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!"#$%&"'(% *+ ,#-.

Paitneiship Pioject

Position stait uate Fall 2u14
!"#$%&"'(% *+ ,#-.%/0&( is a seven-yeai multi-sectoi, inteiuisciplinaiy pioject that aims to
exploie anu naiiate the histoiy of the uispossession of }apanese Canauians anu to shaie
this histoiy with auuiences acioss Canaua anu beyonu. Reseaich finuings will be
uisseminateu in a tiaveling museum exhibit, teaching mateiials foi elementaiy anu
seconuaiy schools, euucational websites, populai anu scholaily publications, anu public
piesentations acioss the countiy. Nany Canauians know that people of }apanese
ancestiy, the vast majoiity of them Canauian citizens, weie upiooteu fiom the Biitish
Columbia coast uuiing the 194us. Less wiuely known is the uoveinment policy to
foicibly sell all of theii piopeity anu most possessions. The uispossession of }apanese
Canauians causeu enuuiing anu, in some ways, iiiepaiable haims. It left }apanese
Canauians without homes to which they coulu ietuin aftei iestiictions weie finally lifteu
in 1949. It foiceu the eiauication of Canaua's histoiic }apanese-Canauian
neighbouihoous anu settlements, theieby tiansfoiming inuiviuual lives anu
subjectivities, as well as the lanuscapes of Canauian ethnic anu uiban life. It iesulteu in
mateiial haiuships anu its memoiy has ieveibeiateu acioss multiple geneiations.
0ui paitneiship team incluues 14 institutions anu SS specialists fiom univeisities,
community oiganizations, anu museums acioss Canaua. The pioject is funueu by a
majoi giant anu by the paiticipating intuitions (see:
The Postuoctoial Fellow will assist Bi. Pamela Sugiman, Piofessoi of Sociology, Ryeison
0niveisity, in the management of the oial histoiy ieseaich clustei of the !"#$%&"'(%
pioject1 The successful canuiuate will contiibute to the intellectual uiiection of the
clustei anu assist in the supeivision of giauuate anu unueigiauuate ieseaich assistants.
Shehe must fuitheimoie uemonstiate a stiong inteiest in anu unueistanuing of oial
histoiy, in uepth inteiviewing, anu issues of iacism anu iacialization.
A goal of the oial histoiy clustei is to conuuct inteiviews with vaiious gioups of
inuiviuuals who expeiienceu the inteinment, uiiectly anu inuiiectly, with a focus on
piopeity loss: }apanese Canauians who weie uispossesseu uuiing the Seconu Woilu
Wai, Bakujin (non-}apanese) bystanueis anu witnesses of the uispossession, anu the
uescenuents of both of these gioups. This clustei will also integiate existing inteiviews
into its ieseaich mateiials. In auuition to assisting in the supeivision of ieseaich, the
Postuoctoial Fellow will be involveu in the auministiation, analysis, anu piesentation of
mateiials ielateu to this ieseaich, as well as the laigei intellectual uevelopment anu
activity of the !"#$%&"'(% pioject. Finally, the Postuoctoial Fellow will teach a one-
semestei couise in the Sociology Bepaitment at Ryeison 0niveisity, subject to the
conuitions set out in the Ryeison 0niveisity-C0PE 1 collective agieement.
The Postuoctoial Fellowship is valueu at 123433356("7 anu is ienewable foi a total of
two yeais. Auuitional funus will uefiay the cost of the Postuoctoial Fellow's tiavel foi
ieseaich anu piesentation of pioject mateiials.
Applications shoulu incluue a covei lettei, a Cv, thiee letteis of iecommenuation anu if
available, a wiiting sample. Please e-mail applications to Bi. }oiuan Stangei-Ross,
Pioject Biiectoi, Lanuscapes of Injustice, at We will
begin to ieview applications on }uly 2S, 2u14 anu will continue on a iolling basis until
the position is filleu.
Foi moie infoimation, email oui pioject at

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