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First ECAB Meeting Minutes

Date: Friday, May 2, 2014

Eddie Bernardo motions to start meeting at: 1:10pm
Second: Michelle Cuvin

1. Transition Retreat: May 23rd-24th (Friday-Saturday)
LA, beach area
Price range: $20ish per person
House = priority
preferred hotel: Marriott
Deadline: Friday May 9th (Mariel and Rae)
2. Interviews next week!
Querida: Move her individual interview to after group interviews on Tuesday
Julie: Cant make group interview - have group evaluate her and advise her to
work on the project as much as she can
Aldric: Will make it at 6:30 for Tuesday
Shorter answered questions
Google doc for interview questions - update this weekend for ideas!
Group Interview/mixer
Topic: present in general and in terms of our club
How we have exposed in the past and how we will do it in the future
Powerpoint, skit, interactive
ask questions - overall cab
observe interactions
Individual interview
Questions based on position
Multiple positions: focus questions on number one choice and then elaborate on
other positions towards the end
3. Individual E-Cab Training
Train with each position so we know how each position works
Schedule with each current ecab member ~ once a week?
shadow your position as much as you can
4. Ideas for next year
Summer Tabling
UCR Highlander link for info
Eddie will NOT be here for June-August
Mariel will not be here
Michelle will be here first session
Rae and Veronica will be here (:
finalized when rest of G-Cab is established
Members Retreat for all members
weekend OR day retreats
retreats with SCPASA
Survey: what they think of the year and what ideas they have
before end of this year to help with next year
retreat for the first few weeks - day retreat to break cliques
What happens in cab, stays in cab.
dont let members stress, we got this.
Gen meetings
better ideas
not lecture style
have people come out to more than just first gen
let the freshman experience what we experienced
upperclassmen need to be welcoming
IDOLS: who we need to be like
Karena - PCN Goddess
Koji - prophesied Eddie and Mariels reign and used Inception
Be open and welcoming and down to hangout with everyone
Fourth years reached out
Jumar - come back and still meet current members
Alumni that still connect with Kati
Project Koji and Jumar - Board of Advisors (models SCPASAs)
facilitate board retreats
help us become leaders since they already have experience
not above, but alongside of our positions
5. Next Meeting: Next Tuesday 5:00 at Tea House, Group interviews at 6:00 at Naples House
Eddie Adjourned: 2:03 P.M. Second: Mariel

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