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Grade 10 Math Exam Review

Solving systems of equations
Solving by graphing
Solving by substitution
Solving by elimination
Word problems
Polynomials and factoring
Expansion and simplification
Special Quadratics
Special Products
Quadratic equations
Solving by graphing
Solving by factoring
The quadratic formula
Quadratic functions
Graphing functions
Sketching parabolas
Parabolic properties
Word problems
Trigonometric ratios
Solving right triangles
Problems involving two right triangles
Sine law
Cosine law
Word problems
Analytic geometry
Line segment length
Midpoints of line segments
Verifying geometric properties
Distances from points to lines

Solving Systems of equations
Numerical Problems
1. {

How to solve by graphing
i. Change to y=mx+b form
ii. Graph the y-intercept
iii. Find the next points using the slope
iv. Repeat for other lines
2. {

How to solve by substitution
i. Isolate one of the variables (one with the lowest co-efficient usually works best)
ii. Divide both sides by the co-efficient of the isolated variable
iii. Substitute that value into the same variable in the other equation
iv. Find the value of the other variable and then write: (x,y)
3. {

How to solve by elimination
i. Multiply both equations by their factor in the lowest common variable
ii. Add or subtract one from the other so you eliminate the equal variables
iii. Calculate the value of the remaining variable
iv. Substitute the value of that variable to find the value of the other
v. Write as ( )
Word problems
4. There are ninety coins, consisting of quarters and loonies, total $42, how many of each type of
coin are there?
Begin with the let then statement
In this case, let x represent the number of quarters, and y represents the number of
loonies. Then, {

Then simplify both equations, in this case, only the second can be simplified

Then you solve the system of equation, by whatever means easiest (or required)

Then substitute the value of y (in this case) into the other equation

Then you write your statement:
There are 24 Loonies and 66 quarters
5. Amy travels 1860km in 6.5h, partly by car at 80km/h and the rest by plane at 750km/h, how did
she travel by each mode
Let x represent the amount of time she travelled the amount of time she travelled by car
and y the amount of time she travelled by plane. Then, {


( )

Then you substitute the value of y into the first equation

Then you write the statement
Amy travelled 4.5 hours by car and 2 hours by plane
6. Carol invests $25000, partly in low-risk bonds at 4% and the rest in a stock that she thinks will
earn 8%. If she expects to earn $1280 interest, how much did she invest at each rate?
Let x represent the amount of money invested in bonds and y the amount of money
invested in stocks. Then, {

() ()


( )

Then substitute the value of y into the first equation ()

Then write the statement:
Carol invested 18000 in bonds and 7000 in stocks
7. Barb ran 100 meters with the wind in 20 seconds and against the wind in25 seconds, find barbs
running speed and the wind speed
Let x represent the speed she travelled with the wind and y the wind speed



( )

Then write the statement

Polynomials and factoring


) Expand then simplify

Write each term within the brackets as multiplied by the terms outside of those


Then multiply

Combine like terms (if any)

Extract the greatest common factor
In this case, the greatest common factor is

Then find two factors of the final term 12 that add up to the coefficient of the middle
term, -8. -2 and -6 work, so substitute them into the expression in place of -8a

Then group the terms
, ( ) ( )-
( ) ( )

Factor difference of squares

Take the square roots of the two terms. In brackets, add them together, and in another set
of brackets, subtract the square root of the negative term (

) from the positive one


( )( )
Group the terms, as appropriate. 12vw can be grouped with -8w, the greatest common
factor being 4w, and 15v with -10, the greatest common factor being 5.
( ) ( )
Take the two coefficients in questions like this, theyre the terms outside the brackets
and put them in a bracket together
( )( )

Find two factors of -40 that add up to -6
-10 and 4 work, so substitute those into the expression in place of -6d

Group the terms: ( ) ( )
( )( )

Factor (Difference of squares)

Factor out (

Theres a difference of squares in the bracket
( )( )

Factor (Trinomial factoring)

Multiply the coefficient of the first term, 6, by the coefficient of the last term, -4, which
gives -24. Note that you always multiply the coefficient of the first term by the 3rd, but
often the coefficient is 1 and in that case it makes no difference.
Find two factors of -24 that add up to 5. -3 and 8 work, so substitute those in place of +5ab.

( ) ( )
( )( )

Factor out the greatest common factor, ab

Find two terms that add to 1 and multiply to -12. -3 and 4 work, so substitute them in

, ( ) ( )-
( ) ( )

Factor (difference of squares)

Factor out the greatest common factor, 11, to get: (

You have a difference of squares in the brackets, which can be simplified: ( )( )

You have a difference of squares, which can be simplified: (


Factor (Trinomial factoring)

Multiply the coefficients of the first and last terms to get -48, then solve normally; find two
factors that multiply to -48 and add to 22. -24 and 2 work out, so substitute them in, then

( ) ( )
( )( )
10. A box has a length of x centimeters, find the volume and surface area if width is 4 cm shorter
than the length and the height is 3 times the length
First calculate for the volume

( )



11. Find the area between the two rectangles with dimensions
To calculate this, you must subtract the area OF smaller rectangle from the area of the
larger rectangle
( )( ) ( )( )

Then write a statement
The area between the two rectangles is

Solving for X intercepts

solve by factoring
You have a difference of squares, so the equation can be turned into
(3a + 4) (3a 4) = 0
To solve by factoring, you must determine the two possible answers
One of those factors has to equal 0
If 3a + 4 = 0, then 3a = - 4, and a = -4/3
If 3a -4 = 0 , then 3a = 4, and a = 4/3
The two possible answers are a = -4/3 and a = 4/3

Trinomial factoring
Multiply the 3
term by the co-efficient of the first, then determine the two numbers
that multiply to that number and add to the 2
In this case ( )
You would re-write the equation as:

Then separate the first two terms and the last two terms ( ) ( )
This then becomes ( )( )=0
To solve by factoring, you must determine the two possible answers
One of those factors has to equal 0
If , then
If , then
The two possible answers are 8 and 5

Trinomial factoring
Multiply the 3
term by the co-efficient of the first, then determine the two numbers
that multiply to that number and add to the 2
In this case ( )
You would re write the equation as:

Then separate the first two and last two terms as ( ) ( )
This becomes ( )( )
To solve by factoring, you must determine the two possible answers
One of those factors has to equal 0
If , then
If , then

The two possible answers are -2 and -2/3

Trinomial factoring
Multiply the 3
term by the co-efficient of the first, then determine the two numbers
that multiply to that number and add to the 2
In this case ()
You would re write the equation as:

Then separate the first two and last two terms as ( ) ( )
This becomes ( )( )
To solve by factoring, you must determine the two possible answers
One of those factors has to equal 0
If , then
If , then
The two possible answers are 8 and -2

You have a difference of squares, factor out the GCF in this case (x)
()( )=0
To solve by factoring, you must determine the two possible answers
One of those factors has to equal 0
would be obvious
If , then

The two possible answers are 0 and

The Quadratic formula

A quadratic equation is written as

If you notice, the value of the variable x is the negative of the co-efficient of the second
term plus or minus the square root of three squared minus four times the co-efficient of
the first term minus the last divided by twice the co-efficient of the first term



Graphing functions
A function is a set of ordered pairs for each value of x there is only one for y
To find a function one would conduct a vertical line test which will only intersect one point on the line
A relation will have multiple points,
A quadratic function will have a degree of ,


Basic function

Can draw table of values, randomly select values of x and see their relation to y

-3 18
-2 8
-1 2
0 0
1 2
2 8
3 18
If a is more than one the parabola will be stretched vertically
What if we then have a fraction for a (much smaller number?)

x Y
-3 3
-2 1.3
-1 0.3
0 0
1 0.3
2 1.3
3 3
Y=ax^2, if a is less than one the parabola will be compressed vertically.

Domain (X values) and range (Y values)
The X value can only happen once, if it happens multiple times, it is not a function.
The vertical line test, Take a ruler and make sure it never hits the line more than one time
( )
Domain: the domain states what x can be, and is written as:
* +
This says; the domain of x is any real number, and must be equal to or less than two
Range: the range states what y is and can be written as:

Either of these can display the value of x as * }
The vertex: The point where both sides of the function come to a point and is written (_, _)
Opening: where the function appears to open to, can be up or down.
Stretched: when a function has an integer co-efficient of x, ex: , the two stretches the line
Compressed: when a function has a fractional co-efficient of x, ex:

The scale factor: the co-efficient of x, can be an integer or a fraction
x Y
-3 -9
-2 -4
-1 -1
0 0
1 -1
2 -4
3 -9
The y-intercept: pretty self-explanatory, the point where the line intersects the y axis, usually takes the
form of the variable K.
The x intercepts: the points where the line intersects the x axis, if they intersect the y axis at a positive
point, this will be non-existent (written as none), is written as an ordered pair.
Types of equations you may come across
The equations on the test should come across as:

Equation vertex opening Stretched
y-intercept X-intercept range Domain

Analytic geometry Review sheet
In grade 10 analytic geometry, the few concepts in the course and their formulas are:
Finding lengths of line segments

Midpoints of line segments

) (

Slope of a line segment

Slope and y-intercept form of the equation of a line:

Standard Form

Distances from points to lines
The equation of a circle with centre (h,k) and radius r
( )

( )

Length of a line segment
Line segments are a given set of points, often two endpoints of a graphed line.
To find the length of one of these lines, one can attempt to count how many spaces they cover on a
graph, or they can calculate the length using the Cartesian coordinates (x,y), (x,y)
As shown above, the formula for length of a line segment is:

And use the coordinates provided, (x,y), (x,y), but note one should be (

) and the other

should be (

Given points A(2,1) and B(3,5) determine the length of the line segment to the nearest tenth
A good way to dissect equations is to use GRASS, given, required, analysis, solution statement
Given: A(2,1), B(3,5)
Required: l
Analysis: (

Solution (substitute)
( )

( )



Note: this is the exact solution; you do not need to round any
(If asked for one tenth of a unit only)
The length of the line segment is roughly 4.1 units
Equations of circles with radius r and centre (h,k)
Use GRASS to determine the value of the unknown variable
The formula for this type of equation is ( )

( )

, h and k being the (x,y)

coordinates of the circle centre, and r being the radius
Determine the radius a circle with centre (0,0) and point (2,7). Round to the nearest tenth, if
Given: the centre of the circle (h,k)=(0,0), therefore h=0 and k=0, a known point is (2,7), x=2, y=7
Required: value of r
Analysis: ( )

( )

( )

( )



() ()
Note: if centre is not (0,0) substitute it into (h,k)
You may also be asked to find the equation of a circle with a given radius and centre. To find this,
substitute known values, and isolate the variables
Write an equation for a circle with Centre (5,2) and radius 4
Given: h=5, k=2 and r=4
( )

( )



Midpoint of a line segment
The midpoint of a line segment is the point on the line that is the equal distance from both
To find the midpoint, you can calculate using endpoints, endpoint 1 (

) and endpoint 2

As shown above the formula for finding midpoints is:

) (

Determine the midpoint of the following lines given their endpoints:
a) (5,7) and (3,9,)
b) (-2, -4) and (-2, 8)
a) Given:


Required: mp

) (


) (


) (


Equations of lines
Calculating equations of lines, both in slope- y- intercept form and standard form is an essential
You will be asked to find the equation of lines using endpoints, and use these lines to calculate
The formula for calculating slope is:

You can use the slope (once found) and another point on the line, such as an endpoint to
calculate the y-intercept.
Find the slope and y-intercept of the line that passes through (1,2) and (-2,5)

Now, use one of the endpoints to find the equation of the line

Parallel and perpendicular lines
Parallel lines have the same slope, by different y intercepts.

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a 90 degree angle

The slope of a perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal of the line it is perpendicular to,
meaning to flip its fractional value and multiply it by -1, for example 3/2 becomes -2/3.
Medians, right bisectors and altitudes
The median of a triangle is a line segment that joins a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. In
grade 10, the objective is to find the equation of its line.
The equation of a median is found by:
1. Finding the midpoint of the opposite side
2. Using its coordinates and the coordinates of the opposite vertex to calculate slope
3. Using that slope, and any known point on the line (midpoint or vertex) determine the value of b
4. Write the equation of the line in y=mx+b form
The place where three medians within a triangle intersect is called the Centroid
has verticies A(3,4), B(-5,2), C(1,-4)
Find the equation for the median from C to AB: CD
1. Find the midpoint of the opposite side, AB

) (


) (


) (


2. Calculate the slope using the midpoint and C

3. Determine the value of b

4. Write the equation in slope, y-intercept form

Or in standard form

Right bisectors
A right bisector is a line that divides a line in two parts at 90 degrees. In grade 10 mathematics, the
objective is to determine the equation of the line
To find the equation of a right bisector:
1. Find the midpoint of the line being bisected
2. Calculate the slope of the line being bisected
3. Find the negative reciprocal of that line: the slope of the right bisector
4. Use the slope of the right bisector and the midpoint (where it bisects) to determine the
equation of the right bisector
The place where three right bisectors intersect within a triangle is called the circumcentre
has verticies A(3,4), B(-5,2), C(1,-4)
Find and equation for GH, the right bisector of AB
1. Find the midpoint of the line being bisected

) (


) (


) (


2. Calculate the slope of the line being bisected

3. Find the negative reciprocal; the slope of the right bisector

4. Use the slope of the right bisector and the midpoint to find the y intercept

Or in standard form

An altitude of a triangle is a segment from a vertex to an opposite side, which it intersects at a right
To calculate an altitude
1. Calculate the slope of the line intersected by the altitude
2. Use the negative reciprocal of that slope, as the slope of the altitudes (because it intersects the
line at a 90 degree angle.)
3. Use the opposite vertex and the slope of the altitude to find the altitude equation
The place where the three altitudes intersect is called the orthocentre
has verticies A(3,4), B(-5,2), C(1,-4)
Find an equation for CE, the altitude from C to AB
1. Calculate the slope of the line intersected by the altitude

2. Find the negative reciprocal; the slope of the altitude

3. Use the opposite vertex and the slope of the altitude to find the altitude equation

Or in standard form

Similar and Congruent triangles
Congruent triangles
A congruent triangle is a triangle with where corresponding side lengths and angles are equal
Observe from the diagram that, ABC
and DEF are congruent they
have equal side lengths and equal

Proving congruence
Although one may be told that these triangles are congruent, to prove that they are, there are three
mainly used theorems (congruence postulates)
1) Side, Side, Side: congruence can be demonstrated by showing that all corresponding sides
are equal.
2) Side, Angle, Side: congruence can be demonstrated by showing that two of the sides, and the
contained angles (angle of the two corresponding sides intersection) are equal, the triangles
are congruent
3) Angle, Side, Angle: if one corresponding side, and any two corresponding angles within the
triangle are equal, then the triangles are also congruent.
Note: means is congruent to, in the above example
Note: means triangle, literally
Note: means similar to



Similar triangles
The corresponding angles of similar triangles are equal, while their side lengths are proportional

Observe from the diagram
that both triangles, ABC and
DEF have identical
correspondent angles, while
they have proportional side


Each corresponding pair has proportional side lengths, such

as = =
Proving similarities
To prove that two triangles are similar, there are three main theorems that apply
1) Angle, Angle: show that two angles are similar
2) Side, Side, Side: show that three sides are proportional
3) Side, Angle, Side: show that two sides are proportional and the contained angles are equal
Ratios of similar triangles
c a f d
b D F
If two triangles are similar, the ratio of their heights is equal to the ratio of corresponding sides,

The ratio of their areas is equal to


Finding unknown side lengths
d=5cm b=10cm g=4cm e
B c D E f=6cm G


, find the values of e and c
Since the triangles are similar, the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal


Substitute the know values

Take the first part of the ratio, and use it to calculate the values of c and e
So, e is 8cm and c is 7.5 cm
Finding Areas

AB = 8cm, DE = 12 cm
The area of is 54cm^2
AB/DE = 8/12=2/3
The ratio of the areas of the triangles is

or 4/9


Let the area of ABC be x, x/54 = 4/9
Then calculate using the cross product rule: 9*x=54*4, 9x=216, x=24
Therefore ABC= 24cm^2
Showing and using similarity
Show why
Since AB is parallel to DE
angle A = angle E Alternate angles
angle b = angle d Alternate angles
angle ABC = angle ECD Opposite angles
since the corresponding pairs of angles are equal,
A 7cm B
5cm 4cm
6cm x
D y E

Find the lengths of x and y
Since , the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal
Solution of x

Solution of y

Therefore, x is 7.5 cm and y is 10.5 cm

Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between angles and sides in triangles.


Side ratios
There are three important ratios of sides in right triangles. These functions are all functions of the
given angle, theta. These sides are:
Sine Sine, shown as sin on a calculator, the equation to calculate sine is opposite/hypotenuse
Cosine Cosine, shown as cos on a calculator, is represented by the equation

There are names for each of the sides in the triangle, these
AC- The Hypotenuse: generally the longest side, the
hypotenuse is located opposite the right angle
AB- Opposite: This angle is the one always opposite from
the chosen angle
BC-Adjacent: The third side of a triangle

Tangent Tangent, shown as tan on a calculator, is represented by the equation opposite/adjacent
In this triangle:
Sine = O/H=15/17
Cosine = A/H=8/17
Tangent =O/A=15/8

Note: When you are using a calculator ensure that your calculator is in degree mode
Note for future reference When using inverted side ratios use the
Finding angles
If you know a trig ratio of an angle, you can find the angle using a calculator. You can use inverted
functions to find the angles from the trig ratio.

Finding sides in right triangles when given an acute angle and another side

Label the three sides, opposite, hypotenuse and adjacent.

Remember the three ratios
Sin =O/H
Cos =A/H
Tan =O/A

Find X, the opposite side, given that the angle known is

and the hypotenuse is 50cm long

To find X, use the angle ratio that has X and one of the known sides, in this case, the best ratio to use
is Sine, O/H, because we know the length of the hypotenuse

A 15 O B
A 8
17 H C

If Cos = .7071


If Tan


If sin


B X (O) C

Y (A) 50cm

Now that two sides of the right angled triangle are known, the length of the other side can be found
using either the Pythagorean Theorem or using trigonometry.

Generally, using trigonometry is more common and also easier.

Unknown denominators
Sometimes the unknown may end up in the denominator. To solve for this, you will need an extra

Two sides known
Sometimes, two sides of a triangle are known, and the third side length and the other acute angle
must be known.



( )

ii) Using trigonometry

i) Using Pythagorean Theorem
6cm X H



As you know, you can find a third side using the Pythagorean
Theorem, or using trigonometry

X 34cm H

O 30cm

To determine angles, first label the angles and then select an angle to determine
For example: Solve for the angle of P


To solve for the last angle, remember that all angles add up to


Word problems
Some terms you will need to know
The angle of depression: The angle of depression is the line of sight and the horizontal, but only
above the below.

The angle of elevation: The angle of elevation is the angle between the line of sight and the
horizontal, but only above the horizontal. The angle of elevation is also known as the angle of

Example word problems solved with trigonometry
From the top of a vertical cliff 20 metres high and is vertical, the angle of depression of a boat at sea

A. Find the distance of the boat from the base of the cliff

B. Find the distance of the boat from the observer
Step one: Determine and apply what is given in the problem
We know that the cliff is 20 meters high, and that it is at 90 degrees with the sea, we also know that
the angle of depression of the boat and sea is 25 degrees
(This step does not necessarily need to be written down)
Step two: Diagram

Step Three: Labeling sides and angles
Notice that the two unknown sides are
Labelled, as well as the Adjacent,
Hypotenuse and Opposite

Step four: select a side to solve for, and solve

Find X (the adjacent)


x tan


Step five: find the other side (keep in mind, the Pythagorean Theorem can be used as well)
Find Y (the hypotenuse)



20 Metre

20 Metre y (H)
Cliff (O)

X (A)

Step six: statement
The distance from the boat to the base of the cliff is 42.9 metres and the distance from the boat to
the observer is about 47.3 m

Problems involving right triangles

Find angle ACB


Find CE, (x)



10 x 4

From a point on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of a building is

. If one moves 25 metres

closer to that building, the angle of elevation will be

. Find the height of the building.



( )(tan

( )()

In ,






A 25 B x C

Then substitute

The height of the building is 46.2 metres

Sine law and its application
Proof of sine law for acute angles

Draw a perpendicular line from B to AC at D, this line is BD, Let BD=h


Now, h=h
sin sin
Divide both sides by sinsin


Then cancel out terms, creating

Together we have

Sine law can be used with two of the above terms (or three, but if that is possible, another method is
more practical.)
Sine law application
When we are given any 2 angles and 1 opposite side, sine law can be used to find other sides. (If two
angles are known, the third can be calculated, because all angles in a triangle must add to

c a

D b

In this equation, we know all three angles, because we can equate Q =

, we know all three angles,

and one side, (opposite to Q).






Cross multiply



Now solve for side r

Solving with 2 sides and 1 uncontained angle
Use sine law to find another angle (and subsequently, the other angles)
Try to find the acute angles first. (Only use sine law to find acute angles)

, the reciprocals of the fractions are also equal



r p


40 cm q


c=10cm a=22cm




Solve for the other angles using sine law
Example problem
The angle of elevation of the top of a building is

. If you move 10 metres closer, the angle of

elevation is

. Find the height of the building.

In triangle




Cosine Law
Cosine law can be used when Two sides, and a contained angle are given or when three sides are given.
Proof of cosine law


( )

A 10m B


c a

A x b b-x C

( )

( cos )

To find other side lengths, re-arrange the equation to b and c


To find angles, the formulas can be manipulated again, bringing Cosby itself on the left side



Find a to the nearest tenth of a centimetre:


()() cos

( )

10cm a
A 20cm C
Find angle B using cosine law






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