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UbD Unit Writing Template



Unit Title: Identity Designer/s: H.Bacheca
Subject: French/ Spanish Grade/Level: 6,7 and 8 Time/Duration: 8 weeks
Unit Description:
Stage 1 Desired Results
Standards and Benchmarks: (from AISJ curriculum)
Demonstrate accuracy when speaking in connected sentences and paragraphs in present, past and future
tenses, using more specialized, precise vocabulary terms within a variety of topics
Narrate and describe using coherent sentences and paragraphs in all tenses
Use appropriate vocabulary, idioms with correct pronunciation and intonation
Use knowledge of own culture and that of the target culture to interpret oral conversations more accurately
Demonstrate independence as a listener and generally comprehend what is heard without relying solely on
learned vocabulary
Make connections with knowledge acquired in other settings and from other curricular areas to comprehend
spoken messages

Demonstrate understanding of an extensive vocabulary, including a number of idiomatic and culturally
authentic expressions
Read literary texts with fluency
Infer and interpret correctly the intent of the author
Apply grammar and usage conventions in a variety of formats to a variety of audiences
Compose personal narratives based on ideas, observations/memories of events and experiences
Culture :
Demonstrate an awareness of the historical background and social patterns
Demonstrate comprehension of spoken and written texts in the target language, dealing concepts being
learned in other curricular areas in the target language
Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that
Accepting and respecting themselves and their peers by embracing difference is paramount
Gaining knowledge about and empathizing with other peoples and cultures leads to a more tolerant society
TCKs share a common identity
Essential Questions:
What is identity?
How does my identity affect my life?
Is there a common identity to international schools?
What is a third culture kid?
Why does our society have to be aware of individual identities?
Can literature help me learn about others identities?

UbD Unit Writing Template


Students will know
How to describe one s feelings
How to express opinion
How to use the superlative
How to use the time markers Depuis , Pendant and
How to use the preterit and the imperfect accurately

Students will be able to
Critically think about their identities
Identify major qualities within themselves
Use technology to display their knowledge
Create their personal character profile based on
their readings
Look at their lives introspectively

Trans disciplinary Skills:
Communication and collaboration
Critical thinking
Research and inquiry
Personal management and reflection
Creative, imaginative, and innovative
Ethical, principled and respectful
Culturally open minded
Prior knowledge (preconceptions/misconceptions):
In previous units/grades students have learned.
The formation of the imperfect tense and the preterit
Character adjectives
Integration Links:
Service Learning unit: This unit is not a service learning unit

Technology rich unit: In order for the students to document their work and broadcast it, they will have to do
some research using technology to access information on the internet. The final product presented by the
students will have to be created using technology. Students will chose to create their own Weebley,
Powertoons, Prezzi, video, commercial, digital story etc.

Other subjects :
Language Arts:
Grade 7: In the first unit of the year the concept of characterization was studied. Students had to identify character
traits of fictional characters by looking at their actions, thoughts and dialogue. They then wrote personal narrative
essays (essays about an experience in their lives) that showed a particular character trait their writing had to include
actions, thoughts and dialogue that lead the reader to identify this character trait.
Grade 8: Grade language arts is currently writing about what being a third culture kid means. Some of the information
can be found on :
Grade 7: Health students focus on a unit around Identity entitled Who am I? where they learn that personality is
determined by 3 factors: Genetics, Environment and behaviour. Students are then asked to write Bio-poems to reflect
on who they are.
Social Studies:
Grade 7: The unit on the Five themes of Geography got students thinking about who they are in terms of the places
they relate to.
Grade 8: The current unit is Freedom & Equality. Students are looking at oppression, conformity, and non-
conformity. In January/February, 8th grade studied perspectives and clashes during the 1920s. They focused on
cultural identities and clashes between younger and older generations, women and men, and racial discrimination.
Media Arts: Some students will apply what they learnt in this class in order to present their final project. They learnt
about storytelling through film; different video shots and how to use them appropriately; storyboarding for planning;
UbD Unit Writing Template


how to edit film in Premiere Pro; how to add audio, lighting and special effects to create mood and atmosphere and
how to export film in AVI.
Imbizo: Grade 6: Students had a whole unit identifying themselves as learners. They looked at their learning styles,
study habits, likes and dislikes, preferred learning environment and so on.
Community connections:
This unit will help students be more aware of the third culture kids community they live in.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Summative Assessment: (Performance Tasks- GRASPS)
Students will create produce a piece of work at the end of the unit, that will have them
communicate about culture and Identity and relate it to themselves
G Votre but est de communiquer votre identit
R Le rle qui convient est celui de la personne que
vous tes.
A Votre audience sera compose de votre
enseignante et de vos camarades de classe.
S La situation : travers la littrature beure vous
avez exploit le thme de lidentit. Maintenant cest
votre tour dexposer la vtre.
P La production que vous crerez peut avoir multiples
formes. Cest vous de dcider : Enregistrement,
Prezzi, vido, chanson, pome etc.
S Les standards : Parler, couter, Lire et crire
Votre travail doit comporter les points suivants
Vocabulaire :
Un vocabulaire vari et labor de lidentit
Les expressions pour exprimer lopinion
Les sentiments
Grammaire :
Les connecteurs logiques
La comparaison
Depuis/pendant/ pour
Temps :
Limparfait et le pass compos utiliss en
Formative Assessment: (Other Evidence)

Brain storming
Mix and match
Quizzes on Quizlet
Exit cards
Writing prompts
Oral understanding checks
Tic tac toe homework
Debate that encapsulates the idea of identity:
What are some of the differences in who you
think you are, and who others think you are?
Short comments on
Formative projects

Inventing the end of a story
Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Audio visual comprehension
Summarizing texts
Comparison between the Beur identity and
the third culture identity

UbD Unit Writing Template


Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities: (WHERETO)

W= Where Students will be explained where the unit going and what is expected of them at the end of the unit by
sharing the final performance expectations as soon as possible. Essential questions and Enduring understandings will
also be clearly stated at the beginning of the unit

H= Hook Micro trottoir (street interviews) interviews will immerse the students immediately in the ideas and
issues to be studied in the unit. Hold: Connection to personal experiences and challenges will hold the interest of the
students who will be encouraged to share thought provoking experiences and challenges

E=Equip, Experience and Explore through readings of literature in the classroom and as part of the homework,
students will be able to explore the leading theme of the unit and experience it through the experience of others
which they will then explore by relating to their personal experience. Students will be equipped with tools (namely
their tablets) and resources that will all lead to enabling them to achieve the final performance task successfully.

R=Rethink and Revise The teacher will seek to enhance understanding by presenting different perspectives to
challenge assumptions. New ideas and experiences will be shared. Throughout the unit, students will be asked to
revise their work after feedback from the teacher and given the opportunity to improve their work

E=Evaluate Formative feedback will help the students adjust their work. Constructive peer feedback will be
introduced. Self-assessment will give the students a good feel of where they are at.

T=Tailor Instruction will meet individual needs and interests. Accommodations will be made for different learning
styles. Choices of products and homework will be given so that each individual can work according to capability
especially considering the variety of levels within this group.

0= Organize The unit will be organized in sequences which will follow the desired results and understanding goals
(grammar, vocabulary, writing etc.)

Learning plan:
The unit will start with a pre-assessment to check for knowledge and misconceptions
Students will read extracts of Beur literature as well as manifestoes, articles around the theme of identity. The reading
will be connected to the Beur and Third Culture Kids identities.
Listening: Students will listen to interviews, opinions, surveys around the theme of identity. The listening will be
connected to the Beur and Third Culture Kids identities.
Writing and speaking: Students will be expected to write and express themselves orally on identity. Resources can be
found in the box underneath and expectations in the desired results box

UbD Unit Writing Template



Weebly on the unit

Extracts from the following books
Mehdi Charef -Le Th au Harem d'Archi Ahmed
Lela Sebbar. La Seine tait rouge
Lela Sebbar : Fatima ou les Algriennes au square
Azouz Begag: Le gone du chaba
Soyara Nini : Ils disent que je suis une beurette
Leila Houari : Zeida de nulle part

Le gone du chaba
Beur, blanc, rouge

Compilation CD Maghreb Lyon

Listening comprehension and videos

Fadela Amara

La Marianne

Ni putes ni soumises

Jamel Debbouze la carte didentit sur YouTube

Jamel Debbouze sur lidentit nationale et la burqa

Enfants de troisime culture (documentary)

Algrie-Mmoires d'immigrs 3-Les enfants

Algrie-Mmoires d'immigrs 3-Les mres
UbD Unit Writing Template


Reading comprehension

Tahar Benjelloun
Le racisme expliqu ma fille

Enfants de troisime culture

Mehdi Lallaoui

Ni putes ni soumises

Marche des beurs, trente ans de silence

Le charme de la beurgeoisie

La Beurgeoisie. Les trois ges de la vie associative issue de limmigration

Grammar and vocabulary
Limparfait et le pass compos

UbD Unit Writing Template


Stage 4 Reflection: (Next Steps)
Refinements/ revisions/ reflection on teaching of unit:

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