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"##$ "%&'()*

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H<,5 678I

"##$ "%&'() was produced by Lhe n? CL lood Labellng Campalgn, whlch lncludes Lhe followlng
groups on lLs SLeerlng CommlLLee: Consumers unlon, lood & WaLer WaLch, CMC lree n?,
Cood 8oy Crganlcs, naLural 8esources uefense Councll, new ?ork ubllc lnLeresL 8esearch
Croup lund, norLheasL Crganlc larmlng AssoclaLlon of new ?ork, and Lhe Slerra Club ALlanLlc

lor more lnformaLlon, go Lo: '((*+,,&-#./0012310(,12&045604%1&75-*5%&13'(-4.

!""# !%&'() age 1

"##$ "%&'()*
!" !"$%&'(' )* +)%(,(-$% ./0"1("2 (" 3456 7&
8//)"0",' $"1 .9//):,0:' )* ;<8 =$70%("2 =02('%$,()" (" >0? @):A


1he lssue of wheLher foods conLalnlng geneLlcally modlfled organlsms (CMCs) should be
labeled has been hoLly conLesLed ln sLaLe leglslaLures and balloL booLhs across Lhe counLry.
uesplLe polls showlng sLrong publlc supporL for consumers' rlghL Lo know, balloL lnlLlaLlves ln
WashlngLon and Callfornla falled afLer lndusLry opponenLs ouLspenL labellng advocaLes by wlde
marglns. 8ecenLly, however, Lhe sLaLes of Malne, ConnecLlcuL, and vermonL have passed
leglslaLlon requlrlng CMC foods Lo be labeled.

ln new ?ork, a CMC food labellng blll has been lnLroduced by Assemblymember Llnda
8osenLhal and SenaLor kenneLh Lavalle (A.3323/S.3833). 1he blll flrsL reached Lhe agenda of
Lhe Assembly Consumer Affalrs and roLecLlon CommlLLee ln !une 2013, where lL was narrowly
defeaLed afLer lnLense lndusLry lobbylng. As of Lhls wrlLlng, Lhe blll has been reporLed ouL of
Lwo Assembly commlLLees, Consumer Affalrs and Codes, and ls awalLlng movemenL by Lhe
Assembly Ways and Means CommlLLee and a declslon by Assembly leadershlp Lo brlng lL Lo Lhe
floor for a voLe by Lhe enLlre Assembly.


CpponenLs of CMC food labellng leglslaLlon conLrlbuLed more Lhan $460,000 ln campalgn
donaLlons ln 2013. A ma[orlLy of Lhese campalgn dollars (60) orlglnaLed ouLslde of new ?ork
SLaLe. no campalgn conLrlbuLlons were made by groups publlcly supporLlng Lhe blll.

CpponenLs of CMC food labellng leglslaLlon spenL over $3.2 mllllon lobbylng new ?ork
pollcymakers ln 2013, ouLspendlng supporLers by nearly 7 Lo 1.

3456 E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()"' *:)F ;<8 =$70%("2 8//)"0",'

lourLeen buslness groups LhaL have reporLed lobbylng on A.3323/S.3833 conLrlbuLed Lo sLaLe-
level pollLlcal parLles and candldaLes ln 2013. Whlle lobby reporLs do noL requlre fllers Lo
ldenLlfy Lhelr poslLlons, each of Lhem has been ldenLlfled as an opponenL Lo all or parL of Lhls
leglslaLlon based on publlc records ln new ?ork or a poslLlon Laken on slmllar proposals
elsewhere ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.

no groups LhaL have publlcly supporLed CMC labellng made campalgn conLrlbuLlons ln 2013.

!""# !%&'() age 2

E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()"'G 3456
;:)9/' 8//)'01 ,) ;<8 =$70%("2

H)"): !F)9",
Anheuser-8usch Companles, lnc. $118,330.00
8uslness Councll $17,300.00
Chemlcal Alllance (n?S) $3,230.00
Coca-Cola Company (1he) $132,100.00
uuponL $2,100.00
lMC CorporaLlon $3,373.00
lood lndusLry Alllance of n?S $21,130.00
Colub CorporaLlon/ rlce Chopper CperaLlng Co, lnc. $3,700.00
Crocery ManufacLurers AssoclaLlon $7,000.00
krafL $10,230.00
MonsanLo Company $7,730.00
n? larm 8ureau $11,810.00
flzer $74,300.00
8eLall Councll of new ?ork SLaLe $48,699.20
!22:02$,0 E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()"' $461,134.20

Several of Lhese companles were among Lhe blggesL campalgn conLrlbuLors ln Lhe sLaLe:

E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()" I$"A E)F/$"& 3456 J),$%
67 Coca-Cola Company (1he) $132,100
68 Anheuser-8usch Companles, lnc. $131,830
118 flzer $74,300

CLher companles LhaL have opposed CMC labellng ln oLher sLaLes buL have noL yeL reporLed lobbylng on
lL ln new ?ork were also heavy campalgn conLrlbuLors. lor example, epslco conLrlbuLed $94,391.03 Lo
sLaLe-level pollLlclans and parLy commlLLees.

!""# !%&'() age 3
I0-(/(0",' )* E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()"' *:)F ;<8 8//)"0",'

*+,%-%+.() "/ 0123 ,".(4%56(%".) /4"7 89: ;<5+;%.& "--".+.()=

J),$% H)"$,01 J&/0 )* I0-(/(0",
$30,620.00 lndlvldual Assembly uemocraLs
$10,810.00 lndlvldual Assembly 8epubllcans
$60,030.00 lndlvldual SenaLe 8epubllcans
$33,600.00 lndlvldual SenaLe luC
$27,130.00 lndlvldual SenaLe uemocraLs
$144,389.60 uemocraLlc arLy CommlLLees
$73,339.60 8epubllcan arLy CommlLLees
$17,000.00 luC AC
$40,623.00 Covernor Cuomo
$300.00 ALLorney Ceneral

>"- (+. 4+,%-%+.() "/ 0123 ,".(4%56(%".) /4"7 89: ;<5+;%.& "--".+.()=

I0-(/(0", !F)9",
new ?ork SLaLe uemocraLlc CommlLLee (Pousekeeplng) $120,000.00
Andrew Cuomo 2014, lnc. $40,623.00
n?S SenaLe 8epubllcan Campalgn CommlLLee - Pousekeeplng $37,099.80
n?S SenaLe 8epubllcan Campalgn CommlLLee $24,300.00
!eff kleln for new ?ork $19,730.00
1he luC lnlLlaLlve (lndependenL uemocraLlc Conference) $17,000.00
n?S uemocraLlc SenaLe Campalgn CommlLLee (n?S uSCC) $11,230.00
8epubllcan Assembly Campalgn CommlLLee $9,040.00
lrlends for Lhe LlecLlon of uean Skelos $8,300.00
valesky for SenaLe $6,700.00

1here does seem Lo be some correlaLlon beLween campalgn conLrlbuLlons and a leglslaLor's
wllllngness Lo oppose Lhe blll. lor example, former Assemblymember uennls Cabryszak, a
uemocraL on Lhe Assembly Consumer Affalrs and roLecLlon CommlLLee, recelved checks from
slx dlfferenL opponenLs of Lhe blll ln 2013, a LoLal LhaL placed hlm ln a Lle for Lhe mosL number
of checks recelved by an lndlvldual member of hls conference. ln !une 2013, he voLed agalnsL
A.3323 ln commlLLee, alLhough he had been a co-sponsor. As a resulL, Lhe blll was effecLlvely
kllled for Lhe year.

!""# !%&'() age 4
89, )* .,$,0 H)"):' +:)K(101 ,L0 M9%A )* E$F/$(2" E)",:(79,()"' *:)F ;<8 =$70%("2

MosL of Lhe money conLrlbuLed by Lhese donors (60) came from ouL-of-sLaLe sources, such as
Anheuser-8usch, based ln SL. Louls, Mlssourl:

new ?ork
CLher SLaLes

!""# !%&'() age 3
3456 =)77&("2 7& ;<8 =$70%("2 .9//):,0:' $"1 8//)"0",'

8oLh groups LhaL supporL A.3323/S.3833 and groups LhaL are opposed reporLed lobbylng
expenses ln 2013. Croups are noL requlred Lo reporL how much Lhey spend lobbylng on a
parLlcular measure. 1hus, below lncludes Lhe aggregaLe amounL spenL on lobbylng by Lhose
organlzaLlons whlch dlsclosed LhaL Lhey were advocaLlng on Lhe leglslaLlon. As seen below,
groups LhaL oppose A.3323/S.3833 spenL nearly )+?+. Llmes more money lobbylng new ?ork
lawmakers ln 2013 Lhan Lhe blll's supporLers:

=)77&("2 ./0"1("2G 3456
.9//):,0:' K'N 8//)"0",' )* ;<8 =$70%("2 =02('%$,()"

Several of Lhe groups LhaL have opposed CMC labellng ln new ?ork have a long hlsLory of
spendlng masslve amounLs of money Lo defeaL leglslaLlon. 1he Amerlcan 8everage AssoclaLlon,
whlch ls composed of some of Lhe companles ldenLlfled above, such as Coca-Cola and krafL
loods, ran Lhe second-largesL lobbylng campalgn ln new ?ork SLaLe hlsLory ln a successful
aLLempL Lo defeaL former Covernor aLerson's proposed soda Lax ln 2010.

@<4&+)( @"55A%.& B<7-<%&.) %. C+D E"4F G(<(+ H%)("4A=

@0$: =)77& E%(0", J),$%
2004 Cablevlslon SysLems CorporaLlon $13,326,609
2003 Cablevlslon SysLems CorporaLlon $12,692,477
1199/SLlu & Cn?PA PealLhcare
LducaLlon ro[ecL
2010 Amerlcan 8everage AssoclaLlon $12,892,006

SupporLers CpponenLs

!""# !%&'() age 6
3456 %)77&("2 7& 2:)9/' ,L$, )//)'0 >0? @):AO' ;<8 %$70%("2 7(%% (A.3323/S.3833):

;:)9/ J),$%
8uslness Councll of n?S, lnc. (1he) $601,686.00
Coca-Cola $341,414.00
flzer lnc. $490,317.00
8eLall Councll of new ?ork SLaLe $373,470.00
Anheuser-8usch Companles $204,390.00
larm 8ureau, lnc. (n?) $172,040.00
8ayer PealLhcare LLC $103,717.00
lood lndusLry Alllance of new ?ork SLaLe, lnc. $76,370.00
krafL loods Croup, lnc. $73,661.00
Colub CorporaLlon (1he) $72,000.00
MonsanLo Company $66,773.00
8loLechnology lndusLry CrganlzaLlon $31,404.00
lMC CorporaLlon $48,210.00
Chemlcal Alllance (n?S) $43,829.00
uleLeLlc AssoclaLlon (n?S) $43,379.00
Consumer PealLhcare roducLs AssoclaLlon $42,620.00
Crocery ManufacLurers AssoclaLlon $37,624.00
SLop & Shop SupermarkeL Company LLC (Lhe) $36,000.00
naLlonal lederaLlon of lndependenL 8uslness $33,480.00
Councll lor 8esponslble nuLrlLlon $33,342.00
8loLechnology AssoclaLlon, lnc. (n?) $23,464.00
L.l. uu onL ue nemours and Company $23,111.00
Pannaford SupermarkeLs $12,767.00
norLheasL Ag and leed Alllance $4,913.00
norLheasL ualry loods AssoclaLlon, lnc. $3,020.00
!22:02$,0 =)77&("2 ./0"1("2 7& ;<8 =$70%("2 8//)"0",' $3,221,403.00

!""# !%&'() age 7
3456 %)77&("2 7& 2:)9/' ,L$, '9//):, >0? @):AO' ;<8 %$70%("2 7(%% (A.3323/S.3833):

;:)9/ J),$%
ClLlzens Campalgn for Lhe LnvlronmenL $139,239.00
ubllc lnLeresL 8esearch Croup (n?) $98,949.00
lood & WaLer WaLch $68,320.00
Slerra Club ALlanLlc ChapLer $60,636.00
naLural 8esources uefense Councll $33,316.00
Punger AcLlon neLwork of new ?ork SLaLe $13,407.00
Worklng AsseLs lundlng Servlce, lnc. $11,384.00
Consumers unlon of u.S., lnc. $4,487.00
!22:02$,0 =)77&("2 ./0"1("2 7& ;<8 =$70%("2 .9//):,0:' $472,178.00

llve organlzaLlons menLloned A.3323/S.3833 ln Lhelr 2013 lobby or cllenL reporLs, buL we were
noL able Lo flnd any evldence of a poslLlon for or agalnsL Lhe blll or slmllar leglslaLlon. 1wo of
Lhese organlzaLlons, n?Su1 and Lhe rofesslonal SLaff Congress, conflrmed LhaL Lhey had no
poslLlon on Lhe blll. We were unable Lo conflrm Lhe poslLlons of Lhe oLher Lhree enLlLles:

;:)9/ J),$%
uarden 8esLauranLs, lnc. $109,661.00
SLarbucks Coffee Company $60,832.00
lsland ParvesL LLd. $30,823.00
!22:02$,0 =)77&("2 ./0"1("2 $140,486.00

!""# !%&'() age 8

1hls reporL relled on lobbylsL and lobby cllenL daLabases provlded by Lhe !olnL Commlsslon on
ubllc LLhlcs Lo ldenLlfy whlch enLlLles reporLed lobbylng on elLher A.3323 or S.3833 ln 2013 or
2014 and Lhelr lobby cllenL daLabase Lo LabulaLe Lhelr lobbylng expenses for 2013. ln order Lo
deLermlne Lhe poslLlons Lhe varlous enLlLles held on Lhe blll, we revlewed leglslaLlve
memoranda submlLLed ln new ?ork SLaLe, sLaLe records from recenL balloL lnlLlaLlves ln
Callfornla and WashlngLon, and oLher sources, such as LesLlmony, annual reporLs, and webslLes.
ln a few lnsLances, we conflrmed poslLlons wlLh represenLaLlves from Lhe organlzaLlons

We cross-checked Lhe llsL of enLlLles LhaL reporLed lobbylng on Lhe blll ln new ?ork SLaLe wlLh
Lhe 8oard of LlecLlons' campalgn flnance daLabase Lo LabulaLe campalgn conLrlbuLlons made Lo
new ?ork sLaLe-level lawmakers and pollLlcal parLy accounLs ln 2013. ln some lnsLances, we
comblned records when conLrlbuLlons were made or lobbylng was performed by clearly-
assoclaLed enLlLles or subsldlarles of one corporaLlon. n?l8C conducLed Lhe daLa LabulaLlon
and analysls.


CpponenLs Lo CMC labellng leglslaLlon ln new ?ork, lncludlng ma[or chemlcal companles, food
and beverage corporaLlons, reLallers, and agrlbuslness, dramaLlcally ouLspenL supporLers of Lhls
leglslaLlon ln 2013. Slnce 2013 was Lhe flrsL Llme Lhere was leglslaLlve acLlvlLy on Lhls blll ln new
?ork, we expecL Lhe numbers wlll lncrease ln Lhe fuLure.

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