rad1atcr beed1ng 1ntc the
ccndenser and ra1s1ng pressures. Leaky heater water vaves ccntr1bute tc the prcbem s1nce they
acw heat tc bu1d up 1n the evapcratcr area. further 1ncreas1ng pressures. D1rt bu1dup 1n the
rad1atcr and ccndenser area asc ccntr1butes by prevent1ng the reease cf trapped heat after the
eng1ne 1s turned cff.
Necprene seas are ava1abe wh1ch appear nct tc have th1s prcbem. Fcr mcre 1nfc. ccntact
Bcbby Burke. ATO spec1a1sts. i-800-622-5008. cr ema1 bburke@1nterscurce.ccm. Web page: http:// Autcfrcst (R-406A) and Autcfrcst-X4 (OHO-X4) mcve mcre heat than dces R-i2.
Oars w1th pccry ma1nta1ned ccc1ng (rad1atcr) systems. may enccunter rad1atcr bc1cvers and
cverheat1ng prcbems when chang1ng tc Autcfrcst. s1nce mcre heat 1s transferred tc the ccndenser.
wh1ch re_ects the heat 1ntc the rad1atcr. It 1s a gccd 1dea tc have the eng1ne ccc1ng system
checked cver when sw1tch1ng tc Autcfrcst tc prevent a d1rty/ccgged rad1atcr cr eak1ng heater water
vave frcm caus1ng A/O prcbems.
There was a suspected sea ccmpat1b11ty prcbem w1th Autcfrcst. Ycrk.
Techumseh and the cd Ohryser RV2 ccmpresscrs were thcught tc have a buty rubber sea.
hcwever 1t has been d1sccvered that these sea k1ts were made cf Buna-N rubber. It has been
kncwn fcr many years that R-22 and Buna-N rubber are nct ccmpat1be. Our research 1nd1cates
that necprene 70 1s the best mater1a fcr bcth ccmpresscr shaft sea k1ts and system O-r1ngs.
The makers cf the Ycrk ccmpresscr have ncw started mak1ng the1r sea k1ts w1th Necprene and
manufacture necprene sea k1ts fcr mcst cther ccmpresscrs cn the market as we. Necprene 1s
the 1dea rubber fcr bcth ccmpresscr sea k1ts and O-r1ngs s1nce 1t w1 wcrk w1th a refr1g-
erants 1ncud1ng Autcfrcst and R-i84a. There m1ght st1 be new cd stcck sea k1ts cn the
sheves at cca parts stcres sc techn1c1ans shcud ask befcre they buy them.
We are currenty d1scuss1ng stcck1ng and se1ng these sea k1ts and we are wcrk1ng cn
a master O-r1ng k1t that w1 serv1ce mcst veh1ces. fcre1gn and dcmest1c. We w1 make these
ava1abe thrcugh Mcnrce A1r Tech Inc. cr te ycu where they are ava1abe as we are ccn-
stanty search1ng fcr cther scurces. O-r1ngs are aready ava1abe at mcst parts paces. Fcur
Seascns. Murray. and Evercc have Necprene and they are dark bue 1n cccr. OM has used a back
necprene fcr severa years. These are ava1abe frcm OM deaers cr AO Decc d1str1butcrs.
There are asc green O-r1ngs kncwn as HNBR. Th1s rubber was devecped fcr R-i84a because 1t
was thcught tc have better heat character1st1cs. Asc Fcrd used th1s mater1a fcr the1r spr1ng
cck f1tt1ngs. They even used an cdd s1ze (th1cker) tc try and keep these f1tt1ngs frcm
eak1ng. Autcfrcst w1 wcrk f1ne w1th th1s rubber 1f 1t came frcm the OEMs. hcwever HNBR
O-r1ngs that are purchased esewhere are many t1mes cf cheap qua1ty and w1 nct fare we.
Fcr th1s reascn we ask that ycu tc aways ask fcr Necprene. ]4/i5/97 update: Bcb Burke @ ATO
Spec1a1sts ncw has shaft sea k1ts and O-r1ng k1ts ava1abe]
On 86 and newer Fcrd mcdes. safety pcp-cff vave cn cr near the ccmpresscr has a
rubber seat. If th1s vave ever cpens. then 1t m1ght nct resea and eak. The cure 1s tc use
a OM pcp-cff vave 1nstead (they use stee ba and seat?). We have asc seen the Fcrd pcp-
cff vaves cpen at abcut 250 PSI. wh1ch 1s way tcc cw.
ALL BLENDS. INOLUDINO AUTOFROST. 00S7 70 5/ 6|/|0/0 /S l10010 to revent comos1t1on
c/ane, anJ oss1|1e Jamae resa1t1n to t/e system. Autcfrcst/R-406A/Oh1-1t/R-4i4A cy1n-
ders ccnta1n a DIP TUBE that w1thdraws the prcduct as 1qu1d frcm the bcttcm w1th the cy1nder
UPRIOHT. DO NOT turn the cy1nder ups1de dcwn tc get 1qu1d!! Th1s w1 g1ve ycu vapcr
1nstead. Oy1nders are marked w1th arrcws tc keep upr1ght fcr 1qu1d.
Compatibility issues
Nc matter hcw much abcratcry test1ng 1s dcne under s1muated and eevated temperature
ccnd1t1cns cn mater1as ccmpat1b11t1es. f1ed ccnd1t1cns are nct aways s1muated prcpery.
Fcr 1nstance. scme mater1a breakdcwn w1 be ncted 1n a ab seaed tube test. at say. 800
degrees Fahrenhe1t. Mcst chem1ca react1cn speed 1s determ1ned by temperature. cften decreas-
1ng by a factcr cf twc fcr each i0 degrees the temperature 1s cwered. Fa1ures 1n a seaed
tube test 1n a ab at h1gh temperatures cften equate tc 40 cr 50 years cr cnger at ncrma
temperatures enccuntered. far cnger than the 1fe cf the car. Quct1ng frcm a DuPcnt pub1ca-
t1cn mater1as ccmpat1b11ty sect1cn: Actua refr1gerant ccmpat1b11ty 1n rea systems can be
1nfuenced by the cperat1ng ccnd1t1cns. the nature cf the pcymers used. ccmpcund1ng fcrmua-
t1cns cf the pcymers. and the cur1ng cr vucan1zat1cn prccesses used tc create the pcymer.
Pcymers shcud aways be tested under actua cperat1ng ccnd1t1cns befcre reach1ng f1na
ccncus1cns abcut the1r su1tab11ty ]i].
Ocmpcs1t1cns ccse tc Autcfrcst (R-406A) have been used 1n actua veh1ces s1nce
August i990.
Fcr further 1nfcrmat1cn cn ccmpat1b11ty 1ssues. ccntact Bcb Burke. ATO Spec1a1sts.
i-800-622-5008 cr MEA. i-888-AUTOFROST ]i-888-288-6876]. ask fcr ccde i0.
]i] DuPcnt SUVA(R) MP Refr1gerant Bends: Prcpert1es. Uses. Stcrage and Hand1ng.
page 20. stcck number H-45944-2 (5/98). DuPcnt Ohem1cas. Fucrcchem1cas Oustcmer Serv1ce
Oenter. W1m1ngtcn. DE i9898.

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