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If most of the survey respondents express negative

opinions, we may need more research before we

proceed with the project.
Follow the recommended guidelines for replacing
According to the customer service representative, the
company will consider reshipping these items based on
the customer's needs.
oyce !armen welcomed the participants and introduced
the "eynote spea"er.
#e discovered and corrected two serious omissions of
income before the auditor reviewed the accounting
#e found errors in the self$audit, but we have corrected
If you have questions, call me at %&' '(($&&)).
I have attached the current status report, and I highlighted
the important figures.
#e must collect and tabulate the survey responses
before we can "now our employees' opinions.
*resented by the +usiness #riting !enter,
training business writers since &,,%
Passive and Active Voice
What are passive and active voices?
English verbs have two voices: active voice and passive voice. In active voice, the person acting is clear: "The
manager wrote the report esterda." The person acting is the manager.
In passive voice, the writer does not speci! who is acting: "The report was written esterda." It co"ld have been
written b the secretar, #eorge $"sh, or the manager%%we don&t 'now.
The sentence is still in passive voice i! the writer speci!ies the actor later in the sentence: "The report was
written esterda b the manager."
(se passive voice sparingl
Passive voice is still appropriate !or some sentences. )owever, b"siness writers sho"ld "se the passive voice ver
sparingl. It ma ma'e the writing "nclear b 'eeping the identit o! the actor secret.
Passive voice is also a poor choice !or sentences beca"se it o!ten so"nds aw'ward and evasive. *eaders ma
interpret passive voice as an attempt to avoid admitting responsibilit, as in the !ollowing e+ample:
"A mista'e was made that res"lted in an overcharge to o"r acco"nt that has now been corrected and will be
shown on o"r ne+t statement."
Active voice is more direct and concise than passive voice. Active voice so"nds more responsible: ","r data entr
cler' made a mista'e and overcharged o"r acco"nt, b"t she corrected the entr. -o"r ne+t statement will show
the correction."
(s"all "se passive voice when o" do not 'now the actor, o" want to hide the identit o! the actor, or the actor
is not important to the meaning o! the sentence.
-he supervisor will review the report before he sends it to
the manager.
.hanging passive voice to active voice
To change passive voice to active, identi! the per!ormer o! the action. I! the per!ormer is in a "b the" phrase,
move the per!ormer to the s"b/ect position, /"st be!ore the verb. I! the writer did not name a per!ormer, choose
a s"b/ect that !its the conte+t. "The test res"lts will be anno"nced ne+t wee'" easil becomes "We will anno"nce
the test res"lts ne+t wee'" or "The researchers will anno"nce the test res"lts ne+t wee'."
Avoid mi+ing active and passive voice in the same sentence. The !irst hal! o! this sentence is active, b"t the
second hal! is passive: "We !o"nd the lost contract, and the client was noti!ied immediatel." Instead, "se active
voice thro"gho"t: "We !o"nd the lost contract and noti!ied the client immediatel."
Practice changing passive voice to active voice
0ind the passive verbs in the !ollowing sentences. .hange them to active voice.
Write o"r answer be!ore comparing o"r sentences with the samples. When o" are !inished, close this window
to ret"rn to o"r assignments page.
1. The report will be reviewed by the supervisor before it is sent to the manager.
2. Errors were found in the self-audit, but steps have been taken to correct them.
3. f you have !uestions, can be reached at "12 2##-11$$.
$. The current status report has been attached, and have highlighted the important figures.
%. &ot before the survey responses have been collected and tabulated will it be possible to know the
opinions of our employees.
'. f most of the opinions e(pressed by the survey respondents are negative, then more research may be
needed before we can proceed with the pro)ect.
". The recommended guidelines for replacing e!uipment should be followed.
#. *ccording to the customer service representative, reshipment of these items will be considered when
the customer+s need is determined by the company.
,. The participants were welcomed by -oyce .armen, and the keynote speaker was introduced by her.
1/. Two serious omissions of income were discovered and corrected before the accounting records were
reviewed by the auditor.
1) Julia rescued three cats.
Three cats were rescued.
2) The students handed in the reports.
The reports were handed in.
3) Maria crashed into the blue car.
The blue car was crashed into.
4) Alex learned the poem.
The poem was learned.
5) Steven has or!otten the boo".
The book has been forgotten.
#) The mechanic has not repaired the $%$ recorder.
The DVD recorder has not been repaired.
&) The' pla' handball.
Handball is played.
() Sue puts the ruc"sac" on the loor.
The rucksack is put on the floor.
)) The !irls had lost the match.
The match had been lost.
1*) The teacher is not !oin! to open the +indo+.
The window is not going to be opened.
1) She bou!ht our apples.
Four apples were bought.
2) ,e +on the match.
The match was won.
3) The man stole the blue car.
The blue car was stolen.
4) The police arrested the thieves.
The thieves were arrested.
5) Jac" s+am the 2** metres.
The 200 metres were swum.
#) The do! bit the old lad'.
The old lady was bitten.
&) Tom and Max ate ive hambur!ers.
Five hamburgers were eaten.
() -liver tau!ht the children.
The children were taught.
)) %ictoria rode the bro+n horse.
The brown horse was ridden.
1*) .randmother told !ood stories.
Good stories were told.
1) Mr Jones +atches ilms.
Films are watched.
2) The people spea" /n!lish.
nglish is spoken.
3) 0e reads comics.
!omics are read.
4) ,e pla' volle'ball.
Volleyball is played.
5) The' sin! the son!.
The song is sung.
#) 1 ta"e photos.
"hotos are taken.
&) She does the house+or".
The housework is done.
() The policemen help the children.
The children are helped.
)) 0e +rites text messa!es.
Te#t messages are written.
1*) Mother +aters the lo+ers.
The flowers are watered.
1) The' don2t spea" /n!lish in this shop.
nglish is not spoken in this shop.
2) 3evin as"ed $ennis a 4uestion.
Dennis was asked a $uestion by %evin.
3) Somebod' built the house last 'ear.
The house was built last year.
4) She !ives him a box.
He is given a bo#.
5) Max +ill loo" ater him.
He will be looked after by &a#.
#) The +aiter brou!ht 5red a bi! stea".
' big steak was brought to Fred.
&) Somebod' bro"e into our bun!alo+ last 5rida'.
(ur bungalow was broken into last Friday.
() The teacher told us a 6o"e.
)e were told a *oke by the teacher.
)) The' +ill meet $oris at the station.
Doris will be met at the station.
1*) Michael has not sent me a text messa!e.
+ have not been sent a te#t message.

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