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Why Balance Your Home?

Michael Maley, Ph.D.

We are not at all separate from the spaces that surround us, and the
quality of the environments we spend the most time inour homes,
!edrooms, and wor"in# officescan profoundly affect our moods, our
ener#y levels, how quic"ly we recover from stress and illness, and the
"inds of interactions we have with others. $hese resonances with the
spaces we visit or inha!it occur whether we are aware of them or not
the effects are immediate and testa!le, and over time, deeply impact
us in ways we often attri!ute to other sources.
$he ener#etic qualities of a home or office environment are quite
different from its cosmetic and desi#n featuresthey are the most
important in#redient in the am!ience of a space. %s you mi#ht have
e&perienced, a room mi#ht !e quite !eautiful and tastefully decorated,
!ut not feel ri#htnot a place where the residents tend to con#re#ate.
% !edroom mi#ht !e well appointed, !ut not provide restful sleep, or
an office mi#ht !e fully equipped, !ut not an easy space in which to
concentrate or !e creative. % home mi#ht !e located on a plot of land
that completely erases any positive contri!ution from its desi#n or
materials. When you notice these effects, you are respondin# to the
qualities in the environment separate from how the spaces mi#ht loo".
'ualities can easily surpass desi#n and decorations in their effect on
the !ody, they #o deeper in their impact, directly connect to the
ener#y system of the !ody, and !ecause they are often not easily felt,
are i#nored, endured, and normali(edoften to the detriment of our
)ner#etic qualities fall on a continuum from !ein# vitality enhancin# or
e&tremely harmful to us, and everythin# in !etween. *arely are they
completely neutral. $he natural earth qualities li"e earth, air, fire and
water, qualities fundamental to natural systems, are mostly life+
positivewhen we are in natural environments we feel #ood, and they
!rin# !alance to the !ody. $he qualities associated with the color
spectrum have an immediate effect on mood and are instrumental in
healin#. ,piritual qualities li"e compassion or !eauty have similar
effectsthey lift our spirits, alter our consciousness, and encoura#e
our connection to each other and the world around us. $he #oal of any
wor" with environments is to remove to&icity and add positive qualities
so the residents and visitors !enefit from !ein# in the space.
$he purpose of Home )ner#y Balancin# is to create environments
where you live and wor" that are vital, !alanced, and supportive of the
ener#y and creativity of the inha!itants of those spaces. Most home
and wor" environments fall far short of that ideal, and either contain
ener#y qualities that are detrimental to health, or lac" the qualities
that enhance life and provide !alance to the !ody. $he most common
sources of detrimental ener#y qualities that affect home environments
include electroma#netic fields, #eopathic stress -earth !ased sources.,
harmful emissions from products and materials, and ne#ative
emotional imprints from the activities that have ta"en place in the
$he /electroma#netic we!0 is a ma1or new ener#y system on the earth
and forms a part of all the other #lo!al interactin# ener#y systems.
$he fi#ure !elow -2. shows how much the various forms of
electroma#netic ener#y have now dominated the frequency spectrum
and !athe the !ody in an ener#y field that we have no evolutionary
e&perience with.
3n the last few years, there is an increasin# !ody of evidence that
su##ests that prolon#ed e&posure to )M fields, even at low intensities,
has a detrimental effect on health.-4. Data is accumulatin# that show
that cell phone radiations affect the !rain, )M fields around the head
affect sleep, livin# close to power lines can create health pro!lems,
and most e&posures to common household items li"e hair dryers,
appliances, ovens, and computers can easily e&ceed the recommended
levels. Most of this research deals with the effect of specific
frequencies on !iolo#ical functions and each of the different sources of
frequencies is !ein# researched as to its effects on our !odies. What is
still not "nown is how the fields from all these devices can interact
to#ether and create additional harmful ener#etic interactions with
!ody functions. With many ur!an environments !ecomin# wired with
cell phone facilities, the )M fields continue to #row and affect every
person within the ran#e of the towers. 5or many individuals, the fields
are !ecomin# too stron# for the immune system to handle the load,
and the precursors to illness, li"e fati#ue and irrita!ility, !ecome
common e&periences. )M fields, as a source of to&icity, add to#ether
with other stressors to our ener#y system, and !e#in to drain the
ener#etic resources of the !ody. 3f the home is not a refu#e from
these e&posures, there is no place where recovery is possi!le, and our
overall level of health suffers.
6eopathic ,tress and )arth+!ased )ner#y 'ualities
6eopathic ,tress is the term assi#ned to sources of to&icity that come
from radiations that are earth7!ased.-8. $he surface of the earth is far
from homo#eneous, and there are places that enliven us, can create
e&periences of transformation and healin#, and allow us to rest and
recover, and locations that are detrimental to our health and should !e
treated with /prudent avoidance0. $hese detrimental sources of
ener#y qualities are scattered throu#hout most local environments,
and routinely affect the ener#y qualities of our homes. What happens
under and around the home affects the residents, and if these sources
are !elow the !ed or in frequented areas of the home, there is more
e&posure and sleep and health can !e affected. Most home !uilders or
!uyers in the 9, do not do site assessments that include the ener#y
qualities of the lot or land, and many homes are located on sites that
are not conducive to the health of the occupants. $hey are far more
sophisticated a!out these phenomena in )urope and %sia, and systems
of earth dowsin# and 5en#7,hui are used to assess the effect of the
landscape on our health and well+!ein#. 9nder#round water courses,
#eolo#ical faults, and the earth #rids are usually the source of these
pro!lems. $he fi#ure !elow shows the #rid systems -the Hartmann
and :urry #rid. runnin# throu#h a su!ur!an !ac"yard and shows how
much it can influence any room in the home. You can thin" of these
#rid lines as carriers of ener#y and information, !oth !eneficial and
detrimental, and transporters of ener#y qualities that ori#inate from
far+flun# sources.
$he ener#y qualities that move in these earth systems can affect the
ener#y in any home or wor" environment. 3f they are harmful, they
can !e detected and corrected, and home !alancin# addresses these
$here is one additional pro!lem that arises in ur!an areas that is
!ecomin# more prevalent. 3n many rural and wild landscapes, the
earth #rid system is mostly !enevolent, that is, the ener#y qualities
that move throu#h the #rid are supportive of health and !alance. 3n
ur!an areas, there has !een so much electropollution and use of the
earth to #round electrical systems that the earth #rid itself is !e#innin#
to carry to&icity from electrosmo#. 3n addition, there is often an
interaction !etween the earth+!ased sources and the now prevalent
atmospheric sources. $he ener#y qualities from these sources are
carried throu#h the #rid, into all nei#h!orhoods and homes, and affect
the ener#y systems of the residents even more than the radiations
from towersprimarily !ecause they cross sleepin# areas and produce
prolon#ed e&posures. 6eopathic ,tress is a very important source of
stress to !e corrected !ecause without recovery durin# sleep, the !ody
cannot re!alance itself.
Many homes are located on very !eneficial landscapes and you can
often immediately feel the contri!ution of the land to the ener#y
quality of the home. ,ince the human !ody is an e&tension of the
earth ener#y system, we immediately respond to the quality of the
space we inha!it and #et pulled in whatever direction the environment
Products and Materials
5rom an ener#etic perspective, unless contaminated, natural materials
always provide more aliveness and !alance to our !odies. Man+made
materials of all "inds, from plastics to fa!rics, are either fairly neutral
or detrimental. :ertain types of #ranite are mildly radioactive, certain
floor coverin#s can affect the !ody ne#atively, paints, sprays, wall
coverin#s and many other common household items have an ener#etic
si#nature that does not support health. Buildin# ;#reen< is !ecomin#
more popular as people discover that many materials and su!stances
in their homes do not support their well+!ein#.
=ne of the features of home ener#y !alancin# is to have each surface
and material that is in the home !e an emitter of a !eneficial ener#y
vi!ration. $hese vi!rations or ener#y qualities can serve to neutrali(e
the to&ic patterns in many su!stances and then transform the material
into somethin# that supports health.
)motional 3mprints
Whatever happens in an environment leaves an imprint. 3f you have
meditation space, a place where you pray, a healin# environment, or a
location where acts of love, compassion, or worship occur, these are
spaces that are quite alive and !alanced. $he activities that occur in
an environment can contri!ute #reatly to the quality of the space. By
the same to"en, environments full of death, trauma, hostility, or fear,
when not !alanced !y positive qualities, can e&tract a toll on visitors
and residents and alter the effect of that space on the !ody. >ocations
where there has !een a painful death, accidents, traumatic e&posures,
or ne#ative emotional interactions for a lon# time will carry the
memory of those e&periences in the su!strate of the home or land.
$he clearin# of those environments is an important part of
reesta!lishin# them as restorative livin# spaces.
$he consciousness and intentions of the residents of a home or office
ma"e the !i##est difference in maintainin# the !alance of an
environment. 3f you !less your home, create interactions that produce
appreciation, #ratitude, compassion, and love, you, in turn, place those
ener#etic si#natures on the space itself. >i"e our own ener#y systems,
environments have memories and retain the imprint of the activities
that occur in them.
Harmoni(in# )nvironments
$he vast literature on the creation and use of sacred sites educates us
a!out what ma"es an environment a source of vital, !alancin#
ener#ies. )nvironments are made sacred !y the people that use or
inha!it them, the types of interactions that occur there, and the
qualities of ener#y in the sites themselves. %ny person that carries the
intent to have !alance in their lives and learns the tools to do so,
attempts to create interactions with others that are respectful and
carin#, and treats their environment as if it were a part of their own
ener#y system, will !e creatin# a sacred site. $he core of home
ener#y !alancin# wor" is the a!ility to create fields of vital coherent
ener#y that have the capacity to transform and harmoni(e a livin#
space into a more !alanced stateto create a physical environment
that interacts with the !ody throu#h resonance and supports any
attempts !y the residents to !e !alanced and more vital. $o
harmoni(e an environment is to have it alive and healthy enou#h to
support any activities we do there that create !alance.
)nvironments are li"e our physical !odiesthey are ener#y systems,
have levels of consciousness ran#in# from the physical to the spiritual,
have ener#y flows around, throu#h, and within them, and can !e in a
state of !alance or im!alance. $he #rid lines that run throu#h an
environment are li"e the meridians of our !odies, and li"e our own
ener#y systems, there are centers of ener#y in a space that, when
connected to, provide a source of !alancin# ener#y for the space. >i"e
our own !odies, environments are alive and continuously impacted !y
the ener#y qualities that come into it from outside sources. $he
vitality of a space can !e affected !y impin#in# electroma#netic fields,
!y earth radiations comin# up from the #round underneath it, !y the
emissions from the materials that ma"e up the space, and !y the
!ehavior and attitudes of the residents. ,ometimes these factors vary
over time, and, li"e our own !odies, can !e in !alance one day, and out
of !alance the ne&t. >i"e ourselves, environments require some
constant source of !eneficial ener#y to maintain health and well+!ein#.
Many different sources of !eneficial vi!rations can impact the ener#y
qualities in an environment. ,ound patterns, colors, li#ht, natural
o!1ects and elements, shapes, and sym!ols can all !e emitters of
!alancin# ener#etic patterns. ,ome provide momentary relief, some
last for days or months, !ut, li"e our own ener#y system, all
environments require revisitin# and re!alancin# to respond to the
newest challen#e to their state of health. Mostly, harmoni(in# an
environment requires sources of !alancin# ener#y to !e present on the
site, directly addressin# the primary sources of to&icity, and stron# and
u!iquitous enou#h to provide !alancin# ener#y fields all throu#hout
the home.
$hese ener#etic fields are created !y speciali(ed products and
procedures developed from a num!er of different physical and spiritual
sciences, includin# Bio6eometry, radiesthesia, sympathetic vi!rational
physics, and the recordin# of spiritual !lessin#s and prayers, allowin#
the transmission of these vi!ratory fields into environments. $hese
methods involve introducin# !eneficial ener#y qualities into
environments that either chan#e the ener#etic vi!ration of the
detrimental source and?or stren#then the ener#y system of the
resident and lessen the impact of the to&in. )&amples of these
products are the forms called /emitters0 or /resonators0. $hese shapes
and holo#rams have the capacity to produce harmoni(in# fields of
ener#y that produce more aliveness in the space and the inha!itants,
and can miti#ate the effects of detrimental ener#ies on the !ody.
$here are many interestin# applications of this wor" in the fields of
environmental !alancin#, a#riculture, health, architectural desi#n, and
spiritual development. $hese applications include
reducin#?harmoni(in# the effects of electroma#netic radiations on the
!ody@ chan#in# the impact of earth radiations in home environments@
creatin# ener#y fields that will enhance the #rowth of a#ricultural
crops and plants@ !alancin# the ener#y systems of the !ody for healin#
and maintainin# health@ and creatin# the ener#y patterns of sacred
power centers in home and wor" environments -see the articles in
*esources. -A.. *esearch into these phenomena have yielded some
fascinatin# insi#hts into the nature of the ener#ies involved in
!alancin# !iolo#ical systems and sustainin# health in a world that is
!ecomin# more polluted and stressful.
$here are several ways in which the harmoni(ation of a home or wor"
environment can proceed. $he simplest and most rapid improvements
can !e done with the products that remove the most common sources
of detrimental ener#y patterns 7 that is, to create a non+harmful
environment 7 especially in the sleepin# areas and places where the
most time is spent. 5or most homes, this would entail corrections in
two !i##est pro!lem areas in homesthe electroma#netic fields
-house wirin#, wireless sources, phones, appliances, etc.., and
correctin# sources of detrimental ener#ies that ori#inate in the earth
ener#y lines that cross the environment or deeper sources of to&ic
radiation that lie in the #round under the home. Balancin# these
ener#y systems usually means findin# them, assessin# where they
impact the home or residents the most, and placin#
correction?harmoni(in# devices in the ener#y flow so it chan#es the
ener#y quality of the source.
$he ne&t level of home ener#y !alancin# is to create a stron# positive
and vital ener#y field in the home that continuously provides
protection and sources of !alance. $his involves ma"in# as many of
the materials as possi!le in the home environment an emitter of a
!alancin# ener#y pattern. $he ener#y patterns produced !y emitters,
resonators, and !alancin# procedures have their effects on all the
planes or levels in any environment or !iolo#ical systemthat is, they
affect not only the physical ener#ies of the !ody or the space, !ut also
the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels -B.. %s the levels of these
coherent and positive ener#ies are raised in environments, not only
are the detrimental aspects corrected or neutrali(ed, they also help
"eep the !ody in !alance@ stren#then the immune system@ and support
a hi#her level of consciousness, spiritual connection, and positive
mental states. =ne<s home can !e nurturin#, restful, alive, and a place
where you can replenish your ener#y and connect to your own :enter.
,ome of these procedures includeC
$he use of color placement and color qualities to increase the
!eneficial ener#y patterns in an environment@
$he harmoni(in# of ener#etically si#nificant features of the home
li"e the land, doorways, sleepin# areas, and power centers, and the
study of ener#y flows throu#h the home environment@
$he use of resonators and ener#etic procedures that impre#nate all
the materials in a home with !eneficial ener#y patternsincludin# the
carpets, wall coverin#s, construction materials, tiles, floor coverin#s,
electrical devices, art, furniture, etc. $he !asic concept here is to have
all aspects of your environment !e a source of positive, !eneficial
ener#ies. $his not only serves to neutrali(e all the detrimental
intrusions that may impin#e on a space, !ut also creates a stron#
coherent ener#y field that impacts the health of the inha!itants. 3t
ma"es your environment a sacred space.
$his more advanced level of !alancin# your livin# spaces can !e done
for you !y ener#y !alancin# practitioners or, it can !e tau#ht to you in
the seminars offered !y :reatin# Healthy ,paces. $here is a level of
depth and connection that comes when you condition your own space,
trac" it, and maintain it with your own consciousness that is deeper
than when it is done for you. But either way, the results are quite
Michael Maley, Ph.D. and $ricia Ma#eli+Maley, M.%.
-MichaelC EB4 BA4 EAFG. -$riciaC EB4 E8F 8HB2.
2. $his fi#ure is from B. Bla"e >evitt<s !oo" )lectroma#netic 5ieldsC %
:onsumers 6uide to the 3ssues and How to Protect =urselves. %n
e&cellent review of the issues and research on the dan#ers of
4. $here is a lar#e and #rowin# !ody of literature that discusses the
ne#ative impact of electroma#netic radiation on the !ody.
$he we!sites httpC??www.!uildin#! and
httpC?? will #ive you this information.
$he evidence for treatin# the ne#ative effect of electrosmo# with
su!tle ener#y interventions is #rowin# as well. % recent study !y 6len
*ein)ffect of Dimensional Desi#n $echnolo#y to Prevent Power >ine
*adiation Dama#e httpC?? and
$he Hem!er#, ,wit(erland Pro1ect conducted !y Dr. 3!rahim Iarim
httpC??www.! are e&amples.
8. $here are many !oo"s and articles on 6eopathic ,tress. $he topic
can certainly !e 6oo#led, or found in helpful !oo"s li"e )arth *adiation
!y Iathe Bachler@ 6eopathic ,tress !y Jane $hurnell+*ead@ or >ey >ines
and )arth )ner#ies !y David :owan and :hris %rnold.
A. %rticles on Bio6eometry research and other applications of this
approach can !e found in the *esources pa#e on the we!site.
B. 3t is helpful if the corrections also contain and produce the full
ener#y spectrum of the !ody, includin# the hi#her harmonics that the
human !ody possesses. Most of the emitters and resonators descri!ed
in this wor" have such characteristics and thus support hi#her states of
consciousness as well as physical well+!ein#. $his was also the ener#y
pattern of ancient sacred sites.
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M 4GGH :reatin# Healthy ,paces

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