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It is claimed that Abdullah died prior to Moe's biorth, some say a few months, others four years prior.

farmed him out to a Bedouin. While Moe was tending sheep, two men dressed in white seized him, opened
his chest and cleaned out his heart. Halima feared that he was demon possessed. he story begins at the
bottom of page !" and continues on page 72 of the Sira.
In Ibn #a'd's $IAB A%&ABA'A A%&$ABI( we learn about the beginning of Moe's prophetic career.
He was not sure who he encountered in the ca)e at Hira. He feared demon possession * determined to +ill
himself. ,All -mphasis added..
Volume 1, Parts 1.45.4
'Affan Ibn Muslim informed us/ Hammad Ibn #alamah informed us on the authority
of Hisham Ibn '0rwah, he on the authority of '0rwah/ 1erily, the Apostle of Allah,
may Allah bless him, said/
2 $hadi3ah, I see light and hear sounds and I fear I shall be a sooth-saer. #he said/
1erily, Allah will not do it with you, 2 son of 4Abd Allah. 1erily, you spea+ the truth,
return things entrusted to you and fulfil 5obligations of6 relationship.
Volume 1, Parts 1.45.5
7ahya "bn Abbad and 4Affan Ibn Muslim informed us8 they said/ Hammad Ibn
#alamah informed us8 he said/ Ammar Ibn Abi 4Ammar informed us8 5)ariation6
7ahya Ibn 4Abb9d 5only6 said/ Hammad Ibn #alamah said/ I thin+ 5he narrated6 on
the authority of Ibn 4Abbas/
1erily, the :rophet, may Allah bless him, said/ ; $hadi3ah I hear sounds and see
light and I fear I am mad. #he said/ 2 son of 4Abd Allah < Allah will not do it with
you. hen she approached Wara=ah Ibn >awfal and related 5the incident6 to him.
He said/ If he is true, then he is nomos as in the case of Moses. If I am ali)e, when he
is commissioned 5to prophethood6 I shall support him, help him and belie)e in him.
Volume 1, Parts 1.4!."
Muhammad Ibn 40mar informed us8 he said/ Ibrahim ,:. "?". lbn Muhammad lbn
Abi Musa related to me on the authority of @awud Ibn al&Husayn, he on the
authority of Ibn Ahatfan Ibn arif, he on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas/
1erily, after the first re)elation to the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, that
came at Hira, it 5the coming of re)elations6 remained suspended for a few days8 since
he did not see Aabriel, he was much grie)ed8 he went to #habir and at another time
to $%ra with the intention of throwing himself down. When the Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him, was intending to do this from one of these mountains he heard a
sound coming from the hea)en. he Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, paused
for a moment because of the thunderous sound, then he raised his head and lo < it
was Aabriel seated in a chair between the earth and the s+y. He was saying/ 2
Muhammad< hou art surely the Apostle of Allah, and I am Aabriel. he Apostle of
Allah, may Allah bless him, returned, and Allah had cooled his eye and strengthened
his heart8 then re)elations followed one after the other.
How did Moe recei)e his re)elationsB He heard a )oice or a bell.
Volume 1, Parts 1.47.4
Hu3ayn Ibn al&Muthanna informed us/ 'Abd al&'Aziz Ibn 'Abd Allah Ibn Abi
#alamah informed us on the authority of his uncle that the narration had reached
him thus/
1erily, the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, used to say/ he re)elation dawns
upon me in two ways&Aabriel brings it and conyeys to me as a man con)eys to
another man and that ma+es me restless. &nd it dawns upon me li'e the sound of a
bell till it enters m heart and this does not ma+e me restless.
he modes of re)elation are confirmed in the most authentic hadith collection.
Sahih (u'hari Volume 1, Book 1, Number 2:
Narrated 'Aisha:
(the mother of the faithful believers) Al-Harith bin Hisham asked Allah's Apostle "O Allah's Apostle! How is the ivine
!nspiration revealed to "ou#" Allah's Apostle replied$ "Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell, this form
of Inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes ' off after ! have %rasped what is inspired& 'ometimes
the An%el (omes in the form of a man and talks to me and ! %rasp whatever he sa"s&" 'Aisha added: )eril" ! saw the
*rophet bein% inspired ivinel" on a ver" (old da" and noti(ed the 'weat droppin% from his forehead (as the !nspiration
was over)&
herein lies a ma3or problem for Islam/ the primary proof of its #atanic origin. Moe had more to say
about bells, which condemns his re)elations.
he bell is the musical instrument of #atan and a de)il accompanies e)ery bell.
Sahih )uslim Book 024, Number 5279:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's +essen%er (ma" pea(e be upon him) as sa"in%: The bell
is the musical instrument of the Satan.
Sunan &bu *awud Book 34, Number 4218 :
>arrated 0mar ibn al&$hattab/
Ibn az&Cubayr told that a woman client of theirs too+ az&Cubayr's daughter to 0mar ibn al&
$hattab wearing bells on her legs. 0mar cut them off and said that he had heard the
Apostle of Allah 5peaceDbeDuponDhim6 say/ #here is a de+il along with ea,h bell.
Moe claimed that he got his re)elations through an Angel named Eibril. here is a little catch/
Angels do not ha)e commerce with bells.
Sahih )uslim Book 024, Number 5277:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's +essen%er (ma" pea(e be upon him) as sa"in%: Angels
do not accompany the travellers who have with them a dog and a bell.
Would Aod use #atan's musical instrument, which is accompanied by de)ils, to transmit re)elations
through an Angel who is a)erse to bellsB Who would use #atan's instrument to communicate to MoeB
Allahu #haytan<<
Moe, spea+ing for Allah, said that #atan inter3ected some fallacy into e)ery :rophet's re)elations.
#o, how do we +now that the 'ur'an is not full of #atanic inter3ectionsBB
22-52. >e)er did We send a Messenger or a :rophet before you, but8 when he did recite the re)elation
or narrated or spo+e, Shait.n /Satan0 threw /some falsehood0 in it. But AllFh abolishes that which
#haitFn 5#atan6 throws in. hen AllFh establishes His (e)elations. And AllFh is All&$nower, All&
;ne such incident is described by Ibn #a'd. Moe accepted dictation from #atan.
Volume 1, Parts 1.51.1
Muhammad Ibn 40mar informed us8 he said/ 7unus Ibn Muhammad Ibn Gudalah
al&Cafari related to me on the authority of his father8 5second chain6 he 5Ibn #a'd6
said/ $athir Ibn Cayd related to me on the authority of al&Muttalib Ibn 'Abd Allah
Ibn Hantab8 they said/
he Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, had seen his people departing from him.
He was one day sitting alone when he eHpressed a desire/ I wish, Allah had not
re)ealed to me anything distasteful to them. hen the Apostle of Allah, may Allah
bless him, approached them 5'uraysh6 and got close to them, and they also came
near to him. ;ne day he was sitting in their assembly near the $a4bah, and he
re,ited- 1( the Star when it setteth1, /2ur3an, 5"-10 till he rea,hed, 1$a+e e
thought upon &l-455a and )anat, the third, the other1. /2ur3an, 5"-16-270 Satan
made him repeat these two phrases- #hese idols are high and their inter,ession is
e8pe,ted. #he &postle of &llah, ma &llah bless him, repeated them, and he went on
re,iting the whole surah and then fell in prostration, and the people also fell in
prostration with him. Al&Walid Ibn al&Mughirah, who was an old man and could not
prostrate, too+ a handful of dust to his forehead and prostrated on it. It is said/ Abu
0hayhah #a'id Ibn al&'As, being an old man, too+ dust and prostrated on it. #ome
people say/ It was al&Walid who too+ the dust8 others say/ It was Abu 0hayhah8
while others say/ Both did it. hey were pleased with what the Apostle of Allah, may
Allah bless him, had uttered. hey said/ We +now that Allah gi)es life and causes
death. He creates and gi)es us pro)isions, but our deities will intercede with Him,
and in what you ha)e assigned to them, we are with you. hese words pric+ed the
Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. He was sitting in his house and when it was
e)ening, Aabriel, may peace be on him, came to him and re)ised the surah. hen
Aabriel said/ @id I bring these two phrases. he Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless
him, said/ I ascribed to Allah, what He had not said.
hen Allah re)ealed to him/ IAnd they indeed stro)e hard to beguile thee
5Muhammad6 away from that wherewith We ha)e inspired thee, that thou shouldst
in)ent other than it against 0s8 and then would they ha)e accepted thee as a friend.
And if We had not made thee wholly firm thou mightest almost ha)e inclined
unto them a little.
hen had We made thee taste a double 5punishment6 of li)ing and a double
5punishment6 of dying then hadst thou found no helper against 0s. 5Al&'ur'an, "!/!?&
!J. his narration is not acceptable, because none of the first narrators is a
Kompanion. Gor a detailed discussion see #hibli, #irat al&>abi, "st edition, p. "!L6

@oes Aod re=uire genocide as the price of admission to :aradiseB Who wouldB Allah does<
9-!7. It is not for a :rophet that he should ha)e prisoners of war 5and free them with ransom6 until he
had made a great slaughter 5among his enemies6 in the land. 7ou desire the good of this world 5i.e.
the money of ransom for freeing the capti)es6, but AllFh desires 5for you6 the Hereafter. And AllFh is
All&Mighty, All&Wise.
47-4. #o, when you meet 5in fight EihFd in AllFh's Kause6, those who disbelie)e smite at their nec+s till
when ou ha+e 'illed and wounded man of them, then bind a bond firmly 5on them, i.e. ta+e them
as capti)es6. hereafter 5is the time6 either for generosity 5i.e. free them without ransom6, or ransom
5according to what benefits IslFm6, until the war lays down its burden. hus ,you are ordered by AllFh
to continue in carrying out EihFd against the disbelie)ers till they embrace IslFm 5i.e. are sa)ed from
the punishment in the Hell&fire6 or at least come under your protection., but if it had been AllFh's Will,
He Himself could certainly ha)e punished them 5without you6. But 5He lets you fight6, in order to test
you, some with others. But those who are +illed in the Way of AllFh, He will ne)er let their deeds be
@oes Aod re)eal situational scripture to allow his :rophets to accept seHual fa)ors from groupiesB Who
wouldB Allah did<
""-57. ; :rophet 5Muhammad 6< 1erily, We ha)e made lawful to you your wi)es, to whom you ha)e
paid their Mahr 5bridal money gi)en by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage6, and those
5capti)es or sla)es6 whom your right hand possesses & whom AllFh has gi)en to you, and the daughters
of your 'Amm 5paternal uncles6 and the daughters of your 'Ammah 5paternal aunts6 and the daughters
of your $hFl 5maternal uncles6 and the daughters of your $hFlah 5maternal aunts6 who migrated 5from
Ma++ah6 with you, and a belie+ing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet
wishes to marr her8 a pri)ilege for you only, not for the 5rest of6 the belie)ers. Indeed We +now
what We ha)e en3oined upon them about their wi)es and those 5capti)es or sla)es6 whom their right
hands possess, & in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And AllFh is -)er ;ftGorgi)ing,
Most Merciful.
""-51. 7ou 5; Muhammad 6 can postpone 5the turn of6 whom you will of them 5your wi)es6, and you
may recei)e whom you will. And whomsoe)er you desire of those whom you ha)e set aside 5her turn
temporarily6, it is no sin on you 5to recei)e her again6, that is better8 that they may be comforted and
not grie)ed, and may all be pleased with what you gi)e them. AllFh +nows what is in your hearts. And
AllFh is -)er All$nowing, Most Gorbearing.
Sahih (u'hari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 311 :
Narrated Aisha:
! used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allahs
Apostle and ! used to sa"$ ",an a lad" %ive herself (to a man)#" -ut when Allah
revealed: ".ou (O +uhammad) (an postpone (the turn of) whom "ou will of them
("our wives)$ and "ou ma" re(eive an" of them whom "ou will/ and there is no blame
on "ou if "ou invite one whose turn "ou have set aside (temporaril")&' (00&12) ! said
(to the *rophet)$ "I feel that your !ord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and
Would a :rophet of Aod pray for preyB Moe did.
hey said that when the apostle heard about Aha #ufysn
coming from #yria, he summoned the Muslims and said 'his is the
'uiaysh cara)an containing them property. Ao out ro attac+ it,
perhaps Aod will gi)e it as a pre.I
#he :ife of )uhammad pg. 296
o whom did Moe prayB Before e)ery Ahazwat, he prayed to Ihe :ord of the *e+ilsI.
;ne whom I do not suspect told me from 'Ata' b. Abu Marwan al&
Aslami from his father from Abn Mu'attib b. 'Amr that when the apostle
loo+ed down on $haybar he told his companions, among whom" wsr one, to stop. hen he said/
'2 Aod, %ord of the hea)ens and what they o'ershadow
And %ord of the lands and what they ma+e to grow
And :ord of the d,+ils and what into error they throw
And %ord of the winds and what they winnow,
we as+ hee for the good of this town and the good of its people and the
good of what is in it, and we ta+e refuge in hee from its e)il end the e)il
of Its people and the e)il that is in it. Gorward in the name of Allah'. He
used to say that of e)ery town he entered.
#he :ife of )uhammad pg. 517-511
Moe prayed to the Allah, the chief demon, not for the benefit of the town and its inhabitants, but for
plunder. Gor conteHt, refer to
Surah &l-anfal 9.!7 and #he :ife of )uhammad pg. 512.
o summarize/ Moe's wet nurse feared that he was demon possessed. His encounter with Eibril in the ca)e
of Hira left him confused and fearful that he was possessed or going mad. He recei)ed re)elations through
#atan's instrument/ a bell ringing in his head. #atan inter3ected fallacy into his re)elations, including the
#atanic 1erses. Moe prayed to the %ord of the de)ils for prey * plunder. '.-.@.

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