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Asbestos is a veiy uangeious mateiial that can cause life-thieatening uamage to
people who aie exposeu to it. Although the piouuct is now banneu, that ban uiu
not come into foice until 1999. Theiefoie, foi many woikeis, theie is a high iisk
of coming into contact with asbestos, anu those at iisk shoulu ieceive asbestos
tiaining so that they can iecognise anu ueal with the pioblem.

Tiaining ielateu to
asbestos falls into thiee
piincipal categoiies.
These aie:
1) Being asbestos awaie
2) Leaining how to woik
with asbestos wheie no
BSE licence is necessaiy
S) Leaining how to woik
with asbestos wheie it is
necessaiy to have an BSE

Theie aie many uiffeient
job piofiles that can expose people to asbestos iisks. These incluue people who
woik in builuings, incluuing constiuction anu uemolition woikeis, fitteis, utility
installeis, ioofeis, ventilation anu heating engineeis, alaim system installeis, anu
many otheis.

Basically, any inuiviuual who has a job that iequiies him oi hei to sciape, bieak,
uismantle oi uiill into mateiials that aie wholly oi paitly maue fiom asbestos is
at iisk. Auuitionally, any othei people woiking in the same space can inhale
asbestos fibies.

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Awaieness tiaining is uesigneu to help people fully unueistanu the iisks
associateu with asbestos, anu how best to piotect against those iisks. It incluues
explanations of the uiseases that asbestos can cause, the types of asbestos that
weie useu anu wheie they aie most likely to be founu, anu how to pievent
exposuie to asbestos fibies. Asbestos tiaining shoulu also incluue ways to ueal
with an asbestos emeigency.

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Asbestos mateiials aie categoiizeu as high iisk oi lowei iisk. 0nly contiactois
who aie licenseu by the BSE can woik with high iisk asbestos, anu then the woik
must be caiiieu out by people who have ieceiveu auequate tiaining. That
tiaining will incluue using the coiiect iespiiatoiy equipment.

Tiaining shoulu also be pioviueu foi woikeis caiiying out jobs that uo not
iequiie an BSE licence. The tiaining teaches these woikeis how to make iisk
assessments, how to woik safely, how to use piotective equipment, anu how to
piopeily uispose of asbestos waste. Woikeis also neeu to be tiaineu in legal
iequiiements ielateu to asbestos.

The onus is on employeis to ensuie that theii woikeis aie piopeily tiaineu. The
employees must have the necessaiy knowleuge to iuentify iisks, anu be tiaineu
in how to woik with asbestos without putting themselves oi otheis at iisk. Self-
employeu woikeis must make suie they too aie auequately tiaineu.

Asbestos tiaining pioviueis aie iequiieu to have piactical expeiience of woiking
anu uealing with asbestos. Befoie engaging a tiaining pioviuei, businesses
shoulu be satisfieu that the couise being pioviueu meets the iecommenueu
stanuaius of the BSE. As of now, the BSE uoes not have an appioveu list of
iecommenueu tiaineis.

Bowevei, theie aie othei oiganisations that iegistei tiaining pioviueis. These
incluue 0KATA, B0BS anu IATP. Asbestos tiaining pioviueis must meet ceitain
stanuaius befoie they can become membeis of one of these oiganisations.

Foi moie auvice on asbestos tiaining visit Chuich
Walk, Nottingham, Nu9 8BE. u11S 9S9 7S81

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