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Ekstrasi Buah Asam Jawa

Cara 1
50 g of the dry fruit pulp was weighed and extracted with 95% ethanol and distilled water in the ratio of 1:6 (50 g
of fruit pulp to 300 ml each of distilled water and ethanol). Each was blended using electric blender (National Mx
391N, Matsuhita electric). The use of water for extraction was to stimulate the condition in which the medical
practitioner generally uses the herbs, and ethanol was used because of its broad spectrum and relative non-
seletive property of extraction (Iyamabo, 1991). The water extraction was for 24 h at 4C with occasional shaking,
while ethanol extraction was for two weeks at room (282C) temperature. Each mixture was filtered and the filter
and the filtrate was evaporated to dryness in an evaporating dish on a steam bath at a temperature of 70C to
obtained a brown semi-solid substance. This extract was stored in a screw-capped bottle and kept in the
laboratory refrigerator for further research.
Cara 2
The pulp, leaves and stem bark ethanolic extracts of Tamarindus indica were obtained using the activity guided
fractionation method as described by Brian and Tinners (1999). One hundred gram (100g) each of grounded fine
powder of the plant parts was soaked in 500mL of ethanol. This was shaken for 10 min and allowed to stand for 24
hours then filtered. The filtrate was evaporated in a rotary evaporator and dried in to a residue in a drying cabinet
at 400C.
Cara 3
The powdered material was successively extracted with ethanol, acetone and DM water by using cold extraction
process. At first 250 gm of dried powder was taken in an aspirator (5L). Before placing powders into the aspirator,
the jar was washed properly and dried. Then 750 ml of solvent ethanol was added gradually. The time duration
was of 21 days at room temperature with occasional shaking and stirring for each successive extraction. It was
then filtered through a fresh cotton plug and finally with a Whatmann Filter paper no. 1. In the same way the
powdered material was extracted with acetone. Finally this three extracts were concentrated by rotary
evaporator in dry & clean air.
Cara 4
The fruits were peeled and the pulps were separated from the seed. 10% aqueous pulp extract was prepared by
soaking 100 g of the fresh pulp (equivalent to 25 tamarind pods) in 1 L of distilled water and mixed thoroughly. The
mixture was boiled in a shaking water bath at 100 C for 15 min. Once filtered,
the filtrates were spray-dried subsequently at inlet and outlet temperatures of
150 C and 80 C, respectively. The prepared
extracts were kept at -20 C until they were used.
Cara 5
The fruits were peeled and the pulps were separated from the seed. A quantity of 10% aqueous pulp extract was
prepared by soaking 100 g of the fresh pulp (equivalent to 25 tamarind pods) in 1L of distilled water and mixed
thoroughly. The mixture was incubated in shaking water bath at various temperatures and time setting: 40 oC/12
hours, 60 oC/6 hours and 100oC/15 minutes. Once filtered, the filtrates were freeze dried and kept at -20oC until

Keterangan :
Phytochemical screening of the hexane and methanol extracts of the tamarind pulp samples revealed the
presence of only alkaloids and tannins (Table 1). This result shows that only these two secondary metabolites are
present in the pulp samples from all the locations. Climatic variations have in no way affected the chemical
composition of the pulps and the two metabolites are soluble in both non-polar and polar organic solvents,
nhexane and methanol.

baca buku kimia dasar ama fitokimia. Ada hubungan tingkat kepolaran senyawa fitokimia dengan bahan
pengesktraknya. G selalu etanol koq. Kadang ada yg bisa diekstrak dengan aseton, heksan, etil asetat klo g
air juga bisa.

pelarut etanol lebih banyak digunakan karena banyak komponen yang bisa larut didalamnya... jika
pelarutnya air ada beberapa komponen yang tidak terekstrak tapi jika pelarutnya etanol dia bisa melarutkan
yang polar dan sedikit yang semi polar.

ya memang tergantung tingkat kepolaran pada bahan aktif yang kita ingin dapatkan.
Kalau bahan yang kita ekstrak belum diketahui senyawanya (masih harus di screening dulu), kita bisa
melakukan ekstraksi berjenjang pada bahan tsb menggunakan pelarut berdasarkan tingkat kepolarannya.

yang bagus coba ekstraksi dengan sistem berjenjang berdasarkan tingkat kepolarannya. Umumnya dimulai
dari nonpolar dulu seperti kloroform, kemudian semipolar seperti etil asetat, dan polar seperti metanol.
terutama untuk bahan aktif yang belum diketahui tingkat kepolarannya.
Tapi kalo kita sudah mengarah pada bahan tertentu dan sudah familiar di bidang ilmiah seperti antocyanin,
klorofil, dll, bisa aja berdasarkan referensi pusaka yang ada.

Karena etanol melarutkan sebagian besar senyawa, terutama yg semi polar. Perlu diketahui bahwa sebagian
besar, (tidak senyawa), senyawa yang aktif adalah senyawa semipolar...


Metanol lebih kuat menarik senyawa senyawa nonpolar dibandingkan etanol... Apalagi etanol mengandung
air yg lebih banyak sehingga efektivitasnya lebih rendah dibanding metanol. Selainitu, titik didih metanol
lebih rendah dr etanol shg lebih mudah untuk menghilangkannya. Etanol yg mengandung air lebih banyak
juga akan menjadi sulit dikeringkan ekstraknya karena nanti akan tersisa air...

Kecuali punya evaporator yg kuat, hal ini bisa menjadi masalah terutama bila senyawa target termolabil.

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