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Unit 1 - Digestion Marking Scheme

1. (a) (i) villus; (reject microvilli) 1

(ii) contracts / peristalsis;
moves/pushes/forces food through gut; 2

(b) many / projecting villi (X) (no double penalty for microvilli);
large surface area (for absorption);
large/good blood supply / many capillaries/blood vessels;
maintains concentration gradients / efficient removal of digested products;
thin outer layer / blood vessels near to surface;
short diffusion pathway; 4 ma
2. (a) !ass (of rats);
measured by investigator / depends on diet 2

(b) to show gain not due to variability of rats / differences between
the two groups 1

(c) "ither# $es % an eplanation& e'g'
correlation of increased growth in presence of mil( does not
prove cause ) effect;raw mil( could contain bacteria that can
survive to reach intestine / reference to mil( not being treated to (ill
*+# $es % reference to data that might support the hypothesis& e'g'
,roup - continues to gain mass for several days after withdrawal of mil(&
suggesting that bacteria survive in intestine;
*r# .o % eplanation& e'g'
reference to data in graph that might validly refute the hypothesis&
such as slowing of growth in group - once mil( withdrawn;
lin(ed to reason& e'g' bacteria once established in intestine would remain'
*r# rapid rise in mass on adding mil(;
effect of etra nutrients unli(ely to be rapid' 2 ma
3. (a) (i) villi;
longer intestine; ma' 2
(ii) more time in intestines 1
(b) /rinciples#
diffusion into capillaries;
active transport/facilitated diffusion involved;
-0/ used by active transport;
disaccharidases/en2ymes in cell surface membrane;
glucose /monomers/monosaccharides actively transported into epithelial cells;
via protein carriers/channels (in membranes);
facilitated diffusion from epithelial cell / towards blood; ma' 4
4. (a) -dd (3enedict4s) reagent (to urine sample) and heat / heat the miture;
red/ brown/ orange/ green/ yellow; 2
(b) ,ives 5uantitative result/level of glucose/concentration of glucose;
specific (to glucose) / 3enedicts not specific;
more sensitive / accurate / precise; ma' 2
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5. (a) 6oiled shape / compact / branched allows large amount to be pac(ed
in small space;
7nsoluble so not 8washed away9 / does not affect water potential /
!ade of glucose / readily bro(en down for respiration / energy release /
-0/ production OR many free ends / branched so readily bro(en down; ma' 2
A single mark is awarded for the feature and its explanation.

(b) (i) 3enedict4s reagent / test and heat;
,reen / yellow / orange / red colour&
(ii) :tandardise specific feature / carry out tests the same;
e'g' amounts used / time heated / temperature
6ompare colour / amount of precipitate / time ta(en to get colour; 4

(c) ,lucose is a monomer / all (the glycosidic) bonds will be hydrolysed / bro(en 1
6. ;uality of written communication should be considered in crediting points in the mar(ing
scheme' 7n order to gain credit& answers must be epressed logically in clear& scientific terms'
(a) (i) !ade up of two sugar units / monosaccharides; R 0wo glucose units 1
(ii) 6orrect bond circled; 1
(iii) 6
; 2

(b) -'0' involves carriers / proteins;
!olecules will have a different shape;
(*nly those absorbed) will fit; 2
(c) =actose produces a lower / more negative water potential;
:o water moves into the intestine / less water absorbed;
3y osmosis / diffusion / down concentration gradient;
Note: concentration gradient must be defined. >

(d) 1 /ro(aryotic cells do not have a nucleus / have genetic material
in cytoplasm;
2 1.- in loop / ring;
> .ot associated with proteins / do not have chromosomes /
chromatin / do not divide by mitosis;
4 :maller ribosomes;
? .o membrane@bound organelles;
A :uch as mitochondria / lysosomes / endoplasmic reticulum /
,olgi / chloroplasts;
B /ro(aryotic cells may have mesosomes;
C /ro(aryotic cells smaller;
D !ay be enclosed by capsule; ma A
7. (a) (i) 7ncreasing concentration of sugar in water (from - to 6) /
most sugar in 6;
6utting damages cells / releases sugar;
7ncreasing surface area from which sugar is released
(ignore release by diffusion) 2 ma

(ii) .o sugar because cells intact / not enough sugar released
because of small surface area / ecess washed off' 1

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(b) :ugar solutions of (nown / specific concentrations;
0est each concentration with 3enedict4s solution;
use e5ual volumes of solutions / variables controlled;
!ethod of comparison& e'g' compare colours& mass of precipitate'
(accept: use of colorimeter / depth of precipitate) >
(c) (3ric() red / orange;
6ell membrane damaged (by heat);(walls4dis5ualifies)'
(Accept: hydrolysis of polysaccharide by boiling) 2

(d) /olysaccharide bro(en down;
to allow transport of sugar to new shoots / to provide respiratory
substrate for growth' 2
8. (a) (i) "nergy put in to get reaction started (=oo( for idea of getting started); 1
(ii) 6urve showing energy levels at start and finish the same;
and lowered activation energy; 2

(b) 3enedict4s / Eehling4s reagent and heat;
orange / red / brown / yellow / green; 2
(c) (i) -cid hydrolyses starch / brea(s glycosidic bond; 1
(ii) .ot specific / forms byFproducts / alters p< / corrosive; 1

(d) (i) !olecules would have less ((inetic) energy;
move slower;
fewer collisions / fewer "F: complees form; ma 2
(ii) 6hange in p< alters charge / shape;
distorts active site / tertiary structure of en2yme / denatures en2yme;
substrate will no longer fit active site; >
. (a) (i) 6arbon& hydrogen& oygen& nitrogen / 6<*.; 1
(ii) /roteins made up of many monomers / amino acids;
0ryglyceride made of glycerol and fatty acids / few smaller molecules
/not joined in chain; 2
(iii) 1ifferent sorts of amino acids;
*nly one sort of glucose; 2
(b) 0hey are proteins;
6an be used again / not 8used up9;
3ind to other molecules; ma 2
(c) (i) /rotein has primary structure / amino acid se5uence;
0herefore bonds always form in same position; 2

(ii) 1 -ctive site (of en2yme) has particular shape;
2 (7nto which) substrate molecule fits / binds;
> -ppropriate reference lin(ing induced fit and shape;
4 (6ompetitive inhibitor) has similar shape to substrate;
? -lso fits active sites;
A /revents substrate access;
B (.on@competitive inhibitor) fits at site other than active site;
C 1istorting shape of active site / en2yme;
A /revents substrate access; (award once only)
D 0wo types identified as competitive and non@competitive; ma A
1!. (i) .<
; 1
(ii) 0wo peptide bonds / reference to specific feature such as 6G* / + groups
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appearing three times; 1
11. (a) 6
; 2

(b) (i) Hould turn lilac / purple / mauve;
Do not credit either pink or blue 1

(ii) :ucrase / en2ymes are proteins / have peptide bonds; 1

(c) 3enedict4s and heat;
,reen / yellow / orange / red / brown
Do not credit unualified references to water baths 2
12. (a) amino acid; 1
(b) violet/purple/mauve/lilac; 1

(c) -mino acid/substrate shape/structure changed;
-ctive site of en2yme;
.o longer fits/ no longer complementary /
en2yme# substrate comple not formed; >
13. (a) (i) (/olypeptide is) coiled / folded; 1
(ii) Hay in which whole molecule is folded / globular shape / folding
of secondary structure / further folding /
Do not accept !D shape if not further explained.
:tructure held by ionic / disulphide bonds; reject hydrogen
bonds / peptide bonds only' 1
(iii) 6auses bonds which hold the tertiary structure / named bond;
0o brea(;
:hape no longer maintained / protein denatured; 2 ma

(b) (i) ?; 1
(ii) :ubstrates / active sites with shapes;
-ctive site / substrate with complementary (shape);
Eitting / binding / forming "@: comple; >
14. (a) " and structure(of ") is complementary to that of the active site; 1
(b) idea that non@competitive inhibitor(#) binds at a site not the active
site; binding causes a change in the shape of the active site;
substrate is no longer able to bind to the active site; >
(c) peptide; 1
(d) idea that amino acid chain folds/tertiary structure;
named bond holding tertiary structure e'g' ionic disulphide hydrogen; 2
"reject peptide#
15. (a) D$ 1
(b) "$ 1
(c) %$ 1
(d) &$ 1
16. (a) (i) 3o round < and <*'($ither in upper or lower positions% or
combination) 1
(ii) 6ondensation 1
(iii) A 1
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(b) (i) ?I gains 2 mar(s'
2?J 2II& or e5uivalent& gains 1 mar(' 2
(ii) =ong straight chain (of glucose molecules) / 1@4 lin( in context
<ydrogen bonds hold molecules together;
able to form (micro)fibrils' ma 2

17. (i) active sites contain substrate / ethylene glycol;
all active sites occupied / en2yme is limiting; 2
&reject idea of active sites used up#

(ii) "thanol is a similar shape to the substrate (ethylene glycol) /
complementary to active site;
&reject 'same shape(#
ethanol is a competitive inhibitor / reduces en2yme@substrate complees /
prevents substrate (ethylene glycol) entering the active site; 2
&reject 'decreases rate of reaction(#
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