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Cardiac Emergencies

The Human Heart

The heart is a muscular organ about the size of your fist that functions like a
It lies between the lungs, in the middle of the chest, behind the lower half of
sternum (breast bone). The heart is protected by ribs and sternum in front and by
spine at the back.
It is separated into right and left halves. Oygen!poor blood enters the right side
of the heart and is pumped to the lungs, where it picks up the oygen. The now
oygen!rich blood returns to the left side of the heart, from which it is pumped to
all parts of the body.
"or the #irculatory $ystem to be effective the %espiratory $ystem must also be
working so that the blood can pick up oygen in the lungs.
The heart beats approimately &' times each minute or more than ('',''' times a
)uring the average life time, the heart will beat nearly * billion times.
It pumps about a gallon of blood per minute or about +' million gallons in an
average life time. The heart pumps blood through about ,',''' miles of blood
What is The Heart Attack?
-ike all living tissues, the cells of the heart need a continuous supply of oygen.
The #oronary .rteries supply the heart muscle with oygen!rich blood.
If the heart muscle tissue is deprived of this blood it dies. .nd if much muscle tissue dies
the heart cannot pump effectively. /hen heart tissue dies, it is called 0eart .ttack.
It interrupts the electrical system of heart thus the heart beat becomes irregular therefore
preventing blood to be circulating effectively.
Common causes of Heart Attack
1. Cardiovascular Diseases ! )isease of heart and blood vessels. It develops gradually.
"atty deposits of Cholesterol and other material may gradually builds up on the inner
walls of the arteries. It causes narrowing of the coronary arteries which may lead to heart
attack. The narrowing of the arteries of the brain can lead to stroke.
$ignals of 0eart .ttack
1ersistent #hest pain and discomfort. It is usually not relieved by resting,
changing position or taking medication.
2rief, stabbing chest pain that feels more intense when victim bends or breathes
The pain of heart attack can range from mild discomfort to an unbearable
crushing sensation in the chest.
The victim may describe it as pressure, s3ueezing, tightness, and aching,
constricting, or heavy sensation in the chest.
Often the pain is felt at the center of the chest behind sternum. I
It may spread to the shoulder, arm, neck or 4aw.
.ny severe chest pain that last longer than (' minutes, or other signals of heart
attack should receive emergency medical care immediately.
.nother signal of a heart attack is difficulty in breathing. The victim may breath
faster to take in more oygen as a result the pulse may become faster or slower
than normal.
The victim5s skin becomes pale or bluish, particularly around the face.
6ormal wall of the arteries
#holesterol deposited in the
inner wall of the artery
making its lumen narrow.
It can be blocked
completely if not taken care.
The face may also be moist due to perspiration.
Caring for a Heart Attack
.s you recognize the possibility of heart attack make the patient comfortable.
.sk about the problem he or she is having. "or eample!
/hen did the pain start7
/hat brought it on7
)oes anything lessen it7
/hat does it feel like7
/here does it hurt7
#all the emergency.
.ssist the person with medication if prescribed.
8onitor vital signs.
-oosen the tight clothing if re3uired.
2e prepared to give #1% if victim5s heart stops beating.
0eart .ttack pain is most often felt in the center of the chest, behind the
sternum. It may spread to shoulder, arm, neck or 4aw.
CP 9 :Cardio; (heart), :Pulmonar!; (lungs), :esuscitation; (combination of
rescue breathing and chest compressions). It is the method of making the blood flow in
the body when naturally the heart is not beating.
It increases the chances of survival of the victim by keeping the brain supplied with
oygen. /ithout oygen the brain death will start within four to si" minutes. %emember
under best conditions, #1% only generates about one third of normal blood flo# to the
.long with #1% advance medical care is e3ually important.
CP for an Adult
<neel beside the victim.
The correct position of placing your hand is over the lower half of the sternum.
"or this find the lower edge of the victim5s rib cage. $lide your fingers up the
edge of the rib cage to the notch where ribs meet the sternum. 1lace your middle
finger on this notch. 1lace your inde finger net to your inde finger.
1lace the heel of your other hand on the sternum net to your inde finger and
place your other hand on the top of this hand.
=se heel of your hand to apply pressure on the sternum with the heel of your hand
not with the fingers because the pressure created by fingers is inade3uate.
>ach compression should push the chest (
to @ inches down.
The downward upward should be smooth not 4erky.
#ount (, @, AA.(B a loud this will help you to maintain the pace.
Cive @ breaths between the groups of (B compressions.
$ minutesD 2reathing stops, 0eart
will soon stop beating.
%&' minutesD 2rain damage
'&1$ minutesD 2rain damage likely.
(ver 1$ minutesD irreversible brain
damage certain.
#linical death is a condition in which the heart and brain stop. #linical death can result in
biological death. 2iological death is the irreversible death of brain cells.
The techni)ue for chest com*ression differs for adult+ child and infant.
Adult Child ,nfant
T#o hand on lower(?@
of the sternum.
(ne hand on lower(?@ of
the sternum.
T#o fingers on lower(?@
of the sternum.
Com*ress (E ! @; ( (E ! @; E ! (;
-reathe $lowly
=ntil chest arises
(.bout (
sec per
=ntil chest arises
(.bout (
sec per
=ntil chest arises
(.bout (
sec per
C!cle 1. compressions
/ breaths
. compressions
1 breath
. compressions
1 breath
ate 1. compressions in about
1$ seconds
. compressions in about
0 seconds.
. compressions in about
0 seconds.
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
Over weight
6o eercise
0igh cholesterol diet
0igh blood pressure
)evelop heart disease
6on smoker
6ormal weight
>ercise regularly
-ow cholesterol diet
6ormal blood pressure
-ead a healthy life.
Choice is !ours & Take action immediatel!.
Control risk factors1 do not let them control !ou.

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