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Mr Muhammad E Khan June 2014

Mr Muhammad E Khan
International Presentations

International Oral Presentation:
Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain
Ireland !AC"A#SC"S$ %oint Annual Meeting &'(& Manchester) *K # A+ril &'(&
`Is lone pulmonary vein isolation inferior to Modified Maze for concomitant surgical correction of AF? A Single-
Surgeon Retrospective Study`; Bleetman !Presenter$) !ing"am A# Khan M) S"anmuganat"an S# es"pande R;
$ing`s %ollege &ospital# !ondon# '$
International e#Poster Presentation:
International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland #
International Conference on Surgical Education and "raining !ICOSE"$ ,arrogate *nited
Kingdom A+ril &'(-
`Four (ears )n * +ost-,-.R/ Are '$ &ospitals Best for Surgical .raining and +atient %are? Results of a
+rospective )nline Survey`; Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# 5ig S 062# Beard 3 072 18 ."e &eart &ospital#
!ondon# 48 ."e Royal Marsden &ospital# !ondon# 68 %roydon 'niversity &ospital# !ondon# 78 ."e Royal
%ollege of Surgeons of ,ngland

International Poster Presentations:
AMEE &'(( An International Association for Medical Education Conference) .ienna) Austria #
August &'((
`&o9 do postgraduate trainees in different su:specialties vie9 portfolios as educational tools? ` Ma"es9aran I A 012
;+resenter<# %lements 3 R , 042# Khan M E A 062# Smit" S F 012 18 Imperial %ollege# !ondon# '$; 48 &aringey
+rimary %are .rust# !ondon# '$; 68 %roydon 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# +ostgraduate Medical ,ducation %entre#
%roydon# '$<
International Conference on Surgical Education and "raining !ICOSE"$ at the /oyal College of
Surgeons of Ireland) 0u1lin) /e+u1lic of Ireland May) &'('
`&o9 "as t"e ,uropean -or>ing .ime irective affected t"e life and 9or> of surgical doctors? Results of an online
prospective survey of surgical doctors8 ` Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# Strange . 062# 5ig S 012; 18 Mayday
'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon; 48 Adden:roo>e`s &ospital# %am:ridge; 68 St8 ?eorge`s
&ospital# !ondon
`&o9 do @unior surgical doctors spend t"eir time in 9or> and outside 9or> in t"e era of ,-.? Results of an online
prospective survey of surgical doctors` Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# Strange . 062# 5ig S 012; 18 Mayday
'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon; 48 Adden:roo>e`s &ospital# %am:ridge; 68 St8 ?eorge`s &ospital# !ondon
Mr Muhammad E Khan June 2014
American Professional 2ound Care Association !AP2CA$ &'(' Conference) Philadel+hia) *nited
States of America A+ril &'('
`+utting feet first A aspires reduction of avoida:le "ig" cost ma@or amputations in dia:etics :y early intervention8 `Khan
M# 5ernon S# 5ig S# erodra 3; Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon +oster a:stract accepted for
presentation and presented# in my a:sence# in t"e A+-%A 4B1B %onference Materials :y t"e %onference )rganisers8
012 * Source/ ia:etes '$8
Interdisci+linary 3eg Summit Ileg4 Annual Meeting Munich) Germany Octo1er) &''5
`%ost implications to t"e =ational &ealt" Service of patients undergoing amputation surgery` Khan M E A# 5ernon S#
5ig S# erodra 3; Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon

Mr Muhammad E Khan June 2014
Mr Muhammad E Khan
6ational Presentations
6ational Oral Presentations:
"he /oyal College of Surgeons of Edin1urgh # 7aculty of Surgical "rainers Annual Meeting
Birmingham Octo1er &'(8
`Four (ears )n * +ost-,-.R/ Are '$ &ospitals :est for Surgical .raining and +atient %are? +reliminary
results of an on-going prospective online survey8` Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# 5ig S 062# Beard 3
072 18 ."e &eart &ospital# !ondon# 48 ."e Royal Marsden &ospital# !ondon# 68 %roydon
'niversity &ospital# !ondon# 78 ."e Royal %ollege of Surgeons of ,ngland
St9 Andre:s 6ational Surgical Conference A1stract and Pri;e Com+etition # March &'(&
`Is lone pulmonary vein isolation inferior to modified maze for concomitant surgical correction of Atrial Fi:rillation?;
Bleetman !Presenter$) !ing"am A# Khan M) S"anmuganat"an S# es"pande R; $ing`s %ollege &ospital# !ondon#
/oyal Society of Medicine Surgery Section 6orman "anner Pri;e meeting held at the /oyal Society of
Medicine) 3ondon 0ecem1er &''5
`Save to investC ."e "idden cost of criteria :ased commissioning for varicose veins` Bagnall = M# 5ig S8# ?rice S#
.rivedi +# Khan M# erodra 3; Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon

`%ost implications to t"e =ational &ealt" Service of patients undergoing amputation surgery` Khan M E A# 5ernon S#
erodra 3# 5ig S; Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon

British Ortho+aedic Association Annual Congress &''<) 3i=er+ool Se+tem1er &''<
An outcome analysis of t"e intracapsular proDimal femoral fracture patient group considered to :e potential candidates
for total "ip art"roplasty as t"e primary8 ` Khan M# Mat"e9 S# Salam S# !am:ert S# +rice 3# -illett $ M; ."e 3o"n
Radcliffe &ospital# 'niversity of )Dford
"rauma Sym+osium of the /oyal Society of Medicine and South 2est Surgeons meeting# 7renchay
,os+ital) Bristol 6o=em1er &''>
elays in )rt"opaedic .rauma .reatment/ Role of t"e .rauma =urse %o-ordinator- .ime Interval :et9een Admission
and )peration` Audit and Re-audit carried out at ,psom ?eneral &ospital8 ` $"an 3 S# Khan M# %"oc>alingam S;
,psom ?eneral &ospital# ,psom
Mr Muhammad E Khan June 2014
6ational Poster Presentations
Association of Surgeons in "raining !ASI"$ &'(( Conference) Sheffield A+ril) &'((
` Surgical postgraduate portfolios * Are t"ey cutting it 9it" trainees? ` Ma"es9aran I 012 ;+resenter<# %lements 3 042#
Khan M 062# Smit" S 012 18 Imperial %ollege# !ondon# 48 &aringey +rimary %are .rust# !ondon; 68 %roydon
'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# +ostgraduate Medical ,ducation %entre# %roydon; ;My forename is spelt incorrectly in
t"e conference a:stract :oo>let<8
Association of Surgeons in "raining !ASI"$ &'(' Conference) ,ull March) &'('
`-"at s"ould :e t"e structure of surgical rotas to ensure eDcellent surgical training? * +reliminary results of an ongoing
prospective survey` Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# Strange . 062# 5ig S 012; 18 Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S
.rust# %roydon; 48 Adden:roo>e`s &ospital# %am:ridge; 68 St8 ?eorge`s &ospital# !ondon

`Is Surgical .raining ,Dcellent in t"e 'nited $ingdom? * +reliminary Results of an )ngoing +rospective Survey`
Khan M E A 012# 3ordan A 042# Strange . 062# 5ig S 012; 18 Mayday 'niversity &ospital =&S .rust# %roydon; 48
Adden:roo>e`s &ospital# %am:ridge; 68 St8 ?eorge`s &ospital# !ondon

Cardiothoracic Section meeting titled ?Mechanical su++ort of the heart and lungs? held at the /oyal
Society of Medicine) 3ondon 6o=em1er &''5
`R"eumatoid +ericarditis .reated :y Radical +ericardectomy; A %ase Report` 3ordan A ;+resenter<# Khan M E A#
&oey , .# )zdemir B A# Rassl # =as"ef S A M# +ap9ort" &ospital# %am:ridge
Mr Muhammad E Khan June 2014
Mr Muhammad E Khan
/egional Presentation
/egional Oral Presentation:
East Anglian S+inal Grou+ Conference # Broomfield ,os+ital) Chelmsford) *K # May &'('
`Audit of lengt" of stay in patients undergoing spinal discectomy and decompression` Khan M E A et al8# Broomfield
&ospital# %"elmsford# '$

Mr Muhammad E Khan
In=ited 3ecture
"he /oyal College of Surgeons of England Careers Afternoon for Medical Students Octo1er &'(&
`Introduction to Basic Surgical S>ills` Khan M E A - !ectured delivered at ."e Royal %ollege of Surgeons of
,ngland %areers Afternoon for Medical Students organised :y t"e )pportunities in Surgery %ommittee of ."e Royal
%ollege of Surgeons of ,ngland8

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