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25. The ophthalmic artery is a branch of the
1. lacrimal artery.
2. vertebral artery.
3. middle cerebral artery.
4. internal carotid artery.
5. anterior meningeal artery.
A calcified body located in the periodontal
ligamen t is called
1. aden ticle.
2. a cementicle.
3. an islet of Langerhans.
4. a deciduous root fragment.
5. an epithelial rest of Malassez.
The posterior border of the buccinator muscle
fibers terminates, or is attached to, the
1. stylohyoid ligamcnt.
2. pterygomandibular raphe.
3. stylomandibular ligament.
4. sphenomandibular ligar:nent.
5. None of the above
The principal site of granulocytic hemopoiesis
in the adul t human is
1. the liver.
2. the spleen.
3. lymph nodes.
4. red bone marrow.
5. yellow bone marrow.
In considering the process of eruption, the
prefunctional eruptive stage of a tooth begins
when the
1. bud stage begins.
2. cap stage begins.
3. bell stage begins.
4. dental lamina begins forming.
5. None of the above
30. The mucosa of the floor of the mouth is
characterized by
1. being nonkeratinized, and by having no
glands in the lamina propria.
2. having a thin elastic layer, and by having
a stratified cuboidal epithelium.
3. being covered with a thin epithelial layer,
and by possessingsome serous salivary
4. containing some lymph nodes in its
lamina propria, and by being loose in
31. The sublingual gland is located
1. in the oral vestibule.
2. deep to the genioglossai muscle.
3. inFerior to the mylohyoid muscle.
4. superior to the mylohyoid muscle.
The sella turcica lies directly above the
r. pons.
2. foramen ovale.
3. frontal sinus.
4. sphenoid sinus.
5. maxillary sinus.
33. . Wh~n a comparison is made among various
types of vascular channels, the
.., !
1. Mteriole has more muscle in its tunica-
media than does a venule, and there are
more elastic membranes in a large artery
than there are in a medium-sized artery.
2. endothelial lining of a large artery is
thicker than it is in a sma!! artery, and the
lumen of a small vein is larger than it is
in a companion small artery.
3. pressure of the blood is greater in a large
artery than it is in a small artery, and the
pressure in a small vein is less than it is in
d large vein.
4. tunica media is th inner in a small artery
than it is in a small vein, and the tunica
adventitia is generally thicker on veins
than it is on arteries. .
The lesser petrosal nerve carries preganglionic
par:l5ympathetic fibers to the
1. otic ganglion.
2. ciliary ganglion.
3. geniculate ganglion.
4. submandibular ganglion. .
Sensations of pain and temperature are carried
by the
1. corticospinal tract.
2. corticobulbar tract.
. 3. lateral spinothalamic tract.
4. yentral spinothalamic tract.
5. dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
The maxillary sinus normally drains into the
1. middle meatus.
2. inferior meatus.
3. inferior concha.
4. superior meatus.

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