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The impact of stress on self-concept among the institutionalized and non-

institutionalized adolescents students.

* Priyanka Shree
Research Scholar,
P.G. Deptt. of Home Science
Ranchi University, Ranchi
** Dr. Seema Dey
Associate Professor
P.G. Department of Home Science
Ranchi University, Ranchi.
Self Concept Is one amon the varie! feat"res in esta#lishin
psycholoical $ell #ein of h"man #eins stress an! its effects on self concept
is one of the important areas of research. Instit"tionali%e! A!olescents are
havin more favo"ra#le attit"!e to$ar! self concept as compare to non
Instit"tionali%e! a!olescents. &he e'perience of stress shalters not only the
appropriate #ehavior of the st"!ent #"t also ero!es the very formation of the self
concept of the st"!ents. In the present st"!y an en("iry has #een trie! to fin!
o"t $hether there is any scientific effect of stress on the self)concept
a!olescents. *"rther, is also attempts to "nearth the !ifferences #et$een
Instit"tionali%e! an! non)Instit"tionali%e! a!olescent on their level of self)
concept. +,, instit"tional an! +,, non instit"tionali%e! a!olescent of Ranchi
District in -harkhan! forme! the sample for the present st"!y. *in!in e'poses
that the levels of stress !eteriorates the self)concepts of the a!olescents as $ell
as there is also sinificant !ifferences #et$een the instit"tional an! non)
instit"tionali%e! a!olescents
Self concept is a central theme aro"n! $hich a lare n"m#er of the ma.or
aspects of personality are orani%e!. Self concept /also calle! self ) constr"ction.
Self i!entity or self perspective0 is a m"lti!imensional constr"ct the refers to
an in!ivi!"al1s perception of 2self2 in relation to any n"m#er of Characteristics s"ch
as aca!emics /non aca!emics0 en!er role an! se'"ality, social i!entity, an! many
St"!ies have #een con!"cte! to !etermine the relationship #et$een stress an!
self, self concept an! self esteem as $ell. &here e'ists an "n!er vie$ $hether
reater levels of stress minimi%es self concept an! self esteem or other factor alon
$ith stress re!"ces in!ivi!"als self concept /H"!! et al., 3,,,0. At this ."nct"re,
!oes stress really have an effect on a person1s self concept is a consi!era#le iss"e.
Researchers i!entify stress an! self concept in several $ays self. Concept is a
core portion of psycholoical re"lation in a!olescent.
&he self is a f"n!amental concept in psychoanalytic an! h"manistic theories
of psycholoy. It is also an important me!iatin factor that facilitates the attainment
of other !esira#le psycholoical, #ehavio"ral, an! e!"cational o"tcomes the fortify
h"man potential. &he !evelopment of self concept is thro"h the learnin process
since chil!hoo!. A chil!1s s"rro"n!in e'periences an! the style of parentin also
contri#"te a sinificant infl"ence to$ar!s the !evelopment of self concept is very
important an! essential in !evelopin that chil!1s personality /4ahya, 3,,,0.
It is a fact that stronly seen in the life of an every in!ivi!"al in eneral an!
an a!olescent #oy or irl in partic"lar. A!olescent perio! $hich #eins at the ae of
+3, an! lasts still the ae of +5, lea!s to a lon perio!s of a!."stments, to ne$
patterns of the life an! the ne$ social e'pectations /H"rlock, +65,0 self)concept
refers to the self)eval"ation or self)perception $hich represents the s"m of an
in!ivi!"al1s #eliefs an! attri#"tes in a iven sit"ation /Ryan 7 Deci, 3,,,0. &hat is
to say, self concept is the perception that in!ivi!"al have of one1s o$n $orth.
Stress is consi!ere! a reaction to somethin that occ"rre! /8iller, 3,+,0.
Stress is !efine! as a mental or physical tension or strain /9e#ster1s :e$ 9orl!
Dictionary, +6530. &here are t$o ma.or types of stresses life events an! chronic
strains life events research consi!ers the e'tent to $hich the acc"m"lation of a
series of e'periences can create a stressf"l impact. Stress from chronic strain res"lts
in role overloa!, conflictin roles in an in!ivi!"al1s life that pro!"ce competin, an!
potentially conflictin !eman!s over time /Pearlin, +65;, as cite! in H"!! et. al.,
3,,,0 symptoms of stress are in !ifferent types. &hey are conitive symptoms <
8emory pro#lems, constant $orryin, 8oo!iness, An'io"s or Short temper,
Physical Symptoms= Aches an! Pains, Chest pain, rapi! heart #eat, procrastinatin
or nelectin responsi#ilities, :evo"s ha#its /e.. :ail #ittin, pacin0. Infl"encin
factors of stress level are s"pporte! net$ork, sense of control, attit"!e an! o"tlook,
a#ility to !eal $ith emotions, kno$le!e an! preparation. Stress in an in!ivi!"al
phenomenon, "ni("e to each person an! settin /H"!! et al., 3,,,0. &he stress, an
a!olescents #rins to school can impact the climate of the school #y infl"encin
st"!ent #ehavio"rs an! aca!emic achievement. 8eas"rin stress in a!olescents is
comple', since life events can #e positive or neative. an! some stress is healthy.
Several researchers feel it sho"l! #e !ianose! simply #y meas"rin the n"m#er of
stressf"l events /from a pre)!etermine! list0 occ"rrin to st"!ents /8"leis, R. 7
8"llis, A. +66,0.
:ee! for the st"!y <
Un!erstan!in self)concept $o"l! clarify the rationale for a!olescent1s
#ehavior. An!, researches a!vocate that vario"s psychosocial factors systematically
either improve or re!"ces the formation of self concept. It has #een reveale! that
instit"tion relate! e'periences make "p a ma.or portion of a!olescents lives an!
shapes the early paths to important life o"tcomes />e$ko, +65?0. Ho$ $ell an
a!olescent performs in the instit"tion !o have an impact on his or her self concept. It
co"l! #e state! that of all life)staes, a!olescence is ar"a#ly the one most marke!
#y rapi! an! potentially t"m"lt"o"s transition, incl"!in #ioloical, social, an!
psycholoical chanes as $ell $e shiftin self ) concepts. &here is a eneral feelin
amon yo"th $orkers that to!ay1s a!olescents are "n!er more stress than previo"s
enerations. >ittle has #een !one to meas"res the stress levels or their effects on
a!olescents. Investiatin the association #et$een stress, an! self)concept of these
constr"cts are helpf"l for health promotion as $ell as preventive strateies !"rin
a!olescence. /@yrne, Davenport 7 8aranoy, 3,,?0. &his has necessitate! the
present st"!y.
+. &o !iscover the impact of stress on self concept.
3. &o fin! o"t the conceiva#le !ifferences #et$een instit"tionalise! an! non)
instit"tionali%e! a!olescents st"!ents on their levels of self)concept.
+. &here $ill #e a sinificant !ifference #et$een the hih an! lo$ levels of
stress on the levels of self)concept of the a!olescent st"!ents.
3. &here $ill #e a sinificant !ifference #et$een instit"tionali%e! an! non)
instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents on their levels of self concept.
A. &here $ill #e an interaction effect #et$een the levels of stress on
instit"tionali%e! an! non instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents.
#ethod :
$istri%ution of the sample
Sl.:o. Gro"ps &otal
+. Instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents +,,
3. :on)instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents +,,
A. &otal 3,,
B. Percentae +,,
Instruments :
+. Self concept ("estionnaire #y Ra. C"mar Saras$at /+65+0.
3. Stress inventory #y Hemalatha :atesan an! :an!ini 8enon /3,,B0.
Statistical tools
Statistical Analysis "se! for this st"!y is &$o)$ay A:DEA.
Ta%le-) : #ean Standard $e*iations of all *aria%les
Cateories Gro"ps 8ean St!. Deviation :
Instit"tionali%e! Hih +.?, +B.F; B?
>o$ +.?; +B.;, B;
&otal +.?, +B.?+ 63
:on)Instit"tionali%e! Hih +.?+ ++.+? BA
>o$ +.5B +3.F? ;;
&otal +.?6 +A.B6 65
&otal Hih +.?+ BA.,B 6,
>o$ +.5, +B.,6 +,,
Total ).+, )-../ )01
*rom the ta#le it co"l! #e seen that the mean of the self concept of the
instit"tions a!olescents is +.? an! the SP is +B.F;. Similarly, the mean of the self
concept of the non)instit"tions a!olescents is +.?5 an! the SD is +A.B6 respectively.
*"rther the mean of the >o$ Stress Gro"p1s self concept is +.5 an! the SD is +B.,6.
An! the means of the hih stress ro"p is +.? an! SD is A,.,B.
Ta%le-/ : Summar2 of /3/ 4nal2sis of *ariance of statistics for the le*els of
stress and institutionalized and non-institutionalized adolescent
students on their self concept.
Source SS df #S 5
@et$een Hih an! >o$ Stress on the
Self ) concept
A;FA.65 + A;FA.635 3,.,;?**
@et$een instit"tionali%e! an! non
instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents
+,A+.?;B + +,A+.?;B ;.5,F**
Interaction #et$een the levels of
stress an! int"itional an! non
instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents
+ F;?.5F? A.?,3**
&otal A5?5A.+,
** Sinificance ,.,+ levels.
&he res"lts of the present st"!y e'pose! remarka#le fin!ins. &he stress is a
stron impact on the levels of self concept. the reater levels of stress fo"n! to
re!"ce the strenth of self ) concept of a!olescent st"!ents. Dn the contrary, those
st"!ents $ho ha! lesser levels of stress fo"n! to sho$ a reater !eree of self)
concept. It #ecame evi!ent that stress has a serio"s effect on the formation of self)
concept of the a!olescents. A!olescence is a perio! !"rin $hich the i!entity has to
et esta#lishe! alon $ith other !evelopment feat"res. &he i!entity seems to evolve
only $hen a person co"l! esta#lish his or her self concept. Here, stress infl"ences
the formation of self concept 4ahya, /3,,,0 an! H"!! et. al., /3,,,0 have state! that
stress of any kin! stronly infl"ence vario"s psycholoical aspects like mental
health, personal $ell #ein, motivation, memory an! personal ro$th of h"man
lives especially in a!olescence. Stress is a feelin that a person ets $hen str"lin
to cope $ith the press"res of life. Stress is an in!ivi!"al phenomenon, "ni("e to
each person an! settin, a!olescence is typically a time of storm an! stress an!
strain on the #o!y, min!, an! emotions /Hall, +66B0. &his stae is a cr"cial one, in
$hich many physioloical an! psycholoical chanes occ"r an! e'periencin the
role conf"sion, searchin for i!entity an! seekin a stat"s in the family. Comparin
the other life staes, a!olescents e'periencin more stress #eca"se of the rapi! an!
potentially t"r#"lent transition incl"!in #ioloical social, an! psycholoical
chanes /Aois, +66F0.
Dther interestin fin!ins of the present are that the non instit"tionali%e!
a!olescent st"!ents have hiher levels of self concept than instit"tionali%e!
a!olescent st"!ents. &he res"lts of the present st"!y ets am#le s"pportive from the
previo"s fin!ins. &he variations in school e'perience may ca"se to this o"tcome.
&he lon ho"rs of teachin, overemphasis on the home assinments, less emphasis
on e'trac"rric"lar activities, over strict nat"re, may #e the factors affectin the level
of stress an! in t"rn its infl"ence the self concept /-ais$al an! @h"shan, 3,+30.
@eca"se of st"!yin in competitive an! ra!e conscio"s e!"cational instit"tions,
one can constantly #e remaine! a#o"t the importance of hisGher ra!es lea!s to
hiher level of stress, an! this may #e hih level in instit"tionali%e! a!olescent
st"!ents. &he stressf"l climate of the instit"tion can impact the st"!ents #ehavio"rs
an! aca!emic achievement an! self ) concept. /:el :o!!ins +663= Dl! )
&here is an interaction also e'ist #et$een the levels of stress an! instit"tionali%e!
a!olescent an! non)instit"tionali%e! a!olescent st"!ents.
CO6C('SIO6 :
) &he level of stress has an impact on the self concept of the a!olescent
) Instit"tionali%e! an! non)instit"tionalise! a!olescent st"!ents !iffer in their
level of self concept accor!in to the res"lts from the analysis.
) &he non)instit"tional a!olescent st"!ents have hiher levels of self concept.
) &here is an interaction #et$een the levels of stress an! instit"tional an! non)
instit"tional a!olescent st"!ents.
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