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TN 25 2.1
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 1 Batch B1
1) Inspe!"#n #$ s%&'(es n)*+e,s #ne &n- !.# s%#. !%&! e&% s%&'(e
*e&s),es 2/./ *e!,es.
&0 1%&! %&ppene- !# !%e s%&'(es
+0 S!,esses "n-)e- "n!# !%e &+(e (e&-"n2 !# !%e -"s!#,!"#n
0 T,e&!*en! #$ !%e %&"n !# ,es!#,e "!s p,e3"#)s s!,en2!%
-0 M&"n!en&ne &,,"e- #)! "n s!&,+#&,- %&"n (#'e,
20 N# 2 H&!% #&*"n2 F#,.&,- p#,!s"-e, Rep&",s
&0 S&$e!4 p,e&)!"#ns .%"% s%#)(- +e "n p(&e &,#)n- s"!e
+0 Me!%#- #$ &!!&%"n2 !%e *e!&( p(&!e !# !%e -e'
0 B&,e *e!&( s%#.s s"2ns #$ $(&s% ,)s!"n2, p,ep&,&!"#ns $#, s&*e
-0 5&"n!"n2 p,#ess #n -e' &$!e, ,ep&",s
e0 H#. .#)(- #,,#s"#n +e ,e-)e-
$0 S&$e .#,'"n2 p,&!"es #+se,3e- +4 pe,s#ns en2&2e- "n !%e s&"-
60 N# 2 p#,! ("$e+#&! #n !%e +#!!#* #$ !%e 2,&3"n2 -#', Rep&",s
&0 5,#ess #$ )!!"n2 &n- $&","n2 !%e -&*&2e- ("$e+#&!
+0 M&!e,"&(s )se- "n !%e ,ep&",
0 D&n2e,s "n3#(3e- "n !%e p,#ess
-0 S&$e .#,'"n2 p,&!"es "n3#(3e- "n s)% & ,ep&",
70 8&,"#)s -"&2,&*s #)p(e- ."!% !%e &+#3e !#p"s
50 B"+("#2,&p%4
Inspe!"#n #$ s%&'(es n)*+e,s #ne &n- !.# s%#. !%&! e&% s%&'(e *e&s),es
2/./ *e!,es.
&. 1%&! %&s %&ppene- !# !%e s%&'(es
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 2 Batch B1
The normal length of a cable is 15 Fathoms or 27. metres, a clear in!ication that the
cable has been stretche!.
"#e to $erio!ic #se an! #n!ergoes the elastic regime, the cable ca#ses to crac% an!
this gro&s &ith metal fatig#e.
Metal can thin an! r#$t#re tho#gh the ser'ice loa! is normal.
(#b)ecte! to #n!#e stresses an! the age, maintenance carrie! on the cable.
The cable can go brittle !e$en!ing on the material #se! ca#sing shearing off the inner
e!ges an! increasing length too.
+. S!,esses "n-)e- "n!# !%e &+(e (e&-"n2 !# !%e -"s!#,!"#n
Metal Fatig#e
*erio! of cyclic loa!ing
Anchor chain on+off stress o'er a $erio! of time
,-cessi'e #se of the starboar! anchor.
The anchor #se! in an emergency &ith ma-im#m strain on the cable
Goes thro#gh the elastic regime
Anchor s#b)ecte! to hea'y stresses !#ring times of hea'y &eather anchoring.
These abo'e factors ca#se stresses on the cable.
/rac% a$$ears an! then gro&s, can be belo& the s#rface an! a !ye test may ha'e
to be carrie! o#t.
The fract#re can be !#ctile or brittle mo!e !e$en!ing on the material an! also on
the ca#se.
The cable material may t#rn brittle.
. T,e&!*en! #$ %&"n !# ,es)*e "!s p,e3"#)s $#,* &n- s!,en2!%
0n a !ry !oc% the anchor goes thro#gh stringent tests an! ins$ection e'ery fi'e years.
The anchor is lai! in the !oc% an! range!, meas#rements are ta%en an! a si-
!imensional ins$ection is $erforme!. 0f the chain is stretche! beyon! the acce$table
'al#es the cable is change!. Alternati'ely a treatment of Annealing is carrie! o#t to
restore its $re'io#s form an! strength.
The metho! com$rises of stages terme! heat treatment of steel an! as !etaile! belo&.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 1 Batch B1
The $ro$erties of steels may be altere! greatly by the heat treatment to &hich the steel
is s#bse2#ently s#b)ecte!. These treatments bring abo#t the steel3s str#ct#re.
This consists of heating the steel at a slo& rate to a tem$erat#re of say 455 !egrees /
to 655 !egrees /, an! then cooling it in the f#rnace at a 'ery slo& rate. The ob)ecti'e
of annealing is to relie'e any internal stresses, to soften the steel, an! bring the steel to
a con!ition s#itable for a s#bse2#ent heat treatment.
This is carrie! o#t by heating the steel slo&ly to a tem$erat#re similar to that for
annealing an! allo&ing to cool in air. The res#lting faster cooling rate $ro!#ces a
har!er stronger steel than annealing an! also refines the grain si7e.
(teel is heate! to tem$erat#re similar to annealing an! normali7ing, an! then
2#enche! in &ater or oil. The fast cooling rate $ro!#ces a 'ery har! str#ct#re &ith a
high tensile strength.
8#enche! steel may be f#rther heate! to a tem$erat#re some&hat bet&een
atmos$heric an! 945 !egrees / an! some alloy steels are then coole! fairly ra$i!ly by
2#enching in oil or &ater. The ob)ect of this treatment is to relie'e the se'ere internal
stresses $ro!#ce! by the original har!ening $rocess an! to ma%e the material less
brittle b#t retain the higher tensile stress.
S!,ess Re("e3"n2
To relie'e the internal stresses the tem$erat#re of the steel may be raise! so that no
str#ct#ral change of the material occ#rs an! then it may be slo&ly coole!.
-. M&"n!en&ne "n !%e e*p!4 s!&,+#&,- %&"n (#'e,.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M Batch B1
The chain loc%er sho#l! be ins$ecte! an! cleane!.
:oose scaling of r#st on b#l%hea!s, stringers an! bottom shell $lating sho#l! be
;atertight integrity an! means of !rainage to be chec%e!.
0ns$ection an! maintenance of the bitter en!
The s#ction $i$e an! or the e!#ctor to be chec%e! for stri$$ing.
All 'al'es an! or $i$elines $assing thro#gh the chain loc%er to be maintaine! as
After any maintenance is carrie! o#t, the loc%er nee!s to be $ainte! as $er the
re2#irement an! shi$3s cosmetic $rogramme.
Any &or% carrie! o#t sho#l! also be co#$le! &ith the *lanne! Maintenance
sche!#le of the chain loc%er for $erio!ical an! !ry !oc% re2#irements.
The loc%er is to be treate! as an enclose! s$ace entry an! any hot &or% sho#l! be
carrie! o#t &ith care an! hot &or% $ermits iss#e!.
Rep&", #$ N#. 2 H&!% #&*"n2 &! !%e $#,.&,- p#,! s"-e.
&0 S&$e!4 p,e&)!"#ns .%"% s%#)(- %&3e +een "n p(&e &,#)n- !%e s"!e
*rior to any &or% that is carrie! o#t, a $lan sho#l! be !ra&n &ith high stan!ar!s
of safety.
<igging, clothing an! $reca#tions sho#l! be in consi!eration of the /o!e of (afe
&or%ing $ractice.
G#ar! rails or fencing sho#l! be $lace! aro#n! the o$ening. ,ach co#rse of rails
sho#l! be %e$t s#bstantially hori7ontal an! ta#t thro#gho#t their length.
The $lace is to be &ell g#ar!e! an! re$lacement $ro'i!e! !#ring brea%s for meals.
<is% Assessment sho#l! be carrie! o#t.
(afety signs boar!s sho#l! be !is$laye! clear an! 'isible s#ch as.
=o (mo%ing, =o =a%e! lights
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 5 Batch B1
"anger >a7ar!o#s area, =o e-it, "o not enter
/a#tion min! yo#r ste$, ,lectrical ha7ar!
=o a!mittance &itho#t $rotecti'e clothing, etc.
Tri$s an! falls can occ#r, min! yo#r ste$
Fire is a li%ely ha7ar!, ha'e fire e-ting#ishers an! charge! hoses in $lace.
Breathing a$$arat#s an! res#scitation e2#i$ment in $lace
First ai! bo- an! any emergency treatment.
(ec#re the $lace from #na#thorise! $ersonnel.
+0 Me!%#- #$ &!!&%"n2 !%e *e!&( p(&!e !# !%e -e'
?ario#s metho!s of &el!ing the metal sheet are a'ailable to the o$erator b#t one
sho#l! also consi!er the a'ailability of e2#i$ment an! o$erating cost, &or% force an!
the !#rability of the &or% carrie! o#t. /onsi!ering the choices a'ailable the
(#bmerge! Arc &el!ing is the metho! &e shall #se in )oining o#r metal sheets.
*rior to any &el! carrie! o#t, the metal e!ges &ill nee! to ha'e a s#rface $re$aration
an! &e!ges forme! &ith groo'es in bet&een the sheet an! the hatch coaming in or!er
to fill #$ the &e!ge &ith the &el!. /are sho#l! be ta%en that all $ersonnel are in
safety an! $rotecti'e clothing, $ro$er rigs stays are in $lace &hen transferring the
sheet to its location, #n!er!ec% stays an! bearers sho#l! be in $lace to s#$$ort the
loa! $rior to the &el!.
0n the (#bmerge! arc &el!ing $rocess a arc is maintaine! &ithin the blan%et of
gran#late! fl#-, a cons#mable filler &ire is em$loye! an! the arc is maintaine!
bet&een the &ire an! the $arent $late. 0t has a high 2#ality an! high !e$osition rate
&el!ing $rocess. Aro#n! the arc the gran#late! fl#- brea%s !o&n an! $ro'i!es some
gases an! a highly $rotecti'e thermal ins#lating molten container for the arc. This
allo&s a high concentration of heat, ma%ing the $rocess 'ery efficient an! s#itable for
hea'y !e$osits at fast s$ee!s. Metal $o&!er a!!itions &hich res#lts in a 15@55 $ercent
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 9 Batch B1
increase in metal !e$osition rate &itho#t inc#rring an increase in arc energy in$#t
may be #se! for the &el!ing of )oint thic%ness of 25 mm or more.
This &el! !oes ha'e its !ra&bac%s s#ch as crac%s, $orosity, slag an! #n!erc#t &hich
can be o'ercome by contin#os monitoring, remo'e slag, re!#ce the energy !ri'e for
a'oi!ance of #n!erc#t an! controlle! &el!ing to a'oi! crac%s an! $orosity, e'ent#ally
it $ro'i!es high 2#ality &el!s an! lo& o$erator s%ills are re2#ire!.
0 B&,e *e!&( s%#.s s"2ns #$ F(&s% ,)s!"n2, s%#. p,ep&,&!"#n
Flash r#sting is normal after hy!roblasting, the cleane! s#rface &ill o-i!ise ra$i!ly
&hilst &et. 0n o#r case the $resence of flash r#sting co#l! be the metal e-$ose! to rain
or a light mist &itho#t treatment. The metal shall be hose! !o&n by fresh &ater an!
any loose !e$osits $ro!#ce! on the s#rface shall be scra$e! off &ith a chisel,
s#bse2#ent action &o#l! be to #se rotary &ire br#shing. The br#shing &ill gi'e a
clean s#rface $ro'i!e! the r#st scale &as not too large. "#st an! clean off the bare
metal, #se a high $ress#re hose !o&n &ith fresh &ater an! !ry the s#rface. The bare
metal then $ro'i!es an acce$table s#rface for e-terior coatings.
-0 T%e p&"n!"n2 p,#ess #ne !%e -e' .&s ,ep&",e-
*rior to any $aint a$$lication, the im$ortant factors to consi!er are the state of the
s#rface, the s#rface tem$erat#re an! the atmos$heric con!itions at the time of
/hec% the !ata sheet of the in!i'i!#al $aint an! note its !escri$tion, s#ch as
a$$lication, !rying time, thic%ness, o'ercoating inter'al an! mainly safety $reca#tions
an! emergency treatment.
A$$ly a coat of thinner $referably &ith a br#sh, &hich &ill largely contrib#te to the
acti'e corrosion $re'enting $ro$erty, thinners &ith $igments s#ch as 7inc al#mini#m
or tar e$o-y can be #se!, follo& the shi$ cosmetic a$$lication $rogramme.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 7 Batch B1
:et the area !ry for atleast 2 ho#rs or as state! in the !ata sheet, clean the s#rface
&ith fresh &ater an! remo'e any !e$osits of !#st or salts, !ry the area an! a$$ly a
secon! an! if re2#ire! then a thir! coat of $rimmer after the sti$#late! !rying time.
<e$eat the $rocess to gi'e the s#rface a co#$le of final coats.
e0 H#. .#)(- #,,#s"#n +e ,e-)e-
0ron ore corro!es beca#se it is iron ore an! not $#re iron that is the nat#ral state of the
metal. Anless $re'enti'e meas#res are not ta%en, iron Bor steel) &ill react &ith o-ygen
an! moist#re an! re'ert to its original con!ition, ie r#st.
/orrosion control may be consi!ere! #n!er three basic hea!ings.
1) /ontrol of the metal, #se the correct metal for the )ob
2) /ontrol of en'iroment, either by mo!ification or e-cl#sion from contact &ith
the metal
1) /ontrol by !esign
Follo&ing are the factors an! rele'ant means of control.
M&!e,"&(s Bmetals, alloys, non@metallic materials). (election of s#itable materials,
consistent &ith cost, a'ailability, ease of fabrication etc.
D"ss"*"(&, *e!&(s in contact. A'oi!ance of !esigns in &hich the %inetics of attac% on
one metal is stim#late! by another.
Ge#*e!,4. A'oi!ance of !esigns &hich lea! to localise! attac%, im$ingement,
Me%&n"&( F&!#,s. A'oi!ance of e-cessi'e stress Binternal or a$$lie!) &hen #sing
metals %no&n to be s#sce$tible to stress@corrosion crac%ing. A'oi! con!itions lea!ing
to fatig#e, freting corrosion.
S),$&e. A'oi!ance of con!itions on s#rface &hich lea! to locali7e! attac%, e.g.
!iscontin#o#s films of o-i!es or metals.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 4 Batch B1
5,#!e!"#n. *ro'ision in !esign for catho!ic or ano!ic $rotection, *rotection in !esign
for a$$lying $rotecti'e coatings.
Cther metho!s of $re'enting /orrosion &ill be.
Metho!s base! on mo!ification of $roce!#re &ith attention !ra&n #$on the !esign
of the str#ct#re, s#rface con!ition an! a$$lication of catho!ic $rotection.
Metho!s base! on mo!ification of en'ironment, by !eaeration of &ater or ne#tral
sol#tion, $#rification or !eh#mi!ification of air an! a!!ition of corrosion
inhibitors, etc.
Metho!s base! on mo!ification of metal, by increase! $#rity, a!!ition of alloy
elements an! heat treatment.
Metho!s base! on $rotecti'e coating, coatings of reaction $ro!#ct, organic
coatings $aints, resins etc. 0norganic coatings enamels, cements, metal coatings
an! tem$orary $rotecti'es.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 6 Batch B1
$0 S&$e .#,'"n2 p,&!"es .%en pe,s#ns en2&2e- "n *&"n!en&ne
Any &or% carrie! o#t sho#l! be to the safety of life an! !oes not en!anger the
All e2#i$ment #se! sho#l! be &or%ing satisfactorily an! as $er their
/lear off area of all non essential $ersonnel.
*ersonal $rotecti'e e2#i$ment sho#l! be &orn, in the case of the &el!er, &el!ing
shiel!s or &el!ing goggles, leather ga#ntlets, leather a$ron an! a long slee'e
nat#ral fibre boiler s#it.
"#ring &el!ing $reca#tions against fire an! e-$losion sho#l! be ta%en, fire
e-ting#ishers sho#l! be in $lace an! fire lines $ress#rise! &ith charge! hoses.
<is% of !elaye! fires res#lting from the #se! of &el!ing a$$arat#s, fre2#ent
chec%s sho#l! be ma!e at least t&o ho#rs after the &or% has sto$$e!.
The &el!ing e2#i$ment sho#l! be $ro$erly gro#n!e! an! a'oi! tri$s of cables,
electric shoc%s to $ersons an! cable lying in &ater.
The &el!er sho#l! &ear non con!#cting safety foot&ear, !ry leather glo'es an!
sho#l! not be stan!ing in &ater &hen carrying o#t the &el!.
"#ring the &el!ing an assistant sho#l! be a'ailable at all times.
(#rface $re$aration of the metal #sing high $ress#re hosing an! rotary br#shing
sho#l! be !one &ith care, &ear $rotecti'e clothing, goggles, !#st mas%s etc.
<#st remo'ers are aci!s an! contact &ith #n$rotecte! s%in sho#l! be a'oi!e!. ,ye
$rotection sho#l! be &orn against s$lashes.
*aints contain to-ic an! irritant s#bstances ca#sing !angers to health.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 15 Batch B1
*aints gi'e rise to flammable an! $otentially e-$losi'e 'a$o#rs ca#sing ris% of
fires, %ee$ all so#rce of ignition a&ay an! !o not r#le o#t the $ossibility of fire.
/lear off any obstr#ctions an! %ee$ the area &ell 'entilate!.
N#. 2 5#,! ("$e+#&! "s &! !%e +#!!#* #$ !%e 2,&3"n2 -#' ."!% & p)n!),e *"-
(en2!% #n !%e s!&,+#&,- s"-e.
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 11 Batch B1
&0 T%e p,#ess #$ )!!"n2 &n- $&","n2 !%e -&*&2e- ("$e+#&!.
:ocate the $#nct#re &hich is a hole 55mm !ia, an! has fo#r ra!iating crac%s
155mm long.
/#t all aro#n! the $#nct#re an! ra!iating crac%s.
/o'er hole on insi!e &ith boar!ing $anel.
Cn o#tsi!e grin! affecte! area a&ay.
(mooth area to narro& scantling aro#n! c#t a&ay area $resent be'elle! e!ge
&itho#t gel coat.
Be'el G<* e!ges.
Fill &ith laminates of resin im$regnate! glass.
Bet&een layers #se br#sh or metal roller to $#sh o#t air b#bbles B&all $a$ering)
Grin! bac% the c#re! s#rface at the si!e, fill an! ta$er centre layers.
Grin! bac% an! a$$ly gel coat finish.
(an! !o&n an! $olish.
*re$are an! arrange for a s#r'ey of the re$airs carrie! o#t.
+0 M&!e,"&(s )se- "n !%e ,ep&",
Fibreglass D Filaments of glass or Ee'lar or carbon bo#n! together &ith
$lastic base! resin.
<esins D Crtho$hthalic BGeneral #se), 0so$hthalic Bbetter moist#re resistance
F strength), >et aci! BGoo! fibre resistance).
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 12 Batch B1
Gel for final coat.
A har! boar! for s#$$ort from insi!e the lifeboat.
Br#sh or metal rollers.
(an!ing an! or $olishing machine.
/#tting %nife or similar shar$ ob)ect.
0 D&n2e,s "n3#(3e- "n !%e p,#ess
"#ring the $rocess of a$$lication of resins it sho#l! be !one so in the &or%ing
time of the catalyst a!!e!. Cl! stoc%s of resins can go brittle an! !eteriorate,
chec% if not ol! stoc%s Bo'er 9 months) or else it forms a r#bbery Gel. This can be
reacti'ate! by a!!ition of styrene.
The /atalyst, Crganic $ero-i!e is !angero#s &hen in contact &ith s%in or inhale!
an! cons#me!.
0f cobalt an! $ero-i!es are combine! they &ill e-$lo!e.
Mean &or%ing tem$erat#re is high an! a#gmente! by chemical e-othermic
reaction, hence it sho#l! be a$$lie! at its !esigne! time.
0f the $rocess is not follo&e! $ro$erly, that is the fibres sho#l! be laye! in t&o
!irections of &ea'e to achie'e o'erall strength, then the strength of the $atch &ill
be lost an! s$ring lea%s.
0f the $rocess is not c#re! $ro$erly or #n!erc#re! &ill ma%e the $atch soft &ith
less strength an! become $rone to Csmosis an! !elamination.
A $ro$er coating of Gel sho#l! be carrie! o#t to a'oi! Csmosis.
A s#$$ort from the insi!e of the boat is a m#st to gi'e it a!!itonal strength
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 11 Batch B1
-0 S&$e .#,'"n2 p,&!"es "n3#(3e- "n s)% & ,ep&",
The boat sho#l! be $lace! in a $osition &here &or% can be easily be carrie! o#t
an! sho#l! be &ell sec#re!.
*rotecti'e an! safety clothing sho#l! be &orn, s$ecially goggles, glo'es, face
mas%s an! long slee'e boiler s#its.
Eee$ the $#nct#re area !ry an! smooth before re$airs.
>an!ling of the fibreglass can ca#se s%in irritation an! !angers &ith inhalation.
/are an! health ha7ar!s &hen han!ling <esins an! /atalyst s#ch as Crganic
The area sho#l! be clear of all obstr#ctions.
(#nlight an! heat are so#rces re2#ire! for c#ring an! goo! &or%.
<ig o'erhea! stays an! $rotect the lifeboat from rain if e'i!ent.
,2#i$ment #se! for (an!ing, *olishing or s$raying gel sho#l! meet &or%ing an!
safety stan!ar!s.
O1. M&,"ne C#,,#s"#n T. H#.&,- R#2e,s
1. S%"p C#ns!,)!"#n D J E4,es
2. C#((e2e B##'s &n- H&n-#)!s #n S%"p M&"n!en&ne
6. C#-e #$ S&$e 1#,'"n2 5,&!"es
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 1 Batch B1
7. Te&%"n2 "n C#((e2e +4 M,. T#n4 B,
Gracias, Jeffrey A M 15 Batch B1

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