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Fingerprint Sensor: One Touch Away

In the recent news announced by Apple on the 2

June 2014, the board is planning to
extend the application of the touch ID fingerprint sensor to 3
party deelopers, be it for
ban!ing or retailer purposes " one is capable of logging into applications ia the
fingerprint sensor# It was said that the day users are able to use the sensor on $ost
applications is near#
%he %ouch ID on Apple products which was launched bac! in Dece$ber 2013 had
attracted the attention of $any# %he idea of i$ple$enting this feature was si$ply ai$ed
to allow users to unloc! phones without swiping it, and for purchases of applications
fro$ i%unes and i&oo!#
Apple was not the first to introduce such feature, as bac! in 2011, 'otorola had
i$ple$ented the idea onto its deices, allowing users to swipe the screen# (oweer, it
was flawed due to the inconsistency of the deice incorrectly accepting user)s finger
&oth Apple and *a$sung were a$ongst the first to co$e as close to perfecting the use of
the fingerprint sensor usage# &efore %ouch ID on i+hone ,s was i$ple$ented, $any
users were reluctant in setting a passcode on their phones due to seeral reasons# -ne of
it is the inconenience to retype the passcode nu$erous ti$es, and according to *tee
.irsch, who $a!es a liing by protecting the consu$ers) online identities said that such
inconenience see$s to outweigh the li!elihood of so$eone stealing his phone and
accessing his data# 'any others iewed si$ilarly, including *ebastien %aeau, the chief
technology officer of /alidity *ensors that this is a barrier to the users) experiences#
*een to be one of the $any functions Apple can offer to the users, the touch ID
fingerprint sensor see$s to be of a great deal and is cost effectie, where unloc!ing the
phone is only a touch away#
&y no doubt, the special feature of fingerprint sensor had captiated the eyes of the users,
and perhaps this is the selling point for Apple products# Although the touch ID fingerprint
sensor is publicly seen to be launched by Apple first, other rialries was seen trying to
!eep up with Apple and hae introduce al$ost si$ilar feature to their own deices# .ris
&orer, the 0hief %echnology -fficer of .ey'e said that the fingerprint syste$ will be
$ore used in deices other than i+hones since the fingerprint technology beco$es $ore
%hat being said, the android users are not co$pletely left out in this regard, since I02
3nloc! 4ingerprint *canner, allows the$ to experience this feature without the need of
installing any additional hardware applications# (oweer, unli!e the use of the scanner
which is built on their ho$e buttons for Apple products, the application of I02 uses the
rear ca$era of the phones#
5ot only that, (%0 had specifically co$e up with a feature si$ilar to Apple including the
security safeguards, on their (%0 -ne 'ax for their users to experience the conenience
of a fingerprint sensor#
Alongside with this feature in easing the users in the daily usage of their phones, it had
also enhanced the benefits of it and created a protectie layer of security for users#
6uoting the senior ice president of Apple, Jony Ie said that fingerprint is one of the
best passes in the world as it is constantly with you, and hardly will there be any
si$ilarity# &esides the %ouch ID, there are $any $ore features one can get with the
usage of $obile phones, be it i+hones or s$artphones#
3ndeniably that these great features are of different $ar!et alue and $ay ary
accordingly in line with the branding and specifications offered#

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